Is a scam with good intentions still a scam? What do you remember Sergeant Walling telling either of the Routiers? This documentary tells their story. CODIS, or Combined DNA Index System, is a little more complex. Rage is rage; sometimes it's personal, and sometimes it's not. Is it in transcripts? Seems it would have to be someone with big Reach ? Gerrymanderingwhat exactly is it and what impact does it have on the American political system? Darlie tried to explain herself, but ended up dissolving into tears. Nothing happens overnight; it's all a process. His reply cannot be heard; he may have answered non-verbally with a nod, but he's in the room with Darlie when she asks the question. In the event that Darlie is fully exonerated, I guess it would be up to the DA's office whether or not they have enough evidence to pursue charges. I think every last juror saw every last one of those pictures. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. From Britney Spears conservatorship and Janet Jacksons Super Bowl scandal to social media influencers and even the popularity of vapingthis documentary series covers it all. He was the one that actually put the bandage on you and walked you out? DARIN ROUTIER'S POLICE STATEMENT HE WROTE ON JUNE 8TH, 1996. . Apparently, while she was attacking the first child, the other one was just sleeping through it peacefully, or was quietly and patiently waiting for his turn. She went to the door and screamed for Karen Neal, the nurse across the street. And if this is where Darlie cut her throat and stabbed herself in the arm, where is all the castoff blood? Dwayne out. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? If Halina Czaban really believed the baby was in any danger from his mother then she is negligent for not calling the police or CPS right then and there. When Darlie's court-appointed attorneys referenced this affidavit in a pretrial hearing, Greg Davis immediately objected on the grounds of hearsay and was (as usual) sustained by Judge Mark Tolle. They were old mug shots that were shared with me privately by an attorney, and I don't believe they can be found on any website. It's kind of hard to disturb mulch that isn't there Ah, the infamous "sink cleanup." The 26-year-old homemaker and mother of three alleged that an intruder had broken into her home on June 6, 1996, stabbed two of her sons to death, and attacked her, leaving her with . As for comforting Damon: she tells him more than once to "Hang on honey, we're calling honey!" The Routiers had significant financial problems, including a substantial drop in income from the previous year, credit card debt, a late mortgage payment, and back taxes owed to the IRS. Q. Why even cut yourself at the sink at all? ..people who are usually on drugs, violent and dont want any witnesses.. consider that. And again, she did not "sleep through" the attack; her mind will not allow her to fully remember the trauma. Twelve days later, on June 18, 1996, Darlie was arrested. Okay. My belief is that Darlie is the one who grabbed the butcher knife, to fight the man off, and he got it away from her. Really, Alan? Darlie Routier is an American citizen who is convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon. (Attorney nodding head affirmatively.) follows political activists fighting to terminate gerrymandering from the United States election process. I can picture Marybeth Tinning holding a pillow over her infant's faces again and again and again. Wonder where they went? This time, one of them had what appeared to be a screwdriver or knife. Because the first guy brought his own knife, which is what he used to cut the screen (we'll get to the bread knife later). No, there's no recording of anything that was said after the 911 call ended, but according to Waddell's own words, this whole exchange took place during the first few minutes of his arrival, while Darlie was still on the phone. It's been said that it was impossible to dislodge the glass by accident, as there was a built-in mechanism in the glass holders to prevent that. The timeline was presented by the prosecution and was based on the length of the 911 call, and the testimony of Dr. Janis Townsend-Parchman, the doctor who performed the autopsy on Damon. Okay. Ive read a lot about this case. Look at all the red spots that indicate where Damon went in the family room. Documentary Dallas housewife Darlie Routier urges police to find the intruder she claims killed her sons. Therefore, Darlies execution date has not yet been set, and she, maintaining her innocence, is incarcerated at the Mountain View Unit in Gatesville, Texas. She was somehow sophisticated enough to think of stabbing herself in her dominant arm, and slit her own throat with her non-dominant hand while standing in front of the sink. The stroke, the medication, the horror movie: none of this means that two men with a knife didn't try to break into her house that night. Victorias Secret: Angels and Demons is a Hulu Original documentary uncovering the hidden dark side of VSs light pink illusion that led to the retail giants downfall. is the cornerstone of childhood nostalgia. He was treated, evaluated, and it was determined that he was not a serious suicide risk. Darlie's eldest son, Devon, had already died from four knife wounds. If you had, you would know that the motion light was located by the spa, at the BACK of the yard. Discover never-before-seen in-depth interviews with McCartney where he discusses creation and inspiration for his music that became the soundtrack of our generation. tells Nawabis story through animation and voiceovers to uncover the painful truth that could set back everything hes worked so hard to achieve in his new life. Be aware that your file size will increase. Find a record of young children that were stabbed during a home invasion that took place within a 50-mile radius of Dallas during that time frame, and then maybe I'll budge on my stance that Darlie is innocent. The location of the vacuum cleaner was another detail that caused investigators to suspect staging. The neighborhood children called it "The Nintendo House" because of the elaborate game room made just for kids. Still, I'd love to know how his bloody jeans managed to end up in a pile of clean, folded laundry. However, when it came time for Bevel to testify, his "expert" opinion was drastically different from what he had said to the defense previously. This is the one point that people seem to have the most difficulty with. All you need is love and a music documentary. A. I believe the first thing I asked her was, who had done this. Devon scrambles to his feet and starts for the hallway. These maggots have been eating at me with their lies for too long. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. The detectives had crossed into a bit of a legal gray area by setting up a hidden microphone at the cemetery where funeral services for the children were to be held. Questioning by defense attorney Mr. Doug Mulder: Q. Darlie Routier has spoken to television presenter Susanna Reid in a documentary airing tonight (Thursday, December 10) on ITV. Someone alleged a 'fired housekeeper & her boyfriend' did it. She was never charged with the murder of her other son, six-year-old Devon. Bill Gorsuch was a neighbor who lived across the street and worked nights. Boot prints outlined in the carpet, unidentified finger and palm prints, and of course, the unidentified fingerprint left in BLOOD, which could only have been deposited while the blood was still WET. Darlie Routier, 48, has been on death row in Texas for more than 20 years Her sons Damon, five, and Devon, six, were stabbed to death on June 6, 1996 She was found guilty of Damon's murder but. Wonder who could have threatened Darin? If you think he is anything more than an exploitative, hypocritical quack, I truly feel sorry for you. Hulu (With Ads) $7.99 / MONTH 30 DAY FREE TRIAL Hulu (No Ads) $14.99 / month Monthly price $7.99/mo. Guilters like to note that her first priority was setting the stage of a break-in when it should have been requesting medical help for her children. Then they come up missing? Nope, try again. Kudos to you JustinCase Great article. Similarly, she is the subject of multiple books and television shows. Amin Nawabi is an Afghan refugee with a heavy secret he has kept to himself for over 20 years. Guiltersthose who believe Darlie is guiltyhave a number of familiar reasons for doubting her story. Watch: Minding the Gap The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story For so many, Nickelodeon is the cornerstone of childhood nostalgia. For 82,000 others, it was an organization that stripped them of their innocence, forcing them to grow up way too soon. Is this what you do when you are the one who has stabbed your own children, and one of them is still alive and could possibly identify you as the one who attacked him? is a truly unique documentary that uses three stray dogs roaming the streets of Istanbul to tell stories of the city through their eyes and innocent point of view. This fingerprint did not match one single person who was known to be in the house that night; it did not belong to any of the Routiers, nor did it match any of the police officers or paramedics (all were printed to rule them out). As a private citizen, why cant Teresa Power be heard? Personalized gifts for all ages. Within minutes, police arrived at the house in Dallas, Texas and found the boys suffering from multiple stab wounds - they were soon pronounced dead. It's entirely possible that the only noises were grunting and some muffled screams. This caused the prosecution to claim that Darlie placed it there to further enhance evidence of a struggle. It is known that Darin did go outside to get help from Karen Neal, another neighbor across the street who happened to be a nurse. The Routier's Home at 5801 Eagle Drive: Devon and Damon called it "The Home Alone House." Why would anyone attempt to clean up blood while continually bleeding from a gaping wound on their throat? However, Officer David Mayne, who was responsible for the collection of evidence at the crime scene, used the phrase "I'm not for sure" 48 times during his cross-examination, and "I don't recall" exactly 25 times, for a whopping total of 73 times. Darlie was known as a cookie-baking housewife who always let the neighborhood kids hang out at her house, which they called the Nintendo House because of the elaborate game room that Darin had. If they choose to kill me, thats my innocent blood that will be on their hands.. What kind of mother has bleached blonde hair and $5,000 breast implants? There are other indexes as well, such as missing persons and unidentified human remains. She was calling for help, grabbing towels, running back and forth, etc. Waddell testified that when he first pulled up to the house, he saw a man (Darin Routier) coming out of the front door into the yard. This is the totality of Devon's blood on the back of the shirt. takes viewers back in time and provides a brief snapshot of the time, including the deadliest murders of our time that you may have forgotten about. In this documentary, Carvey reflects on his short-lived project. Answer: According to my research, witness perjury alone would not be enough to overturn the conviction. Then she stabbed the other child. The Beatles: Eight Days a Week The Touring Years, Do you remember where you were when the world shut down in March 2020? He also stated that he never actually saw the police officer get out of the car. Dr. Phil is a non-factor and is about as useful as tits on a bull. He would have had to be in the house for all that time until the cop got there, what was he doing hanging around the crime scene? I have spoken to Cooper, and they have confirmed there was DNA from a black male found in the DNA retesting. Darlie has been paying for that womans sins for 23 years now. I've heard that before, and I know it is inherently false. Not to mention, it doesn't appear as though she did a very good job, since blood is clearly visible on and around the sink. There's always a part of you that's on alert, waiting for a whimper or cry that signals it's time to warm up a bottle or grab a fresh diaper. Glass remained in the wine rack, proving that this glass was not broken by being thrown to the floor. Aside from the supposed cleanup at the sink, there were other details that caused investigators to suspect the crime scene had been staged. Q. If that knife had been used to cause that large slice in the screen, there would have been a lot more fibers adhering to it. convicted of the brutal murders of her. Two police officers were asked if they saw it on the kitchen floor. The defense wanted to put Mr. Harrell on the stand to bring this discrepancy to the attention of the jury. My son was the exact same way from the time he was 2 months old, and still sleeps like that to this day. Their reasoning for this conclusion included the following factors and pieces of evidence, some of which, admittedly, did not look good for her: 1) A stab wound to Darlie's right arm that went to the bone (she is right-handed). Although the medical examiner found this to be highly suspicious, in the end, his death was classified as a suicide. Instead of focusing on the wiretapping, Mulder could have asked Patterson the million-dollar question: "Detective Patterson, upon reviewing the footage of this surreptitious recording, at what point did you hear Darlie Routier confess to murdering her sons?". A Darlie Routier Documentary - YouTube 0:00 / 10:38 A Darlie Routier Documentary GhoulishGal 26.6K subscribers 2.5K views 4 years ago Darlie seemed to have it all. JustinCase976 (author) on December 11, 2019: You know what, Melia? Apart from marking her as greedy and uncaring, they also highlighted that she could not give a clear description of the intruder, and nothing was stolen from her home, raising the question of if he really existed. Viewers of The Last Defense, co-produced by actress Viola . When ordered to produce those tapes and turn them in, Sandra complied, but there were still a couple of tapes missing. During the police investigation, one of the mistakes that hurt Darlie the most was giving several accounts and timelines of how the events occurred. The police and prosecution had their sights set on one person as the perpetrator: the boy's mother, Darlie Routier. Guilters gleefully point out that Darlie used the phrase "I don't know" or "I don't remember" 72 times during her cross-examination. This group is for supporters of Darlie Routier, an innocent mother on Death Row in Texas. JustinCase976 (author) on December 10, 2019: Vanessa Potkin and Bryce Benjet of the NY Innocence Project are indeed involved in her case. If the cop saw the killer come out of the house and let him get away where was the killer at while they were calling 911 and doing CPR? SOMEONE had to have left that fingerprint in blood; the blood was still wet and fresh when the print was left. This enables LE to compare unknown prints against known felons. Imagine the fallout if the public got wind of the fact a child killer literally slipped right under Waddell's nose. She blew a fuse and turned down his money, his help, his world wide attention. Nabors Dirty deeds done dirt cheap. And behind every car dealer is a bigger car dealer .. a more savy heavier car dealer . JustinCase976 (author) on December 17, 2019: I just realized I missed one of your questions. "What is a yoot?" I can think of at least two other alternative possibilities. The officer, of course, is Matt Walling. The pre-trial reference to Teresa and her affidavit was so brief that if you blinked, you missed it. Sung by a Black man? I believe he took that chance just as Waddell was pulling up. Darlie spent two days in the hospital recovering from her injuries, whereas her sons died. When it comes to this case, I have never been confident with either the crime scene preservation or the collection of the evidence. Cold Case Files is a reality legal show/documentary on the cable channel A&E Network and the rebooted series on Netflix. Guilters have been quick to dismiss Rickels as a "lying lunatic" or a "brain damaged stroke victim on a cocktail of drugs.". Add Darlie Routier to your Watchlist to find out when it's coming back. Or, maybe youre ready to take a nostalgic deep dive with a 90s doc like Kid90 or The Dark Side of the 90s. What gives? Menu In other words, Bevel was saying that both victims were injured and actively bleeding when the drops were deposited, and their mixed blood landed on the back of the shirt. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Cron certainly had an impressive resume and over 30 years of experience, but sometimes this can work against a person. They just try and muddy the waters and confuse people with untruths that cannot be proven. That changed when I read Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case That Sentenced Darlie Routier To Death by Kathy Cruz. 20 years later, doubt still remains. If her account is true, that puts two armed bad guys in the area not half an hour before the attacks, which lends credence to the intruder theory. I also submit to you that if the vacuum was there and neither of these police officers noticed it, they're not very observant and perhaps should re-think their career choice. To eliminate this problem, they simply brought the dog into their room every night when they went to bed. I'm open-minded and always willing to consider new evidence, but at this point I don't feel as though anything that happened that night was planned. Q. For the love of God, what is your obsession with Dr. Phil? It can make them too confident and arrogant in their opinion. If it hadn't been for that crazy Silly String, Darlie Routier might be a free woman today.At least, that's what many people believe about the notorious Rowlett woman now on death row after savagely stabbing her 5- and 6-year-old sons 20 years ago Monday as her husband and 7-month-old son slept upstairs. It is a minute, pinprick DOT. They were doing what every other young married couple does: raising a family and living the American dream. There is 100% proof that Darlie was drugged the night of the murders. Watch along as seemingly normal video clips become important pieces of evidence in Sasha Joseph Neulingers fight to heal from the childhood trauma he endured at the hands of extended family members. In fact, why would you call 911 at all unless you were sure they were both dead? However, if there is one thing I would personally love to ask Darlene Potter, it would be this: How is it that, more than six years later, she can be absolutely sure that the date she saw these men was indeed June 6, 1996? Seen lotsa ER people looking neat for the unplanned visit. On the night of the murders, around 1:30 am, Mary Angelia Rickels and her 15-year-old daughter were up late watching a horror film. Because of what happened to that woman in Texas. It is my understanding that recent testing of the night shirt revealed an unknown DNA profile. I don't believe that Darin actually communicated with any of the intruders directly; I think there was a middle man who set this all up and somewhere along the line there was a miscommunication with regard to the dates the house would be empty. is a true-crime documentary surrounding Randy Herman, Jr. and the murder he committed while he was fast asleepor so he claims. Q. This timeline follows the events from the murder to her conviction. When I asked her that, she told me that he was stillsomebody was still in the house. I also believe Devon and Damon were killed by two different people, with two different knives. We hear a desperate mother who was in shock, begging for help. She has also been charged with capital murder in. Guilters claim that those tears were the result of her being "caught in her own lies.". Do you think her live-in bf had nothing to do with it as well? Darlie picked up the knife without thinking about it and headed back to the family room where she and her young sons had fallen asleep. She told the dispatcher that she and her two sons had been stabbed. and the part about Darlie and the babysitter rebecca laughing when Drake was starting to fall from the couch? In honor of the boys, the family chose this as one of the songs to be played at their funeral. Darin and Neal had planned this for months against Darlie. There was no investigation of Darin. Q. Q. Aside from his weight, the attack on Devon was brutal and swift. JustinCase976 (author) on December 12, 2019: To my knowledge the missing tapes have never turned up. Two of them that testified one after the other used the same peculiar word to describe her: whiny. If the software finds a match, the uploading agency is notified and is then tasked with the dissemination of personal information. Brian Pardo isn't actually an attorney. I think it's just plain silly and not worth even considering. So..1993 they buy the house and hes already doing an insurance scam with BJs daughter . ? is a documentary that focuses on an Oakland area high school, bringing students real-life struggles to light and how the pandemic has only made them worse. She grabbed a butcher knife and just started stabbing her kids in a rage. She had some over-the-counter sleeping pills on hand, but as she was writing the note, she abandoned the idea and did the healthiest thing possible: she reached out for help. A Dallas County judge has admitted two lawyers from the national office of the Innocence Project to the case. A. I only remember them really by their faces. In one account, she fought with the intruder. They would work tirelessly to make sure she paid the price. So what about the future, lets say hypothetically, Darlie free. There were no lies in those letters, only misinformation. After a couple of minutes, however, there came a loud bang and what sounded like splintering wood. I dont buy the wrong date, and the police corruption obvious. Flee tells Nawabis story through animation and voiceovers to uncover the painful truth that could set back everything hes worked so hard to achieve in his new life. It makes sense, right? In several of these letters, Darlie stated that she knew who the killer was. A. Okay. Also, Darlie was probably fighting and struggling. What I do fault him for is his perjury and outright character assassination of Darlie during his testimony. Moving him in any way could have resulted in permanent paralysis, had he lived. If you're a member of the media, and don't have access, please contact to request a login. Karl did not like what he was hearing about hurting little children and he confronted one of the men, a stocky, blonde-haired cowboy originally from Oklahoma, who went by the street name "Arkansas.". About 1520 minutes later, Rickels heard noises again, this time coming from her daughter's empty first floor bedroom. Just my theory. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: Routiers seemed to be a perfect family, until murder of two boysDarlie and Darin Routier seemed to have a perfect life with their three boys - until one night when Darlie said she and two of her sons were attacked by a man with a knife.SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: More on ABC News on FACEBOOK ABC News on TWITTER: MORNING AMERICA'S HOMEPAGE: #2020 #Documentary #TrueCrime #DarlieRoutier #LastDefense Amin Nawabi is an Afghan refugee with a heavy secret he has kept to himself for over 20 years. You had to literally walk right up to the spa to set the light off. I believe I did read somewhere that this psychic told Darlie that a woman had done it, a woman who was supposedly very jealous of Darlie. He was returned to the Potter County Jail. They could not have an unsolved double homicide of two young children and the general public panicking about a lunatic on the loose. Rickels would not actually contact police with this information until June 11th, five days after the murders. And then were awakenedwhat awakened you the second time, do you know? If my wife started screaming downstairs Id be haulin arse to get down there. 5) Yes, the knife came from her house. , this documentary tells the story of the networks humble beginnings as a small local TV channel and how it evolved into a cultural phenomenon that shaped an entire generation. He testified that he repeatedly instructed Darlie to put towels on Damon while he was standing right beside her; why do we not hear him say this on the 911 tape? These worms keep telling lies. On June 6th, 1996, someone brutally murdered two little boys and got away with it. I think if Darlie and Rebecca chuckled at her when she leaped to "save the baby" it was due to the melodramatic manner she displayed. Watch: The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story. The transcripts had to be recreated from the original erroneous transcript and an incomplete set of audio tapes by people who were not even in the courtroom during the original trial. Is a scam with good intentions still a scam? He didn't bark because he was never aware those people were in the house. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. She's lucky she didn't kill herself. With so many people frantically coming in and out of the house, any one of them could have easily kicked that glass from one spot to another without even realizing it. Q. Part sci-fi mind bender, part true crime horror story. Yeah nice fantasy theory but it'll never hold up in court. A single parent to three children and struggling financially, Ellen Boehm knew something had to change. Everyone seems to have a theory as to how it got there. There's no need for the good doctor to facilitate any DNA testing, either; that's ongoing as it is. Please do not hate me or think in any way that this is your fault. Theres plenty more where that came from. Director Alexander Nanau follows a team of newspaper investigators as they work to expose a case of extreme health care fraud in Romania that has been lining the pockets of business executives and politicians while killing innocent civilians. Judge Tolle made damn sure of that. It fell off when bandage removed. The public Facebook page for Darlie just locked down - accepting no new members. So here's my challenge to you: Find me proof of such a crime. My life has been such a hard fight for a long time, and I just cannot find the strength to keep fighting anymore. True Crime. None of these areas appear clean. Do you love sports documentaries? Each witness was able to hear what the others would be saying on the stand. After putting Darlie in jail with bail set at $1 million, the state of Texas placed baby Drake in a foster home in 1996. Darlie Routier 26 years old when she was arrested on June 18, 1996 for the murders of her two older sons, Devon and Damon. I understand the guilters need to dismiss Rickels as a liar or as mentally unstable. In 2009, Matt DeHart was persecuted by the American government for possessing child pornography, but DeHart claims he was framedby the government. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website.

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