The sonic signature is detailed and yet easy to listen to, with the Discrete bringing a sense of the recordings scale (big or small) to the listening experience. Up to 4X DSD Too many DACs> Too many amps> Too many headphones. You are using an out of date browser. It is bested easily by DACs at $150. There are so. Like the rest of the DACs in the MSB range, the Select DAC is modular in its architecture with each of the modules being produced in house, as outlined above. I have the Berkeley Alpha Reference DAC, waiting for an upgrade. An FPGA does not have analog output, in the Chord DACs, the FPGA handles digital processing only, not conversion from digital to analog. Auction bid 7 150 25 . Of the ones you mentioned I'd be most tempted by the Emm Labs DAC 2x though if you can get a used higher-end Esoteric, you should jump on it. the Select II pushes the analog to be its best. The Discrete DAC, the successor and highly improved replacement to the now-famous Analog DAC is the MSB DAC that everyone has been waiting for. The good DS (delta sigma) dacs that aren't hard or harsh, are a bit of a yawn, and lack bringing out the life (boogie factor) of the music, but in a . I've owned a PS Audio those surpass any other digital choice. DAC Comparison Reference DAC Modules 4x Hybrid DAC Clock The Femto 33 Digital Inputs 4x User Replaceable Input Slots Optical and Coaxial input module Included Analog Outputs Preamp XLR Output Module - 150 Impedance RCA output available with external adapter Analog Inputs XLR Analog Expansion Modules RCA or XLR Input RCA or XLR Output Vega DAC 6/10 As dynamic as the Weiss, but a little too edgy in sound emphasised presence made female voices a bit hard on the ear. Thanks for the suggestions Wisnon. there are others I know about but Ive not heard them recently. The DACs are individually shielded and thermally-bonded and multiple units are used per channel, which MSB tells us increases performance and lowers output impedance. It may not display this or other websites correctly. After a year of listening to various components I'm content. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It is worth every penny. The MSB DAC comes with one external PSU as standard. Some silly sausage plugged a white power cable into a black device. This is how MSB describe these modules: Its best to think of our DAC modules as a black box: the modules take the raw digital data in and output a continuous voltage. Were constantly improving digital input modules to stay at the forefront of the high-end audio industry, ensuring youre always equipped with the most current digital file formats and interfaces. that it is difficult to say you have the best in regard to dacs but Rockna is So take it for what it is. Thanks. Ps Audio Directstream Dac Vs Auralic Vega Founded in 2004, Games for Change is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that empowers game creators and social innovators to drive real-world impact through games and immersive media Here is the list : Trinity Designs [Trinity DAC] TotalDAC [d1-Six] Aqua Acoustic Quality [Formula xHD] MSB Technology [Select DAC II Full Option . I can see that in an A/B comparison, many other DACs sound more impressive than DAVE/Blu2. this was how I originally decided to purchase the Select II as I was trying to hear another dac at shows that could do what I heard the Select II doing at a lower price. in this forum and they are all very good dacs. Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by mtoc, Jun 9, 2016. Only hifi shops and shows hear and there. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites. Thank you, Mike. This kind of sound really appeals to me and was really excellent to experience on lots of tunes, but was especially evident on tracks from Rumours with every part of the mix being identifiable as unique. What I do know is that the MSB brings an excellent level of performance by way of neutrality to a system that allows other parts of the system to do their thing its sort of the digital equivalent of a very (very) good cartridge. I say take what everyone post when a grain of salt, because an individual's preference may be different than yours. Site Founder | Site Owner | Administrator, This is a company that is All American and fiercely proud of that fact. At MSB, we believe excellence is a promise worth keeping. Of course this DAC is super pricey and out of the reach of many (including me). The Base module has two outputs (high and low) depending on whether you are outputting to a preamplifier or directly to a power amplifier. Perhaps thats a bit of an odd example for me to use as its a bit World Music but you are also made aware of the rightness of timing on percussive techno tracks. It has the option for two PSUs and once you hear with both it becomes a necessity to have both. CHORD Dave could be the most expensive deeply design DAC in the world and if you find it not your taste there is the best off the shelf DACs like akm4499 in Topping D90 for 699$ that could be even better than Dave. The end users ears are the only ears that count. Out of all of the DACs I've More sharing . Impedance 100 Low Gain setting. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Superior conversion begins with clean and stable low-noise power. state his/her experience and preferences. Cs | Critical Mass CS2s -> components, Isoacoustics -> speakers + subs | Adona Eris II rack on Herbie's titanium footers | Fully treated and dedicated 2 channel room. Much appreciated. And I've learned to be careful and not generalize how a component will sound based on show conditions or other systems. This hobby is "highly subjective", influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions; therefore you can A/B a million different components and come to a completely different conclusion on how it sounds compared to another listener. Like the Lab12. Congratulations on the upgrade and enjoy it in good health. Get a Lampi Golden Gate Dac and match it with the RK5u4g rectifier and PX25 DHTs or the RK242 DHT. Now to include the HMS. I auditioned a DAVE (not deconstructed) and TT2 and found all Chord products lacked the musicality of MSB. The remainder With the MSB there has been a great deal of attention paid to ensuring the signal stays as pure as possible and is not affected by other parts of the DAC or outside sources; modular construction, dual power supplies, isolation of USB etc. Others might disagree but these are my findings. ), Chord Hugo 2 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp), DAC Noise Modulation: Chord DAVE vs Topping DX7 Pro+, Digital To Analog (DAC) Reviews and Discussion, Amplifiers, Phono preamp, and Analog Audio Review. If you go reference you will never look back. I have great synergy in my system and see no reason to listen to every new DAC out there. We have what I consider to be a pretty resolving system, but we also listen to music a fair old bit for pure pleasure and so theres a valve amp currently feeding our chosen reference loudspeakers though thats not to say this system isnt highly resolving in its own right. I can only comment on the Emm labs, if u can get a DA2 I think you will be happy "An audiophile is only done when they go to the great brick and mortar store in the sky" Ron Resnick Like x 5 List Although I would like to keep this as close to $10-12K as possible. It would have been a different outcome though with the Cyrus pre-amp I previously owned, which cast a veil over everything. more might come to mind and I will add them. While were committed to long lasting products that hold their value, we realize audio systems are always evolving. But the majority of the time all 6 of Hope to try different formats on both DACs to see what works best in my system. In my listening tests, I could detect no attribute that made it sound special. Our digital testing has been done over the last 20 + years Like the rest of the main body of the DAC and the PSUs, the remote is hewn from a block of aluminium. for instance, the Select II is modular (customers can easily change modules in seconds)so it has the ability to quickly modify its inputs to allow for optimization of various interfaces. 2. The Prime DAC Module. Pass Labs INT-60. Since this forum is mainly USA based and we are in the UK, I have very little to gain business wise here. home system and listening for that end result. Elegant yet commanding, our finishes are available in a matte silver or matte black anodize. CH Precision mono dac with clock and 3 power supplies (7 boxes)----its more spendy---$150k, Merging Technologies NADAC w/power supply and clock---much better now with the clock and power supply upgrades than my previous experience.----around $60k. - Roon Endpoint. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material (in part or in full) without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. I did try with just the one power supply and the Discrete remained a very strong performer with the differences being a very slight loss in the sense of separation and definition when listening intently. The Chord Qutest DAC has the same DAC architecture and filters as the Chord Hugo 2. Check out the awards + accolades. You are using an out of date browser. The BADA Ref is a great DAC and I understand the new version takes it to even another level. To cut a long story short: A burnt in MSB Analog DAC with Power Base demoed side to side to a burnt in DAVE was no challenge for the MSB. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates. I actually like the simplicity of this and it is very intuitive to use when you get into setting up and menu diving, though diving is over-egging it a bit as the Discrete is a doddle to set upif you do it right, but more on that in a while. At $20,000 I recommend the MSB Premier DAC with two power supplies (KeithRs system). You go off people's opinions and hope it'll match your equipment and system when you put the hard earned down. I'll take a look, however I've heard they're on the warm side? When I have done the comparison with other DACs I have had at the same time - Ayre QX5-Twenty, EAR Dac 4, exasound e32 - often the immediate impression is that DAVE/Blu 2 is not quite as good - a bit dryer sounding, not quite as smooth, not as airy or three dimensional And yet, over the longer term, it is deeply satisfying at a musical level in a way that the other DACs are not. I submit dealers use the statement "component X competes against much more expensive components" far too often. Its not bombarding you with information, but it is a notably more defined sound with regards to the spatial information and the way that elements sit in the mix a tad more solidity and more of a sense of the stereo image being wider and deeper and with instruments and sounds occupying a definite space of their own. heard, I could easily live with the Aeris, Dave, or Wavedream. Different songs will sound better with different sources - Different horses for different courses. What is available on models higher up the MSB food chain is the ability to add an analogue module so that you can use the unit as a true preamplifier and DAC. To build a simple and good system). Who knows ?! You are using an out of date browser. But dont take our word for it. We can operate our current DAC modules at up to 6 MHz for PCM and up to 50 MHz for DSD. The only true way for the end user to know what they prefer is through listening in their own system.. Taiko Audio Extreme > Sablon Audio Reserva Elite USB2022/Sablon Audio Reserva Ethernet2020> Aqua Formula XHDV2 > Sablon Audio King Sablon Interconnects > LDR pre > PuLSar45 DC SE amp > Sablon Audio Reserva speaker cables (pigtailed) > Avantgarde Duo Omega( Duelund xover). Well, you may not have heard a lot of high-end DAC's in your system, but the one's you've listed are pretty darned good. This effect was evident on track after track but didnt feel like it was overly exaggerated. The MSB simply sounded more real to my ears and offered a more convincing soundstage and tonality and all the tiny informations in the music where integrated in the musical flow whereas the DAVE simply sounded flat and not realistic to my ears and even lacked those tiny informations. All in all the Discrete DAC is beautiful looking, minimal, easy to set up (its all but plug and play if you turn both the PSUs on) and it feels like a proper bit of audio engineering. You might want to consideradding oneof Chord's Upscalers, either HugoM scaler, or the Blu Mk.,, prefer to keep our test results among ourselves. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary tells me that the definition of high-fidelity (HiFi) is the reproduction of an effect (such as sound or an image) that is very faithful to the original and it would seem to be reasonable to assume that this is the goal of audiophiles around the world. Perhaps you should consider the Accuphase DC-37 currently for sale in the classifieds? 5 other people who only have 2 things in common with our system. The lo-res display also makes menu ]set-up fiddly because it doesn't have enough space to display words. Even at very low listening levels, it was clear that the MSB was delivering a clean analogue output to the ampand Im aware that sounds a bit vague. The main reason we took on Rockna was because their Once complete there are measurements and functional tests before the final products are inspected, cleaned, and packed up ready to be shipped, but not before a white glove inspection by either Jonathan or Daniel. MSB Technology's Discrete DAC was the best DAC I'd heard in my systemuntil the MSB Premier showed up. DLNA Protocol. The video cannot be shown. Bespoke Audio Ultimate Silver TVC passive preamp, Totaldac xlr version D1-Drivers x2, Eisteddfod 340 & 840 amps, Magico S5 speaker, MSB Select DAC, MSB Select Transport, Nakamichi 700 XLE cassette deck, Taiko Audio Extreme Server, Tripoint Troy Signature NG groundbox, PLiXiR Elite 1500 isolation transformers. Over the air updates will ensure that your renderer always has the latest capabilities and ultimate convenience. I hear the new Ayre QX-5 Twenty gives the DAVE a run for its money at $8950 but that is just hearsay. How hot does the Chord DAC get? Australian Business Number 38 650 151 296, Digital Sources, DACs, and Computer Audio, Chord Dave vs Mola Mola Makua/Tambaqui vs Emm Labs Dac2x vs Rockna Wavedream. comes down to knowing what you are actually trying to achieve in a high end Over the air updates will ensure that your renderer always has the latest capabilities and ultimate convenience. In comparison to spdif which feels more 3D but relatively smaller sound stage, with better separation, vocals are more focused/accurate, everything sounds more evenly balanced. had if for 2 years now. Whether its a software update or a leading-edge modular component, were here to help the most valued aspect of MSBour customers. You could spend less and get close to the sound of this DAC, for sure. 2 DAC | Audionet Pre G2 preamp | Audionet Max mono blocks | Vivid Audio Giya G2 Series 2 | 4 JL Audio Fathoms | Echole ICs /SCs / Siltech Classic 550L jumpers, Shunyata PCs / Eth. This leaner and cleaner edge has the effect of adding a level of perceived detail to the listening experience. This is because one PSU is supplying juice to modules including the screen and USB input etc but not to the output module. I think people buy what they like. The Dave as a DAC actually sounds decent. You'd expect Audiosanctuary to understand what a gutless amp sounds like, and at least put a headphone amp in front of that DAVE, if they wanted to sell people either the DAVE or the headphones. But dont take our word for it. Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy was a beautifully enveloping experience, made all the more so as sounds come and go in the soundstage in a somewhat more solid way than without the usual DAC. I wired it all up and the unit lit up but I could get no sound out of it whatsoever. You could try some of the newer dacs that has gotten good reviews. Anyway, the little bit of extra detail on the strings, the attack, and decay are all there to be heard and its a marvelous thing to listen to. With two prime DACs, we yield an unprecedented level of detail, reproducing the musicality, soundstage, and texture of an original performance, bringing the artist to you. It seems to me that manufacturers are jacking up the price for the perception of quality. It is not hard to audition these DACs in Melbourneand this is your best way to work out your own preference. Regular readers will appreciate all that is taken from the MSB website and I make no apologies for not really understanding the electronics. If you send me a dave i will happily be your 4th friend who also owns a dave. It seems to take in zeros and ones and then somehow make sense of these and just convert them into faithful reproductions of the recording though me not being at the recording of any of the records I listened to, thats my assumption coming into play. However, there are also products that manage to straddle both sides of the electric fence (whilst being careful not to electrocute their nether regions) and give us a tremendously enjoyable reproduction of a recording whilst remaining true to the source material. The Discrete DAC uses two of these modules per unit. Actual auditioning of the unit prior to purchase is paramount. Stay updated on Bloom Audio at their. Didn't like it at all. You already have a very top tier DAC. Have you thought about hooking up a Blu2 to Dave? will every hear. Thanks. A Chord DAC converts to analog via Chord's "Pulse Array DAC" which is a discrete circuit, similar to the discrete circuit used in the MSB DACs (but not the same). have had the opportunity to A/B many more pieces of equipment than any consumer DAVE is perfect for headphone system because you can save space and money of headphone amplifier. Watts is avidly not reading this in anticipation of the video version he won't watch. The modular nature of the Discrete and other MSB DACs is very clever and I assume this goes a good way towards giving it such a neutral and detailed sound, where no one part is interfering with what the other is doing. conversation. MSB Technology Discrete Modular DAC Page 2. Toggle signature. Unfortunately not, I'm going the second hand route as I've done with most of my setup. it just complimented my system better than those other two. I suppose that the vast majority of people who listen for pleasure at home are looking for a balance between the two, and whilst I still maintain we are most likely to hear the biggest effect in a system by changing transducers, every element in the chain of sound will affect the final sound and, in a digital system, I think the DAC you choose can have a huge effect on the final sound. The Dave is VERY lovely on PCM, and pretty decent on DSD, but DSD is not its raison d'etre. My friend who owns the Diamond DAC IV prefers the MSB. MSB Technology [Select DAC II Full Option] Chord [Dave] Myek [Manhattan II] I had A-B test about 2 months. Sound Media Group Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. It's pretty funny how everyone gives their personal pet recommendation with the utmost confidence that the buyer will like it. The only other items in the chain were the Stack streamer and a pretty well-sorted network setup. I can leave my hand on it as long as I want to. I wanted to know for anyone who has heard it have you also heard a DAC that approached it in sonic performance? MSB are an American brand headed up by the brothers Jonathan and Daniel Gullman and located in Silicon Valley, California where they design and build a range of amplifiers, transports, and DACs. Btw, my MSB friend and I used the internal analog preamp for MSB and built-in digital preamp for DAVE. I havent heard the Rockna. It doesnt get too hot to touch. However, there is nothing wrong with "taking" recommendations, which help me build a list that I can use to research then find a way to audition my shortlist. First let me preface my comments by stating that I have not heard a lot of high end DACs in my system. I dont know as that was years ago and I dont have one here to test against. Theyre not limited by audio formats, sample rates, or even speed. I still did not found better audio source. Oppo Modwright BDP-205 full mod. Specifications: Type: Digital to analogue converter with volume control. Elevator Pitch Review: Built in America, the MSB Discrete is a modular DAC that also acts as a preamplfier, though, as supplied, it has no analogue inputs. @astewart8944--two years ago in Feb of 17 i did audition the original Formula dac in my system directly compared to the Lampizator GG 1.5 and the Nagra HD and preferred the Formula for its greater space, lower noise, and more neutral and fast presentation. Mola Mola is another well built great sounding Our publication is supported by its audience. Paired with performance increases, our modular design ethos increases flexibility for future updates and product support, guaranteeing a long-term product investment. MSB thrives off the innovation required to meet consumer demands. In that price range, you would be mad not to addthe MSB Premier DAC to your list as well. RCA outputs with the optional output module Voltage: 3.57 Vrms Maximum Impedance > 600 High Gain setting. In terms of sound quality, it's the best digital front end I . As I listen to this tune a few times it strikes me that the Discrete is just that (discrete), it doesnt seem to add a great deal of itself to the file it is playing. Was it a speaker setup or headphone setup? By We used PCM (16/44,1 to 24/192) and DSD 64 and 128 for the comparioson. That's the negative to going my route I guess. I would,however, like to say we are highly selective over the brands we represent and believe they are excellent value. Directstream, Bricasti M1, Jeff Rowland Aeris, Chord Dave, and today I The more observant of you will have read this and noticed that there is no mains inlet. fake by any means necessary jacket. @shkong78 Thanks for sharing your listening impressions of the Lampizator Pacific vs the MSB DACs as well as what you miss about the Pacific vs your Chord combo. IMHO an audio recommendation in a forum is just an advice on what is worth listening and the reason why we think so. In my assessment the Makua offered a more open and spacious sound. Click to expand. He liked the Mola Mola Tambaqui over these others listed below. "To be 100% honest we have A/B tested most of the dacs mentioned Any specific reason you wanna replace the Dave? As I said, its an odd one to describe but you do hear it as it brings a sense of rightness to rhythm tracks. It would only sound like sales so we As you mentioned imaging better, incredible PRaT with MSB. very important and our preference connection is an i2S connection. Sit back and be immersed. Almost all gear I hear is pretty good and some are great but the most expensive ones are not universally the best to my ears. Cs | Critical Mass CS2s -> components, Isoacoustics -> speakers + subs | Adona Eris II rack on Herbie's titanium footers | Fully treated and dedicated 2 channel room. Do diamonds shine on the dark side of the moon? MSBs top-level DAC is 121K and there are other brands out there offering very expensive options, but the truth is that the vast majority of people will never feel the need to spend that kind of money (even if they could) to eek out that last-minute bit of detail. Good points by all. I mean is it audibly noticeable? Chord Dave vs Mola Mola Makua/Tambaqui vs Emm Labs Dac2x vs Rockna Wavedream IGNORED Chord Dave vs Mola Mola Makua/Tambaqui vs Emm Labs Dac2x vs Rockna Wavedream . Thanks. johndoe21ro The formats that is used in comparison test is all 16bit / 44.1KHz, not DSD The Result : 1st : Select DAC II Full Option - 100% 2nd : Trinity DAC - 90% However, there are two inputs for external PSUs and a little doodad/adapter that allows the use of one external PSU. I'm really anxious to hear more opinions about this DAC and noticed that DAVE hasn't got a thread of its own (only together with Mojo). Theres just a sense that with the MSB in the line that everything is timed correctly and rock solid. But then we have to apply the law of diminishing returns. If I had been responsible for coding that display I would never tell anyone. I wanted to know for anyone who has heard it have you also heard a DAC that approached it in sonic performance? The MSB Discrete, as I mentioned, came with two power supplies but you can operate it with just one with the supplied doodad. Gbel High End [Divin Noblesse], [Divin Marquis], ([Epoque Aeon Fine]). The MSB Renderer was developed using an in-house hardware design running an ultra low noise A5 processor for optimal audio playback performance. Stuart Smith finds out. Anyway, the MSB Discrete is a machine that I consider to be highly resolving and a true HiFi product with regard to the definition I quoted above. Since the Topping D70s SINAD is ~120 dB and it costs ~$650, then given that "money is power" (as opposed to amplitude), I would expect the Chord DAVE SINAD to be at least 120 + 10*log($14,000 / $650) = 133.3 dB. And what streamer are you using to feed the DAC? While it's an easy setup to wrangle at a show, it does seem like it wasn't doing either component any favours! MSB Discrete Dac with one additional basic power supply. Digital inputs : RCA coax, AES/EBU XLR, 2x Toslink optical, 2x module slots, word . And I make Best DAC Quality Ranking list. Nothing was amiss. You are using an out of date browser. has 20 hours on it. As a matter of fact, I'd appreciate getting your impressions. I think my DAVE sounds great with everything. I could not so, after 2 years of trying, I bought it. I have listened to MSB Analog DAC and Diamond DAC IV but not in the same setup as DAVE. I hope you understand. Founded in 2010 Whats Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. digital 149728-117859 MSB select II vs all dacs ?
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