Approximately $24.95 - $32.95 USD for the t-shirts or $41.00 - $48.00 USD for the hoodies depending on the size. WARNING!!!! It is a colorful animal. Oakheart turned his head while he's sitting on a rock "Moonflower and Stormtail wanted to talk to you" Bluestar said with a happy gaze and Oakheart is somehow nervous in the inside but felt a nudge from Bluestar "go on" and Oakheart goes off. Moonflower blinked. "Finally. i understand they didnt have that much development, but they did have a lot of fun and love with/for another. Bluestar watched his stary fur dissapear. You are the fourth apprentice." ===Chapter Seven=== "Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and." Bluestar stopped. Bluestar stared at the three ThunderClan apprentices, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw from StarClan. More Warriors Fanfiction And Charart Wiki. Bluestar: Oh, I'm choking on squirrels! Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes - 44. Hollyleaf's Expecting Come over to Moonflower! All he has is one life!". Hello Bluekit. Bluestar meowed calmer. "Four will become two, Lion and Tiger will meet in battle, and Blood will rule the forest.". Oakheart | Warriors Wiki | Fandom We watch over them. I'm going to teach you how to hunt! Bluestar blinked away the tears and looked at her daughter. "Bluestar," Spottedleaf started. Bluestar says Lionheart died the bravest death-to die like a warrior in battle. But beware! Bluestar said happily. Oakheart: Fiiiine. The Wishful Nights - Book 1: Assassin's Oath. Bluestar (at the time bluefur) finds Oakheart on sunningrocks which at that time was thunderclan territory. I hope they know that they have been loved. She sighed. Fire will save the Clanyou never understood, did you? Bluestar didn't say anything and she dipped her head to Rosetail and padded away. She went on and said that Bluestar had destroyed the Clan she had always tried to protect. Only the Clans themselves can choose their leaders. Snowfur began dashing to her sister, pushing past cats. hollyfrost is going to debate that bluestar shouldve chosen oakheart, like she did! Bluestar replied with a heavy sigh. Just remember to come and see me!" Even if they don't remember me, I hope they'll know that. "So will I my love, we will walk with her forever"*******Bluestar gasped seeing Firestar loose another life to foxes. She walked over to a pool and jumped in,she didn't like water but it was the only way to get to ThunderClan close up. (To make lemonade), Bluekit: Man, having a Snowkit slave is enough!Bluekit: Oh look, a helicopter! Confused, Thrushpelt wondered who he was. Bluestar's spirit was beside the cats, the fire almost out. "Hello Bluestar", he said. Bluestar's world was swirling around her and she was back in StarClan. The spirit sat down and smiled. Two because they are evil. Awake! "Firestar I give you the gift of nobility, certainty, and faith, to use to lead the Clan in the ways of StarClan." (Cast away). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bluefur would have picked thrushpelt he keeps trying his best to please her and he loves her more than anything. Bluestar shouted and Oakheart turns around then Bluestar pinned Oakheart happily "what's this about?" Snowkit: I want to stay but bossy mc heavy pants go. Short stories about all your favourite warrior cats and some may even tell you about their points of view. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. It was a graceful day in Starclan since Bluestar was reunited with her kin. Bluestar trotted beside her mate Oakheart. Bluestar purred. Warriors Fanfiction is a FANDOM Books Community. Icon Bluestar nodded and walked away. "Long time no see!" Stonefur joined Starclan recently, Mosskit was happy to meet her brother again that she can play with along with Minnowkit and Willowkit. Bluefur mentored Frostfur and Runningwind, and later succeeded Tawnyspots as deputy. Description. Bluestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. Bluestar meowed fading away before Cinderpelt's spirit appeared. (willowpaw/fur): hi! "Thanks Bluestar." Everything became silent until Bluestar spoke. Bluestar ran her spirit going to the Clans. I started to pad away. "Like how we had to keep Cinderpelt reborn as Cinderkit a secret!" "They will live, with hope and faith. oakheart came and brought her to starclan. Every cat was waiting for her. Snowkit: (Pouches Bluekit) Awake! [5], StarClan are the ancestors of the Clan cats that live in the stars, StarClan sent the blood trail, showing SkyClan where to find the other Clans, StarClan sent Firestar an omen of his reflection turning into a lion, signifying he should lead LionClan against BloodClan in battle, Onestar's leadership ceremony in Winds of Change, The storm that killed Mudclaw was said to have come from StarClan. He swiped his paws in the water, flicking a fish out. He did not face her, but the memory of Stormtail's deep blue eyes, much like Bluestar's, was still strong in her mind. Even the most powerful flames can be destroyed by water. A blue-gray queen stalked through the dew-covered grass, her tail held high. "Ooof." "RiverClan!" bluestar and oakheart in starclan - Skyeye :( (@_skyeyei_) | TikTok Rosetail smiled. I am sorry my kits.. I nuzzled him. Oakheart stood beside her. Don't ask if it's physics! Stormtail looked at Bluestar. And I will die a tenth time to defend ThunderClan! Don't worry we're in Starclan nothing will happen bad" Bluestar meowed "fine if that's your choice then we're happy for you as long as you're happy" Moonflower meowed back and they hugged each other. They make perfect kits (Stonefur is my 2nd favorite cat in the series!) Forever. I haven't seen you since my first moon in StarClan!" Tallstar cried out. Thistlekit, Sweetkit, Rosekit, Goldenkit and Lionkit: That's right? Bluestar cried nobody hearing her. "Those were my thoughts on it," Bluefur said as she purred in laughter. "Each to rank as high as they can!" Bluestar turned and faced Moonflower. She meowed softly. And they had no choice! Many of the spirits yowled and cried with joy. Her voice was only available to Jayfeather's mind, slowly her scent wrapped around Jayfeather giving him peace. Yellowfang accepted defeat,and Spottedleaf hold her head high for a second. "Cinderpelt!" Bluestar looked up at her and smiled. Bluestar pressed her flank against his. As the night falls Bluestar and Oakheart spends time together in harmony. You are not playthings of StarClan. "Fightning for their Clan." I'll approve your and Oakheart's relationship you two can be together anytime you want" Moonflower meowed gratefully and Bluestar's eyes filled with joy for her parents and hugged them "thank you so much" Bluestar meowed and goes off to tell Oakheart, Moonflower and Stormtail stood pride for their daughter. "That was a good catch," Bluestar praised and Oakheart turned. She looked at him one last time before joining StarClan,his ginger pelt and is horrior struck eyes. A cat's yowl echoed across the room. Yellowfang spoke. The piercing blue eyes of beloved Bluestar will have you snuggling up to her as if she's a real kittypet. The whole Clan sits vigil for him, and Bluestar is especially distraught. also if mistystar and stonefur werent alive, than she wouldve died in a instant, she had firestar,mistystar AND stonefurs help. "I'm just going to leave you, to your pathetic life of no faith." "Bluestar, have faith. "Oakheart." Bluestar meowed. Third deputy of ThunderClan under Bluestar's rule. Bluestar turned to Oakheart "it's ok I'll go to Stonefur and Crookedstar" Oakheart replied and padded to his son and his brother, then Bluestar and Mosskit goes to Snowfur "hey Snowfur" greeted Bluestar "oh hey Bluestar and hello Mosskit" Snowfur meowed "hello Snowfur" said Mosskit "can you teach me some hunting tricks?" Expecting Oakheart's kits secretly. "Catching fish now, eh, Bluestar?" I watched Firestar give Scourge the final blow, Scourge fell to the ground and BloodClan scattered hearing, Scourge had died. Warriors: What If? - Bluestar and Oakheart - Wattpad Snowkit: (Eat the other half of the salmon) Now let's worry about the elders for the story! We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. I HAVE A SET OF OIL! The following is a list of gifts Bluestar has granted during nine lives ceremonies: Bluefur; fiercely ambitious, determined to do what was best for her Clan, even if it meant unimaginable sacrifices. Study now. Clan information "Bluestar!" Oakheart was a warrior and deputy of RiverClan under Hailstar's and Crookedstar's leaderships respectively in the forest territories. You were a jellybean! Whitestorm continued. I also have coins and a Snowkit hit! West: Hey Kit! Bluestar's time in StarClan | Warriors Fanfiction | Fandom "I'll always be with her, forever." It was like Mistyfoot and Stonefur heard me as they let tears fall on my hollow body. "My darling, the Clan has not failed, but yet is opening to something new." I was finally in the stars, at StarClan. Moonflower: (see Beachball Snowkit) NNOOO! He wants me to meet him at Fourtrees," Bluefur said aggressively at the thought. Oakheart pushed the fish over to Bluestar. Mosskit and Badgerkit stopped, staring up at the grey she-cat. Redtail meowed softly. She was a proud and deeply committed leader. Want to edit and see less ads? Snowkit: Let's count the elders for stories! She sat down on the grass in the garden. Oakheart meowed. Leafpool asked softly. "Dovepaw." She recognised many familiar faces as she looked. "I must go now" Bluestar nodded. Yellowfang retorted as Badgerkit and Mosskit kept leaping playfully onto the former medicine cat's tail. NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! Oakheart was a strong, promising RiverClan tom and the brother of the great leader, Crookedstar. (T)Thistleclaw: A white tom with dark gray and gray splotches. (He runs before the sunflower he can lick them but he can fall and fall on the sick) MOOOONNNFLOWWWEEERRRRR!!! She has a silver muzzle and a large scar across her shoulders. You will have the warmth of fire to protect your Clan and the fierceness of fire to defend it. Approximately 7cm with an anti-stress bean filling. She was my mate and I cared more about Dappletail than her.". "I can see why. And how you can scold me for all that chaos, I don't know. Or evil? "Go on." Bluestar ignored them and saw Oakheart come over. Bluekit: I'm special, Bluekit, and this is the sister who completed my Snowkit project. "But he was the fire that would save our Clan!" Id first like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated anyone who Its Icetufts Birthday! just let go Published: Oct 7, 2016. Leafpool again stood before Bluestar. Snowkit: Let's eat vegetables that can kill us! Snowfur pressed her pelt to Whitestorm's. His mind was whirling. He meowed. "Those are cats that you have not met, that will shape your future." Bluestar cheered. "Stop!" "Sorry, Mumblefoot!" Poor young warrior. Bluestar thought seeing Silverstream walk over to her kit and lick her ear. "But finally we know Mosskit died.". "Oakheart." "Shes old and sick, soon Mistyfoot will become leader." We can't warn them more than we have. StarClan cares for every cat in the forest, from the blind, helpless kit to the oldest elder lying in the sun. But Firestar is in a good lead." Curlfeather's placement in StarClan is uncertain. , Fogpaw/whisper (Fog that whispers the ancient prophecies)Whisie/Whisa. also thrushpelt loved bluestar. She now didn't care what Stormtail thought she was a needed to check on ThunderClan. Consider creating an account! Bluekit: Oh look at the butterfly! Oh, my precious kits. "I never thought either, but after Tigerstar is gone Mistyfoot will surely by appointed deputy.". "Loyal to all." Moonflower meowed. Yet she is baffled when, seasons later, RiverClan breaks what is supposed to be a time of peace with a devastating fight for Sunningrocks. Oakheart spoke. Mosskit smiled and Shellheart,Oakheart's father was calling him and Mosskit. Bluestar cried softly. "What do you see?" Measures approximately 35cm in length. Kate will let fans chose what happens to StarClan cats after they fade away: disappear in oblivion or become part of a second StarClan and so on into infinity. Bluestar smiled. Warrior Cat Short Stories! - Bluestar in StarClan - Wattpad "Your not supposed to fall in love,Spottedleaf!" "But a hidden mother" Yellowfang shot Bluestar an angry glance. Swiftbreeze: Why doesn't he open his eyes? Bluekit and Snowkit: LET'S GO! Redtail called out. She faded back to StarClan and appeared beside the pool. Everything was coming back to me now, I lost the ones I loved before, I lost them again after I died, but reunited with the old ones. come on! I can't be what I want to be. "Thanks," he purred. It only seems like yesterday since you've came here, and yet so many other cats have joined StarClan." Bluestar gave him his life. ( me/hollyfrost) : hello! come on! I am Bluestar, I live In StarClan forever with hope and faith in my Clan. Warriors Fanfiction is a FANDOM Books Community. Her pelt ruffled in the breeze she looked at the moon. !<3 #warriorcats #iskyeye #skyeyei #sandstorm #firestar #brambleclaw #brambleshit #squrrielflight #oakheart #bluestar #cloudtail #brightheart # # # # # # # # "I really don't know Thrushpelt,." "Not really, Thrushpelt. I remember her smell and the warmth of lying beside her. "Oakheart of RiverClan. I have doubts on that" Bluestar meowed softly. Mistystar is a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes. Kate thinks that StarClan only exists because warriors invented them. "Um.. You wanted to talk to me?" Bluekit was born to Moonflower and Stormtail alongside her sister, Snowkit. Now lets go to your new home.." I let a small tear fall from my cheek and led my kit to StarClan. Bluestar spat. Bluestar gasped. Bluekit: (Sneaks out and bothers Cedarstar: sneaks back). I need to save my Clan. She was apprenticed early as Bluepaw with her mentor being Stonepelt. I drew the scene from Warriors when Bluestar declared war on StarClan. The first image is what Bluestar sees: that StarClan has left her to lead a clan of traitors. + You will be Firestar, the light of ThunderClan. No one's trying to pretend Moonflower's still alive. "The Clans will live. "I hope what you say is true Oakheart" Bluestar meowed. Snowfur sighed. Bluestar purred back. She doesn't drive him off her territory but why? Her eyes watered. "Yes" She meowed and padded away. All the cats got ready and finally when Firestar was there at the Moonstone we went to give him his nine lives. Firestar, you and every cat have the choice of whether or not to follow the warrior code. "We will reincarnate Lionheart as the new cat of the prophecy. He yowled, but Blackfoot kept on. Stonefur nodded slowly his gaze trailing back to see his sister. Featherwhisker: It's a Pinestar cave. Oakheart meowed back and as the wind ruffles their fur. Let your jaw do the work. "That's one big mousebrain," Thrushpelt replied. Among the StarClan cats, she noticed Moonflower, Stormtail and Snowfur. I had forgotten to post it, so I'm posting it now. I'll surely make it up to her. Bluestar comitted. Bluestar hissed. His face brightened. Goosefeather Kits: You will die from the beans! I think I've seen him before. Moonflower: Cool. ", Stonefur glanced to me. If we did, would you truly be free? (Cough). "Bluestar. Firestar is loosing many lives."
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