San Jose, CA 95122. 0000005818 00000 n 0000166751 00000 n We hope this post on CalFresh Santa Clara County was helpful. 0000145503 00000 n 0000155169 00000 n 0000159446 00000 n 0000002777 00000 n If the homeless shelter allowance is used, separate utility costs are not allowed because the homeless shelter allowance includes a utility component. 0000002285 00000 n 0000007394 00000 n You will have to enter a valid username in order to proceed to the password page. 0000146769 00000 n A resource is something the household can draw upon or sell for financial assistance. hU[PU6 66MbR$h&ftBVK!b@*W/U_|C"3j3/:z, <9ggs H2* O&$5RkzfGt^K58|%R1wWb1N09`,7uxVn2>2zVOpdP{o6~#cAP-k/~`"}ng]]{Gsk&U)|UEec]yXDinC|#U-imh!Zr&&&iyOn^Bu6mn7l+ZJ2qvokih{FFuz.gefWl|8Ro{*|(O6h 8H|-[S tiI+.vsDFHsHl^c1"^g!Q>f[ K|AyM &- F`Iqf+dn2'N Qz]mt\lJO]I-/R/$>_xp%[WF"C+Q3HR$AK,0,U!-"L2BTAAVIW'21YnQ2l]QDN%$fLJbCNR_o 8[ZuFrlqT>.Y4MBAJhxf=^=h0~m#e>7VXJD),~0nA%O_d: 4QVflEq 0000005734 00000 n In this post, we will review everything you need to know about CalFresh Santa Clara including CalFresh eligibility, how to apply for benefits, How to renew your benefits, MyBenefits CalWIN login help, and SSA contact information. 0000005983 00000 n Gross earned income, unearned income information has been relocated to the upcoming CalFresh Handbook 63-05.32 Income and Deductions. 0000003193 00000 n 0000045411 00000 n 0000141667 00000 n You may be eligible with income over the regular limits if you pay very high rent and utilities and/or have medical expenses over $35 per month. 0000008304 00000 n CalFresh recipients must notify their local County Welfare Department about changes in their income or other circumstances. 0000144808 00000 n 0000010252 00000 n Persons without a permanent residence or a fixed mailing address can get CalFresh as long as they can prove residency in a county. Updated Chapter 01/19/05 Div 63, Chap 63-000, Sec 63-001 thru 63-099 - Food Stamp Manual Div 63, Chap 63-100 thru Chap 63-200, Sec 63-100 thru 63-207 - Food Stamp Manual 0000165363 00000 n 0000149702 00000 n You can complete the paper application and return it to the SSA office for processing. The Office of Regulations Development will no longer mail out or provide paper copies of Manual Letters and Also, even if you cant get CalFresh benefits for yourself, other members of your household may be eligible. ~ A project of the Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission of Santa Clara County funded by . 0000165085 00000 n Training Team. 0000013116 00000 n xref startxref 0000043709 00000 n 1-877-847-3663 7 6,688 0000002617 00000 n 0000005014 00000 n 0000008022 00000 n Provide the answer to the question in the space provided and click Submit for further instructions on how to retrieve your password. 0000170265 00000 n CalFresh. Santa Clara County CF Handbook. 0000149147 00000 n 0000137303 00000 n 0000166761 00000 n You can complete the paper application and return it to the SSA office for processing. 0000007524 00000 n Regulation and Policy Handbooks. We will then walk you through the 3 ways you can apply for CalFresh in Santa Clara County. 0000008909 00000 n 0000012239 00000 n Name English Espaol Ting Vit . 0000010913 00000 n Once you are on the homepage you will need to locate the Sign In button, which is usually at the top part of the site (see image below). 0000002818 00000 n 0000005745 00000 n 2111 0 obj <>stream Medi-Cal Member Handbook: Link: Link: Link: Link: Link: Member Rights & Responsibilities: Link: Link: Link: Link: Link: Pharmacy Documents. 0000004546 00000 n 0000003588 00000 n Medical Deduction The portion of medical expenses, excluding special diets, in excess of the allowable amount of $35 per household per month (incurred by any household member who is elderly or disabled). 0000154592 00000 n 0000169226 00000 n 0000004939 00000 n 0000140467 00000 n As your income increases, your CalFresh benefit amount goes down. 0000129195 00000 n 0000005515 00000 n startxref Students. Stamp 0000164093 00000 n 0000004103 00000 n 0000099162 00000 n 0000003226 00000 n 0000003282 00000 n 0000005360 00000 n endstream endobj 1692 0 obj <>/Metadata 540 0 R/Names 1695 0 R/OpenAction[1699 0 R/XYZ null null null]/Outlines 1738 0 R/PageLabels 537 0 R/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 539 0 R/StructTreeRoot 542 0 R/Threads 1693 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 1698 0 R>> endobj 1693 0 obj [1694 0 R] endobj 1694 0 obj <. 0000173602 00000 n 0000003857 00000 n County of Santa Clara CalFresh Policy Handbook ; Report a problem on this page . 0000003507 00000 n 0000007856 00000 n Students can only qualify for CalFresh if they meet specific criteria. 0000133687 00000 n 0000009179 00000 n 0000144663 00000 n 0000006147 00000 n 0000168071 00000 n 0000169083 00000 n Next, you will be taken to a page where you will be required to enter your account username, as shown below. Medical expenses exceeding $35 for elderly or disabled household members, Court-ordered child support payments paid to non-household members, and, A portion of shelter (rent or mortgage) and utility costs, The total amount of your households income, and. 0000169729 00000 n 0000008058 00000 n You may need to take part in certain employment and training activities such as searching for work, performing community service, or going to school or training. There are some exceptions, so contact your local County Welfare Departmentto find out if you are eligible. CalFresh 19. Purchase hot meals breakfast, lunch, or dinner at the restaurant by using your California EBT Card at checkout. For more information and resourcesvisit the CalFresh Program website. Your county worker will tell you if you have to meet this work rule. 0000164497 00000 n 0000129823 00000 n 0000011560 00000 n following month, provided that employment is expected to be 20 hours per week. 0000163765 00000 n 0000005096 00000 n CF 32 (6/13) - CalFresh Request For Contact. 0000165535 00000 n Published By: E103 . The LUA allowance is $144 (effective 10/1/21). 0000146002 00000 n 0000010004 00000 n The CalFresh Program is Californias version of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP and formerly known as Food Stamps. %%EOF 0000155253 00000 n 0000004741 00000 n There are three ways you can apply for CalFresh benefits: The easier and quickest way to apply for CalFresh in Santa Clara County is online at Your MyBenefits CalWIN! Phone: (408) 793-2700. 0000006611 00000 n 0000005983 00000 n If you only get CalFresh, there are some work rules you may need to meet. 0000155809 00000 n 0000060694 00000 n CalFresh Handbook page 30-9. 0000010963 00000 n DUE 10/5: Dont forget to submit your #CalFresh, #GeneralAssistance and #CalWORKs Semi Annual Report (SAR7). 0000163370 00000 n 0000005177 00000 n A final allotment of these federally funded benefits will be issued in March 2023. 0000004519 00000 n 0000147443 00000 n 0000152328 00000 n 0000159234 00000 n Program. - This restoration of benefits is based on a federal . 0000163941 00000 n Telephone Utility Allowance (TUA) - A household that is not eligible for the SUA or LUA but incurs a telephone expense or in its absence an equivalent form of communication, is eligible to receive a telephone deduction. 0000152492 00000 n 0000164581 00000 n Suite 120. endstream endobj 2110 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[769 1246]/Length 57/Size 2015/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 0000165849 00000 n As you will see below, the table shows the specific date each renewal process has to be completed based on the date of your initial application for CalFresh. For more program information and locations visit: or Find a Location Near You. 0000005569 00000 n Once you enter your password, click the Sign In button as shown below. 0000168305 00000 n 0000146805 00000 n It can help buy nutritious foods for a better diet. 0000170395 00000 n 0000146292 00000 n The Santa Clara County Office of the Public Defender is comprised of approximately 240 employees, including 121 attorneys, 30 investigators, 31 paralegals and 58 clerical and support staff who are committed to providing quality legal representation to our clients. 0000167585 00000 n Supervisor Corner. 0000170375 00000 n Here are the steps you need to take to complete the CalFresh recertification process. CalFresh Food is California's name for the federal food program called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that used to be known as Food Stamps. 0000169455 00000 n 0000169267 00000 n Standards for Modified Categorical 0000134264 00000 n 0000003875 00000 n Enter your email address in the space provided, then click Submit. 0000140947 00000 n 0000007109 00000 n 0000132942 00000 n 0000160010 00000 n 0000164529 00000 n 0000002726 00000 n 0000154294 00000 n 0000140383 00000 n The maximum gross allowed is 200% of the Federal poverty level (FPL). CalFresh is the largest food program in California and provides an essential hunger safety net. 0000007975 00000 n Over the last 36 years, the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has distributed more than $179 million to help individuals and families in need. 0000154504 00000 n Other Contact Numbers, Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, CF 1 (10/14) - Notice To All CalFresh Recipients - Important Please Read, CF 10 (12/13) - Dependent Care Cost Affidavit, CF 11 (8/15) ENG/SP - Notice To All CalFresh Recipients Important - Please Read, CF 18 ENG/SP (2/14) - Important Information, CF 20 (2/14) - You Do Not Owe Anything For Receiving CalFresh Benefits, CF 24 (7/12) - CalFresh Program Request For Policy/Regulation Interpretation, CF 28 Coversheet (2/14) - CalFresh Program Restricted Account Coversheet - Important To Know, CF 28A (2/14) - CalFresh Program Restricted Account Agreement Part A, CF 28B (2/14) -CalFresh Program Restricted Accounting Agreement part B, CF 29 (10/13) -CalFresh Recertification Appointment Letter, CF 29A (2/14) - CalFresh Initial Appointment Letter, CF 29B (2/14) - CalFresh Initial On-Demand Appointment Letter, CF 29C (2/14) - CalFresh Recertification Appointment Letter, CF 29D (2/14) -CalFresh Recertification On-Demand Appointment Letter, CF 31 (4/15) - CalFresh Supplemental Form For Special Medical Deductions, CF 32 (6/13) - CalFresh Request For Contact, CF 37 (7/15) - Recertification For CalFresh Benefits, CF 215 (9/14) - CalFresh Notification Of Inter-County Transfer, CF 286 SAR (12/15) - CalFresh Budget Worksheet/Semi-Annual Reporting Households, CF 303 (2/14) - Replacement Affidavit/Authorization, CF 377.1 (9/15) - Notice Of Approval For CalFresh Benefits, CF 377.2 (10/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Expiration Of Certification, CF 377.2A (12/13) -CalFresh Notice Of Expiration Of Certification For Households In Which All Adults Are Elderly Or Disabled, CF 377.2A1 (4/14) - Important Information For Households In Which All Adults Are Elderly Or Disabled With No Earned Income, CF 377.4 SAR (6/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Change For Semi-Annual Reporting Households, CF 377.4A (2/14) - CalFresh Notice Of Change (Non-Citizen), CF 377.4 CR (1/14) -CalFresh Notice Of Change For Change Reporting Households, CF 377.5 CR (11/13) - CalFresh Household Change Report, CF 377.5 SAR (9/13) - CalFresh Mid-Certification Period Status Report, CF 377.6 (8/13) - Information/Verification Needed, CF 377.7A (2/14) - Notice Of Administrative Disqualification, CF 377.7A1 (2/14) - Request For Restoration Of CalFresh Benefits After Administrative Disqualification, CF 377.7B (2/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Inadvertent Household Errors (IHE) Only, CF 377.7B1 (2/14) - CalFresh Repayment Notice For Inadvertent Household Errors Only Final Notice, CF 377.7C (2/14) - CalFresh Repayment Agreement For Inadvertent Household Errors Only, CF 377.7D (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE) Only, CF 377.7D1 (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE) Only, CF 377.7D3 (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE), CF 377.7E1 (1/14) - CalFresh Repayment Agreement For Administrative Errors Only, CF 377.9 (2/14) - Notice Of Back CalFresh Benefits, CF 385 (10/15) - Application For Disaster CalFresh, CF 386 (2/14) - CalFresh Notice Of Missed Interview, CF 387 (5/14) - CalFresh Request For Information, CF 388 (8/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Restoration Approval, CF 389 (2/14) - Notice Of Denial Of Restoration, CF 478 (2/14) - Disqualification Consent Agreement CalFresh Program, CF 842 (2/14) - Claim Determination Worksheet, CF 1239(5/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Approval/Denial/Termination Transitional Benefits, CalFresh Guidelines Insert for Brochures (. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . 1, 2023, the State minimum wage increased to $15.50 an hour regardless of the size of the company. In general, CalFresh eligibility is available to most lawfully-present immigrants who: Have lived in the country (in a qualified status) for five (5) years, or. Available in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian. 0000085638 00000 n 0000141583 00000 n 0000160296 00000 n To learn about this policy change, see the Expansion of CalFresh to SSI Recipients Partner Flyer located here: (English) (Spanish). 0 0000134348 00000 n 0000003693 00000 n 0000166055 00000 n These handbooks provide a comprehensive interpretation of the federal, state and county regulations that govern the eligibility determinations for the following public benefit programs. These households are required to report within 10 days from the date of a change in writing, verbally or in person. Email Address: %PDF-1.6 % 0000156319 00000 n 2022 New Rhino, LLC. CalFresh 13. Most households must have a total gross monthly income less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL), to be potentially eligible for CalFresh. 1752 0 obj <>stream CalFresh Benefits Helpline 0000060905 00000 n 0000006475 00000 n 1892 0 obj <>stream 0000158890 00000 n 0000003245 00000 n Each Additional If you do not have a MyBenefits CalWIN account, click here for help in creating one. Submit a damage estimate report from the recent Winter Storms that occurred between Dec. 27, 2022 - Jan. 31, 2023. Fill Santa Clara Calfresh Handbook, Edit online. 0000166293 00000 n 0000153595 00000 n This ABAWD requirement is not applicable to Santa Clara County due to the ABAWD waiver. 24/7 Nurse advice line. 0000004104 00000 n 0000160566 00000 n CalFresh Food is a nutrition program for California residents with low income that increases your food budget. 0000005920 00000 n Next, turn in the signed application to the County. <]/Prev 414742/XRefStm 2099>> 0000009526 00000 n 0000154697 00000 n 0000008293 00000 n 0000166627 00000 n 0000169321 00000 n The Santa Clara County Healthy Food Incentive Grocery Project -- also known as Double Up Food Bucks California -- helps families overcome that barrier. 0000023068 00000 n If otherwise eligible, the longest time transitional benefits can be received is up to 5 months after leaving CalWORKs. 0000010752 00000 n 0000148600 00000 n 0000003939 00000 n A fixed residence is not required. Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-500 (Cont), Sec 63-504 (Cont) thru 0000129136 00000 n 0000129285 00000 n The following regulations contain the CDSS Manual of Policies and Procedures. You will know by mail whether you will keep receiving CalFresh benefits, what your benefit amount will be, and if there are any other changes. CalFresh. 0000005782 00000 n We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy. <<033E3D74B008D245B7B90A5535523EBE>]/Prev 471315/XRefStm 3015>> 0000008140 00000 n 0000152647 00000 n 0000140508 00000 n You are considered a student if you are: Between the ages of 18-49 and are physically and mentally "fit" for employment (not disabled) CF 31 (4/15) - CalFresh Supplemental Form For Special Medical Deductions. 0000163663 00000 n <]/Prev 931089/XRefStm 4995>> 0000005569 00000 n 0000173834 00000 n 0000006032 00000 n Most CalFresh households are subject to a gross income determination test. 0000169829 00000 n $177 for households of 13 persons, $184 for 4 persons, $215 for 5 persons, and $246 for 6 or more persons (effective 10/1/18). 0000009429 00000 n . Eligible locations will display the Restaurant Meals sign (pictured below). Next, your caseworker will make a decision regarding your recertification. County of Santa Clara Social Services 333 W Julian St. San Jose, CA 95110-2335. 0000129946 00000 n 0000168197 00000 n 0000163704 00000 n EBT Restaurant California. 0000000016 00000 n 0000146637 00000 n Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-500 (Cont), 63-503 (Cont) thru 63-504 0000168465 00000 n There is no change to the SSI/SSP monthly benefit. 0000156450 00000 n %%EOF 1330 W. Middlefield RoadMountain View, CA 94043. 0000166421 00000 n CalFresh households, except those containing an aged (60 or older) or disabled member or where all members receive cash assistance, are subject to gross and net income determination tests. 0000163266 00000 n 0000147267 00000 n 0000006149 00000 n The household calls the EW to report this on January 5. 0000173998 00000 n 0000003953 00000 n This amounts to about 100,000 people (60,000 people in Santa Clara County and over 40,000 people in San Mateo County) 0000101509 00000 n CalFresh benefits can be used to purchase: Yes. About SCCGOV. 0000162342 00000 n 0000169049 00000 n Lastly, we will provide SSA contact information, including the phone number and hours of operation. Household members that are not eligible for CalFresh do not have to provide or apply for a Social Security Number. 0000007726 00000 n CalFresh Emergency Allotments, which are temporary increases to regular CalFresh food benefits introduced during the start of the pandemic, will be ending soon due to recent action by the federal government. You do not have to meet this work rule if it is waived in your county. 0000004153 00000 n 0000129733 00000 n 0000145629 00000 n trailer For each EBT $1 that you spend on California grown fruits and vegetables you earn $1 to spend on ANY fresh fruits and vegetables. CalFresh Handbook Application 3 Application. 0000147020 00000 n 0000006730 00000 n Homeless Household Shelter Available to homeless persons who are not receiving free shelter for the entire month. 1691 62 CalFresh benefits stretch food budgets, allowing individuals and families to afford nutritious food, including more fruit, vegetables and other healthy foods. 0000005486 00000 n 1-877-847-3663. Are children under 18 years of age who are qualified and lawfully-admitted for permanent residence . h1 04g\bO&`'MF[! z 0000005048 00000 n CalFresh Benefits Helpline 63-04.05 Student Eligibility: 0000043782 00000 n 0000003447 00000 n CalFresh Info Line 1-877-847-3663. CalFresh Benefits Helpline 0000151014 00000 n 0000168525 00000 n Starting June 1, 2019, the CalFresh food assistance program expanded to include eligible older adults and people with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) benefits. Be sure to check out our other articles about CalFresh and CalFresh EBT, including: Our website is dedicated to helping low-income California households improve their financial well-being and quality of life. If approved, a monthly dollar amount is placed on a debit-like card to help you add to your monthly food budget. 0000169725 00000 n 0000004602 00000 n 0000166271 00000 n Lastly, you can apply In person at any of the Social Service Agency (SSA) offices. We will walk you through how to sign up for a MyBenefits CalWIN account or log in to your account if you already have done. 0000134141 00000 n United States. 0000007750 00000 n The Office of Regulations Development does not interpret regulations. 0000155327 00000 n 0000006066 00000 n There are special rules for able-bodied adults without dependent children. Are children under 18 years of age who are qualified and lawfully-admitted for permanent residence under the Immigration and Nationalization Act. The EW must send the client a "Request for Information" (DFA 386) listing the As of April 1, 2015, you may be eligible for CalFresh if you follow the terms of your probation or parole, if applicable. 1691 0 obj <> endobj the source and amount of gross income of more than $25; addition or loss of a household member; address changes and shelter costs; when cash on hand, stocks, bonds, money in a bank account or savings reach a total of $2,000 ($3,000 for elderly and disabled households); a change in child support payments made to a non-household member. 0000171895 00000 n 0000146152 00000 n 0000005948 00000 n 0000175452 00000 n Telephone Number: (408) 326-1004. The list includes restaurants in the following Santa Clara County cities: For a list of these restaurants and to find one near you, click here or see our full article on Restaurants that take CalFresh EBT in Santa Clara. xref 0000145294 00000 n 0000167135 00000 n Adding or Deleting a Person Example: A new member enters the home on January 3. For more program information and locations visit: Santa Clara County CalFresh Employment & Training. Most households are not subject to the resource limit. Keeping your coverage. 0000168945 00000 n To see if you are eligible for the CalFresh program, call 1-877-847-3663 or visit the County of Santa Clara Social Services Agency website. Watch the historic video. 0000006113 00000 n 0000137387 00000 n Earned income has an allowable deduction of 20% (i.e., 80% of the gross earned income counts in the calculation of benefit levels). 0000000016 00000 n 0000161972 00000 n If you live in the County of Santa Clara, then you can use the MyBenefits CalWIN online portal to apply for and manage benefit assistance. 0000004822 00000 n 6 5,930 Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-500 (Cont), Sec 63-503 - Food Stamp CalFresh Handbook Index CalFresh Handbook Table of Contents Chapter 1: Thrifty Food Plan and Income Test Limits Chapter 2: Charts, Tables, and Miscellaneous Chapter 3: Application Chapter 4: Authorized Representative Chapter 5: Social Security Number Requirements Chapter 6: Verifications Chapter 7: Expedited Services Chapter 8: Notice of Action . 0000165667 00000 n 0000007192 00000 n 1799 0 obj <> endobj Deductions are allowable expenses that can be subtracted from the households monthly gross income to arrive at the net monthly income. It allows you buy healthy food at most stores, such as food outlets, grocery . CalFresh is for people with low-income who meet federal income eligibility rules and want to add to their budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. 0000152267 00000 n Below is a chart of gross monthly income for 200% of the Federal poverty level by household size effective 10/1/2022. 0000010606 00000 n Application Process . Households will receive their regular CalFresh benefit allotment amount beginning April 2023 as long as they remain eligible. CalFresh benefits can help buy nutritious foods for a better diet. 0000003715 00000 n California Food Assistance Program (CFAP), Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs), Early Issuance of February CalFresh Benefits. 0000003774 00000 n 0000164831 00000 n GetCalFresh org. 0000163172 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n %%EOF 0000162146 00000 n 0000161544 00000 n 0000153226 00000 n 1-877-509-0294. 0000003529 00000 n Business Process. At this time this work rule is waived in all counties until at least June 30, 2023, and you do not need to meet it. Semi-Annual Reporting Requirements 24. A standard deduction of $225 for a household with 5 members. 0000165415 00000 n 0000005544 00000 n 0000171023 00000 n 0000167465 00000 n 0000169375 00000 n xref 0000164663 00000 n Individuals, including children, applying for CalFresh benefits, must either provide a Social Security number or proof they have applied for a Social Security Number.
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