(Select THREE. You pay only for compute time while your code is running. Enterprise, Which migration strategy involves changing how an application is architected and developed, typically by using cloud-native features? VCEguide does not own or claim any ownership on any of the brands. You have been tasked to assess, audit and evaluate configurations of your AWS resources. What is the minimum passing score? If the potential difference between two points is 60 V, how much energy is expended to bring 8 mC from one point to the other? Which factors should be considered when selecting a Region? A & B. Functional, Integration and E2E testing on order checkouts. You want to send and receive messages between distributed application components. Provision an isolated section of the AWS Cloud to launch resources in a virtual network that you define. Which service should you use? (Select TWO.). AWS Budgets Which service should you use? (Select TWO.). Which action can you perform with consolidated billing? Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Amazon EC2 instances can be launched on demand when needed. With AWS cloud, you can pay only when you consume computing resources, and pay only for how much you consume.T/F. With you can reserve AWS capacity in advance, which will bring you a great discount (up to 75%). Which statement best describes security groups? An employee requires temporary access to create several Amazon S3 buckets. Some of the roles and responsibilities for an AWS Solutions Architect include: Architecting, building, and maintaining cost-efficient, scalable cloud environments for the organization. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Which statement best describes Amazon GuardDuty? - Delete root access keys Network access control list CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute. Ensuring that application data is encrypted at rest B . A poundal is the force required to accelerate a mass of 1lbm1 \mathrm{lb}_{\mathrm{m}}1lbm at a rate of 1ft/s21 \mathrm{ft} / \mathrm{s}^{2}1ft/s2, and a slug is the mass of an object that will accelerate at a rate of 1ft/s21 \mathrm{ft} / \mathrm{s}^{2}1ft/s2 when subjected to a force of 1lbf1 \mathrm{lb}_{\mathrm{f}}1lbf. One of AWS advantages - users do not need to ques capacity or plan it, It's A&B Amazon EFS file systems store data across multiple Availability Zones. You want to store data in a volume that is attached to an Amazon EC2 instance. (Select TWO. (Select TWO), - Encrypt data on client-side You want to use an Amazon EC2 instance for a batch processing workload. E. Patch the operating system of Amazon S3, DE For abstracted services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB, AWS operates the infrastructure layer, the operating system, and platforms, and customers access the endpoints to store and retrieve data. No Next topic: Prepare - Discovery and assessment Previous topic: High-level migration steps Need help? Customers still need to create database scheme. How would you describe agility in the AWS cloud? which tasks are the responsibilities of aws select twonwosu football roster. the answer is A,B A. A digital catalog that includes thousands of software listings from independent software vendors. Operator Overloading of Decrement Operator, Postfix Increment ++ Operator Overloading. Which pricing tool enables you to receive alerts when your service usage exceeds a threshold that you have defined? - Configure Network Access Control Lists (ACLs). You decide to start working on AWS and move some of the servers from your on-premises DC to AWS cloud. Three year, All Upfront, Standard RI pricing, Which of the following AWS services can help you serve large amounts of online video content, providing the lowest latency and best user experience ? - Compliance with data governance and legal requirements - Proximity to your customers Which statement best describes Amazon CloudFront? What would be the best Amazon EC2 instance type to use? Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. What are the AWS services and or tools that you can use in order to estimate your monthly costs ? Monitor your applications and respond to system-wide performance changes. Priority Matrix The priority matrix technique consists of laying all of your tasks out on a four-box matrix. Configuring AWS infrastructure devices Question related to AWS Cloud Practitioner. An edge location can help you provide ____ and improve the user experience of your clients. A digital catalog that includes thousands of software listings from independent software vendors On-demand delivery of IT resources and applications through the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Question 8: Which service is used to transfer up to 80 PB of data to AWS? Functional, Integration and E2E testing of lifestyle (events,theatre,shows booking) product and flights. AWS responsibility Security of the Cloud - AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs all of the services offered in the AWS Cloud. Which process is an example of Elastic Load Balancing? Your email address will not be published. Basic A service that monitors your applications and automatically adds or removes capacity from your resource groups in response to changing demand S3 Glacier Deep Archive AWS Free Tier A service that provides data that you can use to monitor your applications, optimize resource utilization, and respond to system-wide performance changes Which statement is TRUE for the AWS global infrastructure? Which storage classes are used for these tiers? We verified questions and updated frequently each month and also based on members' feedback to keep updating with the real exam. Connect with an AWS Business Representative. Question 22: You want Amazon S3 to monitor your objects access patterns. ), Facebook Your data is temporary and will not be kept long term. Which of the following is being offered by AWS ? Which storage class should you use? Recently your organization has acquired another company, which is also using AWS. A service that enables you to build conversational interfaces using voice and text. A,B A schema is part of your DATA, and the client owns the DATA. AWS Snowball Monitor your applications and respond to system-wide performance changes. Question 21: Which statement best describes Elastic Load Balancing? Management Console? - Software Development Kits (SDK), Which of the following security services are offered by AWS ? Which design architecture does this principle support ? You will follow AWS best-practice - least privilege access - allocating the minimum necessary rights for every user so that he or she can perform the job, but having just the right level of access and nothing more. . Ensuring that no single Amazon EC2 instance has to carry the full workload on its own. (Select TWO.) Question 7: Which statement best describes an Availability Zone? If you compare the costs in AWS versus a traditional on-premises data center, AWS is the better version because: lower variable costs and lower upfront costs. Required fields are marked *. Which virtual private cloud (VPC) component controls inbound and outbound traffic for Amazon EC2 instances? This determines the amount of configuration work the customer must perform as part of their security responsibilities. Examples include: Once a customer understands the AWS Shared Responsibility Model and how it generally applies to operating in the cloud, they must determine how it applies to their use case. This infrastructure is composed of the hardware, software, networking, and facilities that run AWS Cloud services. AWS Artifact A service that distributes incoming traffic across multiple targets, such as Amazon EC2 instances. (Select TWO.) Which service should you use? Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). A schema is part of your DATA, and the client owns the DATA. Amazon RDS AWS Prescriptive Guidance Migrating SAS Grid to the AWS Cloud Roles and responsibilities PDF RSS The SAS Grid migration process involves the following roles and expertise. Question 13: Which action can you perform in Amazon CloudFront? What are the true benefits that Consolidated Billing brings immediately? You can interact with AWS cloud in various ways. A service that checks applications for security vulnerabilities and deviations from security best practices, A service that helps protect your applications against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, A service that lets you monitor network requests that come into your web applications, A resource that provides guidance, architectural reviews, and ongoing communication with your company as you plan, deploy, and optimize your applications, A resource that can answer questions about best practices and assist with troubleshooting issues, An online tool that inspects your AWS environment and provides real-time guidance in accordance with AWS best practices. B. Networking Essentials Packet Tracer & Lab Answers, ITC - Introduction to Cybersecurity 2.12 (Level 1), ITC Introduction to Cybersecurity 2.12 (Level 1). You decide to migrate to AWS your on-premises database, but you want to choose a customer-managed relational database. Which of the following cloud computing deployment models best describes your business choice? Design an Budget $30-250 USD. What does this benefit really mean to you ? Customers that deploy an Amazon EC2 instance are responsible for management of the guest operating system (including updates and security patches), any application software or utilities installed by the customer on the instances, and the configuration of the AWS-provided firewall (called a security group) on each instance. Which of the following would you check when AWS encounters problems and you want to see if any of your AWS services are being impacted too ? Question 16: Which migration strategy involves changing how an application is architected and developed, typically by using cloud-native features? Business Perspective As the IT Manager of ACME Corporation, you are now considering using AWS Public Cloud and would like to use a self-hosted database, fully managed and multiregional AWS service. You want to store data in a volume that is attached to an Amazon EC2 instance. A service that checks applications for security vulnerabilities and deviations from security best practices Which statement best describes DNS resolution? Amazon S3 provides read-after-write consistency for PUTS of new objects in your S3 bucket in all regions. Amazon DocumentDB, You are running an Amazon EC2 instance and want to store data in an attached resource. Which service enables you to quickly build, train, and deploy machine learning models? What is an AWS Availability Zone? A service that lets you monitor network requests that come into your web applications, A service that provides intelligent threat detection for your AWS infrastructure and resources, Which statement best describes AWS Marketplace? Please fill in the gaps. (Select TWO.). Which AWS Trusted Advisor category includes checks for your service limits and overutilized instances? Before using AWS Lambda, you must prepay for your estimated compute time. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), A separate geographical location with multiple locations that are isolated from each other, A site that Amazon CloudFront uses to cache copies of content for faster delivery to users at any location, The server from which Amazon CloudFront gets your files. As every customer is deployed differently in AWS, customers can take advantage of shifting management of certain IT controls to AWS which results in a (new) distributed control environment. Which Perspective of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework helps you design, implement, and optimize your AWS infrastructure based on your business goals and perspectives? Provision resources by using programming languages or a text file. Which of the following IAM entities is associated with an access key ID and a secret access key when using AWS CLI? (Choose two. VUEtut does not offer exam dumps or questions from actual Microsoft - CompTIA - Amazon - Cisco - Oracle - CFA Institute. In the Select launch type compatibility section, choose FARGATE, and choose Next Step. Use many instances in parallel (horizontal scaling), Which AWS services should be used for read/write of constantly changing data? Which of the following Reserved Instances pricing models option provides you the highest savings over on-demand pricing model ? Customers can then use the AWS control and compliance documentation available to them to perform their control evaluation and verification procedures as required. Which component or service enables you to establish a dedicated private connection between your data center and virtual private cloud (VPC)? / which tasks are the responsibilities of aws select two / why did mikey palmice gets whacked? (Select TWO.). Question 23: Which component or service enables you to establish a dedicated private connection between your data center and virtual private cloud (VPC)? Ensuring that AWS NTP servers are set to the correct time C . IAM credentials should be shared with your peers or colleagues just in case of emergencies. IAM policies are not that hard to read and understand, they are written in .. format. AWS service helps you deliver your web content faster to your end users, thus providing a better user experience. Developer (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY), - AWS Certifications Configuring security groups on Amazon EC2 instances, Training company employees on how to use AWS services, A service that monitors your applications and automatically adds or removes capacity from your resource groups in response to changing demand, A service that provides data that you can use to monitor your applications, optimize resource utilization, and respond to system-wide performance changes, A service that enables you to set up, manage, and scale a distributed in-memory or cache environment in the cloud, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume. Pega responsibilities SRT sends you two Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) that define the Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for streaming logs to your S3 bucket. CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of VCEguide. Question 28: Which Perspective of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework focuses on recovering IT workloads to meet the requirements of your business stakeholders? ), - An individual member account Operations Perspective Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some viviparous snakes and lizards live in cold climates. (Select TWO.) VUEtut support Free, Actual and Latest Practice Test for those who are preparing for IT Certification Exams. What is the storage capacity of Snowball Edge Storage Optimized? (Select TWO.) which tasks are the responsibilities of aws select two. (Select TWO), - AWS Total Cost Ownership (TCO) Calculator https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/introduction-devops-aws/shared-responsibility.html. Question 16: Which migration strategy involves changing how an application is architected and developed, typically by using cloud-native features? AWS Snowball Top 8 Programming Languages That Will Rule in Prefix Increment ++ operator overloading with return type. AWS offers different Support plans to help you troubleshoot issues, lower costs, and efficiently use AWS services. Under the AWS shared responsibility model, AWS is responsible for which security-related task? (Select TWO. 1) migrations from on-prem to AWS (upgrading News and Television divisions) 3) on-going production support for high traffic websites. Availability Zones in the same region are connected through low-latency links (2 or more AZs). Which of the following highlights the concept just described ? (Select TWO. RolandoTrevinoA. a) Calculate the mass in slugs and the weight in poundals of a 135lbm135 \mathrm{lb}_{\mathrm{m}}135lbm woman (i) on earth and (ii) on the moon, where the acceleration of gravity is one-sixth of its value on earth. Provision resources by using programming languages or a text file. AWS Trusted Advisor, Which Support plans include access to all AWS Trusted Advisor checks? (Select TWO), -Reduced latency which leads to good user experience Question 10: Which service is used to run containerized applications on AWS? EBS volumes store data within a single Availability Zone. Patch Management AWS is responsible for patching and fixing flaws within the infrastructure, but customers are responsible for patching their guest OS and applications. Manage customer data. (Select TWO.). (Select TWO. AWS simplifies patching and OS updates for you. Learn fundamentals of the AWS Cloud; AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Quiz Answers - AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Exam Answers - AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Final Assessment Answers, Which actions can you perform in Amazon Route 53? D. Provide physical security for Availability Zones. D. Provide physical security for Availability Zones. ), - Maintaining virtualization infrastructure Moving to AWS Cloud brings you definitely a lot of benefits and one of the most important one is trading capital expense for variable expense. These infrastructures include production, test, and development environments. A . Which support plan should you choose? Please fill in the gaps. Examples include: Customer Specific Controls which are solely the responsibility of the customer based on the application they are deploying within AWS services. CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of ExamTopics. - AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Which service should you use? Which of the following is the responsibility of AWS ? Carrying out yearly recruitment statistics on different metrics (time/hire, source of. Question 6: Which service enables you to build the workflows that are required for human review of machine learning predictions? Your data is temporary and will not be kept long term. Please mark your choice. Which of the Reserved Instance(RI) pricing models can change the attributes of the RI as long as the exchange results in the creation of RIs of equal or greater value? - Connect user requests to infrastructure in AWS and outside of AWS. (5) For the table name, enter cdc_retail_trans_stream. Which of the following features would best describe this scenario ? We offer learning material and practice tests created by subject matter experts to assist and help learners prepare for those exams. Which service enables you to review details for user activities and API calls that have occurred within your AWS environment? Which process is an example of benefiting from massive economies of scale? AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam results are reported as a score from 100-1,000. Which service is used to manage the DNS records for domain names? This is also called or referred in the industry as pay-as-you-go. Configuring AWS infrastructure devices, Which service enables you to consolidate and manage multiple AWS accounts from a central location? 9 months, 3 weeks ago. Which of the following services will help you to host a static website in AWS ? AWS can relieve a company's IT staff of which of the following IT tasks? @2019-21 - All Right Reserved. AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) You are now working in AWS and you have successfully migrated several virtual machines in the cloud. Automate the deployment of workloads into your AWS environment. (Select TWO. Subnet - Data encryption. You want to store data that is infrequently accessed but must be immediately available when needed. Which resource should you use? AWS Artifact (Select TWO.). Which site does Amazon CloudFront use to cache copies of content for faster delivery to users at any location? Place the Amazon EC2 instances in a public subnet and the Amazon RDS database instances in a private subnet. The first step in using AWS Lambda is provisioning a server. (Select TWO.) Run infrastructure in a hybrid cloud approach. You are running an Amazon EC2 instance and want to store data in an attached resource. Question 10: Which service is used to run containerized applications on AWS? Which Amazon S3 storage class should you use? Your data is temporary and will not be kept long term. (Select TWO). Coordinating and conducting interviews Screening Interviewing Writing feedbacks, negotiation, etc. Configuration Management - AWS maintains the configuration of its infrastructure devices, but a customer is responsible for configuring their own guest operating systems, databases, and applications. You know that there is one AWS service that can help you simplify compliance auditing, security analysis, change management and operational troubleshooting. Which option would be the best choice for this task? The Boto3 library is the AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python that allows you to create, configure, and manage AWS services using AWS APIs.

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