2023 Last.fm Ltd. 2023 Triton Digital. Event Details:What: Election Observer & Vulnerable Voter TrainingWhen: Saturday, October 22, 9:00 am 1:00 pmWhere: Rock Garden, 1951 Bond Street, Green Bay, WI 54303Cost: Free (includes lunch)-Register here! My first on-air experience happened when I was 13 years old and Ive been involved in radio ever since. February 24 26, 2023 Event Information Visit 180,000 square feet of heated exhibit space featuring the areas finest dealers Visit with Campgrounds, Product Exhibits and more! Streaming service and player provided by Triton Digital. Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! A current, consistent and unapologetic conservative view of our country and our challenges. The phone , Show your support for Adam Steen, write-in candidate running in the 63rd Assembly District. Have you lost trust in your , TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 7:00-9:00 pm: N.E.W. Cost is $40/person Tickets available here! * To share a story, email with SHOW PREP in the subject line, * To book Joe, email requests with BOOKING in the subject line, 2023 The Regular Joe Show | Powered by, FEBRUARY 24th-FEBRUARY 26th: RV & BOAT SHOW in OSHKOSH, WI, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST PLEASE VOTE HERE ARE MY SUGGESTIONS, FEBRUARY PRIMARY 2023 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joes Picks for the February 21st Primary Election. Joe Giganti Conservative Talk Show Host! Does censorship destroy the search for truth in science? Our heated indoor pool and hot tub give you the chance to relax after a long day. MONDAY, JUNE 6th, 6:30-8:30 pm: Regular Joe Moderates a Town Hall Featuring Wisconsin Lt. We will give you advice, it might not be great advice, but we will give it and if it turns out great we will brag about it. A high school student who is experiencing Woke culture, a speaker who is a national lecturer on constitutional issues, and a highly respected candidate running for the Wisconsin Supreme Court will all be speaking at Mondays Fox Valley Initiative meeting. Miss a segment? (Cheese, Beer, & Soda Provided) Candidates Invited to Participate:David KingWill MartinRoger RothPatrick Testin Cindy WernerJonathan WichmannDavid VarnumKyle Yudes When: Monday, June 6th, 6:30-8:30 pmWhere: Electric City Lanes 136 W. Wisconsin Avenue Kaukauna, WICost: Free Sponsored by the Republican Party , 2023 The Regular Joe Show | Powered by, FEBRUARY 24th-FEBRUARY 26th: RV & BOAT SHOW in OSHKOSH, WI, MONDAY, MARCH 6th, 6:30 PM: Fox Valley Initiative Monthly Meeting Featuring Regular Joe, SATURDAY, MARCH 11th, 8:30 am-11:00 am: BREAKFAST WITH REGULAR JOE AND CONGRESSMAN GROTHMAN IN SHEBOYGAN FALLS, WI, REGULAR JOES RECOMMENDED FEBRUARY EVENTS IN NORTHEAST WISCONSIN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1: Regular Joe to MC Waupaca County Republican Partys Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner, SUNDAY, MARCH 26TH, 9:30 AM-2:00 PM: 42nd PRO-LIFE CHILI DINNER & RAFFLE, Regular Joes Recommended January Events in Northeast WI. * To share a story, email with SHOW PREP in the subject line, * To book Joe, email requests with BOOKING in the subject line, 2023 The Regular Joe Show | Powered by, PRIMARY 2022 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joes Picks for the AUGUST 9th Election, FEBRUARY 24th-FEBRUARY 26th: RV & BOAT SHOW in OSHKOSH, WI, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST PLEASE VOTE HERE ARE MY SUGGESTIONS, FEBRUARY PRIMARY 2023 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joes Picks for the February 21st Primary Election. Wisconsin's news, talk, and weather radio station. Come and have some fun tossing bags with Regular Joe at the 12th annual bean bag tournament to raise funds for local soldiers through the Desert Veterans of Wisconsin Saturday, March 4th! And if you dont toss , March your calendar for the Fox Valley Initiatives monthly meeting. Country Singer Trey Taylor will be hosting a fundraiser concert for Adam Steens campaign FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28TH! Ive worked in just about every facet of the media, broadcasting and communications world over the past 30 plus years. Options Play from 00:00. And Kevin Nicholson does not care. EVENT DETAILS:WHO: Waupaca County Republican PartyWHAT: Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner WHERE: Danes Hall, 301 N. Main Street, Waupaca, WIWHEN: Saturday, April 1, 2023 | 5:30 p.m. Cocktails | 6 p.m. . Miss a show? Thats just what a visit to BringMeHomeInsurance.com can do. Politics, culture, sports, entertainmentthere are no safe spaces in this discussion! See sponsorship levels below: PLATINUM LEVEL(2 Available)$5,000 GOLD LEVEL(3 Available)$3,000 SILVER LEVEL(4 Available)$1,500 BRONZE LEVEL(5 Available)$ 750 -10 Radio Ads-Top Billing on Signage-10 Guests Included , Were looking forward to seeing you this coming Monday evening, November 21, at De Pere Cinema for NEW Patriots showing of the Epoch Times documentary, The Real Story of Jan. 6. [Note: The theaters marquee will probably be advertising a different movie, but come in anyway!] Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! PRIMARY 2022 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joe's Picks for the AUGUST 9th Election August 2, 2022 EDITOR'S NOTE: Only those specifically notated have received Regular Joe's endorsement. February 24 26, 2023 Event Information Visit 180,000 square feet of heated exhibit space featuring the areas finest dealers Visit with Campgrounds, Product Exhibits and more! The Regular Joe Show. Keynote address will be presented by Justice Michael Gableman. WTAQ 1360 AM - 97.5 FM Saturdays 12 - 3 pm Central Time . We are pleased that Mindy Tempelis, Outagamie County District Attorney, will be our speaker. The two goals are simple: Raise funds and/or provide presents for two families that might otherwise not have a Christmas in partnership with Best , If you would like to sponsor the event benefiting Best Christmas Ever please contact Mitch Lambert at (920) 412-8781 or via email to mitch@regjoeshow.com with the subject line SPONSOR EVENT. Speakers:Dean NeubertState Senator Andre JacqueMatt Sande-Pro-Life WisconsinJohn Jacobs-Green Valley Farms EVENT DETAILS:WHO: Dean Neubert, Regular Joe, State Senator Andre Jacque, Matt Sande-Pro-Life Wisconsin, John Jacobs-Green Valley FarmsWHAT:Fundraiser for Dean Neubert, Candidate for 6th AssemblyWHEN:Sunday, September 25, 2022 | 1:00-3:00 pm WHERE: Shawano , Turning Point Action is proud to announce its upcoming Unite and Win rally in Wisconsin on September 18th, featuring one of Americas most popular political leaders, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in support of key Republican candidates in one of this election cycles most consequential elections. WTAQ 1360 AM - 97.5 FM Mon - Fri 8:45 - 11 pm Central Time He demonstrated that by simply inserting a name and DOB into the MyVoteWI.com web sight he could get an Absentee Ballot for that person and , Show your support for Adam Steen, write-in candidate running in the 63rd Assembly District. Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! Joe Giganti Conservative Talk Show Host! Politics, culture, sports, entertainmentthere are no safe spaces in this discussion! Streaming service and player provided by Triton Digital. Come enjoy a sunny Fall Saturday afternoon participating in the Freedom Flotilla Parade of boats on the Fox River or simply view from the shoreline. Patriots invite you to the De Pere Cinema, where well enjoy a showing ofClimate Hustle. To help members create a statement of empowermentfor election observers. Reasoned, mature, and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about what's really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. The Regular Joe Show on Apple Podcasts 100 episodes Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! I also got to know and even once sing with The Drifters. Come and have some fun tossing bags with Regular Joe at the 12th annual bean bag tournament to raise funds for local soldiers through the Desert Veterans of Wisconsin Saturday, March 4th! Contact. February 24 - 26, 2023 Event Information Visit 180,000 square feet of heated exhibit space featuring the area's finest dealers Visit with Campgrounds, Product Exhibits and more! Sponsorships are Available for The Regular Joe Shows Great American Birthday Bash! Mark Daniels' daily sports report keeps you updated with breaking news from players and teams that matter to you! Never miss the chance to be up to date on the latest news for Green Bay and Northeast Wisconsin with WTAQ News on Demand. Social/ light refreshments at 8:30 a.m. Town , Food-Golf-Speakers Tee times: 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, or 4:00 pm Call Irish Greens Golf Course to register at 920-834-2355 Speakers at 6:30 pm:Joe GigantiDr. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. It's about the fun and commissary we all love about Fantasy Football. The Regular Joe Show Follow podcast Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! The seven times world champion's Mercedes team had requested an exemption after Hamilton . No registration, just show up and enjoy this event. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and. From there, I went on to work with some of the biggest syndicated talk radio shows of their time. If you missed the latest Ag news for Northeast Wisconsin, don't worry, catch up anytime with WiscoAg News. Joe Giganti is host of #1-rated The Regular Joe Show, a nationally syndicated talk program that originates from Green Bay, WI weekday mornings from 8:0011:00. WTAQ WTAQ 1360 AM 97.5 FM News. But my proudest achievement is my familybeing a husband to my wife, Kristin, and a father to our five children. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The Regular Joe Show is live on Newsradio 1360 WTAQ 97.5 FM--tune in and join the conversation! Live music and movies are two of my favorite things and Ive been blessed to incorporate both into my career. The Beach Boys have long been my favorite. This has included stints in radio, television, public relations, crisis communications and more. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 4.4/5 on G2 Crowd . The Regular Joe Show Follow podcast Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! SPONSOR The Regular Joe Shows Christmas Cheer Happy Hour Party! Continue. FRIDAY, JULY 1: The Regular Joe Show Great American Birthday Bash! More details to come but those who have also been invited , Come on out and show your support for Dean Neuberts write in campaign. Keynote address will be presented by Justice Michael Gableman. The Regular Joe Show with Joe Giganti. Joe has worked in virtually every facet of the media, marketing and communications world, including roles in executive leadership, broadcasting, public relations, crisis management and political strategy and campaigns. LETS GO BRANDON HOODIES:Unisex SIZES: Small 3XLPRICE: $50 ($37.50 after 25% discount using the code LGB25) LETS GO BRANDON T-SHIRTSMens crewneck 100% American Made , AS MANY OF YOU KNOW WEVE BEEN GROWING AND WED LIKE TO HELP YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS GROW AS WELL EVERYDAY YOU CAN REACH SCORES OF CONSUMERS IN NEARLY A DOZEN STATES ON CLOSE TO 20 TERRESTRIAL SIGNALS THATS TO SAY NOTHING OF THE TENS-OF-THOUSANDS OF LISTENERS TUNING INTO OUR LIVE-STREAM IN MORE THAN , What if I told you, you could have peace of mind for $450? TICKETS ARE FREE BUT YOU MUST RSVP VIA EVENTBRITE TO ATTEND! Monday, February 27doors open at 6:00 p.m.movie starts at 6:30 p.m.well finish about 8:00 p.m.De Pere Cinema, 417 George St, De Pere, WI 54115 Its roughly 70 minutes of information AND entertainment! Find more contacts. EVENT DETAILSWhat: 42nd Pro-Life Chili Dinner & RaffleWhen: Sunday, March 26th, 9:30 am-2:00 pmWhere: Sacred Hearts Parish | 222761 County Road S | Marathon, WICost: Adults: $8.00 | Children 6-12: $4.00 | Children 5 & Under: Free Tickets are available at the door. Type. All Rights Reserved. Read More . from Vice: About four minutes later, the lights gradually came back on. WTAQ airs mainly nationally syndicated conservative talk shows hosted by Dan Bongino, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck (weekends). Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. * To share a story, email with SHOW PREP in the subject line, * To book Joe, email requests with BOOKING in the subject line, 2023 The Regular Joe Show | Powered by, FEBRUARY 24th-FEBRUARY 26th: RV & BOAT SHOW in OSHKOSH, WI, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST PLEASE VOTE HERE ARE MY SUGGESTIONS, FEBRUARY PRIMARY 2023 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joes Picks for the February 21st Primary Election. Portions of Content provided by Last.fm. The REGULAR JOE Show! Politics, culture, sports, entertainmentthere are no safe spaces in this discussion! Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. Salesforce has been targeted by four . Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about what's really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. All of our Lets Go Brandon merchandise- hoodies, t-shirts, yard signs, and bumper stickers both online and in stores are 25% off when you use the code LGB25. And if you dont toss , Stop in and visit our Regular Joe Show booth in hanger C. 180,000 Square Feet of Everything Camping, Boating and more! Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about what's really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. Reasoned, mature and in-depth, host Joe Giganti digs deep to expose the facts about whats really going on and how to be a force for truth, justice, and, yes, the American way. WTAQ 1360 . Theyll pay folks $20/hour for door knocking work, and $15/hour for phone calling which can be done from home. The Dan Bongino Show tackles the biggest political issues, debunking both liberal and conservative establishment rhetoric. Interested in carrying The Regular Joe Show on your station or stations? Sports. You can also LISTEN live on my flagship station: AM 1360 | 97.5 FM WTAQ and on their livestream , Please join Regular Joe as he celebrates the greatest country in the worlds birthday on Friday, July 1, 2022 with a live broadcast beginning at 8:00 a.m. Its the 2nd Annual Regular Joe Show Great American Birthday Bash and youre invited!!! Fox Valley Initiative: Monthly Meeting Monday, January 9th 6:30 pm 8:30 pmAPPLETON Freedom Project Academy, 750 N Hickory Farm Lane, Appleton. You can watch a brief trailer here: , Join Regular Joe on Saturday, April 1, 2023 for the Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner. She won't ask Vos to resign. Your home for consistent conservatism without apology! Stop in and visit our Regular Joe Show booth in hanger C. 180,000 Square Feet of Everything Camping, Boating and more! Dec 9, 2022. RJS - 01/24/22 Segment 4. The Regular Joe Show. Gov. Regular Joe , Join Regular Joe and Congressman Grothman to help raise money to support local candidates in Sheboygan County! Matt Z. in the Morning on 97.5 FM and 1360 AM - WTAQ. We will dismantle the mainstream media propaganda and give you the facts. Each guest room includes free WiFi, a flat-screen HDTV with cable, mini-refrigerator, microwave, coffee and tea maker, desk, iron and ironing board, and hair dryer. In addition to speaking, Joe will emcee the event and we have the unique opportunity to hear , Radisson Hotel & Conference Center Green Bay2040 Airport DriveGreen Bay, WI 54313 Get your free tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unite-win-rally-wisconsin-tickets-416182602367 The Wisconsin Conservative Coalition, WCC, of which N.E.W. Tune in and join the discussion! (Reuters) - Shares of Salesforce Inc jumped 15% in premarket trade on Thursday after the cloud-based software provider's revenue forecast eased concerns about slowing growth and its move to double its share repurchase to $20 billion appeased investors. Wisconsins news, talk, and weather radio station. Governor Candidates, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST PLEASE VOTE HERE ARE MY SUGGESTIONS, FEBRUARY PRIMARY 2023 VOTER GUIDE: Regular Joes Picks for the February 21st Primary Election. There's a strong feeling in my caucus that we need to vote her down," LeMahieu told WTAQ conservative talk show host Joe Giganti on the Regular Joe Show. If you do not want to pay online, please RSVP via email to district6event@yahoo.com. 2023 Last.fm Ltd. 2023 Triton Digital. If the guy we tell you to start puts up a 0 for the week, you didn't hear that from us. Politics, culture, sports, entertainmentthere are no safe spaces in this discussion! Were you or someone you know fired for refusing the vaccine? Our student speaker is currently , Please join me for The Regular Joe Show Christmas Cheer Happy Hour Party on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st from 5:30-8:30 pm at the Chatterhouse 2016, 614 George St, De Pere, WI 54115. All Rights Reserved. The Regular Joe Show is live on Newsradio 1360 WTAQ 97.5 FM! Posted on Oct 10, 2020. shows-regular-joe-show. Listen - on www.tubecityonline.com or where ever you get your internet radio stations! Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8 Segment 9 Segment 10 Seg State Supreme Court ruling on Safer at Home, April 7th election - a look back (Part 2), Separating the President from the experts, Your Retirement with Duell Financial Strategies.
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