Published on July 19, 2020 August 30, . Its essentially the same as the lifeguard part-time job but recreated as an active career. The daily pay, work hours, and workdays are the same as they were in The Sims 2. NOW! Not all sims want to work regular jobs, some of them want to spend their entire lives in a cemetery. Theyll need to work on their charisma skill and make sure that they are good with others, and theyll do just great in this career. Let me know in the comments! If your sims have a keen eye for design and love to figure out how things work, they might want to check out the mechanical engineer option for sims 4 career mods. However, they will still need to manage their time wisely so that they can balance their work-life with their personal life. Even The Sims has a marketing team that convinces you to purchase the different packs that you may want. They are going to need to pay attention to their fitness skill and make sure they keep it high so they can show off how strong they are. This will give you those active tasks like the one you get in the careers from Get to Work. When do we want it? Participate in the 2023 Tournament Welcome Visitors!! Best Sims 4 Career Mods You Cant Play Without, master list of the best 200+ Sims 4 mods of 2019, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Department of International Magical Cooperation. It's a rabbit hole career meaning that you don't get to see your sim at work, which is a bit weird considering most Youtuber's work from home. Im SO thrilled that this active career mod exists because it gives even more depth to Sims 4 Discover University! Animal Shelter - Download Here. Its pretty simple: your sim will tend to a stall and serve customers. Do we need to delete the rabbit holes in our towns or something? This part-time job mod is great because your sims only work four hours at a time but are making 33 simoleons per hour so they can earn a decent income without working 8+ hours per day. The mod also has realistic payments for teachers, who are notoriously underpaid. Working 12 hours a day and only 3 days a week so theyll get to have a great weekly income. Weve got vanities, weve got make up clutter, but we dont have a make up artist career in The Sims 4. business work from home by NoelleBellefleur. Youll follow your sim to their workplace and do tasks like welcoming guests to the resort, reading reviews, and building your wellness skill! Now, this active career mod actually comes with two career options so stick with me: One of the options is to be a daycare teacher at a daycare facility. By using this amazing job and career mod, teen Sims can have more exciting career options, such as: The Ultimate Teen Career Set mods work well with the base game. Doctor, scientist, detective, actor, and interior designer are the main ones that are not at all rabbit holes. Theyll need to put in long hours practicing and are sure to impress many sims with their skills. There are some careers on this list that I would never add to my game because they make me feel weird, but hey, maybe you want a mortician career in your game. They are a key to keeping many parts of our society going and your sims can work as one too. You can choose to become a nurse practitioner, work in education at the hospital, work in education at the university level or go into management. The game developer career is great and your sims are going to need to earn the video gaming skill and make sure theyre good at that as well as programming. Their target is either in a relationship or married. The pharmacist career is a great option for your sims with a 400 simoleons per hour income at the top level which is amazing. Therapists are doing amazing work to help people in their lives and get their relationships in order. Do you want your character to be a fitness instructor? Oh, and if youre wondering about all those other cool custom events I have in social events, you can find those in my 50+ Super Fun Sims 4 Event Mods post! They will be working 12 hour days though, so theyll earn a lot but theyll have to work a lot too. This mod looks amazing! These sims are going to be working with a ton of information that they are responsible for organizing and using it to make their company more money. April 2020 This is an interesting mod to change base game rabbit hole careers into work from home careers. Your sim can work as either a freelance caterer or freelance pastry chef and choose their own hours and clients. what YOU say goes! This is a new active career that Ive come across recently. Youll, of course, need to earn the charisma skill but youre also going to be working on things like writing, logic and dancing. The descriptions for the levels mimic what its like for YouTubers trying to make a living from their content. This custom career comes with a whopping 50 unique freelance gigs! Your character can go to the gym and teach various classes for a better life. Stock brokers are there to help people get richer and make money for more people out there. A "Perform Job" menu has been added to certain objects, with options for "Work Normal" and "Work Hard". This mod is a really cool one. Well with this airline career mod youll be able to have them do that. This is a mod that is perfect for your character if they want to be a Cardio, Zumba, or Bodypump instructor. How amazing is that? Damn. They help people who cant do many of their everyday care tasks like cooking, cleaning, getting dressed and more. The Sims 4 is a life-simulation game that mainly focuses on letting players control the life of their virtual characters. Its not easy though! The effort and depth of their mods is nearly unmatched! Your sims are going to need the pet training skill to get themselves promoted in this career and will eventually move forward to become a guru rescuer who can earn 750 simoleons per day. For this interactive career, youll need to actually travel to a studio lot during the workday and take sims photos using a backdrop set and a camera. Theyll need to understands the basics of the programming skill and will have to have a keen eye for numbers and information. If it works, put back your save game and try again. There were so many kids who wanted to be an oceanographer when they were young and now your sims are able to take on that dream. An orthodontist will help fix any issues you have with your teeth and can even do surgery on jaw issues like severe overbites. Sims 4 Rabbit Hole Mod sims 4 where is the bunny slope, sims 4 bunny slope aspiration not working, sims 4 not finding mods, sims 4 rabbit hole events mod, sims 4 rabbit hole careers mod, sims 4 rabbit hole careers, rabbit hole tattoo mod sims 4, sims 4 non rabbit hole career mods CLICK HERE! Your sims deserve a good massage therapist too, and that could be you! The animal care career starts your sims off as a dog walker and eventually theyll work their way up to kennel staff and other jobs that are necessary to keep animals safe and healthy. There can also be a new rabbit hole career of travel agent. Did you know that sims have teeth too? The first two jobs before that point are MUD Studio Berlin Academy and Intern. You are awesome!! These nurses are able to earn more money and have more responsibility too. Your sims will start off as an automotive service advisor and will be able to work their way up toward the master mechanic level of the career. This career will have your sim learning about the ocean and making sure everything stays nice and beautiful out there. Your sims have big potential to earn more money down the line too! A career like wind turbine technician is so random and EA would most likely never add this to their game because it isnt popular or mainstream. You'll need to work on your charisma and list properties for sale to advance through the levels. This nursing career is amazing because it has four branches for your sims to choose from. This feature of careers is fun because you can have them earning an income with hobbies during the day and send them to school at night. Did you know that paralegals do so much work to make sure that lawyers are able to get their work done? NPC sims will also visit which will allow your sim (s) to build relationships. The career path includes ten levels, as it has been the case in The Sims 3: You just need the base game to use this career mod. Do you want to earn simoleons while touching simoleons? We already have a law career in The Sims 4 but this is a good option if you dont want to have your sims working through these careers and would rather just have them have a single career level. Thankfully, this singer career allows your sims to do their passions as a career and can earn a decent income as they work their way up the ranks. There seem both mod related and non mod related component. Next up on our list of sims 4 career mods is the Office Secretary vintage career which is a fun choice. I chose to download the lower-paying version because I love that realistic gameplay! What do we want? Starting as a basic Ministry Worker, you can choose to following tracks: Thats a ton of content for just one mod, so make sure to download this one. This is one of my favorite active careers to play out of this lid. So cool! It is often assumed that being a comedian is one of the hardest jobs out there because they need confidence, wit, and comedy skills on top of being talented at making people laugh. The set of vintage careers are very fun if youre playing a decades challenge or wanting a different vibe to your game. You can check them out. There are a whole bunch of amazing careers from The Sims 3 that we dont yet have in The Sims 4 and the astronomy career is one of them. In it you can choose between Academia, Education Products and Services, Policy and Advocacy, and School Leadership. Inspired by real-life comedians, the comedian career mod allows players to make their sims the next big thing in comedy. Delve into the beauty industry with this mod that offers careers relating to cosmetology. Gardening (and Nectar Making): The Sims in question will only harvest ripe crops (which apparently respawn overnight on inactive lots), not perform other gardening-related activities, so they are dependent on the number, quality and life stage of the pre-existing plants. These sims are going to work long hours, around 12 hours a day, but they can make over 100 simoleons per hour so itll be worth it. Luckily, OhMy!! How does this differ from. The ultimate educator career is great because it has every aspect of teaching youd want your sims to work through starting as a grade school teacher and working their way up the ranks. They are there to make sure that children feel okay and feel safe in a hospital or doctors office because its a pretty scary experience for these sims. Like a money spike right when you reach the point where you can start monetizing your videos. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This career almost didnt make the list because of my extremely blood phobia, but a phlebotomist works with blood in medical settings. It ensures that Sim citizens are healthy and happy by providing public healthcare services, education, and social care to those in need. There are so many careers inside of the medical field for people to go into and most of them Ive never even heard of but they help keep the health care system going. The next option on our list of sims 4 career mods is the financial manager career that is a one level career. These sims are going to be looking to solve problems all day long and will get paid well for it. With Ultimate Careers, instead of going into a rabbithole to work, Sims will spend the work day at a community lot, doing work-related interactions - or slacking off. Read More 27+ Must-Have Sims 4 Body Presets for More Realistic SimsContinue, Read More 36+ Super Fun Sims 4 Custom Aspirations You Need in Your Game (Sims 4 Aspirations CC)Continue, Read More 21+ Custom Sims 4 CAS Backgrounds To Give Your Game a New LookContinue, Read More 21+ Must-Have Sims 4 Sliders for More Realistic Sims: Body Sliders for Lips, Height, Hips, & MoreContinue, Read More New to CurseForge? Description: You are no longer shadowing a senior assistant. Neia introduced another great creation through the Military Career Mod. Adventure! Before starting this job, youll need to make sure that youve placed down the new custom venue lot type called Slow Runners United, so your sim has somewhere to go to work. This post is all about the best sims 4 custom active career mods. Heres an entire video from the creator showing off this active career mod: If youre looking for a way to expand upon the gameplay of the Spa Day update, then this career is a must-have download. THIS WEBSITE IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. . And if you think I missed anything that should be on this list, let me know in the comment box. Working as an optometrist is a great option because you can earn good income without the twelve hour days that you have with some of the other medical careers. This is an interesting mod to change base game rabbit hole careers into work from home careers . Its like working as a veterinarian without having to worry about them being sick. Who wouldnt want to be a chocolatier? Cane accessories by HistoricalSimsLife. I wont say too much more about this mod, as I like to keep my website pretty clean and kid-friendly, but if youd like to learn more, check out the download link below. You can rise in the ranks from an Apprenticeship to a Legendary Tattoo Shop Owner. This could also be a free alternativ. To learn more about this particular career mod and download it, follow this link. Do you love working with simoleons? A real estate career is one of the most popular careers in Sims 4. Revolutionary! Custom moodlets when on the work lot during work hours (or 1-2 hours before work hours) - the effect of these moodlets depends on traits. These sims 4 career mods are really going to let you make your gameplay more interesting because you can have your sims with more specific careers and interests! I've seen LGBTQ+ CAS traits. There are so many sims who should be models because players are able to use custom content to make them absolutely gorgeous. For regular, non-Astronaut Sims, they can purchase tickets to go for a vacation or even buy a house in space. Be the ultimate dancer! To download the modifications, just go to this page. Sims with a degree in university will jump to level 4! Do you want your sims to be a high up career in medicine without being a physician? We have to start with this real estate custom career mod. This mod requires only the base game. We do have a doctor career that we got with The Sims 4: Get to Work, however, this is an active career which means that you have to go to work with your sims sometimes if you want them to get promoted. With this custom make up artists career your sims are going to be able to start their work as a cosmetology student where theyll have to be there five days a week and only earn 10 simoleons per hour. Well, it could be your sim! We have an entire rocket science skill in The Sims 4 but there is no career path that is about engineering rockets, just one about being an astronaut which are very different. This factory worker career is interesting with your sims working long days from 7 am to 5 pm each weekday to start and only earning 10 simoleons per hour so theyll need to get good with money. And with this mod you can have your sim work the life of a retail salesperson by working their people skills to net profits for the store. The game encourages players to explore the virtual world and take responsibility for their in-game avatars. Are your sims into fitness and maybe working through the body builder aspiration? We dont have a very robust financial system in The Sims 4 but your sims can join a financial advisor career to teach others how to handle their simoleons. Game developers are necessary for us to even be here right now, we love The Sims game developers! Being a gymnastics coach is a really fun option for your sims as their job where they can teach other sims their passions. The auto shop career is a funny one because as of writing this we still dont have drivable cars in the game, but it is a fun job for your sims to have. $280 PH. Your sims can work as an online therapist where they can earn 110 simoleons per hour which is a great income. These sims are going to be planning everything to keep the medical field moving forward in an organized fashion. This single level career where your sims will earn 105 simoleons per hour working with numbers to try and solve problems. This is nice because you dont have to work toward promotions and can just get your money and go home. Just make sure to not delete any files and make a backup. Theyll spend tons of time on the computer, and honestly would do well if theyre a loner. If you have an artsy sim covered in a bunch of ink, this Tattoo Artist career path mod would be a perfect fit. For example, they will spend their day catching fish, talking about bait with co-workers, and washing their hands to get all the ickiness off. A prosthodontist is someone who works with teeth but more intensely specialized than a regular dentist. Perfect for aspiring dancers, heres your chance to excel in a dancing career! Your sim will want to focus on building up their pet training skill, so theyre able to charge top dollar for their dog sitting. In the aesthetic branch your sims can focus on body contouring, hair transplants and more and the reconstructive route will have sims replacing limbs and doing trauma surgery. Although we do have an education career in the game since Discover University was released, sometimes sims 4 career mods can do it better. To use it in the game, just the base game is required. Once that assignment has been completed, youll earn your pay. The doggy daycare career mod is actually a combination between a business and a career. A lot of people want to volunteer but dont know how to find opportunities in the area they live in. Click here to pin it! The thing I love about downloading sims 4 career mods is that sometimes they cover careers that will never be in the game proper. After a while, the same old doctor/chef/business career paths tend to get a little boring. Babies must be born even in The Sims! Basically, with this career mod, your sims will be able to open up their own salon and take new clients whenever they want. This career has your sims earning 155 simoleons per hour which is solid and they only work four days a week! Track: Dancer. Your sims can now diagnose mental disorders and have online therapy sessions with 37 different focuses. The next option on our list of sims 4 career mods is Interior Design. Nurses are a very common career in the real world and your sims can now be a registered nurse int he game too. . Perfect for those who like to sing, perform, and compose songs, The Singer Career Mod makes a truly great addition to the game. There's nothing more realistic than having a young adult work in retail to try living on their own. When you click on that, a job board will pop up that works just like the odd jobs for adult sims. Your sims will get to choose between tracks like TV and Film Design or In Home Interior Design which is super fun. This mod works for all ages and genders and disables the usual animations that play when you adjust the sliders for muscle or weight, randomize your Sims appearance, or change out You have no idea how much I hate rabbit holes. Level 4 - Popular Fashion Design Expert. This career is such a fun one for sims who dont want a traditional job, being a body artist is a way of life. Your sim will purchase a doggy daycare lot (much like they would purchase a vet clinic) and run their own Planet Canine. Download the mod at ModTheSims. This sims 4 active career is pretty SPICY! These sims work with numbers to figure out trends and understand and analyze data points. This is a single level career where your sims are going to earn 88 simoleons per hour which is a great income, but there is no room for improvement. These sims will be working with all sorts of illnesses and doing surgery on many different parts of the body instead of being extremely specialized. This career has high earning potential for your sims and has them working a respectable forty hour work week Monday to Friday. Sure, there are a lot of careers included in the base game, but this mod has more options that have been missed by the developers. These sims are going to need to keep up their baking skill and be willing to work early in the morning to make sure that the goodies are there for purchase. Install this entertaining mod and have your Sims choose between four career tracks: attorney, in-house, public prosecution, and judge. When your sim is working in the psychologist career they are going to start as a psychology student where theyll have to go to work from 4-10 each evening and will barely earn an income from it.

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