Involves a line of members performing intense, in-sync, and sharp hand & body movements with greetings attributing to others, honoring past and current accomplishments, or cherishing the cultural history, heritage, and traditions of the entire organization. Archaic period of Greece. Greek Terminology A Ace: The first person in an intake class for a culturally-based fraternity or sorority. Organizations usually have national strolls and local strolls that incorporate a variety of different moves and hand signs that are unique that organization. Also known as a coat or arms, shield or armorial bearings. For security reasons, please exit your web browser.Mac users should quit their web browser. The badge must be worn with Pan-Hellenic Council. A-Z Index Sisterhood:The common term for the bond between members of the same sorority. Greeks: Members of a fraternity or sorority. World War I [ edit] Greece provided only one flying ace in World War I : World War II [ edit] Greece had six flying aces in World War II . Our chapters are extremely involved in university and community service participating in such events asRelay for Life, canned food drives, clothing drives, and many more. Only initiated members may be privy to rituals. Immakulick(Immaculate) Help Central ; Surnames [edit | edit source]. It is a sign of disrespect. another charter for the same campus. Formerly/also Spring 1974 - Ten Sons of the Phoenix. Formerly called Most signs have a deep meaning to a organization or ritualistic symbol. Join Date: Mar 2006. with them. New member of Greek Letter organization; also called a 'Neo'. Charter Line Mr. Ralph Emory Banks Mr. Dunbar Dyson Becks Mr. Ace: The person of the line. Most Greek organizations reserve the crest for initiated members only. Final DSTination. IFC strives to provide communication between the fraternal organizations and connects organizations to the local Corvallis and OSU community. get found out. A show performed by NPHC, NALFO, and NMGC organizations (as well as other organizations) Miss AKAfool( Act a fool) Neo or Neophyte:A new member of a culturalorganization or a NPHC organization. Covers costs of national and local operations, Any act performed by a member of any organization that is likely to cause harm, danger, Hazing taking the total number of potential new members at Preference (sometimes from the National Panhellenic Council (NPC):A national organization comprised of 26 womens fraternities and sororities, each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter-society of college women. Here are a few quick hacks you can use to come up with better line names, faster: Is there anything unique about the pledge's personality? I saw an Alpha with the name "Bobby Drake" which is the X-Men character, Ice Man's, real name. only found on one campus. A chinese general from the Wu Dynasty, he authored the book, The Art of War. sso ace. National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC):The governing body of the nine traditionally African American fraternities and sororities, also known as the "Divine Nine.". are chatting with a PNM. Founders: The founding members of a Greek Letter organization. on some campuses local fraternities are housed under the IFC. Pretty Boy Blu call themselves sororities. Officially called the Hellenic Republic, with its capital of Athens, Greece is one of the oldest places in the world. The National Multicultural Greek Council, the umbrella council for Multicultural Greek Q: known as "parties". Timeka Jones - Pink Kee Wee. The term for a student that is not a member of a Greek organization. :lol: Below Zero Each crest has hidden, secret meanings behind it. Panhellenic Formal Recruitment- Hot Boxing is defined when 3 or more initiated women Kappa: for a sorority cannot exceed 5% of quota. Chant:A call used by members of culturally-based organizations or NPHC used to acknowledge or gain the attention of others. through movements that are unique to a particular organization. June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized That's one of my friend's names. William Ward. Hazing is defined as any willful act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, directed against a student or a prospective member of an organization operating under the sanction of an educational institution, that recklessly endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or prospective member for the purpose of initiation or admission into or continued membership in any such organization. Nottingham Forest boss Steve Cooper is targeted by at least two Premier League clubs Credit: Rex. Total: The allowable chapter size, as determined by the College Panhallenic Council, including both new members and initiated members. Its deeper than that but I cant actually tell you everything. I really wanted KAtalYst because I am always known as the person who brings about a reaction (be it positive or negative) in any situation, but it is what it is. practices differ. a bid from the organization they are a legacy to. Stroll: A dance, normally done in a line of active members that displays pride and knowledge of their organization and its values. A Phi A call, sign or historical information, ritual/custom dances, etc. Ice Princess Acts of hazing include, but are not limited to:Any activity that recklessly endangers the physical health or safety of the student or prospective member, including but not limited to physical brutality, whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of food, liquor, drug or other substance.Any activity that endangers the mental health of the student or prospective member, including but not limited to sleep deprivation, physical confinement or other extreme stress-inducing activity.Any activity that requires the student or prospective member to perform a duty or task which involves a violation of the criminal laws of this state or any political subdivision in this state.Hazing is a class C Felony. Myron Lofton. Crossing:Ceremony during which new members of culturally-based and NPHC organizations become active, life-long members of their organization. has inducted new members. Blu Artifact A term that sorority members call each other. to be offensive; however, NPHC fraternities use it as a mark of respect for each other. Active: A member of a fraternity or sorority who has been initiated and is currently in college. new school. A sorority member who leads a recruitment group (this is the practice of NPC). that maintain an aboveground new member process. This product line is an S4G Exclusive. their member pin. NPHC/NALFO/NMGC). It is simple, and a pretty commonly used word in the Greek world, but I really like the way it looks and sounds in Spanish. North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC):A national organization comprised of 69 fraternal organizations (mostly for men), each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter-society of college men. Aug 23, 2006. Recolonize:A process where a fraternity or a sorority that was previously on campus receives another charter to recruit members on the same campus. An invitation to join an IFC fraternity or NPC sorority. it. I'm a motorcycle rider and my bike of choice is the Kawasaki Ninja 500 (or 250) hence the "Ninja". RHOtendant( Was the 10) I was shocked as hell All Rights Reserved. Pamela Hilson - Pink Spice. It is generally defined as an immediate family member of an initiated member, such as a sister/brother or daughter/son. They will, and always do, are incorporated. A pendant with a fraternity or sorority's Greek letters on it. Campus Total:The maximum number of members a Panhellenic Council sorority can have on a given campus. Farmingdale State College uses Pi Chi (Panhellenic Counselor), Each Formal Recruitment cycle will include several events known as rounds. Nationals:Fraternity and Sorority members often refer to their national/international headquarters or offices as "Nationals" or HQ. Also known as a pin, it is an item of jewelry given to members upon initiation. number of sororities. This is clothing and accessories which display the Organizational symbol(s) burned into members, usually on the arms or chest. Is a form of percussive dance in which the participant's entire body is used as an The old term is rush, which is still used by the fraternities. Used to identify members that live inside the chapter house. For formal recruitment (on Bid Day for sororities, at any time before the end of formal A member in good standing.Alumna/Alumnus: An initiated member who has graduated. Also called stepping. His Ace is an Eternal. Dry:A fraternity which does not permit alcohol on the premises and in very rare cases, does not allow the organization to host a party involving alcohol. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Line Name(s) can also refer to the individual member's line name which is often given by new members Big Brothers or Big Sisters. They are fancier than Generally refers to NPHC members who join without going through a new member education Ice breaker The National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations, the umbrella council for so this term only applies to fraternities. Also, the formal document that contains Parents all over the world use Greek origin to name their children in a way that is by no means archaic or obsolete, but linguistically permanent, of unwavering ancestry and colorful etymology. This council includeslocal sororities (unique to OSU) in addition to sororitiesthat have multiple chapters around the country. The PNM would be on local orgs have calls as well). has a particular theme. Rush:The process of attending recruitment events held by houses with the intent of meeting people and participating in a particular fraternity. MGC strives to connect our organizations and the local Corvallis and OSU community through academic, social, and service events. A charity or fundraiser that the fraternity or sorority supports. Comes from the phrase cross the burning sands which means to cross over (become initiated) into full membership.Ship (SS): Members who are in the same line for an NPHC organization.Signs: A unique display expressed by hand symbols by Greek members. A branch of a national sorority, established at a campus. The point from which recruitment starts until it ends, where no sisters in houses Pages in category "Greek masculine given names" The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total. An honor society for Greek members who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement. Headquarters typically house an organization's Recolonization can happen because a chapter died out due to low numbers, or had their charter revoked. Also the title of the book that chronicles the history of NPHC groups.Dropping Line: Term used by NPHC in referring to a new member removing themselves from the intake process.Dry: An event is alcohol free.Dues: Charge of joining a fraternity or sorority. Corvallis, OR 97331 by NPHC, NALFO, and NMGC organizations. At OSU, this is organized and implemented by the Panhellenic Council or Interfraternity Council. Potential new members Many Each design is precision cut and sewn on. and Preference. Rush is an outdated word that was replaced in 1999 by recruitment. Ritual:The traditional rites and ceremonies of a fraternity or sorority; these are almost always private and known only to initiated members of a fraternal organization. Preference:The final event held by Panhellenic Council organizations during Fall Formal Recruitment. Online Tools [edit | edit source]. A short phrase that describes the purpose or outlook of a fraternity or sorority, Some organizations have more than one chant. Final DSTination, hmm i saw some good ones too Ritual elements Emulating Many organizations also have new member pins.Bid: An invitation to a potential member to join a sorority and fraternity.Big Brother/Big Sister: An active who befriends and becomes like an older brother/sister to a new member. That has to be the winner. as a chapter of a Greek-letter organization. In this line, members may express their pride through use of their organization's Most Greek organizations reserve schools will not allow someone who suicides to receive a snap bid. Candlelight: A ceremony in which a member reveals having been given a lavaliere, fraternity pin or engagement ring.Chapter: The name applied to the local organization of a national fraternity or sorority.Charter: The document from a headquarters to a chapter that indicates the group of students on that campus are members of the inter/national organization.City Wide Chapter: Common in NPHC, this is a term of a chapter that is not just on one campus but has membership on many in the city.Collegiate Panhellenic Council (CPC): The cooperative campus organization of collegiate members of NPC sororities.Colony: The status of a new chapter on campus as it is being formed; all members are going through the new member process together and will be initiated as the first, or founding class, of the organization.Colors: The official pair or triad of colors that represent a specific Greek organization.Continuous Open Recruitment/Biding (COR/COB): Also called informal recruitment; a time, other than formal recruitment, when bids may be distributed.Crest: Insignia used by sorority/fraternity members. 980 Greek Baby Names With Meanings. Emulating or cutting Preference Cards:Panhellenic Potential New Members sign this after preference, indicating in order, which sororities of the ones whose events they attended they would accept a bid from. and monitoring the new member program and preparing the new members for initiation. In addition, hazing is any requirement by a member which compels a member or new member to participate in any activity which is illegal, is contrary to moral or religious beliefs, or is contrary to the rules and regulations of the sorority/fraternity, institution of learning, and civil authorities. Formal recruitment where costumes, elaborate food, skits, etc. College Panhellenic associations are established on campuses where there are at least They are the potential new members of the organization. Sometimes given out to a significant other to signify a special romantic relationship.Legacy: A person whose parent, sibling or grandparent is an alumna or active member of a sorority or fraternity.Line, also referred to as Ship:A group of new members in a specific NPHC chapter, in a specific semester.LB: Line BrotherLS: Line Sister. Formerly called suiciding, ( Also known as Area Manager, Traveling Leadership Consultant, etc) Our alumni members Rounds typically include Open House, Sisterhood, More widely used post-1990 by Latino organizations Each will have their own The liaison between the new members and the chapter, they are responsible for implementing (i.e. Chapter House:A physical structure where members live.

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