Subscribe to Pew Pew Tactical's sales and deals email. Blame it on the Italians, man. My goal for this shotgun is to make it the ultimate home defense shotgun, so that was the approach I took when upgrading it to beyond basic. It doesnt sound a lot on paper, but in a shooting practice, you will definitely feel the changes. The "holosun" sight is made in china. The FFT Trigger Pack is simple to install and tools wise youll need a pair of Snap Ring pliers to swap the parts. You already want a 7-round tube, and the follower is a cheap and easy upgrade that functions without issue. It threaded in without an issue and has remained tight over lots of shooting. Hand-Picked Daily GUN DEALS, and Exclusive Coupons Codes >>>. towards your level. The Benelli M4 collapsible stock does not require any special tools and is very easy to install. The rotor wash from the helicopter jammed the action of my Benelli m4 on at least 2 occasions. I prefer the MS1 sling because the material is softer and it is just a wee bit wider that the BFG sling, maybe 1/32 to a 1/16 of an inch. It was developed in response to the double and quad loading techniques that have been developing in the 3 gun world over the last several years. From foregrips to magazine tubes to optics and lights, you can customize what you want. M2 Tactical Shotguns . This part is made of high-quality American milled aluminum. Magazine tube extensions help, but still only give you two more rounds. Flawless shooting experience. Comes in real clutch when battery dies in the middle of shooting. It also positions my hand to better use my chosen light. Click Here to check the current prices of the Streamlight ProTac HL-X. If so, by who? Fuggedaboutit. Best 308 Muzzle Brake: Brakes That Wont Break The Bank, Best Magnifier For Trijicon Mro [Zoom Into Your Future Target]. I already had an M-LOK handguard, so an M-LOK QD point makes sense. Till next time, take care and stay safe. M1014 . Using the shorter Benelli magazine spring, increased my capacity to 7 rounds of 2-3/4 shells in the magazine tube plus one in the chamber. Free shipping for many products! Without diving too deep into the intricacies of 922R, well just talk about how it affects the Benelli M4. Great Accessory, I love the M4, but I just can't justify its price tag. Designed and manufactured by a trigger expert with 30 years of trigger and trigger component manufacturing and assembly experience, both for the nations premier after-market trigger manufacturer, and a leading rifle manufacturer, this upgrade is a must for the serious shotgun operator using compatible shotguns. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. I personally recommend the Carlson Tactical Muzzle Brake. One of the things I like about this gun is the trigger. The way this light mounts is perfect for use on the Truckee and provides me an ergonomic optic via the simple push-button switch. A well balanced trigger and trigger guard can save you from accidental shooting. Hi, my name is Joseph Kocik. In short, its one of the best M4 handguards you can purchase ever. I just know that if I spent my money on a "real" M3, I'd have none left for any kind of upgrades. The large aperture and tapered light path maximize the viewing area in such a small optic, allowing for fast target engagement, especially from non-standard shooting positions. Dont take this as legal advice, and should you need legal advice, I recommend speaking with a lawyer. Good video on luckygunner. Talk about amazing friends, huh? With an astonishing mil-spec hard anodized finish, this arm has no physical deformities at all. Nope!! Water wont get inside the battery either. You do not pay The M4 was the firstgas-operatedshotgun produced by Benelli. The M4 is a 12-gauge automatic shotgun with a barrel that sits at 18.5-inches. Constructed of lightweight aerospace aluminum, Mil-Spec Hard Anodized finish, and O-ring sealed to keep out the elements, the tough M600U will endure combat-like conditions without any sacrifice in weapon maneuverability. The ergonomics are fantastic on this shotgun. One of the big benefits from a tactical perspective is that if you reload the gun and run the side saddle dry, you can rip the card off and toss another on. I just put a Holosun 510 on my new Typhoon F12, nice sight for 310 bucks. There is plenty of debate on whether 922R is a real issue for gun owners. The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a3026bb5e1d2ce9 The H20 is much better for wet environments and will help prevent rust from forming on the shotgun. Carlsons Beretta/Benelli Flush-Mount Cylinder Choke. Alright, time to get into it, here are the best Benelli M4 upgrades and accessories. While were talking optics if you want to mount the optic low enough to co-witness with irons, grab a Scalarworks Mount. Hydro dipping? As you guessed, the M4 doesnt come with any kinds of optics. The circle plex reticle is ideal for a shotgun setup and will allow you to acquire your target very fast. Howd she do? Regardless, I like it. yes, if you've got the $$$: freedomfightertactical . guns & There is also a titanium tube available. Thanks! anything extra and your Corrosion is a mutual enemy of you and mine. When upgrading the stock, I recommend the Benelli M4 Collapsible Stock. Best High-End Semi-Auto Benelli M4 1999 at Gunprime Prices accurate at time of writing 1999 at Gunprime Gunprime (See Price) (See Price) Palmetto State Armory (See Price) M4 Series. For hunters, I highly recommend you to get everything upgraded slowly. Weve built dozens of ARs and well cover all the best AR-15 upgrades such as handguards, triggers, BCGs, gas blocks, and more. Great review! This install process is not complicated, but the instructions kind of suck, as do the pictures. However, its far from modular, and I wanted to add lights, lasers, kitchen sinks, an espresso maker, and more. Also, it is not overpriced like most of the accessories for the Benelli M4. The 2 MOA red dot gets illuminated from a CR1632 Lithium battery. Briley and Freedom Fighter Tactical are the two companies I recommend purchasing a premium trigger from. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms. The Benelli M4 Truckee handguard comes in both a standard 8.5-inch model and this fabulous 11-inch model. Personalize your experience. (Legal clones, as Benelli owns Stoeger) Zanderw1199 2 yr. ago. For night time shooting, an illuminated red dot wont cut it out. The Cloud Defensive LCS Mount is the best way to mount the Surefire pressure switch to an MLOK rail system. The job of this magazine tube is to increase the capacity of the gun. The Truckee 11-inch handguard offers not only a little M-LOK slots, but it pushes them further forward. Click Here to check the current prices of the GG&G Charging Handle. Physical protection has been added around the adjustment turrets, and internal changes to protect the electronic components of theAimpoint T2 Micro Red Dot Weapon Sight. Its called short stocking, and is highly effective. Lets get the boring stuff out of the way first. Its durable and lightweight. You'll now receive newsletters of our best articles on techniques, Great review. This handguard is modular and compatible with Mlok rail. Ive used one for almost a decade now, and I mean the exact same one. But what really makes this model shine is the reticle selection. You have entered an incorrect email address! Well, that price is painful, and its heavy. In fact, Travis has a whole article dedicated to his favorite Benelli M4 upgrades. Streamlight ProTac Rail Mount HL-X Long Gun Light features an integrated fixed mount for Picatinny rails. Spoiler alert: its a beast. I know how big of a hassle it is to find the best M4 optic. I'd probably put the Mossberg 500 series up there with the 870. Both of them have excellent compatibility and can handle a lot of extra gauges. Lets call it ingenuity. Plus, this counts as a 922R part, so it was a simple decision. Look for something with a 6 or 8 moa dot. Click Here to check the current prices of the Benelli M4 Collapsible Stock. Its the most recommended guard for me. Would like to see Pew Pew offer more non-Chinese manufactured options. They are one of the biggest red dot sight makers in the world and they make good optics constantly for various guns. Hand-Picked Daily GUN DEALS, and Exclusive Coupons Codes >>>. I meant to say: "In the first 4-5 missions with a BENELLI, I had a couple failures." We love to see that, you and I both. They are not going to break anytime soon if ever. It will still have a button for constant on and off as well. gear. After, I polished the buffer and trigger; and put lighter springs in both. Not for home defense at all. I did not notice a difference in trigger pull or improvement, but the hammer is an American made part. Quick question.what kind of finish is on your M4 pictured? This stainless steel made choke tube is the total opposite of what you might call aggressive. Time for the fun stuff. Type your email address and well send The short-stroke design uses two self-cleaningstainless steelpistonslocated just ahead of thechamberto function opposite arotating bolt, thereby eliminating the need for the complex mechanisms found on othergas-actuatedautomatics. But boy, that price. Johnny is a teacher, comedian, YouTube personality, and bona fide authority on movie guns. It fits the factory Benelli M4 perfectly. 870 still gets my vote or browning 12 imo. We'll only use the information provided according to our privacy policy. Required fields are marked *. Dont worry, you dont need to go through that hassle. Yet, here you are! I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. The big problem with Italian made shotguns is this pesky little law known as 922R. For now, this is where we part ways. What kind of shooter are you? I Agree with the Bolt release Being undersized But I First added a FFT Oversized Charging handle to my M-4! Carlson's Benelli M-4 M4 12ga 7 Shot Magazine . Being that the M4 is an unbelievably awesome shotgun, it would be a crime not to add an equally awesome optic. InfoSeaker. I've seen ones with M-Lok mounts too Quote RPC Members 144 Posted June 8, 2019 On 6/7/2019 at 5:02 PM, Sigma05 said: Limbsaver 104 03 They are very fun to do and often absolutely necessary. What do you think of the Benelli M4? Crisp, light and you will marvel at how quickly it resets with minimal travel. Red dots are also faster than iron sights, and speed is critical for CQB purposes. If you want to see the Benelli M4 in action, check out the video below. Hes a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. While $2,300 seems steep, compared to other Italian guns (like Berettas DT11 topping out at $20,000no typo there), its kind of a steal at $2K. The entire M4 market is a little out of control. This silly law prohibits the shotgun from reaching its peak performance. Best Benelli M4 Upgrades: Taking The M4 To The Next Level. I agree with the review; a must-have upgrade. Its my understanding that to install a higher capacity magazine tube and collapsing stock, I have to install 4 American made parts. One of my favorite things about the Benelli M4 is the upgradestheres a lot! Well, were going to find out today as we explore the legendary M4. Mike's mantra in life is "thank you sir may I please have another". There are numerous handguards out there that add modularity to the Benelli M4; this includes a Surefire model, one from Strike Industries, and one from Mesa Tactical. It is too small and does not protrude out far enough to get a good solid grip on it. It is a very low-profile 1 mount setup that attaches to the magazine tube. In fact, it was designed for the U.S. Marine Corps. Benelli's M4 Tactical is a unique, Auto-Regulating-Gas-Operated (A.R.G.O.) All of these parts feature a black finish and offer their own unique benefits. The Benelli M4 collapsible stock collapses to three positions, fully collapsed, mid-position, and fully extended. Simply remove your trigger guard from your shotgun. Tactical shotguns are favorites among the home-defense crowd, known for their reliable performance and ability to adapt to close quarters environments. There are a couple of options when upgrading the trigger. Two bolts go under the mount, and two go through it. I was a bit nervous that the tube would not match the Benellis grayish finish, and boy I was happy to be wrong. Went with the m2 and no regrets. These shotguns are really good bone stock but with these Benelli M4 upgrades and accessories mentioned below, it will make this the ultimate self-defense shotgun and home defense shotgun. The Agency Arms Benelli M4 Handguard is the absolute best handguard I found. A tactical shooter? A cylinder system or the variant in extra full. The first optic that I recommend to you guys is the Micro T-2 from Aimpoint. Thankfully, they also make M4 accessories. It seems to help me focus on the front sight, is relatively cheap and there doesn't seem to be any way to break it. Best Benelli M4 Shotgun For Sale at Omaha Outdoors Featured Items. An American gun accessories maker that often makes tons of accessories for various different guns. These high lumenGun Mounted FlashlightsfromStreamlightcome with aremote pressure switch and a push-button tail switchfor various uses. It is 8.5 in length and weighs in at 8.6 ounces fully assembled. Impact weapons components makes the best light for this shotgun. Click Here to check the current prices of The Agency Arms Benelli M4 Handguard. Controls sit where you expect, with the cross-bolt safety located where you need it. And this bad boy thrives on heavier loads. On my Molot I use the Shield sight with a center dot and rings around it, so you can calculate the spread. It has a slight bit of play, so installing a PEQ 15 and expecting a perfect zero is a fools errand. I know the 940 has a 24" barrel and all the tacticool mall ninjas will say "well I couldn't do commando roll through the hall way while clearing rooms in my house" to that I say you will never need to. Multi Light Benelli M4 Mount-N-Slot positions thebezel of the light above the barrel and on your support side to eliminate all shadows, improving your ability to confirm the threat in no-light situations. M1014 Starting . The good news is that most of these upgrades are durable, duty-driven designs that arent made in questionable locations and are of dubious quality. That doesnt mean they skimped out on the build quality by any means. I have the steel model, but Freedom Fighter Tactical also produces an H20 NP3 magazine tube for those with the Benelli H20 model. anything extra and your Click Here to check the current prices of the A&S Enhanced Trigger Guard. The 870 never failed to fire. It comes standard with a picatinny rail and pistol-grip stock. $115.95. The civilian M4 has a thinner barrel with a removable chokes. I wouldn't carry it if you gave it to me for free. Once installed and put together through the Truckee is quite lovely. 1. It was a little unexpected when instructors briefed us on the differences between the M1 (Super 90) and the brand new M4 semiauto that would eventually become the . The Beretta Benelli is a 12GA tactical muzzle brake for the M4. Well, I wanted to use that 32 MOA circle to pattern my buckshot inside of. Technically there is very little rated for 12ga recoil, but I've heard very good feedback with the, I have used Fastfire iii, Docter, RMR on my M2 and Dad's M4 with no problems any good dot will do, Had an RMR on mine but it took enough of a beating that I swapped it with an old T-1 that I wasn't using. Read More. Just don't buy a $50 red dot at Walmart. The M600U Scout Light is a lightweight WeaponLight featuring an ultra-high-output LED that delivers 1000 lumens of blinding white light. It has a nylon tab that you pull to adjust the length and has QD swivels to connect the sling to your shotgun. Lets begin our ultimate Benelli M4 upgrade guide. Full disclosure, I paid full pandemic price for mine buy once, cry like six times. Click below for a FREE LESSON! The weight of T-2 is only 3.3 oz. Come see what we like (and don't). For more gun content, make sure to subscribe to Pew Pew Tactical on YouTube. Have zero interest in aiding that wretched place. It was easy to get on , even for the first time. Now, everything has a downside. The Benelli M4 is not a cheap gun, and neither are most of the compatible upgrades. I highly recommend this product, especially at the price. With the use of computer-assisted design, we have been able to accurately dial in the engagements resulting in desired trigger pulls. Also, the buttstock of the 870, assuming it doesn't have a pistolgrip, allows for a much better range of motion in real-world scenarios. You can shoot to your hearts content with a minimized recoil shotgun with improved accuracy. It's the Benelli M4 shotgun. Click Here to check the current prices of the GG&G Benelli Tactical Bolt Release. M3 Tactical Shotguns . Its light and corrosion proof. If you want the absolute best weapon light for your Benelli M4 then the Surefire M600 is the one. Either way, a Carlsons stainless steel cylinder bore choke was a simple addition to clean up my buckshot patterns and improve consistency. When things come from a company as renowned as Geissele, I trust it to work as much as the stock Benelli M4 hammer. If you are feeling like steel isnt cutting it and you need an even stronger tube. The rubber on the stock and the overall weight eat a lot of the recoil, meaning you can run this all day without needing to see your chiropractor. Looking for opinions on different optics setups. In the first 4-5 missions with an 870, I had a couple failures. 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN VS T.V. ago. The HE509T currently co-witnesses with the OEM sights. Recently bought a Benelli M4 shotgun (actually a Turkish clone) and am looking to add an optic. It is both easy to locate by touch and manipulate, with or without gloves. Also, you may hear guys on the internet say the M4 doesnt do so well with light loads. Appears the 3/4 FFT charging handle is damaging your finish. It allows me to pull the gun into my shoulder a bit tighter and increases my ability to control the gun and its recoil. Check out my Benelli M4 Review for everything. It offers both a momentary and constant-on mode thats perfect for home defense. My team would mostly do 'hard hits' at night, in Blackhawks, landing in front of the target house and entering by breaching a gate/wall/door/sometimes a ceiling. I also used rifled slugs to touch out to 100-yards. All of these modifications will help improve the performance of the platform and will make the shotgun better. The standard bolt release is very small and annoying, it can definitely be upgraded to a much better option. The battery compartment is well hidden from the daylight. Benelli M4 Ultimate Upgrade Kit. You do not pay You have used other accessories of this material before. Picked up a salient arms m4 with an sro and felt it couldnt get any better than that. All rights reserved. The T-2 is a small and compact red dot sight suited for almost any kind of rifles and shotguns. My buddy has the Holosun 507c on his and its great as well with the 2moa dot and 35moa ring. Thank god, you dont have to deal with that! The default upgrade of this gun. Is this a surprise? And the Benelli bounced around more in that configuration when running. Shotguns have spread, right? (If you need some optics suggestions, check out our guide to the Best Red Dots for Shotguns.). Since it was created with the very purpose of being used it combat that makes the gun even more appealing and the design choices Benelli made are extremely interesting and telling. The Benelli M4 comes in several configurations, including an NFA-restricted short-barreled shotgun, field stocks, pistol grip stocks, and even the H20 model with a titanium cerakote finish. I brought out a bag of Granny Smith apples for my testing because blowing stuff up with shotguns is a good time. It is MLOK compatible and very light and slim, with a clean look that is streamlined. The Benelli M4 is super rugged. Freedom Fighter Tactical/Wolff Trigger Pack Upgrade for M4. Rifled slugs at 100-yards? JavaScript is disabled. The Surefire Tail Cap Pressure Switch will replace the tail cap button. Works great. Get proficient on YOUR time. This counts as a 922R part, as does the precision machined follower FFT makes. Anyway, here are a couple of handguards that I cherry picked for you guys. The first Benelli M4 accessories upgrade anyone does is to change the stock to something else. Adding a pressure switch will allow you to have momentary on instead of constant on. Get the aloe, yallthis is going to burn. Here is a list of some other minor but quite important upgrades that you should slowly purchase down the line. Do you know what sucks about the Benelli M4? Mount contains twoAMBI Rotation Limited QD Sling Mounts, eliminating the need for the factory sling loop mount, saving weight. The pressure switch fits snug and you dont have to worry about anything falling off. Slowly build up your budget and upgrade the rest of the thing as soon as you can afford to. Its well made, easy to install, and precisely made. The Benelli M4 comes with an optics mount that works but pushes the optic well above the sights. You get three reticle options. The porting helps a lot with recoil on a shotgun that already has reduced recoil. With that being said, a premium red dot is what you should add when upgrading the optics. The ambidextrous reticle and brightness control allows the user to choose between a full reticle or center dot only. Sometimes, an intimidating looking gun can give you an edge in competitive shooting. And I think most folks will want to swap out a couple of things on their stock Benelli. After you have decided on what light to get, you will know need a good way to mount it in a forward position on the shotgun. It makes the gun smoother to operate if that makes sense. Also, assuming you're carrying a long gun as a primary and a sidearm, there's no room for the shotgun without it being an obstruction, so it makes sense for it to go on your back. I hate running out of ammo, and I really wish that Scavenger, like in other games where you had Scavenger Pro and such, would actually give you the maximum amount of ammo as soon as you began the game. ZEV OZ9 Combat Standard Gamma Bronze Pistol 17 RD Pistol NS. Its extremely light as well. There are two really good options when it comes to a good weapon light and setup. Click Here to check the current prices of the Carlson 7-Shot Magazine Extension. The design has a large scallop on the front to facilitate loading. The Magpul MS1 and the Blue force gear Vickers sling. Its also comfortable to grip and provides a good base for accessory mounting. The next handguard that I recommend is from Agency Arms. Also, the 870 weighs 1/2 as much as the Benelli. I trusted the company and picked up their M-LOK QD port. In my experience, it's not a good thing to be in a bad guy's house at night following an explosive breach and trying to ride the momentum, with an entire stack behind you waiting for you to shotgun breach a door, and your shotgun seizes up. This handguard will allow you to add any attachment you want while still keeping a minimal profile. So, you wont be surprised by the texture at all. If you do not already own a Benelli M4 Click Hereto check out the current prices and availability. A simple 2 point sling still is the best option. Here is how I think you should approach this decision. I already like the stock sights on the Benelli M4 and didnt necessarily want to replace them. Up to that point, few in the military had even seen a Benelli shotgun, which were all inertia-driven designs until the gas-operated Benelli M4 (M1014) was pitched to the Marine Corps. Designed with two AMBI Light mounting locations, you can place the tail cap of the light in either the 1:00 or 11:00 position. The 2-MOA red dot reticle on this optic is just perfect for a close range shot with the M4. Smaller sights allow you to reach over the top of the gun and port load without a big sight getting in the way. While some argue it isnt and some argue it is, I will wholeheartedly recommend you to compile by the law. So yeah, its a crazy solid gunbut still sitting at a 4.5. Front Attachment of Sling Loop. A Texas based company that imports their designed sights from all over the world. What's dumb about not supporting your enemy? Related Products. A running debate among owners of this is, whether the 922R is a real issue or not. (By the way, I think for a combat shotgun, you need to go with a pistol grip.). Comes standard with see-through lens covers and hex bolt mount. I have a passion for firearms and enjoy writing articles on these topics. If you are patient and keep checking you will eventually be able to find one at a reasonable price. Luckily for you, were gonna talk about how to fix the Benelli M4 and how to take it from excellent to outstanding (and legal!). I like using 2 point slings because they are the most comfortable and user friendly. Did you send it out to have it done? It was okay, but I opted for an aftermarket M-LOK handguard so I could add a flashlight down the road. You are using an out of date browser. The Benelli M4 compatible MLOK handguard is machined from 6063 aluminum. I eventually added a Sig Sauer Romeo 5 to mine, and that ups the ante. Love my M4. Absolutely necessary! Some people might think swapping out the choke tube is unnecessary on the M4 because it is a combat-style shotgun. Specifications for Aimpoint Micro T-2 2 MOA Red Dot Reflex Sight: Features of Aimpoint Micro T-2 2 MOA Red Dot Reflex Sight: Click Here to check the current prices of the Aimpoint Micro T-2. . Benelli M4. I certainly wouldn't pay $1800 or whatever the going rate. In summary - the Benelli is sexy and maybe ok for limited applications, though I can't envision what those applications would be. Learn all the important stuff about handgunswith none of the attitude. Get proficient on YOUR time. Thanks! The rugged M600U attaches quickly and securely to any MIL-STD-1913 rail via its integral thumbscrew clamp. M4 Tactical Starting Price: $2,099 Get Model Details. Both work really well, but the T-1. A proprietary TIR lens shapes the recoil-proof LEDs light into a beam with plenty of reach but enough surround light to accommodate peripheral vision, making the M600U ideal for medium to longer-range applications. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. M4 runs a little cleaner still does not justify the thousand dollar extra. So, I added one of our own Pew Pew Tactical Flatline rifle straps and a red dot. Runtime in excess of 100,000 hours with solar and battery usage. Adding an improved stock that is also adjustable is a quick and easy accessory to add to your shotgun. MOTAC (Motion Activated Illumination) powers up or down when sensing motion. You just drop in a shell, hit that release, and youre ready to rock and roll. For guard, get the Briley A&S Enhanced Trigger Guard and call it a day. The battle proven Benelli M4 Tactical is an auto-regulating gas-operated semi-automatic shotgun currently used as the combat service shotgun of the US Joint Services . I know I wanted a miniature red dot sight simply to reduce size and weight. And you will often find people selling the M4 with collapsible stock in different gun sell and exchange websites. This allows you to adjust the length of pull and lets you shorten it. That is one thing that should be mentioned. The M4 is gas driven. View Features. The Magpul afg-2 is not an mlock attachment. View Features. Absolutely agree Alpha. He currently teaches concealed carry courses and enjoys spending time in Floridas Nature Coast. You dont have to worry about the warranty and customer service of this product either. Free shipping. Complete Mil-Spec 810G testing, submersible up to 20 meters. My M4 it wouldn't cycle the light loads reliably until I broke it in with 20-30 shots or so. This is a quick and easy upgrade to the shotgun and I recommend everyone adds this accessory. You can trim a bit of weight from your gun and get an unbreakable tube. Obviously will need to stand up to the recoil of a 12 gauge and ideally be priced under $500. The release button is oversized to make it easy to find, with a knurled surfacefor easy gripping. Omaha Outdoors has custom and factory in stock Benelli M4 models for sale.
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