As time progresses through AIT, Soldiers will be granted more privileges including an overnight pass for the weekend. War is not for the weak. Tax-free. I was a lean, mean fighting machine. Check in at Building 592, 3325 William Hardee Road, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas 78234 back to top Well, what did you think? Still would like to connect with Jan Cole. Anything from small groups to several greyhound buses. The more lives Army medics save, the more Soldiers they can keep in the fight during future near-peer conflicts. 68 CMF Courses. Probably saved my life. . I have lost touch with him. Dependents must have the Sponsor complete DD Form 1172 online and the electronic renewal application or attached copy; the sponsor must certify DD Form 1172 with an electronic signature. Just like Basic Training, AIT progressively allows trainees more and more privileges, such as being able to leave post on the weekends, making personal phone calls, or having more personal time. Good Luck, and hope this helps. The Fort Sam Houston is a well-known Army Installation. Bedford. Fort Eustis, located in Newport News, Virginia, was established in 1918, and has served a number of purposes, including an Army training facility for artillery and artillery observation, a prison, and a work camp. I also processed week-end warriors (Reserves and National Guard troops), in summer, 1967, who were assigned to Ft. Polk for their summer training. Army AIT, or Advanced Individual Training, is mandatory for new recruits after completing Basic Combat Training (BCT). Ahhh beautiful Fort Sam, i graduated AIT as a medic there luckily right before covid hit. The post encompasses approximately 198,000 acres. 2080 Wilson Way JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234-5004 Unescorted Installation Access Procedures Visitors (family, friends, etc.) The significant contributions of Fort Sam Houston to the United States were recognized in 1975 when the post was designated as a National Historic Landmark. Unlike today, troop numbers seemed to depend upon enlisted & draftees to a much greater degree than reservists. 6). Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Did a lot of out processing of basic and AIT units. Those eligible should visit or call 210-916-9900 to book an appointment or for more information. 2. Joe was a real nice and funny guy. I was at Fort Polk in June July and August 1966. Mar 3, 2008. Address. Learn more. The name is given in the memory of the first president of Texas, Sam Houston. (n.d.) 2080 Wilson Way Arden, D. (2018, March 29). He got sick after three week . An OSUT POI could really streamline the training process and ensure an extremely high post-school house product so that medics are at the top of their game before arriving to their unit or a battlefield. Spc. It lasts seven weeks making it one of the shortest training periods for a medical-related MOS. My mother and father are now deceased and they had so many questions that never got answered. You wont see much of fort sill to be honest, other than family day or graduation. Proud to have been sent there. Soldiers are not required to get the COVID vaccine. Save Page Now. She trained me how to do my job, and was always so supportive, as I learned. 63 my dad was a drill sgt here roger burdette wish someone had some pics of him think he was there in 1967-68 and later. When someone would ask where did you go for AIT? When you responded Fort Polk, there was always some kind of crazy comment. Stay connected from room to room, building to building and base to baseseamlessly! Three, we ran to almost every training area. I work for the DAV 1 day a week driving vets to their medical appointments at the Lebanon VA Hospital in PA. Please send the Unescorted Access Request form to the VC a government email account. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. [8]:20 The post was formally named Fort Sam Houston on September 11, 1890. BAMC/I-35: 24/7 One of the skills tested is making and using an improvised chest seal that is seen on puncture injuries to the upper torso. I too have served my country well 17 yrs; 6 mths. Did 10 months and 5 days and went home wounded. Later in years after going to VietNam Infantry 11Bravo Grunt discharge from Army restarting my life marriage kids, job, kids college, divorce, now 67 yrs young. There are more rocks and trees to give you cover on the ground than there are in the sky. This group is not for the soldiers training there. Call 311, Option 8 Collective Bargaining Known as the brain trust for the Army Medical Department, the Army Medical Department Center and School annually trains more than 25,000 students attending 170 officer, NCO and enlisted courses in 14 medical specialties. Your access to this service has been limited. Note: Event attendees must bring a valid proofing document (see any attached trifold for a list of proofing documents) and enter only at the approved ECP the day of the event. Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1975, Fort Sam Houston stands as one of the Army's most historic posts, continuing to serve the nation and world. Thank you for your service. The installation's missions include serving as the command headquarters for the Fourth United States Army, United States Army North . I remember that Fort Polk was called Little Vietnam and Tigerland. Gen. Christopher Augur. Go to the website and contact the webmaster. Hope your duty was better. MEDCoE plans to host an open graduation pilot ceremony as early as mid-June. Bravo Blackhawks! Private Sparno, the fact is I still remember the sharp, hot, burning shrapnel, frags, on my hands and arms. i was in ft.polk in 1971 turn 18 peeling potatoes . We were trained in Infantry and the 81mm mortar in AIT. Assigned to the Americal Division 196th Light Infantry Brigade; A company-3bn-21st infantry. . His Name was Wiley Clark. _at_forefront_of_soldier_lethality, Kimmons, S. ( 2018, June 29). Contact me at if you have any insights on the use of agent orange at Polk. An OSUT can easily be taught with a mixture of civilian and military instructors in order to keep the academic level high enough to consistently pass the NREMT, and also sharpen the Soldiers in other important areas such as leadership and advanced combat skills. (2018, December 7). Posted On 7, 2022. Advanced individual training is where you will learn the skills needed to perform a specific Army job, such as artillery or engineering. Active duty service members, retirees and their dependents (18 years or older), and civil service employees can sponsor (one day) large events, parties, and/or meetings with an Entry Authorization List, or EAL, by completing three steps: 1. On Jan. 23, 1973, Secretary of State Henry Kissingers negotiated settlement to the hostilities took effect. Another person, whom you might remember, and worked in our office, was a civilian worker named Viginia M. Walker. Daddy also worked with G3 and Land management on Fort Polk. Landed in Vietnam on August 19th. . I was wounded 02/71 on a patrol working off LZ CENTER. I was then shipped back to the recruit reception station at south fork and assigned to the transfer post, on job, personnel records specialist, Company A, Special Troops. He attended Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and completed Combat Medical Specialist Military Occupational Skills Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. A Sergeant woke us up about 4:00 am. In those days, Polk was as rough as anything the Marines handed out. I took basic training in south fork under Sgt. I would like to say however that I wish I would have known him. This page is for families and friends of soldiers training in all 68 series MOS (enlisted medical professions) at . At graduation on June 6, 1967, I received my new orders. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance. I remember, I was in Genes training company. Please contact me Are you From New York? Virginia was a really wonderful older woman, who really cared for the Army personnel who worked in her office. Would like to hear from anyone who took Basic at Polk starting March 1968. LZ Center. My guess would be in 1970? JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas -Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE) attend refresher training while in . Entry will not be authorized without prior notification and escort assignment. now and then I wonder what could have been with the move to DaNang and being for the most part base guard. Many of us hopped on busses to Dallas Love Field to catch airplanes home. . I guess you could call them the barracks of the 1940s. To answer some of your questions: -no there is no over night passes here. Retrieved from, Gatchell, B. First year alot came from cook county Chicago 2nd year it flipped and they were from Orange county LA. When I took Basic Training and AIT at Ft. Polk from July 71-Novenmber 71. Take care. I met some really gorgeous women there, too. My biggest memory of working in that office was when a levy report came down from Washington, that listed those who were going to be sent to Vietnam. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. For graduation pass requests, email. [4] Was in the rice patties in Vietnam on August 19th of 71 and wounded in February of 72. 1909. It is home to 502d Air Base Wing, U.S. Army North, U.S. Army South, the Army Medical Department, Army Regional Health Command Central, Brooke Army Medical Center, U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence, Navy Regional Recruiting, and the Medical Education and Training Campus, which graduates over 16,500 students from 49 medical programs annually. Went to Vietnam in 71-72 and had an awful tour with the Americal Division in Chu Lai and then Danang. As of 2011, Fort Sam Houston is the largest and most important military medical training facility in the world. Off to Vietnam Jan 1969 assigned to 9th Regiment 25th ID. Army Gen. Brown returns to the field using a physical therapy regimen after 12 knee surgeries. This situation is no different from Holiday Block Leave, he explained. If AO was used at Fort Pork I would like to know about it. Fort Polk began as a base for the Louisiana Maneuvers in the 1940s. Sheppard Air Force Base. (MOS 68G) Summary: Patient Administration Specialist AIT takes place at Fort Sam Houston. US Army North Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis 1945 Dragon Valley Road, Bldg 199 Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-7800 Phone: (210) 221-1719 Fax: (210) 221-9560. Retrieved from I would suggest waiting a week or 2 after getting your privilege to do that because your sergeants will most likely be at the gates the first weekend to catch people trying to do that. I was also was assigned to Company A, Special Troops. Surveillance & Smart Home Electr Smart Speakers, Hubs & Accessori. I think my dad was there around the same time you were. 870-318-5404 In basic training we separated the NG personnel by regions where they lived in the US. In the spring of 1976, the Infantry Training Center at Fort Polk closed its doors and ceased operations. I would not have thought that Tigerland was still open for business at that time in the Vietnam War. I was fortunate to qualify number one in the Battalion on the M-16 and was called to the stage at the graduation awards ceremony to receive a prize from the CO. It no longer made a difference to me that there were no partitions between the toilets. Gen. Billy Mitchell was posted there after being demoted to colonel for disobeying orders. Contact Us 3051 Garden Avenue Suite 159 Bldg. Never will forget Fort Polk and so will anyone that been there. It is a God awful reality at 68 years of age. I have a family member going through AIT at Fort Sam and this was an opportunity to visit her. My job was in the Adjutant Generals office in Building 317, as well. Fort Sam Houston was formally named for Gen. Sam Houston, the hero of the battle of San Jacinto and the first president of the Republic of Texas in 1890. At the end of World War II, the Army decided to make Fort Sam Houston the principal medical training facility. I was at Fort Polk in the summer of 71 I had basic and a it there .we came from Newark New Jersey and was suppose to fly out to fort Polk but the flight was cancelled so they took us to the holiday Inn hotel that night and we flew out the next day .I was like one of the last people to be drafted in the army .I enjoyed being there I was in the best shape of my life .after ait I was going to lpc school but my grandfather died so I went home .when I got back I still had my orders for Vietnam and I wanted to go because my brother and my brother-in-law was already there so I signed up to go .however we were holdovers for 10 days and ended up going to Erlangen Germany .I really didnt want to go there I wanted to fight . Then Vietnam. I remember a Drill Sargent named Harris & a 2nd LT from NY, but cant remember his name. LOL. It was originally a supply depot. Fort Polk changed from a Continental Army Command (CONARC) post in July 1975 and became a Forces Command (FORSCOM) member. Stationed at Fort Polk from 11/65 to 11/67. You might try them. NO B.S. Stanley Road Building #2263 JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX, United States 78234-0000. need to know the same thing ,if any knows please contact me at thank you, Wonder how long they did that? At AIT you will have any electronic you want in your room. Any help would be immensely appreciated. To fill out the DD Form 1172, access the DMDC website at, For more information, call the JBSA-Fort Sam Houston DEERS Office at 210-221-0415, JBSA Security Forces install base access kiosks to enhance social distancing efforts, The 502nd Security Forces Group has installed new kiosks that will further reduce the health risks during customer check-in when requesting base access. The 68W Combat Medic Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is the second largest in the Army. Upon graduating from TIGERLAND one of two duty stations were assigned. I was drafted in Sep 1969 and quickly found myself in a basic training company(C-1-2) at Ft. Polk, LA. Then, after basic back to Tigerland. Received Letter of accommodation from CO and was promoted to PFC there. I went to, and got involved in the First Baptist Church in Leesville, and met some really great people who lived in Leesville and the surrounding area. Because Shaefer enlisted in the split-ops program, she has returned home to complete the nursing program at Vincennes University-Jasper Campus. They learn how to patrol in military operations in urban terrain training and how to transport multiple casualties hundreds of meters over different terrain using litters. Summary: Patient Administration Specialist AIT takes place at Fort Sam Houston. LeMaster said there is risk in allowing people from across America to have contact with Soldiers while there is still some risk of infection. They bused us to Fort Polk and upon arrival low crawled us about one half block to our company. Fort Sam Houston is known as the "Home of Army Medicine" and "Home of the Combat Medic." My biggest memory of my 18 months there, was the town of Leesville. If all goes well, expect most graduations to resume by mid-July. It would have been our last or next to last patrol before being moved to DaNang. Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; MLK Campus 1801 Martin Luther King Drive San Antonio, Texas 78203. In 1967, after AIT at Fort Sam Houston, Texas,I went back to Fort Polk, and worked in the Adjutant General building in the Personnel Records Branch. Because of the nature of the OCR technology, sometimes the language can appear to be nonsensical. Updated Feb. 28, 2022 He also retired at Fort Polk from the 12th Cav, 5th Infantry Division. Hill 270, 350, Maude, the ridge line and others I cant recall. where government does not interfere with him, where no class privileges exist, and where, from the day of his landing, he stands on a footing of absolute equality with the natives. Wounded Aug 1969 and DEROSed Jan 1970. The graduation percentage might increase if an OSUT model was used. Drafted April 70/ did basic at Ft Knox then shipped to Ft Polk Tiger Land for another 8 weeks AIT(July-Aug). Anyway good luck in your search. Tel: (210) 221-9274. Came out of Basic an E2 was that normal? I was there until Oct. 1968, when I was REFRAD. He never made it to Vietnam and never made it back home. In conjunction with this decision came the determination to develop Brooke General Hospital into one of the Army's premier medical centers. My father and I watched the NVA storm the airbase at Danang after I was back in the world on TV and we both cried. (n.d.). This has led to significant changes throughout the Army to include testing and implementing new ways to measure and improve physical requirements throughout the force. . ebt declined reason 99; virtual seating golden state warriors; recurring staph infection in nose; do you get your phone in ait fort sam houston. [8]:1315 Edward Braden Construction Co. won the contract to build the post on 7 June 1876, for $83,900. Dix was my Platoon Sgt. Civilians, dependents, and active duty members need to be fully aware of their IDs expiration date and schedule renewal appointments prior to its termination date. Taught at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, the program will provide flight medics with additional paramedic and critical care training and certifications."A paramedic provides a higher level of care," said Army Master Sgt. My initial boss was CW2 Paul Brewer, and later was 1LT. Its nice to meet someone who, although not at the same time, lived in my same company, and worked in the same building as I did. Go big or go home (in a body bag). Just instant awesome. Arrived at Ft. Polk Jan. of 68, 9 weeks of AIT at Tigerland, remained at Ft. Polk and went through a 4 week course at Ft. Polk Academy,Drill Corporal Course,[ I cannot find anything about that course or the pocket patch issued after graduating, wish I could ] Later in 68 I re entered the Academy and became a Drill Sgt.I returned to the North Fort in a BCT Co. D-3-2 and finished my tour there. Our personnel have proven that they know the right things to do to keep themselves, each other and our communities safe, LeMaster said.