rather than a sole concentration on debate theory, assumptions, or models. This program provides a unique opportunity to gain global experience and perspective one of the five pillars that are central to the Stern undergraduate program from day one. The departments major can be taken in either one of two concentrations, theory or policy. Above all, studying at NYU is especially rewarding because of our status as an urban campus. Business is evolving more rapidly than ever before. Students will follow CAS core curriculum grounded in a liberal arts foundation. Luckily, Stern advising is also available over the summer. In 2001, Stern became the first business school to establish its own center for exploring new models in teaching and learning. Policy is for students who prefer a path that highlights the role of institutions and the intersections of policy and theory. Marketing ensures the firm provides value to the consumer so that it can achieve its share, revenue, and profit objectives. 0000038014 00000 n Assessment is more qualitative and essay-based. Reset Password Forgot NetID Activate NetID Accessibility In other words, theory is for those who want a more formal approach to economic analysis. If you are not concentrating in Finance but would like to have some exposure to corporate finance and investment/capital markets, Foundations of Finance (FINC-UB 2) followed by Corporate Finance (FINC-UB 7) provides an excellent overview of these two areas in finance. Additionally, as an international student, the global business concentration interested me. Finance provides the technical and analytical skills necessary to understand how financial markets function, as well ashow businesses operate and make decisions within these markets. By combining courses in business fundamentals with a broad-based liberal arts foundation, future business leaders are given the skills, expertise, and intellectual sophistication needed to advance in today's dynamic business environment. Senior Capstone. - Leveraged various growth strategies and tools including social media, email marketing, presentations, and peer and faculty member networking to grow the user base and . Internships and other professional development opportunities in the United Kingdom will also be possible for many students in the summer following completion of the first year. Recruit Talent; Employment Reports; Solve a Business Challenge; Corporate Partnerships; Enterprise Learning; Connect With Us; Open/Close Menu. 2019 4 . I do this by prototyping, validating and iterating on products and programs, and . Course Course Number Planned/ Units Completed Principles of Managerial ACCT-UB 2 4 concentration declaration form on SternLife. You will have the opportunity to specialize in your 4-course concentration (s), and the flexibility to choose from hundreds of liberal arts and elective courses across NYU. The summer portion of this program has been extended to lawyers, subject to an admissions review. During your first few years at NYU Stern, you will sample each area of business study while completing your core classes. Courses by Semester Navigation Spring 2023 Global Site Courses Accra The new BS in Business, Technology and Entrepreneurship program at NYU Stern prepares students to transform the business world. No preparation is necessary, and the grade has no impact on a student's academic record. (c) Computing and Data Science courses (formerly INFO-UB) are now coded TECH-UB effective Spring 2020. 0000025230 00000 n In addition to its specialized focus on tech and entrepreneurship, the BTE program includes a trifecta of unique core elementsthe Business Core, the Liberal Arts Core, and the Social Impact Core. Speak with juniors and seniors with knowledge and experience in a wide range of popular industries. 2023 Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Recruiting, Organizations, Collaborations, BS in Business Class of 2026+ Curriculum Worksheet, BS in Business Class of 2024-2025 Curriculum Worksheet, BS in Business Class of 2023 Curriculum Worksheet, Explore the approved Culture & Context/Global Culturescourse equivalents, Stern International Business Exchange (IBEX) semester away, BS in Business, Technology and Entrepreneurship, BS in Business/BFA in Film and Television, Calculus I (MATH-UA 121) or higher (approved advanced standing credit may be applied), Text & Ideas (CORE-UA 400-499)(advanced standing credit may. The Business major with a concentration in business economics or econometrics and quantitative economics is the first option. endstream endobj 654 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[11 604]/Length 43/Size 615/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream All Stern Fund gifts will support our COVID-19 response for Stern's students and community. All courses taught at the global sites are approved by NYU faculty from New York, Abu Dhabi, or Shanghai and count toward degree requirements the same as if they were taught at a degree-granting campus. To nominate a student for the NYU Collegiate Seminar Program, please submit the below form no later than August 3 at 11:59 PM ET. Im an ambitious student. A Stern elective course may satisfy only one concentration requirement. Shes been able to develop connections with professors who have helped her get on the right track as her interests shifted from business to computer science. Now, as a senior, I can confidently say I likely wouldnt have found what I love without NYU Sterns encouragement to explore different concentrations. If not for the encouragement, flexibility, and support of the Stern Core Curriculum at NYU, I would not be graduating certain of my major and excited for my path forward. Led by Founder and Director Michael Posner - who served in the Obama Administration as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor - the Center advances a pro-business, high standards . ( 3) 4 a 2 = 0.75. Business Studies minors complete this component with 1 course chosen from the following options: Managment and Organizations (MGMT-UB 1, 4 credits) MBA students at the Stern School of Business are grouped in blocks of about 60 before starting school, and this grouping will shape their two years of graduate school education. 0000051240 00000 n Total Units. 0000015634 00000 n Operations is concerned with the production and delivery of both physical goods and services. This core consists of: * Entrepreneurship can only be taken as co-concentrations. . The acceptance rate for NYU Stern varies. BUSINESS CONCENTRATION. 615 0 obj <> endobj This core consists of: Given the undeniably global scope of business in the 21st century, these courses are designed to broaden your view of the world from a business perspective. 0000037822 00000 n Majors & Programs A Unique Dual Degree Program in Business and Film Art meets enterprise in this five-year dual degree program, where students earn a BS in Business from Stern and a BFA in Film and Television from Tisch. At a time of indisputable societal and environmental change, students concentrating in Sustainable Business will examine the unique role of the private sector and gain a broad understanding of how embedding sustainability into core business strategy benefits financial performance and management practices. Check out my colleagues article How to Choose an Economics Major at NYU.. Our curriculum emphasizes global perspectives, social responsibility, professional ethics, and communication skills. Even as a CAS student, shes been able to get involved within Stern communities. In lieu of the certificate, lawyers not enrolled at NYU Law School receive a transcript from the NYU Stern School of Business indicating the three core business courses completed. I filtered opportunities by all the details I wanted and found a summer banking internship. The faculty at New York University is particularly strong in Economic Theory, Macroeconomics, International Economics . I loved marketing, but to succeed in M&A, I wanted to learn more about data science. Here, there are two very strong programs to choose from. Please note: The program is designed for admitted NYU Law students. You may take no more than 6 credits (calculated at the Stern rate) in a given semester. CAS also offers two joint majors: Computer Science and Economics and Economics and Mathematics. To declare a concentration in Operations, you must fill out the concentration declaration form on Stern Life. Students will revisit and integrate critical topics, including strategy and problem-solving, analysis and research methods, presentation skills, and issues specific to their chosen course section. EXPOS-UA 1: Writing the Essay (4) ACE-UE 110: The Advanced College Essay (4) 8. During Helens time at NYU so far, shes had a variety of internship opportunities and built a network of peers and professors at the University. and a^2 is the area of the adjacent square. BENEFITS OF CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP Corporate sponsorship for Stern's Executive MBA program has a number of benefits. Title: BS in Business Class of 2026 Curriculum Worksheet It now contains six real-world core companies to study and . You might not be the next Rockefeller, but being centrally located in this city puts you in a great position for success! Both build on the various core principles of Stern: liberal arts, social impact, business tools, functional business, and global business. All Stern Fund gifts will support our COVID-19 response for Stern's students and community. Below is an overview of our core requirements. She interned for Imagine Easy, the company that created EasyBib. A Stern elective course may satisfy only one concentration requirement. This core consists of: Our Social Impact Core is a four-course sequence focusing on issues of personal and professional ethics; corporate social responsibility; the role of law in business and commerce; and the interconnections between corporations, markets, culture and governments, and our global society. I was immediately drawn to finance, since it is one of the most common concentrations. You may import one non-Stern MATH-GA elective to count for the Finance concentration. The Bachelor of Science in Business degree integrates an exceptional business education with a grounding in the liberal arts. 0000021883 00000 n I wanted my work to be globally-focused even if I did not know exactly what I wanted to pursue. The problem? 1) Close your eyes and breathe. Through this experience, I discovered and fell in love with marketing. close your eyes; breath deeply, filling your lungs; keep the air in for 2-3 seconds; and breathe out slowly. Plus, I learned a plethora of new skills surrounding data analytics. JPMorgan gave her a full-time offer, and she still works there today. Youll learn the fundamentals and applications of economic theory. Stern undergraduate students concentrating in Sustainable Business examine the unique role of the private sector and gain a broad understanding of how embedding sustainability into core business strategy benefits financial performance and management practices. Get an interdisciplinary approach to business using tracks roadmaps for coursework that will equip you with the skills and knowledge in areas of interest that cross traditional disciplines, such as real estate, luxury marketing, business analytics, asset pricing, and more. I am on track to receive a B.S. In particular, her computer security professor invited her to be his teaching assistant. Throughout your NYU Stern education, you will integrate top-rated business coursework with liberal arts classes to complete an academic program that will prepare you to succeed in todays fast-paced business world. I'm a mission-driven and entrepreneurial operator, educator, and product manager with 10+ years global experience across secondary and higher education, education technology, and upskilling and reskilling. It was an easy choice to make, since I was studying at one of the most international universities in the world. The NYU Stern Undergraduate College offers 12 concentrations: Accounting Actuarial Science (STEM eligible) Computing and Data Science (STEM eligible) Economics Business Economics Econometrics & Quantitative Economics (STEM eligible) Entrepreneurship * Finance Global Business ** Management and Organizations Marketing Operations (STEM eligible) %%EOF The track you follow is based on one simple question: . Area of an equilateral triangle is ( 3) 4 a 2, where a is the side of the triangle. What did these different concentrations actually mean? Consequently, I would not have found the career path I was really interested in. BS in Business, Technology and Entrepreneurship, BS in Business/BFA in Film and Television, Sustainabilityfor Competitive Advantage (BSPA-UB 68), Three (3) courses (at least 12 credits), one from each of the following sections: Issue Area, Discipline, and Practicum, Economic Inequality: Perspectives and Practices (BSPA-UB 43), Global Business & Human Rights (BSPA-UB 47), Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Protein (BSPA-UB 50), Social Enterprise in Sustainable Food Business (BSPA-GB 2306), Driving Market Solutions for Clean Energy (BSPA-GB 2308), Business and the Environment (ECON-UB 225), Business Economy and Policy in Midst of COVID-19 (MULT-UB 24), Innovations and Strategies for Building a Progressive Social Enterprise (BSPA-UB 44), Theory & Practice of Sustainable Investing (BSPA-UB 48), Accounting for Sustainability (BSPA-UB 67), Managing Climate, Cyber, Geopolitical and Financial Risk (FINC-UB 75), Sustainability Impact Consulting in Costa Rica(BSPA-UB 45), Marketing for Impact: Strategies for Sustainable Business (BSPA-UB 51), Social Innovation Practicum (BSPA-UB 70), Experiential Learning Seminar: Social Impact Consulting (BSPA-UB 103), SIV: Social Entrepreneurship in Ghana(BSPA-UB 2000), NYU Impact Investment Fund (NIIF) (INTA-GB 3371). For either concentration, the major requires six core courses in Economics: Micro and Macroeconomics at the Principles level (ECON-UA 1 and 2), Statistics (ECON . To declare a concentration in Finance, you must fill out the. Building on the introductory concepts of the Social Impact Core, required for all Stern undergraduate students, the Concentration provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to follow career paths that create economic value in tandem with social and environmental value. Students in CAS and Stern work with our Wasserman Center for Career Development to find internships and career opportunities in many different fields. After being chosen for having the best haiku's and senryu's in his Japanese Class, Evan Ma was selected as a representative of his class to attend the 2019 NYU Haiku Gathering. Meera Venkataraman, Chicago Booth MBA '20, Business Strategy Consultant at Microsoft. The Social Impact Core reflects the communitys dedication to societys fundamental issues. Global sites are offering a number of remote available Summer 2023 courses. NYU Stern offers a wide range of options for MBA candidates beyond the traditional full-time format, including tech- and fashion-and-luxury-focused programs. Speak with juniors and seniors with knowledge and experience in a wide range of popular industries. NYU Economics, housed within the division of Arts & Sciences, is one of the world's leading economic research departments. CAPSTONE. trailer The path was mine to choose, from marketing to sustainable business and operations to finance. You may also pursue a secondary major outside of Stern through the. All Stern Fund gifts will support our COVID-19 response for Stern's students and community. Teaching Fellow at the NYU Stern School of Business, have delivered the newest edition of . Want to learn about studying economics across the global network? Join the NYU Mailing List Degree Advantage Major core curriculum that builds business acumen, analytical skills, leadership capabilities, and sports management skills. The MSBA program is a three-semester STEM program which can be completed in a single calendar year. At NYU Stern curriculum goes beyond the typical business school subjects, focusing on positive impact with a global perspective. 0000037987 00000 n I took a general economics course in high school, but my exposure to business matters was limited. B.S. The Business, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (BTE) program will enroll its first class of 30 to 50 undergrads in August 2021. xref 0000007992 00000 n Meet the NYU Stern School of Business - MEET NYU Majors & Programs Meet the NYU Stern School of Business The school where students learn business and prepare to emerge as pioneers in a globalized economy Kathryn Kelly October 20, 2022 Tags Stern School of Business Share Facebook Twitter Feb 2023 - Present2 months. All courses require at least sophomore standing. NYU Stern School of Business students use their classroom knowledge for social impact, creating a future that's both profitable and sustainable. At NYU Stern curriculum goes beyond the typical business school subjects, focusing on positive impact with a global perspective. Marketing activities are both strategic and tactical. 0000014035 00000 n HWmoH>?fwKr@XnIVbWHM`WUvl.(gT=URT*+9x|\tVx'qFJg Economics provides the foundation for all business disciplines. Whats more, youll understand your own spending habits a bit better. The Department of Economics prepares students to understand individual and group decision making, the structure of markets and economies, and the relationship between regions within the global economy. in Business - Class of 2015, 2016 + - 128 Units LIBERAL ARTS CORE Course Course Number Planned/ major, complete a second Stern concentration, or sample an array of intellectual Units Completed perspectives. For all students who matriculated into NYU in Fall 2018 or later, there are two tracks to the Business Studies minor. The NYU Stern Learning Science Lab is a team of creatives, educators, designers, and technologists who work closely with faculty to create engaging and interactive courses. Three big changes helped me find myself (and still graduate on time). Sign On Did you forget your password? All Stern Fund gifts will support our COVID-19 response for Stern's students and community. The insights gained and preferences discovered while completing your foundation coursework will serve as a guide as you choose your area of specialization, called concentrations. Any remaining elective credit can be taken at Stern (a secondary concentration, interesting electives, etc.) 2023 Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Recruiting, Organizations, Collaborations. Quantitative Reasoning (choose one) FOOD-UE 1115: Understanding Research (4) or. All this room to explore means you can study almost anything. I was so happy to be a true marketing concentration. Contacts Jessica Neville, NYU Stern jneville@stern.nyu.edu 802-540-0132 A minimum of 20 units must be taken from a non-Business area. You will have the opportunity to specialize in your 4-course concentration(s), and the flexibility to choose from hundreds of liberal arts and elective courses across NYU. Tell me you want to work on Wall Street without telling me you want to work on Wall Street. Part-time programs now include the. I have a track record of building and delivering transformative educational experiences in global markets. Total Units: 8. Current undergraduate student at the NYU Stern School of Business studying Business with a concentration in Finance and a minor in Data Science. Send PM. Arriving in my senior year at NYU Stern, I am now a Business major with concentrations in finance and data science. 2023 Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Recruiting, Organizations, Collaborations, concentration declaration form on Stern Life, BS in Business, Technology and Entrepreneurship, BS in Business/BFA in Film and Television, Financial Modeling & Analysis (ACCT-UB 23), Financial Statement Modeling (ACCT-GB 6300), Macroeconomic Foundations for Asset Prices (ECON-UB 233), Business, Economy, and Policy in Midst of COVID-19 (MULT-UB 24), Scientific Computing in Finance (MATH-GA 2048), Algorithmic Trading & Quantitative Strategies (MATH-GA 2708), Risk & Portfolio Management (MATH-GA 2751), Financial Securities & Markets (MATH-GA 2791). This concentration will help prepare you to enter the finance industry whether in financial institutions and divisions or in government or non-profit institutions. To declare a concentration in Finance, you must fill out the concentration declaration form on Stern Life . If you are interested in marketing research, you are encouraged to consider a secondary concentration in. The Business major with a concentration in business economics or econometrics and quantitative economics is the first option. Accounting Business & Political Economy Business & Society Business Technology and Entrepreneurship Economics Finance Management and Organizational Behavior Marketing Multidisciplinary Operations Management Social Impact Statistics FUNCTIONAL BUSINESS CORE. Do you need to activate your account?
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