Paul and staff fought against many hazardous environmental quagmires to the satisfactory conclusion of shutting down both the Shott Mining operation and The American Candle Factory. | took some time on a rainy Sunday last week to look at each of Mr. Karolys sites hes been filling with nasty material. In order to vote you must be: A citizen of the United States 18 years of age or older Recent news articles mentioning an overworked understaffed police force attributed to some incident in Catskill but somehow has origins in Saugerties is an example of using fear to justify the. (845)247-6520 Ext. The way the district moves forward integrating staff and students and delivering on new and innovative programming and repairing community trust for those who were vocal against closing a school will be of utmost importance. Dont be fooled by the petty, negative attacks that crop up like clockwork every political season. Malden on Hudson, NY 12453 845-332-7395, Final Week Before Election Letters-to-the-Editor (appearing in. In the Saugerties School District, three seats are up for grabs with six challengers on the ballot. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. Pat Ryan now supports her candidacy.This isnt a matter of political right and left. 27. The Adirondack record-Elizabethtown post. (Au Sable Forks, N.Y.) 1920 He is currently the Chairman for the Saugerties Assessment Board of Review, Chairman of the Saugerties Ethics committee and he sits on the Transportation Advisory Committee. Jane St. Amour Our family encourages you & yours to join us in supporting Mike Ivino for Saugerties Town Council. Yet the Town Board, responsible for the Towns taxpayer. I couldnt get over the way this young man conducted himself an absolute gentleman. In her spare time she provides day care, positively shaping the minds of the babies who will be our future generation. I believe the most pressing issue the district is facing currently is the closing of one elementary school. He is currently the Chairman for the Saugerties Assessment Board of Review, Chairman of the Saugerties Ethics committee and he sits on the Transportation Advisory Committee. We all need to become much more diligent in not only the waste we produce, but how we dispose of it. Next year Ulster County will have a freshman Executive with an untried staff and at least five new legislators to govern our county. The spending plan, revised from a $42.1 million proposal narrowly defeated by voters in May, would increase the tax levy by 3.3 percent over the current school year. This project will either be additional flooring work at Riccardi Elementary School or work inside and outside of Cahill Elementary School. I wanted to run for school board primarily because I have a young child coming through the district (starting Kindergarten next year), and I want to be involved in making sure that the children are the main priority when making decisions. We need to look out for and take care of the, . Newcomer Timothy Wells will join the School Board having picked up 2,493 votes to fill a seat left open when Damion Ferraro decided not to seek reelection. I have always been the non-partisan, vote for the right person guy. This was accomplished through $1.18 million in staff reductions, some through retirements, along with federal pandemic-relief funding. Five Great Reasons to Vote for Mike Ivino for Saugerties Town Council. The concerned citizenry turned into a grass roots movement to demand that the town board think again. Before deciding on who youll vote for in November, visit the candidates for Comptrollers face book and campaign sites. During the next year and half an FBI undercover agent and confidential source made numerous trips to meet with Mr. Shabazz to discuss his involvement in the New Black Panther Party. When he explained that he did not ask party affiliation when responding to a fire call in the Centerville District, he showed an understanding that we as constituents, with differences and concerns deserve a response with hopefully, a solution. With more children in classes, it is my hope that the students will still get the proper education and attention in the classroom. Download the PDF of the Year-at-a-Glance Calendar. 1- Mike is not only a lifelong resident of Saugerties, he also wants to retire in Saugerties. No one seemed to care how many thousands it cost him in design and re-design or meeting after meeting to get through the process. On Election Day, November 5, please vote for Mike Ivino either on lines B,C, F, or G.George D. Heidcamp Sr.SaugertiesVote Ivino, for changeAfter attending the Forum in Saugerties last evening I am writing this letter in support of Mike Ivino, for Town Councilman. The zoning board of appeals, of which good people such as Patti Kelly, Jeannie Goldberg, Joe Mayone and Henry Rua are members, grilled the. residents whether enrolled in a party or not. There were more than 68,000 drugoverdosedeaths reported in2018. The Town Board needs to re-prioritize its basic needs and its purpose. He was in a crowd. Paul knows more about environmental laws than most anyone on the Board, having worked first-hand as the Town's Code Enforcement Officer for ten-years handling hundreds of cases dealing with floodplain management, wetlands, steep slope construction, etc. Saugerties school board president blasts critics as budget vote nears The role of the school board is multifaceted, two of the main responsibilities are to set the direction of the district for student performance and provide accountability for student achievement. Saugerties School District presents its preliminary 2022-23 budget These cost savings will give us the ability to redirect those savings to where it can better serve our students, says St. Amour. Ive known Paul Andreassen for more than forty years and I can honestly tell you that he is a unique and exceptional individual. I am respectfully asking all of my friends, family, colleagues and residents of Saugerties to please join me and cast your ballot for Mike Ivino on November 5. Mike knows that the position of town councilman involves making tough decisions that ultimately affect every Saugerties resident and that is in their respective pockets. I decided to run because of many policy decisions the current school board made with very little to no input from the students, parents, staff and the general public. Establishing a respectful relationship with constituents giving them adequate time and opportunities to be involved in local government; Making property taxes low and restoring Saugerties rating from. | call on our current town board and its officials who can stop this or at least make sure it is properly and safely regulated, to keep the pressure on and make this a priority for the health and safety of our town and its residents.| Creation date: 2003-02-06T23:46:47Z. I am only one vote on a board of five elected officials but I can confidently state, at this time, we are not going to move forward on this proposed noise ordinance unless, and I stress unless, significant modifications are made to address the concerns we heard last night and a general consensus is arrived at which addresses the concerns of ALL our residents. Single Family Residential. She has caught people bilking Ulster County and brought them to justice. Act to sportsmen, gun-owners, and liberty-lovers of the Hudson Valley and New York State, to not only help get the vote out, but to encourage voting on the Conservative Party Line to send the message regarding the "un-S.A.F.E. As a member of the Paul Luke Band, they performed for hundreds of causes throughout the Town and surrounding counties for forty years, so don't badger Paul's commitment to any cause, because he's done more for this town than most people give him credit for or even know. There was an incomplete working draft from around 2014 that addressed many of these concerns. I would like my impact on the BOE to be one that helps the district navigate the next several years in a way that is fiscally and socially responsible. At the time some of us had no idea what we were coming in contact with. The logistics of planning the rearrangement of your school system (enrollment, class sizes, moving teachers, etc. If we as a county, can Shed the Meds on a special occasion, then we can and must do it every day! Apparent winners were William Ball, Scott Polston, and Christine Bellarosa. Unfortunately, the proposed draft has many shortcomings that make it overly vague, over burdensome, difficult to enforce and, because of those flaws, most likely unconstitutional. School Calendar - Saugerties Senior High School Mary has been involved in the following: Served as the chairperson for the Ulster County Social Services and Public Safety Committees. Saugerties school budget vote result misleading - PressReader Falling behind in studies, struggling to stay afloat, losing valuable supports along with crumbling mental health are some of the many concerns I have listened to other parents express in recent years. The role of Comptroller is to insure that the tax payers are getting what they paid for. For Sale Price: $699000 | 4 bed, 3 bath, 3920 Sq. Since presenting a draft budget in mid-March, the district has also reduced the tax levy increase from 2.7 percent to 2.36 percent. Some in Saugerties outraged following now-canceled English assignment On November 5, 2019, the residents of Saugerties have an opportunity to elect a young man to the Saugerties Town Board who at the age of 25 has the business sense, drive and commitment to our community of an individual way beyond his years. I am a retired New York City detective, formally assigned to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Force, Northern District of New York, which includes Ulster County. Costly improvements that put the town in any debt or fiscal stress warrants additional scrutiny not less. Polls will be open at all four of the districts elementary schools from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. Crispin Kott was born in Chicago, raised in New York and has called everywhere from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Atlanta home. Id also like to clarify one point, and bring up one that wasnt addressed at all. , the shareholders, the taxpayer, the tinkerer, the fabricator, the merchant, the student, the postal worker, the firefighter, the veteran, the senior citizen, the fixed income public housing resident, the retiree, the widow, the widower, the jobless, the job seeker, the cable guy, the lineman, the candlestick maker, the machinist, the highwayman, the builder, the botanist, the tree cutter, the doctor, the nurse, the lawyer, the cashier, the housekeeper, the day care provider, the bus driver, the truck driver, the parent, the grandparent, the sibling, the insurance provider, the coach, the teacher, the engineer, the architect, the house painter, the plumber, the electrician and most importantly and probably the most underrated of all. The Saugerties Central School District (SCSD) School Board adopted a $66,471,574 proposed budget for the 2020-21 school year, an increase of $1,172,152, or 1.80 percent over the 2019-20 spending plan. It is the governance side of a school district. (Editors note: A photo provided by the letter-writer, which shows Clegg and Shabazz together and smiling, could not be confirmed by Ulster Publishing to be, as of Oct. 22, 2019, on any Clegg website or social media page. Among budget items increasing the most are health insurance, payment into state retirement funds and energy costs. The project is approved, I remain skeptical of the process, and only hope now that the town did not make a mistake in approving this so hastily. The Board of Education develops the budget to align the district resources to improve achievement. significant revisions to the current proposal, exemptions for those who need to make a living in the rough and tumble world of construction, trucking and the like (myself and my family included) and only if there is a consensus among the people of Saugerties to pursue this endeavor. However I hope you can join me and my candidacy to become the next Town Supervisor and support my running mate for Town Board, Centerville/Cedar Grove Fire Commissioner. There is a community forum on this topic this Tuesday 7PM at the Saugerties High School Auditorium. The worst part is hes filling our ecosystem with unidentified material that could be harmful to everyone. Nobody gets through these boards without questions, discussion, debate, revisions and SEQRA compliance. School budget, BOE election results | Top Story | I hope that the 4,377 registered Democrat voters will recognize that it is actually their, right to decide whom they want on their line through the primary. Do you love a good bargain? Yes, he is 25 years old but it is time for new ideas as Saugerties enters the 2020s. This page is maintained by SCSD according to the web publishing guidelines of Saugerties Central School District. My wife and I owe her a deep debt of gratitude for being so instrumental in helping prepare of children for their education. Business should not be done as usual, it is time for change. The district has been very public about its financial crisis and recently closed an elementary school to alleviate the financial burden. The members of the school board should help direct the district to balance the best interests of the students, the support of the teachers, the concerns of the parents and the requirements of the state. The Conservative Party (NewYork)will only endorse a candidate who shares itsConservative values. Provides new microscopes and scales for the Senior High. Saugerties Central School District I am new to the political process, and not as polished as other candidates, not to mention nervous. Not just on a local level, but on a national and global level as well.
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