Hello, If it is, there will be no charge for a new license but it will need to be converted from an 007 to an 006. 2) Click Uninstall Tune 3) Select Yes when prompted. I bought a used access port and the owner did not uninstall. The cost to re-license the AP will be half of that cost. How to Unmarry a Cobb Accessport without the Car? [Answer] Do i have to re license it? Since the Accessport isInstalledand theincorrect part number, Mark will have the following costs: InstalledANDWrong Part Number Same Value: Drew owns a 2002 Subaru WRX. A SUB-003 Accessport is $675. Accessories The Accessport should at least include the cable that connects to your OBD2 port. There is a fee associated with that but its much cheaper than buying a new Accessport. } The map is locked to a V2 Accessport serial number. What happens when you unmarry an accessport? Would the cost of re-licensing a SUB-004 be $337.50? Can you use a Cobb tuner on any car? [Answered!] Then, plug the Accessport into the computer via the micro USB > USB cable. You dont actually have to complete the install if you dont want. Finally you need to follow the instructions on the screen. You need the cob to talk to the ECU I think. Hey all, just picked up a 02 WRX that was supposedly returned to stock. The Mazdaspeed Accessport is $650. How do you uninstall the Cobb Accessport on your car? @media screen and (min-width: 1201px) { Do I need to uninstall my current one first? If the buyer has a different car, then they will need to contact support to have it converted and there will be a fee for that. The Accessport has a feature called ECU flashing that requires the engine control unit (ECU) of the vehicle to be connected and communicating with the Accessport in order for it to complete its functions. Overall, it is not possible for an individual without access or possession of a car flashed with a COBB Accessport unit being able unmarry said unit without necessarily accessing the actual vehicle associated with said flashed unit. The only option is to send it to us to have it "relicensed." However, we charge $395 to perform this service unless you have a police report or insurance claim stating that your AccessPORT equipped vehicle is a complete loss or stolen along with your proof of purchase. So, 472.50 + 150 = $622.50. Click "OK" when prompted to confirm that you wish to uninstall the selected map file. A police report stating the car is wrecked or stolen or an insurance claim stating the car was wrecked or stolen. My car was totaled can I unmarry my Cobb accessport? Finally, you'll need to remove any tune files or other data that's stored on the Accessport.Uninstalling the AccessportTo uninstall the Accessport, you'll first need to disconnect . Hey Dan, unfortunately the Accessport you purchased for a 2013 WRX (SUB-003) is not the same part number that youll need for your 2017 WRX (SUB-004). Cobb can unmarry your accessport for about 300 you need to ship the accessport back and they will reset the AP so it can be married to another car. how to unmarry cobb accessport without car - carla-zaitlin If an Accessport was never uninstalled from a previous vehicle, it can be re-licensed, or set to an uninstalled state. It would be a huge disservice to pass the car on to a customer in its current state. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. First, make sure you have the latest firmware version of the Accessport downloaded on your computer. You can check the modification requirements for each map in the map notes: https://cobbtuning.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/98843715/Map+Notes+for+2005-2006+Legacy+GT+and+2005-2006+Outback+XT Hello, thanks for contacting us. If you are going to remove your Access Port, and return your . Theyll then generate an unmarriage code for you. I heard Cobb would do it for 300$, but then I might as well as buy a new one then. This will read out the current configuration inside unit making sure all settings are synchronized between ECM and Cobb device flash memory afterward. Hi Kyle, I was hoping to purchase a married (V2) AP-SUB-002 from a fellow enthusiast off the forums. 675 * .7 is 472.50. If you dont get that message, then its probably on an OEM flash. Ribbons : 165. display: block; @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { Second, if you plan on re-installing your Accessport in a different vehicle at any point after removing it from yours then running a tune is highly recommended for performance reasons as each ECUs settings will need to be adjusted accordingly for optimal performance results based on various factors such as engine type and environment etc.. Additionally, taking these steps before installation also ensures that errors or false run tests dont occur due to incorrect settings which could damage sensitive hardware in long run if left unaddressed. Intro COBB Tuning - Accessport V3 Install Uninstall Tutorial COBB Tuning 47.6K subscribers Subscribe 134K views 9 years ago Check out this quick Accessport V3 Install/Unistall Tutorial!. Will the Accessport V3 from a 2011 WRX/STI work on a 2015 thru 2018 WRX/STI? Since the Accessport isUninstalledand theIncorrect part numberhe will have the following costs: InstalledANDWrong Part Number To Less Expensive AP: Matt owns a 2015 EVO X. The cost to relicense an Accessport is 70% of what it costs new. Contacting manufacturer customer service is likely your best bet as they will be able to help step through any solutions based on individual circumstances and product specifications. How To Unmarry Cobb Accessport Without Car. This means that leaving them connected when disconnecting the Accessport could cause further problems with either ECU or other connected parts in the future. If not, download and install it before attempting anything else. 90s Rap. Is there a way I can use the USDM AP and somehow by way of miracle, can make it work? How do I remove the Cobb Accessport from my cars computer? I have got a V3 accessport that came from a BMW 13i N55 Do I need the car? Unlock power hidden within the vehicle by replacing conservative factory settings with more aggressive calibrations. Re:Another hack attack! It can only be unmarried with the car it is installed on. Check for references or mentions of previous transactions to determine if youre willing to trust this person to be honest about the Installed State of the Accessport. Sadly, we have seen situations where sellers take pictures of the Install option and then install the Accessport prior to selling it. Engine: Cobb AP3, 2.3L Throttle body, CFM Intake, Green Filter, Levels Intercooler, Cobb RMM, CFM Symposer Delete, NGK LTR7IX-11 . Answer 11: Yes you can reinstall the Cobb Accessport at any time. I currently have an APR stage 2 tune on it with out unmarring the accessport on the car. The Accessport will be on this main page and have its part number listed (it starts with AP3). You can also check the part number if you are able to power on the Accessport with a cars OBD port or any computer. If it wasnt, the cost would be $450. Got a accessport v3 for 991 carrera from my friend, mine is a 991 turbo, wonder how much would cost to fit my car with new PDK flashing. @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 992px) { We charge $150 + difference in cost of the two Accessports. Check out the article above for details on how to determine which part number Accessport you have. If someone in the club has an AP3-FOR-001, they can uninstall from their car, then attempt to install to the Fiesta. Good question. Can an AccessPort return your ECU back to stock parameters with a Re-Flash? I bought a married focus st accessport. If it is already installed (or married) to another vehicle, it will not work on your vehicle. When putting my map over to it, it said this: All Rights Reserved. Once these steps are completed and confirmed through a pop-up message box simply unplug your Accessport and reconnect later on when ready or leave connected - as desired - but either way be sure all appropriate function tabs within AccesPort Manager main interface show no loaded tunes. If it is still installed to the Ford, it would be more than the cost of a new AP for the Evo. This would be the cost to have a SUB-003 re-licensed. Thx, ernee. } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 768px) { I have a 2014 focus st got a used ap unmarried got a tune from jst and when I load it to the ap it says its locked to the 2015 focus st. Hes the 3rd owner in the list and what we can tell it may have been tuned but it came with no AP. Hey Kevin, the current cost to relicense is 50% of the retail value of the Accessport. The car was totaled and I no longer have access to it. COBB Tuning - Accessport V3 Install Uninstall Tutorial Answer 12: You may need to uninstall the Cobb Accessport if you are experiencing issues with it or if you want to remove it from your cars computer. How to unmarry cobb accessport v2 Condition:Used Brand:Cobb Cobb Accessport V2 for a USDM 2007-2008 Mazdaspeed 3 or Mazdaspeed 6. Fourth you need to find the Cobb Accessport firmware. .jaspr6403186c7b4e6 { For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Now open up ATR software on computer by clicking on "Load Supported Vehicle" tab in top menu bar. What are my options. display: block; @media screen and (min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px) { Since the Accessport isInstalledand theincorrect part number, Chris will have the following costs: Pay anypositivedifference in cost between the software. .jaspr6403186c7b4e6 { Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to verify unmarried Access Port? | IW STi Forum [Updated! What the Accessport comes with, its part number, and whether or not it was uninstalled from the previous vehicle should all be considered when buying a used Accessport. Im having trouble uninstalling the Cobb Accessport. If not, this would have to be purchased separately. To use V2 locked maps, you must contact Tech Support to upgrade your v3 accessport Is there a cost for this upgrade? .nrfsm64031852acb45 { But what if you want to delete a configured Accessport profile without a vehicle? I don't have the accessport and Answer 10: If you are having trouble uninstalling the Cobb Accessport you can try restarting your car. I have a 2011 Speed3. The total cost would be $472.50. 4. If I am reading correctly, I only need to pay $150 to get it uninstalled so I can sell it? So if you want to unmarry your COBB Accessport, youll need access to your car in order to do so. There are no major differences between the two. If i buy a used stage 1 cobb package with accessport and intake will it work for my car if the guy says he unmarried it from his car?I have 16 wrx. I just purchased a accessport that is married to a 08 subaru impreza mt, and am wanting to use it on my 04 forester xt at. Does just uninstalling it allow the potential buyer to install it and use it or do they have to contact COBB for the $150 USD part number fix? I have a 2017 wrx and my wife just got a 17 Forester. I bought an AP for my WRX two weeks ago and a week later I had a wreck and totaled my car. I have AP for my 02 wrx (AP3-SUB-001) and the ej205 motor is on its last days, Im thinking of upgrading to the ej257, ECU, and harness for the full USDM STI swap. I purchased an unmarried, non installed unit thats for an ecoboost for-003 and I own a 2017 fiesta st so I need the unit to be configured to for-001. How can i get 17 WRX OTS maps? Wed recommend going one of the below routes to make sure the Accessport is the same number is started life as. Turn the vehicle off before starting. If your Accessport has been used on an OBD-II compatible vehicle like a Ford or GM, then you can use a Windows PC and the provided software utility to restore all settings back to their default values. If the Accessport is uninstalled the total cost would be $150. Im looking at getting a used AP3-FOR-001, it is still married. Cobb Tuning Accessport V3 Help Menu Tutorial Youtube . After hitting that OK reboot required as well as follow along message under software window instructing now ready reload mapping profile selected vehicle when finished disconnect USB cable properly remove device again ready used whenever needed until next tune cycle come around reach same results again process connected another car instead computing beforehand go budget by saving time energy money later down another road travels adventuring thoughts daring day dreams creative pursuits! Any action you take based on the information found on cgaa.org is strictly at your discretion. With hard parts, its pretty straight forward. When you remove the Accessport from your vehicle's engine bay and disconnect it from these components, some of them will remain physically connected unless theyre disconnected manually. You are looking for a SUB-003 unit, so verify that the serial number starts with SUB03. You are able to register it. Connect the Accessport to your computer with the provided USB cable. You can also customize and save your own profiles for specific vehicles. Hits 1.2BAR and I can't access the ECU, looks like stage 2 tune is still in there. Just plug it in and select install. What would it cost to have it work on a 2007 997.1 911 turbo? Looks like everything is normal. It will vary by platform. display: block; Hi, Ive bought an accessport, for my MY16 STI ADM and the part number is AP3-AU-SUB-004, however the serial number is SUB1400397. Which uses another part number AP3-POR-006. The first step is to make sure that the desired profile is not being used by any other vehicles in your fleet. How do I know if it will be compatible with my 2011 Subaru WRX? @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { I have a 17 WRX. More by Drew Dorian, Your email address will not be published. Please email [emailprotected] or call 866-922-3059 for help with specific pricing and service options in order to relicense a used Accessport. } so if I get a sub004 thats unmarried, whats the cost for me to get a access port for my mk6 gti? You can then open Accessport Manager and view the manage tab shown here (this also shows the installed state mentioned below): If no computer is handy, and youre not able to get the faceplate off, you can also check the part number (and installed state) by powering the Accessport on with any vehicles OBD2 port. My car is not recognizing the Cobb Accessport anymore does this mean it is uninstalled? I have a used accessport, it married to another ecu. October 2, 2022 by Carolina. I want to get a different Cobb Accessport. I would suggest that you go back to the dealer and tell them about it to unmarry your AP. That price can vary somewhat depending on whether the unit has PDK flashing ability or not and if you want to have the PDK option on the 006. How do I do that? ], how to unmarry cobb accessport without car - jude-cashett. That totals out to $667.50, or almost the price of a brand new AP3-MAZ-002 with a warranty. im looking at a v3 cobb accessport that is a sub 003 and i would want to switch it to a sub 001 how much would that cost? USED Accessport V3 Subaru WRX Guide 31 related questions found Cobb can unmarry an AP for 325 so add that to what people charge for used married APs and there isnt usually much value there. start the car. If not, visit this page for direction son how to update: https://www.cobbtuning.com/support/step-by-step-firmware-update-instructions/). Whether or not it will pass will also be dependent on the modifications done to the car and what issues are causing it to fail. I used AP3-004 for my 2018 WRX CVT, I sold this car last week and I bought the manul tyoe. [emailprotected]. Can I unmarry my Cobb accessport without the car? .nrfsm64031852acb45 { I have a COBB Accessport I bought at Mountune and was used for my 2016 Focus ST. What would it cost to have it relicensed for my 2015 Evo X? And unregistered? When i uploaded a 2019 map into the accessport using the accessport manager it showed me a warning that the car model in which on which the accessport was installed doesnt match even though the website says AP3-SUB-004 is compatible with all subaru models from 2015-2019. Now press Reset Options which will display with approximate five line message box asking if user would like load new or account defaults this must hit OK button apply back default mapping options. Yes, it is in need of a relicense. Once these documents are in hand, you can then go to your local Road Administration Office (Dopravn Inspektort) and present them along with your proof of ownership to register the vehicle. } I'm planning on selling it. I purchased a used accessport v3 from the previous owner of my 2006 mazdaspeed6. A forum community dedicated to Subaru Impreza and STI owners and enthusiasts. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey Jake, if an Accessport is still married to another vehicle you would need to have it relicensed before it can be installed onto your car. and how much would it cost. When you select the Uninstall option, it will automatically use the factory map as the uninstall file, you are not even given the option to choose a map. The first thing that you need to do is to connect the Cobb Accessport to your computer. The cost of a SUB-004 Accessport is $675. Should I be concerned? Simply visit cobbtuning.com and configure your vehicle at the top of the page and click view products. You will then see all compatible parts. display: block; 70% of that amount is $455. } The car may run OK for a while but it's basically a ticking time bomb. In this case, $367.50 to relicense the Mitsubishi AP. Apr 7, 2018. That is $472.50 in this case. .jfhqs64031852aca31 { display: block; It sounds like the Accessport may still be installed to the previous vehicle. Next select "Read from Device". As long as the firmware is up to date it will offer you the 2019 model year maps. In an effort to stretch the car budget a little further, its common to check out the used market.

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