Mountain lions are still more likely to identify scents in their surroundings than humans. Even though the sense of smell of mountain lions is not as developed as their other senses, these animals still have an important use of their noses. The males range may overlap with about 3-4 females, but no other males. Other foods that are known to change your urine odor include garlic, salmon, Brussels sprouts and curries, Dr. Agarwal says. OK, so Im looking at your photos, and it looks like you used abackhoe or somethingto lift the animal and bury it? Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. As widely publicized as these accounts are, they do not occur regularly. Can You Repel Mountain Lions By Using Smells? Robert: I think it was old and possibly sick and came for the easy access to food. Mountain lions also benefit from their enhanced hearing. I looked at it for several seconds before it would compute. But if you havent recently taken a trip to Flavortown, foul-smelling urine could indicate one of two rare metabolic disorders. This stuff is very strong. The Mountain Lion will return to feed on the prey for up to 10 days. I'm scared Lol. Variations in the color of the lion's coat have been listed as rust, apricot, lemon, smoke, and even black. The smell was subtle at first, like it might be a small animal like a squirrel, and then it got stronger, so I thought maybe it was a fox or raccoon, and then it started to get really strong. Amazon has encountered an error. Livestock losses are a source of concern because individual Mountain Lions have been documented wantonly killing dozens of sheep in a single night. "This would be accompanied by going to the bathroom more frequently and an increased urge to go," Dr. Agarwal says. So far this stuff works well. This can ultimately lead to starvation or encounters with humans. Weve tried to feed (the animals) a little earlier and not wear our deer costumes outside at night. The difference between cougar and mountain lion is their names in different regions. Since 1986, people all over the world have discovered and been amazed by the many ways PredatorPee can be used in our day-to-day activities to literally talk to animals of the wild! The urine of that animal should work as a repellant, but there is no assurance that it will work for a long time. Wish Id known about this stuff then. So I bought this because we have coyote issue in our neighborhood. NATIONWIDE SCENTS FRESH DEER URINE FROMOUR DEER TO YOUR DOOR. Answer: Mountain lion urine has a strong musky odor that can be detected by humans. Lion kittens begin to eat meat at the age of six weeks. Are the big cats free range or do, A: Large paws help Mountain Lions sprint over deep snow that deer or elk flounder in. $110.00. Sometimes it's your nose that alerts you to presence of a Mountain Lion. It smelled like every male cat in the area had peed in the yard together. The paws were about the size of an, A News Cafe, founded in Shasta County by Redding, CA journalist Doni Greenberg, is the place for people craving local Northern California news, commentary, food, arts and entertainment. The spooky vocalization is prevalent when two or more male cougars have their sights set on the same female. Bounty hunting of Mountain Lions began as early as the 1600s in North America. Mosquitoes Source: CNET Animal Humans killed per year 1 Mosquitoes 1,000,000 2 Humans (homicides only) 475,000 3 Snakes 50,000. Keep making yourself as large as possible, and start thinking about what potential weapons you might be able to usea walking stick is a good option. Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. Doni:Are mountain lions common where you live in Whitmore? Also no body odor on the cubs and one was 6 months old and weighed around 60 pounds. Fix it: This is harmless keep on caffeinating. This is not the case with mountain lions, although their ultra-sensitive hearing can do that job for them. This might come as a surprise to others because many predatory animals can detect the scent of their prey from afar. Confrontations between dogs and mountain lions are common. The lion waits patiently in dense vegetation or rock crevices for prey to wander by. They are very solitary creatures who prefer to pass by unseen. Thought this was a Genius idea at first. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature. Urine that smells sweet shouldnt be ignored. Everybody who has come by to see it has stopped in their tracks as soon as it comes into their field of view. Do not approach the cougar. Because Mountain Lions avoid all things associated with people, your chances are better at spotting one in the backcountry than in places where people usually hike. These signs are evidence left behind after a cougar has passed through. Your urine may take on a really nasty smell because of these fecal particles, may have a brownish color and you may hear air passing through your urethra as you're peeing. It wouldn't matter to me whether it was real , Q: Robert: Yes. While I do wonder HOW the company gets the urine and if it is abusive to the animal, the product itself does seem to work. In most cases, that funk should disappear within a day or so. Stephen Herrero's book B ear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance, considered the definitive work by many authorities, says "human excrement/urine attracts bears and should not be near your campsite.". Id been on that deck daily, leaning up against the railing, enjoying the view with my morning coffee or a nice pinot in the evenings. Because these wild cats of North America can sometimes live near our own backyards, we obviously have some questions. Now, let's get on with it. Available in Gallon, 64 oz 1/2 Gallon Plastic Bottles, 32 oz Quart Plastic Bottles, Pint Plastic Bottles, 8 oz Plastic Bottles and 4 oz Plastic Bottles. Their heel pad is in a bit of an M shape at the bottom with a divot on top. Some . We have had male cats use the yard as their litter box in the past, but the smell has never been overwhelming, let alone dissipated within minutes. Attacks and fatalities are still very rare, so take some comfort in that! Few ever witness Mountain Lions except for a brief second in car headlights. It is thought this is in part because they are not habituated to humans, and do not see them as prey. Their jaws are powerful enough to break the neck of a deer or smaller animal. Fortunately for mountain lions, whatever they lack in the scent department is offset bigtime by their other special abilities. (Night, Day, Weather, Seasons). As in most livestock depredations, the Mountain Lion that attacks a person is usually a hunger-crazed juvenile that has been pushed into marginal habitat by more dominant males. If You Have Sweet-Smelling Urine. Therefore, they still remain a formidable predator in their natural habitat. Doni:Were these photos taken from your home? It trips the circuit breakers. Dont leave until the cougar leaves be sure the cougar has moved on before you. Some terrestrial animals, wolves, in particular, can be alerted by their sense of smell when an intruder enters their territory. Cougar signs include tracks, scat, scratches and cached (partially buried) prey. Having a huge mountain lion a few feet from my house changed my perspective. Methinks this explains wee Patrick's attempt to change the oath for county employees. Sometimes it's your nose that alerts you to presence of a Mountain Lion. In terms of detecting scent, mountain lions still beat humans by a large mile. Bobcat Urine Bobcat urine is good for mice, moles and voles. If you find a small pile of dirt that smells strongly of cat urine you have found a scent mound used for marking territory.At other times, circling vultures or ravens might indicate the location of a Mountain Lion food cache. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. If you find a small pile of dirt that smells strongly of cat urine you have found a scent mound used for marking territory.At other times, circling vultures or ravens might indicate the location of a Mountain Lion food cache. But before you plan a winter backpack trip in an attempt to see a Mountain Lion, keep in mind that backpacking in winter at Bryce poses far more dangerous risks than Mountain Lions. Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt. What's more, while odor is important, it's often not as telling as other signs, including urine color. Can mountain lions jump? Busch, Robert H. The Cougar Almanac: A Complete Natural History of the Mountain Lion. Scheide. In one study published in The BMJ in 2016, about 60 percent of people claimed they didn't have smelly pee after eating asparagus. The sense of smell is the mountain lion's weakest tool at its disposal, especially when it comes to hunting. I sprayed Mountain Lion urine on the areas that the dogs regularly urinate on, including a Telephone pole, and large Elm tree, as well as along the routes to and from my property. More commonly, this might be a sign of diabetes. When a female reaches the mound by following the males scent, she will also leave a spray of her urine as a way of telling that she got the message.. To be honest, even being near the corpse was unnerving. I REALLY WISH THIS HAD ACTUALLY WORKED! If you are attacked, fight back aggressively to scare the animal away. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Mountain lions do not rely too much on their sense of smell to communicate with fellow cougars. They can certainly be seen during the day, but dawn, dusk and night is when they are most active. If the cougar has no fear of dogs, then the latters scent will not do anything to scare it away. Again, this is likely to happen only when the mountain lion is very afraid of dogs. The spots disappear after 6-9 months, and the eyes turn yellow within 16 months. Health & fitness magazines included in Kindle Unlimited. Theres usually a pretty basic explanation for urine that smells a bit different. The unfortunate result: Pee, breath and sweat that smells like, you guessed it: rotting fish. She lives in Redding, California. Back in the 1970s when I was curator of the Lindsay Wildlife Museum in Walnut Creek, I treated several adult wild mountain lions that had been injured and a couple of orphan wild mountain lion cubs. We dont share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we dont sell your information to others. While mountain lions have heightened senses that make them excellent predators, they have a poor sense of smell. Cat urine has a very strong odor, and getting it out of fabric or even removing the smell entirely from hard surfaces can be difficult. I dragged it a few feet to get it into the front loader and can confirm that it was heavy. I considered using coyote urine, but it is expensive and not that easy to find. Urine smells are normally different from person to person, but a few specific smells can tip you off that something's going on with your health. What about measuring the incisors? Do you have any guess about what killed the mountain lion? Enhancements you chose aren't available for this seller. The underlying message here? Along with the odor, discharge may be greenish-yellow, and you may experience vaginal irritation, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, in the winter, Mountain Lions will visually track deer by following their hoof-prints in the snow. Everybody who has come by to see it has stopped in their tracks as soon as it comes into their field of view. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. So, what's going on? Learn more. Approximately 2 adults and few children. Dominant males may kill juveniles within their territories, so often juveniles must eke out a living in marginal habitat. Haven't had any coyotes in the area since I started using it. The largest Mountain Lion ever to be documented weighed 276 pounds, but a Lion of this size is extremely rare. So in this article well answer some of those common cougar questions, and learn some cool facts about Mountain Lions. Lets learn how to sniff out the clues with urologistPetar Bajic, MD. Im a software engineer. Now you can uncover your windows. Just like the other species of small cats, the mountain lion is built to be an exceptional hunter. We think it was snacking on our chickens, which of course means that it must not have heeded its mothers warnings about not eating the bones. Chamberlain holds a Bachelor's Degree in journalism from CSU, Chico. Some of these items ship sooner than the others. Do Mountain Lions Have A Worse Sense Of Smell Than Humans? I'm hiding in some boulders watching an area of part clearing, part redwoods, and about 4:30pm or so I hear behind me some sounds of small rocks getting kicked around, then they fade away quickly. The Pee Man says that Coyote urine will deter rats, deer, raccoons, groundhogs, gophers and possum. By comparison, Mountain Lions have a weak sense of smell. Maintain eye contact. Also, I did find what looked like lion scats, about a 1/2 mile from the spot, with . It's been many years since I went to a zoo with an enclosed big cat house, but yes I remember them being pretty odorous. Birdwatcher. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. What does mountain lion pee smell like? I think this particular stuff is synthetic. It trips the circuit breakers. Im trying to get rid of a coyote pack, but I dont want to draw in big Cats. The vision of the Mountain Lion is one of the animal's most important adaptations for hunting. If you find a small pile of dirt that smells strongly of cat urine you have found a scent mound used for marking territory.At other times, circling vultures or ravens might indicate the location of a Mountain Lion food cache. If it's your supplement, consider switching to a vitamin with lower levels of B-6. Then, silent stalking of the prey is followed by a quick surprise attack by the powerful cat. Mtn. To be honest, even. The smell of male cat urine was overwhelming. These Southeast Asian mammals are actually related to small forest predators like fossas , civets, and genets. Robert: Yes. Is this an emergency? So I bought this because we have coyote issue in our neighborhood. Lenon's Mountain Lion Urine 100% Pure Mountain Lion Urine Trusted by Trappers Everywhere Since 1924! We'll keep this short and sweet: "Some people notice that they have a coffee smell to their urine after drinking coffee," Dr. Agarwal says. Keep the domestic coyote or fox in a wire pen with access to food and water. Then theyll be too busy feeding babies to chase reflections. If you have foul-smelling or pungent urine that has a strong ammonia scent, then it's likely you're dehydrated, leading to more concentrated urine. Mountain Lions can survive in a variety of habitats, including high mountains, deserts, and swamps. Or it might smell fruity, sour or even fishy. Their instinctive reaction is to flee the danger. Hmm! It was quite clean, but there was no mistaking the aroma of a lion. Copyright 2000-2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. About half a minute or so later, I catch a strong scent, that I would describe as a little like manure, but musky as well. There are plenty of innocuous reasons for pee to have notes of sulfur, like asparagus, garlic or onions. UTIs are pretty common, sending approximately 10 million Americans to the doctor every year for antibiotic treatment, says Dr. Bajic. However in captivity, with no threat of hunting, starvation or many other typical dangers, mountain lions can live 20 plus years. I went back out about 25-30 minutes later and the smell was completely gone. Unless they have a large carcass they are feeding on over multiple days or the female is having kittens, mountain lions dont tend to stay in one spot for more than a few days. I don't think so. A News Cafe, founded in Shasta County by Redding, CA journalist Doni Greenberg, is the place for people craving local Northern California news, commentary, food, arts and entertainment. Free Shipping Always to USA & Canada! If you cover the outsides of the glass areas where the birds are crashing with cardboard or paper, the reflections and the other birds will disappear. 100% Pure Mountain Lion Urine. New York: Lyons and Burford, 1996. Mountain Lion urine is said to keep deer, wild deer, javelins and armadillo at bay. Dont crouch down. Predator Pee 100% Pure Mt Lion Urine 16oz Shakin' Flakes, Nationwide Scents Peak Estrus Deer Urine Scent for Hunting - Doe Pee Buck Scent for Deer - Deer Estrous Rut Scent Buck Lure for Mock Scrapes, Scents Drags and Drippers, Outdoor Hunting Lab Bull Elk and Cow Elk Estrus Urine - Dominant Bull Elk Attractant - Great Human Scent Eliminator for Hunter - Strong Bull Elk and Cow Elk Attractant in Spray Bottle, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Predator Pee 100% Mountain Lion Urine - Territorial Marking Scent - Creates Illusion That Mountain Lion is Nearby - 16 oz, No Import Fees Deposit & $11.89 Shipping to Spain. I got some "don't sh!t here" signs instead, and most dog owners seem to get it, and use the other side now. In fact, you must think twice about leaving your own human scent in hopes to keep mountain lions away, because you might create the opposite effect: That mountain lions could grow accustomed to, and less afraid of humans. Annoying as all h$ll. If a bird moves to another window, cover the outside of that area, too. Scheide. The famous Connecticut mountain lion traveled 1500 miles from South Dakota, the furthest trek currently recorded. The mountain lions sense of smell, while bad for a predator, is still about thirty times as effective as our own sense of smell. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, sugar is being eliminated in your urine, which can add a sweet smell. Make loud noises yell, clap your hands, use a bear bell, or bang things together. Mountain lion attacks on humans are considered rare. Sources: Select your subscriptions from a range of popular titles. While I do wonder HOW the company gets the urine and if it is abusive to the animal, the product itself does seem to work. ${cardName} unavailable for quantities greater than ${maxQuantity}. Bloomberg News and on CNN, KQED and KPFA. There is no solid proof that mountain lions flee upon detecting the scent of dogs in an area. Cougars attack their prey by targeting the spine, and turning your back may be a temptation for them. She lives in Redding, CA. Policy. But sometimes, that malodorous stream serves as a warning sign of an underlying health issue that deserves attention, notes Dr. Bajic. No smell in our yard, it has really worked. Took a 2 liter plastic coke bottle, cut out the bottom and hung a old sock inside with the top still screwed on. In reply to R.V. Mountain Lion Common Name: Mountain Lion Scientific Name: Felis concolor Size (length) English & Metric: 6'-9' (1.5-2.75 m) Habitat: all mountainous regions and swamps Diet: commonly deer but also anything from elk to mice Predators: wolves, other Mountain Lions Mountain Lion NPS Identification: After eight weeks of nursing, the kittens will weigh about 30 pounds. Although, there are accounts claiming that these animals may be wary of dogs after all. That would explain why it dissipated within minutes.. Once the mountain lions fear dwindles, so is the effectivity of the animal urine to repel it. To see our price, add these items to your cart. Umbrella species is a term sometimes used in the world of environmental conservation. Coyote and fox urine are the most commonly used for smaller mammals and deer; bobcat, wolf, bear, and mountain lion urine are also available. As a rule, Mountain Lions avoid people and signs of people, but in recent years, Mountain Lion attacks on humans have become a serious source of controversy. So by protection cougars and creating legislation to preserve habit for them, it also has the potential to benefit many other animals species. Scripps. Lions smell like Mtn. But when there's something funky going on your urine does not smell "normal" to you you probably have questions. Robert: I moved to Whitmore from San Francisco six years ago. Save 5% when you receive 5 or more products in one auto-delivery to one address. People assigned male at birth often have no symptoms, but those assigned female can have a fishy-smelling vaginal discharge. Robert: We had guests over, and we ate lunch on the deck, and after lunch we were enjoying the view and one of them looked down over the railing and said, Hey, I think you have a dead chicken down there, no wait HOLYS, THERE IS A FMOUNTAIN LION UNDER YOUR DECK!. Other times, like when you wake up in the morning, your pee has that, well, "strong pee smell." In children, particularly newborns, sweet-smelling tinkle might indicatemaple syrup urine disease. 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In this life and death game of hide and seek, the scent of predator . If it lingers, though, get checked by a medical professional. After feeding on its kill, the lion will cache the prey, or bury it in a secluded spot. Patrick "Hacker" Jones He knows a thing or two about hackin', lemme tell ya. Do your best to make yourself as big as possible. In the wild, an animals life and survival depends on finding food, finding a mate and staying clear of predators. So I dont know about coyotes, but we sprayed/used this on the four corners of our yard. However, foul-smelling urine might be the first sign, he says. As housing and development expands further into their prime territories, these encounters will inevitably increase. Mountain lion enemies dont threaten the cougar via predation; cougars have no natural predators. Sometimes its your nose that alerts you to presence of a Mountain Lion. Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2022, Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2021. Do Mountain Lions Have A Good Sense Of Smell? Mountain Lions are most active in the winter because snow offers them several advantages over their prey. Today in North America, lion populations are limited to British Columbia, Alberta, the twelve westernmost states in the U.S., and the Florida Everglades. That said, there are several innocuous reasons your pee may smell: This is all completely normal, says Dr. Bajic. Mountain lions are often considered umbrella species because of the large amounts of open habitat and wilderness they require to thrive. It might be an infection, or it could be diabetes. Fun fact: Lots of people can't smell "asparagus pee" because of certain genetic variants that make them unable to detect this odor. No more coyote sightings and I havent seen a possum since I put out the scent. Auto-deliveries sold by Avalanche Brands and Fulfilled by Amazon. Weve also seen tracks on our property before. One was an adult male lion that had been hit by a car. The size of a lion's territory depends on the availability of food and habitat quality. I think something primeval in our brains triggers when you see something like this. I sprayed around the perimeter of the house and the roof. After approximately three months, the kittens will be born. Cougars are most active from dusk to dawn, but it is not unusual for cougars to hunt anytime during the day.

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