Warriors: Mapleshade's Vengeance also includes a teaser to Warriors Super Edition: Crookedstar's Promise. She traps his apprentice as bait, and just when she's trying to get him to fight her, his new mate Reedshine shows up. Patchpaw, can you get Crimsonwish a mouse from the freshkill pile? Ravenwing called from the other side of the den. I have walked beside you from the day you were born, guiding your paw steps, laying out your destiny before you. Thank you! HEAVILY inspired by u/Bee8467 's idea of Frecklewish taking care of Mapleshade's kits in Starclan! Ravenwing finds out, and tells everyone, and both Oakstar and Frecklewish are understandably upset when they learn that Oakstars son and Frecklewishs brother is not the father, but rather the cat who killed him, which Mapleshade defends by saying it was an accident he died, and tries to say that it doesnt matter who the father is. Needless to say, the Clan does not take this well, and Mapleshade and her kits are exiled. Momma, where are we going? Petalkit squeaked. Why would you want to go to StarClan? Well, I caught it just for you!! He told you to wait. Those kits were Thunderclan kits but Frecklewish didn't care. This list shows the victims Mapleshade has killed: Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. "You must promise me that you will be loyal to your Clan above all other things. Why do you think I'm here?.Mapleshade to Crookedstar. by Riverspirit, Why Hollyleaf CAN NOT be part of the three by Honeypaw. Well, everyone knows that. Mapleshade felt a little nervous, but she assured herself nothing was wrong.Ravenwing leaned closer. And just as Mapleshade expected, a silhouette of a cat was waiting for them. He really had no real reason behind killing kits the way he did by attacking them ("training them."). Hawkfrost | Rushtooth | Rainflower, WindClan Did you find the Horsetail?. Mapleshade opened her mouth to speak, but Larchkit took over for her. These traumatic events left a huge mark on Mapleshade. My mentor was busy treating Crimsonwish, who had whitecough. It will be my first time!! When he started to become close to Bluepaw, she scolded him. Mapleshades thoughts were interrupted by a groan. We needed her! In Omen Of The Stars, she's also described as being transparent from fading away. Press J to jump to the feed. -kept it a secret "It smells good!". Momma knows whats best, mewed the one and only Patchkit, who Mapleshade adored how he would always stand up for her. She is pregnant with his kits, and when she gives birth, Frecklewish assumes theyre her brother, Birchfaces, because no living cat claims them and Birchface has died at the paws of Appledusk. Frequently, the blame falls on everyone but Mapleshade. Bc murder and territory wasn't a BIG problem in the mountains. Petalpaw raced to the warriors den, possibly to get my mother; who, coincidentally, was Wasppaws mentor. There, she tricks Frecklewish into leaping at an adder and getting bitten in the face. Mapleshade murdered kitties because Apple-whats-his-face turned his back on her, and all her kits died and she imagined they were telling her to kill the "wrongdo-ers". A nearby RiverClan patrol saved her, but to her horror, all three of her kits drowned, with Appledusk blaming her for their deaths. Although I love Mapleshade, she deserves to go to the DF, and Appledusk to StarClan. from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. Mapleshade doesnt say anything, and everyone assumes she doesnt like talking about her dead mate, and that they are Birchfaces. I went through the agony of bearing your kits! Upon taking her and the kit's bodies to RiverClan camp, Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for crossing the river which resulted in the kit's deaths, and rejected her in front of his Clan. Are Mapleshade kits in Starclan? From here, she could cause more suffering than when she had been alive, and fighting her battles alone. Thistleclaw was arrogant, aggressive, and had a thirst for leadership. Appledusk confesses to the Clan about what happened, and he vows that his loyalty is only to his Clan; he blames Mapleshade for the kits' death, and RiverClan has no interest in letting her stay. Mapleshade then turned her rage toward Appledusk. Why does every single second everyone spends is inspecting my kits?!?! However, Ravenwing, the ThunderClan medicine cat, later deduced that Appledusk was the real father of Mapleshade's kits after receiving an omen of three reeds from Starclan, and later seeingher meeting Appledusk at the border, and told the Clan. However, Mapleshade also had a hidden arrogant, naive and selfish side to her, as seen when she acted possessive over Appledusk and disregarded his concerns regarding their relationship, and at one point resisted the urge to attack Frecklewish when the other she-cat attempted to bond with who she thinks are her brother's kits. What adventures, and secrets, await the three kits? Mapleshade It is known that Mapleshade and a few others had survived the Great Battle, as she's later seen with Silverhawk in The Broken Code. Mapleshade still felt a sickening in her stomach as she went back to camp. She became mates with Appledusk, a warrior of RiverClan, and was expecting his kits. Mapleshade suppressed a purr; Larchkit always made her laugh. My name is Mapleshade. Not wishing she were in StarClan. She pretends that shes done nothing wrong, and might have had a chance to stay if she at least pretended she was remorseful, and if it were a recent enough battle, she could have said that she mated with Appledusk in secret, and when hed killed Birchface, shed seen his true colors. 5 Cats That Everyone Thinks Deserved to go to the Dark Forest but dont (and one Cat who Absolutely does) by HollyleafTheGreat, Skye [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Mapleshade had found a place where she truly belonged. Ravenwing looked extremely shocked. Or perhaps join ShadowClan or WindClan? Personality and Relationships. Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. While Appledusk was gone, Mapleshade decided to keep her kits entertained. When Crookedstar'slast remaining daughter, Silverstream, fell in love with the ThunderClan tom Graystripe, and died giving birth to their kits, Mapleshade declared Crookedstar's "punishment" complete. To be honest, I was a little stung by that comment. This leads me to my final theory, which is the only thing that I think truly makes sense: cats choose to go to StarClan or the Dark Forest. Of course, this then begs the question: what is the criteria for a bad cat? Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. Ashfur still attempted to murder kitties. His spirit will not die. That place is full of weak-willed cowards who clung to the warrior code like ants to a leaf in a puddle. And, thats not all! Maybe she didnt see the mini tsunami! Vicky cleared this up, confirming that Mapleshade is indeed a tortoiseshell, and changing Patchkit's description slightly to match her. A nearby RiverClan patrol saved her, but to her horror, all three of her kits drowned, with Appledusk blaming her for their deaths. Although I was trying not to let my personal bias cloud my analysis in the post. No matter what she did, she just couldnt make Sandstorm suffer, so she made Firestar suffer;by killing Spottedleaf. Hesuma friend of your fathers, Mapleshade added quickly. If Mapleshade's Kits Lived | Warriors Fanfiction | Fandom I will never forget this. Appledusk leaped on to the stepping stones and on to the river. Because she didnt blame one cat entirely, her mind created the visions to be one kit less with each kill. Narrator about Mapleshade's failed accomplishment. She is banished from ThunderClan. I dont remember if it was raining, or if it were flooding season for the river, but many people say Oakstar would have known, and to that I say so would Mapleshade. How well do you know Mapleshade? - Test - Quotev The ones that deserve to go to the dark Forest are Oakstar, Appledusk, & Darkstar. Once he was gone, I turned to my littermates. When this is revealed, she is exiled and attempts to go to Riverclan. So when Appledusk tells her he blames her for the death of the kits, hes right. You will find much better company in the cats here, Tigerclaw. Be patient, and you will find out everything. Mapleshade Stories - Wattpad It's worth putting up with him for now, if he can do the same for us. At the Gathering, Mapleshade sees Reedshine with Appledusk and is jealous. She awoke in the Dark Forest and she felt pleased. Mapleshade's Kits - Chapter 1 by Moonstone210 on DeviantArt ", Mapleshade demanding Crookedkit's fateful promise, Mapleshade is a ragged[11] tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat[12] with amber eyes.[13]. Then mayyybbeeee you could make the argument that Hollyleaf did not go to the Dark Forest because her motives were good she murdered Ashfur to protect her family and Clan because the secret of their parentage getting out would damage them somehow. Can you imagine what that feels like? Mapleshade killed to avenge her Oakstar should have gone to DF like exiling a queen and kits really dude. Nothing, remember? To be rejected twice? A more likely explanation I think is that she and Ashfur pretended to feel bad about their actions to get into StarClan. She became obsessed with seeking vengeance for her kits' deaths and achieved this by killing Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk, but not before being fatally wounded by Perchpaw, Appledusk's apprentice. Great article, you really are HollyleafTheGreat! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And this is Patchkit and Petalkit.. She tried her best to rescue them, alongside a patrol of RiverClan cats, but unfortunatly failed as all three kits drowned. I looked for revenge whenever I could! You will see that soon enough!!!!!. Wasppaw was being greedy and teasing Patchpaw, answered Petalpaw, who narrowed her eyes at Wasppaw. Oakstar banished Mapleshade, and her troubles became worse when her kits drowned in the river following her attempt to escape to RiverClan. She is often described as ginger-and-white, and once to have white patches, as well as often described as tortoiseshell. Art by GrayPillow People empathize with Mapleshade and defend her with the fact that her kits drowned. She "loved [her kits] too much" which is what drove her to insanity, and to get revenge on the cats that caused their deaths. She is the main antagonist ofthe super edition Crookedstar's Promise and the novella Goosefeather's Curse, the main protagonist of the novella Mapleshade's Vengeance, the overarching antagonist of the novella Tigerclaw's Fury, the secondary antagonist of the novella Spottedleaf's Heart, one of thethree secondary antagonists (alongside Brokenstar and Thistleclaw) of the story arc Omen of the Stars and a major antagonist in The Broken Code arc. Created by Meks. She made him watch his mother drown, his brother fallin love with a ThunderClan she-cat, and his mate and all but one of hisdaughtersdie of sickness. She was only tryna do whats best for her kits. Frecklewish in the Dark Forest : r/thedawnpatrol - reddit But don't worry, I made them pay. And we know that, after their death, Mapleshade was haunted by their cries and kills three people to free them. The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's, This section summarizes Mapleshade's significant. Later on, Mapleshade delivers two toms and a she-cat and names them Larchkit, Patchkit, and Petalkit, respectively. Few who knew the noble RiverClan leader in life could have ever guessed the dark shadow that haunted his every step. He insists that the Clan needs to know the truth, and tells them. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. warriorcats. Someone I wished would be with you this very moment. Mapleshade pondered over the kind, handsome tom with those brilliant green eyes. Darkstripe betrayed his clans twice one of which was with blood clan to try and destroy clan life so yeah that's a major offense. The ThunderClan medicine cat Ravenwing also sees them, and tells her that he's figured out that the father of the kits is Appledusk, not Birchface. I nodded, trying not to drop the herb. What is going on here? My mother sounded confused, anxious, and concerned at the same time. I compare Mapleshade to La Llorana the weeping woman form Mexican legends. by 1.9K 94 23 "Hollyleaf?! Its about Patchkit.. Mapleshade buried her muzzle into his fur. Powered by WordPress. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. (Although thats a bit of a stretch imo.) He soon realizes that she's evil. Pigma Micron Archival Ink pens. They arrived at the sunningrocks. I went through the agony of bearing your kits! . You have everything that I wanted, Sandstorm! She became mates with Appledusk, a warrior of RiverClan, and was expecting his kits. She could have acted sorry. You told me you loved me! And every blessing they stole from me! Crookedkit agreed. They can kill a cat in seconds. She takes her kits across the river, but they drown. They had returned from the visit with Appledusk, and Frecklewish was watching the kits while Mapleshade went for some air. All credit belongs to Erin Hunter. What if her kits didnt live up to Birchface? That would be great for Patchkit. I felt bad for ya girl. I wondered if you know what it means., Mapleshade frowned, confused. "A fresh fish, straight from the river!". Yes,her mate deserved to die, but I didnt think her kits did. Their lives didn't matter to her, even though she spent so much time with them. Tigerstar | Brokenstar | Hawkfrost | Thistleclaw | Mapleshade | Darkstripe | Shredtail | Snowtuft | Antpelt | Breezepelt | Clawface | Redwillow | Silverhawk | Juniperclaw | Darktail | Houndleap | Sparrowfeather | Rushtooth | Maggottail, The Kin I nodded and countinued to stare at the rain. Now.can I ask you a question? In Mapleshade's Vengeance, she falls in love with Appledusk. Along the way they learn important lessons about life, war, love, and death. ShadowClan Mapleshade has mistakenly been mentioned with green eyes. They go to a place beyond StarClan, where they still get to live eternally, but cannot speak with living cats anymore. I love them, and I love you.. A mate that loved me, kits that I could watch grow up and have kits of their own, the respect of my Clanmates! Appledusk returned with a fish in his hands. Period. When Stormkit's jaw was permanently disfigured, resulting in him being rejected and renamed "Crookedkit" by his mother, and leaving him restless with unfocused ambition, Mapleshade seized the opportunity to turn him down a dark path. Tabbies changing their stripes: Should the chance for redemption end at death?

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