Aquarius protects Pisces' vision of love. It hurted me. Last but not least tell her that even if she doesnt love you you will always love her and give your life for her now that will make her smile. She also really enjoys travelling and seeing what all is out there. Mostly wont talk about/reveal things until its happend or there are extremely high certancies often just fine in own thoughts/company at times. 2. He had a horrible temper. We get a divorce within 1 year of his philandering. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7 which is going to bring massive changes to the world and your Pisces man is most definitely going to feel this in the area of his body and who he is at his core. For a Pisces man, on the other hand, sex is an opportunity to form an emotional, and perhaps even psychic bond, with his partner. 15. And violent when pushed. Good luck with all of it. You could use this as a way to open up more conversation. A bit of both, depending on the mood. In fact, it doesnt take Aquarius woman very long at all to know if this guy is someone she wants to be with or if she should just move on. But now I am feeling more relaxed and the heavy fog is lifting and I am able to think a bit clearly. 12. In fact, shell find it rather refreshing that shes not the one who has to bust the moves. I do wear subtle make up to match whatever I am wearing but 90% of the times I like to stay natural.I dont wear drag queen or Kardashian inspired make up because it doesnt suit my personality.I like painted toes and wearing nice shoes. This one I dont know. As a full on Aquarius women born on the 2nd of February, I find the Pisces man (Pisces closer to Aries) Im seeing a bit of whiner Sex is very one sided and this is a first for me not sure why this guy is so selfish in bed.. very odd because most men get most of their thrill out of making the magic happen for her. We do infact have our differences at times but they are quickly resolved in which we later end up laughing about. 20. He is a charming person and he use that charm to entrap women to get what he wants. i believed she could never break up with me but here i am cant stop crying. As a child you may have been ostracized for your "weirdness", leaning into this characterization in adulthood as a defense mechanism to keep . Pisces Male Positive Traits. 13) it takes a lot but when it comes out its best to leave. An Aquarius woman would be able to give him this focus and direction if she were so inclined. I need my questions answered, and I need his undivided attention when he is not working. Thats being a little generous as I think others would rate them a little lower. Free to join to find a man and meet a man online who is single and looking for you. This man can completely become spellbound by your electrifying aura and a very, very direct approach. She appreciates unique personalities and people who live extraordinary lives. Im so close to giving up on my Pisces man. What attracts a Pisces man is a woman who is as caring and compassionate as he is. Her heart cannot be pinned down to one location for too terribly long unless shes quite mature and ready to stay in one spot. I just find them awkward personally. At least I would know somewhere in his cold tiny heart he is capable of hot feeling and love. The affirmation of being chased is a positive. He has some amazing fantasies that she thinks she'd be happy to be part of. She doesnt try hard to contact me every day, but when I contact her first I can tell she has been waiting all day to hear my voice. I am currently talking to a aquarius and from the first time we talked we clicked rite away. I do need constant attention but secretly, I want constant attention from HIM. An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. Aquarius is strange because we like newness and excitement but we also need consistency and stability. No, it is not as easy as the traditionally compatible signs, and Im sure its more drama for him than dating another water or earth sign but in a way, the drama just proves how much we love eachother. Coldness, betrayal, or dishonesty. They are different and gentle for sure. At least not easily. Im totally unaware of his feelings, not exactly, I know that he might not have the same feelings for me. she already knows you are not in it for the long haul and thats why she is the way she is towards you. She will hopefully (AS I HAVE DONE) enjoy it more, want it more and appreciate it more than when she is young. Aquarius is constantly critically looking at the world and questioning its reality. She does not even like having to give orders if she can avoid it. This age is based on the signs order in the zodiac. The Pisces and Aquarius compatibility in friendship is perhaps the strongest bond between this pair. While this makes him a kind and caring guy, it also makes him extremely indecisive. otherwise she will start feeling lonely and will want anyone next to her. 16. the brunt of my temper. To attract this woman, impress her with your knowledge of the world, especially art and high society. Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. 18) lack of attention, praise and ego rubs Pisces man said he wnts these thigs too, but he never said with ME specifically. Pisces are flirts and are capable of having affairsHe was NOT necessarily cold. You are ready to deepen your bond, to fully commit to a future together. I'm not one to say any pairing has greater or lesser compatibility than another. Just try to see where she stands with you. More often yes than no. Thanks. Make some decisions about what is acceptable and what exceeds the boundaries around which you seek to protect your partnership. I want/expect to be his priority. If they have already learned how to navigate each others many quirks and habits, they have a chance of success. Generally, a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman will not find each other attractive. It feels like ive known her all my life. I feel like I am always waiting for more love and affection and sexual closeness from him but I never get it. Now we can not keep away from one another. At least not easily. Aquarius woman will find Pisces mans sex appeal quite a draw for her. Hi Rose. She also has the capability to get on a roll when she finally does get upset. She needs friends who either ground or excite her, and she will see Pisces as a potential grounding force. Depends on how major it is. They will have an interesting household and provide many experiences. No. Every time I express myself, he turns it around on me. Stuff off.. If I stopped trying so hard to make things work I feel like this relationship will fall apart. 7. Whether we are together just for now or 20 years from now. Signs next to each other in the zodiac do not have much in common with one another. Im an Aquarius woman and I was with a Pisces male for almost 2 years. If somebody wants to deceive her, they usually succeed in doing so as this woman has a great tendency to fall into illusions. If Im putting in the effort then the commitment is already there. Yes! Make your Pisces man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. You might want to get to the root of his behavior b4 you do what I did and waste all of those precious years that you will NEVER EVER get back. He can put himself in anybody's shoes and his empathy is huge. You are right when an aquarian woman truly love.. which comes after being good friend we love all the way n give it all!! 3. Never physical temper though. Not all happy years. Pisces Man Aquarius Woman Compatibility Degree. Neither of them faces ego clashes. Not hot or cold. It takes a long time for an Aquarius woman to fall in love. Can these two zodiac signs have a strong and successful relationship? 19. Aquarius woman is always truthful when asked a question. Venus is harmony and well-being in love and loving life (through creative expression, style, friendships). Find a man in my area! But if you dont sense that she is very close to you maybe she could stray because aquarius is searching for the ideal lover. We compliment each other well, are able to be so comfortable with each other, and I cant wait for many more years with him. An Aquarius woman is a bit of an anomaly. Even if a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman have a job or a project that requires mutual cooperation, it is unlikely that they will actually work together. This means that it is hard for them to find common ground. The Pisces man is struggling with family decisions. Nope. He continued this nonsense until he had 3 affairs. He became a man that I didnt know anymore, a total about faceHe would argue with me, stay out all nite and started treating me like crap, like his new doormat. Having a little time apart and retaining your independence is a great way to keep a Pisces guy interested in you and spice up the relationship. He will be the more sensitive and nurturing parent, and she will be the one to set limits. There is always that deep bond. If these two actually do fall madly in love then their love could help them overcome whatever problems they have. These books showed me the truth, answered all my questions and fully convey and support The Truth as it is. If I meet a man even at my age now and he doesnt text me everyday or email me everyday my mind wanders away from him. They need attention and some of them need it everyday. So sometimes it ends up being we want to have a lover or friend we can trust and grow deeper with, while we both go discover exciting things together. 20) yes but with personal things. Sometimes people ignore the emotions of Aquarius because they are so focused on Aquarius' brain. He just doesnt make the effort to be with me. Any man can be. Pisces man will take a little longer because hes a dreamer and holds out hope. He is the most generous lover I have ever been with and the sex between us is breayhtakingly incredible. And he tells me he really likes me and that that he can make me love him in time, and that he knows he will make a marriage work. But I finally told her I am exhausted in trying to prove myself. In my experience, most definitely not. She likes to do things her own way, without having to listen to orders or cooperate with anyone. I have a lot of rage and anger towards society, so Im also not the final word on the matter. 3. aquarius are dreamers too. Theyre usually so negative and hopeless, but this one gets much closer to how beautiful and complicated our partnership is. The love connection was something out of this world, but we looked at relationships very differently. 14. The Pisces woman keeps her man from becoming too disengaged. Don tell me a young Aquarius woman wont cheat, not true at all. I got this free love reading and it was helpful: What a regret and a total waste of those yearsBut they are gone and Ill NEVER get them back unfortunately Of course, I still get people coming out of the blue, saying: I have been wondering what you are doing. (thid=s is on my property) As I have no wish to justify myself, I reply: I dont have the slightest curiosity about what you are doing. He is so gentle, affectionate and protective of me. yea aquarius woman needs the man to be around. It means I am far more nurturing than a Cancer Sun Sign female.My maternal instincts are very strong so I wouldnt prefer a male who doesnt want to create a family because a Cancer Moon is all about the home life. I love having my significant other cook for me. Their mutual curiosity about each other will be enough at first to make Aquarius and Pisces sexually compatible. I was his one true love and he made sure I see to it. 20. Aquarius and Pisces should put all their needs,desires and expectations on the table instead of being passive aggressive and complaining about each other. This is the first time I feel so deeply intuned with a partner with sex too. His empathy is strong which can hinder his own personal growth worrying about others. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 yrs. As a Cancer Moon, I am mother of the zodiac, lol. While Aquarius is naturally drawn to Scorpio, their relationships often end in a metaphorical battlefield. Aquarius Man with Pisces Woman Love Compatibility, Aquarius Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Pisces Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs. That is what it takes. All this makes is easy to be hurt while also not offering the other person enough space. An Aquarius woman is extremely emotionally guarded and it can take a great deal of time before she is willing to show any vulnerability. Never go to bed mad. The Pisces woman takes up the paint brushes and hits the canvas in her art studio. he has ignored my need for attention too long. But it is fading. Consecutive signs often share traits, regardless of element. I stay in silent and I dont contact him. 6. General, pisces are for fun. Would he prefer someone who likes to spend all of her time with him, or someone more independent? I just want the perfect amount, not too much that he feels drained out and not too less where I feel starved for affection and unsatisfied. Thats one thing we have in commonwe are both into using sex to bond us together spirituallywere soul mates. It was so intense. I think Pisces and Aquarius can work, if the Pisces is matureand the Aquarius is open-minded, at the same time. It wont be an easy path for either of them but it truly depends on how deep the love is. First. A Pisces guy is happy to shower you with compliments and he will tell you how beautiful and sexy you are, but he wants you to believe him. No zodiac sign has a bigger heart than a pisces. He calls me nasty names when he is angry at me for the most trivial things like forgetting to get the mail. Every woman he sees, he lust after. I wish you all the best! Your email address will not be published. Thats highly dependent on the situation. This is often why its easier to have short escapes for alone time to think, and recharge. I had long forgotten it untl she said it to me. If Im with a woman, Im 100% hers unless the energy changes between us then its time for us to split. A very insecure man no doubt. I am assuming you two are in a serious relationship with real commitment. Our passion was HOT in the beginning. I should know. We either want a relationship or we dont, we either care or we do not. Do Pisces men like when their gfs/wives make hot home cooked meals for them? I caught him at phone sex (back when that was popular). Yes now I know these things, but when I was very young I didnt realize any of it, and thus didnt know what to do or think really. I wear my heart on my sleeve, I am honest and open with my feelings and expect the same from my man. Pisces men have a thing for feet, so they can't stand a woman who doesn't take care of her feet. Our community thrives when we help each other. If they enter into a commitment, it will be stable and long-lasting. Were a intimate sign for a reason. She too has great fantasies and dreams but he can see how she actually goes after what she wants. I am a picese man and testify to loving an Aquarius woman. Pisces man wont understand this about her and will start looking elsewhere to find someone else who fits his desires in life. 13. I have never met someone like him. Sometimes its better to ease into the conversation like it would kill me if you ever stopped being mine and just read her vibes aquarians go a lot by vibe, but usually pisces are the ones that can read it. Having Saturn in his sign is going to be a challenge, but ultimately he will come through this victorious. The Pisces man and Aquarius woman capacity to be parents is there if they want to have children but they must first make their own relationship blossom before they confuse their lives by having kids. It would crush my connection I have for her if she was having casual sex. He really wanted me first. We had 2 daughters who had 5 grandchildren for us. The cheating thing, from my own experience, I couldnt do it. But, as I read other comments, if it doesnt work somehow, it could be really painful. 11. so instead saying candle lit dinner, your bulb blew, i got some candles, i might even cook you some food There is not much chemistry between these signs, and they are not natural partners for each other. If she's the one who wants his attention, she should try and be a little bit more cerebral and independent. I met a Picean. We hadnt been close for twenty years, but her visit melted away all the ice cold years of pain from being apart. 17. They are interested in helping other people and want to make the world a better place for everyone. She needs space most likely. its not cold and detached if she really likes you she is just figuring how to respond to it, like we over think things (speaking from experience), and the romantic thing, maybe try and rephrase this, its the way you deliver things. 17) yes yes and yes Before I just did not know how much more amazing sex could get. How to Avoid Making a Pisces Man Break Up with You. Something about his attitude and attention toward her brings her out of the clouds and back down to earth. He needs someone to help him ground himself because otherwise hes going to get so far into his fantasies that he may forget what reality is. Appreciating any of her abilities and thoughts will be helpful. A Pisces man is happiest in the world of dreams. There are a few things that have the capacity to work well with the Pisces man and Aquarius woman matchup. cell number, but has never contacted me. They both have old souls and share innate sagacity that makes them seem wise beyond their years. They will fall in love deeply and adore their partner/man and can be very loyal to him, however marriage may not be their cut of tea simply b/c they want to be free. Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. It is not necessarily physical passion, but a closeness and romance of the mind. I am sorry but as another Aquarius woman I can NOT sympathize with you. We are in each others space all the time. Aquarius woman is a waste of time for Pisces man. For this reason, with a few exceptions, they are not very good matches by zodiac sign. They value friendship and happiness Aquarius men are much attracted to women who laugh genuinely and easily. He makes me laugh, cry, smile, and sometimes just want to scream in a good way and also in a bad way. And probably impulsivity. If you want to know how to get a Pisces man to chase you, show him that you are as generous as he is. Required fields are marked *. 6. When you learn more about the typical Pisces personality, you will get a better sense of what kind of woman attracts a Pisces man. Pisces, of course, will appreciate this, because essentially on a subconscious level, the Aquarians are the protectors of the Pisces vision. You know her better than I do lol. 4. You must constantly be learning about yourself and remember that everyone you meet is still learning about themselves too. They can have that with a Scorpio too, but Scorpios do have a tendency to sting their loved ones, which can push and shake up an Aquarius. If were talking complete and utter nymphomania then I think just about anyone functional would be taken aback. kissmanga. Most of our arguments are about how I feel about something hes done and he flips it and says I hurt his feelings bringing it up which really p*sses me off cause how does my feelings and how I feel hurt his feelings it makes no freaking sense I just feel like hes trying to get me to apologize for my feelings? Se will then (with age) let her emotions rule it. We are hard to get since we are used to brutish men that just chase and chase and only care about themselves.
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