French colleagues report Sharon Au to HR after she emails them about For Sharon Au, who resigned from Mediacorp in 2018 before securing a new job, it gave her a temporary place to stay. But what about allocating a portion of your income towards upgrading yourself? Other people might put the cashinto a piggy bank in case of a rainy day. I wanted to learn to like myself, to live by myself with nothing. I also want to apologise for being selfish and running off to Paris and leaving her here alone.. Mums cool response? Dress by Andrew Gn; Hair: Ben Leong (Passion Hair Salon); Makeup: Andy Lee. And in January this year, she started Ti Yan, an online culinary academy that teaches the art of French cooking. We Are Hiring I remember crying after the meeting as I closedmy laptop and packed up. SINGAPORE - Sharon Au's dream life in Paris recently turned into a nightmare when her apartment was broken into on April 30. Au: Maybe I just came back from Japan, not used to it, haven't adjusted. For Darren, the father-of-four has been into watercolour painting, playing the celloand pottery. The pandemic has made me rethink lifes priorities, says Sharon, When the pandemic is over, first thing I want to do is fly home and give my mum a hug and tell her I love her and that I want nothing more for her than to be healthy and happy. She exhibited none of the imperialism of a celebrity, made no desire to separate herself from others, and was just as unassuming as your next door neighbour. Darren Lim turns his yacht into a business opportunity, takes people out on rides. The blazing lights of show business were soon snuffed out right when she blew out the candles on her 30th birthday cake. But case in point exactly. Au is multilingual, as she speaks English, Chinese, Japanese, French and basic Spanish. Her perspective on her career underwent an adjustment. It was really all on impulse., I disliked myself in Singapore, because it was all about advancing my career. Going back to school made me the same down-to-earth person I was before I joined the media.. Imed Souki I identify with the woman at the fireplace. ; the dark wood accents and warm, dim lighting calling to mind a hazy opium den. ', But I chickened out. : @maxberlinparis #Maje #soire #change #yolo, A post shared by Sharon Au (@sharonau13) on Apr 3, 2018 at 7:27pm PDT, You lead the life you want. But it gave me a huge sense of achievement, and I wore that pair of jeans every day.". However, she had been accused of mimicking an Indian accent during the SEA Games opening ceremony. Discomfort is the only way to achieve personal growthand Sharon has learnt to step out of her comfort zone and confront parts of herself that she never used to like. Hosted by deejays Zhong Kunhua and Nico Weibin, local and overseas celebrity guests share snippets of their lives on the radio show and how they have been keeping busy during the lockdown. Millions of Indonesian parents abandoned a measles vaccine in 2018 when it was declared haram. Then, Singapore was the third country to report cases of the coronavirus and was one of the worst-hit outside China, so the former actress-host, who now works as an investment director in a private equity firm in Paris, was understandably worried for her mum back home. Sharon Au - Singapore | Professional Profile | LinkedIn When she realised telling jokes drew people to her and made her forget about the dreary realities of life, Au started living through that persona. Sharon Au slept on her friend's sofa for 6 months while - AsiaOne I drew a complete blank and had nothing to wish for. Former Mediacorp star Sharon Au, now living in Paris, speaks of her I began to like myself more when I didnt have to please people.. Going back to school made me the same down-to-earth person I was before I joined the media.. "I mean, it's necessary because as a celebrity, you need to look very good. Nobody had felt anything. . In October 2018, she found an overseas job as an investment director in a private equity firm based in Paris, France. During her teenage days, she had spent a night in Marymount Girls Home and witnessed many girls in dismal circumstances. Urgent message. to come on board. Putting up such a front made Au question if she was really that happy all the time, and whether she had lost sight of herself. Live where you fear to live. Her perspective on her career underwent an adjustment. A phone call later, she clinched a job at a private equity firm and she has climbed her way up to being an investment director with clients under her. I lost my friends as I was too arrogant, or perhaps too busy to care., Almost everyone remembers Sharon as the vivacious host of. ". They are so proud of their culture and gastronomy that when they saw this crazy Chinese woman wanting to share it with the world, they completely embraced the idea, she says. Luckily for her, a former Mediacrop chairman invited her out for dinner when he was in Paris for work. Sharon Au quits investment director job in Paris after apartment robbed Mandy How | May 13, 2022, 04:44 PM Events Golden Village VivoCity Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates:. For some, a large chunk of it goes towards paying off student loans. in the 90s, where she would regale audiences nightly with her lively anecdotes and witty banter alongside co-hosts Kym Ng and Bryan Wong. The woman was me, when I was studying in Paris in 2008. Sharon Au quits investment director job in Paris after apartment robbed: (ST).Besides her previous roles as a host and actress, the celeb is perhaps also best known for dropping her life in Singapore to move to Paris in 2018.But the recent burglary has given Au cause to rethink her life in the European city.When contacted by ST, the 46-year-old said she is"not well enough" yet to share more . The whole celebrity diva thing had disintegrated and I felt like I had become the Sharon Au that I was supposed to behappy and contented. The more she dived into her work, the less time she had for herselfto a point where she suffered yet another identity crisis. Another difference is that there is no timeline for Ti Yan's courses, so that students can progressat their own pace. Because my childhood was such that I had to move several times in a year. Running away has always been Sharons source of comfort, a constant theme in her life that she has grown to be familiar with. In Paris, I was able to dive deep into my psyche and I got to know myself all over again. I was unhappy and empty inside. Three months later, Sharon left at the peak of her career and found herself in Tokyo, without a concrete plan in mind. Subscribe to get daily news updates, insights and must reads delivered straight to your inbox. Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. Instead of acting, she took up an executive position at Mediacorp, citing Japan as one of the definitive moments of her life. Sharon Au kena complained by colleagues in France for being 'Singaporean' After her resignation, she moved to Paris because she wanted to start afresh but no one there would hire her. If an artist were to draw a youthful version of Sharon, it might be Piet Mondrianbest known for his abstract paintings consisting of squares and rectangles. With more time on her hands, Sharon got reacquainted with her artistic side and started to write a lot. The boxes represent her personal insecurities and perceived societal expectations that she puts upon herself, while the straight, rigid lines of her frame depict her unwavering, by-the-book approach. April 30, 2022. "Then you become too much of a performer you never know when to stop performing. Today he is still traumatised by the invasion. Six years ago to be precise, onboard flight SQ334 from Singapore to Paris, where I had the privilege to serve her. For most of Sharons childhood, her fear of not having enough to eat manifested into a hunger to be more likable in her career. She said in that 2018 interview: "For example, when I'm on the train, I don't use my phone because it will be snatched away. In Paris, I was able to dive deep into my psyche and I got to know myself all over again. As an actress and a host for more than 10 years of her life, Sharon is used to following a script that doesnt give her any agency. We know it's a hassle to switch browsers but we want your experience with 8 Days to be fast, secure and the best it can possibly be. It was only when I turned 30 that I realised how much I disliked myself, she remarks. Sharon Au was told to work less in Paris - so she started her own French academy . Sharon Au Work Experience and Education. [13] Intending to take a year of sabbatical, she instead applied for a job at a private equity firm after spending two months in Paris, France. From a cabaret girl in the 1998 stage musical, to a bubbly radio presenter in the sitcom. Director, AMP Capital Investors Ltd. Director, AMP Capital Funds Management Ltd. Sharon Au Wanted To Quit Paris Job And Return To Take Care Of - 8 Days No judgement. The 45-year-old recalled the day she. Although Sharon seems to have made peace with the fact that she may not be able to experience motherhood, a number of netizens left their two cents in the comments, writing that it might not be too late for her after all. Published by SPH Media Limited, Co. Regn. Tokyo was fun, as I could have the childhood I never had. I remember crying after the meeting as I closedmy laptop and packed up. Most of the time in our workplace, we want to be the best and contribute to the company so that everyone can grow together. In 2015, she auditioned for The LKY Musical, and got the coveted role of Madam Kwa Geok Choo, but life took a sharp turn when her close secondary school friend passed away from a heart attack. If youve ever wanted to shoot your shot at being an influencer, nows your chance. Au: I studied there for six years, so I've gotten used to it, very different. I started crying like crazy. Everything ends. I wished I had at least saved more, or at least invested.". I eat very normal food so that I can stretch my cash as long as possible.". PHOTO: SHARON AU/INSTAGRAM, Shane Pow, Pornsak and Kang Chengxi were robbed in the US, Actor Desmond Tan robbed of mobile phone in Bali. Sharonis now working as investment director at a private equity firm in Paris. You know everything else is just noise. I even flewin parts from the UK to Singapore and that got me into deep s***.". Her favourite artist is Rembrandt, who is a symbol of freedom. Even though Ti Yan is based in Singapore, Au will be running it from Paris. Coming back to Singapore proved to be a blow for Au. His paintings transformed from the early "smooth" manner of polished contours to the late "rough" treatment of richly variegated paint surfaces, using hog-bristle brushes, which was uncharacteristic of that era. "He was alone in the apartment and witnessed everything. One even suggested for Sharon to pay a visit to a sperm bank cos its very common in Europe. Pittsburgh, PA. Sharon Hicks. I wanted to, I struggled and told myself, 'Okay, maybe this is what it takes. Sharon Hicks. ALSO READ:Sharon Au once came to work without a bra, Kym Ng reveals, for her upcoming meWATCH series Money Money Home, episode of the meWATCH talkshow Hear U Out, Sharon Au once came to work without a bra, Kym Ng reveals. Almost everyone remembers Sharon as the vivacious host of City Beat in the 90s, where she would regale audiences nightly with her lively anecdotes and witty banter alongside co-hosts Kym Ng and Bryan Wong. - global client services. This was partly fuelled by the fact that Au had a reputation of being a go-getter in the industry. I understand now why I wanted to leave the fame behind. Even the slightest sound startles him. He was so shocked to know that because to him, I was someone very capable and talented, and someone he admired.. Global Head of Investment Bank Research. Life is all about connections. And in January this year, she started Ti Yan, an online culinary academy that teaches the art of French cooking. "The IMH must check-in for seven days, and surrender your phone. Again. Besides being the investment director in the education and technology sector in the French international equity firm, Sharon is now also the CEO of Ti Yan, which in Chinese means. It brought her back to the past and reopened long-buried wounds. "Because of my freed up status (in Paris), I was able to really look at things. She is really cool.. The erstwhile TV host is not only garrulous but also adept at the art of storytelling. Not making huge amounts of money, but at least we know how to manage our wealth properly. The more she dived into her work, the less time she had for herselfto a point where she suffered yet another identity crisis. The 45-year-old recalled the day she quit Mediacorp without having first secured a new job, in the latest episode of meWATCH talkshow Hear U Out. "I was brought up to not rely too much on a particular family or person. I didnt know what I was doing. Nah, I just have a familiar face, I mumble. ", ALSO READ:Darren Lim turns his yacht into a business opportunity, takes people out on rides. According to ZoomInfo records, Sharon Au's professional experience began in 2012. But for the next three years, Sharon continued grinding it out at Mediacorp. The total number of cases in Singapore stands at 57,915. Then, aformer Mediacorp chairmaninvited her out to dinner when he was in Paris for business. You have reached your limit of subscriber-only articles this month. Her death made me realise how fragile life was. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful in modern history. Sharon Au resigned 'dramatically' from Mediacorp because she was Before the pseudo earthquake episode, Au had visited a clinic where she was recognised by the counter staff, who made a fuss and requested a photo. 8.5K views, 123 likes, 14 loves, 8 comments, 12 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from ItsRainingRaincoats: Former Mediacorp star Sharon Au, now living in Paris, speaks of her heartfelt gratitude for our. The 46-year-old is based in Paris, where she works as an. Perhaps the trauma never goes away. I understand now why I wanted to leave the fame behind. She added: While we were eating, he asked me how work was, and I told him I didnt have a job and couldnt find one. And it also didn't help that Au couldn't come to terms with the fact that she was depressed. [2], Au attended CHIJ Saint Nicholas Girls' School (Secondary) and Hwa Chong Junior College in Singapore. "Life is all about connections. In fact, libations arent necessary, as she is exceedingly open. I drew a complete blank and had nothing to wish for. People were convinced that she had a terminal illness of some sort, hence the drop-everything-and-move-to-Paris decision. . Reflecting on the financial mistakes in her "young starlet days" in the television business, Sharon said: "I was so overwhelmed with the joy of being famous and earning money, so I bought a lot ofmaterial goods.". Imagine coming home to your apartment only to find it emptied and your favourite things taken. Sharon said that he had seen herprojects and was impressed by them. Dan Persson Chief Risk Officer. Contact us. But I feel that it's one of the most important things that should be planned for," Darren said. [11], On 4 January 2018, it was announced that her last day of service in Mediacorp would be on 1 February 2018. And if you deny medical help, it can get to that stage.". I went to watch Madonna! . . Sharon also shared a photo on. But I have (my pet cat) Rudon. We all need best friends that we can rely on. Sharon Au was all ready to bid au revoir to her life in Paris and return home for good when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Singapore in February. The 49-year-old said: "I was so crazy over the antique car. There are striking parallels between her (older self) and the great painter. All rights reserved. | You deserve it.". Sharon Au, 46, Says Her Biggest Regret Is "Not Having Children "I've been pushing myself, my entire first 40 years of my life. I got home, switched on my laptop, andtyped outmy resignation letter.". French Ambassador, Marc Abensour together with patron, Sharon Au , spoke to CNA yesterday on the Voilah France Singapore Festival. But since her Japan and Paris escapades, she is recognising the importance of writing her own narrative. Since then, Au said she has learnt to heighten her sense of alertness and urgency. Her first job after her GCE 'A' levels was a flight stewardess with Singapore Airlines,[4] Au's career in the entertainment industry began when she was talent-spotted from a Toy Factory Productions English remake of a Hong Kong stage musical I Have A Date With Spring. It is pointless to keep anger.. You deserve it." In Money Money Home, Sharon and actor-host Darren Lim . find the elusive answer to that question, she packed her bags once moreonly this timeshe headed to Paris instead of Japan. #catchmeifyoucan #bonjour #Paris #, A post shared by Sharon Au (@sharonau13) on Apr 1, 2018 at 1:32am PDT. And from then on, I changed the way I lived, Sharon reveals with a tenderness in her voice. Unfortunately, the second psychiatrist she went to was no better. Sharon said: "When I was job hunting, I didn't even want to spend on rent. Since I was young, I was thrown from place to place. I never had a proper home, and moved every year, Sharon says. | During the late 1990s she was best known for co-hosting City Beat with Kym Ng and Bryan Wong. His paintings transformed from the early "smooth" manner of polished contours to the late "rough" treatment of richly variegated paint surfaces, using hog-bristle brushes, which was uncharacteristic of that era. We all want to put our best foot forward in our work and contribute as much as we can. Head of Technology. In 2005, Au left her popularity behind to attenduniversity in Tokyo for aLiberal Arts degree. Time away from the limelight allowed Sharon to recentre herself, and upon graduating from Waseda University with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree in 2011, she returned to Singapore with an invigorated sense of purpose and identity. I kept asking myself: Who is really Sharon Au? she admits. It was a cathartic yet tiring session, she admits. Or perhaps Picasso, in all his cubism glory, might do a better job. Someone asked me if i was ill and dying. She decided that she would be honest with herself, and be open to treatment. Her deep love for the arts grew when she recognised its value, serving as a mirror of her life. And all of this began when she was only in primary school. After staying with Melissas family for two years, Sharons aunt finally took her back in. She said: I forgot myself ina meeting and started sharing my ideas excitedly and I got told off for it. Money Money Home premiered Nov 18 and new episodes are releasedevery Thursday; catch itfor free on meWATCH. When asked what she was doing here, Au could not bear the idea of the public knowing about her condition, and therefore lied that she was researching for a role. | Now, I can finally become somebody that I want to be. Upon hearing Sharon utter those words, Rumis quote of Forget safety. Right after graduating from school, Sharon Au joined Singapore Airlines as a flight stewardess. This is relatively affordable compared to culinary schools overseas, which can cost upwards of S$50,000 and take over a year. Sharon Butler Director, Corporate Partnerships & Social Investment at MOSAIC Delta, British Columbia, Canada 2K followers 500+ connections Join to follow MOSAIC University of Victoria. In an intimate corner space away from prying eyes, Sharon launches into the story of the first time she ran away from home with great zeal. She added: "While we were eating, he asked me how work was, and I told him I didn't have a job and couldn't find one. In the day, she attended school and at night, she slept in Dennys, which was open 24 hours. The next day I told him it's not possible, he told me I had 8 hrs. [7] In the same year; she played the female lead, Madam Kwa Geok Choo, in The LKY Musical, alongside actor Adrian Pang, for 37 shows in the Marina Sands Theatre. echoes in my head. No. Instead, my landlord was a lot more upset and she was very apologetic about it.
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