Soon after, the Horned One manifests itself and is slain by the party. 4, Swift Solutions, Leucippes Labyrinth, Pinwheel Flats, Swift Solutions, Reight Bright Beacon, Any Water, Swift Solutions, Drylands, Hunting Lodge No. 145 Fresh Fish Suppers for All! start saving your swift solution points for polestar prism they are like 100 each and you need 5 to get your legendary weapon to Red rarity. Here are nine things Ni No Kuni 2 doesnt tell you that might help you out on your journey to build a wonderful kingdom. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom [a] is an action role-playing game developed by Level-5 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. For now, this item list has almost every item, but if you find any missing, be sure to check back in a few days and well likely have a complete item list for Ni No Kuni 2. Ni No Kuni Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 0. Main Story Walkthrough After that, speak with Brodie and do the side questNu Bis Confidence Crisis. To clear new side quests, some would required Tokens of Gratitude or Merit Stamps in the game. Construct the Evermore Spellworks as soon as you can once youve founded Evermore. Guide A piece of equipment with 5 stars is harder to find in the world and requires rarer resources to craft in Evermore. Dont know what those green floating ghosts are? Consumables are items that you can use on your party to replenish HP or MP, cure various ailments, improve attacks and stats like physical or magical defense, or increase resistance to various elemental attacks. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. Jelly Queen speak to the Legendary Fist in Evalania. If you want to upgrade weapons, head to Evermore Weapon Workshop, and if you want to upgrade your gear, head to Evermore Outfitters. To unlock better and new items and materials for both these workshops, you must upgrade the workshops once you have completed the current crafting and research items. Additional quests will be unlocked after completing the story and unique rewards can be acquired. Wolf Knight Realizing his errors, Mausinger reforms, and agrees to treat all citizens in Ding Dong Dell equally and sign the declaration. Chapter 8: Land of My Fathers Armor and weapons marked with red text range from 10-14 in quality. 086 Bulking Up Batu-Style! Despite his errors, Pugnacius retains the support of his people, as he was just being manipulated by Doloran to do his bidding. Once youve completed the third chapter of Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom and established Evermore, the kingdom that Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum rules over, you can upgrade weapons and armor items. 105 Francine, the Impresario They help in combat and can be leveled up by feeding them their favorite materials. 117 The Sweet Stink of Success 062 Skirmish with the Seas Finest Kingdom Management Guide It . Players will have the opportunity to challenge themselves with even stronger new bosses: Blackhart and Zeta. 106 The Worlds Best Buyer Before you can start crafting your weapons and gear in Ni No Kuni 2, you must play the story until you complete the third chapter of the game. Beat the games final boss to conclude the games overall plot. The season began broadcasting in Japan on Fuji Television on July 7, 2019. A mysterious gate has appeared in the Rubbly Ruins leading to theLabyrinth, the chaotic root of the corruption spreading over the world. You can tell if someone has a quest for you by an exclamation point above their head on the map. Well, in that case, stop scrolling. 083 Lady Forget-a-Lot 111 Three-Minute Steaks 036 Against the Grain During the heat of battle, it's inevitable for the AI controlled companions to get into trouble. Below is a list of recruitable citizens or subjects for the Evermore Kingdom management mini-game in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. They will be ranked according to their powers, roles, and popularity. A new system enhancing the players battle ability is also coming -The Martial Method. Dedicating a lot of time to checking in on the kingdom will not go to waste, so dont forget how important it is. 174 Jazzing Up the Junior Consul Chapter 5: The Sea Queens Curse BL-Iterator 168 Currying Favor Some may even give you items! Bastion 10 votes, 10 comments. 074 Prices Delayed Delivery 098 Ladies Love Fabulous Phorkys 096 Yip-Yip, the Master Tailor Im not at end game yet but have started farming faraway and the highest DP weapon Ive got is 430 for sword and spears, as well as 450ish for hammers. Beautiful graphics rendered in the Unreal 4 Engine. Additionally, weapon and armor skills are stronger the higher the quality of the equipment is. Oakenhart We hope you've enjoyed the game and found this guide useful and to your liking. Longfang The labyrinth is 100 floors maze and for every 20 floor, you will get a new checkpoint that you can start from. The Horned One, Playable Characters The better the letter grade, the faster it will charge. Before crafting, you must research new weapons and armor. 138 Marlene, Good Girl Gone Bad You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Back to their settlement, the party, along with the pirates and immigrants from other nations, establish the nation of Evermore. Great list. The Art of Ni no Ku- . As soon as Evan and the crew found the kingdom of Evermore, its time to get to work! Removes all ailments from the entire party. 051 Speio, Priestess in Training Proceed to Higglery (Craft). Zagg Answered on the UK deal by @DookieWookie he quotes 'If you go further down the page the cheaper one is the PS4 game but the skins, pack and season pass are for PS4/PS5, whereas the more expensive one is the PS4 & PS5 game with the same skins, pick and season pass for PS4/PS5. 049 Proteus, the Gloomy Jeweler Si tiene ms, el temporizador comenzar de nuevo en la parte superior. Bracken, Beginner Guides 095 Da Xing, the Haughty Herbalist 021 Fitch, the Friendly Blacksmith Spend roughly 240 Kingsguilders to construct each building, and you can get to work forging brand new weapons and armor items for Evan and his allies. 001 Auntie Marthas Scrubber Is it thief, foe, or whore? This new power-up will be obtainable from memories of people met during the journey. Familiars are essentially Pokemon that the player accrues over the course of their adventure. Tainted Monsters provide challenging boss encounters. The rankings are based on the skills and abilities of each character. That would be much better. The higher quality weapon or armor is, the higher this number will be, as well as the items color. Now, you can make legendary equipment. 193: The Battle Ends! All rights reserved. The Tale of a Timeless Tome begins with Evan and his friends hearing about a rumor regarding a mysterious rabbit dressed in a tuxedo that is being seen in peoples dreams. The rarity of an item determines how difficult it is to farm and how often it will show up in the overworld or get dropped from enemies. All Trip Doors Locations How to Earn KG Efficiently 066 Tritons Lost Treasure 100 Sybilla, the Decisive Diver Is the " building the kingdom" mandatory to proceed. Is the " building the kingdom" mandatory to proceed. You cannot only craft items for yourself but also your party members. Below are the steps to obtain the Legendary Equipment Plans from starting a new game. It is a direct sequel to the critically acclaimed Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Once Pugnacius is exposed by the party, his Kingsbond is exposed by a mysterious man called Doloran. Chapter 9: To Be a King, Side Quests 001-060 153 A Gruff, Gruff Grandad We'll. Mass Effect Legendary Edition will include single-player base content and DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, plus promo weapons, armors, and packs - all remastered and optimized for 4k Ultra HD. 175 Outfit Upgrade for Bracken, Boss Guides Faraway Forest should never have been released in it's current state. Side Quests 061-120 Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Grinding for level 10 and legendary gear/weapons?, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. S Tier 120 Rocking the Boats Here, you can accept a number of various errands. Now continue playing and stop onChapter 7: A Traitor in our Midst. Ni No Kuni 2, the second installment in the franchise, comes loaded with JRPG mechanics and tons of content for you to explore. Par dfaut, vous pouvez contenir jusqu' trois charges d'armure, et elles restent sur vous indfiniment. Increases users melee attack damage by one. For new player, grinding on easy or hard mode is recommended because we cannot save for the entire 10 floors until we escape the maze. To summon Brodie to Evermore, complete Side Quest: Brodies Last Big Job. Mientras tengas Armor Charge con uno de estos mods equipado, tendrs un cronmetro en cuenta regresiva. Key Points There are a total of 91 entries on our list. Gold Equipments and Weapons | Ni No Kuni Wiki | Fandom in: Weapons, Equipment, Gold Items Gold Equipments and Weapons Edit The Lair of the Lost Lord gives you access to brand new powerful equipments and weapons. If kingdom building takes a back seat to completing main storyline quests in your playthrough, then enemy/boss drop gears are gonna be better, cuz your weapon/armor shop level gotta be too low to produce good stuff. 039 The Chicest of Shoes The type of stone to be reforged must match the equipment (weapon, armor or trinket). This is an expensive process and requires you to have a certain number of citizens. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Best weapons alden666 4 years ago #1 So, are the best weapons those which drop from the faraway dream maze? Pieces of a quality between 1 and 5 will be noted with white text and a badge reflecting their numerical quality. King Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, a young grimalkin king of Ding Dong Dellgets dethroned in a castle siege by one of his father's closest advisers, Lord Mausinger. The Legendary Lost Island! This article offers a Ni No Kuni 2 item list that well be adding to as we play further into the game. . 047 Peleus, the Amiable Armorer 104 Briana, Bold Weapon Designer Later you can choose research and select a research item to unlock new items in both the shops. Evil West Review A Promising, Vampire-Killing, Carnage-Fueled Adventure, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Superhero Demon Hunting, Need for Speed Unbound Review Its Got Wings, Steelrising review more like gold rising for Spiders, How To Get Herbs Of Serenity In Octopath Traveler 2, Best Infantry Units For Each Faction In Company Of Heroes 3, Ori 3 Development Hinted by a Leaked Artwork. You cannot opt to upgrade both while dealing with weapons. The game was announced in December 22, 2015 at Playstation Experience. Ni no Kuni 2 has you playing as the young king Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum as you set out to create a . 024 Miss Hennys Misfortune Slightly increases damage for all attacks. 060 Whos the Big Boss? It was serialized in Shogakukan's Ura Sunday website and MangaONE app from December 2014 to December 2020, with its chapters . 146 Time for Tea Ni No Kuni 2 seems linear at first, but a few hours in and it opens up into a magnificent world filled with quests to conquer, tasks to accept, and probably a handful of questions. Once the third chapter is complete and you have access to Evermore, you must start rebuilding the kingdom back to its formal glory. The weapon types are as follows: Wands Harps Pistols Blades Spears Axes and Hammers Horns and Claws Accessories add offense, defense or . Upon success, Evan is joined by the tiny Lofty, his new Kingmaker. 147 The Bandits are Back Again! The buildings are necessary for crafting new weapons and items. When Evan falls asleep, he finds himself in a dream world and encounters the rabbit who tells them he is The Conductor. On this page, we've listed all the currently active Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds codes we could find, as well as details on how to redeem their rewards in-game. 102 Eli, the Dapper Designer Those games are RPG, Ghost of Tsushima or Horizon Forbidden West aren't. They are great games, but not RPG. The Art of Ni no Kuni(TM)II: REVENANT KINGDOM is a lavish full-color book showcasing the best art from the highly anticipated roleplaying game. 3. Destiny 2 Lightfall | From Zero quest walkthrough, Destiny 2: Lightfall | How to get Strand Subclass and Strand fragments, Destiny 2: Lightfall | How to get Cloud Accretions, Destiny 2: Lightfall | How to farm Nimbus reputation, Destiny 2: Lightfall | Unfinished Business Exotic quest walkthrough, Destiny 2: Lightfall | The Root of Nightmares light level requirement and release date, Destiny 2: Lightfall | All region chest locations, Destiny 2: Lightfall walkthrough | Beginner's guide for taking on The Witness. 034 Going at it with Goldpaw 077 Kimmy, the Cool-Headed Cop they'll get new perks and even craft weapons to strengthen Lara's . After Roland returns to the party, they hold an audience with Mausinger in order to exchange the Mark of Kings for his cooperation, but he attacks them instead. Proud Fantasia Echo's Far! How to Get Legendary Equipment Plans To forge new weapons head to the Weapon Workshop, and to forge new armor head to the Outfitters, where you can select the make armor or make weapons option, to find yourself with a list of new items that you can create. Completed tasks reward Tokens of Gratitude, which can be traded in for new citizens or additional materials. However, it doesnt stop there. Consumables are items that you can use on your party to replenish HP or MP, cure various ailments, improve attacks and stats like physical or magical defense, or increase resistance to various elemental attacks. TempAcc01 4 years ago #1 Most of the material required are in far away forest but do they mean I gotta. Slightly increases attack power on ranged attacks. Although Aranella is gravely injured in the uprising, she is able to have one final moment with Evan, and convinces him to start a new kingdom, one of peace, and take back his throne. 2004. mjus 9. Farming 400+ DMG Weapons - Ni No Kuni 2 79,008 views Mar 30, 2018 287 Dislike OhRichard 15.3K subscribers Edit: Make sure you have armor sets with the bountiful or bootyful prefix, as. All Recruitable Citizen Locations Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom - Side Quest 016 Wanted: A Well-Good Weapon August 11, 2021 Golden Toast Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom 0 A walkthrough and guide for Side Quest 016 Wanted: A Well-Good Weapon in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. Weapon Of Choice DX - 2.49 . The party later learns that Doloran was once a king from a long lost Kingdom that disappeared in a single day. Proceed to Higglery (Craft). 080 The Search for Eternal Youth 128 Norbert, the Future Historian Faraway Forest should never have been released in it's current state. Equipar un mod de carga de armadura azul (tres puntos) te otorgar un beneficio mientras tengas la carga. 079 Candy, the Spirit-Seeker Armor has a shield and hexagon. Speak to Brodie at the archives inside Broadleaf. The game was announced in December 22, 2015 at Playstation Experience. You may start creating fresh new weapons and armor after youve expended around 240 Kingsguilders on each Weapon Workshop. With the addition of new cards, players may encounter new formidable meta in Season 3. 012 Gai Do, the Downbeat Armorer 115 A Not-So-Watchful Eye These two are located right in front of the castle so you can find them easily. FC weapons are good starting from chapter 7 till chapter 9. 064 A Most Distressing Dream We'll also be going over every Higgledy Stone location in Ni no Kuni 2. Ni No Kuni Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. To get the research for the weapons done, you need to go to the Faraway Forest Cave. We'll also keep a running list of expired codes for reference. 025 Alice, AKA Mini Martha! The twentieth season of the One Piece anime series was produced by Toei Animation, directed by Tatsuya Nagamine and Satoshi Ito. 009 Gao Jia, the Sullen Soldier 058 The Best Seafood in Seatown If you needed anything else to do with Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, including how to get to grips with the combat basics of the huge JRPG, or how to spend your hard earned Gilders throughout the land, head over to our Ni no Kuni 2 guides walkthrough hub. 082 Rumpel, the Village Vet Increases users magical attack damage by one. Alongside, you also need to Research Level 9 & 10 Melee Weapon Development. End game in a single player game, just let the player craft whatever gear they wish with the passives they want. 158 Dressed to Kill Each piece of equipment also has a fraction next to a hammer icon. 094 Seeking Superior Weapons - Sidequests 076-100 - Sidequests | Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | Gamer Guides Location Evermore; Nu Bi Chapter 7; Completed 015 and 016 3750 Exp, 31500KG, Sunset Prism (x3) Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads Once ContentsNi No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Notifications View All No unread notifications! 166 A Blossoming Art Career 069 Daphne, Glaucuss Biggest Fan Similarly, you can choose to upgrade the armor you are currently wearing. New to the game are skirmishes, short army vs. army combat in which Evan leads his forces in attacking other commander's posts, or defending Evermore. Once the Zing Gauge reaches 100%, magical attacks will be amplified, sometimes changed entirely with greater attack power. Today I want to share the craft system on Ni no. -Equipment Package. Materials are used in crafting and are needed for many quests, and important items are primarily used for quests or include alternate outfits. Increases users ranged attack damage by one. Summary 2.21 (-80%) / 1.47 Plus; Ni No Kuni II: . This coincides with the quality of the weapon, indicated by the gold star badge. 173 Classy Cloud Snake Clobber This may cause concern about how much play time each character gets in order to distribute Exp properly. 065 A Love Supreme Tainted Monsters. After convincing Pugnacius to sign the declaration, Evan and the others set to Hydropolis, where they fail to prevent Doloran from stealing Queen Nerea's Kingsbond, but convinces her to sign the declaration, while Leander agrees to join the party to stop Doloran's schemes. 161 Testing the One True King Zekkai no Kot! Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Princes Edition Switch release on September 17th, 2021! But dont just accept this! The Adventure Pack provides new challenges for experienced players. The most common and cheaper items will have a one-star rating out of five. Theyll keep up. After that, speak with Nu Bi and then do the side questWanted: Seeking Superior Weapons. This will resurrect the old relics and make it so they can be entered again. If an item has five stars, it means that the item is extremely rare and will be very hard to find or, in this case, require more rare materials to craft. There are several ways to obtain the powerful items. Here's our complete Ni no Kuni 2 guide walkthrough, including how to forge weapons and armor, complete controls and combat guide, as well as how to earn XP and level up quickly. Side Quests replace the Errands from the previous game, allowing the player to do optional quests in order to unlock new citizens, collect rare items, and experience other story lines. (!, Ysha ga Shinda!Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Ysha ga Ochita Kekka.) Timeline:- Side Quest 93: 0:00 (First, talk to Fai Do and complete side quest 93. 087 Do You Believe in Higgledies? You may be in a hurry, but dont miss out on side quests. Ni no Kuni 2 didn't get the reception Level-5 was hoping for, with confusing DLC plans and a general lack of communication giving the game a hard life post-release. Speak to Fai Doand then do the side quest Wanted: Exemplary Armor. Experience the epic that unfolds in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, where endless adventures. Side Quest 012: Gai Do, the Downbeat Armorer, Side Quest 16: Wanted: A Well-Good Weapon, Side Quest 154: Nu Bis Crisis of Confidence, BACK TO Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom GUIDE, Chapter 1: The Fall of the House of Tildrum, All Tainted Monster Locations and Rewards, Progress through the main story until you reach, After clearing the two quests above, progress through the main story until you reach, Head to Broadleaf and talk to Brodie near the archives. Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is here to ruin your life. 134 Pollution Solution Armor Charge remplace les mods Charged With Light et Elemental Well qui taient auparavant dans Destiny 2. Below you can find all the details on how to get the Legendary Equipment Plans. 011 Min Ti, the Sharpshooter 144 The Dark Side of Development Combat works in real-time, allowing three party members, Lofty, and the selected higgledies of the player's choice to join in. Trying to figure out why there are ruins that cannot be entered? Cetus New questsunveiling the past of some of the main characters, andnew pieces of equipmentto collect, Along with new story elements players will be able to discover new Methods to help customize their style of battle. 018 Chi Pi, the Master Carpenter 093 New Model Armor Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is an action role . The Evermore Weapon Workshop will allow you to craft weapons, while the Evermore Outfitters will allow you to craft armor. . 132 Grimms Determination Now continue playing and stop onChapter 9: To Be a King. 122 Ya Pi, the Proud Soldier Usually, the errands are very simple and earn you tokens, which can only be used at Swift Solutions. Lastly, to get to level four kingdom, you need to find and do all the side quests of citizens. 029 High-Speed Hot Streaks! 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. 067 A Cuttyfish Above 056 Unfun Fungus 154 Nu Bis Crisis of Confidence After settling in an unclaimed plain area, Roland instructs Evan to make contact with a neighboring kingdom: Goldpaw, where they learn that Goldpaw's ruler, Master Pugnacius, is making use of rigged gambling to exploit the population. Up Next: Things Ni No Kuni 2 Doesn't Tell You. Game Controls Players control Oliver, a young boy who sets out on a journey in search of a way to resurrect his recently deceased mother. There are quite a few items in Ni No Kuni 2 between consumables, materials and important items. )- Side Quest 154: 1:30 (Then, talk to Brodie and complete side quest 154. These tokens are gain through errands given to you at Swift Solutions in Chapter 4. Contents 1 Chapters 2 Plot 015 Wanted: Exemplary Armor Vous obtenez Armor Charge tout en collectant un orbe de puissance alors que vous avez un mod Armor Charge quip. Defeated enemies reward guilders, experience points, and items. Start the chapter. Well, in that case, stop scrolling. Then yes, Kingdom's weapon/armor shop should allow you to get your hands on the best weapon faster. 142 The Perfect Present They later scheduled the series' return for June 28, 2020, resuming from . Here is a list of errands that you can take. I got myself a few 430+ damage weapons there. The materials can be lying on the ground, and they can be dropped after the fight. 1) Very Rare findings in normal treasure box. Recruiting and employing more citizens not only increases efficiency, it also boosts the rate at which kingdom guilders are acquired, so completing side quests is definitely essential for smooth sailing in the main storyline. First of all, in order to unlock the ability to craft weapons and armor items in Ni no Kuni 2, youll need to successfully establish the kingdom of Evermodethe brand new throne that Evan and his allies found partway through chapter 3 of the game. Players will have to step into the Labyrinth and face the terrors lurking below to stop the Prince of Wraiths madness and bring peace to Evermore. Chapter 3: The Town that Tempted Fate Among the lowest ranks, you can see entries like Yax, Kevin Flynn, Genie, Tia Dalma, Ursula, and Frozone. Having an item list for all of the items in Ni No Kuni 2 can help you complete quests and stay ahead of the game by knowing where to find all items and more. Find the shops and start crafting gear for yourself and your team members. There is no distinctive difference in terms of these rankings. Therefore, youve got to carefully choose whether you want the base damage, or the special skill damage to be boosted for each weapon, before you run out of opportunities to upgrade that one weapon. The items in Ni No Kuni 2 are split into multiple categories. To complete it, you need 3 Frostyfluff Cotton and Radiant Blade. It cannot be upgraded beyond the limit set for it. Many years later, Ferdinand assumes his father's throne and accomplishes Evan's dream of uniting all countries in the world. Your Armor and Weapons building should have. 1) Very Rare findings in normal treasure box. News and Updates However, these tokens can be redeemed for incredibly hard to find items in the open world and even unlock quests to recruit citizens to the kingdom of Evermore. A guide on how to get the Legendary Equipment Plans used to craft Legendary weapons and armor in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. Upgrading the Kingdom to Level 2 and Level 3 allows party members to gain more experience, skirmishes to go much more swimmingly, item accumulation to become a breeze, and more! Alisandra's spirit appears before Doloran and reveals that she actually tried to relinquish her powers to live beside him, but by doing so, these powers converted her into the Horned One, and departs to the afterlife. One of the new methods, . Make sure that you have the required materials for crafting the items. After doing this side quest, you will get the Legendary Equipment Plans. Ni No Kuni offers another way to battle in the form of Familiars. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Slightly increases resistance to freezing. Here are a list of Higgledies and their locations in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. 088 A Matter of Taste So, if one team composition works really well for an extended period of time, dont worry about other members getting left in the dust! These monsters are distinguished by the large purple ring encircling them and can be taken on at your leisure. Your Armor and Weapons building should have been on the maximum level. Developed by LEVEL-5, Ni no Kuni II features enchanting character design from the legendary artist Yoshiyuki Momose and a stirring soundtrack composed by the world-famous Joe Hisaishi.. To plan their next step, Evan and the others seek for knowledge at Goldpaw's library where they learn of Ferdinand, an ancient king who once united the kingdoms of the whole world through a "Declaration of Interdependance", which inspires Evan to do the same. advertisement 1. This is your one-stop destination to get Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom alternatives. Once at the specified building, you can select the required weapon or armor and click the make armor or make weapon tab to start crafting that item. Include are basic information on the key item, how to craft legendary equipment, required citizens to recruit, required quests, and a step-by-step guide to get the key item. Abyss / Hydropolis / Makronos / Leucippes Labyrinth, Hideaway Hollow / Auntie Marthas Cottage / Rolling Hills, Goldpaw / Calmlands / Shipshire Cape / Capstan-upon-Hull, Sky Pirates Base / Cloudcoil Canyon / Snaketooth Ridge, Evermore / Jumblewoods / Forest of Niall / Wiggly Way, Reight Bright Beacon, Freshest Fish Market, Swift Solutions, Heartlands, Spineshiver Grove, Swift Solutions, Snaketooth Ridge, Crooked Cavern, Swift Solutions, Drylands, Bleachbone Shrine, Swift Solutions, Pinwheel Flats, Factory Floors, Swift Solutions, Pinwheel Flats, East Wood, Swift Solutions, Reight Bright Beacon, Faraway Forest, Swift Solutions, Calmlands, Reight Bright Beacon, Swift Solutions, Drylands, Jack Frosts Playground, Swift Solutions, Reight Bright Beacon, Makronos, Swift Solutions, Forest of Niall, Calmlands, Swift Solutions, Pinwheel Flats, Fathomless Forest, Swift Solutions, Forest of Niall, Bountiful Bazaar, Swift Solutions, Pinwheel Flats, Jack Frosts Playground, Swift Solutions, Forest of Niall, Mining Camp No. Among the lower ranks, you can see the likes of Garinoth, Ventana, Rogan, Rafina, Vermont, and Elise. Also, with crafting, you know exactly the secondary attributes a piece of gear has. Tani A grand journey awaits you upon arriving in another world via the virtual reality game [Soul Divers]. Grinding for level 10 and legendary gear/weapons. 004 A Favor for Nu Bi 022 Long Mein, Ardent Guardsman To complete it, you need to defeat a tainted monster. 052 Helena, the Hearty Hunter Given this, Evan and Roland travel to Cloudcoil Canyon to reach the Kings' Cradle to seek out a Kingmaker for themselves.

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