So I did sneak peek at 12 weeks a d it came out it was a boy. I just turned 20 weeks so I may have to wait until birth to confirm. I have 2 male cats and a husband roaming around. I was disappointed (and felt guilty for feeling that way!) So far my experience has been pretty poor. Ive only thrown up once and that was from gaging with tooth brushing. It made it to California today so I should know by tomorrow! 8 weeks is not considered far enough along. Cool test, but could be less error-prone. Im with youI dont think it is worth the uncertainty and wait. This is our last baby and I hope its a girl this time. So tempted to reperfome the test hoping for a different result. It wasnt my usual Doctor, it was one from his practice. Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2023. this is so worth it if you can handle the blood. I had virtually no nausea with my son and Ive been nauseous everyday with this little one so far. I did sneak peek at 8 weeks 1 day, the test where you actually go to a lab and they draw your blood and send it off. Can I purchase additional reports for a family member? I did the faster one this time. I had my results with in 36 hrs of my blood being drawn. Still waiting on NIPT results! Ive used peekaboo before during my second pregnancy at seven weeks. @arinsolange. When I first came across Sneak Peek, I didnt do much research (odd for me cause I like to research the crap outta something before buying). I was so uncomfortable with the results that I asked my doctor for a test in his office yesterday (at 9 weeks) because I want a second opinion! I have a very strong feeling that it is just wrong!! I am excited to hear what you have it seems as tho the girl results are almost always right! Im hoping to hear back from them by Monday ! I agree with you. She went on to tell me she had 2 girls and a little boy. Based on all the comments on this post and my own results a false male is definitely very possible! Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2022. Im 13.5 weeks/. I got my results today and it said girl. It was such a beautiful surprise! I am wishing you good luck! I have also heard the same as you regarding if you had a boy a previous pregnancy, however my last boy was almost 6 years ago and I think that was saying the last year or so? Doesnt it make sense to take the test in an area with less contaminants? It is SO HARD TO WAIT!!!! Sign up and stay in the know! Xoxo. Then I finished the test and sent it off. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Does taking progesterone or other hormones affect my results? I too was just so sure I was right that it was a girl, and like I said the test was wrong for me. I had my blood drawn yesterday by a phlebotomist for the sneak peak clinical test and got my results back this evening! Sneak peek was WRONG! We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. Sorry for the late response, I just came across this post. I used paper towel to dry ( guess which one I used, the one used by the whole family). But my mind wasnt even thinking that at the time because was eager to do the test plus I was already running late for work that morning. Later, once I was able to compose myself I reached out again and was told that I must have fallen into the .09% and ultrasounds were only 80%. Just got my sneak peek test results yesterday saying Im having a boy (Im 10 weeks and 2 days today). The collection process was annoying, but not too difficult. reading these discussions have me second guessing , I also heard that most mistakes are made when you are told youre having a boy, because some of the Y chromosome (male chromosome) somehow got into your blood sample. Well I am totally crossing my fingers for you. I was devastated. ago. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. More ways to message. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you. I hope its accurate because we already announced . I have a very small half bath downstairs that I sanitized 3/15/2018: I am starting out by giving this company/test a 3 Star review. I had a boy still born in 2018; and since have had 2 girls. We followed all the directs to a tee. This sounds easy as can be, but let me tell yougetting enough blood out of your finger IS NOT EASY. The reason boy can be false is because they look for male dna (so if it gets contaminated thats how it can be false) and if none is found then youre having a girl. But then I will love this child no matter what . Hi Maggie! I was so worried mine was wrong but then NIPT and 16 week ultrasound both confirmed girl!!! I believe I was about 9 weeks pregnant when I took the test. I have had a few people tell me that the clinical was wrong too, so I would wait until your doctors scan to fully believe it! I had same thing I went for my NT scan with one shot she said boy then she said wait for nipt bcoz its too early to say so waiting for nipt results for a more wk.. sneak peek snap says boy I did at home 9wk2D so lets c.. you did nipt test? Well crap, its been 5 mins. Now I must admit I didnt clean as much as I should from what Im reading and my 3 year old was bothering me lol . As far as the blood draw went, I have extremely small veins so I wasnt expecting to get enough blood from one finger prick. #sneakpeektest Things for me I think that may have went wrong was I used rubbing alcohol to clean prior and had blood run under my nails. I have a 10 month old boy and 10 weeks pregnant with number 2. I scrubbed, ran my hands under hot water frequently, cloroxd and dawnd the area before doing the test. What is the maximum amount of time I should leave SneakPeek Snap on my arm if Im not collecting enough blood? Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. I did 2 clinical tests and the first one came back as a baby girl ( we were so happy ) and the second test came back as a baby boy. Ill feel so silly if its not! But I definitely agree with you, NIPT is much more accurate! You clearly lack compassion and empathy. Lol I am a RN so I had it drawn from an IV site at work to eliminate any risk of decontamination. While clinical is 99.9% accurate, somebody is that 0.1%. When I emailed customer service requesting an actual tracking number I never received a response. Some things arent just meant to be. Have to admit, I was a little disappointed and Im hoping that with all that male DNA floating around, not to mention the male dog, that I somehow contaminated it, but I was super careful, so it may be accurate. Because Im only 8 weeks. How does the test work and is it accurate? I took the test around 8 weeks and it was correct ! Hi! The blood definitely did get under my nail and I took the test in the same bathroom my husband and I share sooo Im extra skeptical. I had gotten up to just hug her. We said that we already had a blood test, we are having a baby boy, but a visual confirmation would be appreciated. What email address should I provide during checkout? Just had a gender scan to reveal I am having a little BOY! I have 2 boys and am expecting a 3rd baby. Somehow Dont have results yet but wanted to share in case anyone else is looking at this. I used last menstrual period (LMP) to calculate 6 weeks into pregnancy. I have been loving the feedback I have been getting from other moms. Do you have a pregnancy calculator that tells me when I can take the test? It was just like a stab in the gut. Hi everyone I have 4 boys 13,11,8 and 10 months I done sneak peak @ 9weeks 1day I scrubbed everything with bleach washed hands 1000 times and air dried them got blood easy didnt get under my nails. I had my mom come help me and made her change and scrub before coming into the roomI felt crazy but we laughed so hard at my inability to get my blood working and my moms reaction to the whole thing. I am sick in the same way as I was with my daughter. (She is an older lady who has always been unpleasant and negative, at least to me anyway.) I was very careful when handling my sneak . I was talking to him, picking out names and creating fictional scenarios with my baby boy. I went into their office still in denial. I have 4 girls already .. i had a miscarriage on oct . She has to be wrong! I've emotionally had to process this whole thing for some time. Guess well see. i was told girl i was over 8 weeks and my nipt test says its a boy. When I found out I was pregnant it took me only a couple of weeks to be 99% sure we were having a girl. So glad your little girl is ok. Praying for a healthy 2nd baby, boy or girl! Hubby was sleeping in the bedroom, older boys were gone to school and youngest was gone with grandma. I heard if you get girl its very accurate, its when you get boy you have to be worried about contamination. Oh Thank you!!! The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. I would go with the NIPT results. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. My husband and I are both extremely sad, and just praying and hoping we get another chance at having a baby boy. I took the at home test and it was a mess. I did a sneak peek around 7 weeks & 3 days , results were girl .. pretty bum .. Okay, ignore all of the bad reviews. I took the Sneak peek clinical at 8 weeks 3days. I shouldve listened! Cleaned my kitchen like crazy and scrubbed my hands up to my elbow until they were red. Your experience does not represent the company. It was such a surprise but were so excited. I will have to wait a week for those results. Im trying not to let it show but I am extremely disappointed, and the results just arent sitting right with me. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. I was so hoping for a girl. Their website says they can't control for contamination and that contamination with male DNA will result in a false positive -- meaning false "boy." I did clinical and mine showed boy! I have two boys and when I found out I wouldnt be getting my baby girl that I had dreamed of for as long as I could remember, I was devastated. I know the at home test has much higher chances of being inaccurate due to contamination- so I am . Hi Arin, I know theyll refund me if its wrong, so Im not overly worried. We Were told we were having a boy from the sneak peak result and did the test with no male or pet present, followed all the procedures correctly and gave us a false boy result. My blood sample was taken at a participating location. I have 2 girls and 1 boy and honestly I was hoping for another girl! We did the Sneak peek gender blood test at 7 weeks, results came back girl. Oh, I also have a male dog so Im the only female in the house. I also found your log via google search an I am happy I did because it gives me a little hope. I hope you get your sweet girl. *Times shown are based on shipping method used, and may vary based on proximity to SneakPeek labs. and now my boys are truly just my heart. Before I share my results from the Sneak Peek test I want to share why I felt so comfortable and confident doing this test, when I had never done something like this in previous pregnancies. I would definitely lean towards trusting the sneak peek clinical for now. I had the results sent to my aunts email because she wanted to throw a gender reveal party and couldnt wait until the 16 or 20 week sonogram. Youngest son is 23 months old. I was shocked because everything that I read said boy results would be the false because of cross contamination but that it is sooooo unlikely to . Oh my gosh, first off, congratulations!! I was under the impression that there is no way of telling babys gender via ultrasound that early on. Can I request the raw data from my SneakPeek Traits DNA sample? Is SneakPeek Clinical accurate at 6 weeks into pregnancy? Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2023. from what Ive read it is the girl results that are rarely wrong. I took my at home test at 17 weeks because this pandemic has not allowed me to go to OB appointments and get ultrasounds. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU and I dont even know you haha. The answer is at 8 weeks or later in your pregnancy. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. I am always curious on how many people who got the positive boy result that was correct had their husband or sons DNA in the sample also. Any experiences. They didnt dupe or deceive you. Can I have them sent to someone else? Because you totally have a lot of boy DNA in your house too! Thanks for sharing your story! I have 2 boys and just received my sneak peek results back and it said boy as well. I keep a very clean house as it is, but I was very determined to find out what I was having early, so was thorough. Omg! I see 3 lines in the crotch shotand not much of a turtle at all. Also reviews are awful and completely takes away your confidence in the service! She must be wrong! I cried of course I want a healthy baby no matter what and I was so sure this was a girl this time because everything was so different! what week were you when you did the sneak peek test? I have been asked a few times when you can first take the sneak peek test. I was also very eager and did the Snap Sneak Peek at 8wks, and were also feeling some gender disappointment as we found out it would be another boy. She said everyone that had come into the clinic that had done the sneak peek their results were wrong. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. I was hoping to know by today! We went to a clinic to have my blood drawn it was by a women but male man uses the office and draws blood as well. xoxo, [] BALANCING PIECES ARIN SOLANGE AT HOME THE SAMANTHA SHOW []. This happened to me just today! I will start by saying that I am so very grateful to be carrying a healthy baby. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. I think for me I kept kicking myself for the emotional roller coaster of still not knowing BUT having this looming test that was supposed to be so accurate. I would say dont trust it until you get official doctor results at the scan, and I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy! Anyway the results came back today and it says Im having another boy . I have 4 kids, 2 boys & 2 girls, my husband has 1 boy and this is our first together, I was really hoping he would have a chance to experience a girl since this is definitely the last pregnancy (it was an oops- got pregnant with a iud in). This method is typically more accurate since it is done in a sterile lab vs. in your home. At this point, we were both crying. Explaining they feel it may of been contaminated. So it was right for me. I would definitely lean towards trusting the sneak peek clinical for now. This pregnancy has been awful from the start. I doubt its incorrect, but I keep seeing people getting false boy results. Which was fine with us since it is me and my husbands first child. Boy results are rarely wrong mama. and scrubbed the entire bathroom. Now Im waiting on my nipt lol if that comes back girl then Ill be pretty confident. We also have no strong desire for a boy or girl and just pray for a health baby. That might be a coincidence, but either way happened both times. Something that would tell me sneak peak was wrong. I was pregnant with my girl. I did at home test I completely sprayed my area with Lysol and scrubbed my hands for mins after I had a shower Original-Geologist14 1 yr. ago. I would say I was 60/40 leaning towards wanting a girl. 2 1/2 year old boy and we were hoping for a baby girl. His response was well genitalia can be ambiguous at 12 weeks, but this doesnt look ambiguous to me, this looks like a girl. So well see! Im not sad, just deflated, and really hoping that my bonus babe is actually my daughter that I never thought Id be blessed with. My gut feeling is this pregnancy IS a third boy, but sneakpeek has me all convinced I could have EASILY contaminated. Create an account or log in to participate. I am so curious to hear your results from this!! Let the person that it is effecting decide the damage, not a bystander that clearly has no regard for the feelings of others. What is the SneakPeek Traits testing process? how many weeks were you when you took yours? We did the Sneak peek gender blood test at 7 weeks, results came back girl. Just awaiting our generic testing and ultrasound to confirm by doctor. But I've done it twice now and both times, the turnaround was longer than 72 hours. Reading this made me cry. Taking the test was HARD. I already . They are rarely in my bathroom. Well I took the test at nine weeks and I got my results back saying that Im having a BOY again. Due to this process, it is VERY important to do the test alone and without your husbands help. I was still nervous because I just didnt think it would happen. Hi ladies!Another sneak peek post I've read sooo many things about male contamination but has anyone gotten a girl result when it was r. I saw that you said do not let your spouse or partner help you..I DID..and he had on a glove. They did send me another test completely free and also fast tracked my test so Id find out the same day they got the test back, so Im grateful for thatmy second test I did at 9 weeks + 4 days and got girl results back. at 6w3d I took the sneak peek test and got results today that it's a boy. Anyway, I do the NIPT test in a couple weeks and itll tell me the gender too. I didnt get enough blood the first time, can I try it again with the same SneakPeek Snap device? I was picking out boy clothes and pinning baby boy nurseries on Pinterest. A beautiful healthy baby girl. Hello!!! I am 100% team boy and now it might be a girl? Update me when you find out? I am very much expecting to see girl. To my surprise, and I feel guilty saying this, to my disappointment, the results came back as boy. However, my gut feeling has been conflicted I felt it was a little girl deep in my heart. (my handle is @arinsolange). Absolute joke. I took the sneak a peek test at 9 weeks! Also 11/10 recommend getting the fast track version. FINE. I have loved getting to hear results and outcome from so many ladies via this post I am doing a follow up blog post to this one and would love to quote you if you are open to it? I think ultimately most things like this are more for fun, and not results to be fully tested without a doctor involved! I scrubbed for like 20 minutes all over my hands, used Lysol the night before and locked the door. I really felt like I was having to defend myself to so many who never understood, because they had never been in that position. Ill do the same. Haha. Im 9 weeks pregnant with our second baby, we have a 1 year old boy. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. I was squeezing like no ones business and even had to use more than one finger. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. How long does my sample stay stable after collection? There are two swabs in my At-Home DNA Swab Kit. But the memories I have nowit was worth it for those!! I did the test completely correct. The blood is being drawn straight from the vein to the tube, theres no risk of contamination. What if I cant hear my babys heartbeat? Shortly after I managed to somewhat compose myself the Doctor came in. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Im secretly hoping! haha So I actually kept it super secret after the fact because I felt so strong it was wrong. Megan, did it turn out to be a boy?
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