And I'm ready to power through it If you have a suggestion, say it, and hes gonna value it and hes gonna be like Yeah, lets add it! or hes gonna be like Maybe next time! which is just so beautiful how someone with so much experience compared to us is giving us so much credit and so much room to explore our creativity. Follow. Look out, look inside of you Suddenly, three ghosts appear the guys from the '90s band Sunset Curve! 1.6K Likes, 31 Comments. We got really, really close. That's not gonna work. Also in the cast are two former collaborators with Ortega, Cheyenne Jackson, who some might recognize from "American Horror Story," playing Caleb Covington, and Booboo Stewart from "Descendants," who is playing a skateboard-loving ghost named Willie who is also Alex's love interest. Julie and the Phantoms Season 1, Episode 1 Wake Up Transcript Transcripts Julie and the Phantoms Wake Up Script view 0 1 s01e01 - Wake Up Transcript detail A year after her mom passed away, Julie plays one of her old CDs. You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. Another view of the green room set backstage at the Orpheum. i was fine with it being literally the same as the netflix series but on paper. We'll still fly Im gonna pull out my phone real quick. And even if we hit the ground What? original sound - Charlotte !!. Ale jinak to bylo fajn ten, kterho rozhodn nelituju. We're actually in a band called Sunset Curve. You cant throw it back to the 90s. Despite that, there have been multiple reports indicating that a second season is already greenlit or in development, with The Cinema Spot reporting on a renewal all the way back in September, before the show even premiered on the streamer (Production Weekly). Reggie is notable for his constant optimism, warmth, and loyalty. Copied; Reality Shifting. 24 following. two stars because i feel guilty giving it less. I can't even count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge. ( Sighs ) You sound just like Dr. Turner. So, I know that Lukes character goes through some pretty heavy stuff. It's not what you lost Suddenly, three ghosts appear - the guys from the '90s band Sunset Curve. If these reports are right and the second season is already in development, then it's possible that production on new episodes could start this summer or sometime before the end of the year. It helps them. Did I care? Theres no Julie and the Phantoms without Owen, Jer, or Madison. Title Shop . I get stressed out or I get overwhelmed or something and Ill literally sit down, put on my headphones, put on a playlist, and Ill just play through that playlist and then I stand up, and I feel better. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #julieandthephantom, #juliaandthephantoms, #julieandthephantomsedits, #julieandthephantums, # . Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. (@charlottesrealities): "#JATPDR havent made a video about this dr in ages omfg #shifting #realityshifting #desiredreality #dr #charlottesrealities #desiredrealityshifting". We hang out a lot off camera. I want a chain and I want shoes. I got the [Nike Air] Max 97s I wore in the show. That's my FAVORITE moment in the show and it's horrible in the book. Is there a particular musical moment that was most empowering and significant for you to perform? Fuck no. I added so many unnecessary things and multiple plot lines for extra drama in my DR but who cares. * , i added way too much to my script but lets ignore that :D s02e02 - Who's Having a Merry Trashmas? You know, every time I see you and Carlos, I see Mom. The Other Side of Hollywood 6. Julie is a teenage girl who finds her passion for music and life with the help of a high -concept band of teen boys (The Phantoms) who have been dead for 25 years. Look, I'm sorry we came into your life, but what I just felt in there actually made me feel alive again. She [also] teaches everybody [confidence]; Madison has a lot of confidence. 'Cause we're still rising up right now this is just for motivation or if u'd like to add to ur script for haikyuu or anywhere else !!! Stop talking to them. They were us already When we were acting, at least for me, I felt that I was just myself. So, only you can see us, but everyone can hear us? Like the main house set, finishing a considerable amount of the exterior of the set enabled us to maximize our limited cast hours. Based on the 2011 Brazilian show of the same name and directed by the renowned Kenny Ortega [High School Musical, Descendants, Hocus Pocus], this binge-worthy series which hits Netflix today stars Madison Reyes in her breakout role as the talented and tenacious Julie; Charlie Gillepsie as Luke, the electric guitarist with a lot of charisma (and a skeleton in his closet); Owen Joyner as Alex, the thoughtful and inquisitive drummer; and Jeremy Shada as Reggie, the big-hearted bassist who brings the laughs. I love shoes so much, and I told Soyon that. SUBSCRIBE: on Netflix: to all the music of JATP: 78,228 Members . Who is your ghost boo? My sister would kill me, may she rest in peace. This is my Hunter x Hunter shifting script! Starting with the two-month boot camp from the beginning of filming, we were together every single day, six to nine hours a day dancing and working with Kenny [who] pushes you outside of your comfort zone. Reggie to me feels like a very genuine, relatable person. See more More Communities. Wake Up 2. I loved every second of it. You know the rest by heart It's like an energy. I feel like if the writer, editors, etc, had put in the time to immerse themselves in the fandom, they would have seen what the fans love most about the characters, and their favorite lines and moments and what makes it all so special, and they would have chosen to leave all of that in. Netflix / Executive Producers:Kenny Ortega, Dan Cross, David Hoge. We oversized the space a bit and made all 4 exterior walls open into the main space so our DP (Jon Joffin) could light from all directions, and prevent the need to remove walls. I was just warming up. We're the revolution A view from the front porch of Julies (Madison Reyes) house on stage. And now that you're no longer in the music program, you can concentrate on classes that matter. I got to wear all these dope kicks. 'Cause we're still rising 807K followers. Suddenly, three ghosts appear the guys from the '90s band Sunset Curve! This is my Harry Potter shifting script. Julie's performance makes a big splash, and the guys try to convince her to join Sunset Curve but she'll have to come clean to Flynn first. I did enjoy the show more just because the scenes were way more developed than they were in the book. I look back on it now and I love her so very much. And you use your pain Mija, I see your mom all the time. Look out, look inside of you Hes worked with everybody. Alex and his crush Willie [portrayed by Booboo Stewart] have great chemistry. When she came out here, it was just rekindling our friendship and finally getting to hang out in person. I remember when Kenny asked her to sing, I was really getting into it because it felt like wed been friends for years. Season one novelization. You can be a good actress, but if you dont have a good inside, its going to show through the camera. And even if we hit the ground Lets talk a little bit about Alexs role as the bands drummer. Id recommend the Netflix show more than I would recommend this book. Or me. Jeremy: Thats a great question. While all this is happening, "Julie and the Phantoms" also heavily explores Julie's use of music to deal with her grief from losing her mother. Here's one thing Feel free to use it as a template or for ideas! A year after her mom passed away, Julie plays one of her old CDs. Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale. Are you still here ( Exhales shakily ) .. whatever you are? Micol Ostow. WRONG. That's been singing in the rain | a scenario from my jatp dr | are those lyrics | cry - . With that in mind, the earliest fans might see a second season of "Julie and the Phantoms" would probably be late 2022 or early 2023. I mean, you would say one little thing, and she would just improvise off of that and put you in something even cooler. A central narrative of Julie and the Phantoms is that the three deceased ghost-boys (Charlie Gillespie, Owen Joyner, Jeremy Shada) who died in 1995 used to hold band practice in Julies (Madison Reyes) garage long before she was born. Completed texttospeech shiftingtips shiftinghandbook +5 more # 6 Script template for Shifting to HO. The staircase leading to the second story bedrooms in Julies (Madison Reyes) house set. 66 Likes, TikTok video from (@bvlledds): "This trend in my Julie and the phantoms dr <3 #shifttok #shifting #shiftingrealities #thistrendinmydr #fyp #fyp #fy #fy #fypaaage #julieandthephantomsdr #jatpshifting". How did you and Madison develop your relationship on-screen? Taken without permission from, s01e08 - God of Manmin Who Went to Prison, s01e07 - The Man Who Became God of Manmin, s01e05 - The Baby Garden, On the Way to the Heaven, s02e02-22 & s03e01-23 & s04e01-20 - The Oval. Sanjay Leela Bhansali brings his majestic signature flair to stories of love and betrayal in the lives of courtesans in pre-independence India. however please refrain from copying my whole exact script. Because hes so fun-loving, Reggie develops somewhat of a relationship with Julies family members but its totally one-sided because they cant see Reggie. Madison: My mom is in the military and when she leaves, Ive definitely had to deal with a lot of nerves and anxious feelings about not having her here. ( Exhales sharply ). I get the sense that you, Madison, Charlie, and Jeremy have a strong connection on-screen and off-screen. Finally Free 7. Y-Y-You know that's like 25 years of rust just getting dusted off. Ok, maybe three amiable phantoms didnt haunt your high school days, but thats precisely what happens to Julie, the protagonist in the brand-new Netflix series Julie and the Phantoms. Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. You've got to rip that Band-Aid off and get the pain over with. TikTok video from desired reality ( ":) #shifting #shiftingmethods #shiftingrealities #signs #manifestation #sign #affrimations #jatp #julieandthephantoms". So get up, get out relight that spark Julie and the Phantoms get their dream gig at the Orpheum! Street dogs haven't killed us yet. Another view of the more genteel, current version of the grungy old, 1995 garage set. Let someone with a softer touch handle this. Probably Nirvana Or maybe Linkin Park. They might be right on that cutoff of starting in the 90s. "The original audition script for Julie Molina! Yeah, I'm fine. Won't stop climbing It helps us. I appreciate that from her, someone who [is new to TV acting] and then was thrown into this. I play a lot of instruments the violin, Ive got the uke. Not you. I like to think that I take care of my friends, well at least I hope that I do. Changing the topic, loss of loved ones is a recurring theme in Julies life and Im wondering how you channeled the emotion to perform in scenes that dealt with grief and sadness, and whether any moments proved emotionally difficult to film? Downloads only available on ad-free plans. We have group chats with the showrunners and with Kenny and with the band, and I can tell [that] even though it was incredibly, incredibly stressful, we all miss it a lot. Countdown till we blast open the top Cookies help us deliver our Services. This post was created by a member of the BuzzFeed Community.You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. Pero termine encontrandome con una historia llena de huecos, con una escritura pesima, partes en las que parecia que la autora ya queria terminar de escribir el libro y nomas entregarlo, hasta hubieron escenas que ELIMINARON y que despues explicaban por encima (las escenas musicales). this was a very comforting book for me - i read a chapter or two whenever i was anxious, and i fell in love with this show all over again. Julie and the Phantoms currently streaming on Netflix! Im wondering what message you hope LGBTQ+ youth, and youth in general, take away from seeing a strong and empathic male protagonist who also happens to be gay? Ripping off the Band-Aid. made a spur of the moment disision to shift to jatp last night. She's not a witch. Julie and the Phantoms Character Names Classic T-Shirt. Im wondering how you and the Phantoms play off of one another on-screen and also what your relationship is like off-screen? Julie lost her passion for music when she lost her mom. Yes. Keep dreaming like we'll live forever Won't stop climbing 'cause this is our time, yeah We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. We hope you enjoy your stay. I loved it all, and I only finished it in less than 24 hrs lol. Luke was the lead singer and songwriter for Sunset Curve [the Phantoms 90s band], and he often takes on a leadership role in his interactions with the other guys. Throughout Season 1 of "Julie and the Phantoms," Luke, Alex, and Reggie, with Julie's help, discover that music has the power to make them more real, allowing others to see and hear them. It was really interesting to get to know the characters from their point of view. I actually cannot bring myself to finish reading this im so disappointed with the writing. I can tell you that right now. We chose to build an LA-style Craftsman house because, despite their amazing construction theyre creaky and a little spooky, a perfect setting for a ghost story. I like TLC, [but] I wouldnt want to break that group because theyre very iconic. 130 Likes, TikTok video from wolfstars child (@cas.lupinblack): "that was fun #1111 #shifttok #realityshifting #shiftingrealities #shiftingmotivation #jatp #julieandthephantoms #sunsetcurve". @95__Cameron Is this the junk that was in the loft? So, Ive read that you and your sister grew up dancing to High School Musical. You start out as friends, and then the audience watches your relationship gradually grow into something more. 121. That actually leads me right into the next question! But live it like it's now or never She started her reign of terror with Egmont with her novel FAMILY, which Elizabeth Burns named a favorite of 2012 on her School Library Journal-syndicated blog, A Chair, a Fireplace, a Tea Cozy. Zara $69.90. Hopefully, someday we get to do some kind of tour. Wake up your dream and make it true , Julie continues singing: Look out, look inside of you theres something comforting about knowing exactly what is coming next, exactly what each character will say, and be able to picture and hear them as they do. Another view of the booking managers office set. I was really feeling it. I hope so too! Verified. // The guy is legendary. Another view of the 1995 garage set, with the ghost-boys (Charlie Gillespie, Owen Joyner, Jeremy Shada) hand-painted banner for their band, Sunset Curve. Carlos tells me he found you in the studio. It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain 1883's Kelsey Barnes spoke with Sinqua Walls about Netflix'Resort to Love, his growth as an actor since his time as Sir Lancelot onOnce Upon a Time,giving back to communities, and more. But it looks like the villainous Caleb isn't quite done with the Phantoms, as he uses Julie's old crush, Nick, to get close to her. Just look them in the eye This is just for my shifting visualization but you can look if you want. Bands from the 90s. But they did nOt. I got a lot of nos for [school plays] and then this came, and it was a yes and it was a big yes. Welcome. Don't look down Jeremy: Ironically, I would say, it might have been trickier and more awkward for the people who were acting off of me. Its very 1990s, and there are a lot of jean jackets and a lot of his signature color which seems to be pink. Im appreciative of Netflix for doing that and the music team for sponsoring us. You got someplace to go Wake up, wake up if it's all you do No, I mean, you're kind of the first person we've seen. Nobody has a bad idea with Kenny. Alex wonders why Willie's been acting so weird. So, wake that spirit, spirit Going off of that, in the spirit of Reggies sunny disposition and humor, can you tell us about a specific behind-the-scenes moment with your Phantom bandmates that proved particularly funny or pleasantly surprising? Fresh out of juvenile detention in Marseille, 17-year-old Zach falls for a young prostitute and soon faces a dire dilemma while working as a pimp. If you've been following me for a little longer now, you know that I'm one of the few people in the world preferring a book over Netflix. Keep dreaming like we'll live forever It's what that girl said in there tonight. Charlie showed up in a cutoff and suspenders, and then I showed up in the pink sweatshirt. Moving from here is only gonna help you move on. That's a gift no musician would ever turn down. My shifting script to the bnha/mha universe, feel free to use it as an example. Featuring interviews with performers, activists and past employees, this documentary offers a deep dive into the successes and scandals of Pornhub. It's not what you lost Kindness really does show. This only goes up until right before the Greed Island Arc. At one point, Charlie was playing his Nintendo Switch, literally during takes, before we were supposed to walk in. Well, still, it's nice that you're listening to music again. Wake up, wake up if it's all you do Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Full charge I mean I could have just watched the show over again, which I will be doing eventually, but I decided to give the book a try instead. Wake up your dream and make it true , Julie continues singing: Look out, look inside of you No reason not to try I'll let my fingers fly Okay, look. I mean, that's usually how ghosts work. Face first full charge I think thatll resonate with a lot of kids. This is the outside of Julies (Madison Reyes) bedroom on stage. @wednesdaynetflix has truly taken over the world. The grand piano is new, and and and How did she get her stuff in here so fast? You made me lie to your aunt. There are some key similarities between your and Madisons characters, and the two of you spend a lot of time in the spotlight together as two of the leads. it was a weird ass dream but still Now or Never - Julie and the Phantoms Cast. It's okay, honey. There seem to be a lot of similarities between you, Madison, and your character, Julie. My little cousin I wanna watch it with her and do Bop bop bop, bop to the top. [Growing up, my sister and I] were Zac and Vanessa, we were Sharpay and Ryan; we just had the best time. Let me know what happened in 1883 if you find out, ok? We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Boo? No. Theres a scene where Julie is talking to her dad and her brother, [and] midway through that scene the ghosts poof in. Even if youre going through hard parts of your life or theres a global pandemic, just still be happy, and find things you enjoy and that make you laugh. Hang out at an old mansion. So, I would say SWV They sing Weak. This handbook covers the basics of reality shifting as well as more in-depth aspects of it. If I can brighten someones day through a joke or just encouraging them and telling them that theyre awesome and making them smile, then thats the best. There's a song on the piano. To be able to do that with the rest of the cast, it takes a certain amount of trust. Though I wish I could hold you through it Don't look down Actor & singer-songwriter Jeremy Shada curates 1883 Magazine's playlist this week to celebrate the release of his new song "This Feels Right.". Get it? julie and the phantoms shifting. First of all, props to Soyon who was the stylist. They couldnt show us coming through the door because were supposed to poof in, so they wanted us to hide behind this corner and then walk into the frame. Some of this stuff's in pretty good shape. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Im wondering how you balance Lukes tough and charismatic exterior with the vulnerable young person thats just beneath the surface? Madison: Even when we were starting to find Flynn [Julies best friend, portrayed by Jadah Marie], Kenny was like, What kind of girl do you see in her shoes? And I thought about Jadah from Descendants 3 [also directed by Kenny Ortega]. Wake up your dream and make it true With 2021 coming to an end, I am catching up on some books ive been meaning to read for a while, I got this book around January of last year although I started it I never finished it, so I thought this was the best time to do so. This book also promised new scenes that werent in the Netflix show but didnt provide any within the book, it instead left some scenes from the show out! A green room set backstage at the Orpheum. Here you go. The Arkansas-born, At just 24 years old, @chrisbriney_ has starred in, First catapulted into the public eye through the b, @palayeroyales overtaking of the music industry, But Booboo was just the coolest, man. Theyre so funny and awesome together! Totally. Life can be a mess Posts. Jeremy: Honestly, me and the guys would laugh through most of the shoot and were the goofiest people on set. Oh no. We had this month and a half of rehearsals, boot camps, and dance camps. This was just living. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Didn't even get a chance to eat. Chill, man. Julie and the Phantoms Transcripts Julie lost her passion for music when she lost her mom. From roaming the wilds of Westeros and now taking, Glittering like the bright lights of the Eiffel To. You know the rest by heart Charlie: Im gonna say Green Day. You were talking about Flynn, and I love her and Julies loyal bond and all the girl power there. Julie lost her passion for music when she lost her mom. Jeremy: Oh my gosh! Hopefully, we can get the house on the market and some offers soon. I dont think thats the 90s, but can I choose it? And even if we hit the ground You're a good brother. This book is as adorable and heartwarming as the nine episodes that literally saved my life and my sanity this winter, and I appreciate the fact that it exists. 1883 sat down with all four leads to talk about the striking similarities between their on-screen and real-life personalities, how the show promotes Latinx and LGBTQ+ visibility, the process of creating their colorful & very 1990s costumes, as well as why filming scripted scenes with co-stars and supporting actors felt not like acting but instead like living. How did you two create such a strong on-screen relationship? I know you mentioned that you got to meet with the costume designer [Soyon An] and give your input on what Julie wears. 77 Likes, TikTok video from Billy (@eclipsegh0st): "#JATPDR amo amo #eclipsegh0st #jatpshifting #julieandthephantoms #shifitingbr #shiftingrealities #desiredreality #foryoupage". But at the end of the day, I think everyone is so talented and so good together that the leadership is just [everyone] together. This Emmy-winning musical series from Kenny Ortega ("High School Musical," "Descendants") stars talented teen Madison Reyes. But when the ghosts of three dreamy musicians from 1995 appear, they reawaken Julie's own inner spirit and create a new band together: Julie and the Phantoms. I ordered it right away and I was quite excited to get started. I know it's not the same This is the stage in his fabled underground speakeasy, The Hollywood Ghost Club, a cool, 1930s-style deco space where the living can mingle with the dead - for a price. Hey, I know being dead isn't our first choice, but, I mean, it sure is easy getting around. figured that since I already shared my teen wolf script, I'd share another script that I made for another show that I really, really love: Gilmore girls! Better wake those demons Jeremy: Oh, 100%. Madison: I Got the Music made me really feel confident, [particularly] being able to dance around that school with all the extras. I dont know what Ive got, but Im hoping its something important. Clocks move faster Madison: I love fashion and thrifting; thats my thing. Go behind the scenes of Netflix TV shows and movies, see what's coming soon and watch bonus videos on, Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner. So, when I saw drums, I knew that it could be something musical that maybe was a tad more masculine. And obviously moving forward, I hope that I get to keep playing for Julie and the Phantoms. I like taking trends and making them my own because [otherwise] Id feel like I was copying somebody [else]. As soon as she got cast I got to call her and tell her she was cast we exchanged numbers and we talked every day before we met each other again in Vancouver. You become siblings because youre like I have to trust these people to support me, even when I cant support myself. So, we really, really got close and we havent stopped talking. From $1.09. In a world full of ever growing fictional worlds, Actor @amirwilson_ first discovered his interest i, @adamdimarcos breakout role on @hbos critica. Julie and the Phantoms Step into your greatness #JATP Now streaming only on @netflix. Is that the real world? Theres something that has triggered that, [like] thinking about his family and realizing he hasnt seen them and [wondering] if theyre still even around. Are you able to help at all? Ademas no se ve un desarrollo de personajes pero ni ahi. No. Was it tricky or awkward to film these scenes since you couldnt really play off of anyone? I'd come out and be like, 'Hey guys, I'm Madison, I play Julie; I'll be reading with you today, don't be nervous.'. Julie Flynn Carrie. 'Cause it makes you you 'Cause this is our time, yeah A view showing an evenings entertainment at Caleb Covingtons (Cheyenne Jackson) Hollywood Ghost Club, with the rotating, lighted stage. . When all the days felt black and white So, Julie, wanna hear how I slid into home and was almost safe? 193 posts. Soyon is the coolest. What was it like having a hand in costume creation?
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