) But, why do I waste so much time watching this if I hate it a lot? She founded Empress Content Writing & Digital Marketing Services to help small entrepreneurs grow their business. Hoon and Chang-yi ask Director Choi for some clarification, and we see in flashback how he was the contact in North Korea that made the deal to get Chang-yis mom out. Why's he in Myungwoo, you ask? I didn't exactly enjoy this episode as much as the first 5, I felt that it was all over the place and too much of going back and forth with whether JH is alive or if JH is SH. The way you described it eyes wide open, empty expression is exactly what I would describe a person that is about to die would probably have. ;). :). Soo-hyun tells her father that shes staying at Moms house tonightwhich isnt untrue, since Seung-hees house is Moms house. I cannot hear heartbeat properly when I hug my kids or husband tightly. (S01E03) is the third episode of season one of "Doctor Stranger" released on Mon May 12, 2014. I watched Doctor Stranger only because of Lee Jong-Suk. However, as he later reveals to Chang-yi, hes still not sure about who Seung-hee is. And since theres a convenient shortage of anesthesiologists, Seung-hee steps up to the plate to help(?) While Seung-hee sneaks something Kevorkian into Chang-yis moms IV, Agent Cha reports to Nightshade that Seung-hee was successful in the surgery. Thank you, windsun33. (My attachment to these fictional characters are getting weirder and weirder.). Learn how your comment data is processed. On the one hand, Im glad the show is presenting its mystery through Hoons point of view, since we literally only know as much as he does at any given moment. My OTP, please don't break my heart like the last time with Chilbong team T_T Maybe you will like the Good dr as well. I don't think the writers are lost. As of July 7, 2014 it has been streamed close to 400 million times. SeungHee is JaeHee. Jae Hees pretense has now been shattered. Oh, YEAH! I certainly hope they do not spend the rest of the show just showing LJS trying to find JH. If they were trying to show that PH is madly crazily in love with JH, fine, we get that. Forget about lead roles in major dramas, she needs to take it slow and develop her skills. The two of them have some sort of arrangement going on, and it involves getting Hoon to remain employed at Myungwoo Hospital. i just wish they would stick to the plot of the love triangle between Hoon-Soohyun-Jae-joon. The man grows up to become a genius surgeon. Two, how did Jae-hee survive the fall the first time in Budapest? Instead, it makes my head spins trying to wring out the suspense in every character (except Hoon, SooHyun and Dr Moon and that's why I enjoy them so much) The writer keeps trying to introduce character with huge mysterious plot line then plays the game that feeds me a tiny bit informati22on once a while. Drunk hoon calls for jae hee because he's a bery love sick boi In this episode, Jae Hee also told Soo Hyun that Hoon is the reason why her father died. That Hoon killed her father to save her and shes not sure anymore if she can still continue loving him despite all the things that happened between them. After a successful surgery, Jae-joon updates Hoon and Chang-yi on her mothers status only to be met with skepticism from Hoon, since he didnt think her condition was serious enough to warrant a sudden heart surgery. I don't really mind if Hoon ends up with either or neither. Partly because it involved so much going back to previous episodes to see what matched up (a lot did not). She was equally upset when she broke it, even though she covered it up. In the drama, Jin Se Yeon plays the roles of Song Jae Hee, a North Korean medical student, and Han Seung Hee, a South Korean physician. Director Jin Hyuk previously directed Brilliant Legacy (2009), City Hunter (2011), Master's Sun (2013). [7], Last edited on 26 November 2022, at 05:19, "Love triangle kicks off in 'Doctor Stranger', "Jin Se Yeon to Play Two Characters in "Doctor Stranger", "New Korean drama series sells for $120,000 per episode in China", "Chinese Film Version of "Doctor Stranger" to Have a Different Ending", "SBS Drama 'Dr. so, it only makes sense if she feels that dutiful to NK if she doesn't remember anything about Hoon to do what she is doing right now. Master's Sun. There were multiple (four, if I remember right) such competitions held over several episodes. ZaaZaaSierra. I would definitely hate to see the OTPs romance being foiled by some arbitrary mission that may or may not be just another form of noble idiocy. Why? PNG or JPG. But while pursuing that and using Soo-Hyun for his goals since shes the chairmans daughter, he ends up falling in love with her and tries to suppress it. Whether Hoon now has a definitive answer as to whether Seung-hee is Jae-hee is up for grabs, but for his sake and ours I hope that hes made a decision. 2) Han Jae Joon and Oh Soo Hyun. One, how did Hoon finally reach South Korea from Budapest? One of the main plotlines revolves around requiring Hoon to do the heart surgery of the vice president, which was weird for a long time. She adamantly refuses that shes Jae-Hee but Hoon doesn't accept that, believing that she is Jae-hee. It makes me see the plotholes getting bigger, see many ridiculous explanations and see many forced logics. let her die together with Agent Cha, thank you! Is it just me, or is the plot of this drama basically a giant plot hole? Jae-hee sitting across from, and muses that this must be why people drink: so they can see the people they miss. Beside, she's just an ok actress not a genious young actress that is able to pull out the double roles. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; But when theyre (mostly) alone, she tells Hoon that despite the similarities, Seung-hee isnt Jae-hee, because she saw Jae-hee die with her own eyes. Tags: Doctor Stranger, featured, Jin Se-yeon, Lee Jong-seok, Your email address will not be published. When the show first started, I was going to be ambitious and keep a list, but after ep3 I simply gave up. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access His quest to find her is what keeps the wheel turning, and JSY's flat portrayal more or less deflates that wheel. Shes Jae-hee.. In fact, theres more of all that than romance. Hes not happy with the decision, and grudgingly claims he did it for the mission. I just want the drama to explore more of Hoon as a person and a doctor, instead of having him wandering around all day, crying for his first love like he did in this episode. The spy element is once again in full throttle with todays episode, driving the plot in at a break neck pace towards an intriguing reveal, as were ever closer yet so darn one-kidney-short in finally finding out Seung Hees true identity. I cant even blame those people who sputter profanities and rude comments against this series, because same as me, they are also just hugely disappointed. (The only two major aspects that redeemed this drama are the main actors and actresses performance and its cinematography. He got his first break as a lead actor in Kim Ki Duk's movie 3-Iron which won awards both locally and internationally and as an effect opened more opportunities for Jae Hee in the entertainment industry. PH and JH/Seung Hee NEEDS to end up together because they've been through ALOT! Surely the people close to them would have been happy to know theyre alive and would have kept it a secret. Especially a person who has accepted her fate. Soo-hyun is just so much more likeable than Seung-hee/Jae-hee. I want to watch the tension between PH and JJ, not over Soohyun, but over what being a doctor means to both of them. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Since most of the show was medical-related, I knew nothing. They knew each other since young. The North Korean scenes were nice but by far not enough considering what happened afterwards. 4. Its a shame because the other 3 leads performances are quite splendid. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; Meanwhile, a stone-faced Seung-hee tells Agent Cha that the whole act was devised so that Hoon would believe that Jae-hee is alive. Observations this week: Lee Jong-seok needs to get himself back into white coats stat because that coordi is awful. Completely agree with you. It was a never ending one -upmanship in the hospital and as said by others, the ML and FL (who I was surprised was the FL and not Kang Sora) had zero chemistry. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Watch Online on Viu PH But Seung-hees patience reaches its breaking point when Hoon tries to keep her with him at the expense of one of her patients, causing her to slap him back to realitynothing should be as important to a doctor as their patient, she barks, which is something he should understand if he claims to be a doctor. I liked the is she Jae-Hee or is she Seung-Hee? debate I had throughout the show. Seung Hee is not like that, she's quiet, she's cold, she's non-chalant to the point that she's boring. 170 Views. But before she can even turn her head, she focuses instead on Director Choi as he enters, recognizing him as the man who got her out of the prison camp. The mood and tone at that shot is not meant to be that. After offering Soo-hyun her mothers old room, Seung-hee comments about how close Soo-hyun and Hoon seem to be, implying that their relationship is romantic. I work really hard while acting as Song Jae Hee to show a child that is endlessly bright and pure; while acting as Han Seung Hee, I have to emotionally satisfy many things in order to make it seem as if there are many stories stored inside of her eyes., Jin Se Yeon then promised Though there is a lot of burden playing two characters as I still lack in many areas, it would be nice if people watched over me as I exert myself. and even if she wasn't, i'll acknowledge the fact that she loves him, but i don't feel it. Reviews: 1 user. Hes a skilled surgeon who graduated as a top medical student from Harvard. Oops. I mean, conveying all those emotions and inhabiting all those characters must be exhausting. That'll require a 100 episodes. Dr. Also, surgery masks are VERY good for showing off eye makeup! I love how he calls Sohyun that and her just letting him do it. This is a very complex character to play and casting JSY in it is not a good choice. I watch Kdrama for almost a deccade since I was in elementary, and I believe that this drama is lacking in writing but full on swing when it comes ti acting. Doctor Strangers new mishmash of a preview, Doctor Stranger pushes premiere, releases teaser, First script read for medical melo Doctor Stranger, http://gizmodo.com/5884650/your-heartbeat-could-be-your-password, http://koalasplayground.com/2014/05/20/dr-stranger-episode-6-recap/. So many things were wrong with the show. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Thanks for a lovely recap Head2no! As a child, Park Hoon (Lee Jong-suk) and his father Park Cheol (Kim Sang-joong) were tricked and sent to North Korea. First Loves are supposed to be the purest, the most intense, the most passionate experiences, so much that people often give up partners they have been with for YEARS to go back to their first love (Angel Eyes), and suffer for decades because of a tragic first love (Moon Embracing the Sun, Missing You). I'm stocking up Internet liquor just in case for you, Heads=P. Go for the show if you really like Lee Jong-Suk and want to see more of him. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page The big conspiracy has reached the point of being ridiculous, so I'm just going to tune it out as I do with the lack of realistic possibilities in the drama. Soo-hyun slurs that Hoon should just forget about Jae-hee, but Hoon just breaks outa silly smile as he slurs back, Im going to hold onto her until I die.. to see him improve with each roll he takes on is so impressive). That makes the relationship more organic and less forced. Whos that? Seung-hee replies, causing Hoon to pull out the red bracelet he took from Patient Kim. She throws things at him in response, and manages to knock him out cold with a flimsy plastic bowl. Meanwhile, he found a girl that looks exactly like Jae-hee, Doctor Han Seung-hee, who claims not to know Park Hoon. My Girl. She was very annoying and Lee Jong-Suks character still pined over her. To that end, I do believe that JSY lacks the gravitas to play out serious characters such as Seung Hee, she's just not at home to that entire demeanor of villainy. I really enjoyed the drama because of the unique premise and think that LJS and JSY had great chemistry. Ha. It lessens his character, one with unique background and dark history of being a doctor in the NK human lab. RECOMMENDED. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; Just as a rebuttal (never mind that I'm a Hoon/Jae Hee supporter as well). to be fair to YFAS, Master's Sun and I Hear Your Voice, especially the latter, the characters are written way more complex than just 'bad' or 'good'. Its cute how Soo-hyun tries to cheer him up by asking him about his life, only Hoons memories of his parents are unhappy oneslike his father getting shot, and his mother never caring. Jae-Joon also lost his mother to grief. Have fun, ya lucky Beanies. Five, Jae-Joon knew that they survived. And as for that, why did he have to hug her when he could have just used a stethoscope? it just breaks my heart and, sorry to all the Soo-hyun/Hoon OTPs out there, but stop trying to make Soo-hyun/Hoon coupling happen, it's not going to happen. An excellent point! Moon misunderstood that as Jae-hee/ Seung-hee has one because she donated not received! Jae Hee is a South Korean actor who made his on-screen debut in the Korean drama School. In real medical practice, when you are the receiving kidney transplant "recipient", you will have two (2) kidneys on one (1) side of the body. So Hoon pulls Seung-hee aside again, trying everything he can go get her to acknowledge him. Although they did get back together Miss Korea was pretty realistic about how the main couple weren't and couldn't be the same people they'd been in high school. In terms of the two (2) kidneys, I believe they were referring to kidney transplant patient. My theory is: Seung-hee is really a spy and not Jae-hee at all. (If a romantic moment happens and a second lead isnt there to see it, does it make a sound?) Do I see lots of interaction? . I don't want him to be one-dimensional. I would give this drama major kudos if Hoon and Soo-Hyun end up together. - The whole "I don't want to admit I helped to find Chang Yi's mom until I find Seung Hee" explanation sounds dodgy. In regards to playing two entirely different characters, Jin Se Yeon relayed This is the first time I have attempted playing two roles, and it seriously isnt easy. I suspect a certain segment of audience would appreciate being told what is going on rather than sit back and enjoy the mystery plot. ok, but there's still this: how did Hoon even get from Budapest to South Korea, then, after the dropping-Jae-hee-off-the-bridge thing? Doctor Stranger S1: E7 Seung Hee Falls in Love with Hoon 2014 HD TagDub. the subs in the video i watched seemed to not have that line. But if the story is going to be centered around PH loving JH, shouldn't they at least try to convince us that he does? Unbeknownst to her, Jae-joon is watching from a distance. Three Days did not follow a conventional romance structure but its second female lead is solidly on the side of 'good'. I have serious doubts that even the writer knows what the plot is, so how do you expect us to? makibao111. Have you seen it? PM Jang might be an important person, but I dont think he has the same clout nor is he even remotely comparable to that of NKs great leader, that his death will ignite yet another upheaval of nuclear proportions. I think it's about time for them to reveal at least a little what this entire conspiracy is about, because for now, it doesn't make much sense. 7. Seduce her Hoon and open her skirt =). The stylist must have been horrified. Plot holes are when something did not make sense (not the same as the audience not understanding) or did not gel up with an earlier scene. Moon because gosh, those two are hilarious. I am still trying to figure out a valid reason why there are so many people tied up with and helping North Korea here, and what they could possibly gain from it. Anyways, I wish I could spend time writing all my thoughts about this episode but alas, off I go on a trip. Shippy or not, I hope they remain friends. Reply to May too since the reply button is missing from her post. Seung-hee better have a great reason, in my eyes she has loads of redemption to do. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access History But I seriously don't see it as such. For a moment even Soo-hyun looks lost, as she remembers the uncanny resemblance between the two but cant find a logical explanation as to what on earth is going on. Only to see that Seung-hee does have two kidneys. Loving the show so far but the plot can get pretty confusing (or maybe its just the subs). that scene when park hoon is beggin her her to remember him and how he is sorry that that he couldn't find her sooner how he goes on to explain that he did so much to look for her that scene is so heart breaking imagine you wait for some one you love so much and when you finally see them that person refuses to have ever known you let alone love you,,how much it would hurt and angry one would be. My take is Seung Hee is not Jae Hee. For JH/PH, we were just told that they're in a relationship and that hoon is madly in love with JH. "I think one big problem with the Hoon-Jae-Hee/ Seung-hee relationship is that we have not really see them interact. One of them even remarks on how asinine it is for the president to trouble the man (Prime Minister Jang) who put him in office with the inquiry about his campaign funds, in a clear show of support for Jang. Only a few times did I see hersmileand look sad but that also didnt look genuine, somehow. book recommendations, blogging tips, & asian dramas. I understand people shipping Hoon/Soo Hyun she's easy to like and the actors have some nice chemistry (I don't see it as romantic chemistry myself Hoon's way too wrapped up in JH to even notice other women) but as this was Seung Hee's introduction week I'm not quite ready to abandon the Show's OTP. I didn't read the plot or anything, just dived right into it. Rate. It just seems so over the top and borderline ridiculous at times. That little detail has never been explained. SeungHee was briefed about JH relationship with PH so she awares of that in orde to make her mission succeed, but since her mind is control, she can't remember anything about the past, so she just has the SeungHee's mind in JaeHee's body. Jae-joon claims he was just protecting Soo-hyuns doctorly honor against Hoons quack allegations, an excuse which has Soo-hyun raising her eyebrows: Thats not like you.. There is a solemnity in that scene. She could quite easily defect and bring the whole weird nest of plotters down, so what is holding her back? Only, that scenario is revealed to have been a figment of Agent Chas imagination, since Hoons quasi-reunion with Seung-hee goes on uninterrupted. here, she's playing someone interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing her (haven't watched yet). I'd pretty much want him to be left alone, to move on from his first love. Okay so lets see the plot holes that annoyed me so much, it almost ruined the whole story because these dont make sense. 2:00:03. If I didn't know better, based on all the skinship moments and her screentime I'd have said she was the female lead of the series. Her task probably to keep Park Hoon check on her watch.Remember when Park Hoon hug her in that hall(?

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