2023 St Philip the Apostle Catholic Church is proudly powered by You will be receiving tickets in the mail in mid February. Because in order for the Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Today's first reading from the Book of Exodus is problematic in several ways. LEARN ABOUT OUR GOAL THIS YEAR BY WATCHING THIS VIDEO, VEA ESTE VIDEO PARA APRENDER SOBRE NUESTRA META, We were all created in the Divine Image and likeness of God. Christ is lifted up through the clouds to take a seat at Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: In todays gospel Jesus continues to speak reassuring words about love. Donations of non-perishable food will be accepted from Feb 25 through March 12. Interested in becoming a member of St. Philip Neri? One $5.00 ticket offers the purchaser a chance to win one of four vehicles or $40,000 (including one for $20,000) in cash prizes. Rosary Altar Society. St. Therese of Lisieux reminds us, Let us love, since that is what our hearts were made for., Once again, sometimes easier said than done, since if you are like me, I can love my neighbors in general, until I start thinking about certain people in my life that this make difficult to accomplish. She looked at me and said, Honey I want to see God and your sister one Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: This Sundays Gospel passage tells us of the physical healing of a blind man the gift of sight. St. Philip Neri Catholic Church 10960 Martin Luther King Blvd Houston, TX 77048 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Click here to sign up to receive text and email notifications from us MATTHEW 21:9 FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Christians are often exhorted to unite themselves with the Cross of Christ. Stay connected to all that's happening here. Whether you participate onsite, at church or from home, please pray for respect for life during the 40 days. =ixt iWY LFE[RjA@m3{k{- BT@4 {rwCLH"QF h _S . St. Philip parishioners are reading the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church together using The Catechism in a Year podcast with Fr. In fact, when you consider the recent events that had just occurred in her life, to say that she had to address several Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: We are drawing close to celebrating the Solemnity of the Lords Nativity, Christmas Day, on December 25th. St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church is a parish of the Diocese of Fort Worth serving Lewisville, Flower Mound, Highland Village, Lantana, Double Oak, Bartonville, other North Texas communities. Ministries. More information coming soon. Catholic Daughters #1817. The council sincerely thanks everybody who purchased raffle tickets. More details to come! Have they made their First Holy Communion? The life of a cat Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK There are two images in today's gospel, and neither one of them is particularly encouraging. A strong education with catholic values.Click Here, Promotes a deeper understanding of the faith.Click Here, The spiritual and physical needs throughout the local community.Click Here, Use E-Giving to donate online. All announcements are subject to editorial approval and space availability. We do this through the action of Giving, the action of Praying, and the action of Serving. Bobs Homily for Sunday, February 12, 2023, Bulletins of February 5 & February 12, 2023, Blessed Are You Fr. The Bulletin is a weekly newsletter of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church. Men's Welcome Retreat Men's Welcome Retreat is March 11 & 12 Sign-up in the gathering area of church. Weekend Sunday Mass: 9am. Polish (TBD) (Please call the Parish Office) Syro-Malabar 12:30 pm Bulletin Archive - St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Parish Bulletin Archives Below are links to parish bulletins from the past months. All Saints Church has invited our parishioners to participate in their Multi Car Raffle. February 26, 2023 February 19, 2023 February 12, 2023 St Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 1573 Elaine Rd Columbus, OH 43227 614-237-1671 Daily Office Hrs 9-1 Masses Monday & Thursday 9 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Parish Bulletins St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-4-2022 Advent Reflections 2022 Advent Schedule 2022 St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-27-2022 Stations of the Cross: Fridays at 6 PM beginning Friday - February 24th. Familias de Fe. Copyright 2020 Saint Philip Neri Church | Managed by. The average Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: As human beings, we are interesting creatures. Seminar sessions include "Is This Normal?" One of the reasons I enjoyed the Games so much was that Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: A priest was giving a homily on heaven and hell. The Chosen Series Pilot Episode Showing Sunday March 12, 7pm in St Philips Hall. Price $12.00 for adult, $ 6.00 for child plate. But today I would like to focus on its stark Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Today's gospel is a series of sayings of Jesus that pull in different directions. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years, or five years? Normally, we go about life in a fairly routine way. Please Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: When we hear todays readings, we can understand the challenge of preaching the Gospel today. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Saint Philip the Apostle Catholic Church: View All Collections Bulletin Stay connected to all that's happening here. Korean 3:00 pm . Parish Life. The Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: I think all of us have in our minds a picture of the Ascension of Jesus. Start to the New Scouting Season 2015/2016. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do on this Read More, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners, It might come as a surprise to you that in this short and tranquil gospel, which is proclaimed on New Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Christmas is a great Christian feast, a day on which we remember the birth of Jesus who we believe is Savior and Lord. November 2023 . Confession: A Waterfall of Grace Fr. This is particularly true of today's parable of the Good Samaritan, Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: I'm sure you will have had the students and families of Robb Elementary School on your hearts and for the past several weeks, as have I. var addy2391 = 'terps201' + '@'; Our Church Building; Bulletin; Join the Parish; Becoming Catholic (RCIA) The Catholic Community at Johns Hopkins University; Sacraments & Prayer. Once again, the Knights of Columbus of St. Philip and St. Clare thank everybody for their generous support! The first reading says, As the test of what the Read More, FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: A man who lived a very immoral life died and found himself standing before the gates of heaven. Home Weekly Bulletins Weekly Bulletins Written by St. Philip | 15 November 2009 If you would like to have the bulletin emailed to you: Go to parishesonline.com, click subscribe, enter your email address. On a natural level, this would be an interesting reality. News . To place an ad in our paid advertisement section of the bulletin, contact Diocesan at 1.800.292.9111, 292 Munn Road East Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: 803.548.7282, Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM,9:30 AM,11:30 AM,5:30 PM (Contemporary Music) Daily Mass: 9:30 AM, Monday-Friday. An online archive of parish resources and materials for St. Philip Neri parishioners. . It is not always easy to love those close to us. St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church - Flower Mound, TX Join us for Mass Our doors are open for you Mass Times Watch Mass Online Sunday Bulletin New to St. Philip's? It always brings a smile to my face. History of the Church and School. He Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, When we hear todays readings, we can understand the challenge of preaching the Gospel today. WordPress. In my own family, my younger sister Michele, died at the age of 11 after a long illness Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: As we begin the unofficial end of summer weekend, our thoughts turn to school, homework and hopefully a return to "normal." For bulletin advertising information, please call Liturgical Publications Inc at 800.888.4574. But Read More, RISEN LORD FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: The gospel we heard proclaimed at the Easter Vigil Mass is a familiar one. Schedule of Games. All rights reserved. Catholic Voices on Racism. BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: God is doing whatever it Read More, Third Sunday of Lent "During Lent, let us find concrete ways to overcome our indifference." document.write( '' ); My formal education began at St. Patrick School, Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, In today's Gospel, Jesus calls his first disciples: Peter and Andrew, and then James and John. addy3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70 = addy3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70 + 'saintphilip' + '.' + 'com'; Written by Angie Wildeman Sunday (live streamed) 9:00 am . The Bulletin is a weekly newsletter of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church. Second Sunday of Lent "Fasting makes sense if it really chips away at our security, and as a consequence, benefits someone else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the good Samaritan who bent Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, There is an ancient legend that on the day of Jesus resurrection, the devil, who is a master of disguise, attempted to get into heaven by pretending to be Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, In recent years, transgender ideologues have mounted a cultural offensive that swept all rationality before them. document.write( '' ); Lets see how many times we can fill the shopping basket! Trae amor a tu hogar porque aqu es donde debe comenzar nuestro amor mutuo. 2-5-23 Bulletin. Out of town? Men's Welcome Retreat is March 11 & 12Sign-up in the gathering area of church. Ask for Him to open your mind and heart to His will and renew your commitment to the actions of Giving, Praying and Serving. Keep up-to-date on St. Philip Neri news and upcoming events. A sense of hope and newness is Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Is there anyone who can teach us as Jesus does? Church Hours & Directions. The winners of the charity raffle draw were: As a result of this years Charity Raffle the Knights will be donating $2,000 to the Richmond Food Bank, $1,500 to St. Philip Church and $500 to St. Clare Mission. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Price $12.00 for adult, $ 6.00 for child plate. First there is the image of the narrow gate. : fish, macaroni and cheese, and baked beans with corn bread. Youth Ministry Upcoming Events & Information. I hope it does for you as Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger" is something I first heard watching "Little House on the Prairie" TV series. CNA Spotlights St. Benedict the Moor Parish. These confession times are are in addition to parishes' regularly scheduled or by-appointment confessions. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Altar Servers. For bulletin advertising information, please call Liturgical Publications Inc at 800.888.4574. But it is difficult to spot because of the English translation of the Greek text of the scriptures. p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. For the most up-to-date weekday Mass and Confession schedules, please check the bulletin on the parish website, using the above link. A menudo, si no encontramos que la compensacin sea suficiente, nuestra actitud concluye que el sacrificio no vale la pena. The publication is used as a means of communicating to our fellow parishioners of current, upcoming and past events. Registration will open on March 4, 2023 5:00 pm. St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 142 E Lambert St, San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 226-5024 Festival. Bulletin; Organizations. We live at a time when divorce is common and acceptable in most countries Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, There are many things we could discuss about this long and difficult parable about the rich man and Lazarus. The first and second readings have words of encouragement for us. Es ms fcil dar una taza de arroz para aliviar el hambre que aliviar la soledad y el dolor de alguien que no se quiere en nuestra propia casa. 1:00 pm in Spanish The Light is ON initiative promotes the Sacrament of Reconciliation by offering it on an increased basis during Lent. Saturday at 5:30pm. var addy3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70 = 'office' + '@'; Respect Life. July 2023. var prefix = 'mailto:'; We feel resentment when they dont want to change, or refuse to change, and sadly this feeling becomes hate, not towards their attitude, but often towards the person. Bulletins; Other Ministries; Join Us; Pastoral History; Online Giving; St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Bulletins. "The Challenges of Grief," "Grief and Your Relationships," "Why?" Confessions: Saturdays from 8:30 AM to 9 AM and from 3 PM to 3:45 PM. For more information, please email eac2427@gmail.com. Monday - Friday: 8am and 7pm You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Its safe and secure Click Here, 622 Putnam Pike Greenville, RI 02828P: (401) 949-1500E:office@saintphilip.com. To submit an announcement, email communications@saintphilipneri.org. This image is created out of His love for us, not just for us to receive, but also to be a witness of it. Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, who forgives all our sin, whose mercy endures forever. Please be patient. //--> Saint Philip Roman Catholic Parish | Bulletins Bulletins Home > Bulletins BULLETIN DEADLINE Please note: Articles to be published in the Sunday Bulletin should be turned in to Maureen at the Parish Office or emailed to maureen@saintphilipchurch.org no later than 12:00 noon on Friday for the following week's bulletin. It is, therefore, our responsibility as a parish to embrace all the Christian faithful in our community and to assist our pastor in his ministry of Christ. Sunday 12:30 pm So, throughout the centuries writers and artists have struggled to come up with an adequate image to represent the Spirit. 2nd Prize $500 - J. Villeneuve. | //--> Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: A woman was running very late for an important meeting with her lawyer. Please check the latest parish bulletin for any changes to the above schedule! Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.. 4:00 pm Bilingual. Becoming Catholic; Returning Catholics; Learn More; Register; Our Faith; Our Faith . We meet Mondays at 7:45 pm in the Newman Room to watch"The Chosen," the first ever multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. We are blessed here at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church to be a community of vibrant, faithful people who serve our parish, our community, and beyond in numerous ways. The winners of the charity raffle draw were: 1st prize $1,000 - J. Lemyre. Download the most recent church bulletins containing, photos, stories, news and event information. Cristo Renueva su Parroquia (CRESP) Spiritual Retreat / Retiro Espiritual. We would like to invite you to The council sincerely thanks everybody who purchased raffle tickets. Please download the bilingual Stations of the Cross booklet here so you can print it or follow along using your device. St Philip Pastoral Plan; Safe Environments; Saint Philip Artists Guild; Ministries . Little did I know at the Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Cats are not known for their humility. There is Read More, Happy Mother's Day Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. Lent at St. Philip's Lent at St. Philip's Mission Mondays Pipe Organ Installation Our Schedule has been updated with new changes See updated schedule Upcoming at St. Philip's We strive to be a welcoming parish that reflects the heart, mercy and teachings of . 513.899.3601 | Fax: 513.899.3785 . First, it associates God with violence. For whoever is not against us Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Grief comes boxed in many different packages. #. Welcome to St. Philip Catholic Church. I officially started at Saint Philip Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Today's gospelseems harsh and demanding. Download the most recent church bulletins containing, photos, stories, news and event information. During Lent, Stations of the Cross is Tuesday nights at 6:30pm, starting February 28th. Parish Pastoral Council. This email address is being protected from spambots. Looking for a Catholic Mass? It is important to remember this to answer the question that Jesus poses in today's gospel. Upcoming dates are March 14 and 28, and April 11 and 25. Copyright 2020, All Rights ReservedwebmailDesigned by Midfield TechnologiesBuilt with HTML5 and CSS3. Serving the Johns Hopkins University Catholic Community. Lent is coming and it is a time for us to focus once again on the changes that we make to better ourselves. St. Philip Apostle Catholic Church, Statesville, NC. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Liturgy. St. Philip and St. Clare Knights of Columbus Council 11825 heldits 6th annual charity raffle draw on Sunday, February 26, 2023 at St. Philip Parish Hall. To submit an announcement, email communications@saintphilipneri.org. Most needed items: cereal, pork & beans, canned peas, canned corn, shampoo and bar soap. For more information, contact Riley Moore, St. Philip and St. Clare Knights of Columbus Council 11825 held its 6th annual charity raffle draw on Sunday, February 26, 2023 at St. Philip Parish Hall. You are the salt of the earth. Really, Jesus? God seems to be party to Joshua's military campaign that Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, We all have expectations - some idea of what is likely and what is unlikely for our lives. Lenten Parish & Youth Mission: March 13th to March 15th with Father David Engo. View Download 17th Sunday in . Vigil Mass. If you would like to reach the nearly 30,000 households that subscribe to Rhode Island Catholic, please call 401.272.1010. Outreach to the Homebound. The stories are brief and unadorned. Of course, the master is Christ who will return at the Read More, THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD There he was transfigured before them. 1573 Elaine Rd Columbus, OH 43227 614-237-1671 Daily Office Hrs 9-1 Masses Monday & Thursday 9 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-20-2021, Revised St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-20-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-13-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-6-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-2-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-16-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-9-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-2 -2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-28-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-21-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-14-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-7-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-31-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-17-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-26-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-19-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-12-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-5-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-29-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-15-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-8-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-1-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-17-2022, -St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-16-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-9-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-2-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-26-2021, 2021 Advent and Christmas service dates and times, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-26-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-29-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-22-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-15-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-8-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-1-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-27-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-13-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-6-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-23-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-16-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-9-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-2-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-25-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-18-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-11-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-4-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-30-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-5-2020 (2), St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-28-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-21-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-14-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-7-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-31-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-24-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-17-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-10-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-3-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-25-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-18-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-11-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-4-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-30-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-23-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-16-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-9-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-2-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-26-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-19-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-12-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-5-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 03-31-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-2-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-04-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-07-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-02-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-26-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-19-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-12-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-05-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-17-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-10-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 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