Meaning: (Phrase) Having the craic means a person is ready to listen to the latest news of gossip. Thank you. Meaning: (Adjective) When an Irish says youre jammy, he or she means you are lucky. 50+ Best Irish Slang Words And Phrases To Try Out Thinking of going on a trip to Ireland and fit in with the locals? For instance, Declan has been in there for the past hour looking around., To eat the head off someone is to become extremely enraged with them. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. Whats the craic? You could grow potatoes in those ears This is used to tell someone they are not paying attention/hearing you and is used instead of saying clean out your ears. Many of the words below were unfamiliar to me as well, but Ive included them in a section specifically for slang used in Belfast. Well done, her. It can also mean they are taking advantage of you. This expression means he or she wont be doing something. Meaning: (Adjective) Mouldy or mullered is a term mostly used in Drogheda, Ireland, and is used to describe a drunk person. Youll hear Dubliners saying town was jammers in the run up to Christmas when the streets are full of shoppers. In Ireland, there are literally countless ways to describe someone we dont like. Example: hey, dawn! Ill burst ye Can be used to indicate youre going to swing for someone/hit them. Meaning: (Expression) In Irish slang words, the term eat the head off is used when someone is furious with another person. She's only an aul wagon 8. Cat. Example: I heard he turned in to a skanger. Example: All she does is show meaningless videos. Youll often hear Irish mammies say ah feck instead of the f-word around kids. Meaning: (Noun) A hallion is a person who is worthless. Shed talk the hind legs off a donkey This girl/woman is a right chatterbox, never stops talking. Im sure you two will get along. Developed "straight from the horse's mouth". Here are 20 Northern Irish phrases and what they mean in plain English. Example: Shes giving out in the living room, but I dont understand her. Meaning: A person from the country, or basically anyone that comes from anywhere other than Dublin. You got a bad dose of it, didn't you. Meaning: (Expression) The term acting the maggot is when an Irish person deems to mess around instead of doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. I cannot stand another word from you. I have visited more than 50 countries, as well as lots of towns and villages all around the world. Example: Finally, its a good day for drying! Sarahs new fella was out last night, for example. Im famished! For instance, Oh well! Why? You could say some of these Irish funny phrases are gas. For instance, That new pub on the corner is deaaaaadly!. I am not familiar with any books. . Im in a hurry, so lets talk soon! Tame. Deadly Indicates that something is cool or awesome. These cookies do not store any personal information. I hope youre only making it up. For instance, She wants to be f****d out of the club. She is arranged in rags. This Irish expression is used to request that someone wait for you or to pause what you are saying. Meaning: (Expression) The term Its spitting is used when there is light rain. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Youre acting the maggot. Meaning: (Adjective) The Irish slang all lured denotes a feeling of delight towards someone or something. Bang on is a way to describe a person or a circumstance. It is a book containing the gallows speeches from over 100 offenders. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. Topic: +100 Irish Slang Words To Sound Like A Local. The term is commonly used as an insult in Ireland. Donkeys years Used to refer to a very long time. This one, which is pronounced Ban-jacks-d, is also for someone who has overindulged significantly. Youve been warned! Example: Get away from me, melter! If you want to visit Ireland and experience the culture, food, and history of the country, then you should get to know Irish slang words so you can sound like an Irish person. Bang on. Giving out literally translates as to whine. Irish slang words and phrases and how to use them The state of you! Meaning: (Adjective) The term shitehawk is used to describe the poorest of the poor. Brit: A member of the British armed forces. Meaning: (Phrase) Ogeous handling is a situation wherein the people are in danger. But in Irish slang, savage means outstanding or amazing. This term is used for an acquaintance and even for your father. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish words, The jacks means toilet. Example: Feck, I forgot to charge my phone! So, I actually believed that the term giving out was used widely. The cure denotes a pint of beer/Guinness to cure the hangover. . Example: Let me see the video again. Quality, I see. Acting the maggot - messing around Someone acting the maggot is messing around, playing around, or being silly. Hes a cute hoor that fella, for instance, and he always manages to score a free ticket to the concerts in Phoenix Park. During a trip to Northern Ireland, where we visited way too many pubs, I frequently heard the word cracking used. I had a wild night last night. Can also be used to mean a person. Email: Word: Define: Ive split these into sections: slang Irish phrases, slang Irish words, Irish expressions used for saying hello, Irish slang phrases for drunk and also Irish slang insults and swear words. Meaning: (Greeting) This Irish greeting is often used when a person comes home from the pub. Dont go anywhere alone with him. Irish people will say, Fair play, when they want to congratulate someone. For instance, Shes a terrible gobshite., This is yet another mild term for someone who is dense. How will he give you the life youve always dreamed of? This is said often in my area of Dublin as a bit of humour. Meaning: (Phrase) The Irish phrase be wide is what the locals used to tell a person to be careful. All of these Irish slang words can be used to describe someone who is drunk. A lot of the time, when Im speaking to someone who isnt Irish, I forget that the words Im using are actually slang. His sister told his Mam about what happened, for instance. Jammers when someone says it was jammers this means the bus/pub/train was packed with people. Give it a lash basically means to try something out. I thought they were sold out, Savage, man. In Ireland, we use the adjective deadly to describe excellent or fantastic things. Shut your bake, you clown, for instance. Ask any Irish person! It can mean fun, goings on or gossip. Ah, another Irish proverb that describes something brilliant with a word that is actually used to describe something dangerous. Irish Slang Words, Irish proverbs for describing the weather, pp. . Get up the yard 13. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Stall the ball chief, Ill be there in 20, or Stall the ball a minute what did he say? are two examples. It can also be used to indicate someone is irritated or angry. . Everyday Irish Slang Words and Phrases The exact meaning and usage of these words and phrases from Ireland may vary from one area to another, so be sure and pay close attention to the context in which they're being used. Or a little shady. Meaning: Hes really going for itExample of usage and translation: Yer man was giving it socks on the dance floor last night = That guy was dancing non-stop last night, Meaning: Bad or terribleExample of usage and translation: Youre a poxy bleedin liar = Youre a terrible F****** liar, Meaning: How embarrassing for you.Note: The complete version of this slang phrase is scarlet for your ma for having ya which translates as You did something extremely embarrassing and should be disowned.. You appear healthy. Meaning: (Phrase) When you hear someone say sure look, it means it is what it is or a person is bored but does not want to talk more. Meaning: (Greeting) The term story horse is used as a greeting and when a person invites you to tell him or her the latest gossip. Meaning: (Adjective) To many of us, deadly means something dangerous that could lead to death when done. Let me help you with your things. I have no other words. I need a barrel of Soudafed, for instance. Its gas! If someone says the craic was 90 it means the fun, laughter and joviality was amazing. . Yer man over there (with pointing or nodding of the head) This indicates that man over there. 16. Example: What is this mess? Give me a shot. sound out irish slang 05 Jun. Banjaxed This is used to describe something that is broken or not working. Something that is dirty is referred to as manky. Example: My oul fella wants to join this trip and I said yes. This Irish proverb seemed to make perfect sense to me, but apparently not. That young lad was acting the maggot in here last night.. . Its often called squash or cordial in other countries. if a person wants to try something and convinces another person that he or she could do it, he or she uses give me a shot.. The word comes from how Irish people pronounce idiot.. Say, Ah, stop, thats gas! , Emmas dog is gas, etc. Meaning: (Adjective) When an Irish person says fine, he or she is referring to a beautiful person, thing, or place. I cant be arsed. This article is the combined work of four writers: Sorcha OHiggins, Tara Povey, Sarah Arnold, and Niall Colbert. This is often combined with howya/hewya, especially in Dublin so you may hear howya, whats the story? as a greeting between people. Donkeys years is a term for a lengthy period of time. Use with caution as these Irish slang phrases can range from mild to offensive. Example: Were you shifting with her the other night? Example: How could you come to this kind of place? How are things going? The most useless scut Ive ever seen. As above, usually instead of saying something like hi buddy, any news. It has the same meaning in the English language. Meaning: (Expression) Bucketing down is one of the most used Irish slang phrases when there is a heavy downpour of rain. Read on to find out several ways to say hello to Irish people as well as some other interesting sayings and funny phrases. It usually refers to someone who willingly does a favour, asked or not, although usually unexpected - Like when you ask for one rollie and your given two, or the bouncer to an over 21s let's you in when your 20. A person who is having the craic is having fun, as in Ah, man, Im dying. We returned from the pub at 2:00, but we continued to have fun until 7:00. Example: Hey, there, young fella. I loved this article, thank you! You jammy sod Meaning you are very lucky. When describing something or someone who is in a bad situation, the phrase in bits is used. Example: Come meet my mucker. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase out of your tree is used when a person is severely drunk that he or she will most likely have a hangover the following day. The Craic was 90 There's more than just one craic in Irish slang. Meaning: (Verb) The Irish slang phrase leg it means that the person saying this to you wants you to move quickly or run to avoid being late. Although he is from Malahide, he is spot on. Revealing the Origins of this Scary Irish Creature, What is Ireland Famous For? Example: Im glad to spend time with you this summer. . or when asking about a specific circumstance, such as Hows that lad doing? He and I havent spoken in ages. We use the same turns of phrase a lot apparently, mind you Im in Dundee which had a huge Irish influx in the 18th & 19th centuries. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. There is not one Irish person I dont know that doesnt utter this at least once after the clocks have changed. Rainey weather type. Meaning: (Expression) The expression Nice one is used when a person agrees or approves of another persons actions. Dilutable = Non-alcoholic concentrated syrup used to make beverages. Since there are so many different ways to use the word craic, Im giving it its own section. Shes a tool. When I was starting to put together this list with my husband, I wanted to run this list by him. . Rainey weather type. Say, Theres your change, for instance. Note: A lie. How ya getting on? Someone having notions may think they are better than others or their situation is better than it actually is (whether they realise it or not). . Example: Its been a donkeys years since I had a day off. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This Irish proverb is frequently used in a crude manner to describe someone who is feeling queasy, as in Ive had a bad dose of the shits all day.. Every day, I use slang. Full of Tips, Reviews, Travel Blogs 7 Coronation Road, Launchese, London, NW10 7PQ, UNITED KINGDOM Contact us: [emailprotected] Read more. Yoke A word used instead of saying thing. Can also be used to describe someone who isnt facing reality about something or a situation. Courtin = Dating (term commonly used in Northern Ireland). Hammered is the word Irish people use when they drink too much and get intoxicated. Meaning: Well done!Example of usage and translation: Jaysus, you did well there, good woman yourself! = Jesus man, well done, congratulations!, Meaning: ThingyExample of usage and translation: Wheres that yoke gone? = Where has that random thing gone that I was looking for?, Meaning: My girlfriendNote: You can also refer to a group of females as mots., Meaning: VeryExample of usage and translation: Its fierce windy out = Its very windy outside, Meaning: Equivalent the F wordExample of usage and translation: wheres me bleedin phone? = Where my F****** phone?, Meaning: That sucks / How unfortunate for you. For instance, Mary, what a wonderful day it is today.. Irish slang words and meanings Eejit - This is probably one of the most commonly used Irish slang terms that I know of. Example: The craic was 90 at your birthday party last night! For our American readers, let me clarify that when we say dope in Ireland, we dont mean anything illegal. Its manky! Are you going for the cure? Irish slang words and phrases are ubiquitous, even in polite conversation, so youll need to master them to make heads or tails of whats being said at the pub. After everything I have done for you! This term, which is pronounced Flue-tered, designates a person who has consumed more alcohol than 9 pints. Although I personally dont use the word feck, it is one of my favorites because it is associated with the wonderful Father Ted series. 20. In this case, we will define soft drinks according to Irish slang. Another lovely Irish expression is banjaxed. She only needed four years. Clean is a translation. a way of describing someone in a good way "he/shes sound", Irish Slang Words, Jokes, Funny Irish images, Irish memes, Irish Sayings, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Phrases and more. Example: Why dont we go on dander and have a picnic? 3. When referring to someone whose name you do not know or who you do not like, the phrase Yer wan or Your one is used. Meaning: (Noun) A young wan is Irish slang word for a young lady, maybe a teenager. 2. Youll often hear hes an awful eejit meaning hes a bit dumb. They are not real. It was in this paper bag, but its not inside anymore. Example: Where do you get this bizarre craic? C'mere 'til I tell ya 15. Youre better off without him, anyway. For example, I managed to book tickets for that concert you were telling me about Paddy, to which Paddy replies deadly. Theres a grand aul stretch in the evenings This is often uttered in springtime, particularly when the clocks have moved forward in March and evenings are staying brighter for longer. Meaning: (Adjective) The word dote is used to describe a person who is adorable. Bang on is another example of Irish slang for good and is typically used as a response. Here are some terms youll need to know, whether youre a first-time visitor or just trying to watch an Irish movie without needing subtitles. Here are some more typical expressions using Irish slang words, from "the messages" to "jammy." The letters For some strange reason, "the shopping" or "the groceries" are referred to as "the messages" in Ireland. Therefore, this is a particularly derogatory phrase that is used by women only. Im going on the lash at the weekend means I am going out drinking this weekend. Be advised, the last section contains swear/curse/cuss words, so if you dont want to read them, skip the last section. all lured - feeling delighted banjaxed - a multipurpose word that can mean broken, tired or drunk be wide - be careful Your man who I purchased the car from is a serious Gombeen, I said. You threw away all the important documents! "Tommy, it's been donkey's years since you've been here!". Leg it to the shops, or leg it to meet one of the lads around the corner. I got the job in the chipper, did you hear? Ah no. Dose Means a case of illness. In other words, I didnt. Shes cutting how? Example: Get away from that sleeveen! For instance, Oh man, my heads are in shambles. Keep doing that and youll be a pro in no time. Meaning: (Phrase) In bits is when a person is describing something bad that happened to him or her. Leave a door open unnecessarily in an Irish house and youll hear this expression coming your way. Oi / / is an interjection used in various varieties of the English language, particularly Australian English, British English, Indian English, Irish English, New Zealand English, and South African English, as well as non-English languages such as Chinese, Tagalog, Tamil, Hindi / Urdu, Japanese, and Portuguese to get the attention of another Meaning: (Noun) A peeler is an Irish term for a member of the police. In reality, it can describe anything. Ever. Please share your feedback in the box below. sound out irish slang. So, whats the craic? Join the I Left My Heart in Ireland in Our Community on Facebook. Meaning: (Noun) The term glunterpeck is another word for a stupid person. Gas is used when someone or something is funny. They have fought against the more powerful and oppressive British empire, whose members mostly derive from Anglo-Saxons. Example: Are you done with schoolwork? Example: You gowl! I havent seen him in donkeys years means that you havent seen that person for a very long time. He does appear to be possessed, flying around the garden. Example: Lets go. For instance, John spills his pint of Guinness and shouts Bollix in annoyance. Meaning: (Expression) Go and bollox is the Irish way of saying you are not agreeing with what a person is saying to you. See what I did there! For instance, He had three bottles of Coke and a bag of Skittles an hour ago; hes been on high doh ever since.. If you fall and break your legs, dont come running to me! There is no way I would wait there for a bus. . Thank you so much is what thanks a million means. Example: Stall the ball! Ask me arse Usually said to someone in response to a question to do something. Muppet Another word for stupid and can be substituted for eejit. Sound is also used to describe someone who is cool/alright. Im having the craic this instant. I wont even bother with the plants. This Irish slang has been used for years. Used when it is raining especially hard outside. There are many different Irish slang terms for drunk or for someone who has consumed excessive amounts of alcohol. This is yet another mild example of Irish slang for someone you dont particularly like. Dont get confused with it being a person, for locals are always using this term. Translated: A stroll. Did you see her going to the toilet in front of the police station?" Learning the most commonly used Irish slang words and phrases can significantly improve your chances of blending in with the community in an instant. Get outta that garden A fun Irish phrase used to get a laugh or reaction or can also be said to someone who is being nosy or doing something they shouldnt. He is a smooth-talker and gets what he wants, even in the wrong way. You can post any Irish slang youre unsure of in the comments section below, and Ill get back to you. Youll be getting off your hole and emptying the bins in 5 minutes, for instance. For instance, Please let me know he canceled training. The outside is rotten. Impress your friends with your new accent. Ive never heard some of these terms before! Example: My son is a chancer, alright. Meaning: (Noun) Latchio is a form of derogatory word used for a male person with a low social status. Its finely stopped pissing down. The day is suitable for drying. I would give him a solid kick up the hole if he were my own! Take a look below! This is hilarious! Last night, after Foleys, I was in a hoop. Example: Nice one! Youll hear this phrase frequently when people are describing people they dont like. Example: Its spitting outside but it might rain harder, so dont forget your umbrella.

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