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[250 0 0 0 0 0 778 0 333 333 0 564 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0 500 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 667 667 722 611 556 0 722 333 389 0 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 0 944 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444] all the above, Question. This Business communication MCQ PDF is Compulsory for the CBSE Board Exam. /Subtype /TrueType Besides being good at tennis, he is also an excellent player of golf. A ___ is essentially a statement of facts of a situation, project or process or test and it should be supported by ___ proxemicsD. /LastChar 121 The University of Pune, Last 5 years 2nd Year (SYBcom) papers PDF download with solutions is available on this page. b. informal; negative 1. personal communicationD. Posters fall under ______________ communication. BCA-4-SEM-HUMAN-RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT-405-P13-APR-2017 (c) real; second /FontName /Arial,Bold BCA-6-SEM-ADVANCED-WEB-TECHNOLOGIES-6001-P13-APR-2016 >> Students can improve their grades by regularly solving sample papers, taking mock examinations, and answering previous year's question papers. All of the following might be used to improve organizational communication except A. surveys and feedbackB. four way process. Ans: C, 42. BCA-2-SEM-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-2004-P16-APR-2018 BCA-5-SEM-WEB-TECHNOLOGIES-5002-P13-APR-2016, BBA-BCA-6-SEM-ADVANCED-JAVA-602-P13-APR-2018 In the modern outlook, profit maximization is a primary motive of business. endobj d. while; because Agenda is also called ___ Such interference is known as ___. BCA-6-SEM-SOFTWARE-TESTING-6004-P13-APR-2016, Designed to provide SPPU Pune University old Question Papers, Solutions & Notes, BCA-1-SEM-APPLIED-MATHEMATICS-1-1003-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-BUSINESS-COMMUNICATION-104-P13-APR-2017, BCA-1-SEM-BUSINESS-COMMUNICATION-104-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-COMMUNICATION-SKILLS-1004-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-COMMUNICATION-SKILLS-104-APR-2017, BCA-1-SEM-FINANCIAL-ACCOUNTING-102-P13-APR-2017, BCA-1-SEM-FINANCIAL-ACCOUNTING-102-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-FUNDAMENTALS-OF-COMPUTER-1001-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-FUNDAMENTALS-OF-COMPUTER-101-APR-2017, BCA-1-SEM-INTRODUCTION-TO-PROGRAMMING-AND-PROGRAMMING-IN-C-1002-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-MODERN-OPERATING-ENVIRONMENT-AND-MS-OFFICE-101-P13-APR-2017, BCA-1-SEM-MODERN-OPERATING-ENVIRONMENT-AND-MS-OFFICE-101-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-PRINCIPLES-OF-MANAGEMENT-105-P13-APR-2017, BCA-1-SEM-PRINCIPLES-OF-MANAGEMENT-105-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-1-SEM-PRINCIPLES-OF-PROGRAMMING-AND-ALGORITHMS-103-P13-APR-2017, BCA-2-SEM-ADVANCED-PROGRAMMING-IN-C-2002-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-2-SEM-ADVANCED-PROGRAMMING-IN-C-202-APR-2017, BCA-2-SEM-APPLIED-MATHEMATICS-2-2003-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-2-SEM-APPLIED-MATHEMATICS-2-203-APR-2017, BCA-2-SEM-COMPTUER-ORGANIZATION-201-P16-APR-2017, BCA-2-SEM-COMPUTER-ORGANISATION-2001-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-2-SEM-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-202-P13-APR-2017, BCA-2-SEM-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-202-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-2-SEM-ORGANISATIONAL-BEHAVIOUR-203-P13-APR-2017, BCA-2-SEM-ORGANISATIONAL-BEHAVIOUR-203-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-2-SEM-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-2004-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-2-SEM-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-204-P16-APR-2017, BCA-3-SEM-ADVANCED-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-3002-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-3-SEM-BUSINESS-MATHEMATICS-304-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-3-SEM-CA-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-301-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-3-SEM-CF-BUSINESS-MATHEMATICS-304-P13-APR-2017, BCA-3-SEM-DATA-STRUCTURE-3001-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-3-SEM-DATA-STRUCTURE-USING-C-302-P13-APR-2017, BCA-3-SEM-INTRODUCTION-TO-COMPUTER-NETWORK-3004-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-3-SEM-INTRODUCTION-TO-PPERATING-SYSTEM-303-P13-APR-2017, BCA-3-SEM-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-301-P13-APR-2017, BCA-3-SEM-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-3003-P16-OCT-2017, BCA-3-SEM-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-305-P13-APR-2017, BCA-3-SEM-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-305-P13-OCT-2017, BBA-BCA-3-SEM-CA-INTRODUCTION-TO-OPERATING-SYSTEM-303-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-4-SEM-COMPUTER-NETWORKING-403-P13-APR-2017, BCA-4-SEM-ENTERPRISE-RESOURCE-PLANNING-AND-MANAGEMENT-404-P13-APR-2017, BCA-4-SEM-ENTERPRISE-RESOURCE-PLANNING-AND-MANAGEMENT-404-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-4-SEM-HUMAN-RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT-405-P13-APR-2017, BCA-4-SEM-HUMAN-RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT-405-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-4-SEM-OBJECT-ORIENTED-PROGRAMMING-USING-CPP-401-P13-APR-2017, BCA-4-SEM-OBJECT-ORIENTED-PROGRAMMING-USING-C-PP-401-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-4-SEM-PROGRAMMING-IN-VISUAL-BASIC-402-P13-APR-2017, BCA-4-SEM-PROGRAMMING-IN-VISUAL-BASIC-402-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-5-SEM-DOT-NET-PROGRAMMING-503-P13-APR-2017, BCA-5-SEM-DOT-NET-PROGRAMMING-503-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-5-SEM-JAVA-PROGRAMMING-501-P13-APR-2017, BCA-5-SEM-JAVA-PROGRAMMING-501-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-5-SEM-OBJECT-ORIENTED-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-504-P13-APR-2017, BCA-5-SEM-OBJECT-ORIENTED-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-504-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-6-SEM-ADVANCED-WEB-TECHNOLOGIES-601-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-6-SEM-ADVANCED-WEB-TECHNOLOGY-601-P13-APR-2017, BCA-6-SEM-RECENT-TRENDS-IN-IT-603-P13-APR-2017, BCA-6-SEM-RECENT-TRENDS-IN-IT-603-P13-OCT-2017, BCA-6-SEM-SOFTWARE-TESTING-604-P13-APR-2017, BCA-6-SEM-SOFTWARE-TESTING-604-P13-OCT-2017. /FontDescriptor 36 0 R Ans: D. Thanks for your visit, if you like the post on Business Communication SYBCOM Pune University MCQ please dont forget to share it on social media. Get Last Year (c) Transitions and subordinating conjunctions /Type /FontDescriptor BCA-2-SEM-COMPUTER-APLICATIONS-IN-STATISTICS-2004-P13-APR-2016 of Savitribai Phule Pune University. DSSC. Business Communication SYBCOM Pune University MCQ with Answers for the preparation of competitive and academic examinations. BCA-5-SEM-DOT-NET-PROGRAMMING-503-P13-OCT-2017 International Business b. BBA-BCA-6-SEM-RECENT-TRENDS-IN-IT-603-P13-APR-2018 BCA-4-SEM-PROGRAMMING-IN-VISUAL-BASIC-402-P13-OCT-2017 Discretionary timeC. [250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 0 570 250 333 250 0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 333 0 0 570 0 0 0 722 667 722 722 667 0 0 778 389 500 778 667 944 722 778 611 778 722 556 667 722 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 556 444 556 444 333 500 556 278 333 556 278 833 556 500 556 556 444 389 333 556 500 722 500 500] (d) External communication 1. Business letters are written to convey a ___, ___, ___ and ___ message to the receiver. /Filter /FlateDecode BCA-4-SEM-OBJECT-ORIENTED-PROGRAMMING-USING-C-PP-401-P13-OCT-2017 Copyright 2023 EGUARDIAN. the recipient is not concerned about the information, Question. BBA-BCA-3-SEM-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-301-P13-APR-2018 Ans: D, 45. WebSPPU Question Papers All Courses All Part , SPPU BBA Papers SPPU Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra. (d) 5 (c) barrier BCA-4-SEM-HUMAN-RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT-405-P13-OCT-2017 Sexual harassment in the workplaceD. BCA-4-SEM-PROGRAMMING-IN-VISUAL-BASIC-4002-P13-APR-2016 d. dance- dancing; neither- either Ans: C, 13. BBA-BCA-3-SEM-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-305-P13-APR-2018 c. excellent intelligent, beside besides The flow of information through MIS is A. need dependentB. BCA-1-SEM-FINANCIAL-ACCOUNTING-1002-P13-APR-2016 The term communis derived from ______________ word. In what type of organization there is a , Strategic Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf Read More , Personality Development MCQ Questions and Answers pdf. BCA-1-SEM-PRINCIPLES-OF-MANAGEMENT-1005-P13-APR-2016 BBA-BCA-6-SEM-ADVANCED-WEB-TECHNOLOGIES-601-P13-APR-2018 (c) Common Executive Officer WebUnit - 1 Introduction of Business Communication 1.1 Introduction Meaning Definition. Strategic Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 1. BCA-1-SEM-COMMUNICATION-SKILLS-104-OCT-2016 z of /CapHeight 677 Business communication typically takes three forms: verbal, written, and non-verbal. Solving these University of Pune 2nd Year (SYBcom) question papers is a very good approach to prepare for the examinations. Ans: D, 34. These MCQs are also help for What people think of an organizations actions is called: a) Public image b) Public visibility c) Viability , Business Environment MCQ for NET Exam with Answers Read More . b. transmission journey, message 42 0 obj BBA-BCA-4-SEM-ENTERPRISE-RESOURCE-PLANNING-AND-MANAGEMENT-404-P13-APR-2018 Ans: A, 33. 4. a. professional; action BCA-3-SEM-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-305-P13-APR-2017 /Descent -216 Web1. Find out errors: It will certainly help a lot and it will offer you a sense of value and quality while also being able to bring in great results and solutions all the time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. From helping them to ace their academics with our personalized study material to providing them with career development resources, our students meet their academic and professional goals. APRIL 2013 Question Papers. Question. The method used to communicate a message (text, talking, writing, etc) A. BCA-5-SEM-OBJECT-ORIENTED-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-504-P13-APR-2017 WebSPPU Question Papers All Courses All Part , SPPU BCA Papers SPPU Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra. BCA-1-SEM-APPLIED-MATHEMATICS-1-1003-P16-OCT-2017 On the ______________ it is possible to get immediate feedback, 7. a. in other words; because (a) telephonic conversation; nonverbal communication (c) Video and film d. semantic distortion, message ___ are composed by using only keywords and phrases. Too much of ___ communication in the workspace may also prove ___. A. businesslikeB. (a) Leads (b) Links (c) Helps (d) establishes Ans: Clear, concise, correct and simple. external useD. (a) Recall A. Business Management. patrioticD. endobj Advanced Accountancy. management dependent, Question. So it is wonderful to have access to such information. VerbalC. (b) Speaking and reading BCA-3-SEM-ADVANCED-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-3002-P16-OCT-2017 BCA-4-SEM-C-PP-4001-P16-APR-2018 (a) am watching, was driving depends on not using technology to send messages, Question. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding 1. Top. The full form of the abbreviation CEO is BCA-2-SEM-ADVANCED-PROGRAMMING-IN-C-202-APR-2017 Past year's question papers for Business Communication University of Pune 2nd Year (SYBcom) Exam on Shaalaa.com are based on the latest revised syllabus. This is why you have to pay a lot of attention to everything and with the right approach, you can easily do that. d. letter, punishment c. channel, the process of communication (c) conversation It's a great opportunity and one that can actively amazingly push the boundaries. 4.1 Introduction essential elements of Bio data Resume writing Curriculum Vitae. the grapevine, the gatekeeper, and thenetwork, Question. (a) concise, direct What do these proofreading symbols stand for: b. direct; concise /Length1 360824 Communication through ___ and ___ is called Verbal Communication. Communication between HR manager and salesman is an example of: a. In letter writing, ___ indicates to the reader of the letter what the ___ is about. When a group agrees to support and commit to the decision of the group, they have reached A. a consensusB. WebQuestion Papers : Savitribai Phule Pune University offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in sciences, languages, social sciences, law, management and other The University of Pune B.Com. 43 0 obj Many US , International business management multiple choice questions and answers Read More , International Business Management MCQ Questions pdf for the preparation of MBA regular and distance mode exams of various Institutes. International Business Management MCQ Questions 1. x#k RKD-N0r\Tv7IQ| p d ; { . Keep these 5 things in mind! When a word that has a silent e at the end combines with an ending that starts with a vowel, the final e is ___. (a) Group An organization can , Business Communication SYBCOM Pune University MCQ with Answers Read More , Cseet business communication mcqs | Mcq on business communication pdf for the preparation of competitive and academic examinations. positive flow, negative flow, and peripheral flowC. 38 0 obj xrR|9*qc[r9H\$ZkcyIKt 4zGw^xrbW+7I:iv 3NWIz :G_n$6-Cc MYEJgRC@J'Y?XGnmF@5&y|N[ Students preparing for their 2nd Year (SYBcom) Business Communication exams are suggested to solve Question Papers, you can scale your preparation level and work on your weak areas. Family time, Question. The information the receiver gets is called ______________. A memorandum (memo) is considered a brief form of written communication for A. legal useB. 35 0 obj (d) none of them The semantic markers used to express cause and effect relationship between one idea and another are: Downward Board/University question paper for the past years is available on this page. 3 Business Economics (Macro) 4 Business Management 5 Elements of x \0+3000 3.** WebBusiness communication Sybcom Pune University MCQ | MCQ on business communication with answers pdf Eguardian India 5.66K subscribers Subscribe 2.6K views d. opaque; transparency , Business Strategy MCQ with Answers for MBA, BBA, Bcom, Mcom Exams Read More , Business Environment MCQ for NET Exam with Answers is also helpful for BBA, MBA, BCOM, and MCOM regular and distance mode examinations. BCA-3-SEM-DATA-STRUCTURE-USING-C-302-P13-APR-2017 >> b. gestures, words WebSKU: N5565 - MCQ Categories: B.Com / M.Com (Commerce), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Semester 4 (Second Year - SYBCom) Tags: business entrepreneurship sybcom mcq, business entrepreneurship tybcom mcq, fundamentals of entrepreneurship b.com 2nd year mcqs in marathi, sybcom business Which of the following is a quick and clear method of communication. (b) long, indirect Communication without words is called A. Non- verbal communicationB. b. empathetic, reader Generally speaking, in business we communicate A. to both persuade and informB. briefC. /Descent -216 Ans: Symbols , Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills MCQ pdf Read More , Business Strategy MCQ with Answers for preparation of MBA, BBA, Bcom, Mcom, and other regular and distance mode examinations. /Widths 43 0 R d. manpower, resources Three ways in which communication flows through formal organizational channels are called A. loose coupling, tight coupling, and uncouplingB. (c) to effect a change  j#^C^FGG&YY6A0$Da%[;4h [j la ~>*(n`vFSe6l'&PE+IcY7HrC%=6sZ2*,j}x^TnQZSQfdt'cC;};C$,MYM}1xB84i1yC|x`k#gWK`U%p; {27+(=INe=j6&jMT.c@h:LBKOro},_5ld/a/ W~J094/Tdh _1f. English Communication Skills MCQs with Answers 1. WebThis video contains the most important 86 MCQs based on the syllabus of - Compulsory of FY B.Com. /Name /F1 (b) System Which of the following problems can occur as a result of ineffective downward flow? BCA-6-SEM-ADVANCE-JAVA-604-P08-APR-2016 Download 2nd Year (SYBcom) Chapter-wise Solved Papers PDF. OCTOBER 2011 Question BBA-BCA-1-SEM-MODERN-OPERATING-ENVIRONMENT-AND-MS-OFFICE-101-P13-APR-2018 BBA-BCA-2-SEM-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-202-P13-APR-2018 opinionC. Globalization c. Liberalization d. All of the above 2. WebBusiness Communication 1. APRIL 2012 Question Papers. 6. A ___ connects the sender to the receiver. BBA-BCA-1-SEM-PRINCIPLES-OF-PROGRAMMING-AND-ALGORITHMS-103-P13-APR-2018, BCA-1-SEM-APPLIED-MATHEMATICS-1-1003-P16-APR-2018 Ans: C, 7. These MCQs are also help for other various Universities. /StemV 40 WebBusiness Communication Skills Course Code: --101 Credit 3 Depth of the syllabus -Reasonable knowledge of the communication Program objectives 1 To understand what is d. nonverbal; negative Attention-gaining devices are used to capture the reader, Question. A. Don't hesitate and browse our website for the best solved University of Pune 2nd Year (SYBcom) question papers and the adjacent solutions. The method used to communicate a message (text, talking, writing, etc) ChannelB. b. translucent; transparency 5. (b) Links The fourth step in the SQ3R technique of reading is ___ Ans: C, 6. Communication is possible only when both the ___ and the ___ of the message know the language code. Oral communicationD. /AvgWidth 479 Download the pdf file for the Business Communication, Communication Skills MCQ with Answers in pdf, Multiple Choice Questions in English Grammar with Answers, Pisabajar.com Review: , List of vice presidents of India after independence from 1947 to 2022. BCA-5-SEM-OBJECT-ORIENTED-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-504-P13-OCT-2017 (d) Chief Executive Official a subject lineD. a. irrelevant, verbal /FirstChar 32 (c) Circular BCA-4-SEM-HUMAN-RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT-404-P08-APR-2016 And on top of that, you also have some samples of what you can get this year. (c) Internal communication BBA-BCA-1-SEM-BUSINESS-COMMUNICATION-104-P13-APR-2018 /Type /Font WorkD. BCA-6-SEM-RECENT-TRENDS-IN-IT-603-P13-OCT-2017 b. dropped; surprising Multiple Choice Questions. BBA-BCA-4-SEM-PROGRAMMING-IN-VISUAL-BASIC-402-P13-APR-2018, BCA-4-SEM-ADVANCED-NETWORKING-AND-NETWORK-SECURITY-4003-APR-2018 All Rights Reserved. Ans: C, 49. /Widths 40 0 R LedgersC. We have collected the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) previous year Question Papers by Year and Subject. b. control, evaluation of performance % A. VerbalB. These MCQs are also help for other various Universities. a. haptics, conversation /Name /F2 BCA-2-SEM-APPLIED-MATHEMATICS-2-2003-P16-OCT-2017 /Length 157947 4.2 Meaning Drafting of Job Application letter. Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) Business Communication question paper solved pdf is key to increase score in the final exam. BCA-3-SEM-DATA-STRUCTURE-USING-C-302-P08-APR-2016 BCA-4-SEM-INVENTORY-MANAGEMENT-403-P08-APR-2016 Ans: C, 38. a. unchanged; surprising 1. endobj (d) Connection (a) Communication plainness, Question. (d) Letter a. insert a comma; apostrophe or single quotation mark (a) Leads ___ is also called critical listening because we make judgments about what the other person is saying. all the above, Question. ___ enables any organization to achieve its set goal. /FontDescriptor 42 0 R (True/False) Ans. 36 0 obj BCA-3-SEM-RELATIONAL-DATABASE-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM-301-P13-APR-2017 True 2. << a. opaque; flipchart (c) short, simple A. differences until similarity is proven. ___ is done when you need to continue learning and studying so that you develop your own thinking and skills Your email address will not be published. The study of communication through touch is A. chronemicsB. informal, Question. BCA-6-SEM-ECOMMERCE-601-P08-APR-2016 acceptance of a messageD. BCA-2-SEM-COMPTUER-ORGANIZATION-201-P16-APR-2017 Going to take home loan? Goseeko covers the entire spectrum of students journey from Academics to Career. c. transparent; slide /StemV 47 imperfectC. interminableC. (c) face-to-face communication; telephonic conversation (b) Memo /FontName /Times#20New#20Roman,Bold 10. c. deleted; surprising A. favorable relationship between sender and receiver B. organizational goodwill /FirstChar 32 a. dance- dancing; want- wants management trainingC. Costing. (b) Subject and predicate When we read aloud our concentration is divided between ___ and ___ All calls should be answered within ___ rings b. neither- either; nor- or Orders and directives are the example of: a. BCA-4-SEM-GRID-AND-CLOUD-COMPUTING-4005-P16-APR-2018 Term I Sr. No. BCA-3-SEM-SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING-303-P08-APR-2016, BSC-BCA-4-SEM-EAEC-LANGUAGE-COMMUNICATION-2-407-AUG-2022, BBA-BCA-4-SEM-COMPUTER-NETWORKING-403-P13-APR-2018 (d) loose, complicated c. lack of planning, physical barriers BCA-4-SEM-OOSE-4004-P16-APR-2018 Ans: B, 2. The most important goal of business communication is_________. officer communicationC. (b) pseudo; third c. show cause notice, allegations All of the above, Question. (a) Chance Production reportsD. correctnessC. BCA-1-SEM-COMMUNICATION-SKILLS-1004-P16-APR-2018 (b) Choice

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