In 2014, a plane with 239 people aboard vanishes from all radar. Cast: Gang Dong-won as Lim Joong-kyung Han Hyo-joo as Lee Yoon-hee Lim meets Lee Yun-hee at the Namsan Tower. It focuses on Kazuki Fuse, a member of the elite Kerberos Panzer Corps, a metropolitan counter-terrorism unit. That inexplicable something a story (in any medium) can have. Kei embraces Fuse and sadly recites the dialogue of Little Red Riding Hood, describing the grotesque appearance of the wolf disguised as a loved one. + : I get CGi's and improvise locations you can't duplicate or make but at least make the story original, isn't that why you're making that movie?!?! "Illang aka JinRoh: The Wolf Brigade " is going to start shooting in the end of July, 2017, and is released in summer 2018. Terms of Use and Director Kim Jee-woon transplants the Japanese anime to a unified Korea, where steel-plated super-cops make a strong impression, then disappear for most of the movie. The production values are top-notch with excellent cinematography and fight coreography but the final product somehow feels like an unremarkable and hollow action movie without that spark that made Bittersweet life such an unforgettable experience. Starring: Gang Dong-won, Han Hyo-joo, Jung Woo-sung Watch all you want. The human weapons who are called wolves, "Illang" (The Wolf Brigade). Due to civil unrest within South Korea (Japan in the original), an elite anti-terror unit is formed. The incident damages the reputation of the unit and Fuse is reprimanded. Fullmetal Alchemist The Revenge of Scar. The Warner Bros logo is bright red against a black background. If you haven't, go watch this film. Thankfully, though, this is not something they abuse, and Illang does look different, though perhaps someone not well versed in the differences between Korean culture and Japanese culture might easily overlook a lot of the small nuances. Deep. Anyone that has seen the original master piece before would find dissapointement in the last 15 min. Illang: The Wolf Brigade picks up five years into the unification plans. Then over an hour of nothing and confusing story. befitting to our Korean situation and what not Perhaps if I had seen the anime version the other raters talk about, I would have understood what was going on. The Korean police forces quickly become overwhelmed with the size and violence of protests in the regions, prompting the government to create a new, elite police force called the "Special Unit." Both are able to escape and are instructed by the special forces instructor Jang Jin-tae to go into hiding. In 2029, the elite police squad Illang combats a terrorist group opposing reunification of the two Koreas. It is also the only animated adaptation, the animation done by Production I.G.. Read Jin Roh The Wolf Brigade Blu . I can't explain it, but it hit it's marks and hit them perfectly. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? [33][34], San Sebastin International Film Festival, 66th San Sebastin International Film Festival, "KIM Jee-woon's Sci-fi Action INRANG Starts Shooting in August", "(Yonhap Interview) Director Kim Jee-woon: Che Guevara inspires me to constantly challenge myself", "Warner Bros. and KIM Jee-woon Team Up Once More on JIN-ROH Remake", "Summer box-office preview: the 5 most highly anticipated Korean movies", "KIM Jee-woon's Sci-fi INRANG Arms Up for July Release", "Director Kim Jee-woon's 'Inrang' unveiled to media", "Hotshots in film industry team up in sci-fi-themed 'The Wolf Brigade', "Korean cinemas earned more despite fewer admissions this summer", "How 'Illang' went from blockbuster to major box office flop: Warner Bros. Korea's summer release failed to please audiences", "Kim Jee-woon's 'Wolf Brigade' advances to San Sebastian film fest", "The English Cast and Crew of Illang: The Wolf Brigade, the South Korean live action remake of #JinRoh, now available English dubbed on Netflix", "Rookie Ok Ja-yeon to star in "Illang: The Wolf Brigade", "Netflix Picks Up Kim Jee-woon's 'Wolf Brigade', "KIM Jee-woon's Sci-fi Action Drama INRANG Completes 8 Months of Filming", "S. Korea's largest film studio opens doors to support 'hallyu', "Korean special makeup artist works for 'Darkest Hour', "MOSS, INSIDE MEN Writer Pens ILLANG: PREQUEL Webtoon", "Netflix Picks Up Kim Jee-woon's Action Thriller 'Illang: The Wolf Brigade', "Netflix acquires distribution rights of South Korean action-thriller", "Gang Dong-won and Han Hyo-joo to make public appearance next week after dating rumors", "Despite star power, 'Illang' can't meet high expectations: Local adaptation of a Japanese hit film fails to satisfy movie critics", "(Movie Review) 'Illang: The Wolf Brigade' eventually loses its way", "[fn ] "'', .. ", "Korea Box Office: 'Mission: Impossible' Beats 'Wolf Brigade', ""'' "..7 10 ",, This page was last edited on 25 January 2023, at 05:34. I was 100% on-board with this movie until about the last 15 minutes or so. Illang: The Wolf Brigade (sometimes known as Inrang: The Wolf Brigade, which has been used at least once) is a 2018 Korean science fiction dystopian movie directed by Kim Jee-woon.It stars Gang Dong-won, Han Hyo-joo, Jung Woo-sung and Kim Mu-yeol. I'll call it resonance for now, but Jin Roh definitely has it. The setting is moved to near future Korea from an alternate 1950s Japan allows for interesting visuals and some different interactions between characters that were present in the original. When your consent is required, you can accept, refuse or personalise your choices. He knows about Yun-hee's true identity and has expected that the state security would lead them to her. But his greatest enemy proves to be his own pride. I'm glad I wasn't the only one looking for where North Korea fit into the plot. We are told through a 5-minute-long prologue that fears of an impending war over a territorial dispute between Japan and China caused the two Koreas to launch preparations for unification. The unit is characterized by their futuristic military gear, and respirators containing glowing red lights. Visiting the grave of the suicide, he meets Kei, the girl's sister, who does not hold him responsible for her demise. As interesting as perfectly remaking an old anime into a live action movie might be, I was more intrigued by what changes would be implemented and how the lens of a Korean movie team would affect the narrative. (Source: KoBiz) Edit Translation, In 2029, after the governments of North and South Korea announce a 5-year plan to reunify the country, strong sanctions by the world's powerful nations cripple the economy and lead to a hellish period of chaos. EDIT: cause I screwed up my numbers, apparently. sorry to be that guy, but does anyone who has seen the movie know what is the origin of the art from the Red riding hood scene, I am fascinated by the artwork and am looking for prints of it and was wondering if they are original to the movie itself or from an outside source? He ultimately still found the experience frustrating both through the tiping ("The moment you write, you want to direct") and after realizing the result would unavoidably be much different from what he pictured in his head. Thank You! Fantastic and brilliant, with an intense and memorable ending. The main plots complexity makes early portions a bit sluggish but sets up for a lot of twists and betrayals later on. Each of them is a one man army, with heavy duty machine guns, steel shields on their forearms capable of resisting hand-grenades, and German war helmets with gas masks covering their faces. A man is convicted of a robbery he didnt commit and spends six years in jail. But another enemy may be lurking nearby. [31], The film was made on a US$17.0 million budget and targeted to attract around 6 million moviegoers. Yes they've changed the setting but it's almost a shot to shot homage to Jin Roh in some parts, when Grace Omega started playing I immediately got frisson! Netflix acquired the international distribution rights of the film. These Wolf Brigade uniforms are truly terrifying, turning normal cops into what look like nightmarish Nazi cyborgs, at least in silhouette: Beneath German tank helmets, a pair or round red eyes glow inhumanly at any who cross their paths, while their standard-issue peashooters have been replaced with heavy-duty machine guns. The animation is good for its time, and while it flirts with interesting ideas, it moves at such a slow pace and features such a dull main character that I found myself frequently bored. The story is set in alternate-history Japan in the 1950s following the atomic bombing and subsequent occupation (by a victorious German Reich, rather than the Allies) of the country at the end of World War II and the post-war recovery. Rafael Motamayor This movie just damn. on October 24, 2018 at 3:41PM PDT. To take a beloved classic and make it a big budget blockbuster and then add 40 minutes to the runtime is an even worse idea. The new instruction is to go into the sewers together with Yun-hee. However, they can't get there because the soldier who was supposed to take them there was caught and killed by the state security. Either one of these, dedicated to complete, I think would have made a fantastic film. Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos. Illang: The Wolf Brigade picks up five years into the unification plans. "[28], Jason Bechervaise from Screendaily wrote that the film "contains moments of stylistic brilliance through some compelling set-pieces. I thought all of the fighting and firefights of the movie were incredibly unique and interesting as far as movies go, the setting was also something that I enjoyed. People just want to the see the armor suit fighting. Also, Illang is based on a Japanese anime " The Wolf Brigade (1999)" of Mamoru Oshii . Alright, well why would Korean take on remaking "Jin Roh: Wolf Brigade"? The storyline was a little sketchy with some holes and jumps. By Why? They make their way to the tunnels once more, where they are met by members of the Wolf Brigade, a secret, deep-cover unit in the Kerberos Corps led by Hajime Handa. A talented young street-food cook pushes herself to the limit after accepting an invitation to train under an infamous and ruthless chef. Illang tries for a slightly different emotional tug, but it didnt quite take the time to build it up for me the way the slower, more plodding Jin-Roh managed. Korean director Kim Jee-woon's latest offering is another anime adaptation, this time in the form of ILLANG: THE WOLF BRIGADE. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Kim knows how to direct and edit frenetic chase sequences but the narrative here is so unconvincing and bland that it is just not enough. Public Security agents follow a tracking device in Kei's bag and make their way into the tunnels. But there's always one guy whose conscience can't be stomped out and Lim is that soldier. It had the chance to take the core concept of the original and remake it with more Korean influences and depart into a similar, but uniquely different, film or to recapture the original with live action and a few more action sequences. Failing to follow an order to execute a frightened young girl only to see her commit suicide by detonating an improvised explosive device before his very eyes, Fuse is put on trial and sent back to the training camp for re-evaluation. Didn't get the emotional connection that Korean movies usually have. Fuse confronts his own humanity when he fails to shoot a young terrorist that his unit traps in the storm-water tunnels. That concept alone makes for a fascinating science-fiction film, but unfortunately, its all setup that is immediately abandoned. Lim is ordered to kill Yun-hee for being a Sect member and spy for the state security. site . The Wolf Brigade is a high powered, deadly force of men whose job it is to crush the sect opposing reunification. The special unit is able to track the fleeing members to the sewers and hunt down some members there. Some okay action and fighting scenes. But, it really feels as if the actions of any character become pointless, especially during the third act of the movie. While Illangs additions are generally good, the film chipped at the originals emotional core to make the film have more action. However, due to negative reviews from both critics and audience members, the film screened for only three weeks, and ended up attracting a total of 897,254 moviegoers, grossing US$6.2 million. No country needs a Special Unit as scary as this, but its a compelling starting point for an action movie that promptly disbands the group one scene after theyre introduced. The Japanese preview of the film took place on June 19 in the Roppongi 20th Century Films theater. Haunted by an unsolved murder, brilliant but disgraced London police detective John Luther breaks out of prison to hunt down a sadistic serial killer. The whole movie takes place in South Korea, and I was wondering when the North would be involved. Lucid Dream. In-between the action, there is a lot of talk. Summary: In 2029, an elite police force combats a terrorist group opposing Korean reunification. CA License # A-588676-HAZ / DIR Contractor Registration #1000009744 I watched Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade a few months back, and I'm not a fan of it. [4][5], The film is set in 2029 where South and North Korea prepare for a unified government after a severe economic depression slams both countries. I just watched the movie, im just kinda curious who this actor is at the end of the movie, does anyone know? [24][12], A red carpet and showcase event for the film was held on July 18, 2018 at Times Square Mall in Yeongdeungpo-gu with the attendance of the director and cast. Netflix and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities, which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalise our services and to customise our online advertisements. I am a big fan of Korean films and still possess vivid memories of my reaction to Jin-Roh back in college. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. I thought all of the fighting and firefights of the movie were incredibly unique and interesting as far as movies go, the setting was also something that I enjoyed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hyo-Joo does a fantastic job bringing her characters confusion, conflict, and desperation to life, and her performance was by far the most enjoyable part of the film for me. South Korean police launches a special unit, known as "Illang" (The Wolf Brigade), in response to the rise of an anti-reunification domestic insurgency called "The Sect". "[29], On the first day of its release, the film attracted 274,525 admissions. As a Korean critic, I should have gave it a 10 but on a second thought [20], Webtoon writer Yoon Tae-ho penned a prequel titled Illang: Prequel, which took place five years before the events of the film. Learn more about our use of cookies and information. They provide Fuse with a full set of armor and weaponry, before leaving with Kei in tow. He inquires about Lim. The film premiered on November 17, 1999, in France, and Bandai Entertainment and Viz Media licensed the film for an English-language release in North America and Europe. Forget the special units you know - any of them. 2. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Quite a number of problems, but the biggest is the anime it is based on is flawed with great ideas but poor execution in the plot. [10], The following month the film shown in Cannes' March du Film, where Variety's Derek Elley noted it for pushing cel animation to its limits in the action scenes and for Okiura's focus on stillness in between while considering it a less complex work than its predecessor Ghost in the Shell lacking its "stomach-churning, visionary moments". [1][18][19], Costumes for the film were designed by Hollywood artist Vanessa Lee, who also worked on the special effects costume for the 2006 film Underworld: Evolution and superhero costumes in the Avengers film series.

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