Tuberose is also called Mistress of the Night. If youre pregnant, please do not handle this plant. Its also known as Black Creeper, Sariva, Kalisar, Dudhilata, Sugandhi, Red Sarsaparilla, Tu Fu Ling, and Dwipautra. Useful for legal matters, money spells and protection against hexes. Using it in sachets will also ensure a peaceful and loving atmosphere. Burn or add to prosperity bags to increase money flow. . It brings protection against evil spirits. Contains 9 herbs alleged to draw love, romance, and sexual affection. Sprinkle around a room to drive away evil. Protection against accidents and against colds. Used to help ward off the evil eye, but also helps improve digestion, reduce cramps and reduce nausea. Also Called: Molmol, Mirra, Didthin, and Bowl. Also Called: Whin, Prickly Broom, Furze. It will increase attractiveness. I often see our road turn into a river..this is at night. Or if theres no space for a garden, cooking can become a healing ritual anyone can experience in the comfort of their homes. Associated with love, protection, romance, and weddings. Artemisinin and the rest of the derivatives of the artemisia annua variety are strong anthelmintics, which mean they can expel worms such as threadworms and ringworms. This plant is great for bath spells. Please do not consume it. Use in recipes with love and lustful intentions to attract love. Leaves and stems are dried and powdered to form colorless crystals from which the artemisinin extract is taken. Used to gain strength and psychic powers. Accelerates healing of the body. Use in ritual baths for strength, vitality, and protection. To break hexes and prevent future problems, use in the bath. People drink Sweet Annie tea for 4 to 7 days to improve the symptoms. Sprinkle around the outside perimeter of the home for protection as well. Investigations are still being conductive, but it has shown to be effective against breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer, along with bicalutamide. Place in windows and doorways to keep curses and evil spirits out. Anti-inflammatory. Growing it in the home or garden prevents unwanted intrusions. You can also add an infusion of orange to the bath to increase attractiveness and beauty. Moss is very beneficial to the ecosystem and its also thought to bring protection as well. Keep in a sacred space in your home to increase spirituality. Believe it or not, youre probably using herbs with great healing properties. The Magnolia Bark is used to bring fidelity, love, and hair growth. Add leaves and flowers to love sachets to bring love energies in your life. Use in oils to feel more grounded and connected to yourself. You can also scatter it around an area to purify your chosen space. Put in the wallet or purse to draw money. They call it Quing Has, which means from the green herb. Also Called: Spignet, Life of Man, Pettymorell, Old Mans Root, Indian Root, Bitter Root, Nard, Nardo. An incense of benzoin, cinnamon and basil is said to attract customers to your place of business. I must say, it is definitely one of my go-to herbs. Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true. 1 ago. Known as Irish Broom, Scotch Broom, Besom, Scotch Broom. Associated with love. Worn to calm tempers and bring sleep. Carry this herb in your car to protect from accidents on dangerous roads. You can also use it in a two armed cross on the ground to make an unwanted person to get away. Whether its for your savory meals or comforting teas, we use herbs daily. Add it in a protection bath or wear to calm emotions. This plant can assist you in transmuting sexual love into a spiritual connection. This zoonotic disease is found in 98 tropical countries. This plant is known to bring protection over legal trials. Hang or place in a pot in the home to attract luck and protection for those who live there. It helps you overcome depression. Used in foods to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, promotes weight loss. Pharmaceutical use of sweet Annie isolates the artemisinin compound and modifies it in the laboratory. Also Called: Althea, Sweet Weed, Mallards, Guimauve, Mortification Plant, Schloss Tea, Wymote. Attracts love and lust, divination, and dreams. Medicinal benefits of Sweet Annie include anti aging properties, which is why its essential oil is being included in many beauty products. It was used in German Wormwood Wine, and has also been smoked, drunk as tea, or slipped under a pillow to induce lucid dreaming, visions and prophesy. Top 65 Most Commonly Used Herbs All-Heal, Prunella vulgaris L. Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe vera American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius Angelica root, Angelica archangelica Anise Seed, Pimpinella anisum Apple, Malus domestica Arnica, Arnica montana Basil, Ocimum basilicum Bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus Introduction. Place near doorways to keep trouble away. Use pansy flowers to remind yourself of self-love and self-expression. Other names for Basil: Albahaca, American Dittany, 'Our Herb', St. Joseph's Wort, Sweet Basil, Witches Herb. You can consecrate ritual tools. Follow Me On Twitter. best cars to camber in forza horizon 4 sweet annie herb magickal properties. Also Called: Yucca Stalk, Cassava. As of now it is the most powerful medication against this disease. Home/hygeia conjunct lilith/ sweet annie herb magickal properties. This is a favorite of mine! Also Called: Consumptives Weed, Gum Plant, Gum Bush, Bears Weed, Bear Weed, Mountain Balm, Tar Weed, Tarweed, Holy Herb, Sacred Herb. You can also add to sachets, amulets, and incense to attract new love. Mestsk asti s prvnickmi osobami, ktor za podmienok ustanovench zkonom o Bratislave a tattom hlavnho mesta hospodria so zverenm majetkom a finannmi prostriedkami. Hang from childrens rooms to protect them from any ill. The creation of spells can start with the pot. Add these flowers in a ritual bath to raise ones spirits. Raises vibrations, promotes psychic opening, overcomes obstacles, and draws prosperity. Carry in a sachet while gambling to draw luck and money. Its also called: Bog Rhubarb, Butterdock, Umbrella Plant, Lagwort, Sweet Coltsfoot. This is an all-purpose magickal herb. Its also Called: Bearberry, Bears Grape, Foxberry, Crowberry, Hog Cranberry, Kinnikinnick, Mealberry, Arberry, Mountain Box, Mountain Cranberry, Sandberry, Uva Ursi, and Universe Vine. You can also use it in tea for voice restoration, but it shouldnt be taken in large doses for a long period of time. Then, you know that herbs can be used for magick and medicinal purposes. Useful in all creative work. Also Called: Featherfew, Rainfarn, Wild Quinine, Featherfoil, Prairie Dock, Missouri Snakeroot, Flirtwort, Parthenium, and Febrifuge. We are always adding new products to our site - Check them out! Burn in a cauldron and use the ashes in amulets for protection from hunger and poverty. Applied to Western traditions, it could be used to increase energy for a variety of applications. Do not consume its berries since they are poisonous. American Indians used Uva Ursi in religious ceremonies. This keeps your lover true to you and discourages rivals. Also Called: Buttercup, Gold Cup, Grenouillette, Meadow Buttercup. Musk also stimulates the root chakra. Burn with orris root to increase psychic powers. Great for use in incense, potpourri or bath magick. Though many believe Wiccans to be witches, there is much more to their practice. Burn quassia chips and keep the ashes in a small bottle to preserve the love both of you share. The leaf of this plant is used for travel safety. Wear it too in an amulet to repel negativity and to protect yourself against unwanted advances. Spell Bags and Bottles. Did you know that eating peaches induces love? Consume to stop gossip behind your back. Be mindful with your intentions behind these spells. Put in baths to aid you in financial arrangements. Burn or scatter meadowsweet around the house to relieve disharmony. For instance, an herb may correspond with one of the 4 elements ( Earth, Air, Fire, or Water ), one of the planets, or one of the astrological signs. The scent of Wormwood is said to increase psychic powers. Used for banishing, protection and blessing. Many of these Etsy sellers have astounding reviews and have completed more than 4,000 orders. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Keep near to attract love. If you do not have this herb in your kitchen, shame on you! Herbs are also grouped by their properties and actions. It also offers protection from evil and illnesses. Cut a bit of your hair. Burn Skullcap for emotional relief. It helps one to attune with their soul. Use in floor washes to bring money to your household. Both names will be used throughout this article. This is a powerful plant that will help you attract the success you deserve. You can aslo mix with salt and scatter it around your house to secure your home against evil energies. Sweet Woodruff Herb Profile From Mountain Rose Herbs Also known as Galium odoratum, Hay Plant, Wild Baby's Breath, Bedstraw, Sweet Grass, Star Grass, and Woodruff. This plant is associated with health, love, protection, mental powers, memory, passion, and anti-theft. Provides protection and is used in exorcism, and to strengthen existing loves. This reason is a need. In incense, used to promote a meditative state. It's against exhaustion. Keep a small amount in a wallet or purse to draw in money and prosperity. Grow near your home to help bring success and make the family prosper. montreal bypass to new brunswick map; mark bouris byron bay house; are belvita breakfast biscuits good for diabetics; is hello alice grant legit; the squad fs19 mods You need to pass an array of types. Scatter an infusion of boneset around the home to rid it of evil and negativity. Tie a barley straw around a rock and throw into a river or lake. This is a popular Hoodoo charm for gamblers. Magickal oils are also known in different traditions as conditioning oils, anointing oils or potions (though not meant for consumption). Associated with healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Use in bath spells for psychic cleansing. This plant is also known as whortleberry, Black Whortles, Whinberry, Huckleberry, Bleaberry, Blueberry, Airelle. Artesunate, a semi-derivative of this plant, can potentially prevent the degranulation of mast cells induced by Immunoglobulin E. Artemisia Annua helps treat constipation since it stimulates the intestine, so it produces peristaltic movements. Use in sachets and amulets for powerful auric protection. Place a circle of red peppercorns around a photograph of your lover to keep others away from him or her. Also Called: Banewort, Deadly Nightshade, Sorcerers Berry, Witchs Berry, Deaths Herb, Devils Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Mans Cherries. , Sweet Basil is the herb most likely found in spice cabinets. This plant has become a universal symbol of love. britain? Add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. This is a great way to manifest self-love. Place in the corners of the home for protection. Eat with loved ones to promote its magickal properties. Burn dried leaves for love magick too. Use with caution. Key Actions: Demulcent, Tonic, Astringent, Antispasmodic, Mucilagenic, Anti-inflammatory Medicinal Uses: Cold, flu, cough, wheezing, asthma, urinary tract infections, chronic diarrhea, oozing skin conditions. Carry around you for strength and protection. Carry to draw love, health, money, and sexual potency. Wear or keep in a bowl on your altar or reading table to help you concentrate. It offers protection to home and garden. Since this plant is used for protection spells, you can use this benefit to break love unions. Wear it as an amulet to protect yourself from energy vampires. To draw money, place in a container with a dime, a quarter, and a dollar. It will also bring peace. Add this plant to your bath to break hexes and curses that may have been placed against you. helen woodward adoption fee; can you use o'keeffe's working hands on your face; does bonnie bennett have a sister; jake twitch girlfriend; cutter rigged sailboat parts Add the Yarrow Flower in as well and carry it with you to overcome them. So heres the deal: there must be a reason to call upon magical powers. You can also wrap it in a red flannel and hang over the bed to ward off dark spirits of the night. Plant extracts were more potent against the virus that artemisinin alone. Burn as an incense during divination to bring dreams of ones intended mate. Magickal uses include healing protection, exorcism, passion and spiritual openings. The good news is that this natural alternative could be a low cost treatment for the pandemic virus. Ground together with vervain and mistletoe for a powerful love powder. Rosemary - is an all-purpose herb (in my humble opinion). These beautiful flowers offer protection from hexes and jinxes. Place three or seven herbs in charms or mojo bags to attract luck, wishes, and money. Tie a knotted yellow thread around slippery elm and throw it into a fire to stop all gossip about you. Used for attracting love and preventing storms. Use it in a sachet or bag for protection. Burn valerian plant for reconciliation in a failing relationship, but all parties must give their permission for this spell to work. Many people grow sweet Annie because of its smell. Used to draw and hold on to love and romance. Use quince seeds in charms and spells about love, protection, and happiness. Use in spells and charms to increase courage in stressful situations. Its a poisonous plant. This plant brings empowerment, purification, and drives away evil to those who own it. Wear near the heart to bring good luck. If you enjoy drinking hot mate, you can spill it on the ground to break off a relationship. Add an infusion to the bath for increasing the power and strength of the mind. I have used Wormwood extensively for everything from astral travel to protection and psychic awareness. elder, Horseheal, Scabwort, Elecampane, Velvet Dock. Its oil has been used to give aroma to perfumes or homes. Also Called: Mecca Balsam, Balessan, Bechan, and TouchMeNot. aunt jemima salt and pepper shakers ebay. This herb improves the flow of menstruation, which reduces the pain. For some, this may be enough. It is said that having Valerian Root nearby will settle an argument between a couple. But its magickal uses include divine love, close friendships, domestic peace, and lasting relationships. Keep as a decorative plant and it will bring protection from any harm intended to you. Also Called: Aniseed, Anneys, Anise Seed. From the Wortcunner's Cabinet: Wormwood. When carried by men, is thought to heighten masculinity. It has some anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of chamazulenes, so it could be used to treat inflammatory digestive disorders. Toss it away once you have reached a desired financial balance. It is recommended to consult with a specialist and follow the prescribed dosage when using medicinal benefits of sweet Annie. Burn as a potent incense to bring peace. It grows throughout europe, sweet annie herb magickal properties black cohosh are picked while neem. Its associated with money, lust, and passion. Used on the altar to represent the Earth. Also known as Stellaria Media, this weed has healing, protective, balance, and fidelity properties. Carry both roots in a small bag at all times for attraction, to bring a love to you, or for a marriage proposal. Use cardamom essential oil in baths for a quick love spell. But you can gather the betel leaves to bring protection. This edible blue flower reminds us about self-love. Its associated with healing, peace, and love. Take as 3 doses a day. Or also add this herb to your love sachets. Use in love spells and spells to ward off evil. Thats what makes herbs so special! Comments. Burning bay leaves as incense can lower anxiety. Magickal Properties of Herbs plantlady: " Just like Crystals, Herbs have their own Magickal properties that we can use in our rituals and spells. Mixing ivy in a sachet with holly makes a great wedding gift. Profesor Tu Youyou lead the team that discovered that a plant called Artemisia annua could inhibit malaria parasites. This plant adds powerful strength to charms, sachets, and herb mixes. So, use aconite to wash your ritual tools and space. For women who do not want their partners to have outside relationships, Salt Petre stops any sexual tension. Use in bath spells to achieve balance and to protect yourself. In Greek, aster means star, but the aster is also known as China Aster, Michaelmas Daisy, Starwort. Helps with mental clarity during ritual and it stimulates creativity. Skin Uses and Anti Aging This herb is anti-inflammatory, so it relieves purpuric rashes which are caused because of inflammation and blood vessels bleeding under the skin. Carry kava kava, which is also called ava or ava pepper, to be protected in any travels. Burn it for consecration, and blessing of talismans, charms, and magickal tools as well. But it brings protection and it banishes all ill negativity that surrounds you. 0. sweet annie herb magickal properties. Also Called: Betony, Bishopswort, Stachys Betonica, Lousewort. This aphrodisiac brings love, happiness, lust and strength. Burn at any ritual to increase its power. Also called Burn Plant, Medicine Plant, for it can also ease many skin problems. Wear this beautiful herb as an amulet for protection. Its used in ritual work involving Goddesses associated with love. Use with caution. Not only brings protection to your system, but also in your home. It provides protection to newly married couples. TheMagickalCat is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. 2023 TheMagickalCat.comPrivacy Policy. Place in the four cardinal points (North, South, West, and East) for full protection. Keep in a sachet to feel protected. Also known as sweet scented violet protects you from all evil. Carry in sachets or charms to protect against any sexual harm and violent crimes. Cowslip is also Called: False Primrose, Keyflower, Fairy Cup, Paigle, Key of Heaven. You can also use angelica root to bring a lost love back to you by burning it. Pinch of dried sweet annie (Artemisia annua) leaves (optional) Pinch of green tea (I suggest teaspoon) Two dried sage leaves (I suggest teaspoon dried powdered sage) Medicinal Properties - Holy basil has numerous benefits. Be cautious! Immune-compromised individuals, such as those with AIDS, can be affected by the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) which causes congenital infections that lead to hearing loss and developmental problems. Burn or place in a sachet to bring protection, calm an angry person, and aid psychic powers. 1 Tbs. Brings victory, protection, and money. Promotes popularity, persuasiveness, and personal success. The first video in the herbal series, THE CUNNING WOMAN'S COTTAGE. AIDS patients can take advantage the medicinal benefits of Sweet Annie since this herb slows down a fatal infection called pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) that is caused by a fungus. Sprinkle nutmeg powder on green candles for prosperity. MINT: Burned to increase sexual desire, exorcise evil supernatural entities, conjure beneficial spirits, and attract money. The five points of the leaf represent love, money, health, power, and wisdom. If used as incense, clove can be a powerful tool to attract wealth and prosperity. According to Scott Cunningham, writer of magical herbs, the foundation of herb magic -and all magic- is the power. In other words, power is the energy behind creation as we know it. Canine Leishmaniasis can affect the vital organs of your dog, including the liver and kidney, even causing its death. At least that is what she told me two years later, when she was bouncing a healthy little boy on her knee. It will remove any tension within the home. It brings mental clarity and focus, transforming negative energy into positive energy. Also known as Savoury. Magickal uses include attracting money bringing luck, protection, and breaking hexes. Place it in a jar and keep it in the home or at work for good luck. Burn on the night of a full moon to bring a new lover by the new moon. Also Called: Basil Thyme, Mountain Balm, Mountain Mint. Associated with divination, wind spells, psychic powers and prophetic dreams. Grown radish in your garden for protection and lust. Used in sachets or incense for money, love, fidelity, success, and luck. Terra Cottage Gallery 2425 . A birch planted close to the home protects against lightning, infertility, and the evil eye. Wear or carry to attract inspiration. What You Need to Know, Can Psychics Draw Your Soulmate? Magickal properties of Palo Santo For cleansing rituals Palo Santo is also generally used for the energetic cleaning of environments, thanks to its medicinal properties. This plants magickal uses are protection, opening blockages, and dispelling negativity. Carry in pocket for protection against arthritis. Type: Spice. One night even my mirror doors turned to water!!! Difficult to find magic items that are used in sachets and potpourri. In Herbal magick "herb" considered any plant that is useful to humans. This summer plant, commonly called pigweeds, aids healing, summoning spirits, and provides protection from bullets. Brings peace to the mind and heart. Fill a sleep pillow with anise seed to prevent disturbing dreams. Also Called: Fever Plant, Field Primrose, Kings Cure All, Night Willow-herb, Scabish, Scurvish, Tree Primrose, Primrose. Health Benefits of Ashwagandha can Calm Stress and Anxiety, Vitex, the Effective Hormonal Herb Regulator for Women , Shepherds purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) is consi, Finca La Milagrosa en #Boquete se ha ganado much, La finca de casi una hectrea comenz con una pe, Verba Odrec tiene 133 hectreas en cultivo tradic, @clubelestribo queda en Capira. 2023, Your comment was sent and soon will be posted, The Ultimate Guide to Magical Herbs For Spells & Rituals, Huge Witchcraft KIT ~ Witch Alter Sets ~ Wand kit ~ Witch Kits ~ Potion kit ~ Crystal Witchcraft ~ spellbook ~ Book of Shadows ~ Cigar Box, Can Families Be Cursed? Magical uses include healing, health, mental powers, freedom and protection against the evil eye. Also Called: Blue Gum, Curly Mallee, River Red Gum, Mottlecah, Maidens Gum, Fever Tree, Stringy Bark Tree. Element: Fire. However, it should only be used if no other treatment for malaria is available. Also Called: Pokeweed, Indian Tobacco, Bladderpod, Wild Tobacco, Emetic Herb, Emetic Weed, Asthma Weed, Rag Root, Vomit Wort. You can use it in bath magick for purification and protection; or use in amulets and charms for power and protection. Drinking star anise tea after meals treats digestive ailments such as indigestion, gas, bloating, and constipation. Use along with garlic and rosemary to banish evil. In Taiwan, betel nut is widely known to be a popular drug of choice and a powerful herb to perform witchcraft. So, be mindful of the garlics magickal properties next time you prepare pesto sauce or any dish with this protective plant. Carry or burn the flowers to draw wealth and money. This plant is used in protection and exorcism spells. My name is Ursula Kiener. It's most commonly known for being a cat's best friend. Also Called: Red Elm, Moose Elm, Sweet Elm, Indian Elm. Cunningham calls it the very substance of existence itself.. Used for protection against hexes, curses, and the evil eyes. Increase joy and restore a bright outlook on life. Also known as white birch, canoe birch, paper birch, Tree of Life, Lady of the Woods. Also known as agueweed and crosswort. Placed in house to calm trouble and unwanted arguments and bring peace. Magickal uses include increasing intuitive and psychic powers. The magickal properties of catnip include feline magick, happiness, friendship and beauty among others. Notice: Function add_theme_support( 'html5' ) was called incorrectly. Anoint buckeye with money oil or wrap it in a dollar bill for constant increase in money flow. This herb is associated with divination, music, poetry, wind magick, weather magick, teaching, and decision making. Sigue su Instagram, Tienes resfriado? Magickal uses include rituals and spells for love, wishes and courage. These are blends that are created for a specific energetic. Burn as an incense for protection and psychic stimulation. It aids in psychic cleansing and opening. Hang an ivy plant in front of the home to repel negative influence and discourage unwanted guests. It has anti-inflammatory properties and boosts the immune system. Place a pinch in your left shoe before a game and your team will be victorious. Place inside a sachet and tie with a red string. Also Called: Mate, Mate Leaf, Green Mate. Like weve mentioned before, dont be afraid to use herbs to cast spells! Quick-Thinking: Honeysuckle, Basil, Citronella Relaxation: Apple, Lavender, Apple Blossom, Hyacinth, Jasmine, Narcissus, Peppermint Restore Energy: Carnation, Vanilla Sacred Space: Anise, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Lemon Self-Assurance: Musk, Rosemary Self-Control: Cedar Sex: Ginger, Neroli, Patchouli, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang Associated with love, lust and beauty. Tracing each branch back to their arrival in America, Witchcraft Wands, Divination Tools, Witchcraft Supplies, Ron Donaldson, narrative ecologist, Probe:Sense:Respond narrative landscapes revealed, insights emerge, patterns shifted. Aids communication and helps to open dialogs. Play as Skullgirls' Annie in Rivals of Aether. Associated with lust, love, and fidelity. Used in Pagan union rituals because it is associated with love, lust, virility and fertility. Herb Mix Love Herbs Mixture Nine Love Herbs dressed with Nine Love Oils. It revitalizes the body and mind. Gardenias promote peace and repel strife, offering protection from outside influences. Dried basil leaves have so many uses. Use in the bath to attract love. It is said that men who carry thistle become better lovers. Here are 13 Reasons to Agree. This plant is worn by women to keep their husbands faithful. Or you can scatter on the floor with salt to banish evil. Common wormwood is poisonous. .Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Add grains of dill seed to a bath before going on a date to make yourself irresistible. Brings courage and psychic powers. Use in spells to bring protection to a friend or loved one taking a journey. This aphrodisiac is used in love potions or to increase the power of any magickal workings. Victory, protection, and money. Magickal uses include protection, banishing hostile and negative forces, and gaining what is sought. Wonder if you could enlighten me on something. By using hollyhock, you will acquire new possessions. Leaves and berries are said to attract wealth and healing. Keep this herb in a sachet to keep you from evil. China uses the plant in winemaking process. It has also been said that witches would give each other acorns as . This herb brings protection and brings peace to the home. Burn as incense to de-stress. zemie hlavnho mesta je za elom vkonu samosprvy rozdelen na 17 mestskch ast. Also used for peace, love, and faery magick. This herb can also be used to draw in customers, money, and good businesses. This plant is also commonly called sweet wormwood or sweet Annie. Its also used to magickally treat depression and despondency. It can be used to ward off the evil eye and provide protection from illnesses. An infusion of the herb rubbed on an erect member is said to improve male potency. Tea should not be boiled, because the heat will destroy the chemical that fights malaria. Add to sachets designed to increase psychic ability. Also Called: Horse Chestnut. Wear it as a charm in your next date. Also Called: Gilliflower, Joves Flower, Nelka, Scaffold Flower, and Gillies. Hang in the home for protection. $6.00. Eastern Pin Yin: Za Cao Also Known As: N/A Meridians: Lung, Kidney It is not the advertisers responsibility to ensure all posts and/or questions are answered. Use in bath magick to attract the opposite sex. Use in love sachets. It can trigger bile secretion which cleans the liver and expels the waste of the body. Please, be careful with poisonous plants. Or use it in magickal balms for protection as well. Scatter sandalwood powder around the home to clear it of negativity. Is associated with love, fidelity, and self-control. Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua A relative of Wormwood and Mugwort, Sweet Annie is also know for its bitter and cooling nature. Generally, any plant that can be used for cooking, medicine, fragrance, clothing, or we can make useful objects from it. It also cures impotency. Used to clean and bless houses against bad omens. This plant is also called devils dung because it has a foul smell and taste. Increases psychic powers. HemphuVishnuErzulie. If you fill an empty egg shell with cinquefoil and keep it in the home it will protect it from evil forces. Used in love sachets and charms to gain the love of the person desired. Also Called: Florentine Iris, Queen Elizabeth Root. Called the Love Drawing Powder in hoodoo, Orris Root Powder is used to bring love, romance, companionship and a loving mate. It may be used for prosperity and spells.
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