U.S. News Mongols Motorcycle Club Says Its Leader Was an Informant Evelyn Blackwell June 5, 2022 7 minutes read For more than two decades, federal law enforcement authorities pursued the Mongols, a notorious motorcycle club whose members had a long history of murder, assault, drug dealing and robbery. Both men also rejected the claim that Mr. Santillan had revealed privileged defense information to the government while his motorcycle club was on trial. The original case attracted widespread attention because of the federal governments unusual attempt to force the Mongols to forfeit their rights to the clubs trademarked logo a drawing of a brawny Genghis Khan-like figure riding a chopper while brandishing a sword and thus relinquish a big source of the organizations mystique. Both Mr. Ciccone and the U.S. Attorneys Office declined to comment on the motion beyond the government response filed in court, which said the petition for a new trial was replete with false and unsupported allegations and speculation.. Hes apart of a club that started with Cops and COS. Mongols Motorcycle Club Says Its Leader Was an Informant, House Democrats unhappy with White House handling of D.C.s new criminal code, Number of imprisoned veterans concerns former defense chiefs, Biden team readies new advisory panel ahead of expected reelection bid, Attorney General Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip to Ukraine, Biden and Germanys Scholz huddle on Ukraine war at White House, Crossover voting in primaries in Wyoming is about to become more difficult, Biden awards Medal of Honor to Paris Davis for heroism in Vietnam: An incredible man, Trump attorney who advised GOP on fake electors plan reappointed to state judicial panel, Whats the solution to Wests water crisis? (Photo by The Associated Press). The Mongols are relying on an explosive video shared by Mr. Santillans wife, Annie Santillan, who, during a stretch when she was angry with her husband over his infidelity, had her daughter record a conversation in which he appeared to refer to protection he had received from the A.T.F. Chunks of flesh and trails of blood were flying everywhere as he took full swings at attacker after attacker. Both men also rejected the claim that Mr. Santillan had revealed privileged defense information to the government while his motorcycle club was on trial. The lawyer in charge of the retrial motion, Joseph A. Yanny, said the Mongols hoped to prove that an improper relationship between Mr. Santillan and Mr. Ciccone during the 2018 trial allowed the government to hear things it should not have about the Mongols defense strategy and even adversely influenced the Mongols presentation of their case. Want to know whats wrong with the scene and why people are not joining clubs anymore? **** IMPORTANT**** Check out the totally redesigned app!! Copyright 2023 KABC Television, LLC. John looked out not just for me but the club, Mr. Santillan said. It wasnt the entire Mongols Nation that threw him under the bus but a few that fed creators who thought these people were representing the clubs voice. Both Mr. Santillan, a Mongols member for almost 25 years who was voted out of the club in July, and the agent, John Ciccone, who retired in December after 32 years at the A.T.F., deny that Mr. Santillan was acting as an informant during the trial, though Mr. Ciccones sworn declaration does not address whether Mr. Santillan had acted as a confidential informant in the past. The video was recorded in June of last year, when, Ms. Santillan said, she felt scorned because her husband had been unfaithful and after she had obtained a restraining order against him for what she claimed was physical abuse. Prosecutors convinced a jury in California that these crimes were not just the result of individual bikers behaving badly, but the work of an organized criminal enterprise that had participated in a campaign of mayhem. The only thing he is guilty of is talking to John a lot and having some kind of rapport with him, she said in an interview. (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Black Dragon's Sunday Night Round Table discusses Insane Throttle's live interview with former Mongol's MC Nation's International President Lil' Dave. Two years after a federal jury deemed the notorious Mongols Motorcycle Club a criminal organization, attorneys for the club are asking a judge for a new trial accusing its former president of. The U.S. Attorneys Office had earlier tried and failed to force the Mongols to forfeit their rights to the clubs trademarked logo, a drawing of a brawny Genghis Khan-like figure riding a chopper while brandishing a sword, a landmark case that prosecutors felt would help weaken the club by undermining its visual identity. The government has filed a separate appeal on that issue, seeking a narrower forfeiture order that would take away the clubs right to trademark exclusivity over the logo. I've heard rumours he's also not actually mongolian. Yanny played a clip from a National Geographic show segment on the Mongols in court as evidence of their relationship. "I know we've had a rapport and I always looked out for you and you were always respectful. #MONGOLSMC #MONGOLS #LILDAVEFor more than two decades, federal law enforcement authorities pursued the Mongols, a notorious motorcycle club whose members had. Mongols Motorcycle Club says LIL Dave was an informant as they head back to court June 5, 2022 A new episode of Motorcycle Madhouse with Hollywood & Chinadoll Mon-Fri. Get with the Insanity on all major Podcast Platforms It is the First Amendment issues associated with the case that are most important, Judge Carter said on Thursday, and whether the government has the right to seize control of a trademarked emblem as a way of eliminating a groups ability to operate and recruit. "Because I needed evidence to show the military that they had someone having an affair with a married man.". In the video, Ms. Santillan was talking to her husband on speakerphone when he told her that Mr. Ciccone was retiring. David Santillan, the president of the Mongols, was ousted by the group after a video surfaced that implied he was being protected by a federal agent. Prez Lil Dave Ep 936 Hells Angels A violent price to pay **FULL AUDIO** The explosive allegations come after a secretly recorded video. Now the Mongols want a new trial and say their former president, David Santillan, was a confidential informant for the ATF. He cant protect me, he told me, so we have to have an exit strategy, he told me, an apparently agitated Mr. Santillan said to her. The judge will most likely consider a series of procedural matters on Monday, lawyers said, with additional hearings expected before any final ruling. Former Mongols President David Santillan continued to testify. He and his wife, Annie, were estranged after he had an affair. The Mongols have been fixtures on the biker scene since 1969, when the club was founded in Montebello, Calif. Mr. Santillan said he talked with the A.T.F. He cant protect me, he told me, so we have to have an exit strategy, he told me, an apparently agitated Mr. Santillan said to her. agent who infiltrated three biker clubs. Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law expert at George Washington University, said that if a federal agent was seeking confidential information about a criminal defense, that would be an extraordinary transgression.. The club was ordered to pay a $500,000 fine in what prosecutors hoped would be a down payment on putting it out of business. Now it's at a point where guns, instead of fist are used to settle things. On Wednesday, defense attorney Joe Yanny and Santillan went back and forth over Santillan's relationship with retired Montebello police officer Christopher Cervantes and Ciccone. David Santillan was the president of the Mongols motorcycle club for. The government, in its own appeal, is making another run at the Mongols logo, renewing an earlier request for a narrower forfeiture order that would take away the clubs right to trademark exclusivity over the emblem. After Judge Carters ruling, he declared vindication in what he said was a contrived internal political witch hunt to smear my name and to get me dethroned.. The Mongols are now claiming that throughout their attempt to defend the club in the long-running criminal case, their own leader was secretly talking to the government. Topics Selection,Research, Editing, Correction Policy andEthics, Hells Angels filed a petition to be granted a lowerbail, Mongols Motorcycle Club Says Its Leader LIL DAVE Was an Informant(VIDEO), THE PAGANS MC MADE THEM LOOK FOOLISH **FULL AUDIOEPISODE**, THE PAGANS MC MADE THEM LOOK FOOLISH**VIDEO**, Ep 937 HERES THE TRUTH UNCLE SHAGGY & THE INVADERS MC **FULLAUDIO**, HARLEY DAVIDSONS FROM 90s ARE BETTER THAN MODERNHARLEYS, HERES THE TRUTH ABOUT UNCLE SHAGGY & THE INVADERSMC, Mongols Motorcycle Club says LIL Dave was an informant as they head back to court, HERE'S THE TRUTH ABOUT UNCLE SHAGGY & THE INVADERS MC, https://insanethrottleinternational.files.wordpress.com/2021/01/discord-commercial-harley.mp3, https://insanethrottleinternational.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/motorcyclemadhousemayhempromo.mp3. He's accused of being a confidential informant and working with the government during the Mongols' trial after his wife,. There could be a particular concern that the defense lawyer was unwittingly receiving directions from someone aligned with the government, he said. Its a new age now, TIk Toc, FB,IG they are all doing it and worse of all creators on YouTube. If you've been paying attention the last couple of years, the Mongols have been on a sort of federal probation and that's the club as a whole. Just my thought as I have no horse in this race, Insane Throttle Support Club Become a member Now, Insane Throttle/Motorcycle Madhouse Radio YouTube and Audio Disclaimer, Meet the Insane Throttle Contributing Columnist James Hollywood Macecari, Motorcycle Clubs Riding Clubs and Associations Near Me Index & Listings, Our Policies here at Insane Throttle Publications. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. "It grew to become clear that Dave had betrayed the membership, his oath and all the pieces we maintain sacred," the membership stated in an announcement. "He was afraid, and I think he turned on his loyalty to the club to protect himself. ", RELATED: Mongols Motorcycle Club vows to fight trademark loss. He said their communication was for public safety and showed the Mongols that there is ATF presence at their events. Club attorneys are seeking a new trial, alleging that former Mongols President David Santillan was secretly a government "rat" who served as a confidential informant for a then-agent with the . The explosive allegations come after a secretly recorded video surfaced of Santillan talking to his wife about the lead ATF agent on the case -- John Ciccone. agent over the years because it helped avert trouble. "This was a lifestyle, a culture, and a way of life. The California motorcycle group had claimed that its former president, David Santillan, was a government informant. Such an order would allow anyone to use the image. The current president of the Mongols Motorcycle Club is David Santillan, a man who claims that the organization has changed its code of conduct to exclude drug abusers and criminals. "I've never cooperated in any way, shape or form.". That quest to seize the Mongols patch was part of a criminal case brought by the U.S. Attorneys Office in 2013 under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Then the conversation, which she was. agent over the years because it helped avert trouble. As for Mr. Ciccone, he had mastered the craft of executing complex investigations using everything from undercovers to informants to wiretaps to subpoenas and surveillance, said Frank DAlesio, a retired A.T.F. Now the Mongols want a new trial and say their former president, David Santillan, was a confidential informant for the ATF. The U.S. Attorney's office asked him whether he is - or ever was - any sort of informant for the ATF or for any state or federal agency. Former Mongols President David Santillan continued to testify. One thing is for certain, you dont ever let people know your club affiliation over the internet. In 2018, the government scored a victory of sorts. A federal appeals court is separately considering an appeal of the conviction. agent on the case, John Ciccone, sharing inside information about the club in exchange for lighter penalties for various offenses. David Santillan tells Eyewitness News that he was in a "really bad place" when the video was recorded and that he's never been disloyal to the Mongols. Both Mr. Ciccone and the U.S. Attorneys Office declined to comment on the motion beyond the government response filed in court, which said the petition for a new trial was replete with false and unsupported allegations and speculation.. Interview with Former International President LIL Dave from the Mongols MC - Insane Throttle Biker News mongols motorcycle club Interview with Former International President LIL Dave from the Mongols MC November 11, 2021 Live with Former Mongol MC Int. Hes in a tough position right now because of the wife. Cavazos was raised by his father in Highland Park, Los Angeles, California and joined the Avenues, a Mexican American street gang, at an early age before . Never in my life have I ever implicated anybody in the club for some kind of nefarious activity. Ciccone said whenever he worked a Mongols event and there was the potential for problems or violence, he would go to Santillan because he's the president of the Mongols and can convey the message to his members. The Mongols have been fixtures on the biker scene since 1969, when the club was founded in Montebello, Calif. It became clear that Dave had betrayed the club, his oath and everything we hold sacred, the club said in a statement. "I think they got David in compromising situations," Yanny tells Eyewitness News. If MCs want to be seen as a club then stop all the violence, the general public can see through all the BS, as can those who are a part of this scene and want nothing to do with clubs. The biker group hopes to set aside a $500,000 racketeering conviction, alleging that its former president cooperated with the government during a trial. The birth of modern-day Mongols came in 1969 in Montebello and the club's website pulls no punches about its beginnings as well as its vision. Mongols Motorcycle Club Says Its Leader LIL DAVE Was an Informant (VIDEO) June 6, 2022 Biker News & Biker Lifestyle National Geographic Outlaw Bikers With Mariana Van Zeller/Hack Job December 6, 2021 mongols motorcycle club Interview with Former International President LIL Dave from the Mongols MC November 11, 2021 Biker News & Biker Lifestyle Lil Dave, the president of the Mongols motorcycle club, was caught cheating on his wife s o she decided to revenge his ass by putting this video on Youtube which shows him supposedly. Communications with Mr. Santillan, Mr. Ciccone said, were limited to such matters as ensuring public safety at Mongols events. Eyewitness News has obtained the video that was recorded in June of 2021 when David Santillan was drunk and despondent. In 2018, the government scored a victory of sorts. Mongols biker club is denied new racketeering trial after claims its leader was informant Mongols members walk over the 6th Street Viaduct in Los Angeles. In 2018, the government scored a victory of sorts. The Mongols Motorcycle Club was convicted in late 2018 of racketeering and conspiracy. Thats what I meant by protect in the video.. I dont find theres sufficient cooperation to merit overturning the conviction, Judge Carter said in a ruling from the bench. But the group that was once the most powerful biker organization in the West other than its archrivals, the Hells Angels, is returning to court next week, hoping to set aside the racketeering and conspiracy convictions based on what it says is new evidence about its previous leader, David Santillan. Now its at a point where guns, instead of fist are used to settle things. In other words, Ms. Santillan wrote in the text, he is a rat. In the video, played several times during the hearings, Ms. Santillan is talking to her husband on speakerphone when he informs her that Mr. Ciccone will be retiring. Federal prosecutors have been focusing on the Mongols logo since 2008. Santillan says he and Ciccone had a "rapport" after 25 years of dealing with one another. Discussion in 'Mayberry Lounge' started by Pliny Pete, Jul 18, 2021. And he was tireless, Mr. DAlesio said. Mr. Santillan walking into a federal courthouse in Santa Ana, Calif., during the 2018 racketeering trial against the Mongols. ATF officials view Santillan's public declarations about the club cleaning house as hollow words; they continue to treat the Mongols as a serious threat. The club was ordered to pay a $500,000 fine in what prosecutors hoped would be a down payment on putting it out of business. Now the Mongols want a new trial and say their former president, David Santillan, was a confidential informant for the ATF. The. if we Americanize the cartels that would make YouTube more entertaining, hurt Gore websites and save hundreds of thousands of lives. Michael Tyrone Delaney for The New York. Episode Website. All rights reserved. A petition for a new trial and reversal of the half-million-dollar fine, which is scheduled for an initial hearing on Monday in the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, Calif., claims that Mr. Santillan, 52, covertly cooperated for years with a special agent from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. "Absolutely not, unequivocally no," says David Santillan. A petition for a new trial and reversal of the half-million-dollar fine, which is scheduled for an initial hearing on Monday in the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, Calif., claims that Mr. Santillan, 52, covertly cooperated for years with a special agent from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. He's accused of being a confidential informant and working with the government during the Mongols' trial after his wife, Annie, shared a June 2021 recorded phone conversation with other members of the biker gang calling him a rat. That quest to seize the Mongols patch was part of a criminal case brought by the U.S. Attorneys Office in 2013 under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. He was ready, he said, to get treatment for his drug and alcohol addictions. The club supported all kinds of law enforcement functions, (This is a known fact) and the club didnt throw on a diamond until around 2017. Clubs used to represent more than territory, it was about freedom and doing what you wanted. These registrations are something that need to be examined by the circuit, maybe the Supreme Court.. A petition for a new trial and reversal of the half-million-dollar fine, which is scheduled for an initial hearing on Monday in the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, Calif., claims that Mr. Santillan, 52, covertly cooperated for years with a special agent from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. "All I wanted to do was to tarnish his image," says Annie Santillan. Carter went on to tell prosecutors he does not want their witnesses to use the words "to the best of my recollection.". The group has about 1,200 members in the United States, most of them Hispanic, and numerous chapters around the world. You can now listen to full episodes of the podcast right from the app. The unusual legal imbroglio provides a rare glimpse into the hidden and volatile politics of the outlaw motorcycle club and the degree to which law enforcement and its targets may engage in limited cooperation when it is seen as mutually beneficial. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Ethan Tate, Meghann M. Cuniff and Lauren Herstik contributed reporting. Well let you guys have your fun, but keep your people in check, so to speak, he testified in June. David told me that they had been meeting every day at Starbucks before trial until Judge Carter told them not to because a juror saw them together, Mr. Stubbs testified in August.
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