Year 2. These events discuss one or more mature topics which may produce negative feelings in those who have experienced similar experiences. Once killed, the Doll will simply turn into a big black bird, taking off. Stardew Valley Purple Mushroom: Location and Uses. Unfortunately, Dinosaur Eggs are also some of the hardest Animal Products to come across. Each season lasts for 28 days before transitioning to a new one. Like the Squirrel Figurine, this is another secret furniture item acquired through fishing. Player has at least 7 hearts with Haley and hasn't seen her 10 heart event. This cute festival is notoriously hard to find for new players. Player has 10 hearts with Linus. Player must have seen the part one of Claire's 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. A unique Meteorite sound effect plays and a meteorite appears the next day on the farm in the selected area. 100% if you have one building and 50% for two). The event randomly chooses one coop (each with an 80% chance if it's been upgraded at least once, and has fewer than 50 placed objects), or one slime hutch (each with a 50% chance if it contains at least one slime or other NPC, and has no Wicked Statue). Festivals are special events that take place on specific days of the year. If youre starting to find this as an annoying feature, this guide will help you get through each Season without a hitch. There are a few different types of events in Stardew Valley. They will still keep all the same special properties and drops as the original color of Slime though, so you do not have to worry. It respawns whenever you re-enter the Witch's Hut as if to remind you of your decision of dismissal. Having the Witch fly over your farm is a rare one percent chance event, which can either affect one of your Coops or a Slime Hutch. If he does leave his house it tends to be later in the day, but hey, who doesnt love a sad video game boi. Player has at least 10 hearts with Magnus and received his letter asking to meet in the forest. While at it, you can play several different minigames, with the goal of earning Star Tokens. Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and have completed the Joja Emporium. Here are the festive events that await you this Winter season: Look at all the Festivals in this icy Winter: This table contains the birthdate of all the villagers celebrating their birthdays in this snowy period: The table lists the fun events you can look out for in this freezingly cold weather: The following are all of the plantable crops, forageable items, and fishing items available in the game during the Winter: Learn about the most profitable crops for each season to make the most profit. Updated May 21, 2022 by Shailyn Cotten: Stardew Valley is chock-full of strange occurrences and extremely rare events. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Player must have seen part 1 of Morris' 10 heart event. Must have entered the Junimo Woods once before and waited one day. Every few weeks, Pelican Town will host special events. In the morning, a message is shown saying "An explosion was heard in the night". Remove them entirely to see these events, or place them around events you wish to keep cut from your playthrough. It's just so out of the way that most won't ever find it on their own. Player must be in year 1. Player must have seen Willy's Event 4, and seen either the Desert Railway event or the Apples event "Delivery Request". Player has seen Abigail's SVE event and has 10 hearts with Caroline. The capsule can be picked up, and the description reads: "There's something fleshy bobbing around in the fluid". Before you go! Before becoming a Game List Writer with TheGamer, Shailyn wrote entertainment listicles for Odyssey Online and TV recaps of SyFy shows for The Fandomentals. The Doll will pop out of the TV and fly away. Takes place the first time the player enters Highland Cavern Prison with key. However, with this guide, youll now be able to use the changing seasons to your advantage. Takes place the first time the player enters the forest after completing the community center. But there's a bit more gruesome creature lurking in the ocean that most will never see. If the Witch decides to grace your Slime Hutch instead, she will turn all of the slimes inside into Black Slimes. Offering a Prismatic Shard to the shrine turns them into doves, never to be seen again. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Updated on September 29, 2021, by Anastasia Maillot: Stardew Valley's relaxing gameplay leaves a lot of room for cool little secrets, easter eggs and rare, hidden events. Player has at least 2 hearts with Magnus. Only day 10, 11, 12, 13. The Wizard mentions them at one point. According to one of the Lost Books, the Dwarf could be a descendant of an extraterrestrial race that crash-landed on Earth. Including a Santa sighting on the night of the 24th of winter. Takes place the first time the player enters Forest West after completing Magnus' Magic Ink quest. This event takes place in Fall. Dinosaur Eggs are some of the most lucrative Animal Products in Stardew Valley. Player has at least 8 hearts with George. The statue is a bit spooky, but rest assured that it doesn't harm the player. Player has the Galaxy Sword, met Alesia at the Adventurer Guild, removed the boulder blocking the Summit, and has finished the volcano dungeon. Occurs the first time the player enters Sophia's house after seeing part 1 of the event. Adds new heart events for the villagers, currently there are 24 new heart events. Year 2 or later. Player must married Lance and upgrade Farmhouse stage 3. Takes place the first time the player enters the treasure cave. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. At the festivals start time, a message will pop up on the left of your screen and let you know its beginning. Player has not completed the community center. Player has at least 8 hearts with Magnus. It is year 2 or later. One farm event is randomly selected each night. Before you go! This bluish, futuristic-looking capsule will appear on a random tile of your farm. It is between the 21st and 28th of Spring in year 1. The description reads: "It's not clear where this came from, but it looks very fine.". Player has received the letter saying the Slime Hutch has been built. What is the best profession? Here are some Fall-related events in Stardew Valley that you can attend this time of year: See all of the Festivals in the game available during the Fall in Stardew Valley: You may want to give these villagers celebrating their birthday this Fall a gift to gain some extra Friendship points! At this time, autumn colors will replace the greenery in Pelican Town. You will see and hear your fair share of Crows as you go about your farming business, but there is only a 0.5 percent chance that you might hear an Owl cooing in the night after you retire to bed. The Strange Capsule is a furniture item that works similarly to the Stone Owl. The nature of Marnie and Lewis's relationship is one of the game's biggest subplots. There are a variety of events throughout the year. I have a faint remembrance that it would be possible to give in the SMAPI console window a command to trigger an event (i.e. Here are some of the rarest random events which occur in Stardew Valley, ranked from most common to most unlikely. Player is also married to Emily. If multiplayer, player is the host. If you win the hunt, you will be rewarded an item. It is not Monday or Tuesday. A unique sound of dogs plays, and one animal left outside of the selected building disappears permanently. Player must have purchased deed and given it to the Mayor.e If multiplayer, player is the host. The crop fairy fully grows all crops in a 5x5 area around the selected crop, so they're ready to harvest. Some conditions have to be met, however: it has to not be winter, and there must be ungrown crops (not Wild Seeds) available for her to use her magic on. The player has completed the community center, but hasn't completed the missing bundle. With only a 0.001 percent chance of appearing, spotting the UFO drifting across your Profit Screen is the rarest random event that can occur in Stardew Valley. If you missed the brief Stardew Valley Steam sale as part of the farming game's seventh anniversary, you can still get the game discounted on PC elsewhere. Random farm events happen overnight when the player sleeps. Krobus is in the sewers with a Shadow Brute named Ozul. Player has 8 hearts with Marlon. Player has met Marlon in the mines and played for at least 10 days. An event is shown for completing a Community Center or Joja bundle. Player must have seen Claire's 8 heart event. Life getting too hard? Trivia: From v1.0 to v1.04 of the game (i.e., from February 26, 2016 to March 1, 2016), the meteorite was gray with no spiky projections. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. At night, there's a 1% chance the Witch will appear and fly over either a coop or a slime hutch. Player is married to Claire and has seen her 14 heart part 2.5 event. It will emit a small amount of light when placed. There are theories that this creature might, in fact,be the "merpeople" mentioned by the Wizard when you talk to him at the Summer Luau. Become a formidable farmer with these Stardew Valley guides, RuneScape player finally pulls off ridiculous ironman challenge he set himself 8 years ago: 'Life? The player has seen the treasure cave event. Must have seen the above event and played a full day. It is year 2 or later. Willy Stardew Valley 2022 - Here You Will Get All About Stardew Valley Willy And His Heart Events, Likes & Dislikes, Quests And Friendship Perks IS YOUR STARDEW VALLEY INVENTORY ALWAYS FULL? ", RELATED:Stardew Valley: Tips For Getting To Level 100 Of Skull Cavern. There are a couple of different ways to find them, but perhaps the least likely method is to dig one up in an Artifact Spot. They're rewards for players who play for a long time or think outside the box. Events Expansion is compatible with all mods in a technical level, but there might be inconsistencies in the villagers' story. If multiplayer, player is the host. It can also turn into a broken Empty Capsule if applied with Fairy Dust. Formerly a freelance news writer for NME. The random events in Stardew Valley are a part of its everlasting charm, breaking the monotony of farming with little easter eggs of rare delight. Players will eventually come to a secret exit. From then on, when you enter the Witch's Hut, the Ancient Doll will haunt the Dark Shrine and attack you upon entering. Dont fret about checking your calendar, though; the game has a few ways of reminding you festivals are happening. If multiplayer, player is host. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. The witch flies over the selected building. Year 3. By Darcy. Player has at least 5 hearts with Leo, Vincent, Jas, and Morgan. Nothing, in particular, seems to trigger this sighting, though it only happens when it is raining. Professions in Stardew Valley have their very own pros and cons. Many players do not know that you have the option to "dismiss" a child that you have with either an NPC or another player. Player has at least 5 hearts with Elliott and has not seen his 10 heart event. Player must have seen part 3 of Morris' 10 heart event. Player has not seen part 1 of Claire's 10 heart event. Receiving this invitation requires 10 hearts with Olivia. Stick that baby in an incubator, and it will grow into a little baby Void Chicken. It must be Tuesday. It turns into a broken Empty Capsule after about three days, which enables a further Easter egg. The spawn chance is about 0.06% per second. It's a 0.001% chance. Player is dating both Olivia and Victor. How scandalous. Only days 2 to 28. You can use those Tokens to purchase the following: Along with those methods, you can set up a display of 9 items to earn points. Player has 1 free inventory slot. They drop 6 Iridium Ore, 6 Stone, and 2 Geodes. Player has 10 hearts with Jodi. PC Gamer is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. They all look like the typical fairytale mermaids. The Best Stardew Valley Grid Mod Top 10 Options, Stardew Valley Emily: Schedule, Gifts, And More. The Crop Fairy is probably considered the opposite of the Witch. Player has at least 5 hearts with Vincent. Logs, rocks, and patches of grass will also spawn on your farm. Particularly because they can be turned into Mayonnaise which sells for a base price of 800 gold. 1. Contents 1 Farm events 1.1 Nothing 1.2 New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. After that, the Doll will fly around the Witch's Hut and attack the player when they come close. The event randomly chooses one barn or coop whose door is open with some animals outdoors (each with a chance equal to 1 / number of buildings, e.g. For a full list of mature events with descriptions see Mature Events. The quality will also boost the potential reward, so try to always bring gold star items. Player must upgrade Farmhouse to level 3. An event is shown for completing a Community Center or Joja bundle. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. To avoid this, you can use fertilizers to speed up plant growth before they wither. It features shops, deep sea fishing, and a mermaid show. The 1.1 update added the ability to "dismiss" children at the Witch's Hut. In either case, you can safely decline without repercussions; the event will be rechecked on later nights with the same conditions. There are still many tiny details sprinkled throughout the game, including a very rare line of text. Player must have finished the special order by placing all items in the chest inside Grandpa's Shed. Stardew Valley mods (opens in new tab): the best agricultural tweaks There's seemingly nothing to do here. Only days 1 to 27, Player must have seen part 1 of Sophia's 14 heart event. 1. If you want to avoid this one, make sure your farm critters are all inside with the barn and coop door closed. Harvey is present at the hospital. RELATED: Stardew Valley: Things You Didn't Know About Calico Desert. The trick is to cook a specific recipe. Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, completed the Community Center or Joja Mart, and met the secret CC route character and waited one day. We bet you never thought you would be getting any otherworldly visitors to your farm. Must be year 2 or later with the Movie Theater unlocked. You can find her streaming cozy or creepy games at Player has seen Clint's 8 Hearts #2 event. Her appearance is extremely rare, and only has a 1% chance of happening. Although the center crop can't be from Wild Seeds, one of the surrounding crops can be; in that case, they'll all produce the same item chosen at random. Player must have at least 50 friendship points with Claire. Player has at least one free inventory slot. For this cutscene, enter town from between 9am-6:30pm from the Cindersap Forest. This is especially possible with festivals like the Flower Dance that dont take place in the town square. So, uh, a lot like most of us. And, of course, there's the fellow who lives inside the E on the title screen. Player has seen Morris' 2 heart event and has not completed the community center. Word Search: Stardew Valley. About PolicyAbout UsContact UsFeatured by, 2022 / FANSITE MADE WITH LOVESTARDEW | GUIDE. Youll also notice that the trees are no longer blooming and have thicker green leaves, contrary to the last season. It is year 1. This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 21:51. it's a baby or you disabled pregnancy for that animal), the event does nothing. Player must have chosen to expand in Part 1. The answer is yes, and some events you cant get back. Professions in Stardew Valley have their very own pros and cons. Once this event has happened once in a save file, it cannot happen again. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are allowed to use the assets in this file in mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. If this happens, then in the morning, you'll find that one of your animals has disappeared permanently. Player must have seen part 1 of Claire's 10 heart event and allowed a day to pass. Hearing a witch's cackle is not exactly the most comforting thing to listen to after tucking yourself into bed. Every content update has big, game-changing additions. Have you ever Are the aliens behind this? Bug: if another event is selected above, the child is never born or delivered. Player has not completed the community center. If Community Center route, player has also seen Nexus: Grape Juice, and Ancient Scroll events. Taking place at the end of Summer, this event can be found on the beach late at night. Player has not completed the community center. There's a 0.5% chance of the stone owl event being chosen. Player must have seen part 1 of Apples' 10 heart event. Player has played for 30 days. This can be counter-productive, especially if the crops being grown are of more value than the loot from the meteorite. This random event has a one percent chance of happening, and it will leave a giant purple Meteorite in a 3x3 area of your farm, destroying any crops or paths in that area. 6:30 pm: Another one lounges near Pirate Cove on rainy days. If Joja route, player has also seen Nexus: Grape Juice, and Joja Can events. Walk into the cave and then keep pressing right, and you'll end up at a treasure chest containing the Golden Pumpkin. Meteorites don't despawn naturally and require a Gold Pickaxe or better to mine. However, if you close the door behind them, leaving them outside for the night, a wild animal attack will occur. If multiplayer, player is the host. Player must have seen Robin's inspection event and played a full day. One of the many secret notes the player finds during their adventures will lead them to a hidden solid gold statue of Lewis behind one of the houses in Pelican Town. Player has seen the "Delivery Request" event, and it is the day after completing the order at the Junimo tile in Aurora Vineyard. 1.65% for three animals), then one random animal in that building. The player has a fishing skill level of 8 or higher. As you got to know all of Stardew Valley's bachelors and bachelorettes, have you ever wondered, "Do the other townsfolk know I am dating Penny and Maru at the same time?". The player has seen part 2 of Sophia's 7 heart event. The UFO doesn't do anything, but it feels good to see something so rare, doesn't it? Players will know when it happens by the owl sound effect that plays after bed. The gold statue is purely decorative, depicting Lewis, the town mayor himself in all of his glory. Video game designer Eric ConcernedApe Barone created the simulation role-playing game Stardew Valley. This is an early Summer event. We walk you through all of Stardew Valley Expanded's mature event cutscenes including if you can avoid them and the trigger warnings for each one. Stardew Valley Expanded adds so much content to an already incredibly detailed game, but one aspect that goes less noticed by new players is the addition of new cutscenes. Player has 1 free inventory slot. You could wait three weeks before you see one! Word Search: Stardew Valley. Player has at least 5 hearts with Maru and hasn't seen her ten heart event. Stardew Valley developer Eric ConcernedApe Barone also released a brief celebratory statement for the games seventh anniversary, after he announced that the game had sold over 20 million copies as of last year. This will turn your children into doves, and remove them from the game. Player has at least 5 hearts with Emily. It is year 2 or later. Player has at least 7 hearts and not seen 10 heart events. MORE: The event is chosen in the order listed below. An owl sound effect plays, and a unique Stone Owl appears on a random tile of the farm. Player must have seen Morgan's 8 heart event, Player must have seen part 1 of Morgan's 10 heart event. Only one has the emo hair and a motorcycle. This event is chosen if the player agreed to have a child 14 days ago in the spouse asks for a child event. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. Players can't interact with the creature in any way, and it only shows itself at night. Before the newest 1.5 Update, the chance to see the Strange Capsule was somewhere around 0,8%. Year 4. Player must have seen Willy's Joja Route Event 1 and have Razor Trout in their inventory. Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 1 event. It is year 2 or later. This owl is unrelated to the Stone Owl sold at the Night Market. The Stone Owl is a random event. Fishing near the outdoor entrance of the Sewers will yield the item, on one condition the player has to have Level 15 Fishing. If youre new to the game, youll notice that each Season is unique. You can get everything from a Crop Fairy that grows all crops in a 55 area, a Meteorite that lands somewhere on the farm, or a Wild Animal Attack. When shifting to a new season, your crops will die unless they can also grow in the season after. One farm event is randomly selected each night. It will only appear in open water tiles that have a clear path to the bottom of the map. Alternatively, you will hear the sound of a dog barking at night. Mature events have to be enabled in the config.json to see the following events. Learn how to never miss an event below. Volcano Dungeon (Stardew Valley) Tips, Facts, and More, Guide to the Most Expensive Artifact in Stardew (2023), All 14 Heart Events in Stardew Valley (Ranked), Stardew Geode Minerals: Full List of Minerals Per Geode, Stardew Pressure Nozzle: Everything You Need to Know. How on earth does one get Level 15? Stardew Valley Trees in Greenhouse: Easy Guide, Tips, And Tricks! The next morning, you are sure to find a Stone Owl statue on a random tile of your farm.