G-5268, 2008; Ord. MLS# 6140778. . Contact the Criminal Defense Lawyers at Orent Law Offices In Phoenix To Get Legal Assistance Today. G-3850, 1995; Ord. Banner: A temporary sign composed of fabric, pliable plastic, paper, or other light material not enclosed in a rigid frame, and secured or mounted so as to allow the movement of the atmosphere to move the sign. Restaurant: An establishment other than a boarding house where meals which are prepared therein may be secured by the public. an aerial view sign is not visible from ground level. A pocket shelter primarily offers food and shelter to individuals and families. G-4109, 1998; Ord. No. Automated Collection Center: A self-contained machine to collect and weigh recyclable consumer materials, to reimburse mechanically the depositor of said materials, and to store temporarily said materials before shipment to a recycling center. Bicycle Path: A hard surfaced path for bicycles designed in accordance with standards on file in the Planning Parks and Recreation Department. Supportive inter-relationships between residents are an essential component. Includes townhouse and row house dwellings located on small single-family owned lots. Transit-Oriented Development (TOD): A development pattern characterized by a mix of uses surrounding a transit platform where streets have a high level of connectivity, blocks are small, and streetscape, buildings, and uses cater to the pedestrian. No. No. G-5688, 2012; Ord. School: A place of general instruction including public and parochial schools, charter schools operating under a valid contract issued by the state or a state sponsored organization, institutions of higher education and private educational institutions offering a curriculum of general instruction comparable to public schools, but not including business schools or colleges, nursery schools, dancing schools, riding academies, or specialized trade, technical or vocational schools. Street, Front: A street identified by an area plan towards which the front of buildings are oriented to minimize driveway cuts. G-5746, 2012; Ord. G-4857, 2007; Ord. G-4347, 2001; Ord. Revegetation is based on the plant types and densities found in the immediate area of disturbance with the intent to return the area to the pre-disturbed condition. G-3461, 1991; Ord. G-3378, 1990; Ord. It includes, but is not limited to, restaurants, bars, private club, lodges, and dance halls. Major arterials have very limited service to abutting land and generally have three through lanes in each direction. Detention Basin: A facility for the temporary storage of stormwater runoff. G-6151, 2016; Ord. Such other business purposes will not serve to exempt such commercial establishment from being categorized as an adult novelty store so long as one of its principal business purposes is offering for sale or rental for consideration the above listed items; or. Lot Side - The side lot lines of a lot are those lot lines connecting the front and rear lot lines of the lot. Design Continuity: A unifying or connecting theme or physical feature for a particular setting or place, provided by one or more elements of the natural or created environment. No. ), as amended, and the Federal Fair Housing Act (42 United States Code 3601 3619). Adult Bookstore: A commercial establishment, having as a substantial portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines, and other periodicals depicting, describing, or relating to "specified sexual activities" or which are characterized by their emphasis on matters depicting, describing, or relating to "specified anatomical areas". Buffer Strip: Open spaces, landscape areas, fences, walls, berms, or any combination thereof used to physically separate or screen one use or property from another so as to visually shield or block noise, lights, or other nuisances. G-3465, 1991; Ord. No. Cul-de-Sac: The turn-around at the end of a dead end street. No. Sign, Projected Image: A sign using an image projected onto the face of a wall, awning, canopy or other building element or a light reflective surface from a separate device. Motor Vehicle Rental: Rental of automobiles, including storage, and incidental maintenance of the rental vehicles. G-4760, 2005; Ord. G-5745, 2012; Ord. Sign Embellishment: Letters, figures, characters, or representations in cutouts, irregular forms, or similar ornamentation attached to or superimposed upon a sign to provide a three-dimensional effect. Driveway: A private, vehicular access connecting a house, carport, parking area, garage, or other buildings with the street. Office Center: A lot or group of lots containing professional and administrative office buildings where: (1) there are three or more businesses or tenants, (2) the lot contains at least 50,000 square feet of gross floor area, and (3) buildings are served by common parking areas. 1. Planters or planting areas separating the structure from the paved areas; 3. Give us a call at (480) 656-7301 or visit our law office at 11811 N Tatum Blvd UNIT 3031, Phoenix, AZ 85028. Density: The number of dwelling units divided by the gross area. Charitable Drop Box: A container used for the purposes of donating goods for reuse by others. Building, Open: A structure which contains a wall or roof, any part of which is not covered by a permanent, solid surface. No. Arcade: A covered passageway with columns or piers that is generally a minimum of ten feet in width. G-4545, 2003; Ord. stream G-4367, 2001; Ord. Sign, Directional: Any sign which is designed solely for the purpose of traffic or pedestrian direction and placed on the property to which or on which the public is directed. Nondaily Newspaper Delivery Service: The provision of services related to and/or necessary to the delivery of nondaily newspapers, coupon booklets, or other similar printed materials. No. G-4264, 2000; Ord. The automatic changing of all or any part of the facing of a sign or any sign or part of a sign set in motion by the movement of the atmosphere shall be considered to be animation with the exception of banners as defined herein and regulated by Section 705. (Ord. No. Fill: Sand, gravel, earth, or other materials of any composition whatsoever placed or deposited by humans. Screening may include one or a combination of the following materials of sufficient mass to be opaque or which shall become opaque after twelve (12) months and which shall be maintained in an opaque condition: Walls, berms, or plantings. Retail Center: A lot or group of lots containing retail and entertainment commercial establishments where: (1) there are three or more businesses or tenants, (2) the lot contains at least 50,000 square feet of gross floor area, and (3) buildings are served by common parking areas. No. Get an overview of the residential development process, General residential construction permit information, Find residential construction and remodeling applications, checklists and guides, Get information about historic preservation, Learn about block party permitting and related information. B. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. When lots adjoin two or more streets with an equal amount of pedestrian activity, both are front streets. Manufacturing and assembly uses are conducted either fully or partially within an enclosed building with limited off-site impacts. The lotting configuration for this development pattern shall generally not exceed six lots with only one point of access unless approved by the Planning and Development Department with the intent of protecting the public health, safety and welfare. Parking Space, Office, Industrial, Or Residential: An office or industrial establishment parking space or a residential project parking space typically having low parking turnover during a day. Select the links below for information or if you need to obtain a permit(s) after receiving a Notice of Violation (NOV) for non-permitted construction. . Sign, Marquee: Any sign which is painted, inscribed, or otherwise depicted upon or attached to, or supported by a part of a marquee. Mobile vending unit: Any motorized or nonmotorized vehicle, trailer, kiosk, pushcart, stand, display, blanket, ground covering or other device designed to be portable and not permanently attached to the ground from which any is used to sell goods, wares, merchandise or food, are peddled, vended, sold, served, displayed, offered for sale or given away. Wireless Communications Facility, Antenna: Any structure or device used to transmit and/or receive wireless signals for the provision of cellular, paging, personal communications services and microwave communications. This shall not include breeding or raising of household pets or animals. Does not include industrial hemp, the fiber produced from the stalks of the plant of the genus Cannabis, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, sterilized seeds of the plant that are incapable of germination, or the weight of any other ingredient combined with marijuana to prepare topical or oral administrations, food, drink or other products. Home Occupation: Home occupation is an occupation, profession, activity, or use which is clearly a customary, incidental, and secondary use of a residential dwelling unit and which does not alter the exterior of the property or affect the residential character of the neighborhood. 5. For purposes of this ordinance, a monocactus is not a tower. Commercial C-2 DistrictIntermediate Commercial. * 10. Premises: All contiguous land used and occupied; or owned or leased from another party by an establishment. A. Drainage. Sign Height: The distance measured from natural grade or the nearest public sidewalk or street curb when such are adjoining the site to the maximum height of the sign face. (1) Please note some uses that are permitted with conditions require a use permit approval if they exceed established thresholds. No. Further, parcels abutting: 1) a freeway; or 2) a canal right-of-way when the abutting development has complied with the Canal Bank Design Guidelines set forth in Section 507 Tab A, including landscaping of canal bank right-of-way, shall include twenty-five feet of such right-of-way within gross area. No. No. Plant Nursery: An enterprise that conducts the retail and/or wholesale of plants grown on the premises, as well as accessory items (but not power equipment, such as gas or electric lawn mowers and farm implements) directly related to their care and maintenance. Wireless Communications Facility, Cell On Wheels (COW): A portable self-contained cell site that can be moved to a location and set up to provide personal wireless services on a temporary or emergency basis. Its primary purpose is to provide shelter in a family-like environment; treatment is incidental as in any home. Fund-Raising Event: A special event conducted for the purpose of obtaining money for the religious and educational activities of nonprofit religious organizations or public agencies. j{8s Bx&KcCc~ !*Q8?Hs. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. No. Wireless Communication Facility, Disguised: A facility designed and sited so that the antenna structure is minimally obtrusive and appears to be part of the physical surroundings. Doctors of medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, and optometry. G-4264, 2000; Ord. Such means might include: (i) computer/internet terminal or direct telephone connection at the arena to the arena sponsors personnel or databanks; (ii) the arena sponsors personnel at the arena; (iii) displays of arena sponsors goods or services at the arena, or (iv) other means of disseminating information regarding the arena sponsors goods and/or services at the arena. Boarding House: A residential home or building(s) for six or more unrelated individuals used to provide lodging for compensation. An application for a permit may be made at the Community Development Department, Permit Counter, located in City Hall at 31 E. 5th Street, Garden Level, East side. Please note that on-call inspectors will only be investigating construction noise complaints related to construction projects that require permits under the Phoenix Building Construction Code such as roofing a new home and NOT the building of a bookshelf. No. Disguised Wireless Communication Facilities include, but are not limited to, a monopalm, a monocactus, or monopine. G-4170, 1999; Ord. 2. TTY 711 No. Driveway, Shared: A private roadway which provides secondary access to two or more lots; meets all minimum City of Phoenix standards for pavement thickness; and is covered by an ingress/egress easement for emergency and service vehicles and for the exclusive use by the residents and their guests of the lots which it serves. Structure: That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner and placed upon or attached to the ground. No. ft. house located at 5574 N 62ND Dr, Glendale, AZ 85301 sold for $330,000 on Aug 11, 2021. The presence of cooking facilities conclusively establishes the intent to use for residential purposes. G-5746, 2012; Ord. As a big generalization, every place that requires a building permit and has a building code would require a permit for any kind of room addition, including patio enclosure. Subdivision, Average Lot: A subdivision in which residential density is controlled by the number of dwelling units in a development rather than by minimum lot size. Tennis Court Fence: Any fence, wall, backstop, or other enclosure partly or completely bounding a tennis court or other area in which tennis or similar games are played. Phoenix, Arizona 85029 . G-5687, 2012; Ord. Sign, Area of: That area in square feet of the smallest geometric figure or combination of regular geometric figures which figure or figures entirely enclose both the copy and the sign face. No part of such structure shall extend more than sixteen feet from the face of the exterior wall of the building to which it is attached, except that if the width of such structure, measured parallel to the building wall is not more than twelve feet, the marquee may project up to twenty-five feet from the face of the building wall. Getting a Permit for Your Construction. Floodplain: The channel and the relatively flat area adjoining the channel or a natural stream or river that has been covered by the floodwater of a 100 year frequency storm. Canal: An artificial waterway for transportation or irrigation. \%ry}!JP'.QyV\:T4?\_P ND&X#`0 K ox9F)RR>D|91dVf'Q09C#0eco8kssm7wczkdR'`26B2LBI,$CRJn&?+:&^T51~sQ/ a\>;9f&8OWq6$hm/9`Y_. 2 Baths. G-5766, 2012; Ord. Arizona Nonresidential Building Construction - get access to a huge library of legal forms. G-5380, 2009; Ord. No. This area shall not include counter space, food preparation areas, coolers, freezers or walkways. Microwave Antenna: A device consisting of an antenna and reflector, having any dimension of more than 1.5 meters, and is a solid, open mesh, or bar configured structure in the shape of a shallow dish, cone, horn, or cornucopia. No. No person shall obtain a building permit, required by the Phoenix Building Construction Code, for work in or over any natural watercourse, drainageway, canyon, ravine, arroyo or other potential flood hazard area without first having obtained a grading permit from the Planning and . G-3850, 1995; Ord. SOLD FEB 7, 2023. Provides direct access to abutting land. This equipment includes, but is not limited to, utility or transmission equipment, power supplies, generators, batteries, cables, equipment buildings, cabinets and storage sheds, shelters or other structures. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Sign, Temporary Window: Any sign painted on a window or constructed of paper, cloth, or other light material and attached to, or located within six feet of the interior side of the window, and displayed so as to call to the attention of persons outside the building a temporary sale of merchandise or a change in the status of the business. Laundry, Self-Service: A building in which domestic-type washing machines and/or dryers are provided on a rental basis for use by individuals doing their own laundry. Adult Day Care Home: A residential home providing care for one to ten adult individuals for less than 24 hours per day and for compensation. Ru.pJ Drive-In Theater: An open-air theater designed for viewing by the audience from motor vehicles. No. Setback: The required minimum distance between the building line and the related front, side, or rear lot line and over which no part of any building may extend, except as otherwise provided. No. Food may or may not be served. hbbd```b``:"@$LS@$g0y, G-5777, 2013; Ord. G-4004, 1997; Ord. Section 706. No. Building Materials: An establishment that sells goods relating to construction such as lumber, appliances, electrical supplies and plumbing supplies. Before you decide whether to get a permit, assess the process and cost involved in doing so. Conservation Area: Environmentally sensitive areas with characteristics such as steep slopes, wetlands, flood plains, or areas of significant biological productivity or uniqueness that have been designated for protection from any activity that would significantly alter their ecological integrity, balance or character. No. G-5290, 2008; Ord. Public Swimming Pool: A swimming pool admission to which may be gained by the general public with or without the payment of a fee. No. PDD Online - Search. Sign, Pedestrian: A sign intended primarily for viewing by pedestrian traffic, displayed as a wall or window sign, and containing information including the following and other similar information: suite numbers; instructions regarding operation of doors; names of accepted credit companies; and hours of operation. Each unit extends from the foundation to roof and has open spaces on at least two sides. Automobile Wrecking: Same as "Junk Yard". Marquee: A roof-like cover attached to building and used to shelter wall openings and entrances to the building. This shall not include breeding or raising of household pets or animals. Roof, Hip: A roof with sloping ends and sides. 4. An arena is not a stadium, which is separately defined in this ordinance. 2/23 Web\dsd_trt_pdf_00203 Solid Waste Transfer Station: A facility where solid waste is unloaded from one vehicle and reloaded into another vehicle for transport to a final disposal site. Hotel: A residence facility designed for occupancy by transients or as a residence for periods of less than one year. Enclosed by straight lines drawn closest to the figures extremities and entirely encompassing individual words of symbols; or. hTRn +yH*wRv]7Qf`f|w|7A{ psA*pDM|TUp:'[t;>fx {kpfW#$k@PR{p8c1FEFJV561V&e"$PakBRBu6WY\,$}w\$R18^I7D=%--+B+TrO7Som?to_%!=~ 5 G-4366, 2001; Ord. A nursery school shall be licensed by the appropriate government agency. Street: Arterial, collector, or local - a dedicated public right-of-way which dedication shall be in accordance with standards of the adopted street classification map. <> This does not include a private residence in which a related family member is required to receive outpatient behavioral health services for substance abuse or addiction treatment as a condition of continuing to reside in the family dwelling. No. We offer a free case evaluation, so get the help you deserve today. Commercial Use: A use operated for profit or compensation. Major Retail Shopping Building: Repealed. Single-Family Attached (SFA) Development: A group of single-family attached dwelling units located on individually owned lots with common areas which are designed as an integrated functional unit. A building permit is required for most non-residential construction, new homes, and when existing homes are remodeled or additions are made. Mall: A pedestrian way of passage within or between closed buildings. Wireless Communications Facility, Antenna Structure: An antenna and its associated structure, such as a monopole or tower and co-axial cables. A bus terminal is characterized as a transfer point between various modes of transit. Erosion Control Zone: That portion of a watercourse which may include all or part of the one hundred-year floodway, one hundred-year floodplain, or erosion hazard zones wherein the encroachment of buildings, structures, fill or excavation material is determined by the Flood Control District of Maricopa County and/or City of Phoenix to cause detrimental impacts to the public health, safety, and general welfare for properties upstream or downstream of the subject site. A resort may provide services customarily furnished by a hotel or guest ranch including restaurant, bar and convention facilities. Guestroom: A single room within a dwelling unit which may be occupied by no more than two persons and which are not members of a family. After-Hours-Construction-Noise-Complaints. within a single office suite. No. A single off-site cultivation location at which the licensee may cultivate marijuana, process marijuana and manufacture marijuana products, but from which marijuana and marijuana products may not be transferred or sold to consumers. Drive-Through Establishment: Establishments only allowing transactions for goods or services without leaving a motor vehicle.

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