Recent speculation about the location of the ship has brought national attention to issues in Africatown, such as its lawsuit against an industrial plant for generating cancer-causing pollution. Some made great contributions to American society. The former Rainer residence, 1980. Two registers listing the names of around 15,000 Confederate Civil War veterans. Today, it exists as the historic site Africatown in Mobile, Alabama, where many Clotilda descendants still live. The index can be used to locate original records, which will contain further details. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Over 2.3 million records from investigations of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A searchable database of linked genealogies compiled from thousands of reputable and not-so-reputable sources. By 1864, Confederate deserters roamed the countryside plundering farms and attacking targets of opportunity, and Unionists engaged in battles with secessionists. "Speculators" (persons who traveled from place to place with slaves for sale) had housed 84 slaves there - many of whom were pregnant women. An index to and digital images of lists assessing military personnel. Slavery, however, existed in every county. Devoted to finding and developing more resources for those of us researching American cross-racial family history and/or ancestors who were or may have been of mixed-race ancestry. UNION SPRINGS, Ala. (WSFA) - One person is dead and another is hospitalized following a Sunday afternoon shooting in Union Springs. See All Court & Legal Records for Union Springs Union Springs Taxation Records Alabama Census & Substitutes Index (1810-1890) Parkers slaves were called free negroes because they were treated so well., We have a few slaves who say they were treated well, Proctor said. Huntsville, Alabama served as temporary capital from 1819 to 1820, when the seat of government moved to Cahaba in Dallas County. 1 beds 1 baths. These men were formed into separate regiments known as the United States Colored Troops. Name index and images from passenger lists of those arriving in San Francisco, California. Electrical, water, sewage, and telephone systems improved the quality of life. He owned plantations with slaves in Macon and Russell counties (adjacent to Bullock County) in Alabama and in Muscogee County, just across the state line in Georgia. So you see, all blacks did not come to America as slaves. American Cross Race Genealogy Research I was so lonesome without her that I would often go about my work and cry and look for her return but she never came back.. African American Research, Part 1 When I came home from school in the afternoon, we prepared the boarders dinners. This spring, the community secured a grant to build a museum, and many researchers and organizations remain interested in searching for the Clotilda. 334-738-2670. Is lonesome for Massa and Missy and if Id been close enough Id sho gone back to the old plantation. Sort. Their stories include the inhumanity of their conditions: children having to eat out of troughs, and field slaves being herded into pens like cattle. An index to over 100,000 divorces, listing the name of the husband and wife, date of divorce and county of divorce. After the Clotildas voyage to Africa, Meaher burned the ship in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta to destroy the evidence of the illegal journey. City Hall. Is born at Union Springs in [Bullock County] Alabama and Major Hardway owned me and bout a hundred other slaves. Contains thousands of titles and over 100 million pages. Find 6 Water Departments within 43.8 miles of Bullock County Water Department. An index and digital images of schedules recording statistical data concerning agriculture, industry, social and other areas. On December 5, 1866, Bullock County was created out of portions of Macon, Barbour, Pike, and Montgomery Counties. Documents recording over 600,000 men from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee who were called up for military service. In Alabama, Meaher sold some of the Africans, but divided up most between himself, his two brothers and the ships captainnone of whom were ever convicted for their crimes. Name index to death and burial records from the state of Alabama. (4) The interviews were conducted during the Great Depression, when ex-slaves may have been afraid to endanger their often-precarious financial situation by offending the white establishment of their community. The largest numbers of slaves were held in bondage in counties located in either the Tennessee River Valley or the Black Belt region. (394 reviews) "The breakfast they offer is wonderful. Copyright20062023,Somerightsreserved. Union Springs, AL, 36089, Bullock County Drop dead gorgeous home on 47 wooded acres only 35 minutes from E. Montgomery. Anything I can find to do I does, but it aint much no more. Vote Roderick Clark for Mayor of the City of Union Springs, AL on Aug 25th, 2020. ", Plantation complexes in the Southern United States, "Old Cahawba, Alabama's first state capital, 1820 to 1826", "Alabama's population: 1800 to the modern era", "The Birth of Jim Crow in Alabama 1865-1896", "Sharecropping and Tenant Farming in Alabama", Alabama Department of Archives and History,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 December 2022, at 07:22. (2) Lacking mechanical recording equipment, the interviewers sometimes took notes during interviews and transcribed the notes afterward, relying on memory, not taking dictation as the ex-slaves spoke. Estate Records. The part Black Americans played in the history of this country and the history of the world is history for everyone. Although Blacks were brought against their will to America, beginning in 1619, and subjected to the inhumane treatment of slavery, this race has endured by working long and hard to help make America what it is today. One of the earliest attempt to form a comprehensive dictionary of places in The Americas. They record personal property, real property and family relationships. It am left for a month and that am a mans tobaccy. Alabama Slave Owners. He and Missy am de best folks de Lawd could make. Living in Union Springs offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. Verbatim: Philles and William (Jesus Lamb and Dat Old Cuss) FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Ethridge, Robbie Franklyn, and Sheri Marie Shuck-Hall. 6 talking about this. Over 75,000 biographies covering congressmen, women, military and other notable individuals. In 1862 Giles Smith began life with a handicap that few people can imagine today: He was born into slavery on a plantation in Alabama. An index to and digital images of registers recording 8.8 million instances of taxation. Joel Herron Rainer, patriarch of the Rainer family Joel Herron Rainer was born on January 17, 1829, and came to Alabama from Sampson County, North Carolina. Tuesday, February 28, 2023 Login . Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. Willie Hill was the first black elected to any office in Bullock County. Originally part of the Mississippi Territory, the Alabama Territory was formed in 1817. 18, The Fugitive Slave Law, and its Victims, Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Marriage Records Index Colored Wilcox County, Mooresville Cemetery, Mooresville, Alabama, 1860 Mortality Schedule for Marengo County, Alabama page 1-3, Bethel Baptist Cemetery Records, Jones, Alabama, Online African American Books at AccessGenealogy. Many families live in Union Springs and residents tend to be liberal. This database contains cards recording details for members of the US Army interred in national cemeteries. They not so young, either. Abstracts of English wills that are connected to early American families. James Robbin was the 1st black elected as Mayor of Midway. In 2017, I never expected some of the comments I saw. On September 14, 1937, at age seventy-nine, Smith was living on Blanchard Street in Fort Worth when he recalled his life to a transcriptionist of the Federal Writers Project. Includes many people and businesses. The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Clarke County, Alabama (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 28) reportedly includes a total of 7,436 slaves. This was the first time that slave infomation was captured as a separate schedule. A growing collection of text-searchable, digitalised newspapers from the United States of America. The population density in Union Springs is 492% higher than Alabama. With almost 5,100 sq. Once Upon a Tom: Wild Turkeys in Every Tree, Verbatim: Ise Bon in Slavetime (Part 1), Verbatim: Philles and William (Jesus Lamb and Dat Old Cuss), Verbatim: I Hears Marster Say Dem Was de Quantrell Mens, Verbatim: Us Am de Conslation to Each Other, "A Place Where Broken Hearts and Blighted Lives Were Made Happy. Subscribe to this website and receive notification each time a free genealogy resource is newly published. Text-searchable editions of over 7,500 newspaper titles from the United States, containing 2 billion articles and over 100 million obituaries. It was still hard to take myself out of it. 5 Baths. There were roughly 110 African children, teenagers, and young adults on board the Clotilda when it arrived in Alabama in 1860, just one year before the Civil War. Fully refundable Reserve now, pay when you stay. Even the tobaccy am made. Maps of Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin listing land owners and details of the land. UNION SPRINGS, AL 21 HOURS AGO WSFA Montgomery man found guilty of manslaughter MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - A Montgomery County jury has found Desman Webster guilty of manslaughter for the 2016 killing of 15-year-old Bryan Powell, District Attorney Daryl Bailey announced today. 5 Homes for Sale in Union Springs, AL. When she retired, Donna found time to focus on her lifetime passion for historical . Your email address will not be published. Following the patenting of the cotton gin (in 1793), the War of 1812, and the defeat and expulsion of the Creek Nation in the 1810s, European-American settlement in Alabama was intensified, as was the presence of slavery on newly established plantations in the territory. A name index to documents recording over 34,000 residents of the state. Digital images of a book recording the details of pupils and faculty. Cemetery at Postoak, Alabama, Bullock County Family History Library. Includes names, occupations and military details. Few people realize the many contributions that blacks have made in the building of this country. They all forgit their father in his old age! An index to 1.96 million deaths and burials. [The 1850 census of Muscogee County lists planter Robert Hardaway with a daughter named Mary Louisa who would be about twenty when Giles Smith was born in 1862. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Your email address will not be published. Date:1936 Image 2 of Federal Writers' Project: Slave Narrative Project, Vol. An index and digital images of claims filed by residents of Southern states for reimbursement due to property damaged during The Civil War. Slaves Names - Alabama. They're also now available to the public. Early history indicates the contributions made my Black Americans: cotton gin (Benjamin Lundy) the harpoon (Lewis Temple) the steam engine (Robert Smalls) the shoe making machine (Jan Matzeliger) the discovery and settling of Chicago, IL, (Jean Baptiste DuSable) and the planning and laying of the nations capital (Benjamin Banneker), Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man, Roy Campanella became the first black catcher to hit twenty or more home runs in five successive seasons as well as the first black baseball player to be named (MVP) most valuable player, Alexander Thomas-Augusta was the first black surgeon in the U.S. Army, Jackie Robinson was the first black African American in Major League Baseball, Martin Luther King Jr. helped the fight for equality amongst blacks, he also help the Civil Rights Movement reach its highest climax with the march on Washington D.C., and Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president and the first black president of the United States. The Cornerstone Community, small but big in heart, has two churches and one recreation center along with its rich black history: Cornerstone had three black County Commissioners Alonza Ellis Sr., Martis Penn Sr., and Alonza Ellis Jr, (now serving as Chairman) and Tom "Preacher" Tolliver was the first black Deputy Sheriff from Cornerstone. Is never forgive myself for that. Verbatim: Ise Bon in Slavetime (Part 1) An index to and images of Lutheran registers containing close to 3 million baptism, marriage and death records. [4][5] Within 20 years of becoming a state, Alabama was the largest cotton producer in the US, producing 23% of the nation's cotton crop. New brick business buildings were built. An index to almost 78,000 wills that were disputed. The search for enslaved ancestors requires research in the records of slaveholding families. Until three years ago, Russell and 227 other former slaves accounts of their enslavement were kept safe in the archives at Louisiana's Southern University. A ten volume work containing close to 20,000 biographies of notable Americans. I have put in many long hours at the Herald. . When Alabama seceded from the Union in 1861, the state's 435,080 slaves made up 45 percent of the total population. These developments have brought more attention to Clotilda survivors as well as to African Town, the community they built for themselves in Alabama. George Washington Carver Museum. It includes biographies and genealogical charts for over 700 noted Spanish-American families. Looking for a solid hunting and recreational property, you'll want to check out the Bullock 133. On January 13, 1844, Governor Benjamin Fitzpatrick signed legislation giving Union Springs, a community in Macon County, a corporate existence. o Number manumitted (freed) in the year preceding June 1. o Age, gender, and color of slave email. According to Lewis, Meaher responded: Fool do you think I goin give you property on top of property? Leadership and Staff. Lincoln was against slavery, and out of fear that it would be abolished in the United States, 7 states seceded from the Union. Alabama Probate Records 1809-1985 (Source: FamilySearch) Alabama Wills and Probate Records, 1753-1999 includes Pike County (Source: Explore Ancestry for free) ($) Alabama, County Estate Records, 1830-1976 Pike County (Source: FamilySearch) An Index to Wills of Pike County, Alabama 1830-1862 (Source: But the accounts also reveal stark differences in some owners treatments of slaves. Map of Bullock County Water Department. John McGowan currently serves as Commissioner. An index to over 1.2 million marriages. View map of Bullock County Water Department, and get driving directions from your location. They contain name, county, race, gender, cause of death, date and place of death, occupation, number of years incarcerated, birthplace and more. This transcription includes 81 slaveholders who held 70 or more slaves in Dallas County, accounting for 9,006 . Digital images of registers recording the arrival of passengers and crew at New York harbour. Rev. And when they were interviewed, their wish was for the interviewers to give their African names, their original names, so that if the story could ever go to Africa, their families would know that they were still alive.. Sometimes when the narratives are truly graphic in nature, I cant help but sit and cry. Slavery was officially abolished in the United States, following the end of the US Civil War by the Thirteenth Amendment which took effect on December 18, 1865. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 11.2 miles away from the Union Springs city center killed 2 people and injured 14 people and caused between $50,000 and $500,000 in damages.
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