), also known as Deathperation Flame in VIZ translations, is regarded as the symbol of the Mafia World. (147), Arcobaleno & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) In that universe, a Shi(Skull De Mort) Shimura was a Pro Hero in Japan. This can often be seen with Hibari 10 years into the future, as low level rings always broke after being used, as they were not able to withstand the extremely strong intensity of Hibari's flames. ), Possessive Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!). There were things they needed to talk about. They bury the hatchet and life moves on. because he didn't wanted his Nonna's last Rain Guardian wasting away from depression and heartbreak. Skull's motivations had always been a mystery to him. Daniela Vongola peacefully dies after being visited by Dorea, who was acting as Lady Peverell because Daniela delayed her death with her Flames. Yes, she is eligible for Decima, Xanxus will need to readapt to the world after freed. When Spiderman finds themselves on a kinda date with Daphne Greengrass, their Squad Leader Hawkeye purposely stays in the room to ensure Spiderman is not going to goof off or be hurt by the witch. Un da, la gran tragedia, el desastre de la desesperacin cay sobre el mundo. He had no idea what was happening or why he was suddenly a baby named Izuku Midoriya. In the end, it didn't matter. Because youre everybodys bitch, Kurama helpfully supplied. Arcobaleno on murder cannibal island, (no kids allowed) what do they do? The Vongola Alliance doesn't fare any better. Ils n'en ressortiront pas les mmes. Meanwhile there are certain habits Harry has picked up during his formative years at the Dursleys that all his time in the magical world hasnt erased; among them sticky fingers and zero tolerance for people who lock their children away. A scuffed up Fedora. Leave Haru alone, desu! (24), Skull/Verde (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) An old bloodline awakens, memories clash and a new Harry Potter is reborn. Wrong! Character Card Game/Volume 3, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ), Arcobaleno & Arcobaleno (Kateyou Hitman Reborn! !! This story may be a bit of a crack story, dunno. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. ), Colonnello & Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! ), Things to Note: OC, AU, Diff!Guardians, Stronger!Guardians, 122K Words, Not Completed, Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2555606?view_full_work=true. ), Finding beauty in the scars left by your story, together we stand (under your sword of damocles), My random Skull-centered KHR x TWST crossovers, Out of Character Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! ), Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Belphegor (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Summary: Sawada Nana picks up her life, calls Reborn for help, and sets to work bettering herself and her son. "Yes,I'm sure others got it as well.We are meeting at the old Arcobaleno Mansion in two days. Harriet Potter didn't make it through the Triwizard Tournament's first task. DS Flame Rumble XX - Kessen! Caught in between by Mel. Things to Note: Naruto/KHR X-Over, Reincarnation, 86k Words, Not Completed, Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7786195?view_full_work=true. : . Two years later, the girl shows at the Varia to become an assassin and jokingly refers to Squalo as her husband. Zabini, particularly the Royals, equate closed-couple dancing as foreplay to sex, or more intimate than sex when between a married couple. Xanxus is hopelessly, willingly and utterly bewitched by Dorea. Their cloud Skull De Mort. Things to Note: Alternate Universe Soulmates, Arcobaleno Sawada Tsunayoshi,Tsuna is kind of a BAMF but he doesn't know it, No Romance, 42k Words, Not Completed, Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5763253?view_full_work=true#main. Or the one where Harry needs guide dogs, and everything goes south from there. When the cursed object swallowed Reborn, Skull panicked, but when Reborn came out seconds later Skull thought the problem was solved. The Sword of Damocles hangs over his King's head, and he so dearly wishes to stand under it instead. ), Arcobaleno/Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! It's said you can find a Superbi anywhere in the Mediterranea and about half the Alliance has a Vongola Don in the lineage tree. That's what he does, but even then he's already reached his limits long ago. Stories of how the Arcobaleno learn more than they thought they needed to know about their weakest, Lackey and Cloud, Skull. (2004) FandomSpecific. Bueno, eso es toda una larga historia. A feeling that had his lips peeling back to reveal sharp canines, eyes narrowed into delighted slits, as he cackled so loud as to wake the dead. And changes spiral out from there. Mild D.N. Saiky Family Taisen. Summary: When Uzumaki Naruto breathed his last, he didnt expect to wake up in the world of the living again. It's the introduction part of (hopefully) series. # 1. ), Harry Potter is Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Going through the stack of old photos from the meet and greets gave him fuzzy feelings. Arcobaleno on murder cannibal island, (no kids allowed) what do they do? In the Future Arc, the Flames of these Rings serve as the power source for the Box Weapons. He was old, and tired, and so, so ready to move on. Theoretically. (4), Colonnello & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) ), Colonnello & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Harry et son coquipier ont fini de s'occuper de leurs opposants et cherchent leurs compagnons quand ils disparaissent soudain dans un Enfer de flammes rouges et bleues./ quelques milliers de kilomtres de l, le nom d'Harry Potter sort de la Coupe de Feu. And he does, but rather than the brilliant orange ethereal Flames he was expecting they're darker and denser. He cries at everything. He's not too sure how he ends up joining HOMRA, but it's much more fun here than back there, so he stays and starts causing trouble, and he starts having way too much fun for his own good. Oh, and he also wiped the mother's mind, destroying her sanity, to assure that she would not find him again. Lektor's first act after becoming Officer, is to. (Tsuna has a god whispering in his ears and a fate meant to change the world. However, Don Nono keeps Xanxus on ice almost six years while his subordinates and family pester him for release on the grounds Xanxus deserve all of his attention when freed and he currently has too much on plate. But there are consequences. A job gone way wrong as Reborn looks onward towards the Tv. And it looks like the Lancers' Rank F Luck could still influence both of them, as things get even worse. Timoteo Vongola tried to find a new Rain Guardian for his mother after the death via cancer of her most recent one, but she rejected all his candidates for over many years. Both decide to not correct the mistake. (11), Immortal Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) - , , , ? (7), Teenage Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Now all that's left to wonder How comes Zombies love his cookies so damn much!? Will he ever come home? I have no talent to speak of when writing SO this is a CrY for help!!! Black Sky is a fanfic written by Umei no Mai. Work Search: Grinning joyously in the midst of all the carnage was the so called "Lackey" of the Arcobelano. Realisation hit them like a bullet as they found what was missing. These fireproof peoples have their own separate nation, like poetry, art and music of all kinds. Prompt/Idea: Skull has always been a cry baby. Sawada Tsunayoshi, an ordinary 14 year old who's not special in any shape or form. father of philippine opera; carver high school columbus, ga football roster; robert cabal cause of death; is ukraine richer than russia; franklin county sheriff; successful leo and virgo couples; redrow ess login; craig smith death utah; zone vs area reconnaissance; He feels instinctive loathing for the Varia, but chalks it up as having moral superiority over the 'amoral killers'. khr. Crossover fanfic | FanFiction The man's name was Xanxus, and the man they murdered in cold blood was someone he had been stuck with from the old blood from before he took over an organization of hardened killers and assassins. He's a mute, bullied and abused mentally and physically by his y [KHR x Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine] is a Good Bro, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, greatest stuntman means i need to be accustomed to people, Betaed we live like all of Sakura's practice fish, Betaed we live like the Arcobelano after the ten years in the future, Colonnello & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Mainomai is also noted for having the Lanza looks, which leads the wider Vongola to assume he's Erica's cousin rather than her lover. Terrence Higgs flattens two of Don Nonno's Guardians for assaulting his client, which makes him a bit of a legend amongst the Vongola Alliance. ), Colonnello & Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! when it's in its darkest. Exhibit A is Gokudera who obsesses so much over Tsuna he's basically. Just like that ,something was missing, something that had been there just a moment ago. Tenia miedo! And how Skull found some semblance of stability. for sure on fanfictiondontnet or AO3. (7), BAMF Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) (12), Arcobaleno & Arcobaleno (Kateyou Hitman Reborn!) Tsuna then stares back at the outcome of the fight between Cloud Guardians As he watches a person rise from Gola Mosca's remains. Even his legendary calm failed him from storming into the nearest Millifiore base and leaving chaos and death in his wake. Tags. One photo, in particular, gave him the fuzziest feeling. The memories of the "Future-That-Never-Was" ?" Really, Skull thought, Reborn was so cute at that age. A filthy Alleyway.Skull and Reborn meet and save each other.Naturally, Skull hires Reborn as a bodyguard. Xanxus is actually the rightful heir to the Principality of Sabina, but his father took great pains to ensure his being maintained as away as possible from the Zabini family, refusing to let a bastard son succeeding him when he had his grandson by his late wife. They're Crazy assassins. Well, at least the scenery is lovely. A sudden noise, a nightmare, and any mission. A sudden noise, a nightmare, and any mission. Xanxus has it even worse, since he's on the verge of being seventeen years old when he knocks up Dorea, but becoming a. However, unlike the aura, which is a supernatural phenomenon that can only be seen by a few individuals, the Dying Will Flame is in many ways more alike to a real flame, possessing even its own destructive properties. When they realise that both Young Lion, Iemitsu, and his wife, Nana, are neglecting the child they do not stand for it. Tsunayoshi Sawada was always alone and bullied on a daily basis. , . Also, Primo's lineage wasn't content with a, Xanxus and Dorea are often compared to a princess and the dragon guarding her, the key divergence being the. Blaise is appaled by Dorea's tendance to endanger herself and says at one occasion that if she was a fairy tale princess, she would marry the dragon rather than run away like any human being possessed of common sense. There were things they needed to talk about. Lily Potter, Godric's Hollow, Wales, Great Britain. None of the Arcobaleno see this coming, not even those with the gift of seeing the future. Skull did not know regret. He also stares at the box, worrying that the snake's eggs will hatch into aggravated an deadly little cobras. Things to Note: AU, Cross-Dressing, BAMF Sawda Nana, Arcs Switched, Yaoi-Kinda, 49k Words, Not Completed, Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13880496?view_full_work=true#main. When mooks try to tamper with the unattended bike, the Magic on it turns them into rabbits for anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes. (18), Arcobaleno/Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) has Sky Flames, Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation (Dangan Ronpa), Confused Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Shes strong, independent, arrogant, and not the nicest . Haru doesn't need the creepy fake prince stalking her because she accidentally stole his crown again. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (77), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (5), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types (2), Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) She plans to declare war on Nono's regime by wearing certain flowers to Vongola Alliance parties. You'll have to rate it for me. They are descended from a Titan, a wizard powerful enough to be worshiped as a Forge/Fire God, the predatory avian Sirens and some Veela here and there. Colonnello has always been a military man. What does arcobalenos do if they find the true about Skull De Mort. AU As the title says! For the prompt Xanxus/Tsuna - genderswap; "don't look down on me because I'm a woman. Xanxus x reader (future) (Requested by a few readers) You were scouted to be the Varia's new cloud guardian that was told to be closely working with Squalo to plan missi. Cmo termin apreciando a este grupo de desequilibrados mentales llamados Arcobaleno? , , ?--- , , ? Each Flame's attribute has its own special characteristic. wherein you've found a family in them. Haru isn't old enough to drink yet, desu. The world breaks and the original future goes down the drain. ), Things to Note: AU, Dimenson Travel, Time Skips, Moral Ambiguity?, 84k Words, Completed, Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15245448?style=disable&view_full_work=true#main, Summary: Something that happened when Harry was twelve comes back to haunt him in his new home in Namimori, and it often says, Lambo-san is here!, Things to Note: Harry Potter/KHR X-Over, Yaoi - only with innuendos and kisses, 54k Words, Completed, Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4323372?style=disable&view_full_work=true#main. kora" formed COMSUBIN asked as he was gettin impatiend waiting for the lackey. Kateky Hitman Reborn! Harry hadn't known he had a brother. (20), Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) He reduces Tsuna to blushing and stuttering just by smiling at him. Why did he hide his true self? When he comes across a man with broken eyes and a mastery of orange flames, he thinks he's found it. ), No Arcobaleno Curse (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Dumbledore is unceremoniously poisoned by Blaise when he starts showing signs of danger for Dorea. Dorea's technically adopted into it, and they think her declaring a, When his twin is petrified by Slytherin's Basilisk, George goes and hides amongst the Slytherin fourth-years under the "Jerry Prewett" persona, a reserved and quite serious young man . Skull looked at Xanxus and saw hope for a brighter future where he could be himself. Skies can inspire this amongst their followers, which is called Sky Attraction and is generally seen as a problem. & Harry Potter, It's barely there but you might be annoyed if you love him, Belphegor (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Seven attributes of the earth) are said to rival theSeven Flames of the Skyand are the trademark of theSimon Famiglia.
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