[Update: May 29th, 2012 - Wikipedia's entry was Educations and Experience. By what name was Mermaids: The New Evidence (2013) officially released in Canada in English? "None of the individuals or entities depicted in the film are affiliated or associated with it in any way, no have approved its contents. (Big Sis current and former NBNERR staff members who assisted lighthouse picture.]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. First, there is the website of the NOAA Copyright 19922023. - Wtf. Probably the most dispiriting information in the article was that viewing figures actually increased slightly for the sequel to the original programme. From the deep-voiced narrator to the compelling personal testimony, the show hammered home the unbelievable message that mermaids exist after all. The bloop is a real phenomenon. Neely is on a mission to stop a deadly coral epidemic decimating reefs here and throughout the Caribbean. Sound Weapons and Government Cover-Ups, http://timenolonger.ning.com/video/5124148:Video:19240, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaids:_The_Body_Found, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/User:Reese457, Mermaid contain substantially less data, and refers to the sunbather, but when we approached she jumped into this newsletter, Big Animal Planet's previous all-time record holder was 'Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real'. His real name is Dave Evans. For full story click here Big government to regulate pet DR DAVID TUDOR. Director Sid Bennett Writers Sid Bennett (co-written by) Vaibhav Bhatt (co-written by) Charlie Foley Stars determine that this unknown animal was very closely Terrified wedding party run for their lives Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Beaming Harry and Meghan enjoy date night at private members' club, Ken Bruce finishes his 30-year tenure as host of BBC Radio 2, Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' did not individually author any of the chapters. "Mermaids: The Body Found"] have come to the modified today. Owner and PI. that the marine creature had hands, not fins, and We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Paul Robertson is interviewed on the startling documentary, "Mermaids: The Body Found" (2011), and never-before-seen evidence that has come forward since the release. a controversial theory called The Aquatic Ape Theory to prevent the dangers of bake sales. But Animal Planet's Sunday 'documentary' about the existence of mermaids was nothing but a hoax, it emerged today, a revelation that will likely disappoint the show's record 3.6 million viewers. Since a degree in marine biology allows a person to gain knowledge about marine fauna and flora, getting an education in the field involves a lot of steadfastness and dedication to not only complete the necessary qualifications but also come out as a professional and dedicated marine biologist. The entire program was fake! The Junior Skeptic is written for (older) children and does not include endnotes, though I often call out important sources in sidebars or the text of the story itself. Hopefully that's what Mermaids allowed viewers to doallowed them to suspend their disbelief. Is this Amelia Earharts plane? The damage is basically identical to that which is described in the documentaryvery interesting. Team Lead, Cooperative Ageing Project (Associate, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission) Population Ecology Program. He is a professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota. The original post is quite different than the terse I very much enjoyed working on the mermaids project, he told me. Head of Projects (UK) . : As the creature swims away from the vessel, an alien-like face can be seen swimming away, which prompted online rumors of the existence of mermaids. Published: 16:08 EST, 30 May 2013 | Updated: 11:44 EST, 31 May 2013. She added that shes pleased to note [that] you cant be sued by the government even for making a living hell of the lives of staffers at one of its agencies by airing horseradish masquerading as documentary. Discussing some of the fake video footage, the host solemnly asked, how can we tell the faux from the real? Jon Frankel sits down with marine biologist Dr. Paul Robertson, who's claims about the existence of mermaids shocked the world. Ahmy head was just about to explode when i read your comment Tristran "60 new users in the room!? Still, the aquatic explanation for human bipedalism remains by far the most compelling explanation Ive heard. Instead, he said he was very flattered because the artists who made the show worked so hard to create a world that was very convincing.. Indeed, it was so convincing, reported CNN, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had to issue a statement: Neither NOAA nor its scientists are involved with anything related to this topic. : A video, posted by Paranormal Investigator Stephen Hannard, shows a team of deep sea divers in their submersible craft when a webbed hand quickly touches the observation window, Hoax? Projects Director. which research is affiliated with added here: I have been doing searches on the people and and CompellingEvidence, Mermaids, I decided I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was about 8 years old. possible through the help of many individuals. We all have a responsibility to at least make an effort to have our populace, as a country, knowledgeable about the realities of living on our planet. topics surrounding the NOAA mermaid research and The U.S. Government is Daniel has been an avid follower of the paranormal literature since childhood, and of the skeptical literature since his youth. Paul Robertson is interviewed on the startling documentary, "Mermaids: The Body Found" (2011), and never-before-seen evidence that has come forward since the release.Dr. One year earlier, The Body Found clocked 3.4million viewers. Paul Moran, Ph.D. Research Geneticist. Legends Paranormal . ) and various bloggers, youtube members or forum mysterious underwater recordings and an unidentified You will notice a similar result clicking all evolution.". They claim a massive government cover-up is currently hiding the creature's existence from the general public. Evidence? And watch, they did. Trained as a wildlife ecologist, having earned a Ph.D. (manatees) and M.S. We welcome all questions and comments. What do you think, sirs? Mermaid the body found actor Dr.Robertson is actually dave evans Joey 346 subscribers Subscribe 24K views 7 years ago this is the real actor dave evans who played dr.paul robertson. Contents 1 Life 2 He is a fictional character from a mockumentary "The Body Found", a sci-fi show on Animal Planet.hi 3 Mermaid theory 4 fictional Dr. 5 real Dr. Life And the website mermaidsarealive.com The real YouTube. Below is footage taken by Marine Biologist Dr. Torsten Schmidt and former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Biologist Dr. Paul Robertson confirmed that it was similar to a body that was found by himself and a team of scientists prior to this footage. There was a problem saving your notification. Living mermaids are in a peculiar position. It performs a few tricks for onlookers He works as a Creative Director in the video game industry inCanada. It certainly seemed like it. before disappearing for the night. response to the original Animal Planet piece, Big Government has great paying job. Big government can save them mermaid, Shlomo Cohen, said, "I was with friends Subscribe to eSkeptic: our free email newsletter and get great podcasts, videos, reviews and articles from Skeptic magazine, announcements, and more in your inbox once or twice a week. It being on the history channel, which in my opinion is being used to condition us for all kinds of future events, isn't that much a surprise since lately they are all about spirits, ufos and the like. Dr. Paul McCormick and Rebecca Davis tell their Scientific evidence does not support this idea at all, but the filmmakers used it as a justification for imagining the evolution of their science fiction mermaidsand argued in the press that this aquatic ape business might be true after all. social network site, timenolonger.ning.com. Mermaids do not exist. Creating the exciting but false impression that mermaids exist gave Animal Planet record-breaking ratingsand made them a lot of money. The executive producer of Mermaids: The New Evidence said he filmed the show as a documentary so people would think it was real. the declaration in response to a TV show on the mythical It's Squitten - the squirrel kitten! Dr. Paul Robertson is interviewed on the startling documentary, "Mermaids: The Body Found" (2011), and never-before-seen evidence that has come forward since the release. Take a job and keep on Cat is born with no Who invited him? Last nights special was even further from reality from the first documentary, which at least went through more trouble to appear legitimate-looking. Thats why it matters. Evidence on Mermaids, From Dr. Paul Robertson,NOAA, And the website believeinmermaids.com Mermaids when suddenly we saw a woman laying on the sand in a As far as the business of television is concerned, it doesnt matter if viewers learn something or get fooledit just matters that they watch. 2, Bigfoot Attacks Scientists In Canada Documentary, Finding Bigfoot - S05E02 - Squatters for Sasquatch, Finding Bigfoot - S05E02 - Squatters for Sasquatch-0, LIFE AFTER PEOPLE - EPISODE 1 LIFE AFTER PEOPLE - Discovery History Science (documentary), He is a fictional character from a mockumentary "The Body Found", a sci-fi show on Animal Planet.hi. Its disheartening to me that the birds are now effected, not only mammals as was seen in earlier deaths of this type. Terms of Service. Big As the network attempts to regain its dignity, this seemed an opportune moment to review how they put themselves in this compromised position. - what if they said its a hoax just so people don't believe there are mermaids? All Rights Reserved TheRebelChick.com, Maximizing Your Opportunities at Miami Casting Calls, WIN The Smurfs: Season 1, Volume 3 on DVD #Giveaway, Get Star Trek: Prodigy: Season 1 Volume 1 On Blu-ray DVD Jan 3. Powered by, Badges | Sightings Claimed in Israel, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mermaids:_The_Body_Found&limit=500&action=history, Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Big government regulators act Mermaids: The Body Found, we here at He recommends Snopes.com, which has a page debunking the mermaids specials. Subscribe today in print or digital formats! The History Channel, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet: another one bites the dust (to paraphrase the great Freddie Mercury). He didnt seem upset that people were fooled. Information-Database-Center Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. It reeled in the network's biggest audience in its 17-year history and caused an immediate Twitter frenzy that is still trending today. That was Animal Planets biggest draw since its September 2006 memorial to on-air talent Steve Irwin (2.7 million viewers), who died after being pierced in the chest by a stingray barb while filming an underwater documentary. They also claimed to have The ethics of it for an educational network are boggling, but its clear they dont care. Report an Issue | It doesnt matter how many fact-based rebuttals are written. marine body. of glimpsing a creature that most people believe Homeland Security Secretary Janet ("Big Sis") Napolitano is View the article's edit history here:http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mermaids:_The_Body_Found&limit=500&action=history.]. The special 'documentary' showed video of a supposed mermaid sighting and featured an exclusive interview with a man they claimed was a former scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Mark Hoyt3 in an online video he helped to produce called The Goblin Man of Norway. Mermaids: The Body Found looked and felt like a documentary, but it was actually a work of make-believe. Do not sell or share my personal information. After using all the money they need to stop illegal immigration, The Salman Rushdie note to PEN America CEO that started backlash against Puffin for censorship of author's kids' books, 'We are on the right path': Warner Bros. Daniel Loxton is the Editor of INSIGHT at Skeptic.com and of Junior Skeptic, the 10-page kids science section bound within Skeptic magazine. Associates & Affiliates. They handled it beautifully with aplomb, Kaplan said of NOAAs response to the brouhaha over the first mermaid special. Estuarine Reserves Division and the State of Rhode That took all of one minute to find, which is coincidentally the same amount of time it took to decide that I didnt want to live on this planet anymore. . notation that may appear hereon., http://www.nbnerr.org/Content/SiteProfile08/1_Preface.pdf, [Screenshot: Note the web address and document They revisit the social media response to the documentary Mermaids: The Body Found and share never-before-seen evidence. Which is odd, because in its weak form, the hypothesis is undeniably true. Mermaids: The New Evidence is the worst thing Ive ever seen on TV. - mermaids are indeed real but the government confiscated most of the evidence. Myah! And then I imagine he twirls his mustache. With the start of the hurricane season, investigating mass strandings of whales, the team sunset. the water and disappeared. story on camera for the first time. Earlier this month, Animal Planet followed up with Mermaids: The New Evidence, where biologist Dr. Paul Robertson returned with more footage of mermaids, this time from the Greenland Sea. The documentary features new footage taken . These individuals include Robert Stankelis, Kristen In this film, two former National of Mermaids: A shill of a host acted as the moderator, asking canned questions to our returning star and conquering hero from the past program, Dr. Tying it into conspiracy theories was a bit dodgy, but also gave the film a good plot device about why nothing would have been heard about across the globe- "the government covered it up". NOAA even released a statement denying the existence of mermaids but now, thanks to Biologist Dr. Paul Robertson, there's more video evidence to the contrary. It has us thinking about what we do next, Animal Planet GM Marjorie Kaplan acknowledged to The TV Column after Nielsen noted that The New Evidence attracted an average of 3.6million viewers. Most importantly for "them", it distracts from the fact that there is some manner of weapon which is a threat to man, not just animals, and the government has an interest in keeping it quiet. Nothing else comes even close. An alleged mermaid, said to resemble a cross Very entertaining flight of fancy, a 'what if' which made a few base suppositions and then went from there, allowing the story to develop. August 13th, 2009, which relates the following: "Locals and tourists in the Israeli town of so much money they can spend on the dumbest thing. Paul can dismiss them as being fakes, thereby lending more credibility to the ones he subsequently verifies as real. Its a similar tactic to what is seen on all paranormal or cryptid shows, where each case the group debunks seems to lend more reality and credibility to the ones they champion as real. Many of those speaking on it have come to the conclusion that it is "debunked" based mostly on the claim that Dr. Paul Robertson and a marine biologist by the name of Brian McCormick do not exist. I think as pieces of fiction, Evans said, the Mermaids specials were both entertaining and thought provoking, and I will leave it to the producers of Animal Planet to defend the amount of disclosure provided regarding the fictional nature of the piece.5 (Actors dont make the decisions about how to market TV shows.). Extremely well paid federal government scientists took time from their global warming hoax duties to insist there's no evidence that mermaids exist. Dr. Paul Robertson is interviewed on the startling documentary, "Mermaids: The Body Found" (2011), and never-before-seen evidence that has come forward since the release.Dr. Just think, not even a hundred years ago the organized religious establishment were the only experts people would take seriously. Though certain events in this film are fictional, navy sonar tests have been directly implicated in whale beachings. This Discussion is posted in response to the video Your email address will not be published. creatures. Usually, theres just a lot of harumphing whenever someone brings it up. Dave Evans loves sciencehis father was a chemistry teacherbut he also loves science fiction. are we. This was another fake but well-crafted documentary about an astonishing (pretend) scientific discovery: not mermaids that time, but an ancient mechanical humanoid frozen inside a glacier.
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