The annual program honors the commitment of distinguished alumni and community organizations for their support of the University. A member of the Deans Advisory Board and the Millican Society, he is a loyal supporter of the UCF College of Nursing. The Directors Special Achievement Scholarship is a nonrenewable one year (two semesters) award. Students must file a FAFSA and have the error-free results on file with UCF. The Barbara Truman Award for Excellence in Blended Teaching, Webcourses@UCF Personalized Learning Guides, Start-of-Semester Student Message Draft (SN Redirected), Screen Capture & Audio Recording at the FMC, Episode 132: Lessons from Leading a Remote Online Learning Team, Episode 130: Data, DETA, Design, and More, Active Learning Across Modalities: Techniques for Fostering Active Learning in Online Courses, Strategies to Facilitate a Cross-Cultural and Inclusive Online Environment, Leveraging OER: Creating an Affordable and Customized Student Learning Experience, Assembling and Submitting a Packet for the Dziuban Award, Assembling a Cohesive Packet for the Dziuban Award, Creating a Video Textbook: Things We Could Never Do in Class, Showing Evidence of Student Engagement Online, Setting the Stage: Designing for Quality Online Learning Experiences, An Overview of Active Learning Practices in STEM Disciplines, Services from the Office of Instructional Resources, Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool, About the Center for Distributed Learning, 2018 Digital Learning Innovation Award PAL Team, 2018 Effective Practice Award (CECS, ECE, DDL, and CCIE), 2018 Best in Track: Research (Adaptive Learning Team) , 2017 OLC Effective Practice Award (Quiz Extensions LTI: John Raible & Matthew Emond) , 2015 OLC Effective Practice Award (Jacob Bates & Karen Tinsley-Kim for UDOIT), 2014 OLC/Sloan-C Fellow (Thomas Cavanagh), 2013 Best-in-Track Award, International Conference on Online Learning (Amy Gregory), 2013 Effective Practice Award (Kelvin Thompson and Baiyun Chen for Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository) , 2012 Best-In-Track Awards (2), Blended Learning Conference (Kelvin Thompson, Susan Wegmann, Thomas Cavanagh), 2012 Excellence in Institution -Wide Online Education , 2011 Effective Practice in Online Education Award (Online Faculty Readiness Assessment), 2011 Frank Mayadas Leadership Award (Dr. Joel Hartman) , 2010 OLC/Sloan-C Fellow (Dr. Joel Hartman), 2010 Best-In-Track Award, International Conference on Online Learning (Thomas Cavanagh, Linda Futch, & Nancy Swenson), 2010 OLC/Sloan-C Fellow (Chuck Dziuban), 2010 Excellence in Online Teaching Award (Glenda Gunter) , 2009 Excellence in Online Teaching Award (Susan Wegmann) , 2008 Ralph E Gomory Award for Quality Online Education, 2008 Effective Practice Award (Susan Wegmann) , 2005 John R. Bourne Outstanding Achievement Award in Online Education (Charles Dziuban) , 2003 Excellence in Online Teaching & Learning Faculty Development , 2017 Horizon Report Video Competition , 2008 Leadership Award (Dr. Joel Hartman) , 2005 Teaching and Learning Award for Online Programs , 1997-1999 National Learning Infrastructure Initiative Distance Learning Best Practices, 2018 WCET Richard Jonsen Award (Thomas Cavanagh) , 2017 WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Award (UDOIT Team) , 2013 WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Award (Obojobo Team) , 2017 Quality Research Paper (Charles Dziuban, Patsy Moskal, Alexis Fawcett, and Jeffrey Cassisi) , 2017 Outstanding Leadership Award (Thomas Cavanagh) , 2000 Excellence in Distance Learning Program Award, 2000 Individual Excellence Award (Steven Lytle), 1998 Faculty Development Award for Teaching with Technology, 2019 Most Innovative App for Communication (UCF Mobile) , 2018 Best Overall Campus App (UCF Mobile) , 2018 Best Use of Special Events Module (UCF Mobile) , 2002 WebCT Exemplary Course Award (Beth Rapp Young), 2001 WebCT Exemplary Course Award (Robert Paugh, Bruce Wilson), 2012 President Award (Dr. Joel Hartman), 2017 Prudential Productivity Award (Quiz Extensions LTI), 2017 Prudential Productivity Award (IDL7000 Course), 2014 Prudential Productivity Award (Techrangers Team), 2014 Prudential Productivity Award (Online Course Migration Tools), 2011 Davis Productivity Award (Techrangers & Advanced Systems Team), 2011 Davis Productivity Award (Banner Search Task Force), 2006 Davis Productivity Award (Online Course Orientation Team), 2005 Davis Productivity Award (Professional Development Team), 2005 Davis Productivity Award (Techrangers Team), 2019 Leadership Award (Francisca Yonekura & Kelvin Thompson), 2018 Leadership Award (Thomas Cavanagh) , 2017 Leadership Award (SheaSilverman) , 2017 Learning Impact Award (UDOIT Team), 2016 3rd Annual Connected Learning Innovation App Challenge , 2016 Campus Technology Innovators Award (UDOIT Jacob Bates & Karen Tinsley-Kim), 2018 Excellence in Instructional Design (Nancy Swenson), 2017 Collective Impact Excellence Award, 2011 Excellence in Video Production Video@CDL, 2009 Excellence in Video Production Video@CDL, 2006 Excellence in Video Production Video@CDL, 2021 Love Your Shorts Film Festival Audience Award for Best Florida Flavor Film, 2021 Orlando International Film Festival Grand Jury Award for Best Florida Short, 2021 Central Florida Film Festival Finalist for Best Documentary Feature, 2020 Orlando Urban Film Festival Honorable Mention for Best Documentary, 2020 Orlando Film Festival Social Awareness Award , 2014 Love Your Shorts Film Festival Best Documentary Award , 2014 Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival International Jury Award for Best Documentary , 2013 Florida Historical Society Hampton Dunn Internet Award , 2012 Broadcast Education Association Festival of Media Arts Best of Competition , 2012 Brouhaha Film & Video Showcase Best of Brouhaha . No. Here are the winners: Faculty Awards Clinical Achievement Dr. Shiva Kalidindi Outstanding Faculty Member Dr. Analia Castiglioni. No, the scholarship is not available for use during the summer semester. You must submit a Scholarship Appeal and letter stating the reason(s) that you need the time away from UCF. Supporting Documentation includes, but is not limited to, divorce decrees, death certificates, and letters from doctors, counselors, advisors etc. Transfer Scholarships are only available for students graduating with an AA degree from a Florida public state college who transfer directly to UCF for the fall semester. We will defer your scholarship until you return as a full-time student the following term. Kathryn Kate Kinsley 79MS 83PhD is a co-founder of Datawise Inc., a computer consulting company established in 1981 to specialize in microcomputers. 2022 Banneret Awards: Photo of the Year - Black & Gold Banneret No. View photos on our Flickr page. Completed appeals submitted by the last day of the month will be reviewed at the next months meeting. If you want to Co-Op or intern, you must let us know in writing which term you plan to Co-Op or intern prior to that term. No. Any combination of UCF-sponsored non-resident waiver awards will cover up to the waiver award amount or the non-resident fee amount, whichever is less. Honoring 40 Noble Knight Nurses - UCF College of Nursing The UCF Scholarship Committee will review your request and render a decision. Academic progress is evaluated once per year after spring grades have been posted. Strong financial need as determined by current year. Congratulations to Corporal Peter Stephens of the UCF Police Department, our 2021 USPS Employee of the Year, and Hank Lewis of Academic Affairs, winner of the 2021 Gabor A&P Excellence Award. The hospitality industry is built on relationships both personal and professional. I got an email today saying that Federal Direct Stafford Loan (s) are able to be accepted under Accept/Decline Awards on myUCF. Students whose major requires 124 or more hours may receive a one term extension (double majors and minors are not considered). Self-nominations will not be accepted. Yes. (If first semester of enrollment prior to Fall 2018). You must submit a Scholarship Appeal and letter stating the reason(s) that you need the time away from UCF. View the 2022 honorees on our Exposure gallery. Extenuating circumstances are the exception. Written By: Paul Kelly | December 14, 2022 Jaden LeGate, a senior majoring in health sciences, is this year's recipient of the Distinguished Student Award. The UCF sponsored non-resident waiver award will cover up to the full amount offered by Undergraduate Admissions as long as it does not exceed the non-resident fee amount and is not covered by any other resources. Must have a minimum of 90 credit hours at the conclusion of the Spring 2023 semester, Must have a nomination submitted on their behalf. Possibly. Faculty, Students Awarded For Achievement - College of Medicine The UCF Scholarship Committee will review your request and render a decision. These scholarships are awarded to entering out of state high school graduates by Undergraduate Admissions to recognize outstanding academic performance. Include any statements (on company letterhead) from third-party persons (e.g. Graduate level hours may be approved by the students academic advisor if the graduate level hours will count toward the undergraduate degree completion requirements. The only exception to the full-time enrollment requirement is granted to students during their graduating semester. A scholarship deferment request can hold the scholarship for a maximum of two semesters. #____of credit hours enrolled x $159.21= $____FMS award amount. Swords Awards 2022 - UCF Athletics State Programs and Scholarships Appeal Form, Name of the undergraduate degree to be received. Masters Thesis & Doctoral Candidacy Dissertation Students Charts, 3.0 UCF GPA (If first semester of enrollment Fall 2018), 2.75 UCF GPA or 2.75 Overall Cumulative GPA, College Graduation or 132 hours or 7 years after high school graduation, 3.0 UCF GPA or 3.0 Overall Cumulative GPA. Yes. View the 2022 honorees on our Exposure gallery The six awards are: UCF Distinguished Alumni Award John C. and Martha Hitt Honorary Alumni Award Waivers for Non-Florida Residents Highest annual award granted to a friend of UCF. Meeting dates are subject to change as deemed necessary by the committee chair. Summer grades and hours earned after the spring evaluation may not be used to meet renewal requirements. Among others, those honors include Fulbright Scholar, Truman Scholar, Boren Award, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Boren Award, Astronaut Scholar or a Goldwater Scholar. The Swords Awards introduced the Noble Knight Award in 2021, which recognizes student-athletes who have excelled in the classroom, in the field of play and in the community. John C. and Martha Hitt Honorary Alumni Award recipients have demonstrated outstanding service and philanthropy, devotion and loyalty to the university and have maintained the UCF Creed of integrity, scholarship, community, creativity and excellence. Eligible students who need less than 6 credit hours to graduate. Summer grades earned after spring evaluation may not be used to meet the scholarship renewal requirements. These scholarships are awarded to entering out of state high school graduates by Undergraduate Admissions to recognize outstanding academic performance. A maximum of 4 terms or until graduation, whichever is less. Email: [emailprotected] The Provost Scholarship is only available during the fall and spring terms. No. If you are a recipient of any of the scholarships in this program, you are responsible for making note of the following. Possibly. The appeal must be submitted prior to the term(s) that you plan to be away. Students whose major requires 124 or more hours may receive a one-term extension (double majors and minors are not considered). If a student has an opportunity to restore the Bright Futures award, the grades from the summer term may be used to meet restoration requirements. Non-Florida Residents may apply for scholarships if they meet the requirements for the awards. Follow these steps. Sixteen UCF Residents Receive 2022 Order of Pegasus Award UCF Alumni Announces 2022 Shining Knights Award Winners Armed with one or more nursing degrees from UCF, these Knight . The award amount will be calculated based on the undergraduate tuition rate of $212.28. Yes. clergy, employers, medical professionals, etc.) There is no separate application for this scholarship program. The main customer service phone number is (844) 376-9160 or email [emailprotected]. Non-Florida Residents may apply for scholarships if they meet the requirements for the awards. Go to ucf r/ucf . The 40 Noble Knight Nurse honorees are individuals who are admired and respected for their exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to serve others. Grade and hours information will be reported for all students funded during the summer. The UCF Scholarship Committee will review your request and render a decision. He is the president for Sigma Theta Tau International, the international nursing honor society. Meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This Blended Learning Toolkit is a free, open resource for educational institutions interested in developing or expanding their blended learning initiatives. Summer grades and hours earned after the spring evaluation may not be used to meet renewal requirements. If the online appeal form cannot be completed, paper forms with all supporting documentation can submitted to the University of Central Florida, Office of Student Financial Assistance, 4000 Central Florida Blvd., Millican Hall Room 107, Orlando, Florida, 32816-0113 or faxed to 407-823-5241. HR: Our People and Expertise, A-Z Forms Index He is a human rights activist, pioneer for racial equality, scholar, author, public speaker and internationally recognized expert on sports issues. Knight Star Awards Employee Recognition Since 1972, the Knight Star Awards has been a treasured UCF event to honor our employees. Her legacy endures through the Dr. Roseann White Memorial Endowed Scholarship, established by her family in her memory. Excellence Awards Create accessible content using MS PowerPoint, Text Formatting and Document Organization, Create accessible, text, graphics, headers, & tables, Universal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT), Evaluate your course for accessibility issues & improvements, Tips & tricks from UCF Instructional Designers & Faculty, Visit us at CDL & work on your course with the tech support staff, Learn how to design & facilitate an online course with video, Prepare for a High Quality online course review, Learn how to teach a personalized adaptive course, Start from scratch & learn how to design your own online course, Lookup & contact your Instructional Designer, A web video series about teaching online at UCF, Explore LinkedIn Learning, free to UCF faculty, staff, & students, Compliance guide for student engagement & financial aid, Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR), A public resource for online & blended teaching strategies, UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity Commitment, Monthly podcast for online and blended learning professionals, Learn how to create your own video lessons, Automatically identify accessibility issues in your course, The Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching. Yes, provide the check with your signature, to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. No. Current university employees are not eligible for nomination. The honors include the Michelle Akers Award, Distinguished Alumni, Honorary Alumni, Young Alumni, Distinguished Student and the Champions Award. If a student has an opportunity to restore the Bright Futures award, the grades from the summer term may be used to meet restoration requirements. Phone:(407) 823-2771 If you have received the Knights Achievement Award (currently or in past years) how much did you get from the scholarship? You can review the renewal requirement for the Florida Bright Futures program on the UCF Financial Aid Web site under Bright Futures Renewal Eligibility. If you want to Co-Op or intern, you must let us know in writing which term you plan to Co-Op or intern prior to that term. Yes. Students must enroll full-time (a minimum of 12 UCF credit hours) each fall and spring term. You will be responsible for any late charges. These students must submit a letter (on official letterhead) from their academic advisors. Please allow at least 10 business days for processing unless the donor is requiring information that requires we process after drop, swap and add. Students whose major requires 124 or more hours may receive a one-term extension. Incomplete applications and requests for additional documentation will cause delays. Yes, high school graduates eligible for either Florida Academic Scholars or Florida Medallion Scholars may receive funding when enrolled in classes as a degree-seeking student during the summer. Students whose major requires 124 or more hours may receive a one-term extension (double majors and minors are not considered). Here's how voting works: Each staff member gets one vote, and the winner of the fan vote will get one vote. He led the team that developed and evaluated Modernas vaccine for COVID-19, making a direct and positive impact on global health. We will announce the winners in two weeks. The wall highlights awards of current and past students, including Tyler Fisher, who became UCF's first Rhodes Scholar in 2002. Visit the Undergraduate Admissions website for additional information. Must be a non-Florida resident for tuition purposes. Need based non-resident waivers are awarded to entering high school graduates, transfer students and continuing UCF students who are non-Florida residents. The UCF Scholarship Committee will review your request and make a decision. A list of 2022 honorees can be downloaded by clicking here. How are the Knights Achievement/Pegasus Scholarships Waivers awarded? Must have a complete financial aid file (no remaining To-Do List items). The letter should be sent to the attention of the Bright Futures Department and should state: Applicable fees include activity and service fees, health fees, athletic fees, financial aid fees, capital improvement fees, transportation fees (SUS only), technology fees and tuition differential fees. A FAS scholarship recipient who qualifies for one semester of graduate study funding may have the one semester be the summer term. If you repeat a class, there are implications for your GPA and academic level (freshman, sophomore, etc). More posts you may like. They will be honored in an invitation-only reception at . The National Recognition Program is only available during the fall and spring terms. Other ways to begin searching include checking with your college and or department, visiting your financial aid department, speaking with an advisor, and visiting the UCF Scholarship Listing. You also have the option of scheduling an appointment with a financial aid counselor by calling 407-823-5285. Knights Graduation and Grant Initiative The Knights Graduation and Grant Initiative is a university-focused initiative, housed within the Registrar's Office, to assist graduating seniors who encounter a hardship (financial or otherwise) that is preventing them from finishing their degree. Kenneth Dion 91 is a 40-year veteran of the healthcare industry. Renewal will be based on grades and hours earned for the fall and spring terms. The scholarship committee is scheduled to meet the second week of each month. Please note: National Achievement and National Recognition Program recipients are required to meet the same requirements as National Merit recipients. Please join us for an afternoon of celebration as we recognize our dedicated employees at the 2022 Knight Star Awards. Renewal requirements for the various scholarship programs will vary. Curley & Pynn Honored Among UCF Alumni 2022 Shining Knights Award Students who receive need-based aid such as grants, work study, or loans may have their awards reduced if the addition of the scholarship exceeds their financial need or their cost of attendance. The 2021-22 academic year includes the summer 2022 term. As of 2020, this award will only be awarded to a business. Learn more about the different types of aid. Grade forgiveness for a class taken after the renewal period is not considered when determining eligibility. The tuition and applicable fees for 1 credit hour is $212.28. When you apply for admission to UCF, you are automatically considered. Highest annual award granted to a graduate from the most recent class of 30 Under 30 Alumni Awards recipients. Meeting dates are subject to change as deemed necessary by the committee chair. The FAFSA for the academic year you are requesting reinstatement must be on file at the time your appeal is submitted. Privacy Policy. If the student does not wish to be funded for the summer term, please send an email to [emailprotected] to request it in writing. UCF Alumni announced its Shining Knights Award recipients for 2022 11 winners celebrated for their commitment to the university in the categories of the Michelle Akers Award, Distinguished Alumni, Honorary Alumni, Young Alumni, Distinguished Student and the Champion's Award. These scholarships are awarded to entering high school graduates by Undergraduate Admissions to recognize outstanding academic performance. This award is the highest honor UCF Alumni bestows on a friend and supporter of the university. Students who are non-residents and were selected for the Pegasus or Knights Achievement Scholarship will receive their award in the form, but would not be eligible for this waiver program. Knights Graduation and Grant Initiative - Registrar's Office He most recently served as assistant dean for Business Innovation and Strategic Relationships at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. A letter (on letterhead) from the department verifying the number of hours required for the degree must be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Assistance prior to the 9th term. Awards are based on the available funds, so students should apply early for consideration. This scholarship is awarded to exceptional high school students who are accepted for a summer or fall semester by Undergraduate Admissions. Transfer Scholarships are only available for students graduating with an AA degree from a Florida public state college who transfer directly to UCF for the fall semester. A subreddit for UCF students, faculty, and staff. The UCF Scholarship Committee will review your request and make a decision. Hi everyone, I recently applied and was accepted to UCF for the upcoming term. For Florida Academic Scholars, only 100% of tuition and applicable fees will disburse in summer terms. How will award winners be recognized?Shining Knights Alumni Award honorees will be recognized at a reception and awards program including university leadership, past award recipients, community leaders and family and friends. The Pegasus Scholarship Program includes National Merit, National Achievement, National Recognition Program and the Pegasus Scholarships. You must submit a Scholarship Appeal and letter stating the reason(s) that you need the time away from UCF. The Directors Special Achievement Scholarship is a nonrenewable one year (two semesters) award. This award is the highest honor granted to a graduate from the most recent class of 30 Under 30 Alumni Awards recipients. No. Please refer to the Required Hours section on the Program Requirements page for additional information. No self-nominations accepted, Nominees must be enrolled for the Fall 2023 semester. The Office of Student Financial Assistance has a highly trained staff able to answer all financial aid questions including scholarship appeals. Must be enrolled as a full-time student (a minimum of 12 UCF credit hours) each fall and spring term. Any FAS or FMS student eligible for 2021-22 may receive summer funding, provided the student meets all enrollment criteria. To be eligible, the nominee must demonstrate the qualities and characteristics of each distinct award. You will be responsible for any late charges. The Pegasus Scholarship is only available during the fall and spring terms. University of Central Florida, UCF News | Stories of Impact + Innovation | Orlando, FL. Extenuating circumstances are the exception. You have the right to resubmit a denied appeal if you have new information with corroborating documentation. Please see the specific eligibility requirements for each award. Please refer to the Required Hours section on the Program Requirements page for additional information. Requirements To qualify for UCF's Top 10 Knights program, you must meet all of the requirements below: You must currently attend a Florida high school. Appeals must be submitted prior to the semester in which the exception is being requested. Students seeking a deferment must complete aState Programs and Scholarships Appeal Formand submit a letter indicating the reason for the request, along with supporting documentation. of at least a 3.2 at the end of the spring semester. myUCF, Equal Employment Opportunity The initial amount is based on enrollment in 14 credit hours and will be adjusted to reflect your actual hours of enrollment each semester once the Drop/Swap and Add period has ended. I received The Florida Academic Scholars which awards an amount equal to 100% of college tuition and applicable fees. Distinguished Alumni Award recipients have demonstrated professional achievement, outstanding service and philanthropy, devotion and loyalty to the university and have maintained the UCF Creed of integrity, scholarship, community, creativity and excellence.