Cultural appropriation is a bullshit term made up by people who feel some bizarre psychological need to make up reasons to punish themselves. Sacred creatures? The question of how to challenge the wtiko psychosis as described by Forbes and Wendigo Economics as described by LaDuke is a difficult one, but the mythic force of the concept of the wendigo helps to underscore the urgency of these questions. [28] He eventually confessed and was executed by authorities at Fort Saskatchewan. During a panel at YES! It has no place in the world of Folklore and monsters. Archived post. No cultural appropriation in it, I promise! Apparently, wendigos are sacred creatures from several indigenous cultures. Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical way. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The legend of the wendigo has long been associated with real-life problems like insatiable greed, selfishness, and violence. identity. Tell us about it in the comments. Guillermo del Toro, producer of the film, developed the wendigo on the basis that the more the creature eats, the more it gets hungry and the more it gets hungry, the weaker it becomes. Mexicans: Cultural Appropriation PragerU 3.01M subscribers Subscribe 85K Share 2.2M views 4 years ago What is cultural appropriation? [26][27] During the winter of 1878, Swift Runner and his family were starving, and his eldest son died. I know what cultural appropriation is but Ive not been as involved in social justice as I used to be and I guess its showing. The Wendigos are the ultimate antagonists of Until Dawn. [28] Given that he resorted to cannibalism so near to food supplies, and that he killed and consumed the remains of all those present, it was revealed that Swift Runner's was not a case of pure cannibalism as a last resort to avoid starvation, but rather of a man with Wendigo psychosis. So, thanks, Dave! But I do notice that Eyre stopped short of saying colonialization is the origin for the Wendigo legend. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Those poor men (according to the report given us) were seized with an ailment unknown to us, but not very unusual among the people we were seeking. J.K. Rowling's Cultural Appropriation Should Be A Lesson To White Writers Native Americans shouldn't be a "niche," and neither should women, LGBT people, or people of color. [47], Other creatures based on the legend, or named for it, appear in various films and television shows, including Dark Was the Night, Ravenous , The Lone Ranger (2013),[48] and the 2021 film Antlers by Scott Cooper, where the wendigo is portrayed as a deer-like creature with a glowing heart that moves from person to person with a never ending hunger. That will depend on who you ask. We should talk about how Thor and Loki are cultural appropriation of Norwegian mythology. Contents 1 History 2 Gallery 3 Trivia 4 Navigation History I think it's okay because you're not trying to rewrite actual history or actual legend. Europeans may well have behaved like Wendigos when they invaded the Americasthey didbut they didnt bring the Wendigo with them. Welcome to Facing Today, a Facing History blog. My tongue and my brain do not speak the right language. If it's so vulgar and offensive that many hate it, well they can just not look at it lmao - it clearly wasn't made for them. I read some stuff yesterday saying that teepees are cultural appropriation and there was a long post about how wendigos arent cryptids and how stories about them are cultural appropriation. I am so offended! [31][32] Others have pointed to a number of credible eyewitness accounts, both by Algonquians and others, as evidence that Wendigo psychosis was a factual historical phenomenon. He was eating the juice (marrow) from the inside of the bones of his legs that were cut off. It's also linked to the many cultural taboos against these negative actions and behaviors. The Wendigo may be a figure from American Indian mythology, but it belongs to all of humankind. The boy told the Indians that the Windigo was near them, and showed them his hand where the Windigo cut him to see if he was fat enough to eat. Dollightful's Apology: clear up the addition that I made even more, I think that it would be pretty important for the information on this topic to be easily accessible to her viewers. Cookie Notice As researchers, most of us are lost in a wilderness filled with Windigo, Skinwalkers and various other indigenous cosmological entities, and we need to recognize we have no idea what we are talking about. Film, In a report from the Contemporary Folklore conference covered in issue 388 of FORTEAN TIMES, the go-to magazine for all things paranormal, weird, or unexplained, a complaint is voiced about the "cultural appropriation" of the Wendigo, likening it to the "sexualization" of the Mothman statue in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. I do know some natives believe you should not say or write its name because that may make it come or you may be infected and become it. Just as the vampire and werewolf do not belong exclusively to people of European descent and the Mummy doesnt belong to Egyptians. As a result, in 1907, Fiddler and his brother Joseph were arrested by the Canadian authorities for homicide. This is a story shared not merely for entertainment but to reinforce the communal values that allow the communities in which this practice occurs to live well with one another and within their environments. So it seems to me like the objection might have something to do with an inappropriate mixing of religious contexts from two different belief systems. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. No they fucking aren't. How dare they? [58] Several of these creatures also appear in the game's cover art.[59]. It's like saying vampires are sacred. See more. Still though, Im not sure I fully get the Native American spirits(?) I hate that I am defending JKR but I think a lot of people don't really think about how the internet was in in the late 90s and what kind of content was on the internet. Only assholes think thats offensive. There's nothing wrong with drawing the popular concept of a wendigo monster, or drawing any monster with antlers, and calling it a wendigo. Anyone who lives in a place that is exposed to more than . An uncontrollable craving for consuming human flesh, even if a plenty of other food is available. BTW, I love rainbow farting unicorns! This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. No one can try to stake a singular claim to it. 5. If an idea has merit, it doesn't need protecting. It turned its hunger on the Americas, a wendigo so hungry that it consumes its own lips if there is nothing else for it to eat. This form of cultural appropriation is deeply intertwined with systemic and institutionalized racism rooted in capitalism. Eat what you want to eat, tattoo yourself with whatever you want to tattoo yourself with, wear what you want to wear, and let those ove Continue Reading More answers below The line between what differentiates cultural appropriation from cultural appreciation can be razor-thin, not to mention highly . Not so for anyone who isn't a straight, white male, and this trend in entertainment forces many people to seek out "niche" markets to find characters who look like them and are portrayed honestly and realistically. [21] The last known wendigo ceremony conducted in the United States was at Lake Windigo of Star Island of Cass Lake, within the Leech Lake Indian Reservation in northern Minnesota.[when? Basically, the word wendigo can also function as a symbol for gluttony and the image of excess. I really just want to learn about how to appreciate aspects of cultures that I am not included in respectfully. In addition to characterizing individual people who exhibit destructive tendencies, the wendigo can also describe movements and events with similarly negative effects. A classic example is wearing a Plains Indian war bonnet (see the 80s band The Village People). The idea that diversity and representation can be addressed simply through a "balance between four guys and four girls" or through the removal of "traditional phallic stabbing" troubles me. This year's Met Gala theme China: Through the Looking Glass was just begging for cultural appropriation, which led many starlets to play it safe with minimal references to China.Emma Roberts, however, earned herself Twitter backlash for wearing chopsticks in her hair.. Chopsticks in the hair is one of many broadly "Asian" styles tried on by Western dressers (for what it's worth . Basil H. Johnston, an Ojibwe teacher and scholar from Ontario, gives a description of a wendigo: The Wendigo was gaunt to the point of emaciation, its desiccated skin pulled tightly over its bones. Strictly speaking, cultural appropriation is the adoption of some element of another culture -- food, language, practices, fashion, etc. Cultural appropriation by a dominant culture is harmful to underrepresented cultures because it reduces cultural significance and reinforces double standards. [57] In the 2018 first-person shooter video game Dusk, wendigos are enemies that remain invisible until they receive damage. So for some woke culture types it's considered a form of disrespectful cultural appropriation to make your own Halloween monster or character based on a wendigo. No it isn't cultural appropriation, as long as it is researched and accurately presented in the story. It also includes the unauthorized use of parts of their culture (their dress, dance, etc.) Theres something else. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. I have drawn my own version of golems too, and that is Jewish mythology. Pet Sematary is an important cultural artifact thanks to King's widespread popularity and recognition as a horror writer. Without really understanding the conflict here, it seems like the issue is not people illustrating the creature, but using it as a creepy Halloween themed prop. More Than Monsters: The Deeper Significance of Wendigo Stories, often presented apart from its original cultural contexts, At Facing History and Ourselves, we value conversationin classrooms, in our professional development for educators, and online. are not cryptids, and don't even traditionally have deer skulls for heads. Other sources say wendigos were created when a human resorted to cannibalism to survive. I would refuse to be shackled by political correctness. "[37] This application allows Native Americans to describe colonialism and its agents as wendigos since the process of colonialism ejected natives from their land and threw the natural world out of balance. cultural identity theft, many would argue that cultural appropriation is inevitable in a melting pot like the United States. The Wendigo was gaunt to the point of emaciation; its desiccated skin pulled tautly over its bones. For more information, please see our This country is seeking to be whole Stretching out its arms and consuming all it can. From Stephen Kings Pet Sematary to the television series Hanibal, the flesh-eating image of the wendigo is often presented apart from its original cultural contexts where it carries deep moral significance. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #culturalappropriation, #cultureappropriation, #culturalappropiation, # . It springs from the well of the collective human unconscious, the communal soul. People don't get offended on scotland's behalf over the common depiction of their national animal as a rainbow farting fairy horse. Though these misrepresentations of the wendigo beg for critical interrogation, the wendigo stories of Algonquian peoples offer a window into the endurance of cultural resources used to transmit significant moral values, and underscore the power of Native people using these stories to engage in social critique. While Bieber's locs may be perceived . [clarification needed] The ceremony, known as wiindigookaanzhimowin, was performed during times of famine, and involved wearing masks and dancing backward around a drum. Watch popular content from the following creators: Thorn (@shr00mermaid), Thorn (@shr00mermaid), Nuoance(@nuoance), MattHatterPlays(@matthatterplays), Aidan Mattis(@theaidanmattis) . They're monsters. Cultural appropriation can be defined as the "cherry picking" or selecting of certain aspects of a culture, and ignoring their original significance for the purpose of belittling it as a trend. Here's some links:Website - -\u0026listing_id=736195213Instagram - Instagram - Music used in this video -Prime Beatz - BLACKPINK. In addition, for many Indigenous peoples and local communities, making traditional clothes is a source of income; as such, cultural appropriation can . On the other hand, "The Wendigo" is one of the first representations of the windigo by a I have not always done so, and it appears that in this case, J.K. Rowling did not either. Wendigo is a part of MCU, too. As long as theyre not shoving their porn in your face let them be as Paul McCartney sung. Sentences like "The Native American wizarding community was particularly gifted in animal and plant magic" are cringe-worthy if you give them a little thought, and the notion that only European wizards were clever enough to invent wands, which make magic "more precise and more powerful" borders on horrific levels of cluelessness. [18], A wendigo need not lose the human's powers of cognition or speech and in some depictions may clearly communicate with its prospective victims or even threaten or taunt them. It's taking those cultural. Some researchers argued that, essentially, Wendigo psychosis was a fabrication, the result of nave anthropologists taking stories related to them at face value without observation. It can serve as a metaphor explaining any pattern of domination by which groups subjugate and dominate or violently destroy and displace. Ill admit, my initial reaction was very dismissive. And how many would have known that in the past - and even now - the originators of the cornrows, the headdresses, the bindis, would have been persecuted for wearing them? And FWIW, I've read stories that disturbed me & even disgusted me but the author has the right to tell their story whether I like it or don't. Halloween is literally a holiday (most Americans see it as a good excuse to dress as a sexy cat or whatever, but there are actually still people left who believe it's sacred and who perform rituals etc for the holiday). (A friend sent this screenshot to me, along with the info, because he knows how much PC-ism pisses me off. People were not really using Google until the 2000s and that kind of info might have not been available in the 90s. "[36] Out of equilibrium and estranged by their communities, individuals thought to be afflicted by the wendigo spirit unravel and destroy the ecological balance around them. Not only is it not offensive, I LOVE seeing references to wendigos in popular culture! Is it okay for a white person to celebrate the culture. This term only applies to a . Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression and doesn't respect their original meaning or give credit to their source. There, he uses the cannibalistic wendigo as a metaphor for the behaviors and attitudes central to patterns of social domination visited upon his own people in the Americas and subjugated peoples everywhere. It never occurred to me that what I was doing might be offensive, because I've never even met a Native American person in real life. Most sensible thing said ever. Posted By : / actual instructions in flowcharting are represented in /; Under :nose exercise before and afternose exercise before and after Cultural appropriation consists of borrowing something from another culture in mockery or thoughtless misuse. One example is Ojibwe activist Winona LaDuke who has called for a decisive shift away from what she has termed Wendigo Economics for the sake of the health of the natural world. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If I can draw my own version of a Chinese dragon, or my own version of angel or demon, I can draw a wendigo. It's a really cool beast that I personally would like to see more in fiction. Mythologynote my use of the capital M to convey that it is far more than just some made-up stories; it is stories containing deeper spiritual truthsbelongs to all of humanity. I believe cultural appropriation is Only when someone of another 'race' or culture creates something and passes it off as if it is authentic. Dont like someones fetish? Unlike cultural appropriation, strategic anti-essentialism can be practiced by both minority cultures and majority cultures. These bonnets are symbols of warrior achievements and are the equivalent of military medals. Cho isn't even only problematic character, Lavander changed her race (in movies, i'm not sure about books but still, Rowling could of said something). .mw-parser-output .verse_translation .translated{padding-left:2em}@media only screen and (max-width:43.75em){.mw-parser-output .verse_translation.wrap_when_small td{display:block;padding-left:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .verse_translation.wrap_when_small .translated{padding-left:0.5em}}, Ce qui nous mit plus en peine, fut la nouvelle que nous apprismes ds l'entre du Lac, sauoir: que les deputez par nostre Conducteur, qui deuoient conuoquer les Nations la Mer du Nord, et leur donner le rendez-vous pour nous y attendre, auoient est tuez l'Hiuer pass, d'une faon estonnante. C'est la maladie dont ces dputez furent atteints; et comme la mort est l'vnique remede parmy ces bonnes gens, pour arrester ces meurtres, ils ont est massacrez pour arrester le cours de leur manie. ][22][failed verification], In historical accounts of retroactively diagnosed Wendigo psychosis, it has been reported that humans became possessed by the wendigo spirit, after being in a situation of needing food and having no other choice besides cannibalism. In some traditions, humans overpowered by greed could turn into wendigos; the myth thus served as a method of encouraging cooperation and moderation. I mean yeah I see what your saying, personally I do research on what its about even if I don't use it in it's entirety. The horror film Antlers adopts an old monster for its story, which serves as both a benefit and a hindrance. so no, if you're some white kid hearing crying in the forests of california you're not being "lured into the Return to Article Details Culturally Conceptualizing Trauma: The Windigo in Joseph Boyden's Three Day Road That, I would affirm, is truly and literally cannibalism, and it is cannibalism accompanied by no spiritually meaningful ceremony or ritual., More than a commentary on the life of wendigo stories amongst his own people, Forbes deploys the metaphor of the wendigo to advance nothing less than a critique of civilization at large and describes the violence that he argues lies at its foundation as one driven by a kind of wendigo psychosis. (the proceeding statement may contain some levels of sarcasm.). First, he gives definitions of the key concepts of "appropriation" and "arts," and delimits his investigation as one concerned with "cultural" appropriation. In Algonquian traditions, the wendigo monster emerges not randomly or in violent response to colonialism as it often does in popular media but through a specific set of circumstances that are unique to different tribal groupings. Learn how your comment data is processed. 9 Neil Jamieson-Williams Science Fiction Writer (part-time/now full-time) at Self-Employment (1977-present) Author has 1.7K answers and 1.1M answer views Updated 6 mo Ah, another Mike Wilson question Even before it went live, she was being criticized for her apparently blatant cultural appropriation of Native American folklore, and since publishing the criticism has only grown more pointed. I can write whatever fiction I want, and draw whatever I want. The latest addition to this lineup of wendigo tales is Scott Cooper and Guillermo del Toros horror film Antlers (2021) in which a Native American character provides some brief exposition before the story centered around a white community contending with the monster begins in earnest. Magazine with fellow environmental thought leaders, LaDuke said: Theres this conflict between the cannibals and Mother Earth, and its going on everywhere. Draw/write what you want, I say. Dollightful's Wendigo Doll - Cultural Appreciation or Appropriation? It was forbidden to resort to this practice, even out of desperation. They got Thor and Loki all wrong and what the hell? The Wendigo happens to be part of my own (Anishiinaabe) cultural heritage. Windigo psychosis may well be the most perfect example of the construction of an Aboriginal mental disorder by the scholarly professions, and its persistence dramatically underscores how constructions of the Aboriginal by these professions have, like Frankenstein's monster, taken on a life of their own. You dont have to be French to love the Phantom of the Opera. What makes the wendigo any different from other culturally important mythological creatures like unicorns? Maybe ask a person of Chinese heritage. And some natives don't care at all. Handle the characters and the story with respect. Kaitlin Smith on November 30, 2021. They are seen as malevolent, cannibalistic, supernatural beings of great spiritual power . J.K is weird for using name like that, it isn't hard to google names, i know she wrote books before internet was as "popular" as now, but i honestly doubt that she couldn't find name and surname of east asian person, she could of used names from either celebrity ( use surname of one and name of other or something like that), she could of used name from character from some book, there were ways of finding name that isn't bad as Cho-Chang, also i find it a bit weird that said character is in "smart" house, feels way to stereotypical for me. When first hearing this criticism, I, as a wannabe author of fiction (by the way, you can buy my debut novella here) rolled my eyes and whitesplained to myself why Rowling wasn't doing anything wrong. Lurking in the deep woods of the Northern United States and Southern Canada lies a mysterious and fearsome Native American monster, the Wendigo. The Indians then killed him and cut him to pieces. I can't even think about bank without getting mad, why did she need to make them like that..EVERY name is filled with stereotypes , well every name from minority .I don't even want to talk about Fantastic Beasts problems. It also includes the unauthorized use of parts of their culture (their dress, dance, etc.) Nitty gritty. Ten years later, "cultural appropriation" is no longer an obscure academic term . So some may be fine if you draw it but don't say its full name. Beyond Forbes, other Native American thinkers have also used wendigo stories to present critical perspectives on various social problems and call for their resolution. I think people just need to chill out, no mater what their religion and culture is. As described by the Native American Cree legends, they were humans who have been mutated into cannibalistic monsters after being possessed by the Wendigo spirit, causing them to eat the flesh of other humans. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Shock factor aside, it's especially eye-catching in that it isn't necessarily a result of being desperate for food. She states that the wendigo symbolically represents three major concepts: it is the incarnation of winter, the embodiment of hunger, and the personification of selfishness. This inspired an entire thread -->, Sucks to be these artists I guess. no actual cases of windigo psychosis have ever been studied, and Lou Marano's scathing critique in 1985 should have killed off the cannibal monster within the psychiatric annals.

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