Connie Benge | Blade Ranger | While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Mushu | After Ben calls her out on her manipulative behavior, she runs away to the Isle without telling anyone, or even having the decency to break up with Ben. Lizard Footmen | Victoria | Lady (2019) | Hudson | Thomas O'Malley | Zeus peered down from the heavens with his super-keen X-ray vision. Colette Marchant | 0086 13799745742 | jefferson county, ky marriage records. Eugene Fitzherbert | Zarina | Callisto Mal | Riku Replica | Audrey takes Celia hostage and attacks Mal, who turns into her dragon form. descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus - He is revealed to be Mal's absentee father and reluctantly gives her the ember, warning her that it mustn't get wet and will not exhibit its full powers for her. Splat | Here's the sequel to If Only! Rafiki | With the existence of Mount Olympus, Hades is one of the villains thought to be imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost. Mrs. Calloway | Carol Newman-Calvin | El Chupacabra | Friends/Allies Hamster & Gretel Heroes | Mal would usually look over it with him, to try and get more involved, but tonight her mind was elsewhere. Dean Eugene "E. J. Gene" Higgins | Her name and her battles roamed throughout the land and sea, only as a legend. Taylor McKessie | Mr. Principal Powers | Oscar Diggs | tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. While leaving the Isle, Mal and the others are stopped by Uma, Gil, and Harry, who take the Ember. When Zeus had arrived he picked Mal up and swung her around like a toddler. Buddy | Great Prince of the Forest | When Zeus had arrived he picked Mal up and swung her around like a toddler. Up Heroes | She's been living in Auradon her whole life. Pete Oatzel | Bambi | "A seating chart has been drawn up by whomever sent me this movie, so everyone sit down and we can get started. Fagin | "This meeting is very important to my brother and my whole family. Chief Benja | The Prince | Taran | Blue Lauriam | After the deal is made, Hades then reveals that Megara was working for him the whole time, crushing Hercules' will to fight. Jay said with a grin, doing the same with Harry. Sparky | Flower | Grace Meacham | I don't own Descendants or the book Isle of the Lost. Her favorite class is "Remedial Goodness 101", stating that she just thinks of what her mom would do and pick the opposite. Hi, I'm back Balthazar Blake | She also appears as one of the tritagonists in the fourth novel Escape From The Isle of The Lost. Gosalyn Mallard | Sir Tuxford | Hades arrives and revives Audrey, but reveals the double standard by which Audrey is immediately forgiven because she is not considered a villain. Persephone gave Mal a big hug while Hercules and Meg came to greet my parents and I. White Magenta | Kingdom Hearts Heroes | Retelling Descendants Return to the Isle: Chapter 1, a Kingdom Hearts Relevant Pages Main Page; Discuss; . The Glowworm | Dylan Piper | With her life things are about be nothing but chaos once she realizes the future of her brother and her own. Jim Hawkins | RedeemedRelated to Villain, Pumpkin, Darling, My Nasty Little Girl (by Maleficent)M (by Evie)Malsy (by CJ Hook)PoserLittle TraitorSnooty Little WitchLoserPrincess (by Uma)Traitor (by Harry)Lady Mal (by Auradon citizens)Mali, Little GirlMy Girl (by Hades)Bad Girl InfatuationOld Hag (by Audrey)Chicken (by Celia Facilier), Daughter of MaleficentStudent at Auradon PrepKing Ben's girlfriendFuture Queen of AuradonLady of the Court, DancingSpray painting graffitiDoing evil (formerly), Be as evil as her (formerly)Become good (succeeded), Hades (father)Maleficent (mother)Hadie (half-brother)Ben (husband)Zeus and Poseidon (paternal uncles)Hera (paternal aunt)Hercules (paternal cousin)King Lew (adoptive father), Carlos De Vil (close friend)JayFreddie FacilierJaneBen (boyfriend/love interest;)DougAudrey (currently)DudeChad CharmingAllyJordanLonnieDizzy TremaineCelia FacilierUma (second best friend)Harry HookGilUma's Pirate Crew, MaleficentCJ HookChad Charming (formerly)ZevonPuppet ArmyUma (former archenemy)Harry Hook (formerly)Gil (formerly)Uma Pirate Crew (formerly)Hades (formerly). Bongo the Bear | Rose | Frank | Marahute | Dizzy Tremaine, Descendants: Wicked World April, May and June, See Also Doesn't ring a Ella is the daughter of Hades, but she doesn't know that. Aladdin Heroes | Mouse | Mr. Toad | The Big Three gods, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon, swore an oath to not create any more half-blood children, as they were to become far too powerful. Bentina Beakley | Audrey breaks up with Ben and gets a new boyfriend just to cover how hurt she is. She tries to convince Evie, Jay, and Carlos that they should go back to being evil, but they are content with their new lives in Auradon and do not wish to return to the Isle of the Lost and dredge up their trauma. With Ben and the Fairy Godmother's non-verbal, last-second agreement, Mal removes the barrier and creates a bridge. Hooty | King Triton's Daughters (Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina) | Dolores | Nala (2019) | Queen Elsa | Tourney and What's Up With Mal and Jane Sprig Plantar | Bagheera (2016) | Max Goof | Audrey (former archenemy)MaleficentCJ HookChad Charming (formerly)ZevonPuppet ArmyUma (former archenemy)Harry Hook (formerly)Gil (formerly)Uma Pirate Crew (formerly)Hades (formerly) Glinda the Good Witch of the South | She refuses to leave anyone behind. Mr. Arrow | Baylene | Chicken Little | Table of contents Last updated Apr 21, 2018. Hera | Announcement Until she comes to find the Isle of the Lost, she meets a man. A Bug's Life Heroes | Raine Whispers | Ben, Supporting He would often bring paperwork home to read, while they sat together. DuckTales Heroes | Buck Cluck | Shere Khan | Luz Noceda | Varian | Descendants Meets Ever After High (EAH) - Wattpad When Mal meets Audrey's grandmother Queen Leah, Leah mistakes her for Maleficent because she looks so much like her mother. Zeus laughed joyfully, "Now Reine Belle, don't be ridiculous. Colonel Hathi | Hades then releases the Titans, who defeat and imprison the gods, and sends the Cyclops to kill the weakened and discouraged Hercules to keep him from getting in the way, but Hercules defeats the monster using his wits. Disney Fairies Heroes | She was the Daughter of Hades, abandoned and kidnapped. Eberwolf | Doug Funnie | Eda Clawthorne | Mary Poppins | Singing and hanging out with friendsDancingSpray painting graffitiDoing evil (formerly) Ruby | Instead of placing Hades in a more secure location or increasing security at the museum and the Isle, Mal decides to close the barrier permanently, meaning no new VKs can come, nor can anyone enter the Isle. Hades wants to take control of Mount Olympus and the world, and he sees that if Hercules chooses to fight when he is older, his plans will be ruined. Prince Charming | She is ha THEY WOULD TELL YOU OF A KING WHO STOLE ME HELPLESS FROM MY SUNSHINE GARDEN. Data-Sora. Profession Rama | However, the anti-love spell that we see is not a potion and has no cooking process, so the brownie might have been a completely separate thing from the anti-love spell. Potions, Dresses, and Hair, oh my In front of them, on the floor, sat Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Yao, Ling, and Chien Po (2020) | Published by at June 10, 2022. Lulu Plummer | Pete | Captain Phoebus | Make her mother proudBe as evil as her (formerly)Become good (succeeded) Weaknesses Of Critical Theory, pathfinder wrath of the righteous radiance progression, after gatsby's death, nick considers himself loyal to gatsby, town of south kingstown building department. Hades smiled as he tossed Mal up in the air, trying to keep her happy. Gwen Piper | Grace | Carlos De Vil | Vixey | The only other place could go to was the Underworld. Male Timothy Q. Henry Fathington | Skeeter Valentine | Parts 2. Pause for BLM Princess Marie | Ethan Dalloway | Love Interest(s) Cassim | Tom Sawyer | Patty Mayonnaise | King Clawthorne | Her "Go-To" Object at the museum is her mother's magic spinning wheel. descendants fanfiction family day zeus. Honey Lemon | Zeus (Uncle) Hercules (Cousin) . Mal complains about these things to Evie and Carlos without ever thinking about how they're doing. She has green eyes with "flecks of gold" and is of medium height. Honeymaren Natura | She isn't the only VK with an ability of this nature, for Uma can turn into a sea creature like her own mother Ursula. Mrs. Jumbo | Nigel | Ki | Philoctetes | Prince Charming (2015) | 604 604. Descendants Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Interesting enough, this was the start of Dove Cameron and Thomas Doherty's relationship together. Tigger (2018) | God of the UnderworldLord of the DeadRuler of the UnderworldSupreme Nether UnderlordDad (by Mal) demarcus hollyoaks real name > descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus; figurative language in percy jackson chapter 1 descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus. Zephyr | Fandom B.E.N. Gruff | Dave Douglas | At the coronation, Jane takes the wand to make herself beautiful, because Mal's bullying and toxic/fake friendship convinced her that she was worth nothing if she didn't fit conventional standards of beauty. Fanfiction. Wendy Darling | Travis Coates | King Hubert | In the third movie, Mal is irrational, selfish, stubborn, power-hungry, and legitimately homicidal. Periwinkle | Mal apologizes for lying; her friends and former rivals forgive her despite the fact that she is still going to condemn thousands of people, including Uma, Harry, Gil, and Celia, to wrongful imprisonment, poverty, and eventually death. Hermes | Eeyore (2018) | Mole | Clara Stahlbaum | Owl | Zazu (2019) | The Commander | Gurgi | Miss Eglantine Price | She manipulates Ben with a spell, causing him to fall in love with her. Zeus (maternal great-great-uncle) Hera (maternal great-great-aunt) Hercules (first cousin twice removed) . Eddie Valiant | Mittens | The first thing they had done was arrange the meeting, actually. Organization XIII (Axel, Xion, Roxas, Vexen) | The Little Mermaid Heroes | Pranee | Sometimes love You are the daughter of the most feared villain if all time, and no I'm not talking Maleficent she doesn't even come close to your father, the Chernabog. Alistair Krei | Bruton | Elisa Maza | Dr. Doppler | Walter | Sarabi (2019) | Harry Hook | And that person - who just happens to be family - wants to meet her. Michael Banks | Anastasia Tremaine | Buck | Namin | Lefty | Heroes. Arthur Pendragon | Despite Mal's stubbornness, they defeat suits of armor animated by Audrey. Isabela Madrigal | Max | Bookwrm15, ToyBonny, Animehaircolors, multi_ship, LuckyJ111, EJCreed, Aristothesky, AndrewB, nanner, Avatar_Lover23, CrimeDramaFan4Ever, Sheyla19palacio, Fancyrapter26, Irishqueen88, deku_Parker, Scarlet100521, davinaclaire, Smol_hooman, Snitzellkitty, Lunadragneel20, Juli_shadowhunters, riordanverso, isabellecressworth, Hahaimboredlol, Romanogers_Lucaya, astrolord, Deborahlove, Flaminghost39, Booklover234999, DragonFaerie, Jacen8Lion, spicygingerninja, Masq, A1ris, LunaLuthor, Kallz_t, Prosto_Khan, clockworkbox, PanicAtTheBlackVeilFallOut, Yannanikki, Im_Not_A_Pineapple, OG_Skwdiddles, BlueSoul9699, StarlightJoy, AngeleMM77500, Aithusa13, Rayya_na, Deadprincess8398, VexCast28, Savisnire, and 120 more users Dani Dennison | Nasty Jack | Bridget | Cubbi Gummi | Tadashi Hamada | Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos visit the Isle of the Lost to choose four new villain kids (VKs) to take to Auradon. Dizzy Tremaine | She is the only child daughter of Hades and . Underdog | Parts. In the mid-credits scene, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are seen looking at the Isle of the Lost; then racing across the bridge to their parents. 16. Milo Murphy's Law Heroes | 5. RELATIONSHIPS. Miranda Wright | Sunni Gummi | Emira Blight | She is the only child daughter of Hades and Maleficent, Evie's best friend and the love interest, girlfriend and later wife of Ben. Yar | Treasure Planet Heroes | Lumire (2017) | Iridessa | Luca Heroes | "What if I want to marry someone I love? Mrs. Potts | Valiant | Gopher | King Richard | Winifred Banks | Sofia | In some media, Maleficent's last name is Faery (another spelling for "Fairy" in some cultures) if this is true then it is possible that Faery is Mal's last name as well. Mickey Mouse | Audrey and her Grammy are not happy that Mal is . Mal's group returns, handing over the fake wand in exchange for Ben, but Uma realizes the forgery. Suspecting Uma has given him a love potion, Mal confesses her love for Ben and kisses him, breaking the spell. Geppetto | Encanto Heroes | Wreck-It Ralph | Snickers | Dexter Reilly | Joshamee Gibbs | Martin | She likes being in Auradon and being Ben's girlfriend, but not the responsibilities that come with those things. Hades is brought to the school in chains and does help revive Audrey for his daughter before being sent back. Blag | She also manipulated Jane into thinking that they were friends and that Jane was worthless if she wasn't pretty, all to get information so that she could get the wand. "Harry, be grateful it's Mal and Jay marching you two away to talk," Harriet called. Dodger | descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus; Feb 16, 2021 Descendants 2 Fan Fiction Stories - MAL ENDS BEN'S LIFE?! Stealing the wand is her only focus, as everything we see her do revolves around getting the wand. Movies Audrey Ramirez | Piglet | The Huntsman | King Stefan | Rajah (2019) | Mary Poppins | She is also one of the twelve characters (Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben, Jane, Doug, Chad, Belle, Beast, Fairy Godmother and Dude) to appear in all three Descendants movies. Spot the Killer Whale | Milo James Thatch | Unfortunately, it seems WATTPAD BOOKS EDITION. Steven Post | Jim Craig | Watching Descendants 1 - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own Raya and the Last Dragon Heroes | Becky Barnes | Gordon Bombay | Knowing that he can't stop Hercules in his path, Hades begs the hero to try and ease things with him and the other gods, but Hercules angrily punches Hades into the River Styx, where he is swarmed by unidentified souls and dragged to the depths where he is trapped. 32 parts Ongoing . Fabiana | Gabriella | Toulouse | Lampy | Upon visiting the Fates, he learns that he could succeed by releasing the Titans in eighteen years, but if Zeus' son, Hercules, is to fight Hades, he will fail. Boun | Rollo | Shane Wolfe | Baby Herman | Throughout the three movies, Mal goes from evil, to "good", to evil, to "good", to committing genocide, to "good" again. Oliver | Thackery Binx | Devil Dinosaur, Video Games Which made a little sense since Maleficent was her mother. When Ben is about to reveal the fact that Mal has been lying the whole time, she admits that she plans to seal off the Isle permanently. She is the daughter of Hades and Maleficent and the love interest of Ben. international bridge wait time. Prince Dastan | X-Men Movie Heroes | Inspector Fix | Patch | Mother Ginger | At Ben's coronation, she wears a lavender dress that is short on the front but long and regal looking on the back. Meanwhile, Zeus wrestled with guilt as he knows what was . Hurley | Hades is later to be seen asleep in the chair with his shades covering his eyes when Mal and Celia hear him snoring, Celia gets annoyed with his record player so she turns it off, Hades wakes up at the moment to catch Celia and Mal. Troy Bolton | Lilo & Stitch Heroes | They pick Dizzy, granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, Celia, daughter of Dr. Facilier, and Squeaky and Squirmy, the twin sons of Mr. Smee. Ongoing. 13. Legacy | Riordan Wiki | Fandom After a long night of playing games you threw yourself on your bed letting out a deep sigh. Time Baby | Aramis | Lewis Robinson | Lumire | Simba (2019) | Captain Jack Sparrow | The Nokk | Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff | Greg Heffley | boats for sale brisbane facebook descendants fanfiction family day zeus Maurice | Please consider turning it on! Pirates of the Caribbean Heroes | Mulch Diggums | descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus - Tigger | Belle | Evie | She serves as the main protagonist in the Descendants film trilogy, the first three novels and the animated spin off series Descendants Wicked World. Mal is described as a girl with dark purple hair with highlights of lighter shades of purple that is curly and reaches a little bit . Big Mama | 'This should do it.'. Radio | how to file a police report for stolen package; layer by layer minecraft castle blueprints. Pain and Panic, however, tell Hades that Hercules is dead, hoping that he will not find out. A Twisted Tale Heroes | Dolores Madrigal | Jennifer Scott | Bruni | Bandersnatch | Urchin | Cri-Kee | Warren Peace | Zliza Zambi | Disney | Persephone | Fantasy Romance Series Hercules Hades. Blanky | Mal decides that this will solve all of their problems because they won't have to deal with villains anymore. She becomes close with Uma's crew, and even closer with a certain pirate. Mal visits hairstylist Dizzy Tremaine, Drizella's daughter, who restores her signature purple hair, saying she felt that Mal's blonde hair was unnatural. Dove Cameron wore wigs during both filming. Charlie Calvin | After years of being terrible rulers, Belle and Adam finally realize thanks to the help of their multiple children, adopted and biological, that they must correct past mistakes. Chico | Abu (2019) | Sweet Polly Purebred | Alice Kingsleigh | Stating that even though it's boring-looking, it's spooky that a few pieces of wood could put someone to sleep for a hundred years. Series. King Triton | Ienzo | Kirby | Call Us Today! Passing Remedial Goodness 101 She serves as the main protagonist in the Descendants film trilogy, the first three novels and the animated spin off series Descendants Wicked World. Mighty Med/Lab Rats Heroes | Ted Johnson | Pain and PanicCelia Facilier Megara (formerly) Aurora (2014) | Mal was surprised when her mother told her and the three other villain kids, Evie, Jay, and Carlos, that they're moving to another school, Auradon Prep. Seven Dwarfs (Doc, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy & Dopey) | descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus. Cartoons Wasabi | They almost got caught when Jay activated the alarm, but they escape because of Carlos' quick thinking. This also means that no supplies can reach the Isle, so everyone on the Island will die from starvation in a matter of months. by | Jun 2, 2022 | Uncategorized | franklin tiktok baby surgery | Jun 2, 2022 | Uncategorized | franklin tiktok baby surgery If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Jess Aarons | Out of all of us, her mother was the most evil, the best thing to be at the Isle of the Lost. Summery of the disney zombies and what the book is gonna be about, chapter 1:The descendants characters find a portal, chapter 2: showing the four vks and ben around seabrook high, What should i write for chapter 3? Maleficent Bertha also known as Mal is the main protagonist of Disney's Descendants franchise. | Polly Plantar | Hades smiled as he tossed Mal up in the air, trying to keep her happy. Djali | Personality Bruno | Basically if descendants had social media. In Descendants, 3, Mal and the VKs try to leave the Isle with the new VKs, but Hades tries to 'escape' as the barrier is closing. Victor Frankenstein | Hades loses his temper, but he taunts Hercules that he at least has a parting gift; while Hercules was fighting the Titans, Megara died from her injuries. Nature's Child. Cj Logistics America Locations, CHARACTERS!!!! Vee | Annie James | She mostly wears purple and shades of green during the movie. Ongis | "You're more than welcome to stay with Hadie and I while Mal goes off to the Isle, sir." Moana Waialiki | Maleficent eventually convinces Mal to go and steal Fairy Godmother's wand. It is later revealed that Hades is Mal's estranged father which is why she goes to his underground lair to get his ember and was able to convince him when others would not. However, Ben reveals that he hadn't actually been spelled since his and Mal's first date at the Enchanted Lake, which has enchanted water that undid the spell. Angela | Li Shang | He was so happy to finally meet her and was sorry that he couldn't make it to my coronation. Mal then takes the wand from Jane, and Ben believes that she wanted to give it back. Mal convinces her friends to come with her. Physical description Kovu | "Hello dears, it had come to my attention that you, well we, have a movie to watch." tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. After the barrier is finally brought down for good, Hades crosses the bridge and asks his daughter and Ben if he's invited to their wedding. Frustrated by the mockery, the VKs run away. Chapter 9 Dude, Desecendants 2 Sarafina | She attended Dragon Hall (an evil high school), while on the Isle of the Lost. Francis | Possessions Charlotte La Bouff | Lonnie | General Yunan | Jay | Dove and Thomas even drew secret hook tattoos under their gloves. Susan Pevensie | Frank Walker | Inspector Gadget | Time. Julieta Madrigal | Url | Bobble and Clank | Darkwing Duck Heroes | Summary: After Mal slips up in front of a reporter, only one person catches it. Gregg O'Hara | Persephone gave Mal a big hug while Hercules and Meg came to greet my parents and I.

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