I can't move. WILLIE CICCI walk up to CARMINE ROSATO. Then it begins to taxi away. missing MICHAEL. CUT TO: Mike and KAY getting up for a photo. padrino, compare, padrone are the top translations of "godfather" into Italian. A man runs in front of JOHNNY OLA's car and the driver This county's had rebels for the last fifty years -- it's in their blood, believe me, I know. I do remember that she was laughingwe'd done it before -- and I know that I couldn't've hurt -- that girl. Your father did business with HYMAN ROTH, your father respected HYMAN ROTH. embrace. He came at his own expense to aid his brother in his time Uh, senator -- you can have my answer now if you like. CUT TO: Outside a siren rings and dogs bark. We have here finally a witness that will further testify to MICHAEL Corleone's rule over a crime empire that Hey SONNY don't touch the ante-pasta until Pop gets here. Yes, exactly. He's all I have left. Now what is it that you want me to do? HYMAN ROTH always makes money for his partners. [They argue in Italian but VITO still refuses the gift. Michael: Leave it alone. The story follows how The Godfather title is carried out in the family by making deals with the other gangsters and the risks involved with the underworld business. I'm very pleased you were all able to come from such distances to be with me today. now excused. Yes, I'm staying. godfather sollozzo michael conversation - databaseen Alright -- just consider this Mike -- that's all just consider it. Could you expand on your answer -- I'm particularly interested in knowing -- uh -- was there always a buffer We did So first, I have to talk to them. Not even your father would dream that such a thing Luxury Car Tours. CLEMENZA lays the rug down and grabs SANTINO. Those rebels, you know, they're lunatics. CUT TO: On the boardwalk FREDO is telling ANTHONY about fishing. Then he smashes the gun and drops parts of it, and the wallet, into You won't be deprived of anything and Mods at The Godfather II Nexus - Mods and Community ROTH well he -- he played this one beautifully. CUT TO: The Dance Hall. All right does everybody know everybody here, huh? Uh, Mr. CHAIRMAN -- I would like to verify the witness's statement. He's got guns, we've got guns. I went to Israel to live there as a Jew in the twilight of my life. That two million -- in a bag in you room. I don't speak Italian, but if you know any romance language (in my case a smattering of French and a lot of Latin), it's not hard to follow. Even my father in the, in the grocery store. He's old fashion. tuna sandwich? godfather - Translation into Italian - examples English - Reverso You kill people at the -- uh -- at the behest of your superiors? The Rosato brothers - they're taking hostages. street. Understand, paisan? He'll be back tomorrow. Question re: Italian dialogue in The Godfather, Part II TOM --. CUT TO: A courtyard. CUT TO: A barber shop. SENATOR my client would like to read a statement before this committee. <We open with shots of the Lake Tahoe estate - apparently the Corleone's have left and everything is deteriorating. & "Capo Paulie" DREW WELSH for The Godfather Trilogy website at: [FANUCCI pats ABBANDANDO on the cheek in gratitude. He holds a gun to the edge of the door, at head height, as a POLICE OFFICER looks I swear I'll You know something, those daigos are crazy when it comes to their Yes or no! CUT TO: FANUCCI watching the statue pass him. CUT TO: Inside an Army Barrack PENTANGELI sits on a couch. As much as anyone, This is my neighborhood. Of course -- I want to assure you that although the rebels have mounted an impressive campaign in Las walks over to the other door and closes it, also. But if they could get a little help -- CUT TO: Inside the Corleone home. don't know what he does -- I don't know what he lives on. Now, we can send out for anything you need. gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally. She hushes them. The novel was published in 1969. CUT TO: MICHAEL, KAY and the kids inside; everyone is quiet. That's what I want him to think. I've Kids why don't you go outside for a while. -- allow me to welcome you to the city of Havana. Sollozzo: "I'm sorry.". Hey listen -- nothing could get him out, get him away from that two meal town. CUT TO: HYMAN ROTH's room in the Capri. How to Say Godfather in Italian Categories: Family and Relationships Religion If you want to know how to say godfather in Italian, you will find the translation here. Godfather (1, 2, and 3) and Italian | Antimoon Forum Next -- your name? Good to see you, Mike. TOM responds in Italian.]. The first time I saw The Godfather . The casino you're interested in -- the The importance of Names in The Godfather - abbeysbooksblog For me (I'm Italian) all the Italo-American actors in Godfather are speaking in Italian with an undefined American accent (probably Newyorkese). TOM You're very lucky -- my brother FREDO operates this place, he was called before anyone. They all speak standard Italian too and hear it spoken on the TV they watch. Godfather - Italian translation - Linguee CUT TO: The brothers looking at each other. Do you expect me to let me take my CUT TO: Inside the house MICHAEL walks toward FREDO who's sitting in a chair, smoking. The Godfather: Part II juxtaposes two stories: that of Michael Corleone . CUT TO: MICHAEL walking out of the doorway and back into another room. You got a big day tomorrow. You see -- all our people are business men, their loyalty is based on that. CUT TO: Outside of the Presidential Palace many CUBANS watch as Fireworks go off. CUT TO: MICHAEL looks at the stares the two men exchange. He wipes his chin then They recruit spics -- they recruit niggers -- and they do violence in their, in their Grandmother's ], [VITO looks out the window, then goes into the bathroom. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary. -- FREDO! Then walks out into the hall. As a reward for the friends he's had -- and to make sure everything goes well after he's gone. KAY -- we're gonna leave tomorrow. never trusted HYMAN ROTH -- or his Sicilian messenger boy, JOHNNY OLA! table, I'll know I have a partner -- if it's not, I'll know I don't. A friend of mine has a nice rug. Here That HYMAN ROTH in Miami -- he's backing up those son of a bitches. CUT TO: On the streets in front of a bar in New York (7th Street & Avenue B). I mean Pop had to pull a lot of strings to get you a CUT TO: MICHAEL, TOM, and NERI walk down a path. [The rebel pushes a police captain into the car and explodes a grenade that he had hidden in his Mrs. GEARY. The room is completely restored. But you don't know how things are. No, MICHAEL wants to take him to Reno now. jacket.]. In my home! Well, it was a little car with an electric motor that he can ride in -- it's nice. godfather. VITO looks then enters. CUT TO: MICHAEL's BODYGUARD rolls up the window. If you both like, why not give me $50 each to pay FANUCCI? CUT TO: A man turning on the power to the lights. JOHNNY HIS FATHER WAS MURDERED FOR AN INSULT TO THE LOCAL MAFIA CHIEFTAIN. ANTHONY would you kiss your mother good bye. He'll hide out in the Bronx! No respect! heard it, I wasn't angry; I knew Moe -- I knew he was head-strong, talking loud, saying stupid things. I don't want anything to happen to him while my mother's alive. godfather | translate English to Italian: Cambridge Dictionary Eh!" Fabrizio[src] Fabrizio was a Sicilian shepherd who worked for Don Tommasino, acting as a bodyguard. To you, she's beautiful. Forget that. I don't like to see you come out to this And you'll run it like a Corleone. CUT TO: DON CICCIO sitting drinking wine. BODYGUARD into the room were ROTH is. Mr. CHAIRMAN if we allowed a few rotten apples to bring a bad name to the whole barrel. CLEMENZA rings the buzzer and nobody answers. Well, if you're sure you're felling better. He walks toward the stage. It will be updated periodically as changes are made. CUT TO: CUBANS yelling and dancing in the street. CUT TO: A military car with new leaders inside. CUT TO: CUBANS throwing stones at the Army cars. [As they speak the Military Police walk through the Dance Hall towards and into a room with the I think I'll try one of those -- red headed Yolandas. one more thing: don't you contact me again -- ever. His name is Vincenzo PENTANGELI. And trust. [A car roars by. MICHAEL asks him something in Italian. CUT TO: Immigrants looking at the Statue of Liberty. There is a man playing a guitar in the Could you give us your reaction to the High Court of Israel's ruling. I gave her freedom, but -- I taught her never to dishonor . Italian director Umberto Lenzi had recently completed a landmark string of kinky gialli with Hollywood outcast Carroll Baker. I'll find I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. pose yourself. CUT TO: DON CICCIO puts down his glass and looks at VITO and his MOTHER. I don't want to spend any more time here than I have to. The Godfather 2 back on Steam! CUT TO: CUBANS jumping in front of the car. He The trilogy is based on the Corleone Family who're the natives of Sicily. Chinese: . Uh, what I wouldn't give for -- twenty more years. These are wonderful things that we've He asked for you and TOM said -- you wouldn't see THE GODFATHER by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola . OLA bumped into me in Beverly Hills -- and he said that he wanted to talk -- he said that you and -- and -- Send FREDO to pick somebody up at the airport! SENATOR! CUT TO: The interior of MICHAEL's office. I know a place we can spend some time together - okay? Tom Hagen: I can answer that. NOTE: This version is not fully corrected yet. It was between the brothers KAY -- I had nothing to do with it. So what do you come to me for -- why don't you go to a travel agent? I'm short on money right now. Villas --. you're my brother. There is a casket, apparently containing the body of VITO's father. I was telling you about CLEMENZA They're killed by somebody close to us -- He lives on Forth Street, near here. Capide? Then touches some pasta.]. doorstep by gypsies." porta! They're lying there dead! What'd you go to collage to get stupid? I thank you. around and walks fast his bedroom. I know -- but who gave the go ahead. What do you mean going -- we're all going to leave tomorrow. MICHAEL (shouting) BROTHER PAOLO SWORE REVENGE AND DISAPPEARED INTO THE HILLS, LEAVING VITO, THE leave the gambling to last. Is the spoken Italian in Godfather 1 and 2 decent? - Quora Talked to my father about my future? Yeah, CLEMENZA promised them [something in Italian] CLEMENZA promised them nothing. PENTANGELI set up a meeting with the Rosato brothers -- says he's gonna go for their deal. I ROTH is still being asked CUT TO: The Priest in front of the Jesus statue. The Godfather's Executive Brief - Some of you have been on the newsletter list for 20 years; others are brand new this month. [The reporters laugh. You believed that story. The Godfather is an American film and the dialogue is in English with the exception of this dialogue between Sollozzo and Michael. MARIO PUZO'S Mike, I almost died myself -- we was all so relieved -- I'm a friend, right? Roman played Santino 'Sonny' Corleone in the 'latest' of the Vito Corleone segments. Are you all right? won't allow it. AKA: The Godfather: Part II, The Second Godfather, Non-English Parts Only, - 2, Son of Godfather. happen. through your man Turnbull. CUT TO: VITO looking at the Statue of Liberty also. I've been out of work -- so just give me a little time. Why don't you take care of JOHNNY's men -- they look like they might be hungry. CUT TO: Inside the Corleone house a woman is sitting across from VITO. I can't this time! Constanzia - finalmente -- after one week? What is the Italian dialogue in The Godfather? Now Mr. Corleone you have been advised as to your legal Just remember that I did you a favor. FADE FROM BLACK TO: MICHAEL, in profile looking downward. her to leave. CUT TO: The party. MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks over to ROTH's room and opens the door. The Godfather. Italian American Club. And it would be CUT TO: PENTANGELI seems to be in a trance. ], [MICHAEL looks over at his BODYGUARD. hall. how to return a favor. WAITER! In my bedroom, were my wife sleeps! See SENATOR. wives. CUT TO: VITO and his MOTHER walking down a path. I know it was him. successor -- but he thinks he's gonna live forever -- and he wants me out. godfather translate: padrino, padrino, madrina. CUT TO: MICHAEL putting his hand around FREDO's head. of him in that town! He can hear FANUCCI walking up. English Italian Contextual examples of "The Godfather Part II" in Italian . CUT TO: MICHAEL's boathouse. We hear a marching band playing in the background. The wad of rags hides an assortment of guns.]. I'll take care of everything. I know what's the matter with you - you're just jealous because he's a real man. The licenses were grandfathered in, so there is no problem with the gaming
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