* Yi Sun-sin The downside of Leonidas seems to be his specialty, which increases ground attack mainly. In-City Ranged Attack Increase: +76% (+107% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), In-City Siege Attack Increase: +66% (+97% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), In-City Mounted Attack Increase: +15% (+21% w/ All Troop Attack Increase). The largest seaport of Europe, Rotterdam is situated on the North Sea coast. Thanks always. If the balance goes to equal numbers of ranged and siege, the choice would be different? For details, refer to the following article. The cheese warehouses keep the memory of our colorful, fragrant past alive. Therefore, as Lord Seth X said, the debuff skill that Gustavus has is not a big advantage. I recommend Leo III.Next are George Dewey, Zachary Taylor, William Marshall, and Yodo-dono.Although their strengths vary, they generally have high durability of the vanguard. thanks for what you are doing. * Robert the Bruce. Yi Sun-sin is an all-rounder type of defender who does not focus on any type of army. and plus, What I mean was Hng o. Im sure youve already written an article on this but I couldnt find the article on the equipment of the defenders, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me if its OK or ineffective to equip them the same as when marching. If you had another category for best overall, one that has the best utilization of combined skills and attributes, who would be top 3 and why dont you have that category already ? . Probably Joseph E. Johnston, Tran Hung Dao and one other one. This guide will help you clear some of the fog. Hannibal. Her outstanding siege buff as well guarantees that. Im always learning from this site. When Mortal Kombat was first released, it had a very small fighting roster. In-City Ranged Attack Increase: +80% (+111% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), In-City Mounted Attack Increase: +20% (+51% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase). Therefore it makes no big difference which defender you use. Hes great at defending against Ranged Troop Attacks (by far, the most common type of PvP attack) and Ground Attacks (by far, the most common type of attack from All-Star Level opponents). To me, it was amazing and fun experience. There are no spoilers featured 11 Best Exorcism Movies You Shouldnt Watch Alone. Sexy Harley Quinnnever gets old How to Defend City in Evony the Most Effectively To start, you have to know that there are 2 types of defense in the game: active and passive. My general opinion is that when you have a large army, you should not build wall defenses at all, as they would get wiped in a few round if you are attacked. Hello. They provide your units with special buffs and if you want to make your army stronger you will have to choose the correct general. Here are the facts Please let me know if I missed any good In-City Defense (Main Wall) Generals, or if you have an unlisted general you would like run through the algorithm to get a grade/score. Please let me know. This will result in an increase in your . HP should be all mounted or 50/50 mounted-siege. Lara Croft is, without a doubt, one of the most recognized characters of all time. Mainly because she is tough and Top 30 Best Tifa Cosplays We've Ever Seen. In this case, a mounted-focused defense is basically a disadvantage. I have added an explanation of this in the following article. you said you used trajan and you changed it at k37. & What happens? Specialist Against: Enemy Ground and Ranged Attacks. Big B Wolf or The Big 30 Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies Worth Watching. However, expanding too much too fast draws the attention of enemies, so make sure you form an alliance or two to protect your empire. Hey quick question, as getting leonidas 1 is a bit hard im thinking of chaning my trajan to a wall general since i aim to be primarily ground based. If give up, I will change to Marshall. And with their long range, they can attack the enemy unilaterally. Question about main city defense general specialty skills. Just curious. Specialist Against: Enemy Ranged or Ground Attacks. Oda Oichi Total Buffs +90% 3. Range Generals . Otherwise, the high tier soldiers will be easily killed and lose a lot of power. I think most top players have siege range and archer range on, but for players below 1B, reducing enemy troops with infantry while ghosting cavalry and preventing infantry from being annihilated is the most important way to reduce the number of wounds. Lets take a look at what Pathfinder has to offer. How many buffs can I get to withstand a rally without ghosting the cavalry? 3] Jadwiga - Although a mostly mounted defense general, by full ascension, 55% siege attack makes Jadwiga a formidable choice for siege defense but her 25% siege attack starting out is strong enough to do significant damage to attack troops until then. How do you decide when you need a general focusing on ranged+siege troops? is he better than Joseph, Zachary Taylor has been added to the article. The list of movies that I have coming at you are movies that are like the Hunger Games and I find them fun and suspenseful. If someone is solo attacking you sure debuff cap can be hit. Also, still available in the Great Generals Chest (GGC) activity. Ive added it to the article, please have a look. Boudica was the fearless Queen of Britain, a leader of the uprising forces against the Roman Empire's history. Hi, Im thinking of switching from Leonidas to Leo III however, referring to your other article, the siege attack debuff is easily achieved (-1100%) so even I have a 1000% siege attack buff, it will be cut by half when defending. Recommended Specialty Level: Possibly 4-Yellow, but only if you can also take him to maximum Ascending Enhancements. Please see my answer to Hawk and answer to Devildog65 at the bottom. Buffs by stats added (Lv 40 / 5 red stars / Cultivate +500) (%), Other Buffs: Hospital Capacity +30%, Enemy Siege Machine Attack -20%. 1] William Marshal - It shouldn't be any surprise, if this article is any indication, why William Marshal gets top rank for mixed troop defense. Oda Oichi 9. The municipality of Amstelveen consists of the historical villages of Bovenkerk and Nes aan de Amstel.In addition, as well as Downtown Amstelveen (Dutch: Amstelveen stadshart . Every Blizzard game is crafted with great care, devotion and attention. January 18, 2023 February 24, 2023 February 24, 2023 But which ones are the best? Recommended generals are summarized by role, such as battle-oriented and development-oriented. Debuffs eventually get maxed out with Ach gear on sub generals. Jew and Gentile! I always refer to your site. Siege Attack Increase: +10% (+35% w/ Skill Book), In-City Ground Attack Increase: +10% (+35% w/ Skill Book). Im currently looking at getting to about 2.5B. 3. We have seen Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury 2 when it came out in 1992. Oh yes, it was a misunderstanding, but same conclusion. 2] James Bowie - With multiple ground troop buffs and even some in mounted and ease of access to obtain, James Bowie, he makes a quality defense general for any style player, not only with ground troops but also against mounted troops, (the troops that counter ground) and range troops, making him an exceptional defense general overall. Army General Analysis PART 1, In-City Defense (Main Wall) Generals for PvP (Battlefield, KE, SVS or Purge). It has been my experience at this point in the game that most of the big rallies I see are ground rallies. The main rule is to provide your base with all troops classes. Batman is arguably considered the most popular, if not one of the most popular superheroes to grace the pages of comic books. Available in the Tavern as of 07-15-2022, he's probably the BEST option available in the Tavern. Ready The Snacks and Gather Your Buddies. 01/10/2023 by TopGame. Is Your Favorite Horror Movie Villain On This List? You may have more siege today at lvl 32, but, you will (and should be) more balanced in the future. If you put him in your sub-city you would only get the debuff. Only available through achieving the highest level of the Kings Party Bonus (which typically requires buying the 5th event packs ($185 US) every day of the Special Event, that involves spending about $2,100 US). what are you think about Yi Sun-sin on wall defend? Make sure that you are using assistant generals that will provide debuffs for the bosses that you are attacking when you are engaging in combat with them. I think this is easier to achieve with Leo III than with Leonidas. , ? Additionally, he received excellent Ascending Enhancement bonuses, so if hes fully developed, he can still be a great option for In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. If the enemy has very good infantry specialization or cavalry specialization, you will not be able to compete with them if your troops other than siege machines are weak. Mounted Generals. Do the phrases "in-city troops" and "when leading the army" impact whether the skill book works for Troops within the . The durability of mounted troops is also good.If you value ground troops and mounted troops, choose Lautaro.If mounted troops is the most important, Queen Boudica. (I worked better on the translation of the article than on the translation of this message)! What are your thoughts on a fully developed Shajar? Until now, I had placed my main Kusunoki (additional skill books: range of two types of troops, attack of siege) with his assistant Trajan (additional skill books: infantry speed, infantry defense, infantry HP). Leo III Grade: A+ (100.0% - 544) With very strong Siege Troop Buffs, strong Ranged Troop Buffs, very strong Basic Attribute Scores (Leadership, Attack, Defense & Politics), all combine to make him an excellent PvP In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. 1. You dont need to wait until Halloween rolls around to watch something scary! Specialist Against: Enemy Ground Attacks, but also does ok against Enemy Ranged Attacks. This makes the "power" and monster troop type more resistant against their counter troop type, range and his ascensions increase that durability to a total of 55% by the time his ascensions are complete. What do you mean by a lot or a little charge? I intend to use Tran Hung Dao as my wall general, because I really like the idea of defending with a lot of low level siege. Therefore, in this case (ground + siege), I think Tran Hung Dao is also a good choice. However, to build a really powerful defense you have to care about both types. Drax the destroyer. I cant afford to raise more than one defender because I pay very little, but Im wondering if I should stick with George until he comes out, or if I should raise one of the two I already have. Buff / Debuff Basic Guide. She made her first appearance in Resident Top 30 Mai Shiranui Cosplay We've Ever Seen. I got Alfred the Great, and Id like your opinion on whether its better to train him as a defense general or as an attacker general with an archer specialization. If ground speed is attached, we may be able to reduce enemy ranged troops and ground troops more quickly and expect to reduce the damage done to our mounted troops and ranged troops. If you want to go with the theory, it would be siege attack x4, ranged attack x4, ground defense x8, ground HP x8 (or Mounted HP x8). A now popular game where you and other characters in the game fight at different places until one of you K. Top 10 Ultimate Best Horror Games to Play in 2019. All rights reserved, Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture. However, to build a really powerful defense you have to care about both types. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above). I also prefer ranged troops because they are stronger against mounted troops, can counter ranged troops, and if buffed higher can also counter ground troops. Jadwiga Grade: C- (64.5% - 351) Weak Basic Attribute Scores (Leadership, Attack, Defense & Politics), strong Mounted Troop Buffs, good Siege Troop Buffs, and a good Enemy Siege Troop Debuff, all combine to make her a fair PvP In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. So Im trying to justify using Leo III because thats a lot of work to ramp him up. Otherwise, you will create a useless defense thats easy to break. Whether you like it or not, sex sells and nowhere is this more true than in the gaming industry. Another one, James Bowie, was also not listed. Ly Thuong Kiet Grade: C- (66.9% - 364) Weak Basic Attribute Scores (Leadership, Attack, Defense & Politics), and fair Ranged Troop Buffs combine to make him a fair overall PvP In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. You break up generals based on one of the 4 type of troops and in some cases range + siege. Therefore, I prefer to use a combination of siege machine and ranged troop in defense. A Defense General and a Duty Officer are two completely different things. , your topic is very usefull and helpfull thanks. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail. Save. 10. What the best general for Main Defence Wall. I think you should change it depending on the situation. However, she is the best (and only) option for Peace-Time In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. When you visit Edam, you can explore the 18th-century cheese warehouses and, of course, try this quintessentially Dutch delicacy yourself. The love shows. However, at the end of the game, more and more players will be able to use all kinds of troops. Youre right. He is slightly inferior to Leo and Marshall, but very good. Main City Defense General Get General Lautaro from General Portrait Exhibition Event with the expansion of General Hall. Oda Oichi Grade: B+ (84.9% - 462) Strong Basic Attribute Scores (Leadership, Attack, Defense, & Politics), excellent All Troop Attack Buffs, and reasonable Ground & Mounted Troop Buffs combine make her a strong PvP In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. Will the ones that dont say this still be active for a wall general or only when he's attacking? Today we will narrate Queen Boudica's story, and . 2] Trn Hng o - A starting 30% siege attack buff on already strong, defensive troops that increases to a total of 55% by the time he is fully ascended with a ground troop HP buff of 20% HP making him a resilient defense general against all troops and but particularly strong against range troops. I have followed your advice clearly and my Joseph has skills: siege range, archer range, siege attack. Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 8th best option available in the Tavern. The first person shooter has been a staple of gaming since the early days of Doom and Duke Nukem. (Many buffs are for attackers, not for defenders), Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +15% / Enemy Ranged Troops Attack -30%. However, even in that case, I believe that the number of troops and buffs on the siege machines need to be strengthened. or only later one(when General is the Main City Defense Genral) is valid? Making a strong defense is a task thats even more complicated than creating a strong attack power. Other Buffs: Enemy Ground & Mounted Attack -10%, Hospital Capacity +20%. Recommended Specialty Level: 4-Yellow, shes a strong candidate for the 4-Yellow Specialties Level. In-City Defense (Main Wall) General Rankings (at 3-Orange Specialties Level), William Marshal - Grade: A+ (96.8% - 391), Zachary Taylor - Grade: A- (88.9% - 359), Robert the Bruce - Grade: B+ (86.6% - 350), Kusunoki Masashige - Grade: B+ (84.2% - 340), Gustavus Adolphus - Grade: C+ (73.8% - 298), Ly Thuong Kiet - Grade: C+ (71.8% - 290), Tran Hung Dao - Grade: C- (61.9% - 250), Richard the Lionheart - Grade: D+ (57.2% - 231), Shajar al-Durr - Grade: D (42.6% - 172), In-City Defense (Main Wall) General Rankings (at 3-Purple Specialties Level), William Marshal - Grade: A+ (96.7% - 376), Zachary Taylor - Grade: A- (88.4% - 344), Robert the Bruce - Grade: B+ (86.4% - 336), Kusunoki Masashige - Grade: B+ (83.5% - 325), Queen Boudica - Grade: C+ (73.8% - 287), Gustavus Adolphus - Grade: C+ (72.8% - 283), Ly Thuong Kiet - Grade: C (70.7% - 275), Tran Hung Dao - Grade: D+ (60.4% - 235), Richard the Lionheart - Grade: D+ (55.8% - 217), Shajar al-Durr - Grade: D (41.6% - 162), Skill Books for In-City Defense (Main Wall) General, Dragon for In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. Proof Aliens Exist The reason is that it is impossible for me to get Marshall to star level 10. Ascending Enhancement & 4-Yellow Specialty Rankings, Featured Rankings: 4-Yellow Specialty Rankings, Skill Books for In-City Defense [Main Wall] General, Dragon for In-City Defense [Main Wall] General. . Are there little green men? I want to ask you about skills for Marshall. and for others can other incoming rallies swap back to regular wall general who has high ground atk, cav hp and high ground/cav defense. - 1 yr. ago. Strongest Buffs (at 4-Yellow Specialties Level): In-City Siege Attack Increase: +101% (+136% w/ Skill Book and In-City All Troop Attack Increase), In-City Ranged Attack Increase: +46% (+81% w/ Skill Book and In-City All Troop Attack Increase), Siege Range Bonus: +0 (+200 w/ Skill Book). In the beginning Zombies were low creatures who just walked around and were easy to outrun. You can also choose the ones you are currently lacking. In my experience, such an army is weaker than an army that focuses on something in this game. Until recently, you would be hard-pressed to find the words cosplay andMaxim Magazinein the same sentence. Specialist Against: Enemy Ranged and Mounted Attacks, hes great at defending against Ranged Troop Attacks (the most common type of PvP attack). . Can I ask one more? These cosplays will make you want to catch 'em all! For those of us who are fans of speculative fiction, 2019 promises to be a bonanza of sci-fi goodness, including quite a few new entries in the super-hero Top 50 Best Horror Movie Villains of All Time. ), The other defender without the in-city notation is Ly Thuong Kiet, but I dont have him, so I havent been able to verify. He is also 1 of the 8 army generals available in the Europe Epic Historic General Chest at level 50 in the Dawn of Civilization Event ($20 for easy mode, or $5 if you work hard and complete every task or spend gems for the last few levels). - I was considering to change my name lol. Thank you very much. Do you think it is correct? Normally, you use the archer for attacking. Zachary Taylor Grade: B (82.7% - 450) Very strong Basic Attribute Scores (Leadership, Attack, Defense & Politics), strong Ranged Troop Buffs, and good Siege Troop Buffs, all combine to make him a solid PvP In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. Yes, they are. -----. Part 5/10 - In-City Defense (Main Wall) PvP Equipment with Koryo & Abbas Sets In-City Defense (Main Wall) Equipment Introduction Koryo Set (A+) Abbas Set (B-) Achaemenidae Set (C-) Ares Set (D) The Helmet and Armor were made available with the 2022 April Fool's Day Event which started on 03-25-2022. How to get Main City Defense General Lautaro in Evony. The same logic applies to a wall general. He used to be the best but no where near the top anymore since they added all the specialty wall generals with bigger range and/or siege buffs. Reference: Duty Officer Guide. The reason is that when defending, I fight with all the troops I have (that is, you also use ranged troops), and the range can only be attached by skill. What type of weapon to use for Johnston? I would like to ask a basic question. Hi! Well, look no further. Mileena debuted in Mortal Kombat II (1993) as the evil clone of Princess Kitana of Outworld. Since it is refinement by absolute value, the high tier soldiers will not be strengthened much. I never expect that you reply for me. 4] Yi Sun-sin - Just like for ground, Yi has a 15% attack buff for mounted coupled with his all troop attack buff. A founding member of the Justice League, Wonder 77 Best Martial Arts & Kung Fu Movies Worth Watching. To the scores of tourists who visit each year, Amsterdam is known for its historical attractions, for its collections of great art, and for the distinctive colour and flavour of its old sections, which . 12. A definitive character in the Warcraft series from Warcraft III and above, its safe to say that Jaina has had enough time to Top 13 Haunted Houses In America And The Stories Behind Them. 1. Therefore, even professional players need some tips for building the defense. It depends on what each player values. Fans everywhere Top 50 Best Skyrim Cosplays (Most Beautiful Skyrim Cosplays). You have entered an incorrect email address! In-City Defense (Main Wall) General Rankings (at maximum Ascending Enhancements and 4-Yellow Specialties Level) Leo III - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 886) William Marshal - Grade: A+ (98.1% - 869) Leonidas I - Grade: A+ (95.7% - 848) Lautaro - Grade: A (93.8% - 831) Yodo-dono - Grade: A (92.9% - 823) George Dewey - Grade: A- (90.0% - 797) If you focus on ground troops, I think Robert is a good choice. Sorry, thats Tran Hung Dao, right? Note: There are DIFFERENT In-City Defense (Main Wall) Generals for PEACE-TIME that are covered in Part 11. In-City Ground Attack Increase: +10% (+66% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), In-City Mounted Attack Increase: +10% (+66% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase). 10 things that could leave the world post-apocalyptic If the specs change before I change to George and it becomes possible to get to star level 10 at a lower cost, I will change to Marshall. In addition, when it says Marching Troop Attack or leading the army to attack, both of them have an effect only on the attack. If you only pay a little money Also, directing my attention to any mistakes is especially appreciated. Also, still available in the Relic Chamber Rewards (RCR) activity. You want to maximize buffs for the lead general while having debuffs on the more passive sub city generals. The reason why many sites say Joseph E. Johnston is the best is probably the same as my response to Hawk in the comment at the bottom. Im trying to get caught up, but finding that like you, very few people include her on their lists. 15. Everybody watch out if you join server 1, I reached lv 10 cake by spending around , I have not been able to test all general, I've checked shajar as assistant defence, I haven't tested this, but probably not., 2. Defense should only be ground or cavs I have Leonidas and Leo 3, what Im trying to figure out is who should be main, and what skills would you recommend adding to each? Recommended Specialty Level: None, hes not worth investing Runestones because there are vastly superior choices available in the Tavern and as Relic Chamber Rewards. Completion of the collection will result in rewards. If her 4th Specialty was 200% Resource Production Increase, instead of 200% Food Protected from Troop Upkeep, maybe it would be worth the Runestones. I have one attacking march of archers, I was top 5 SVS and twice a king. Also, i dont know if the attack power of the archer tower will increase, but even if it does, it will be weak, so i dont think it is necessary. Thanks. Thanks for the info! How to Defend City in Evony Defence Guide, All Confirmed Things Coming to Farming Simulator 23. Robert the Bruce 15. It will probably cost you $1,000 or more until you get a good defender, but if that is not a problem, then buy it. In defense, I think its basic to ghost only cavalry. Thank you. Gustavus Adolphus Grade: C+ (71.5% - 389) Not specifically a Main Wall Army General, but has Skills and Specialties that make him a reasonable temporary choice if nothing better is available. I may have overlooked something, but let me ask you one question. It starts out at 20% but by the first ascension star, it is increased to 35%. 4] Leonidas I - Leonidas makes the list a second time for his range attack buff of 25%. Ive crafted the Achaemenidae gear and working the last piece. She lost her parents when she was a little child, and as a result, she started to hate war. Yes. Please see the section on defense generals in the following article. Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. However, of the buffs they have, only basic buffs and in-city buffs (*) are effective. As Top 25 Sexiest PhotosofCatwoman of All Time! Its a hard situation with buffs being heaped on since military academy etc. 3] James Bowie - Another defense general with a second entry, however James Bowie is far more fit for defense with mounted troops than ground because he has both attack and a debuff for enemy mounted troops, whereas he only has a single buff for ground troops. Thank you very much. If the bow debuff is maxed out ( about -700 ) and the cavalry HP buff can reach 850, I think cavalry HP gear is the better (no need for cavalry ghosting). Yi Sun-sin Grade: B (82.0% - 446) Solid Basic Attribute Scores (Leadership, Attack, Defense, & Politics), good Mounted Troop Buffs, reasonable Ground Troop Buffs, and Enemy Troop Debuffs, all combine to make him a solid PvP In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. She is the only defense gen specialize in mounted. Additionally, some clans are united with each other. James Bowie 14. Players will find him a good choice as a defense general with not only his buffs but the debuff against enemy mounted troops, a rarity in the line of defense generals, but also the ease in which he can be ascended and obtained. Cosplayers have this knack for always adding something of their own to a cosplay, and to say two cosplays are exactly alike is disingenuous. In this article, we celebrate 11 hot gamer girls wonderful women united by their Watch These 3 Korean Babes Transform Into Heroes Of The Storm Characters. Basically, the focus is on Ground & Mounted.Performance of the rear guard is low. What do you think about Boudika as main general with a T1 trap? Thanks ~! Main City Defense General. Related: Best of Ranged PvP General. If it doesn't specify "when . I have done the equipment refinement (original) for the defender, will the buffs be reflected in the defense? 50 SkyrimCosplays ForYou To Enjoy Thank you for your hard work on this site. Siege Attack Increase: +45% (+70% w/ Skill Book). Ly Thuong Kiet 13. For more information, see my reply to Mr. Hawks comment below. I currently have accumulated 6 potential Defense Wall Generals: Can you share some insights that Leo III is still excellent to have even with siege attack being debuffed easily? Black Widow has recently made her mark on the industry thanks to Marvel movies. Leonidas I Grade: A- (90.4% - 492) Very strong Ground Troop Buffs, strong Ranged Troop Buffs, and excellent Basic Attribute Scores (Leadership, Attack, Defense & Politics) all combine to make him a very strong PvP In-City Defense (Main Wall) General. Youll see a difference of up to 4% in attack power, but I dont think its worth it. I think that siege machine range and ranged troops range are two must-haves because you fight with all your troops when defending. They decide the only way to 37 Hottest Sexiest Overwatch Cosplays (Female). But should go for all cav hp. Thanks always. Also, if you ghost the cavalry, before your bow can kill the cavalry, your opponents cavalry attack will take out all the infantry, which is the key to defense, and the next infantry attack will destroy your bow and siege weapons, so it is better to cancel the ghosting also in case of cavalry attack. George Dewey (old name: Joseph E. Johnston) 3. The 37 Best Cammy Cosplays We've Ever Seen (HOT!). As early as the 12th-century, farmers and fishermen built shacks on . The 10 Types of Zombies from Hollywood Movies. Captain Underpants hadwellunderpants. (Total value B) (Attack, Defense, HP of all types of troops), Buffs from skill books are not included. Although, Id recommend waiting until you can get Robert the Bruce from the Tavern, before investing a large amount of Runestones. Thank you for all your help. Buffs by Skill (Awakened) & Specialty (%), Other Buffs: Trap triggering rate +20% / Hospital Capacity +20%. or Ground speed? It's an awakened epic general that is found in other . In-City Ranged Attack Increase: +95% (+126% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), In-City Siege Attack Increase: +35% (+66% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), Ranged Range Bonus: +0 (+100 w/ Skill Book). Acquisition: Relatively EASY (at Tavern Level 27 and above), probably the 7th best option available in the Tavern. Tran Hung Dao Not rankable (very advanced): Queen Boudica Assumptions General - All The aim of the game is to constantly upgrade, research, build, and expand your kingdom to become the most powerful force in all of Evony. Generals act as the Monarch's leaders in the mobile game Evony: The King's Return. In-City Mounted Attack Increase: +45% (+92% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), In-City Ground Attack Increase: +35% (+82% w/ Skill Book and All Troop Attack Increase), Mounted (Movement) Speed Increase: +0% (+20% w/ Skill Book). or Ranged attack? The point of the question is that a low-paid player is unlikely to be able to create a strong defense specialized in siege. Most everyone on this list is better, and even the top 10 PvP Generals from each of the four (4) Attack Categories (Ranged, Ground, Mounted, Siege) are probably better. This is why having debuffs on an attacker is not preferred. Also, choosing the best general for your city will be determined even more greatly on your own play style, what kind of player you are, what your power level is, how many troops you have and how your city is built. 1] Zachary Taylor - With a resounding 50% in range attack, it's not a surprise why Zachary Taylor is a top choice for range and is a purchase only general. At that time, many players were primarily ranged troops, so Trajan, raised with a focus on infantry, was very effective. I have a question. Specialist Against: Enemy Ranged and Ground Attacks. If your Minamoto no Yoshitsunes cultivation is 500 and you have raised his specialty level to a reasonable level, I dont think replacing him with Alfred is worth the effort and time.
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