I'm a bit puzzled about the military background of my g-great grandfather. BRITISH ARMY WORCESTERSHIRE & SHERWOOD FORESTERS STAYBRITE COLLAR BADGE PAIR | Collectables, Badges & Patches, Collectable Badges | eBay! A Good Ox & Bucks, later Worc's Regiment group. At least I now have a first name for him.Regards,Scott. So far I have discovered that he was kicked in the abdomen by men off duty and was hospitalised off and on until he was discharged in March 1915.However in December 1916 when he marries Elsie Jane Adams in Aberdeen it clearly states on the marriage certificate that he was currently stationed in France and is a gunner for B Battallion in the Machine Gun Corps. Here are some sample regimental numbers and joining dates for the the 4th Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment. you found for me is most impressive.". Some 65 years later the diary was found by the grandson of Horst Kallmeyer whilst clearing out his grandparents apartment. Not an easy task, but I can't think of any other way that it could be done. The cap badge at this time took the star device from the 29th and the motto, FIRM, from the 36th, believed to have been awarded to them for their service at the Battle of Lauffield, 1747, although not . It was introduced to be a working . When he was fit again he was sent to join the Worcestershire Regiment. Have a look here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/requests-for-personal-data-and-service-records. By the end of the war another fourteen battalions had been raised for a total of twenty-two of which twelve went on active service. Hi wonder if you can help me i have just found my grandfathers Militia attestation form on FMP W. Lamping number 3608. He enlisted into the border regiment. CWGC and Soldiers Died state 1st Battalion West Yorks, but I have a photo showing 1/5th battalion. His name was Wilfred Oakes and his Army Number was 4128704. Any ideas on how to find out more about him and his brothers. im thinking of going to the royal welsh museum in Brecon. My grandfather and great uncle served in the 4th Battalion and although I've got their service numbers, and much more, I couldn't nail down an enlistment year for my grandfather. He was in the MGC & his number was 22617. can find out more information, I'll be happy to pass this on. The Worcestershire Regiment was a line infantry regiment in the British Army, . My question is would have they allowed him to join up in 1891 aged 16. most enquiries around within a week. Re 10284 Wardlow, you should contact the Irish Guards direct as they still hold records. The numbers and dates published are to provide guidance regarding the dates on which the intervening regimental numbers must have been issued. I have no details other than a photo of him with two other soldiers. He was called up in early 1918 and went into baracks in Doncaster initially.His regimental number was 95608, 13th battalion DLI.His demob account was paid in 3 instalments in Jan 1919.Is it at all possible to find out anything about his service in 1918? RAMC regimental number 1555.He has born in December 1895 so his entry to theatre in November 1914 would have meant he was under 18 at the time. Middlesex Regiment Details on London War Memorial Websitehttp://www.londonwarmemorial.co.uk/view_profile.php?id=42653&limit=50&offset=0&sort=&a=Westbourne%20Park&f=First%20Name&s=Last%20Name&r=Rank&u=Unit&b=&d=Date%20Of%20Death#sthash.aku6Qree.k0hVc5ls.dpbsCensus indicates year of birth as 1883 which ties in with listed age at death of 33.2. However, he appears to have transferred to section D Army Reserve which would have given him four more years on the Reserve. RESEARCH "Paul's service was fast, efficient and brilliant. Please note that all Second World War and post 1920 service record enquiries should be addressed straight to the MoD which still holds the records. Paul. Any guidance on twitter etiquette would be welcomeThe Tweet made was just to make a comment on the photograph I'd seen about the cap badges. John (medal roll) Bond arrived overseas (France) 22 Sep 1915 as an orginal member of the 8th Bn. Free shipping for many products! Royal Army Service Corps. They lived in Cork city and had a family. Worcestershire Regiment 5239001 - 5328000 Royal Berkshire Regiment 5328001 - 5373000 Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 5373001 - 5429000 The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 5429001 - 5485000 Hampshire Regiment 5485001 - 5562000 Wiltshire Regiment 5562001 - 5608000 Devonshire Regiment 5608001 - 5662000 It was then the custom for Regiments to be named after their Colonels, and this new Regiment was named Farringtons Regiment of Foot. From there I'm not sure what transpired. The veterans relive their experiences and lucky escapes as they recall the years they fought across Europe. If you can find the men on my https://britisharmyancestors.co.uk/ site then the answer would be "yes". Highly recommended read. Hi,I hope you can help me trace the steps of my grandfather, he originally joined the Cheshire Regiment in Stockport, Cheshire as this is our home town. Hi PaulI'm trying to find some information about my Great Grandfather Albert Napier Wallace, born 1886 (thereabouts) in Gillingham, Kent. In the absence of a service record, the next best route is to work out when he joined the different regiments by looking at when the regimental numbers would have been issued. He was killed in action rather than died of wounds. All Ive been able to find is a copy of his medal card (which doesnt have much info on it), and Im assuming some sort of dispatch note that has him and two other soldiers listed as dangerously ill from Malaria. Royal Warwickshire Regiment [884] Worcestershire Regiment [57] Royal Engineers [31] . PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING. That rules out the man of the same name I saw with Boer War service wih this regiment then. Great grand father returned mission complete with no lives lost . Many soldiers of the Worcestershire Regiment have been awarded this medal since its introduction. Slightly puzzled as no connection with that part of the country. I'm trying to find any other details on the Black Watch claim. Doesn't even have to be a relative. Battalions served on the Western Front, in Gallipoli, Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Italy; one battalion ended the war in North Persia. Allan EHe probably signed up in 1898 for 12 years which would have meant that he would have left the army in 1910. Search for these on Ancestry and search for service records on Ancestry and Findmypast. I am struggling to find any information in the Army records about him - Robert Stenhouse Hanley born in West Derby 19/10/1887 and according to his Teacher Registration Certification he was in the Army as above. He was 21 born 1891 in Newport wales. He rose through the ranks and became Lieut.-Col. in 1979. Over the years periods of warfare have always The morning of 18th November 1944 saw the 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment move across the Dutch/German boarder and commenced their attack on German soil to take the village of Tripsrath. I know he fought at Mametz Wood, but not much more. I bought the card many years ago and sold it in 2011. Private Herbert Thomas Beard served with the 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regtiment in the Boer War in South Africa in 1900. Hi PaulIm researching info on my great great uncle Private Neil Steel 3500 5th Batt Cameron Highlanders. Unfortunately, I don't know the names of the other 4 or 5 brothers, only that they all died. Other rank prisoners of war 1914. You'll need to check the casualty lists James. I don't really no much else about his life before he married my great grandmother.Regards Tracy Brook, Tracy, you will need to contact the MoD. Do you know if any exist?Any additional info might you be able to discover?CheersJohn, Without checking my database it lookslike an early 1908/1909 enlistment into this TF battalion. I have records of both his King & Queens medals from the Second Boer War. His name is Harry Burney Eagles and I cannot find any records of him anywhere. He was with Regiment 3,3rd Battalion Scottish Rifles, Regimental Number 5657. a number of regiments containing large centres of population formed additional regular battalions. you might want to consider refining your search to see a more manageable number of items. i have not been able to find anything yet on the available websites, please can u point me in the right direction. Hello Paul - I am doing some WW1 research on my grandfather Stanley Riccalton who was from Wallsend-on- Tyne and the only record can find for someone of that name is in the Dorsetshire regiment number 28111. Do you know if his military records may have survived? The Worcestershire Regiment lost some 10,000 men during the conflict. 1.92K / 7.67K. Regimental number series. full report costs from 50. That's brilliant, thanks very much for that Paul but how would the medal card confirm this ? I was very impressed with your knowledge, professionalism and the amount of information you found. Looking for Stephen Collins Connaught rangers and transfers to royal Irish he sign up 14-10-1914 and was discharged 31-3-1920 I think his number is 4504 any more info on him please. Hi PaulA quick query. No further details known. I am interested in discovering which Battalion he actually joined / served with but his service record is not available (destroyed). Alexander Reid, 9th (TF) Battalion. Follow the link for more information. He's Tom Earnest Abson, Manchester Regiment no. CraigRecords for the Volunteer Force do not survive as a complete collection although you do find some papers scattered within WO 363 / WO 364 and WO 97. It seems that the number of visitors and pageviews on this site is too low to be displayed, sorry. Killed in action 29 Jan 1916, buried Rifle House cemetery, Belgium. He was to remain with the battalion until being gassed in October 1918 and evacuated to Britain. Absolutely brilliant. I can help. Looks as though the battalion is the 11th County of London, and I have a name for the officer who was in the London Regt so it looks as though it is coming together.Re Twitter, I think just jump in with both feet. Page 1 of 500. After basic training he was posted to the 11 th (Lonsdale) Battalion, the Border Regiment, then serving in France and Flanders in July 1917 (his regimental number changed to 28860). ).Once again, many thanksBrian, This post will look at numbering in the regular battalions of the Worcestershire Regiment between 1881 and 1914. I also have Alan Grint's excellent The Faith and Fire within".I am seeking 2 things:A group photo of the Hexham (A company) and Corbridge (E Company) 1/4th NF (Territorials). Three years later it was completed and handed over to the Regiment. For the reunion photos by year click on the date below: 1900-1902 Boer War Pagination. His research has enabled me to Cherry on the cake would be if you could perhaps find any war diary entries to show his movements in Africa and/or France.Cheers, Keith. he was discharged because he was shell shocked.he also got gassed in the war and was ill for a time. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for British Army Worcestershire regiment shoulder patch High quality Reproduction at the best online prices at eBay! Construction General. Born 1875 B,ham. I believe he signed up before the war around 1938. Mike, can you drop me a line to paulcanixon@gmail.com. His surname was Conliffe and he was in the Cheshire Regiment and I am afraid thats all we have. Is there anywhere else I can search to learn more about him and hopefully his father and mother's names? I have his WW1 medals and can find his medal card (WO 372/7/36548) however i can find no other details of his service. I note my Great Grandfather #1332 joined Feb 3, 1885 is not listed and also my Grandfather 10491 who joined in 1912 is not listed. Special Reserve and Territorial Force battalions operated On John and Sarah's marriage certificate entry it states his parents as Thomas and Jane Killen (dead) and Sarah O'Neill parents as Michael and Kate O'Neill. Hello,This is so through!I have the medal card for my Grandfather Alexander Mark T.F. Other rank prisoners of war 1914. Thomas Rampton (SR/3564 on Thiepval), 13th Bn Middlesex Regiment, date of death 31-08-16. Thanks. Revenue <$5M. The reason i ask i have just obtained my great grandfathers WW1 medals and would like some information and any pictures if possible. I can't find anything specific on ancestry and any searches bring up alot of records as he has a common name. Hi Paul,Forgive me if I'm being daft and misreading the info on this blog, but my great grandfather's two regimental numbers from the medal card don't seem to fit in with the ones listed. 45146, and Rifle Brigade no. Fred Harwood603. Free shipping for many products! Is there any way of someone identifying the uniform. pinpoint where my great grandfather was KIA and for this I owehim a great It seems he went to France in October 1915.Thanks,Julia. The Worcestershire Regiment's use of the General Service, cap was in Europe at the end of the war and into the postwar years, with a period photo showing it being worn even up until 1950 by the regiment's Training Company of the Territorial Army . Hello, i am trying to find out my Fathers service number in order for me to gain his service records. Hi Paul,I recently came across some information on my great grandfather, David Walker. Best Regards Andy. Until 1751, the Regiment had eight different Colonels, and therefore eight different names. Monday 4th August 2014 marks 100 years since the start of the World War One. It was my pleasure to assist you, Neil, and thank you for taking the time to post your thanks on this blog. He reached the rank of Sergeant in just 2 years and was made Regimental Sergeant Major in 1959. respond to your enquiry by return, giving you a cost for the service if I think Is there a way to clarify this please? There is a good chance that he continued to serve after the vital 1921 cut-off date for records and that his service record is still held by the Ministry of Defence. to form the Worcestershire Regiment. Thanks for posting. Look forward to hearing from you. But see what they say. Hello Paul, We have an inscribed silver tipped stick for A. Jacobs, who had been in the 17th Lancers, dated 1907. Prior to the start of the Great War, 2nd Lieutenant GD Slaughter of the 2nd Battalion was one of the first members of the British Army to attend, and qualify from, a Vickers Gun course run He possibly worked in a coal mine before enlisting - maybe 1904? www.r-s-bedachungen-gun.de. He served In RGA as a gunner F Chapman service number 323023. Please drop me a line to paulcanixon@yahoo.co.uk. Ron Goodwin lost his diary during the haevy fighting near the La Basse Canal. 9,460 officers and men gave their lives, 71 Battle Honours were awarded and eight VCs one of whom, attached to the RFC, was the airman Leefe Robinson, famous for shooting down a zeppelin. It was retitled as 17th Garrison Bn of the Worcestershire Regiment on 25 May 1918 18 June 1918: transferred to 121st Brigade in 40th Division You list regimental numbers, but obviously with huge gaps. Seems he received a medal of some sort for "persevering to safe an officers life". I also have a copy of his death certificate from India.I wonder if there are attestation or service records pertaining to this Private that have survived or have I seen all that is possible. Warriors United Kingdom Data-as-a-Service Data Management Data Enrichment API & Webhooks. His year Of Birth was 1898 and he was aged 19 on his date of death, which was 12 Oct 1917 . We believe they were both 2nd battalion in Africa and they were both POWs. He reached the rank of Sergeant in the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment - The Sherwood Foresters. . How on earth would I be able to publish every single regimental number issued and the date on which it was issued? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Worcestershire Regiment Blazer badge [27012] at the best online prices at eBay! Do you know approximately when he was born? Also see here: http://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/army/regiments-and-corps/the-british-infantry-regiments-of-1914-1918/northumberland-fusiliers/Paul, Hi Paul,I'm trying to trace my great grandfather's service;Name - Titus LoweService no. Territorial Army, Royal Engineers (Light Aeroplane Squadron Searchlight Company). Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Even showing transcripts of how much his family were paid upon death were fascinating. What is a section "D"?The second puzzle is more complicated. DAS WORCESTERSHIRE REGIMENT Im Grossen Krieg Kapitn Stacke 1928 1. Which monarch's head appears on the LSGC? Dave Were, it would be possible to work that out. ?I think he was in Sialkot, India - found a record in the military census of 1911. ; Well you know how it is.Once again thanksRegardsNick, Paul provided an unbelievable service.I didn't have too much detail I could provide and even that was sketchy but after a few emails which paul was very quick to respond to in order to discuss various avenues,the information I received back surpassed my expectations. Re Lance-Corporal Frederick Lascelles Brown try running some searches on my British Army Ancestors website here: https://britisharmyancestors.co.uk/, @K re your 16th December comment, do have a look at mt British Army Ancestors website and in particular the opening paragraph on the About page: https://britisharmyancestors.co.uk/about-us/, Hi, we are trying to find information about the photo that was posted on this page of your blog. How old was he in 1911? Here are some sample army service numbers and corresponding joining dates for regular soldiers enlisting with the Gloucestershire Regiment between July 1881 and August 1914. Regimental number series. There would have been paperwork generated for this enlistment and if it survives it will be in WO 97 (assuming he joined before 1913) which can be searched on Findmypast. You wouldn't know for sure unless you had access to his attestation papers. The newly formed regiment was established as the county regiment for Worcestershire and started numbering from 1 in 1881. Service records for all of the sample numbers and dates below survive in the series, at the National Archives (and also online at. Please drop me a line to paulcanixon@yahoo.co.uk and we can take it from there. 1939-1947 WW 2 The barracks date back to 1874 when building started. I was hoping his records would confirm this and also help me to find out how he met Johanna in Ireland. Numbers issued from about 1912 appear with the 4/ prefix: 507 joined on the 17th June 1908 826 joined on the 28th April 1909 1138 joined on the 6th May 1910 1313 joined on the 13th January 1911 4/1477 joined on the 15th January 1912 See http://armyservicenumbers.blogspot.com/p/research.html, hi, im looking for my 2nd great grandfather robert whanslaw. If this information is not immediately obvious it may still be possible to find out more about him. Hi Paul I'm researching my GT grandfather Thomas Lynch who appears on the 1911 cencus for the 2nd Battalion South Wales Borderers serving in South Africa. Support Connect is a company which makes funded support available to Apprentices and other learners. Some 20 Military Medals were awarded to the rank and file. Thank you for any help.Kind regardsTony. 1938-1939 Palestine I've borrowed the image on this post from the. I would like to find out what he was up to in 1916 and whether he actually was in France as stated on his marriage certificate.Best regards,Julia. In 2007 the regiment became the 2nd Battalion Mercian Regiment. I have found the Red Cross listing but this only shows Winchester.kind regardsColin. The table below records the number blocks allocated to each corps or regiment. At the beginning of the First World War in August 1914 the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) only had 166 aircraft. Paul, Thank you very much for this. His grandson was in contact with you on 12 October 2016 at 20:01. That information simply does not survive. Paul. Hi Paul, trying to trace any additional military service information on Arthur Thomas Taylor, 2nd Battalion, Ox & Buck, reg number 8967. India & has king & queens clap medals. Regimental numbering sequences between 1881 and 1918. What ZU VERKAUFEN! 1 Co of LY 226 and 301Previous Units - 1 Co of LY Sgt 2658John Bowen john.gordon.bowen@gmail.com, Hello Paul,I wonder if you can help me solve two puzzles about my grandfather? Keith, please drop me a line to paulcanixon@yahoo.co.uk and we can discuss next steps. tracing your British military ancestor, drop me a line. He was given a section "D" discharge from the 2nd Bttn on 29 december 1915. Between 1st July 1881 and 24th August 1891, the regiment recruited just 2991 men, an annual average of 294 men per annum. First of all, please send me an email. WW2. Thanks, Mick Gookey (ps see THE GOOKEY SURNAME on facebook for other research to GOOKEYs in WW1), Have you checked the ICRC website? etc. I think he served in the UK throughout WW1 and possibly served on searchlights at Scapa Flow. I found it interesting that my great grandmother was listed only on the 1911 census as a "boarder" and listed as Roman Catholic while the rest of the family was Presbyterian. He served with the Warwickshire R.G.A. Born 1907 in Dunfermline to Janet Hunter, same mother as Alexander despite the 20yr age gap. I do not have any information on this man. In my experience, unless the regimental museum has surviving enlistment registers, I can certainly hold my own. Keep up the good work. Only my grandfather Thomas and 1 brother (Christopher) survived. Hello Paul, I was hoping to attach a photo of the back of a WW1 postcard I have. New Book which tells the story of Norton Barracks from 1874 to 1982 and of the soldiers who served there. Regiment/Corps. Volunteers, 1904 - 1906, and as acting squadron sergeant major with the Worcestershire Yeomanry, 1906 - 1915. . The Worcestershire Regiment : 5,239,001 : 5,328,000: The Royal Berkshire . For everything else, try me. BEF 14/04/1916 to 08/11/1918; evac'd UK 09/11/1918 with "Influenza" Class Z Reserve 25/02/1919. the-gloucestershire-regiment-regimental-special-british-soldier-in-the-20th-century-s 1/2 Downloaded from aharon.ijm.org on March 2, 2023 by guest . Hi Paul, I am researching my Great Grandfather - 18955 Private John Ashton, West Yorkshire Regiment, who was KIA at the Bluff on 2nd March 1916 whilst seconded to the 17th Division Trench Mortars. Please drop me a line to paulcanixon@yahoo.co.uk and I'll get back to you. I managed to find his name and other particulars on WW1 Service Medal and Award Rolls, but little else. Eventually he joined the 8th Hussars as a farrier No 314829 his residence at the time of his marriage was Cavalry Barracks, Fulford road, York this was on 27 February 1926, he was 31 years old. Sunday, 31st October 1914 was a fine sunny day. 8th (Service) Battalion.I have found quite a lot of information already - but trying to fill in some gaps. Do you know why they were missed? Would it not have been superceded later? If you have access to Ancestry.co.uk try searching for Service Records and Pension Records for Army numbers either side of 24272 with Oxford* in the Regiment box. Regimental numbering sequences between 1881 and 1918. Military career Myles was deployed with the 8th (Service) Battalion, Welsh Regiment, British Army, attached to 9th (Service) Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment. During this period many Worcestershire Regiment officers and men where transferred to the RFC, which later became the RAF. Below is a list of Worcestershire Regiment records and documents which are held at the PRO Kew. Thanks for your help Paul. You have completely missed the whole point of the blog. He could have joined as a boy from the age on 14 but it was equally possible he could have lied about his age. Military research. I'd love for you to go over what I have and fill in any gaps, or at least confirm my findings. 1914-1920 WW 1 - 14606Rank - privateRegiment - South StaffordshireI'm afraid that's all I have. The Worcestershire Regiment dates back to 1694 when Colonel Thomas Farrington, an officer of the Coldstream Guards raised a new regiment in London. For example it is likely that recruits to the newly formed 11th Battalion were issued with service numbers that followed on from the 10th Battalion, so it may be possibly to identify a range of approximately 1200 service numbers where there is a strong likelihood that those individuals were initially posted to the 11th Battalion. record. Name: Joseph Harris Gender: Male Rank: Pte Record Type: Disability Residence Place: Smethwick, B'ham Military Service Region: Midlands, England Service Number: 51953 Corps, Regiment or Unit: Worcestershire Regiment Service Branch: Military (Army) Title: WWI Pension Record Cards and Ledgers Description: Pension Record Ledger Reference Number: 6 . There are no remarks and no info on which theatre of war he went. British Army regiments. He was also 672, Royal Irish Fusiliers, Claire. If you want me to undertake paid research, please follow the instructions on the RESEARCH tab. We know he served in North Africa. 10188 Pte J Reid RM.I see that there is a Deal in Kent UK, but don't understand what RM stands for.Thanking you Alan KitchenSydney Australia, It's a Royal Marines number, Alan, and that' what the RM stands for. The Regiment was formed in 1694 under Colonel Thomas Farrington (Farringtons Regiment). His name was Henry Albert Ellner and he enlisted into B Coy of the wiltshire Regiment on 30 December 1898, Regimental number 5202. I understand that these barracks were platooned by the Royal Welsh Light (dragoons) of which James was. I welcome insights about regimental numbering but I do not have time to respond to individual research queries here. Hi paul. Listed as Serjeantextract from date of death 31-08-16 @ https://firstworldwaronthisday.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=31%2F08%2F1916 under first Thiepval Memorial listing (245 fallen) -SR/3564 Serjeant THOMAS RAMPTON "B" Coy. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Worcestershire Regiment Brass Button, FIRM, King's Crown, 25.5 mm, JR Gaunt at the best online prices at eBay! If you'd like me to research him more, please visit the RESEARCH tab. By quoting the PRO Reference number you will be able to gain access to the document and make copies as required. On the back it had Private J. Re CSM Laughton, I am afraid I do not know the answer to that, Pieter. I have no references at all for my grandfather's enlistment, his number was 10944 which would give his enlistment around 23/12/1907 (he did say he joined up because he couldn't face another winter picking sprouts! The 33rd Division was an infantry division of the British Army that was raised in 1914, during the First World War.The division was raised from volunteers for Lord Kitchener's New Armies, that was originally made up of infantry battalions raised by public subscription or private patronage. would have joined up. First World War research. on demobilisation 1915- 19 Having looked in the London Gazette with no joy I just wondered if you knew if the Gymnastics Staff were a Corp in their own right or attached to a Regiment. people will follow you if they feel you have something to say - or if they feel they want to say soemthing to you.Paul, Thanks for the understanding and of course I will continue to engage.

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