They go back inside, while Blue breaks down the door, and when the Scorpios roar at them the other one appears. Almost a month later, the group managed to make a functional shelter, complete with a working shower, that is safe from most predators. We could see the Return of Darious' brother Brandon in Season 4! While waiting in the dorms, Darius confronts Kenji about his motivation, but this argument is inconclusive. Just then, the rest of the campers arrive, using vehicles to scare the dinosaurs away from the watering hole. Darius has a close relation to his older brother Brandon despite the latter sometimes making fun of him. Brooklynn wants to find the laptop and destroy it, in order to stop him from creating any more dinosaurs. He arrives at the Genetics Laboratory, where they are introduced to Dr. Henry Wu. After a great deal of time had passed, Darius and the rest of the campers, minus Bumpy, finally left the island on a small makeshift raft; but this was cut short when a huge wave destroyed their raft and swept them back to shore. In Season 2, after spending several weeks on the island, her hair dye has begun to fade and her roots reveal her real hair color to be dark brown. Fortunately, Blue ends up helping them. The campers run back to camp and reunite with Kenji and Yasmina, as they seek shelter in the trees to escape the stampede. In season 2, Sammy continues to bond with her fellow campers, most notably Yasmina. When Darius came across the ruins of the old Jurassic Park, It was revealed that Darius and his family live near. She became suspicious of him, and tried to break into his yurt, but this caused the alarm to go off and nearly resulted in a fight. By season 2 her lack of access to hair dye causes her hair to begin reverting back to its natural brown color. Brooklynn and Kenji take their Spinoceratops to the cold and snowy biome and name it Rebel. As punishment, Darius and Kenji are tasked with cleaning up the dinosaur poop while the others take a tour of the labs. Darius convinces Kash to stop the fight by stating that the dinosaurs are expensive. Kenji leads the rest of the group to assure them that he is the one who helped the group survive and that they must work together to get through this. After learning about an emergency distress beacon from Sammy, Darius decides that this would be their best bet for rescue, and the group scatters in an attempt to find it. After that, Kenji and Sammy inform them that they found Mitch and Tiff's boat stuck on a rock not far from shore and Darius and the others get excited. To their surprise, the helicopter they followed is actually carrying a couple of mercenaries and Dr. Wu, while the kids hide. They run through the jungle, chased by a stampede of Brachiosaurs, as they try to escape but fail, and Darius narrowly escapes being trampled by Ben. Darius realizes that they need to get off the monorail, as Brooklynn sees a spot where the track comes close to the ground and identifies it as a possible starting point. The carnivore tries to follow her, and Yaz slips and falls, about to be eaten, but the other kids distract Rexy long enough for her to chase after them. Darius is forced to take Mitch and Tiff to the watering hole along with Sammy and Yasmina. Arriving at Isla Nublar and the camp, all the campers ride the zip lines over the herd of dinosaurs. Despite having watched some of her videos, Yaz was annoyed by Brooklynn when they first met due to latter constantly trying to film her. The rest of the group is resting, still tired of trying to find shelter until help arrives. However, before they can, some helicopters appear ordering them to return to the island and Darius wondering "who are they?". Hap gives chase, and cornered them, but ends up knocked out by Ben Pincus, shocking Brooklynn. He is twelve years old.[2]. Darius was a normal kid obsessed with dinosaurs and with big dreams of visiting Jurassic World. After overhearing his conversation with the mercenaries, the trio surmised that Wu wanted to retrieve his private laptop containing his Scorpios rex research so he could make more hybrid dinosaurs. After that Darius and Kenji rush back to camp and the group reunites, as they returned due to being kicked out of the genetics lab because Brookynn had broken into Dr. Henry Wu's office. When the group hears a whisper in the jungle, they initially seek to hide, before it is revealed that Bumpy is a baby Ankylosaurus that was born in the Genetic Lab and was named after Ben. Darius exits the compound to meet with the group, but is stopped by Kash's BRAD-X. Contents Darius is then reunited with the others, much to their happiness. Brooklynn was sent by Darius to monitor the island and inform the campers of where everyone is, acting as the eyes of the group. Up ahead, we explore whether characters, Kenji and Brooklynn, get together or not, as fans advocate their budding connection. Male When Kenji suggests they go to Lookout Point to get hang gliders, she comes along as well. To their surprised, the copter they followed actually carries a couple of mercenaries and Dr. Wu. As Bumpy receives a warm welcome, Darius receives a call from Brooklynn informing him of the attack the others had. . March 3 ^ Also DM me on discord if you want this custom music. Fans of her call themselves 'Brooklanders', a name which has come to stick with her. The men almost discover the vent, but a compy distracts them and they move on. The three are confronted by a stampede of Parasaurolophus lux, but manage to escape. After a moment, Ben changes his mind, much to the happiness of Brooklynn and the others, and the entire group behinds their journey to Costa Rica. pack sends Darius and Brooklynn rolling. The dinosaur limping away, and a hole blown open, they are finally at the docks. When they go in the elevator, Darius sees the other 5 and then jumps out, much to Kash's anger. Seeing an opening, the group tries to escape, only to realize that Sammy is missing. Darius and Ben head back to Mae's, while Yaz breaks down before the others, and talks about her nightmares and desire to go home, with Yaz being comforted by Brooklynn, Sammy, and Kenji. Jurassic Park Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. As of Season 3, his hair has grown more voluminous in size, due to lack of resources on the island. While rowing down the river to the main park, Brooklynn tries to shift the blame for her situation onto Sammy, however Kenji replies that her situation could have been the same regardless. They run into Darius first and warn him. After being told by Mae that there is a platform in the desert, the five head out. Facing a locked gate to the observation tower, the campers have difficulty getting in, but eventually make it inside. Unfortunately, the tide is too high, which forces them to stay. Brooklynn and the other campers help tear down the the visitor's center with both Scorpios rexes inside, killing them. Brooklynn confronts and publicly accuses Sammy again in front of the group, demanding his phone back and revealing his previous forays into park security. The group wanders into a desert as a sandstorm begins to form. As Blue approaches them, Darius encourages them to slowly back away, until Kenji tosses him a coin, causing Blue to roar at them, however she does not pursue them as they flee. While initially butting heads with Yasmina, the two bond after escaping from Dimorphodons. Luckily Darius and the group manage to get away. Ben calls the group to the balcony, seeing that Bumpy is extremely agitated, noting that it is a sign of danger. Finally, the campers all get on a boat to leave the island. The group is distracted by the sound of a dinosaur and decide to head to the observation tower to try to determine where the roar is coming from. Fortunately, Kenji saves Darius, and their friendship appears to be restored. At some point in 2015, Brooklynn acquired VIP tickets to Camp Cretaceous, an adventure camp on the Northern end of Isla Nublar that was not open to the general public yet. There, she once again discovered something strange: a grove of flowers that are frozen in the center. Tiff says that they should head back to camp because of Hap's response to the phone call, as they determined that he would take care of Brooklynn and Kenji. Darius and Brooklyn tackled Hunter but Landon's men arrested them. After putting gas in the boat, the boys use caulk to patch the hole with a food tray, however Darius points out that the caulk takes 48 hours to dry. Darius suggests feeding him Sinoceratops, but Sammy refuses. After the campers were saved by Hap, Mitch, and Tiff, Brooklynn tried to talk to Hap, but he harshly rebuked her and nearly stole her keycard. As the campers investigate, they determine that there is a large hole in the side of the yacht. Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceous - Darius' Profile. However, she tells a friend on the boat that she used to live in London, the capital of the United Kingdom. Darius disagrees with Brooklynn, he is upset with her, however, Brooklynn crosses the line when she claims that he may be biased. Fortunately, Brooklynn realizes her mistake and apologizes, which leads to Sammy agreeing to work with her again. Jenna Ortega as Brooklynn, a famous travel vlogger and camper at Camp Cretaceous. She ultimately forgives Kenji after the latter admits his mistakes to trust his father instead of the camp family. To cover himself, Darius states he wants to go for a walk, and Kash says that the BRAD-X will be with him. However, none of them are aware that there appears to be something on the boat that roars in the last scene. When the power returns to the park, Darius and Sammy try to break into a store, but are alerted just in time by the intercom that the hunters are trying to ambush them. The animal decides to leave to heal from his injuries rather than attempt a confrontation. What happened to Darius's dad in Camp Cretaceous? The campers flee back to camp only to find that the Indominus has destroyed the camp. After Kenji confides in him that he was just trying to make his father proud, Darius lies too much to cover up for Kenji. Family Ben then opens up about how his mother thought the camp would be a good experience to face his fears. They meet up with Ben, even as they hear a dinosaur roar. As they exit the limo, Darius speculates that the two Scorpios possess asexual reproduction due to the tree frog DNA encoded within them. Among other things, they enjoyed reading articles related to research and paleontological findings, especially those related to the doctor of paleontology Alan Grant, but the true dream of Darius and his father was, one day, to be able to visit the Jurassic World theme park, on Isla Nublar. To stop them, Darius and Kenji head to the airlock. This surprises Darius, but he quickly complies and orders Kenji to come pick him and Sammy up, while he instructs Ben and Yaz to move the dinos away from the watering hole so Mitch and Tiff can't kill them; Lastly, he directs Brooklyn to be his eyes and ears, monitoring everything from the control room. Darius finds a tranquilizer gun, but Blue quickly starts attacking the car. Unlike Dr. Grant, Darius accidentally lost his necklace. Mae stops BRAD before it finds and kills them. She then pretended to sleep, and ran away with Kenji once Hap was distracted. After Big Eatie and Pierce are lured to a place by the BRADs and Mantah Corp drones are are forced to fight, the six campers come up with a plan to lure Kash away, stop the fight, and get the phone. Kenji and Brooklynn take Rebel inside and cuddle to feel warm, but after getting back inside, Kenji awkwardly lets go. At first Darius has some trouble befriending the other campers due to being the youngest of the group and seemingly the only one interested in dinosaurs. The tower begins to wobble and Sammy nearly falls over, only to be saved by Yasmina and then picked up by Darius and Kenji as well. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Survival Guide, The Science Of Jurassic Park And The Lost World Or, How To Build A Dinosaur, Six Months After the Jurassic World Incident, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous characters, Darius shares his surname with the Bowman Family from the, Darius carrying a dinosaur tooth necklace may be a reference to. Kenji praises Brooklynn and tells her he likes her which shocks her, and a embarrassed Kenji quickly backpeddles. The following morning, after they arrive at the helicopter, Kenji returns the laptop to Wu, but at that point, Ben leads Bumpy and her herd of Ankylosaurus to attack Wu and Hawkes, ultimately leading to Brooklynn escaping and being reunited with the campers, as well as Wu's laptop being destroyed.

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