He says, "Nothing?" Hyde: Jackie, I dont know whats going on with me. -Jackie loves attention and wants to be comforted and catered to when her dad is in trouble for bribery, yet when her mom abandons her, doesnt want anyone to know because its private and she doesnt need assistance from anyone? But Hyde could really be himself with Jackie and could actually open up to her, because she never judged him for who he is, despite their fights. in Psychology and a minor in Media Studies. Furthermore, the inclusion of Kelso's idea that they would last longer strongly implies that this is what the S7 writers intended - for Jackie and Hyde to still be together and going long term at the series end. Toward the end of their date, Jackie asks Hyde what he thought of it. Jackie and Hyde sit together and interact as if theyre close, but nothing significant for them occurs. The former high school sweethearts ended the iconic series . -Eric admits to smoking weed in season 3, and red puts a smoke detector in the basement. Jackie and Hyde are enlisted to decide who gets the bigger room in Kelso and Fezs apartment. Jackie keeps playfully pestering Hyde about their eventual wedding because Eric and Donnas is approaching. Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in "Join Together" with Kelso's help. She cant just walk in here and pull your strings like youre some kind of puppet. Hyde and Jackies discussion comes across as somewhat superficial and doesnt indicate that they have much practice at having deep conversations. She also says to him, "Youre afraid to reach the peaks of love, for fear of being dropped off a cliff. Do Remy and Jackie get together? Jordan Williams is a Movie/TV Features Senior Staff Writer for Screen Rant, having been with the team since 2021. You wanted to do the math.". Jackie looks as if she's going to cry, and Hyde says scornfully, "Oh, what are you going to do now, cry?" He suffers through it, though, for her sake. and our She becomes a scapegoat for his fear. Jackie feels hope at Hyde's use of the word "yet" but right afterwards Samantha arrives and claims she is Hyde's wife, who he married during a drunken wedding in Las Vegas. He puts his own dislike of their relationship aside and gets them back together. Jackie smiles at him, genuinely touched, and Hyde presses his cheek to her forehead with the deepest, happiest grin we may have ever seen from him on the show. When the non-conformist and rebellious Hyde started hooking up with the posh but shallow Jackie, fans were convinced that it was just a fling, a very natural thing to happen in a circle of close-knit friends. Jackie Burkhart: Alright. Hyde scares off Wuffy (the Fun Land mascot) when he tries to get handsy with Jackie. But Jackie loves hyde even though he doesnt have any money. Hyde says to Jackie, Screw it. The fact that they stuck by each other despite so much friction and were transparent about their relationship was a huge draw for the early 2000s audiences because it depicted a new kind of teenage romance. He puts his arm around her shoulders and brushes his hand through her hair repeatedly. During the course of the date, Hyde gives Jackie his denim jacket. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #jackieandhyde, #getbacktogether, #jandlgetbacktogether, #jackandgabgetbacktogether, #jacobandjoeygetbscktogether, #getjandkbacktogether, #meandjaydenbacktogether, #annieandhaydenbacktogether, # . Steven, you cant act like this forever. Yet an episode later, when Jackie moves in with Donna, she has to listen to very loud abba music to fall asleep. Ultimately, she doesnt want Angie to use his kindness and vulnerability against him. Red sets up his muffler shop, and his dialogue about Jackie contradicts a very early deepening of her character in "Career Day". Jackie and Hyde get caught making out in the basement; Eric and Donna try to convince As punishment for Donna going away to California . 6. Ill just suck on them.. She attempts to get another, "I love you" out of him, but he tells her not to "push it," and they kiss. Kitty Forman asks Hyde if his "girlfriend" is okay. Steven Hyde: Kelso, would you get outta here? What season does Hyde and Jackie get together? Jackie quits the task of planning Hyde's birthday when Hyde says he refuses to celebrate it. In the beginning of the episode, we learn that she continually pushed for him to call [his] father. Part of the reason why these discussions and fanfictions are so popular is because of the horrible way in which their relationship was treated in season 8 and the disappointment in the fact that they did not end up together. He tries more than once to do so verbally and asks others for advice (e.g., the Formans, Eric and Donna). He also offers to drive Jackie home in the episode, an act of kindness very much in-character. It also contradicts the episode "The Girl I Love" where she learned how to approach him when she wanted or needed something. Jordan is based in Seattle, Washington and enjoys exploring the natural beauty the PNW has to offer. Hyde makes a joke to ease the awkwardness, as Jackie laughs it off and tells him to take her home. Jackie: Fine, if it makes you happy, then Im happy. -in season 7, when hyde and Jackie break up, fez tries to get them back together but when they start to want to get back together says they shouldnt get together because its sick if they do. Do Jackie and Hyde get back together season 7? She says Hyde is "wondering, 'How can I open up to her [Jackie] when everyone I have ever loved have abandoned me? the one where the gang dresses in their Halloween costumes. Hyde returns home after spending two weeks in Las Vegas. But when he sees that she's really crying, his whole demeanor changes. Something more important came up." Hyde appreciates the gesture, despite the inedible nature of the cookies. Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in "Join Together" -- with Kelso's help. With Hyde, Jackie became less superficial and more real. And that pretty much beats our third grade pact. Quit it! Hyde says, "Yeah well, I can see why you thought that." Though Hydes personality was a big reason - he was the exact opposite of the complying Michael. [Kelso leaves. He doesnt seem to object to the idea of him and Jackie as a unit, just to the idea of him becoming a money-grubbing corporate zombie.. The relationship actually proved a lot of people wrong who thought that they were with each other for superficial reasons; especially since Hyde and Jackie really worked towards making things work between them, and it showed. Hyde draws a unibrow on a sleeping Jackie. 5. Instead of being disappointed, however, Hyde is proud. Though this could've just been the actor's body language. In Immigrant Song," Hyde thinks he's lost Jackie forever. Do Hyde and Jackie get back together in season 8? It started when they were watching T.V in the basement, before they stared at each other and kissed. Jackie plants her hands on Hyde's stomach and kisses his cheek at his party. Michael Kelso: [angrily] That better be the rash talking! Upon seeing Kelso making out with another girl, Jackie shouts, "Get off my boyfriend!" Hyde offers Jackie a low-five for her burn of Eric. Hes admitting that hes truly, deeply happy with Jackie. I know its just a tv show and these are done for laughs, but I dont understand how they even exist. Jackie invites Hyde to the mall, and he declines, saying he meant for her to get support from "friends like Donna or not me.". Hes very busy at Grooves, and hes only half paying attention to what shes saying. Julie, the cheer captain, invites Jackie back on the team, but Jackie changes her mind and decides against it. Hyde teases Jackie at her new job, saying, "The floor is shiny and I can see your heiny.". For instance, even before they got together (and were in fact barely friends), he took her to the prom to make her feel better. The majority of the time, theyre high in a circle, but theyre always sitting together. Ive been doing just fine since my dad disappeared into the jungle to bring freedom to the grateful natives. Yes, she created a fantasy story rather than stating the truth, that her fathers in prison. 3 They didn't: They didn't have anything in common. Hyde is barely coherent when he answers, unsure of what happened himself, but Jackie puzzles it together and says, "[Chip] called me a bitch, and you hit him!" The first episode of the 8th and final season Bohemian Rhapsody teases the audience into thinking Jackie and Hyde might stay together. His objections are weak at best, and he spends time with her. Jackie was unabashedly materialistic, she was born rich and enjoyed the finer things in life; she wanted to be with a rich man and was very clear about her priorities. After Kitty tries to manipulate Hyde into believing she was on the phone with W.B., Hyde says, Why cant you guys just let me do things my own way? He doesnt like being controlled, but Jackie and Kitty are two of the three most important women to him. Season 7, however, robbed them of that growth, reverting Jackie back to her previously discarded marriage-and-money-obsessed ways and turning Hyde into someone who seemed to forget his deep (and hard-fought) love for her. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Like that time that you told me to eat that stuff, and I didn't know what it was, and then you licked your lips and you rubbed you stomach, and you were like, "Mmm, it's really good, Kelso". He thought you and I were together, but he was just wrong. Hyde says, I also kinda liked the fact that she was technically still with Kelso, but Jackie had written Kelso a break-up letter and sent it to him, presumably before she and Hyde had kissed on the couch (Going To California). Jackie tries to seduce Hyde, and he resists (though it's hard for him). when do jackie and hyde get back together July 3, 2022 net 30 terms agreement template net 30 terms agreement template In another she talks about how she spread her moms ashes. Hyde was sharing his confusion and, perhaps, fear, with Jackie about becoming corporate. Hyde grins after this, obviously liking what she said. He rejects her, saying, "You and I dont have anything in common. Moreover, their individual character arcs developed in a way that convinced the fans that they will eventually wind up together despite their differences, especially considering their chemistry. Im just trying to have a little fun before I settle down and life goes to crap. Bad Jackie!". In "Rip This Joint", despite the partially out-of-character writing thats plagued Jackie and Hyde thus far, theyre still being written as a close-knit couple. Hyde wants Jackie to leave him alone. I don't hate bowling." Certain scripted scenes and unscripted moments between Jackie and Hyde, however, have created a "Zennie" subtext that link the two main halves of the relationship. Their numerous fans call themselves "Zennies" and have since the original airing of "Cat Fight Club". Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin') is an excellent, in-character episode for Jackie and Hyde, perhaps the best of the season. She tries to make his favorite cookies, but shes a terrible baker. Who's Been Sleeping Here? is another good episode for Jackie and Hyde. He must have learned how, and hes not doing it to protect himself. -in season 7, when hyde and Jackie break up, fez tries to get them back together but when they start to want to get back together says they shouldn't get together because it's sick if they do. Eric isnt happy that Hyde stopped the fight, calling him a spoil sport, and Hyde says, Hey, yours is gonna kill mine. Hydes love for and protectiveness of Jackie is clear in this scene, and its nice to see. . Fez and Jackie were still together on new years '80. After their unsuccessful date, Jackie and Hyde's relationship is treated by season 3 and season 4's storylines, with rare exception, as if it never existed. Yet red and kitty act surprised and go ballistic when they see Eric and friends smoking weed as if its the first time theyve known this? Their reunion in this episode didnt heal their relationship. The two continued this fling, whenever they were alone but were caught by Kitty who couldn't confront them because of her son's actions. Eric is determined to fight for their right to be together, until he sees Donna in her new school uniform. Show- that 70s showSong- hers what once wasIn my mind id still like to believe that they ended up back together happily married.Disclaimer i dont own any of . But then two seasons later, when hes supposed to be the same age, always complains about him and Eric still being at home. After 15 years since That 70s Shows season 8 finale, Netflix announced the series would be getting a long-awaited sequel titled That 90s Show. Later, they break up; Jackie leaving him for Kelso. In contrast, Jackie became more confident in herself and much more selfless, leaving the couple room to grow together in a more positive dynamic. The episode title is named after a song by The Who. Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in "Join Together" with Kelso's help. "It's All Over Now" has Jackie doubting if Hyde loves her. Hyde is annoyed by Jackie staring at him. By the end of the series, Jackie has dated three of the four men of the original group: Kelso, Hyde, and Fez. Jackie eventually tells Hyde this fact -- and that she "missed [him] so much". Get Off My Boyfriend) - Metacritic. This is what the fans found so twisted - they both clearlydidn't approve of each others philosophies, so how would a long-term relationship even work? Jackie deserved to be with someone better after breaking it off with Michael who had cheated on her multiple times. Later in the episode, Jackie fantasizes about getting Hyde back and swears she'll do it. If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this advertisement is for you. The quick synopsis of That 90s Show has already revealed much about what has happened over the past 15 years since That 70s Show cut to black at midnight on New Years 1980. There were no fairy tale elements in their storyline, and yet it was non-toxic and rewarding. For example, Jackie teaches Hyde that love goes beyond arguments and anger ("Misty Mountain Hop"), and Hyde gives Jackie a safe place to be vulnerable ("Bring It on Home"). It was clear that at one point they were both clearly in love with each other, and even Hyde, who hated talking about his feelings admitted that he was in love with Jackie. Hyde obviously respects Jackies deviousness. Hyde's protective feelings toward Jackie come out fully during this period. The characters' interaction with each other is limited, and neither of them mentions their kiss to anyone. Kelso later justifies his behavior, and Hyde says, "I dont wanna come out in favor of saving Jackie, but thats the price you pay for docking your love boat in Jackie-vya. Did Jackie end up with Hyde? One subtextual explanation for Hydes behavior is that working for W.B. Hyde responds to Jackie's sentiment by blowing a raspberry at her. the question of Hydes long-term commitment to Jackie is almost directly addressed and settled. She sits almost in his lap, and he holds her while she cries. Jackie finally decides on Hyde over Kelso, but finds out the one she chooses already has another girl. Which would make her 15-16 years old, she celebrates her birthday in a Season 5 episode at least two months before Thanksgiving of 1978. You know what? She tries to keep Donna from telling the Formans the truth about the pot. -when Jackie and Hyde are sleeping in his room because Jackie is alone at home, it is completely quiet. Hyde seems to relish his connection to Jackie, however negative, and Jackie repeatedly shows trust in Hyde when she's upset. Hyde is too much of a non-conformist to actually go down the marriage route, and Jackie had stated several times that she only wants to marry a rich and successful person. Jackie prepares to host her own public television show, but gets stage fright, and Angie wants to know how she can deliver a "burn". Hyde says, Well, if she wanted to get back together, thats something I wouldnt mind knowing. Good. ", Jackie isn't deterred by Hyde's rejection. Ashton Kutcher left That 70s Showafter season 7, so its possible the writers had intended a reconciliation but decided they couldnt do it justice without both characters on the show to underscore why they would get back together. 11. Meanwhile, Hyde believes Jackie wants to get back together with him and Eric meets someone with his likes and hobbies, but whose life makes him think about his own future. This is not to say that couples who are vastly different cant make it work, but Hyde and Jackies case is really exceptional because they have both antagonized each other in the past so severely and fans just couldnt figure out why they chose to be together. Hydes seemingly out of luck until Jackie arrives. In "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," in order to catch the viewer up on what happened, Jackie asks Hyde, So, Steven, did you have a good time when you went out with your new dad? Its at least the next day from the previous episode, but Hyde would have shared his experience with Jackie first and alone. Hyde says, When youre truly, deeply happy, thats a sure sign youre doing everything wrong. Jackie replies, Its true. RELATED:That 70s Show: 10 Hidden Details About Eric's Basement That You Missed. Jackie successfully uses Hyde's Zen techniques against Laurie until Laurie says something Jackie can't emotionally-distance herself from. Hyde gets angry, says, "No, you don't!" Eventually, he shaves off his beard for her, something he refused to do earlier in the episode, and it cheers her up. This is heartbreaking, especially when one remembers how in-love he was with her during The Immigrant Song. In this episode, theyre still shown as being in sync with each other and deeply in love. Jackies been the main person supporting him during this transition, and disrespecting her is a way of protecting himself from adulthood. He wants both revenge on Jackie and to break up with her for good. He knows he can best accomplish both by sleeping with another woman. "Angie," is another moderately good episode for Jackie and Hyde's relationship. -red convinces hyde to stay at their house even after his 18th birthday. A cop shows up and threatens to arrest Jackie for possession, but Hyde protects her by convincing the cop the pot is his. That 70's show | Jackie and Hyde get caught! At his wits' end, Hyde composes a haiku for her on the spot to "explain [his] feelings" to her. Jackie insists that he does. The upcoming sequel series will follow Eric and Donnas daughter Leia Forman (paying off his Star Wars obsession) in 1995 as she spends the summer with her grandparents Red and Kitty in Point Place. In fact, his response, No, were not, indicates he believes theyll be together for the long haul, as established in season 5 and confirmed in season 6. 10. Who ends up together at the end of That 70s Show? Hyde says, "Jackie, I think youre overreacting and, yes. Jackie inadvertently lets slip her pet name for Hyde, and Hyde's teased relentlessly for it. In a later episode where Jackie is sneaking into the Foreman house, Hyde and Jackie both vehemently deny doing it (except . Red says, Thanks for standing around saying, Ew, grease! Jackie is covered head-to-to in motor oil all day in Career Day, and she learned how to fix a car quickly. Like the writers just didnt care or notice? Hyde and Jackie laughed like that all night. Jackie brings a girl who she deems not to be pretty (. He continues to stare, in-love, after she kicks his shin and while Kelso slings his arm around him, claiming that no "chick is gonna come between [them] anymore". 2120 So. That '70s Show - Season 5 Episode 13: Your Time Is Gonna Come (a.k.a. His voice and words become sympathetic, and he moves closer to Jackie in the car. Kitty laments how Red will abandon her during the day and warns Jackie that Hyde will do the same, but Hyde stays by Jackies side the whole time. She helped him to spruce up his wardrobe and helped him find a steady job. implies Hyde is after his money and Hyde storms out, Jackie is very protective of him. Moreover, in Til The Next Goodbye, Hyde chooses to go after Jackie in Chicago, but instead of allowing them to reunite, the episode tossed a naked Kelso into the mix. ", Jackie begins to idealize Hyde even further and sees him clad in shining armor and sitting on a horse. Hyde doesn't like this answer and says, "You should probably think about that, man. Kelso asks about their pact, and Hyde says, "Look, Kelso, I never felt this way about a girl before, okay? She both bought and brings him a new suit and packed a lunch for him. Hyde, meanwhile, is "scruffy" and "poor". Theirs is arguably the most popular ship from the show. and tosses the bag of pot onto a car. Many fans attribute Jackie and Hyde's popularity to the fact that the characters challenged each other to grow and change for the better. Hyde says, "Wanna hear something sick? When she threatens that she will let everyone know he said shes his girlfriend if he doesnt do what she wants, he says shes coming along nicely. Jackie points out to Kelso that Steven grew up without a father. Watch this Jackie & Hyde video, Jackie and Hyde We belong together. She hugs him forcefully and doesn't let him go. Hydes focus isnt on her at the moment but on the situation with W.B. You know what? Jackie tracks Hyde down at The Hub. Fans were always anxious about what Jackie and Hyde would do even if they did manage to end up with each other. This episode serves as a continuation of "Love, Wisconsin Style". -how did hyde know what motel Jackie was at in Chicago and how did kelso know hyde was going to propose to Jackie if hyde didnt tell anyone and was gone for a month? Outside of Jackie and Kelso being an iconic TV couple, it would be an appropriate fan service to see Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, who are now married with kids in real life, play their famous roles again as a couple. Perhaps not perfectly, but after another year of being with him, she would have continued to grow and change. Privacy Policy. Jackie's reaction to Hyde's revelation about her name is to scream that she hates him and to physically attack him. and that somehow leads to Jackie and Hyde to get together a lot earlier than they were supposed to. Hyde: Yeah, and you know what? In Season 7, episode 2, we discover that Hyde's real father is black, therefore, making him black and white. You are.". ", Eric shouts for Jackie to get out of the basement while they all play. Kelso gets angry and shouts at her, and Hyde tells him to relax. Do Hyde and Jackie get back together? Hyde breaks up with her over this, but Jackie wins him back by finally telling him she loves him -- and without expecting to hear it in return ("Babe I'm Gonna Leave You".). She breaks up with him and runs into Hyde's arms, crying, "Hyde!". She says, Oh, my God. He finally and truly "released" Jackie in the previous episode, having realized she'd grown beyond him thanks to Hyde. Everyone knows Im all youve ever desired. Her statement can be taken as both egocentricity and a touch of insecurity. She runs on coffee and classic movies, taking pride in having watched every film on AFI's 100 Greatest Films list and every Best Picture Oscar winner. Jackie's taste in men also changed when she fell for Hyde. The following scene in the episode is a favorite of Zennies and understandably so. Hyde willingly spends the day with Jackie to help her learn "Zen". Hyde has no experience working in a corporate office. In "Surprise, Surprise," Jackies given back her compassion. Youre, like, a square, a cheerleader. You kiddin me? This characterization was dropped, but Beast of Burden deprives Jackie of something far more precious, her compassion. Jackie and Hyde's reconciliation doesn't come easily. Believe me, I dont wanna talk about us, either.. They continue to make out and are interrupted by Eric and Donna. He reveals to everyone with impish glee that her middle name is "Beulah". Still, the show clearly has the opportunity to improve upon where it went wrong with its season 8 character endings. mary's authentic amish bed and breakfast . As cute as that is, it goes back to her father and how financial success once topped her perfect partner list. Jackie tells Donna that Hyde is "the sweetest coolest guy Ive ever met," that her feelings of hatred toward him have changed. She's only had, like, one boyfriend so" In response to Hyde's warning, Chip says, "Hey, that's not a big surprise. This episode does, however, give an in-character substantiation for why Hyde, in this specific case, doesnt do what Jackie wants him to.