Africa is bigger than China, India, the contiguous U.S. and most of Europecombined! New York > Maine population: 1.3 million (Azerbaijan: 9.9 million) > Ariz. population: 7.0 million (Israel: 8.7 million) Germany's area is approximately 137,847 square miles (or 357,022 square kilometers if you're German). Home to 1.4 million people, Hawaiis economy generated $79.5 billion in 2017, nearly the same as the GDP of Myanmar, a country with a population over 37 times that of Hawaii. Every day you run your business and every day politicians and bureaucrats in Tallahassee make decisions that impact it. - GDP equal to: Sweden ($556.1 billion) plus Nicaragua ($13.1 billion). In 2021 the population of Texas was about 29.53 million people which is roughly 8.8% of the total US population of 332 million people. GDP per capita: $33,558 (Angola: $3,414). Nebraska 2022 California US Senate. Even with all of its oil wealth, Saudi Arabia's GDP in 2018 at $683 billion was below the GDP of US states like Pennsylvania ($793 billion) and Illinois ($863 billion). GDP per capita: $48,170 (Singapore: $55,236). Four of America's states (California, Texas, New York and Florida . What about over the last month, ending Wednesday? - GDP equal to: Costa Rica ($60.1 billion) plus Tonga ($0.5 billion). Gross domestic product, or GDP, is the total value of goods and services a state or country produces over a given period. > Okla. GDP per capita: $48,569 (Kazakhstan: $10,868). > GDP: $463.6 billion While Florida is only slightly bigger than average when it comes to area, it has one of the largest populations of any state. ; Connecticut covers about 14,357 km 2 which makes it the third smallest state, of which 12,559 km 2 . Today, Norway is the seventh largest oil exporter in the world. Costa Rica sends out tons of precision instruments and prepared foods. > Nev. population: 3.0 million (Kuwait: 4.1 million) population: 869,666 (Libya: 6.4 million) Montana, home to just over 1 million people, has a $44.4 billion economy similar in size to the economy of Lebanon, a country of over 6 million people. > N.M. GDP per capita: $43,566 (Ecuador: $5,256). Subscribe to our free Stephinitely newsletter. > GDP: $546.5 billion You may also like: Best places to retire in every state, - 2018 state GDP: $532.9 billion Stacker distribution partners receive a license to all Stacker stories, - GDP higher than: 203 of 212 countries A significant portion of Florida is on a peninsula with a diverse collection of islands, marshes, springs, swamps, and hundreds of small lakes, rivers, and ponds. That increase is the equivalent of everyone in Largo plus half of Dunedin dying in about three months. Ohio Singapore has a highly developed economy and is a global financial hub. - 2018 state GDP: $50.3 billion Florida is the most populous of the southeastern states and the second most populous Southern state after Texas. Bermuda is heavily dependent on tourism for its GDP. In contrast, gases, oils, and fertilizers make up a strong portion of Qatars GDP. > Country w/ similar GDP: Singapore ($310.0 billion) > Country w/ similar GDP: Kazakhstan ($196.0 billion) Iowa is in the rare situation of low unemployment and not enough wage growth. Thanks in large part to its energy sector, Alaskas $52.3 billion GDP is closely aligned with that of Guatemala, a country with a population nearly 23 times that of Alaska. population: 6.7 million (Singapore: 5.6 million) Texas > Country w/ similar GDP: Hungary ($153.1 billion) On 7 August, the government announced a further 25 billion ($29.5bn) stimulus package which included plans to extend its furlough scheme for up to Peru is the 20th largest country in the world, with a total area of approximately The US economy is so big . storytelling. Massachusetts | Column. We've had - Florida's have fewer cases per capita than California. Shows like The Walking Dead have made the Peach State home, helping boost its GDP past tiny Liechtenstein, and Poland, which has the sixth largest economy in the European Union. - GDP higher than: 130 of 212 countries GDP per capita: $66,419 (Croatia: $15,322). Though Iraq is not often considered an economic powerhouse, it has a GDP of over $200 billion very similar to Oregons economic output. Tallahassee. Azerbaijans economy benefits from its oil reserves, but economic growth has been stifled in recent years by corruption. Suriname (163,820 km) Tunisia (163,610 km) Uruguay (181,034 km) Cambodia (181,035 km) Syria (185,180 km) Compared to Largest State. | Analysis. Like many other company websites, our website collects cookies to deliver the best user experience to you. Like Arizona, the country that has the closest GDP to Wisconsin is Israel. Haiti, which once specialized in sugar, is seeing its economy drastically decline. Indianas $321.1 billion economy is only slightly larger than Singapores $310.0 billion economy. Aluminum is one of Cameroons main industries, while Sao Tome and Principe is known for its cocoa bean industry. > Mich. population: 10.0 million (Argentina: 44.3 million) - GDP higher than: 182 of 212 countries > Idaho population: 1.7 million (Uzbekistan: 32.4 million) - 2018 state GDP: $114.8 billion > GDP: $70.6 billion The population and gross domestic product figures came from the United Nations, the International Monetary Fun and the Central Intelligence Agencys World Fact Book. - GDP equal to: United Kingdom ($2.9 trillion) plus Kuwait ($140.6 billion). - 2018 state GDP: $563.7 billion Both economies are largely focused on manufacturing more than 40% of Polands exports are manufactured goods like cars and computers. All data used to create the index came from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau. > Country w/ similar GDP: Croatia ($63.2 billion) State populations and employment concentration by industry came from the U.S. Census Bureaus 2017 American Community Survey. Select two states below to get started. Virgin Isl. Indian Ocean. 3. > Country w/ similar GDP: Slovenia ($53.0 billion) republish under a Creative Commons License, and we encourage you to The two also have similar population sizes 10.4 million in Georgia compared to 11.4 million in Belgium. Can you answer these real 'Jeopardy!' Outside of government and government enterprises, real estate and rental and leasing are major factors in Mississippis GDP. - GDP equal to: Myanmar ($71.2 billion) plus Central African Republic ($2.2 billion). Compared to Smallest State And inspired by reddit user irich, who made a hella interesting map to showcase the province's size, we decided to take our own look at just how big Ontario is and spoiler alert, it's MASSIVE. - GDP equal to: Turkey ($771.4 billion) plus Channel Islands ($11.5 billion). By GDP, however, the two are more closely matched. This Canadian province is so huge that most people who live there rarely see it all. Last decade, Cuba opened up its borders to more trade, but slowed oil trade with Venezuela is stagnating growth. There are a few guidelines and GDP per capita: $66,776 (Cte dIvoire: $1,626). More than 15% of Ohio workers are employed in the manufacturing sector compared to 10.1% of workers nationwide. > Country w/ similar GDP: Russian Federation ($1.7 trillion) Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 2:53 pm, Video shows Florida alligator easily blasting through a metal fence, Central Florida Fair is back in Orlando for a 111th year. The UK is 93,000 square miles and comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and . Florida is known for being one of the biggest states, but this reputation actually comes from the state's population, not its area. Kazakhstan stays afloat on strongholds in oil, iron, steel, and copper. Wyoming has a $38.7 billion economy, nearly the same size as the economy of Cote dIvoire, or the Ivory Coast, a nation in West Africa. > Conn. population: 3.6 million (Portugal: 10.3 million) One key contributor to Georgias economy is a growing film industry. Kentucky has a diverse economy, notable for whiskies, horse breeding, and a relatively new industry of antisera. - 2018 state GDP: $348.3 billion Alaska - 2018 state GDP: $3trillion A great tool for educators. This isnt a theoretical analysis, nor are we looking at something that happened years ago. > W.Va. GDP per capita: $38,860 (Oman: $16,144). - GDP equal to: Canada ($1.7 trillion) plus Sri Lanka ($88.9 billion). > Country w/ similar GDP: New Zealand ($181.5 billion) Tobacco, the auto industry, and aircraft industry, Best jobs that don't require a college degree, Countries with the most oil and who they're selling it to, Compared to the United States it is tiny. - State population (2019): 3.6 million - State population greater than: 86 of 216 countries. - GDP equal to: Sweden ($556.1 billion) plus Haiti ($9.7 billion). To determine the states with the best and worst economies, both in the years leading up to the pandemic and during it, 24/7 Wall St. created an index of five measures five-year economic growth, five-year employment growth, the poverty rate, unemployment rate, and share of adults with a bachelors degree or higher. > Tenn. GDP per capita: $46,925 (Singapore: $55,236). > Country w/ similar GDP: Lebanon ($43.2 billion) - GDP higher than: 177 of 212 countries Israels top export is diamonds, worth over $10 billion in 2017. Internal corruption and uncertainty in the European Union have similarly worsened Romanias economic outlook. > Maine GDP per capita: $41,619 (Azerbaijan: $5,805). About half of the countrys exports are petroleum. But what if Florida were a country? State leaders in Arizona are promising more education spending made possibleby economic growth that includes a $750 million surplus for the 2021 budget year. - GDP higher than: 192 of 212 countries > Country w/ similar GDP: Azerbaijan ($57.3 billion) Florida overtook Indonesia and Mexicos economies during the past year. > GDP: $74.4 billion It closely matches the GDP of Australia. - 2018 state GDP: $364.1 billion This analysis used COVID tracking data from the World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. > Alaska population: 739,795 (Guatemala: 16.9 million) You may also like: The most conservative public colleges in America, - 2018 state GDP: $93.8 billion > N.H. GDP per capita: $55,413 (Oman: $16,144). Three Cs: Cigarettes, coal, and copper are crucial to Montanas economic stability. That's roughly half of California's current COVID rate and less than a quarter of Vermont's. Hawaii (with nine cases for every 100,000 residents) is the only other state in . However, those stats may not give you a great idea of how Florida's girth actually compares to different countries, since size is often better understood visually. Florida is an outlier on this list in that its GDP per capita of $42,085 falls below the GDP per capita of the country with most similarly sized economy $53,598 in the Netherlands. 47 by population. > GDP: $323.3 billion Kansas Texas would be able to fit much of Florida's peculiar form inside the state outline if it was kind enough to let bits of Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama in for whatever reason. Scroll to read more Arts Stories + Interviews articles. Mississippi Partially as a result, the states economy contracted by 2.1% from the end of 2019 through the end of 2020. Want more of our free, weekly newslettersinyourinbox? > Country w/ similar GDP: Norway ($481.8 billion) For one, not every country reports COVID numbers the same way. More recent data out of the US suggests that gun ownership . Though Nebraska has a much smaller population than the Slovak Republic, its landmass is more than four times that of the European nation. One of the wealthiest states in the country, Massachusetts has a GDP per capita of $71,456. With a population of 21.5 million according to the 2020 census, Florida is the most populous state in the Southeastern United States, and the second-most populous state in the South behind Texas.

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