I would say they can improve in some area with LandGlide. - Search for properties by owner, address, or parcel numbers. Pricing - LandGlide On my property there is no boundary stake or boundary pins, or on any of my neighbors property. Using GPS technology Once complete, launch the app and use the provided tools to measure the land. Thank you this app! Lets face it, property owners (both residential and commercial) and property managers lie all the time. Instead of hiring a $500 land surveyor to mark four corners of my property I downloaded LandGlide thinking it would do that for me, it did no such thing. I have a general idea where the boundary lines are but not accurate enough to build a fence. For the price that they charge it seems like they could add a few features though. Typically, the device needs to receive signals from about 5 satellites to get an accurate estimate of its position. On my property there is no boundary stake or boundary pins, or on any of my neighbors property. A homeowners deed should include a legal description of the plot of land, including its measurements, shape, block and lot number, and other identifiers such as landmarks and geographical features. LandGlide - Apps on Google Play Its developers have done a great job! I had placed a negative comment in my review regarding this practice. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 36,593 LandGlide User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Thank you. Ive been using LandGlide now as a licensed realtor for two years now. LandGlide on the App Store This is helpful if there's a vacant property next to yours and you need to contact the owner. 352 408 0755 You may also like: 11 Best Home Renovation Apps (Android & iOS). I will no longer be purchasing this product because I noticed it also has outdated names for other sales I have had. Continue with Email - This allows you to have an authentication link sent to the email address associated with your LandGlide account. Using GPS to pinpoint your location, access key parcel data anywhere. No. The app just gives you a general idea where your property boundary line are but is not accurate. Additionally, you can save and share the radius you create. This is helpful if you need to know where the line is for a fence or building. LandGlide has a satellite feature that can help you identify where your property lines are. Then, open the app and start scanning the property's boundary lines. What's New In The LandGlide App? Joe holds a Bachelor's degree and a postgraduate certificate in editing. Your shaped area will now be marked on Google Earth, and you can easily access it by going to the Places tab in the left sidebar. To begin surveying land with a smartphone, first download a surveying app from the respective app store. Maybe there is another way. You will not need to do anything further to cancel your trial as it does not auto-renew. LandGlide - ReportAll USA Continue with Google . I use to be able to view the parcel numbers and that has changed to Parcel ID which is not the same. I started using LandGlide about 2 years ago with the hopes of finding property to purchase in my area. 5. But other than the recent update LandGlide has been a life saver walking property lines. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'remodelormove_com-leader-4','ezslot_21',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-4-0');You will then see various features available in the map platform, such as a search bar, layers, and a My Places section. If you dont have cell service or WiFi, you can still have access to the parcel data you need. The county link is intrusive. population. Justuseapp Safety Score for LandGlide Is 18.2/100. Required fields are marked *. LandGlide works well accurate and smooth navigation, I would like for the settings to be able to "keep" it in satellite or topo and not have to select those options every time I get in the app.. All in all it's great to have if your an outdoorsman.. Readers like you help support MUO. In case you wonder if it is legal to provide users with such data the answer is yes. Therewith, its not necessary for you to walk over your whole property the app will automatically connect your first and last position on the map. The apps gps location is spot on. How do you stop cats from scratching under doors? Huntstand is cheaper than OnX as HuntStand provides nationwide land data at $29.99 per year. This started about 10 days ago. Prospector helps you measure distances and areas, as well as view public land boundaries and private land ownership. HuntStand vs OnX: Conclusion. Original app when purchased included sales price and tax values including sq footage. I have had this app for about 8 months. (Note that most states require licensure of land surveyors; check your states requirements.). It is always best to double-check with a professional surveyor and local authorities to ensure the property lines are accurate. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Additionally, there can be discrepancies between what is on the ground, and what is legally recorded with local authorities.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',156,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',156,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-156{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. You can also use the GPS feature to show you where you are relative to your property lines. Through innovation, integration, and automation, our approach of simplifying access to accurate spatial data places ReportAll in the forefront of geospatial business technology. I love LandGlide mainly for when Im hiking. I have a general idea where the boundary lines are but not accurate enough to build a fence. The app can also convert the units automatically if needed. To get an accurate determination of property lines that will stand up to legal scrutiny, youll need to hire a professional surveyor. LandGlide is not good if one is trying to stake out their property and avoid hiring a high priced land surveyor. When all the quantifies are done you can export the data on your device in a document form or just save it in your acc. Continue with Email . Are Landglide Property Lines Accurate? Google Maps doesn't show all . Were excited to bring you a great product that looks fantastic and works even better. While Google Maps also has boundary lines, LandGlide is more accurate. As you can guess, the app will track your location here. The GPS in your device interacts with the map . presents you with fresh data and access to faster tiles and parcel attributes. Also maybe to write, draw, insert shapes like a radius, insert text. This feature had been super helpful, can it please be added again? This app was useless for staking out your own property. Your email address will not be published. LandGlide supports your cellular data access so you can search parcel records in the field with real estate property boundary overlays. Free for your first seven days. Another cool thing about this app is that it grants you to save all the info about any property as a document and export it on your phone or tablet. To be more precise, for now, the app covers 95% of the US map. The app runs on GPS tech so you can easily view the field data of your own house or filed and compare it to your neighbors if needed. A propertys history and legal records are generally kept in the municipality or countys tax assessors office or in its land records or building department. LandGlide will find your property and show you the property lines. We are sorry for any confusion. LandGlide is the most comprehensive parcel data mobile app. For example, the Standard Plan is $29.99 per month and the Premium Plan is $49.99 per month. It makes looking for land owners very hard. I was hoping LandGlide would take the place of a land surveyor. parcel records in over 3,000 counties - covering more than 95% of the U.S. So Im just an average shmoe that didnt want to pay a surveyor to find my property stakes, and didnt want to buy a metal detector for the sole purpose of find the said stakes. Besides, the developers claim to constantly expand the apps covering territory and add new data so even if you wont be able to get the info you need make sure to try again later. Although the apps interface might be quite confusing at first its actually pretty easy to use. If you update LandGlide again Please do not take away the current featuresPlease. 3. I am a salesman and need to be able label farms with an icon that will tell me if one of my colleagues is already doing business with them. This app is made for GIS data management, its survey, analysis, and more. LandGlide also offers corporate account licenses for businesses of every size. The parcel lines in LandGlide are fairly accurate although it is not uncommon for parcel boundary lines to be 3-4 feet off as these lines are approximations and appropriate for . Once the area is marked you can pick any measurement you need and the app will do it in secs. My only couple comments are: when im typing the name of a pin i cant see what im typing, new pins are at the bottom, cant organize pins, and finally i need offline maps for a pretty large are and had to download them in pieces trying to make sure I overlapped each on. Next, you can convert both distance and area units if needed. to learn more. Is there an app to find survey markers? - EasyRelocated In most states, you are required to call a diggers hotline 811 to request buried utility information before you build a fence, plant a tree, or extend your driveway. Google Maps are not that accurate, and you shouldn't rely . Im in my free preview and have used it several time to local landowners information. $9.99/month or $99.99/year thereafter. You can also save the reports at your acc or load them to your device. Besides, you can export all the data in a doc form on your device even if youre offline. Heres the list of the 9 best apps in that category you should try. We know youre as excited as we are about new features, enhanced appearance, and up-to-date information that provides the parcel data you need at your fingertips. Is there a free app that shows property lines? The LandGlide app is highly accurate as it provides a comprehensive database of property data and real-time landowner information across the US. We're proud to produce the most accurate and up-to-date private and public hunting land maps in the country. 9 Best Property Lines Apps for Android & iOS - Freeappsforme If you have any further questions or feedback, you are welcome to reach out to us at support@landglide.com (reference #1057 in your message). How To Determine Property Lines With Gps - BikeHike Therewith, you can zoom the map and switch its angle to get the most accurate results. But you shouldn't rely on it for much more than that. We update over 90% of the counties each year, and of that, 70% are updated every 6 months. As a realtor, it has been well worth the money. Observed property ownership changes on county tax records that were not reflected on this app even 90 days later. Furthermore, the satellite imagery used in the app is updated on a regular basis, ensuring accuracy. Therewith, the app has two modes of property determinations. Either way, the LandGlide app is a great option for some cases, and you might not need a surveyor at all if you're not in a legal dispute. If you want to visually confirm your property lines, you can use a tape measure to determine the boundaries. We have developed a system that will try to get in touch with a company once an issue is reported and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen. LandGlide offers users access to detailed property maps and land ownership records for all 50 United States. How often is the data in LandGlide updated? - ReportAll USA Is it Safe? Then, you can use your finger or the cursor to move around the interactive property map, to the exact area that you are looking for. You also need to know the particulars to arrive at an appropriate listing price. Theyve made improvements since Ive been a subscriber to a platform that was already solid. I'm a Realtor and do some lot and land listings. this app is a great application to ascertainmultiple types of information pertaining to land Parcels, Tracts and other Indian on property owners, tax appraisals, legal descriptions, coterminous land owners and various other types of property information.I would highly recommend LandGlide to anyone needing up to date and correct land mapping Information. In order to add a marker on a map, there are a few steps that need to be taken. What this app does is empower you to explore countless maps and view the info about any property you like. Unless I dont know what Im doing on the app , then the apps a little more complicated then it states. What software do land surveyors use? Is it Legit? By simply downloading the sections of the map that you need to access, you can now retrieve the data on your phone or tablet no matter where you are working. It might not be the most convenient way if you need to measure somebody elses land but theres a good-old manual map mode for that. to pinpoint your exact location, you can explore maps and access 150 million I would really love to see you guys add a measuring tool in LandGlide. This is another land survey application that empowers you to find out the size and the perimeter of any property or area. or. By: Author Olin Wade (Remodel or Move Stuff). LandGlide has resolved over 25 issues that would/could create a legal issue. The updated design of the app and the new logo gives LandGlide an unmatched, quality look. Once all the boundaries are marked you can pick what kind of measurements you want to do and the app will take care of the rest. }; With LandGlide, youll have online and offline access to parcel data including: There is absolutely no match to what LandGlide does. How accurate are the parcel lines in LandGlide? - ReportAll USA At ReportAll, we changed the design of LandGlide and upgraded some important components to improve the user interface and ensure consistency across platforms. . LandGlide is the most advanced and comprehensive parcel data and property line map software available today. State agencies want purchase LandGlide, so it would be out of pocket. While a professional survey may cost a a few to several hundreds of dollarsor more, depending on property location, size, shape, and terrainits money well spent since property disputes cost a lot more in time, potential hefty legal fees, and neighborly goodwill. The Accuracy Of County GIS Maps - CHM But is it enough to leave surveyors behind? All Reviews It is a fully interactive app available for iPhones and Android devices.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',158,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',158,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-158{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app several times, still freezes. You can choose to name the location and add a description and other details. A property legal description map is a document that shows the specific legal boundaries of a piece of property. How accurate are the parcel lines in LandGlide? Once its done click the stop recording button and pick the measurements. Besides the iOS and Android versions, LandGlide also offers a web app, which is great for checking owner information. Contact us to tell us about your experience. I love LandGlide and use it all the time. Then, the app can convert the distance and area units if needed. How do I sign in to LandGlide? - support.reportallusa.com . This is an app that empowers you to view your property lines. Download: LandGlide for iOS | Android | Web ($9.99/month or $99/year, free trial available), With apps like LandGlide, it can be easy to think that we won't need surveyors as much in the future, but that is far from the case. For instance, Ive seen a small residential lot with an incorrect legal description of large acreage in another part of the county. Using GPS to pinpoint your location, access key parcel data anywhere.- Hover over a property to instantly view details.- Search for properties by owner, address, or parcel numbers.- Save your favorites, add notes, and export.- Access LandGlide on all of your devices.Access over 156 million parcel records in over 3,000 counties covering more than 99% of the U.S. population. Had app for less then a day and I can tell its amazing!! 1. But I find it worth the annual cost. When youll turn on the mode the app will start recording your position. Rating 4.8/5 Safety Score: 18.2/100 The Premium Plan includes all of the features of the Standard Plan, plus additional features such as community data, advanced annotation tools, and more. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 36,593 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . LandGlide en App Store LandGlide has came in so handy for me, and I cant recommend it enough. LandGlide uses GPS technology to pinpoint your precise location so you can explore maps anywhere in the U.S. and access over 150 million parcel records in over 3,000 counties. Do not like the recent updates LandGlide isnt user friendly. Along with the previous app, this one also uses the GPS tech that empowers you to make measurements by simply walking around your property. Is it better to conceive everyday or every other day. LandGlide just gives you a general idea where your property boundary line are but is not accurate. Overall, Google Maps is fairly accurate for property lines, depending on the area you are searching. You also get to turn the analyses into a document and load it to your device if needed. LandGlide has become useless for my line of work and I will no longer be using it.Old review: LandGlide only displays property lines as they are defined upon purchase of the property, thats not fault on the apps end, although, shifting due to error that is out of there control is possible.WHAT EVERYONE IS MISSING ~ LandGlide is a fantastic real estate app and is a must have. If you haven't bought a house yet, remember that there are apps to help you find your dream home. It will also bring up information on acreage, value, elevation, and more. If you bought your home recently but dont have the survey, contact either company to see if they have a copy on file. Using GPS to pinpoint your location, access key parcel data anywhere. $9.99/mo or $99.99/yr thereafter. It is really helpful if you are looking at real estate - it gives you the owners name, a breakdown of the land type (how much is wooded, how much wetlands, how much open space), deeded vs actual acreage, all kinds of great stuff. When you make a purchase using links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. It also helps to add, edit and store property info. You may also check: 11 Best tape measure apps for Android & iOS. This is because tax and parcel maps, which LandGlide relies on, might not match the deed of the property, which is the legal property line. Speaking of the info, the app can give you its basically everything from the propertys owner name to its lines, price, and ID. The parcel lines in LandGlide are fairly accurate although it is not uncommon for parcel boundary lines to be 3-4 feet off as these lines are approximations and appropriate for reference but not recommended to use for legal purposes. That was a real pain. Since LandGlide includes parcel data for most properties in the United States, you can also find the owner's contact information. It also follows you as you walk around the property so you know exactly where the property lines are. Thanks. LandGlide was useless for staking out your own property. Went to support where it had me register on another site and sent yet another email link, still broken. There are lots of property lines apps for Android and iOS that empower you to make any land calculations fast and easy. LandGlide is also only available to those in the US. Once the map is open, press and hold the location until a pin is dropped. If you plan to build a permanent structure, you'll want to be as accurate as possible, and ordering your own land survey is the best option. GPS Fields Area Measure is another app that will help you quantify any fields on the map and view their borders. Plus, the app has a sleek minimal interface that is incredibly easy to use. Additionally, users can access the current and previous owner and value information, transaction history, and other helpful information. Dropping pins on Google Maps is a great way to pinpoint a location and quickly share it with others. You can draw a radius on Google Maps by getting directions and selecting the circle option that appears on the map. Most mortgage lenders require prospective homeowners to have a current survey, and your title insurance also depends on it. Using GPS technology to pinpoint your exact location, you can explore maps and access 150 million parcel records in over 3,000 counties - covering more than 95% of the U.S. population. As for the walking mode, it requires an Internet connection (obviously) and automatically counts the area and the perimeter when you click on the calculate button. Enlarging the pin makes it clearer and ensures you dont lose out on any valuable information. I cant really decide how I want to rate it just yet, only because a few months ago my husband and I bought land and LandGlide still hasnt updated so it still doesnt show our land on here in our names, my mother and father in law also bought some land the same time frame and it doesnt show theirs. The LandGlide app makes it easy and affordable to find the property lines for your home. Since purchase, app now has only owners name of property, which is not updated frequently. When you walk around, you can find out how close you are to your property line and mark it yourself. LandGlide is at the forefront of geospatial business technology using innovation, integration, and automation to create an approach to simplify how you access parcel data. The main goal of this app is to make the measuring process easy and accessible for all people. How to Legally Determine Property Lines Hire a Licensed Land Surveyor. So skip one Starbucks trip a month and own this instead. These apps are available on both iOS and Android devices. One of the most popular features is the ability to pin and save properties, which makes it even easier to do your job, but with our update, you can now take advantage of other new elements as well. No. The new features of LandGlide include four different updates: accessibility, searchability, legibility, and visual appeal. The Pegman icon therefore helps to bridge the gap between the two modes, allowing users to easily toggle between the two and quickly get the information they need. Another feature we made a bit more legible was the size of the county link. LandGlide gives you access on all your devices. While Google Maps also has boundary lines, LandGlide is more accurate. Traditionally, this is the only way to figure out where your property lines begin and end. The Landglide app freezes my phone and forces it to restart. Plus, you get to measure the distance to your current GPS position from multiple spots at the same time. As far as I can tell its really accurate too. LandGlide, which uses advanced parcel data and the GPS on your device to provide precise results, is the most . First, you will need to choose the map platform you want to use. We apologize for this experience and the inconvenience. The app requires a subscription to access all of the features. Check also: 11 Best House and Apartment Hunting Apps for Android & iOS.
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