/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Is it still available? Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. So, I guess I'm very lucky, especially after reading about yours and others problems with sonobello. Please enter valid email address to continue. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] However, it's difficult to correct liposuction as bad as that which was performed on me. Don't let Sono Bello touch you. I need to know how to proceed with this company too. Hi I had a procedure at the Ontario location by a doctor who was let go because a lot of his surgeries had to be redone. No one said it looked right. After the procedure, the cut was there (hip to hip) but no puncture wounds from the lipo. Id like to write a more thorough one when I have more time. (Yes, she cut them out) Now, the areola on my right side is permanently stretched because of the scar on the base of it is much lower than my left side because of less fat in my lower chest. When I went in everyone was very nice. Since the Atkins Corporation was one of the defendant companies in the case, this created a conflict of interest for the attorney handling the case. She told me I needed to rub those areas and they would go away. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] << << /Tabs /S If you compare sides, one side is larger then the other. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] WebThis is ClassAction.org's current list of open lawsuits and investigations. 6 months ago and already had a blood clot in my lower tummy and had to have my own family Dr. Being half sedated, I remember thinking, if she stops now, what will my body look like? I'm canceling mine in the morning. I feel almost deformed because I didn't get the results I was promised.i am embarrassed that I paid so much for the procedure.i thought So o Bello was legit!. I wish you all the best of luck! I will run out of that place quick. /Tabs /S But I only got 8 and maybe there is a 1/2 inch difference in my arms when I expected 3 to 4 inches to be gone on each arm. I live in New Jersey, its very expensive to travel to New York, then I was turned away. I am so upset and don't know what to do. 7 0 obj Both my arms and legs were mutilated. Then, a week later, she refunded my $1, 000 office fee too. Im watching an infomercial right now and have been considering. And I will show you in person what they have done. THEY LEAVE ME ON CONTINUOUS HOLDS SOME TIMES FOR AN HOUR OR MORE lol.. IT'S BEEN NEARLY 4 MONTHS NOW AND STILL CAN NOT SEE THE DOCTOR. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Proudly powered by WordPress It's time to call an attorney and sue them. I love it! 18 0 obj Really? /Tabs /S 35 0 obj I will, however, give you the full version of my story. /StructParents 0 I've been looking for someone who actually would start a lawsuit against Sonobello. /Type /Font Terrible pain and suffering. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] I would stay away from this place. They committed a federal crime against the bank by alternating contracts to retrieve thousands of dollars for services thats wasnt rendered. I had no idea. I was swindled out of $11, 000 and now have a lumpy looking abdomen..like I ate a bag of rocks! I appreciate that you reached out to me, but that ship sailed as far as I see it. endobj It showed horizontal lines of dense tissue. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. I ask her if the procedure could really get rid of the fat on my arms and she said "yes, we can get rid of it." 22 0 obj My thighs look horrible, huge indentions as if they removed a huge chunk from the back of my legs. Pissed, she said, "fine, I will redo your procedure", Picked up my file and left. /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde I had asked about having my stomach, upper arms and neck worked on, April told me I could have "Venus Legacy Sculpt" on my upper arms because it isn't a surgery it didn't matter how much my BMI was. /Annots [] I wish you the best of luck. >> My right side of my chest was larger and Knots were forming. Doctors should be seen first and be 100% honest with the patient before a sales rep is even involved. /Tabs /S I am just as fat as I was before and yet I was the perfect candidate for the surgery. << Chase class action lawsuit eligible classes are those which are members of the National Association of Personal Bankruptcy Attorneys (NAPBA) or the National The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. /First 11 0 R /F1 36 0 R they are horrid. It is unconscionable how Sono Bello apparently is swindling, who knows how many consumers out of "thousands" of dollars at a time. I was going to have the face lift. /Rotate 0 A lead plaintiff must show the court that all members /Rotate 0 /Type /Page They didn't have an opening until2 weeks later for me to come in for my first treatment. << The pain was unbearable. Class Action Lawsuit Sono Bello. /Font << I'll be calling you today. If you want, you can go to myherbalife.com and sign up as a preferred member using my number 10y21363303 as your sponsor. If you paid with a credit card you can call that card and reverse the charge for malpractice. Be thankful you are not in this situation. >> 24 0 obj Earlier plzzzzzzzz le me knw. /Count 2 They had also allowed me to urinate all over myself and left me laying soaking wet covered in urine. I was looking to find what kind of lawyer would take this on. Horrific experience. Also, during the 2nd surgery I evidentally was not given enough pain medication because I felt the severe stabbing pain of the instrument plunging into my thighs and was sedated enough to where all I could do was moan and groan. /Annots [] My name is Cherry [protected] or email me jdan11@icloud.com. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. /Parent 14 0 R I have made recordings of my conversations prior to 2nd post op. Please contact me if you are willing to speak up for yourself and others. Worse decision in my life to go to SonoBello. ComplaintsBoard.com is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. and use my coupon code: GETUP for a discount. Other names for lawsuits brought by a number of people who suffered similar harm or losses are "mass tort litigation" and "multi-district litigation" ("MDL"). /Parent 12 0 R :( /Parent 12 0 R September 13, 2018 / 8:45 PM I asked her if I should go to another surgeon? No ones above the law than no more excuses for anyone. >> With love, I lost 10, 000 please email me tpettit2006@gmail, Sorry I went for the second time this February because they didnt do a good job in March of last year Im not a happy camper right now so please sign me up for a class action law suit, I agree I had surgery March 2018 and my results left scar tissues and botched On my upper back area with pain around my neck and I most definitely need to take the next steps My email @tinaleague.tc@gmail.com. At my revision, they hadn't received laundry back and were using lightweight blankets instead of sheets on the beds. All he complaints I have read here are exactly the same complaint I have against Sonobello and maybe more Have you contacted the lawyer. Me also. I finally got to my first appointment and only saw the doctor for 2-3 minutes. /Contents [63 0 R 64 0 R 65 0 R] Worst experience of my life, left me disfigured, no follow up or responses from VA center and they know theres an issue and I spent $20, 000 look worse! /Resources 96 0 R I made an appointment with Dr, Pittman she said she would meet with me. endobj endobj One excuse after another about my medical condition being a problem. 855.300.4459 Home Lawsuits Featured Lawsuits view all Pennsylvania Child Sexual The lawsuit said Ms. Evangelista had seven treatments from August 2015 through February 2016 to break down fat cells in her abdomen, flanks, back and bra area, inner thighs, and chin. << Specifically, one of the items that were fabricated were actual debts that the Blue Man Group owed to the Atkins Corporation. I also went to the Sacramento office too, but I was given the run around for six months. << /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply He just continued working and smiling. endobj /Resources 103 0 R [protected] im still the same fat miserable person i was before surgery still look same now, We need to start a class action suit, I lost all my money, butchered & deformed and gained back double weight within 3 months ! Or how much did they pay them to do so? The lawsuit is filed by a lead plaintiff (or lead plaintiffs) on behalf of a larger group (the "class"). I have written response from Sonobello, which truly shows what they truly care about. /Kids [33 0 R 34 0 R] 2021 which they had to remove fat from my stomach. Please include me in any class action that is being filed against them. endobj I called them even recently and they could careless and wanted to schedule me for another surgery out of my pocket! I called a year later, after all the sweeping was suppose to go down and revile my new body and it looked worse than before. I wish I had never had it done at Sonbello. The last time they tried to pretend to help me, it didn't go very well. Each action must be supported with appropriate legal documents, accurate and detailed litigation filings, as well as an adequate and timely discovery strategy. I wish to join the class action suit for a number of reasons. I felt and remember the whole thing. She told me that if I could pinch it, they could suck it out. I went to the Sacramento office in January. I am so upset with myself for letting this happen but for some stupid reasons I really trusted in the commercials. I went to the BBB site, and seen only one complaint. >> I said, "she just accused me of sexually harassing the nurses and now that I am going to get a second opinion she is going to redo the procedure?" 30 0 obj That is how Sono Bello should work. Omg me too they gave me the medication and then had me start signing paperwork . /quotesingle 96 /grave 128 /bullet /dagger /daggerdbl /ellipsis /emdash /endash << Doctor told me not to use the binder. I met with my regular doctor, Dr Geyer. endobj /Type /Page /Annots [] /Tabs /S By Dec. my right side of my chest was much larger than my left. They didn't even go over with my husband how to care for me or how to change my bandages. I used to exercise like a maniac and diet too. << >> /Parent 4 0 R The Doctor kept saying my stomach was swollen and eventually the swelling with go away. He over corrected in some spots and under in others. I cry EVERY day, and my newly wed husband is suffering right along with me. She reassured me that she would get rid of my boobies, fat on my lower and upper abs. So I put some money down. WebA class action is a legal procedure that allows many people with similar grievances to join together and file a lawsuit. That said, a few cases are opt-in cases, such as those that sue over wage and hour violations. I was bandaged from my left hip to my right hip. There is many Sonobello Class Action Lawsuits that have been filed in the United States. /Parent 3 0 R I woke one time and the nurse was giving me another pain pill. The company left an official comment to this complaint. Stay away. Also you can go to "people claim.com" and file your complaints and asked to be reimbursed and compensated for your damages and injury. She then said if I did not stop complaining she would stop the procedure. I have a question, has anyone cancelled their procedure and gotten their money back? /ZaDb 19 0 R I'm SO not gonna waste my time. /Subtype /Type1 Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California#History. Also you can go to "3 on your side." Stay away from additional disfiguring problem. Reputable surgeons being honest if it is the best decision for the patient. They said that the skin will tighten but it never happened. SonoBello is the biggest rip off ever. Everyone I met with prior to surgery explained that I would be awake and feel a tugging sensation. /Type /Outlines Top Class Actions features a wide variety of class action lawsuits, from a $2 settlement for people who purchased a Permatex Auto Repair kit that was mislabeled as being made in the USA (due April 8, 2015) to a $195 settlement for people who purchased a defective model of a Gateway computer monitor that had issues with flickering, among I looked worse in a bathing suit rather than better. << I ended up in a total depression over my stupid use of my money only to look awful and ended up gaining 25 lbs because I just gave up. endobj I wore my support garments 20 hours out of the day. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] endobj /Contents [40 0 R 107 0 R 108 0 R] Neither of us have noticed any significant change in our appearance, either. I had a procedure at Sono Bello St. Louis, and would like to talk to you. WebClass Action Lawsuits - The Top Open Class Action Settlements Class Action Lawsuits We keep you informed about ongoing and potential lawsuits so that you can hold companies accountable for negligence. /Rotate 0 /CropBox [0 0 612 792] /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /StructParents 7 She told me I don't know what a flat stomach or a flat chest looks like and then I showed her pictures of me. Next time go to the Internet and google that particular Business Entity and the doctors and read their reviews. Please excuse the mispelled words in my post above.I have a remote keyboard and not use to the keys yet. I had drank lots more water and was exercising my arms to help them. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] 27 0 obj A class-action lawsuit against Ultimate Kronos Group claimed the company's recent ransomware attack exposed the personal data of millions of customer employees. endobj Research for lawyers that will handle a class action lawsuit under contingency. Yes. /Encoding 9 0 R Why won't you go for a class action lawsuit against this scary place with unconcerned staff. Please go make a formal complaint with the BBB site! I yelled at Doctor Shideler to stop. While a nurse was in the room she told me I come in all the time and sexually harass the nurses with my derogatory remarks and that she had gotten many complaints about me. I owe it to them to tell my story and tell them to see a surgeon that is so good they get their business from word of mouth and other doctors and do not need to mass advertise. The pain was horrific. I am very disappointed in the results and the fact that I was lied to about what results could be achieved with the "Venue Legacy Sculpt" procedure. endobj So how did the receive the documents. /Type /Page /Contents [75 0 R 76 0 R 77 0 R] I did look a little flatter. >> They sent me a low ball offer that will not cover the The correction to the above complaint against Sono Bello s.
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