568.079 3061.227 563.333 3059.001 559.776 3058.309 c q 1 0 0 1 66.937 721.1769 cm EMC ( )Tj 15.625 0 Td [(L)10(obst)7(er)]TJ 570.356 3057.088 570.07 3057.127 569.758 3056.917 c -14.862 -1.2 Td -50.12 -1.2 Td 486.142 0 l 45.674 0 Td 0 0 l [(Bisc)-7(uits)]TJ -37.747 -1.2 Td 15.625 0 Td h ( )Tj ( )Tj (Cheddar Cheese)Tj 12 0 Td 545.003 3069.02 l Contact Us. ( )Tj 478.292 3048.22 l -5.669 -97.736 0 -97.736 v [(DRIED FRUIT)4(S)]TJ Alkaline Breakfast Foods ( )Tj Even minute changes in your body's pH levels can cause a major impact on health. 0 -2640.724 m -0.01 Tc 4.102 Tw /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj [(N)5(eutral)]TJ 0 0 m Such as cinnamon, honey, nuts, and raisins. effects of pet ownership on mental health; smitten ice cream nutrition facts; most dangerous bridge in mississippi; eataly catering chicago; runtz disposable vape pen 1000mg not working Q Sodium (29.40%) Carbohydrate (18.10%) Zinc (15.73%) Iron (12.75%) Total dietary Fiber (10.79%) Health benefits. /GS0 gs 13.346 0 Td 2.492 0 Td It's neither acidic nor alkaline. So, if you follow a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, your blood chemistry isn't going to change very much since the body keeps a tight hold on the pH of 7.4. EMC application/pdf -38.185 -1.2 Td When this balance is compromised many problems can occur. 0 Tw -9.511 0 Td EMC 0 0 0 1 k 548.14 3071.186 l 545.008 3069.019 545.01 3069.018 545.014 3069.017 c /GS0 gs 45.952 0 Td ( )Tj BT -18.196 0 Td /Span<>> BDC 504.567 -5.669 l ( )Tj [( )-4092( )]TJ 0 g [(F)35(A)50(T)4(S AND OILS)]TJ ( )Tj 544.351 3069.229 l 0 g 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC 2013-07-11T00:31:32-04:00 Blood pH may range from 7.35 to 7.45, but the pH value is really quite tightly controlled by the body. 0 0 l Q 10.931 0 Td /TT0 1 Tf 11.842 Tw /Span<>> BDC EMC 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC EMC EMC 15.625 0 Td 0 0 612 3168 re ( )Tj ( )Tj 524.425 3060.864 l /;/metadata 14.654 0 Td /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj []0 d 0 Tc 2.771 Tw /Span<>> BDC A comprehensive paper that analyzed the literature on alkaline eating published in the October 2012 issue of the_ Journal of Environmental and Public Health_ concluded that an alkaline diet may have positive effects on your health. 4nVv/LD4foKv/JJvpVaf7Pd/3Jun4Uf+kkfSrVi6jJnTIun4Uf8ApJECC0mXZE6nO7ZF33U/+k08 [(O)-3(a)10(tmeal)]TJ ( )Tj 0 0 l 3.193 0 Td -3.029 -1.2 Td 10.102 0 Td 510.35 3054.345 l 548.167 3071.328 l 504.567 -227.1 504.567 -221.431 v [(Na)12(v)-24(y B)-5(eans)]TJ [(N)5(eutral)]TJ 3.11 0 Td -0.022 Tw /Span<>> BDC 0.925 0.824 0.216 rg ( )Tj 545.856 3062.899 l ( )Tj 576.49 3062.192 l saved 544.801 3069.065 l /GS0 gs EMC Including fortified cereals and fiber. ADEDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QBQgAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAwABAgQFBgcICQoLAQABBQEBAQEBAQAA 8 0 0 8 84.1417 1389.7034 Tm 456.584 3065.584 l 498.898 -97.736 l /GS1 gs )41(T)7(he A)12(cid-)4(A)3(lk)-18(aline F)31(ood Char)-24(t belo)7(w is )]TJ -38.202 -1.2 Td q 3.643 0 Td ( )Tj [(S)-8(esame O)-7(il)]TJ /Span<>> BDC -26.849 -1.2 Td xmp.iid:D7103BDC8DE9E21186BB8CFC5A5E60E1 0 0 m 508.473 3066.291 507.258 3067.463 505.584 3067.463 c -5.669 0 -5.669 -5.669 v 15.625 0 Td 504.567 -106.707 504.567 -101.038 v 0.549 0.749 0.275 rg (CHEESES)Tj 0 0 0 1 k /Span<>> BDC (Miso)Tj 545.281 3062.849 545.539 3062.793 545.856 3062.899 c The main difference between Acid and Alkaline is that the pH of acids lies below pH 7 whereas the pH of alkaline is above pH 7. ( )Tj -50.481 -1.2 Td 15.625 0 Td 545.055 3069.83 545.019 3069.831 544.985 3069.83 c ( )Tj 7.882 0 Td -5.669 -106.24 l 10.868 0 Td EMC 495.593 3073.151 488.761 3058.248 488.761 3054.188 c /Span<>> BDC 544.792 3069.068 l 3.25 Tw /Span<>> BDC ET xmp.iid:89208208D3E9E21186BB8CFC5A5E60E1 -14.929 0 Td 46.231 0 Td 519.844 3057.291 519.809 3056.728 519.809 3056.17 c 504.567 0 498.898 0 v saved -5.669 -92.067 l ( )Tj q 1 0 0 1 543.6706 3072.0466 cm rXeoeXuH/kk00htUYOWa2+sSx+stFYdHz9cIHdTZZhWhoHp7/wCUana/dlJdVNhvSnuDT+ibImDX [(MILK)-17(, D)16(AIRY & EGGS)]TJ 0 0 m [(Can)4(taloupe)]TJ 9.247 0 Td /GS0 gs EMC The acidic ones are vinegar, lemon juice, and battery acid while water is neutral. 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC 513.464 3050.725 518.23 3055.82 519.877 3057.741 c 490.867 3051.454 l 548.261 3072.497 548.248 3071.916 548.122 3071.3 c -25.621 -1.2 Td 10.949 0 Td EMC ( )Tj ( )Tj q 1 0 0 1 260.9488 2701.7573 cm [(A)3(ll f)13(oods ha)8(v)10(e a pH v)4(alue and ar)10(e either acid-f)13(or)-4(ming)15(, alk)-18(aline)-28(-f)13(or)-4(ming or ha)8(v)10(e neutr)5(al pH. ( )Tj NDXZNjCGu9rPSc0e7sdj/wAqad1Oi0Fu1pJcQ2C4xJ41MABDqpkwXeuxwI9GHBze+/TaeOIlSQU2 q -1.651 -1.2 Td 500.387 3081.442 l -37.546 -1.2 Td EMC &&&&&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, *" EMC EMC -0.004 Tc 4.096 Tw /Span<>> BDC 498.898 -100.392 l /;/metadata EMC 12 0 Td -5.669 -100.392 0 -100.392 v 544.509 3069.161 l 12 0 Td 1 0 obj <>>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream h -49.576 -1.2 Td ( )Tj 577.496 3065.156 577.218 3065.455 576.62 3065.455 c -3.193 -1.2 Td 544.861 3069.05 544.868 3069.049 544.875 3069.046 c [(R)-4(adishes)]TJ 0 0 m ( )Tj EFVU(eufv7GWgw8HXhx)9IYiy*:JZjz m !1AQa"q2#BRbr3$4CS%cs5DT An imbalance in pH specifically a shift toward acidity is associated with a number of disease states, including respiratory distress, renal failure and reduced cardiovascular output. EMC 544.245 3069.282 l [(E)3(ndiv)14(e)]TJ 15.625 0 Td EMC -25.747 -1.2 Td 504.567 -97.736 504.567 -92.067 v saved Major nutrients. (VINEGARS)Tj ( )Tj /Span<>> BDC 15.625 0 Td W n EMC [(H)4(one)5(y)]TJ S /GS1 gs 0 0 0 1 k 527.376 3050.267 530.004 3048.493 532.266 3048.117 c 508.026 3063.785 508.473 3064.131 508.473 3064.677 c /;/metadata 0 0 m Adjustment of tissue alkalinity, particularly within the kidney proximal . Avocados are high in fat, but it's the good kind. ( )Tj ( )Tj EMC 18.438 0 Td [( )-4114( )]TJ ( )Tj . /Span<>> BDC 575.838 3064.495 l 15.625 0 Td -38.007 -3.6 Td 0 -4.475 TD 575.14 3060.962 l EMC EMC Including: all bran, bran buds, cheerios, corn flakes, cream of wheat, French toast, granola, grape nuts, grits, oatmeal, oats, porridge, Rice Krispies, Weetabix. EMC 544.487 3069.17 l 544.805 3069.065 544.808 3069.063 544.812 3069.062 c 525.514 3050.22 l Here are nine alkalizing fruits to add to your recommended daily servings of fruit. 0 -2640.724 l -26.044 -1.2 Td 0 0 m 0 14 -14 0 68.3768 2607.0425 Tm [(Str)3(a)12(wberries)]TJ q 570.633 3056.519 570.615 3056.728 570.508 3056.876 c (CEREALS)Tj 573.358 3061.53 574.143 3060.962 575.14 3060.962 c 0 0 l 487.338 3087.194 487.085 3087.449 486.641 3087.449 c q 1 0 0 1 58.0157 618.6449 cm -38.349 -1.2 Td EMC It's also a good source of fibre and iron. 0 0 0 1 k [( )-4092( )]TJ 15.625 0 Td Hominy grits leave the germ intact but use an alkaline solution (for example, a mixture of baking soda and water) in order to remove the hull. /Span<>> BDC &6E'dtU7()euFVfvGWgw8HXhx9IYiy*:JZjz ? 544.813 3069.062 l [(O)-7(r)3(anges)]TJ 0 0 612 611.674 re [( )625( )]TJ ( )Tj 15.625 0 Td [(Ar)-21(tichok)13(es)]TJ [(Alk)-9(aline )]TJ (Ginger )Tj 546.607 3070.348 l q 15.625 0 Td 544.392 3069.209 l 544.424 3069.196 544.425 3069.195 544.429 3069.194 c 9.416 0 Td 544.729 3069.085 544.733 3069.084 544.738 3069.083 c 565.048 3050.41 569.572 3053.827 570.557 3056.291 c -5.669 -101.038 l ( )Tj San Diego Health notes, the exact pH value of the food you eat doesn't really have a net effect on your body's pH levels. 524.65 3061.858 l 15.625 0 Td ( )Tj EMC /Span<>> BDC 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC [(S)8(wiss Cheese)]TJ -26.493 -1.2 Td EMC [(P)4(istachio Nuts)]TJ EMC 15.625 0 Td 4.25 0 Td q 527.376 3054.031 l 561.575 3053.478 l ( )Tj /GS1 gs 15.028 0 Td ( )Tj 545.031 3069.014 545.042 3069.012 545.052 3069.011 c [( )625( )]TJ -50.202 -1.2 Td /GS0 gs EMC EMC BX /Sh0 sh EX Q /Span<>> BDC EMC 0 -1.2 TD -13.6 -1.2 Td 10.083 0 Td Foods to avoid on an alkaline diet plan are breakfast meats, especially the processed ones such as bacon and sausage, as well as oatmeal, grain-based cereal and bagels. uuid:3fa834e6-e57f-42cc-ad66-ed3688be7c2e 0 Tc 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC 0NtDS0bSXCHa8kN/d8E+Km2npc/rjnM6bkOaYIrMH5tTZKeJGZkQf0nbzQIQr7ZkQf0nfzSrVTaq []0 d 548.203 3063.481 l Which foods are called acidic and which are alkaline? EMC 571.982 3065.984 570.499 3067.096 567.577 3067.096 c 2013-07-10T17:00:32-04:00 575.8 3064.299 575.838 3064.392 575.838 3064.495 c 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC [(Black T)53(ea)]TJ 500.359 3081.536 500.27 3081.702 500.016 3081.752 c 548.154 3071.253 548.155 3071.264 548.159 3071.277 c ( )Tj ( )Tj 0 0 m 10.152 0 Td [(P)19(arsnips)]TJ (Almonds)Tj ( )Tj /GS0 gs /Span<>> BDC -26.146 -1.2 Td 546.469 3070.254 546.326 3070.168 546.176 3070.098 c 0 -2636.223 l 450.415 3069.206 l /Span<>> BDC q The analysis published in the_ Journal of Environmental and Public Health_ notes that modern diets tend to be lower in potassium, magnesium and fiber and high in sodium, simple sugars, saturated fat and chloride. xmp.iid:91208208D3E9E21186BB8CFC5A5E60E1 W n EMC 15.625 0 Td -5.669 0 -5.669 -5.669 v -25.777 -1.2 Td 15.625 0 Td In the middle, neutral pH 7 is indicated by green. [( )-4092( )]TJ -13.367 -1.2 Td [( )625( )]TJ (BREADS)Tj 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC library science careers. /Span<>> BDC 2.246 0 Td 548.167 3071.327 l -14.291 -1.2 Td 15.625 0 Td EMC [( )625( )]TJ -14.706 -1.2 Td saved 0 0 m [(R)-10(i)-4(ce)]TJ EMC 574.487 3061.417 573.973 3061.83 573.973 3062.853 c JPEG 12 0 Td q The kidneys, lungs and skin must work overtime to balance body pH toward the alkaline. S 0 0 0 1 k 508.473 3064.677 l 491.322 3051.454 491.49 3051.673 491.543 3051.835 c /Span<>> BDC [( )-4092( )]TJ /GS0 gs 0 33.718338 33.718338 0 537.0603943 3048.1100464 cm [(P)23(ota)10(t)7(oes)]TJ Zero is considered most acidic, while fourteen is highly alkaline. 501.977 3063.617 503.657 3064.292 505.113 3064.292 c [( )625( )]TJ -24.883 -1.2 Td Grits are loaded with iron, which helps guard against the development of iron deficiency anemia, which is more common in older people. ( )Tj [(Chick)4(peas)]TJ -13.247 -1.2 Td 15.625 0 Td Q [(BE)-3(VERA)16(GES)]TJ 4.25 0 Td [( )625( )]TJ 4.25 0 Td [( )-4114( )]TJ 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj EMC 0 -350.822 TD EMC [(R)-4(aspberries)]TJ 546.176 3070.098 l EMC 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj S 568.055 3078.879 568.243 3078.809 568.422 3078.809 c 0 0 m [(C)11(ottage Cheese)]TJ ( )Tj Patricia Marie Huband, OTR/L CLT LMT ~ are grits acidic or alkaline. ( )Tj EMC ( )Tj EMC 504.567 -5.669 l ( )Tj 577.133 3060.962 578.644 3062.966 578.644 3064.625 c [(W)4(hit)7(e Br)9(ead)]TJ S C6smBpoNtbU07qbgIcWuE6g8iD27FDqpcxuHwP8ABLqpg30ft1cz63pv2+G2W7vxhSRU3E9LkdWx /GS0 gs /GS1 gs /Span<>> BDC 2 slices whole-wheat toast. S EMC 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC [(Modera)10(t)6(el)-3(y Alk)-12(aline)]TJ 503.757 3049.003 l ( )Tj ( )Tj saved 544.608 3069.125 l [(B)-3(ananas)]TJ EMC 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC S 504.567 0 498.898 0 v 15.625 0 Td -26.569 -1.2 Td ( )Tj -0.004 Tc 4.096 Tw /Span<>> BDC S 4.25 0 Td 546.486 3080.812 l EMC 0.055 0.655 0.475 rg [( )-4092( )]TJ (Milk)Tj EMC 2.442 Tw /Span<>> BDC [(Gr)3(ape Juic)4(e)]TJ BT -37.775 -1.2 Td z+h/bLxd+j0aG+4PJ0n917fFVybbkY0Gs76thgJcaQPMWfD/AEqaSAF4BKb/AJu4I0lriAdGh5+j 8.787 0 Td 504.567 -5.669 l 0 0 l ambulance tailgate conversion 544.765 3069.075 l q [(Y)49(ams)]TJ 1 S ( )Tj 544.652 3069.11 l 0 0 0 1 k 506.111 3049.546 l [(Modera)10(t)6(el)-3(y A)6(cidic)]TJ ( )Tj W n 13.5 0 Td 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC []0 d ( )Tj 10.36 0 Td -5.669 -96.812 0 -96.812 v /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj are grits acidic or alkaline A neutral pH level is typically near 7.4. Q EMC 544.649 3069.11 544.651 3069.11 544.652 3069.11 c 0 0 0 1 k 483.563 3076.187 l S -24.872 -1.2 Td EMC ]3|m2jcj(6ifj6YjcbXbf*G*x7KJtAqfI`(22[Lf)]3Sf+KiJcinje.f]+]2LUe3SL8TLpLe-]1ljaeXeSh9t6sSLkMqLu3qKiLp\ckKi?50Zih\8im3LVt-`1 !cJt* LkBLiC. 544.544 3069.147 544.549 3069.146 544.554 3069.143 c 544.331 3069.238 l 45.453 0 Td mymz7ZXcCBU1jmFvmS0gxxw0qSKm4npcrq9mzo79pAcafaD3jbwE2SnI6Xi5OXhstr9A+4tPqCwO ( )Tj -38.662 -60.08 Td 0 -1.2 TD 544.569 3069.137 l [(M)-3(ar)9(garine)]TJ 14.887 0 Td -5.669 -221.431 l -38.736 -1.2 Td 575.456 3063.693 575.446 3063.656 575.474 3063.609 c 544.402 3069.205 544.411 3069.201 544.422 3069.197 c EMC 567.879 3079.011 l 544.738 3069.083 l q 1 0 0 1 58.0157 2553.2417 cm 506.426 3049.681 506.608 3049.964 506.553 3050.237 c ( )Tj ( )Tj /;/metadata -26.464 -1.2 Td Q ( )Tj EMC 15.625 0 Td 4.25 0 Td 525.335 3050.799 l 4.25 0 Td 530.255 3044.544 l T* EMC /GS0 gs -24.914 -1.2 Td -1.902 -1.2 Td 544.276 3069.265 l [(cr)10(ea)4(t)6(e a br)10(eeding g)6(r)10(ound f)13(or adult degener)5(a)4(tiv)10(e disease)12(. ( )Tj [(T)7(his inf)13(or)-4(ma)4(tion is pr)10(o)7(vided b)7(y A)3(lk)-18(alif)13(e)12(. angel investors columbus, ohio. 0 0 l -37.444 -1.2 Td [(D)-7(ried Apric)4(ots)]TJ 1.583 0 Td EMC /Span<>> BDC 11.322 0 Td 486.142 0 l ( )Tj 544.392 3069.209 l 1.494 0 Td 0 0 m 544.686 3069.099 544.689 3069.097 544.693 3069.096 c svfWHCm98/nMOh+H6EoHdTtYz8ttNY9DKEN4Dq/4gJp3U7WOCK2TunvujdweYT4qbCelyuv2XV40 0.549 0.749 0.275 rg 544.886 3069.044 l -38.532 -1.2 Td S ( )Tj -25.786 -1.2 Td S 15.625 0 Td [(Gr)9(een B)-5(eans)]TJ -14.901 -1.2 Td 504.567 -96.812 504.567 -91.143 v 544.689 3069.097 l xmp.iid:23C914FEA9E9E21186BB8CFC5A5E60E1 [(E)8(ggplan)4(t)]TJ [(Butt)7(er)]TJ (Milk)Tj ( )Tj /Span<>> BDC 544.775 3069.073 l q 1 0 0 1 58.0157 2197.5603 cm 0 g /Span<>> BDC 525.213 3049.838 525.437 3049.988 525.514 3050.22 c endstream endobj 21 0 obj <>stream 15.625 0 Td ( )Tj (. [(Cauli\035o)8(w)14(er)]TJ -14.529 -4.225 Td /T1_3 1 Tf 500.117 3062.285 l [(Ea)10(t L)5(ess of )11(T)4(hese)]TJ 544.846 3069.054 544.847 3069.053 544.849 3069.053 c 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj 2 w 0 j 0 J /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj 545.077 3063.607 l EMC 544.784 3069.069 l -38.869 -1.2 Td EMC 8.5 0 0 8.5 34.6299 3026.8188 Tm 4.25 0 Td 504.942 3050.659 504.05 3051.086 503.247 3051.929 c EMC 485.967 3048.112 486.004 3048.11 486.041 3048.11 c saved saved (Plums)Tj 2.836 Tw /Span<>> BDC 546.667 3070.389 546.637 3070.368 546.607 3070.348 c [(P)23(eanut O)-7(il)]TJ /Span<>> BDC ", Nutrients: "Acid Balance, Dietary Acid Load, and Bone Effects A Controversial Subject", UC San Diego Health: "pHear pHactor: Debunking the Alkaline Diet", Permanente Journal: "Plant-Based Diets: A Physicians Guide". 11.842 Tw /Span<>> BDC 10.604 0 Td 564.602 3082.282 l -3.156 -1.2 Td Foods that are acidic include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, grains and alcohol. 504.567 0 498.898 0 v /GS1 gs 0 2716.204 612 451.796 re [( )-4092( )]TJ 0.933 0.471 0.227 rg [( )-4092( )]TJ 10.849 0 Td /Span<>> BDC q bUZAup3AyD58KXLyRwkCPy9P6roQyEjXfq7VGXu2stG0uJFTpDvUaPz/AG8T4JRtdKr0bSKGnmXX ( )Tj EMC 3.408 0 Td 576.9 3063.665 577.496 3064.131 577.496 3064.747 c [(Gr)3(apefruit Juic)4(e)]TJ EMC 544.897 3069.041 l 11.224 0 Td 0 0 0 1 k Acids and alkalines are solutions having lower and higher pH values, respectively. EMC 4.25 0 Td QiMkFVLBYjM0coLRQwclklPw4fFjczUWorKDJkSTVGRFwqN0NhfSVeJl8rOEw9N14/NGJ5SkhbSV 256 ( )Tj [( )-4092( )]TJ -5.669 -93.921 0 -93.921 v You may even have heard about it in your chemistry class. 544.472 3069.176 l /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj 498.898 -363.392 l [(O)-9(yst)7(ers)]TJ Acid or alkaline? 15.625 0 Td Q 0 0 m ( )Tj [( )-4092( )]TJ [(A)-6(spar)-21(tame)]TJ What Are the Benefits of Alkaline in the Body? 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC q 1 0 0 1 58.0157 892.6532 cm rI7/AKe7/wBJpa2pOzNwa2tYzGpDWiAPUsP5aUK1U6FWZdtYWVUtbt9o9R/Gn/AIdVN7Hr9R9eTa -14.053 -1.2 Td [(P)23(ersimmon)]TJ 9.918 0 Td ( )Tj 10.59 0 Td ET Just like most grains, oatmeal is an acid-forming food. EMC Skinless Chicken. german chewy fruit candy. [(Br)3(an C)11(er)9(eal)]TJ 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC [(Buckwhea)10(t)]TJ 523.854 3066.771 522.743 3067.515 521.343 3067.515 c 578.102 3063.153 576.891 3061.417 575.268 3061.417 c After going through a full cycle of digestion and metabolic processes in . 569.11 3079.653 l However, if you're experiencing acid reflux, it's best to stick to low acid fruits to help control your symptoms. 2013-07-10T14:28:25-04:00 EMC 1.494 0 Td EMC 10.876 0 Td [( )-4092( )]TJ -26.58 -1.2 Td 544.917 3069.037 544.918 3069.037 544.919 3069.037 c -26.663 -1.2 Td EMC EMC About Oracle NetSuite. ( )Tj Anything ranging from 0 to 7 is considered acidic, 7 is neutral, and 7 to 14 is alkaline, or basic. 8 0 0 8 84.1417 1964.5034 Tm EMC -25.653 -1.2 Td /Span<>> BDC However, here are 4 grains with the lowest acid load. ( )Tj ( )Tj ( )Tj T4TtTZKeOGdbrqPvKBCEldubazfXW54nQtDiPwCHVSduP1VzQ4Vc6iXQY+BKVi1OhXS0MYLKLy/a [(B)-3(arle)5(y F)6(lour)]TJ [(M)-3(a)12(y)14(onnaise)]TJ 0.01 Tw 11.029 0 Td Is Oatmeal Acidic Or Alkaline? [( )625( )]TJ ( )Tj 0 0 l 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC As a result, they can be reconstituted quickly and cook in a couple of minutes. f 0 0 612 3168 re EMC ( )Tj 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC 33.643 0 Td EMC /Span<>> BDC 4.25 0 Td EMC -25.58 -1.2 Td 544.286 3069.26 544.293 3069.257 544.3 3069.254 c All rights reserved. [(Millet F)6(lour)]TJ 0 0 m p3U6dMhjAQRGkOieDzGikggp5T1Od1m59dPptp9cPY/cwzB27SBomyS4VFL72lw6XVXBiHC3Xv8A 546.16 3070.091 546.145 3070.086 546.13 3070.08 c EMC [( )-4114( )]TJ 15.625 0 Td 8 0 0 8 84.1417 772.8934 Tm EMC 504.567 -100.392 504.567 -94.723 v ( )Tj As a whole grain, grits provide several antioxidants that help mitigate cellular damage from free radicals, unstable atoms in the body.

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