On the 18th the weather worsened to force 6 with a rough sea and short, heavy swell with poor visibility. Search 5: service details of Merchant Navy cooks 1913-1956 This is a search in record series BT 319. As the outbreak of World War II edged closer in 1939, the British merchant fleet remained the largest in the world, employing some 200,000 men and women. Unfortunately, many cards contain a lot of abbreviations and there is no known key for them. Merchant Vessel Files: Also included among the Coast Guard records is a series of Merchant Vessel Information Files, 1939 - 1952, which is arranged alphabetically by name of vessel and contains information about merchant vessels that entered U.S. ports during World War II. On the 23rd November the convoy was ordered to split into slow and fast convoys. From 10.00 a.m. 11.00 p.m. he was seen on his rounds attending to blackout by J. Lowe. From 1845 onwards a system of examinations was introduced for masters and mates. Please ensure the tag is appropriate for the record. For service before 1845, when registers of Merchant Navy officers were not kept, you must look for records kept for other purposes (such ascrew lists, agreements and log books) but which may include incidental mention of officers. the National Archives. please This collection of records, BT 395, lists the medals awarded to merchant seamen for their service in the Second World War (1939-1945), with the exception of the. Merchant Navy - The port where the merchant mariner signed on as a member of a ship's crew at the commencement or during the war. Contact the appropriate state or national archive. Digital copies of Merchant shipping movement cards 1939-1945 can be searched and downloaded. They do not contain details of any passengers or crew. There was no minimum time qualification for a Merchant Seaman. These files have joined our collection in an effort to better serve the public who are looking for proof of their ancestor's service, The first block of this series contained 4,800 cubic feet of records, The Coast Guard National Maritime Center (NMC) is the approving official for World War II Merchant Marine separation documents. I was held in Stalag X-B for two years, and I will never forget that smell it lingered constantly. He died on 21st Aug 1973. ", JEng. I have a record of him being on HMS Leonian in 1941/2 from a list of people he wanted to write telegrams to from the ship. The registers survive at TNA in BT 120, BT 112, BT 113, BT 114, BT 116 and BT 119. Despite the fact that merchant crews were not compelled to sail on the dangerous ocean passages, most indeed did. Index record for Merchant, Leslie Arthur in the World War II Index to Allied Airmen Roll of Honour, 1939-1945 from Ancestry.com, historical military records. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. There were no clasps awarded with the Italy Star. The Oil Concessions 15. On August 26, 1939, the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) took control of all shipping. Merchant Navy Awards 1939-1945 Merchant Navy Awards 1939-1945 This collection details over 9,000 awards made to those who served in the Merchant Navy from 1939-45. Gunner, R. W. Orr D.E.M.S. Main image:Allied convoy crossing the North Atlantic in 1942 during World War 2. In Britain, New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries, 3 September is Merchant Navy Day. Inicio; FAQ's; Biblioteca; Ayuda; Bsqueda avanzada; Comentarios/sugerencias . During the war this fleet underwent tremendous expansion as Canadian shipyards produced 403 merchant vessels. privacy policy, Registry of Shipping and Seamen: War of 1939-1945; Merchant Shipping Movement Cards, Available in digital format unless otherwise stated. AncestryDNA Activate a Kit ; AncestryDNA Learning Hub ; What's Included in Your Results . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Merchantmen at War Official Story of Merchant Navy 1939 - 1944 at the best online prices at eBay! Maurice John Case MBE: 20 . For example, MacDonald will not appear under the letter M but under D. When they reached Aden on 15th August the convoy was disbanded. Information about official records for the Merchant Navy (UK) can be found at the National Maritime Museum (UK) Details about the role of the Australian Merchant Navy and the role Australian merchant ships played in World War II can be found at Merchant Ships of Australia in World War 2. The card entries do not all start or end at the same time. Awarded for service between 6 June 1944 and 8 May 1945, in direct support of land operations in France, Belgium, Holland or Germany, in the North sea, the English Channel or the Bay of Biscay (service off the coast of the south of France could qualify for the Italy Star, see below). All Web: UK, World War II Medals Issued to Merchant Seamen, 1939-1945 results for Giron. The 1939-1945 Star was also awarded to recipients of a gallantry medal, with no minimum qualifying period. Then, as European-built iron-hulled sailing ships replaced wooden square-riggers, Canadian shipbuilders found it harder to compete. The world has been led by intensive and extensive waves of darkness from renaissance all the way down to the Covid crisis. research. Records 1939 - 1946. the-raf-in-camera-1939-1945 1/11 Downloaded from uniport.edu.ng on March 2, 2023 by guest . ConsultBT 139for certificates of competency from 1861-1921, BT 142forcertificates of service from 1862-1921 andBT 140for certificates of service of engineers examined in the colonies from 1870-1921 (index in BT 141). As the U-boat is forced to hide beneath the surface of the sea a cat- . Merchant Navy 1939-1945. Edit Search New Search. Suffice it to say the remainder of the convoy including Monarch of Bermuda made the passage safely arriving in Freetown on 13th July to fuel and take on water and sailing on 17th July for Durban. Merchant Navy service Records of pre-World War I and colonial service World War I service with the Australian Naval & Military Expeditionary Force an War gratuity cards for World War I and World War II Records of Navy service after 1970 Other contacts We hold the following records about service in the Royal Australian Navy: LOG BOOKS AND CREW AGREEMENTS This collection includes Merchant Navy Seamen records held at The National Archives. Before 1747 no formal record keeping of crews on merchant ships existed. Order records to view when you visit. Generally the qualifying service period for the Pacific Star could only begin after the 1939-1945 Star had been earned by six months service. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Use the name indexes (indicated below in brackets) to locate a certificate number. Two days later the Coroner held an inquest into Grandad's death and the verdict was given as unascertainable. Brian Roy Clarke SS Sithonia, Sea. : s.n., between 1939 and 1940) AWM call number: 387.5071094 M554; Online. On the Samaria crew list and report of character, James Wafer and Matty Towers are consecutive number 59 & 60. The details are in an appendix entitled An Alphabetical List of all the Masters and Mates in the Merchant Service. List view Image view. USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration giving a true reflection as to when the name-change was made. The troops on Monarch of Bermuda were originally destined for the Far East but would now be discharged at Durban. Ships & Convoys. Even if a person had several mentions, he would only have one emblem. Another important archive open to the public is theLloyds Marine Collectionat the Guildhall Library which holds the Captains Registers for the period up to 1948, voyage record cards 1927 to 1975 and runs of theLloyds Registers, Lloyds ListsandMercantile Navy Lists. It lists nearly 24,000 Welsh merchant masters, mates and engineers who were active between 1800 and 1945. They sailed up the Irish Sea to join with the Clyde portion to form convoy WS 9B. Monarch of Bermuda left Durban on 24th March and returned to Liverpool via Cape Town and Freetown arriving back on 23rd April. Now, many warships had immediately packed the harbour, so, the navy men and merchant seamen had all gone to St. John's for their off hours. Catalogue description Registry of Shipping and Seamen: War of 1939-1945; Combined Office Merchant Navy Operations, Seamen's Pouches Search within or browse this series to find specific. are also recorded at the top of the card.From left to right, the six columns on the card will tell you: You can search the records in Discovery, our catalogue, by using thesearch boxbelow. Log book and Crew Agreements to be found in BT 381, Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, 1872-1992. At 05.55 all the boats but one had cleared the ship, by which time the foredeck was completely submerged and the water almost up to the level of the promenade deck. Monarch of Bermuda sailed for Suez with an estimated 2,200 troops on board on 28th June in company with seven other ships and escorted by the destroyers HMS Reading and Piorun (Polish). The certificate number obtained from the index indicates: Certificate numbers with a letter(s) prefix NWS were issued in the colonies. Anyone who qualified for both the France & Germany Star and the Atlantic Star would be awarded the first Star earned, with a Clasp. When Germany invaded Norway on April 9-1940, the Norwegian ships that were in allied waters at the time were requisitioned by Royal Norwegian Government, which early on in the war managed to escape to the U.K. (the King was evacuated on June 7). During wartime, however, they can become an auxiliary to the United States Navycalled upon to deliver military personnel and materiel for the military. However, service was considered military in nature for those who served between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946. Wafer it states "he failed to re-join ship" and for M. Towers it reads "died as result of accident". SA. *Estimated delivery dates - opens in a new window or tab include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment. My name was and still is on the wall of remembrance in the Mission to Seaman in South Shields. After four months aboard the raider, we were transferred to a prison ship. If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small The War Medal 1939-45 was awarded for 28 days full-time service in the Armed Forces between 3 September 1939 and 2 September 1945. You can search for ships official numbers through the Crew List Index Project. The men went to their boats in an orderly and quiet manner. A silver rose on the ribbon bar signifies the award of a bar. This number made up around one third of the entire global merchant fleet at the time, with many of the seamen coming from all over the Empire, including India, Hong Kong and West Africa. www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/records/royal-naval-reserve-service-records.htm, First World War Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve records. All First World War records for these formations have been transferred to TNA. Most of the prisoners, including myself, were sent from Drancy to concentration camps. The entries are arranged in date order and provide: Apply for a copy of a certificate from the National Maritime Museums Caird Library you will need the certificate number. He signed up in 1915 at the age of 18. She left Aden on 21st August and arrived at Suez on 25th August. Find out dates of departure and arrival by consulting: Search the alphabetical register (BT 115) on Findmypast () which was compiled from crew lists. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. The struggle for control over the Atlantic shipping routes, which would eventually become known as the Battle of the Atlantic, was one of the longest campaigns of WWII. Furthermore, the MID does not appear on the Order of Wearing Australian Honours and Awards approved from time . IWM collections. This series contains records of Merchant Seamen's Service on Royal Navy Ships. During that period the ship may have been on several voyages, and he may have been engaged for some or all of the period. The family believed that the torpedoed ship was the Tacoma Star of the Blue Star Line but I believe that ship was lost with all hands and Ronnie's name does not appear on the casualty list. Catalogue entries for this series have been enhanced as part of a project supported by volunteers. In themerchant navy the term officer can refer to a master, mate, engineer, fishing boat skipper, second hand or cook. You may be searching for a vesselfor which these cards were never used. Monarch of Bermuda sailed on Christmas Eve for Liverpool via Trinidad arriving back on 21st January 1942. For skippers and mates of fishing boats, registers of certificates of competency are in BT 129and registers of certificates of service are in BT 130 (index in BT 138). Have you found an error with this catalogue description? At Halifax she embarked American troops to Reykjavik in Iceland and arrived back on 17th October a total journey time of three months. This meant that Monarch of Bermuda with eight other liners and the cruiser HMS Royal Sovereign increased speed from 13 knots to 16 knots. In May 1943 S.S. Samaria was in West Huskisson dock at my grandfather's home port of Liverpool. They cover masters with foreign trade certificates sailing either as masters or mates. The exact number of New Zealand Merchant Navy war deaths will probably never be known with certainty, as the recording of personal information, nationality, next-of-kin and service in the Merchant Navy was not as comprehensive as it was for the armed forces. At 6.25 p.m. Wednesday 26th of May 1943 P.C. The convoy was originally supposed to sail at the end of October 1942 as WS 13 but its designation was changed to WS 12Z (a lucky omen?). Contents Part Two 11. These records are digitised cards recording the movements of British and Allied merchant ships during the Second World War. Owners and gross tonnage (G.T.) We landed in Bordeaux a few weeks later and were taken to the prison camp Caserne Colonial Bordeaux. To find out about a seamans entitlement, contact the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen. Also some happy times with the Indian Army who were great allies and enjoyed partying English style, as a relief from the war time battles. This section includes over 21.000 Allied Warships and over 11.000 Allied Commanders of WWII, from the US Navy, Royal Navy, Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Australian Navy, The Polish Navy and others. George Smith died later of his injuries. If the information here has been helpful or you have enjoyed reaching the stories please conside making a donation, no matter how small, would be much appreciated, annually we need to raise enough funds to pay for our web hosting or this site will vanish from the web. British seamen who served under the T124X agreement; British seamen who served under the T124T agreement; Non-British seamen who served under the T124X agreement. This collection of records, BT 395, lists the medals awarded to merchant seamen for their service in the Second World War (1939-1945), with the exception of the Arctic Star.
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