te mantiene informado con la informacin ms relevante de la regin del norte de Tamaulipas y el Valle del Rio Grande. Junta Municipal de Reclutamiento Reynosa Direccin: Av. Four armed civilians were killed, according to police. It offers free parking. Manuel Crrega Guevara. Con . The Accounting Manager duties including supervision of the data entry Activo hace 8 das Postulacin va Indeed El Pelochas and El Metro 100, arrested. Some victims in deadly Reynosa shootings identified 0 seconds of 2 minutes, 16 secondsVolume 90% 00:25 02:16 After 14 innocent people were killed in Reynosa on Saturday, some experts are saying. AddThis Share Bullets found in bathroom forces school lockdown at South Texas ISD Preparatory Former Edinburg CISD bus driver arraigned after child left behind on school Valley View wins in penalty shootaround 4-3 over Sharyland, RGV Vipers battle, but fall 109-100 to Long Island Nets, UTRGV picks up third win in a row, beat Utah Valley 69-59, Valley teams close out girls basketball season in UIL Regional Semifinals, Pharr Natatorium hosts WAC Swimming & Diving Championships. Attacks in Mexican border city kill at least 14 people. Conmemoran el 83 Aniversario del Da de la Bandera en Ciudad Madero. Administrador General: Francisco Javier Rojas, Administrador General: Francisco Javier Rojas | |, Administrador General: Francisco Javier Rojas, ANALIZARA CONGRESO QUITAR OTRA VEZ USO DE SUELO A CASINOS EN TAMAULIPAS, TAMAULIPAS NO TENDR LEY SECA DURANTE CONSULTA DE REVOCACIN DE MANDATO, RIESGO DE CONTAGIOS POR COVID-19 AUMENTA EN TEMPORADA VACACIONAL, ADVIERTE SALUD, LAS MUJERES SON CLAVE EN EL XITO DE MORENA Y JR, ALERTA SSP SITUACIN DE RIESGO EN MATAMOROS. But the area's criminal activity has long been dominated by the Gulf Cartel and there have been fractures within that group. He co-founded Breitbart Texas Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darbyand senior Breitbart management. Reynosa, Tamaulipas.- El Cabildo que preside la Alcaldesa, Doctora Maki Esther Ortiz Domnguez, aprob por unaninimidad este viernes 21 de diciembre en su Dcima Sesin Ordinaria el Plan Municipal de Desarrollo 2018-2021, con la cual el Gobierno de Reynosa buscar lograr una ciudad moderna y sostenible. Essential reporting and analysis from correspondents around the world. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico Gunmen aboard a number of vehicles staged attacks in several neighborhoods in the Mexican border city of Reynosa on Saturday, and at least 15 people died in clashes that. * Deploy of documentation of procedures and processes, news or existent * Analyse the safety level of equipment . But Garca Cabeza de Vaca himself is being investigated by the federal prosecutor's office for organized crime and money laundering - accusations he says are part of plan by Lpez Obrador's government to attack him for being an opponent. State police found suspects who resisted arrest and shot at them, the statement said, before officers fired back and killed two men and one woman. Gobernador interino del Estado. The Tamaulipas state agency coordinating security forces said in a statement that the attacks began in the early afternoon in several neighborhoods in the eastern part of the city, which borders McAllen, Texas. Security Alert - U.S. Consulate General Matamoros, Mexico - (June 25, 2021) Location: Reynosa, Tamaulipas Event: Cartel Violence In light of the violence that occurred in Reynosa on June 19, U.S. government personnel in Reynosa are temporarily restricted from field operations and official movements other than home-to-work. A spokesman for Tamaulipas states secretary of public security said Sunday that the attackers may be members of a splinter faction of the Gulf Cartel, which has a presence in large swaths of the Mexican state that borders Texas. When soldiers did arrive following the shootout, they found several gunmen strewn along the highway. "It's not fair," said taxi driver Rene Guevara, adding that among the dead were two of his fellow taxi drivers whom he defended and said were not involved in crime. DIRECCION DE TRANSITO Y VIALIDAD. El Maana de Reynosa - ltimas Noticias Clima Actual: Agentes, los ms sealados Por: Christian Rivera | marzo 03, 2023 | Tamaulipas Van 92 casos en seis aos; FGJET ha recibido 28. The president arrived in power with a rhetoric of nonconfrontation with a Hugs, not gunshots slogan that has led to federal forces having a passive presence in certain areas of the country, which has empowered criminal organizations to act more freely, Guerrero said. Desarrolle un programa en C#, que muestre en pantalla el mensaje "hola mundo [nombre de estudiante]" (cambiar por su nombre). The warning comes despite the arrest of up to 13 people allegedly involved in the killings of 19 civilians. While this city across the border from McAllen, Texas is used to cartel violence as a key trafficking point, the 14 victims in Saturday's attacks appeared to be what Tamaulipas Gov. Francisco Garca Cabeza de Vaca said in a statement Sunday that he has ordered a speedy investigation. Reynosa Editor - March 16, 2021 EN COAHUILA, GUARDIA NACIONAL Y AGENCIA NACIONAL DE ADUANAS DE MXICO DETIENEN A PERSONA CON ARMAMENTO EN CRUCE FRONTERIZO Reynosa Editor - September 26, 2022 FALLECE EL CHARRO DE HUENTITAN. They also used an ambulance to transport the cartel boss. Becas Reynosa 2023-2024: Convocatoria, Registro y Requisitos 1 Trmites Registro Logo del Ayuntamiento de ReynosaEste programa dirigido por el gobierno municipal de Reynosa como apoyo a las familias de Tamaulipas cuyos hijos se encuentren cursando alguno de los niveles acadmicos cubiertos por el programa y cuya situacin econmica sea vulnerable y que propicie la desercin . It's one of the dangerous cities in Mexico because of ongoing conflicts with gangs. MND Staff June 28, 2021 'La Vaca,' center, and four others arrested in connection with the Reynosa shootings. Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. . On Sunday, Reynosa residents "were quiet as if nothing had happened, but with a feeling of anger because now crime has happened to innocent people," said local businessman Misael Chavarria Garza.. The attacks took place in several neighborhoods in eastern Reynosa, according to the Tamaulipas state agency that coordinates security forces, and sparked a deployment of the military, National Guard and state police across the city. Three pick-up trucks and one long firearm were seized by state police. As a warning, the following images are considered graphic. At least 14 people died in the Mexican border city of Reynosa on Saturday after a convoy of shooters went on a rampage, authorities said, a somber reminder of the violence that has ravaged the. Travel to this region is not recommended. a group of more than 30 gunmen in military uniforms rescued Jose Alfredo Metro -27 or Calamardo Hernandez Campos from police custody, gunmen from the Gulf Cartel and the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas clashed near Miguel Aleman with no interference from Mexicos military. Cartels have fought over territory in Reynosa for years. "And the worst thing that can happen is that the Mexican government insists in its non-confrontation 'hugs not bullets' strategy, said Tony Payn of Rice University. Olga Ruiz, whose 19-year-old brother Fernando Ruiz was killed by the gunmen, said he worked as plumber and bricklayer for his stepfather to pay for school, and was fixing an outdoor drain when he was attacked. On Sunday, he said "the people were quiet as if nothing had happened, but with a feeling of anger because now crime has happened to innocent people.". OREM, Utah The University of Texas Rio Pet of the Week - Annie the Chinese Sharpei mix, La Entrevista: La "tortuga caja adornada" es una especie comn del Valle. Francisco Garca Cabeza de Vaca, quien milita en Accin Nacional desde 1999, fue diputado federal en la LVIII Legislatura, del 2000 al 2003.Dos aos ms tarde, entre 2005 y 2007 fue presidente municipal de Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Friday, March 3, 2023: Breezy and cooler Bullets found in bathroom forces school lockdown Bullets found in bathroom forces school lockdown at South Texas ISD Preparatory Academy. Past Weather in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks Time/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Currently: 78 F. Cabeza de Vaca is under an investigation for alleged links to organized crime groups, money laundering and tax evasion, according to the Mexican attorney generals office, which announced in May that the U.S. Justice Department has shared a case file on Cabeza de Vaca. One person killed in downtown shootings in Matamoros. Local businessman Misael Chavarria Garza said many businesses closed early Saturday after the attacks and people were very scared as helicopters flew overhead. Mexicos president just says no to U.S. cash to fight drug crime. Paso a paso la masacre en Reynosa: qu buscaban los narcos del Crtel del Golfo en la ciudad de Tamaulipas Reynosa es la ciudad ms peligrosa de Tamaulipas y Tamaulipas, uno de los. Estas a favor de los movimientos que se realizan en defensa del INE? The auction is One person was killed in two separate shootings Friday, March 3, 2023: Breezy and cooler with temperatures in the 80s, Thursday, March 2, 2023: Hot and breezy, temps in the 100s, Wednesday, March 1, 2023: Hot and breezy, temps in the 90s. Authorities continue to investigate the motive for the homicides, hoping it could lead to more arrests, according to the news release. Prosecutors in the border state of Tamaulipas launched an investigation into several active-duty Mexican Army soldiers and former soldiers. You could fly into McAllen Texas. oct. de 2018 - ago. State authorities said Sunday that they are investigating possible motives behind the killings and looking for other shooters. June 21, 2021, 4:48 AM PDT By The Associated Press Fear has invaded the Mexican border city of Reynosa after gunmen in vehicles killed 14 people, including taxi drivers, workers and a nursing. Becas Reynosa2021 1 Registro, Requisitos y Documentacin Trmites Convocatorias En relacin a las Becas Municipales Reynosa (Becas Reynosa 2023-2024) . So he asked permission to enter a house but my brother and his companions were only about to enter when the vehicles arrived," Ruiz said. MARIO DELGADO CORROMPE A MORENA, ENTREGA CARGOS A SUS AMIGOS VIOLANDO BAJAN QUEJAS POR RECOLECCIN DE BASURA, BRINDA GOBIERNO DE RO BRAVO PARAN ACTIVIDADES EMPLEADOS DEL C5; ARGUMENTAN MALOS TRATOS DE SUPERIORES, DETIENEN CON DROGA A FUNCIONARIO DE MATAMOROS, REPORTAN DAOS EN PIRMIDE DE TAMAULIPAS: BIKERS SE SUBIERON. Saturdays attacks come amid scandals that threaten to oust the governor. 88620. Victoria, Tam., Mircoles 25 de Febrero de l 2009. Autoridades policiacas capturaron a un joven como presunto responsable del crimen de un hombre que fue asesinado a flechazos en el interior de una vivienda en la colonia Campestre Itavu, de acuerdo a las investigaciones, en las flechas se encontraron huellas digitales del criminal Destroza camioneta 01 / Marzo / 2023 | Por La Tarde / Staff REYNOSA, TAMAULIPAS . EXIGE EL PAN RESPETO A LAS LEYES Y LA DIVISIN DE PODERES EN POLTICA ECONMICA DEL GOBERNADOR AMRICO VILLARREAL, GENERA CONFIANZA EN INVERSIONISTAS. Maribel, 47, among what local authorities estimate to be more than 400 . Unidentified gunmen riding in sport-utility vehicles shot people in various neighborhoods of Reynosa, just a stone's throw from McAllen, Texas, on . They heard the gunshots from afar and my stepfather told him: Son, you have to take shelter,' she said. The state police transporting the man known as Calamardo were forced to release him once they found themselves surrounded and outgunned. 88620. Tokyo Olympics to allow up to 10K domestic fans at each ev Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts placed on paid leave, Buster Murdaugh got 'very drunk' with dad 2 months after mom, brother murdered: source, What's next for Buster Murdaugh after dad's murder conviction, life sentence, Prince Harry was scared to lose Meghan Markle after fight that led to therapy, Prince Harry says psychedelics are fundamental part of his life, Inside Scheana Shay, Raquel Leviss heated confrontation about Tom Sandoval affair, Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant allegedly flashes gun at a strip club, Tom Sizemore And The Dangerous Burden of Desperation, Kellyanne Conway and George Conway to divorce. Carjackings affecting innocent motorists along Mexican border city highways are also spiking. Encuentra las ltimas noticias de Reynosa: informacin, fotos y videos en Milenio . Those looking for a used vehicle or other equipment can do so at a public auction hosted by the city of Palmview. Reynosa,Tamaulipas CP. Gerald Tony Aranda is an international journalist with more than 20 years of experience working in high-risk areas for print and broadcast news outlets investigating organized crime, corruption, and drug trafficking in the U.S. and Mexico. State police forces clashed with the cartel gunmen afterward but were unable to recapture Metro 27, Authorities did capture some gunmen and killed one. Bullets found in bathroom forces school lockdown at South Texas ISD Preparatory Former Edinburg CISD bus driver arraigned after child left behind on school Valley View wins in penalty shootaround 4-3 over Sharyland, RGV Vipers battle, but fall 109-100 to Long Island Nets, UTRGV picks up third win in a row, beat Utah Valley 69-59, Valley teams close out girls basketball season in UIL Regional Semifinals, Pharr Natatorium hosts WAC Swimming & Diving Championships. He has assured Mexicans that he is fighting the root causes of the violence and since the beginning of his administration in December 2018, he has advocated "hugs, not bullets" in dealing with criminals. 1 minute read. The safest way to travel to Reynosa is the US Mexico boarder in Hidalgo Texas. (KGNS) -Authorities in Mexico say gunmen in vehicles opened fire in the City of Reynosa on the U.S. border killing. SUSPENDEN CLASES Y TRANSPORTE POR BALACERAS EN NUEVO LAREDO. After that confrontation, police arrested one man and found two women in the trunk of his vehicle who are believed to have been kidnapped, said the agency that coordinates security forces. 8 Very Good 372 reviews Price from $60 per night Check availability City Express Reynosa Hotel in Reynosa Recently, they have diversified into an array of other illegal activities. Violent criminal groups are eroding Mexico's authority and claiming more territory. Versos en peligro de extincin: Puede la poesa ayudar a salvar un idioma? A series of clashes between rival factions of the Gulf Cartel left 15 people dead in one day including some innocent civilians in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. What happened was a direct attack towards vulnerable people in working class neighborhoods, said Giovanni Barrios Moreno, president of Justicia Tamaulipas A.C., who has been working for years to help families find loved ones that have disappeared because of organized crime in Tamaulipas. The attacks happened west of one the city's manufacturing districts in the Almaguer, Bienestar, Lampacitos and Unidad Obrera neighborhoods. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico Fear has invaded the Mexican border city of Reynosa after gunmen in vehicles killed 14 people, including taxis drivers, workers and a nursing student, and security forces responded with operations that left four suspects dead. He has also deployed armed forces, as his predecessors did, and created a national guard to respond to the violence. Telfono (899) 921-9950 Derechos Reservados 2023. Reynosa is a city, located directly across the Rio Grande from the US border. 3:04. RF VC Call sign Location Network/name ERP Concessionaire 23 1 XHBY-TDT: Ciudad Mante: Azteca Uno : 8.45 kW . Reynosa Editor-May 15, 2021 "CHUCHO" NADER, ALCALDE, SI VIVE EN TAMPICO NO COMO OTROS. La migrante haitiana Claudia Chery, de 36 aos, prueba el guiso que est haciendo sobre una llama abierta en el campamento de tiendas de campaa de migrantes Plaza Las Amricas que actualmente . Las autoridades del plantel en Reynosa del Colegio Nacional de Educacin Profesional Tcnica ( Conalep) fueron acusadas de discriminacin debido a que le negaron el acceso a una alumna e incluso la exhibieron frente a . (Weather station: Miller International Airport, Mexico). 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Bidens migrant mess now costing NYC nearly $5M a day, Bidens laugh at fentanyl deaths for cheap political points exposes the real Joe, Rep. Claudia Tenney pitches amendment blocking non-citizens from voting, US border with Canada on pace to quadruple number of migrant encounters. The attacks in Reynosa, which sits on the Mexico-U.S. border in the state of Tamaulipas, took place in under two hours on Saturday, with people seemingly targeted at random by gunmen traveling. *** Maki y Daz-Durn, trabajo sucio*** Corruptelas del Catarrn, impunes*** CRosas, coordinador a distancia? Apparently, one cell from a nearby town may have entered Reynosa to carry out the attacks. First published on Mon 21 Jun 2021 11.49 EDT Fear has invaded the Mexican border city of Reynosa after a weekend of violence in which 19 people were killed, including taxis drivers, workers and. 17 Jul 2021 0. Tamaulipas Attorney General Irving Barrios Mojica said the motive of the attack was to instill fear in residents, saying the killings had no real reason. ART. Convocatoria BASES DE LICITACIONES Convocatoria BASES DE LICITACIONES ESTATALES Y FEDERALES RESULTADOS ACTAS DE FALLO. 341 seguidores 334 contactos. @EnUn2x3Tam (@EnUn2x3) July 26, 2021 June 21, 2021 3:15 AM PT. The gunmen set up multiple trucks with .50 caliber machine guns in the perimeter in an ambush-style tactic to stop other police officers from responding to the scene. options, Despojan de hijo a exnuera de regidora de Reynosa, Lamenta titular de SSPTam enfrentamiento en Matamoros, An no est superada pandemia del Covid-19, Exhorto eclesistico al fomento de valores, Sin agua y con fugas: Enormes derrames del vital lquido, Registran en Reynosa ms derroche de agua, Agreden y escapan civiles armados a Guardia Estatal. La Fiscala General de Justicia de Tamaulipas abri una investigacin y gir un boletn de bsqueda . de 2021 2 aos 11 meses. At least 14 people died in the Mexican border city of Reynosa on Saturday after a convoy of shooters went on a rampage, authorities said, a somber reminder of the violence that has ravaged the U.S. neighbor for more than a decade. "Criminal organizations must receive a clear, explicit and forceful signal from the Federal Government that there will be no room for impunity, nor tolerance for their reprehensible criminal behavior," said Garca Cabeza de Vaca of the rival National Action Party. El big bang que dio origen al muralismo mexicano, Luz Jimnez, la mujer indgena que fue ms que musa para los muralistas mexicanos. The auction is One person was killed in two separate shootings Friday, March 3, 2023: Breezy and cooler with temperatures in the 80s, Thursday, March 2, 2023: Hot and breezy, temps in the 100s, Wednesday, March 1, 2023: Hot and breezy, temps in the 90s. 1910 El 10 de mayo fue tomada la ciudad por el General Lucio Blanco, al mando de fuerzas constitucionalistas. Governor Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vaca is being investigated for his alleged association with organized crime. Reynosa Editor-August 21, 2021. The Gulf, Northeast and Jalisco cartels are fighting for control over Tamaulipass lucrative drug and arms trafficking routes to and from the United States. Lpez Obrador said during a May news conference that the FBI is investigating the governor for alleged money laundering. Payn says security in the border region of Tamaulipas with Texas has been deteriorating because he says the president has not wanted to combat organized crime head-on. HIDALGO, Texas -- The District 31-5A boys soccer season is heating up. Tiempo completo Postulacin va Indeed This position reports to the VP of Finance and supervises 5 accounts payable specialists. Nineteen people shot and killed in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexican soldiers accused of killing five men in Nuevo Laredo, Son of El Chapo arrested by Mexican authorities, Train crashes into trailer near highway leading to Colombia Bridge, Friday Football Fever: Player of the Week. . The rescue took place this week in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, where a group of more than 30 gunmen in military uniforms rescued Jose Alfredo Metro -27 or Calamardo Hernandez Campos from police custody, Breitbart Texas reported. Associated Press On Sunday, Reynosa residents were quiet as if nothing had happened, but with a feeling of anger because now crime has happened to innocent people, said local businessman Misael Chavarria Garza. Thanks for contacting us. Reynosa, a city of 600,000 people, is a hotspot for cartel violence. On Monday, funeral services were held for some of the victims, like 19 year-old Angel Fernando Ruiz from Rio Bravo. Derechos Reservados 2016 Tel: (834) 688-5326 y (834) 454-5577 Desde Estados Unidos marque: 01152 (834) 688-5326 y 01152 (834) 454-5577 14 of those that died that afternoon were killed by armed civilians that were reportedly traveling in several vehicles, according to a news release from the Tamaulipas State Task Force on Peace. FRASE NEMOTECNICA DIAS DE. At least 18 people have been killed in a series of shootings in Reynosa, Mexico, a border town known for drug cartels and as a gathering point for migrants seeking to cross illegally into the US. "All I know is that they took the life of an innocent person.". An additional person died during another ambush near the Pharr bridge. Latest Reynosa Headlines and News updates Read latest Reynosa News, Headlines of today and archives of news. About See all Calle Occidental #265 col.Bellavista Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico Liga Industrial de Beisbol Reynosa Tams 6,688 people like this 7,021 people follow this 35 people checked in here +52 55 7355 2130 Always open Professional Sports League liga_industrial_reynosa_ac Photos See all Videos See all 0:37 The shootings mobilized the army, National Guard, state police and other agencies. The investigation follows the brazen rescue of a Gulf Cartel lieutenant from police custody. On Saturday, authorities detained a person who was transporting two apparently kidnapped women in the trunk of a car. Despite its reputation, Reynosa is an industrial hub for Northern Tamaulipas and the Rio Grande Valley. ARTCULO 67. Guerrero has identified more than 210 cartels, gangs and regional bands operating across the country, of which 13 are in Tamaulipas. Friday, March 3, 2023: Breezy and cooler Bullets found in bathroom forces school lockdown Bullets found in bathroom forces school lockdown at South Texas ISD Preparatory Academy. In 2016, Gerald took up the pseudonym of Tony when he joined Breitbart Texas Cartel Chronicles project. En Conozca Sus Derechos, la abogada Nereida Lpez-Singleterry La Entrevista: Cmo funcionan los seguros Medicaid y Obamacare? Associated Press CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico Fear has invaded the Mexican border city of Reynosa after gunmen in vehicles killed 14 people, including taxis drivers, workers and a nursing student,. As of Saturday evening, the state's attorney general's office has not released a statement. Three sport-utility vehicles and one long gun were found at the scene. RELATED:19 die in multiple attacks in Reynosa. The internal struggle ended in a bloodbath that plunged Reynosa into darkness. His successors continued to be engaged in a struggle that has made Reynosa one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico - and with the greatest perception of insecurity. A taxi driver, a worker at a store, and people in front of homes all unrelated to the power struggle between armed civilians. Reynosa (KFXV) We move across the border now where armed gunmen shot-up a family's party in Reynosa, killing four all residents of McAllen. El gobernador Abbott autoriza a la Guardia Nacional de Texas y DA REVERSA GOBERNADOR DE TEXAS: CIERRAN BARES, CANTINAS Y CENTROS NOCTURNOS INVESTIGAN EN TEXAS RED DE HUACHICOLEO QUE FINANCIA A MORENA EN EUA NO TIENE MS OPCIN QUE PRORROGAR ACUERDO DE RESTRICCIN FRONTERIZA: OFICIAL: CONTINUARN CERRADOS PUENTES INTERNACIONALES. Mexico's president vowed to investigate the border shootings that left 19 dead over the weekend, even as the latest homicide figures showed . Sitio Oficial de la Secretara de Finanzas del Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas Secretara de Finanzas | Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas Secretara de Finanzas | Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas Inicio Secretara de Finanzas Concenos Directorio Telefnico Estructura Pago de contribuciones Control Vehicular Pago de Derechos y/o Tenencia Olga Ruiz, whose 19-year-old brother Fernando Ruiz was killed by the gunmen, said her sibling was working as a plumber and bricklayer in a company owned by his stepfather to pay for his studies. El Betillo and El Gero Jessi were killed. However, according to law enforcement sources, the rescue took place outside as authorities were transporting him to the building. While initial information pointed to the gunmen breaking Metro-27 out of a police building. Infighting in Gulf Cartel Blamed for Mexico Border Killings Targeting Innocents Fifteen people killed in Reynosa Saturday were bystanders; four cartel members also k Published June 22, 2021 . In the afternoon, Tamaulipas state police spokesperson Luis Alberto Rodrguez told Channel 5 News, police were able to detain one person that was allegedly carrying two women inside the trunk of a car. Vista . Como en los peores momentos de. EXIGE EL PAN RESPETO A LAS LEYES Y LA DIVISIN DE GUARDIA ESTATAL DETIENE A VEHCULO RELACIONADO CON DELITO DE EXTORSIN. Los mismos van a . Denuncian discriminacin en el Conalep de Reynosa, en Tamaulipas, por el cambio de uniforme en el plantel. Drug-related violence in Tamaulipas has decreased in the past few years because of better-trained and better-coordinated police, Guerrero added, but these efforts have not stopped blood from flowing in Reynosa. Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mxico. Madres de familia de la Tcnica 87 exigen destitucin de directora. Un ataque ocurrido el sbado en el municipio mexicano de Reynosa, ubicado en el norteo estado de Tamaulipas, dej al menos 15 personas muertas. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico . Jos Mara Cavazos. He can be contacted Experts say there has been an internal struggle within the group since 2017 to control key territories for drug and human trafficking. This article was published more than1 year ago. "In my government there will be no truce for the violent.". One is Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin the New Generation Jalisco cartel one of the most powerful drug organizations in Mexico. Defying attacks, arts return to Somalia with first TV drama in 30 years, Divorced and remarried, these Afghan women are outlaws under Taliban rule. Prosecutors in the border state of Tamaulipas launched an investigation into several active-duty Mexican Army soldiers and former soldiers. The attacks may have derived from a dispute between rival groups over territorial control of the area and dominance over illicit operations including drug trafficking and human trafficking, Luis Alberto Rodrguez, the spokesman, told The Washington Post on Sunday.

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