This article has provided an in-depth look at astrology, from its history and background to its various methods for discovering information about our lives. LILITH IN 3RD HOUSE individuals usually get their words sexualised or taken too seriously by other people. LICK (1951) can tell you what youre obsessed with or very interested in. having aquarius or sagittarius in 1st house or mostly covering 1st house can mean that, whether it be because of your appearance (huge height difference, huge age gap, different ethnicities, etc). Astrology vs Astronomy: What's the Difference? - Sky & Telescope the bad is that this can attract copycats and jealousy and can invoke insecurity in others. they might have experienced a lot of deaths in their past life (other peoples deaths or even their own), these people could be afraid of death because of that. your ASCENDANT PERSONA CHART tells you more about your body parts than your natal chart. the Gemini person helps the Scorpio person lighten up a bit and verbalise their feelings. these people were most likely activists or inventors in their past life, or anyone who was seen as weird and didnt fit in with society. Analyzing Relationships: Finding the Balance, Reflection and Refinement: Making Adjustments, The Fascinating California Two-Spot Octopus: A Comprehensive Guide, Clione: A Unique and Beautiful Creature of the Sea Angels, Limacina: An Overview of the Sea Snail Genus, Atlantic Blue Marlin: Facts, Habitat, and Conservation Efforts, Sturgeon Conservation: Understanding the Endangered Status, Cephalopods: An Overview of These Fascinating Ocean Creatures, How to See the Stunning Green Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF, Personalizing Your Diet with Science: An In-Depth Look. hills ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS theyre living oxymorons. CAPRICORN / 10TH HOUSE PLACEMENTS no matter how patient or 'chill their rising or mars sign is, if you make them do something while theyre focused on something else or when theyre working, theyll literally get so annoyed with you. they may be remembered as someone cautious, conservative or consistent. Since the dawn of civilization, the sun and the moon have been essential elements in our understanding and interpretation of the world. well done, you ruined their day /s. emotions are their weakness, they are scared of being hurt. didnt quite get that? Check out my other astrology posts! the things they own, people remember. and you dont want it to leave your mind, really. they are conservative. mercury represents twins (this is bc geminis ruled by mercury and the gemini symbol is twins) people with uranus in retrograde most likely have been electrocuted by something. this post was 100% inspired by @mystiicwinter because her aesthetic is amazing. the ascendant in IC PERSONA CHART tells you what your early life was like. vvitch ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PART TWO ex: virgo mars = you work because you want to help others and feel needed, it is beneficial for your health. this may not be fun to hear but their family/ancestors may have a lot of karmic debts or maybe they have chosen to have the same family as they did in their past life to resolve familial problems (if you have any). Mnemosyne was a very important goddess because of this. so like, when someone falls or acts something out. To better understand these personality differences, lets take a closer look at what each sign stands for in terms of characteristics and meanings. these people were most likely hurt by other people and had powerful people walk over them as they couldnt defend themselves. I've noticed that the asteroid Juno actually tells way more than I thought! you usually act more like the sign after your RISING SIGN in your 30s. I have aquarius venus in 5th house, I deal with them by flirting and (I would) deal with it by having flings with my friends. xenia : Astrology Observations #3 Astronomy vs Astrology: What's The Difference? - WorldAtlas I have taurus mars in 3rd house, I work because of the possibility of learning something new and I only work if I know I will treat myself after the hardwork. these people might have been detectives in their past life, if not, these individuals naturally have a talent of observing people and finding clues anyway. Astrology Observations (part 2) -scorpio moons might indicate an idividual's mother who is hard to handle/emotionally unstable/manipulative/overdramatic -having many planets in the 12th house especially pluto can indicate attracting abusers memory doesnt only mean to remember but also to foresee the future. I have pisces rising and people actually always notice my feet and its because I walk funny. Astrology Observations #3 Hi guys, it's been a while since I've done one of these, so here we gooooo! You naturally admire people who have their sun sign in your moon sign. Unlocking the Stars provides readers with valuable information about themselves and their surroundings, enabling them to make informed decisions about their future. I have capricorn rising and taurus mars in 4th house and funny enough, Ive always talked about liking intimidating, family oriented people with good fashion sense and good careers. MNEMOSYNE IN SAGITTARIUS / 9TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their philosophies, knowledge, broad mind, spontaneity and humour. these people should pay attention to their dreams and random visions because theyre gifted with the ability to see their past life. capricorn rising = classy, rich, intimidating and CEO vibes alter ego. I have noticed a lot of celebrities, especially who are considered icons have NN aspecting their MC. this doesnt have to be s*xual at all. she was as important as venus to the ancient Greeks. these peoples sacrifices and acts of kindness are never forgotten, they can make others smile for the rest of their day by giving them a compliment. /j. these people have the strong desire to be in the higher class because they may have been wronged in their past life by people of power and learnt that nothing matters as long as you have a good social status. AQUARIUS, GEMINI and VIRGO placements, MERCURY-ASC, URANUS-ASC literally look so good with glasses but each in different ways. I have scorpio rising where moon also sits, at home I am very secretive and also emotional, no one ever knows how Im feeling or what Im up to. these people show the dark truths of the world, the truths that get buried in society and hidden away from people by money or reputation or other powerful people. Language Of Birthdays: May 30 - Gemini. this could also apply to. By examining these practices, we can gain useful knowledge to help us make better decisions about our future. for example, if they unexplainably have a fear of cliffs then they may have died by falling off a cliff in their past life. If these people didnt have the chance of being a mother in their past life, then they came into this lifetime with the purpose of being a mother or a parent. Astrology is a practice that has been part of humanity for centuries. similarly to the observation above, Ive noticed that GEMINI RISING or MARS are very fast runners, they could also be flexible. You are allowed to mourn when things don't turn out the way you wanted them to. so natasha romanoff aka black widow! interestingly, this placement can mean that they keep being reborned into the same family so if these people look like their great great great grandmother, then its possible that that was them. the skills you have taken from your past life or your early life. they can easily motivate people with their existence, their whole being is like goals. when it comes to past life, these people may have been writers or public speakers so these people could be naturally good at writing and speaking because of that. they inspire people by having good fashion sense or a good eye for beauty and art, being the peacemaker, by showing that there is beauty everywhere and that you shouldnt be afraid of love and you should give love to people. they could be careful with what they spend their money on. STOP WAITING WTF JUST DO IT ALDJFLSHFOEL this also applies to NEPTUNE DOMINANTS only because they just like to daydream and forget to actually do work. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? Astrology observations? Im not anymore ofc. this is commonly seen in boss-employee couples or in writer-composer couples. It is also possible that in their past life, they were a young child and was curious about the world but may have been restricted. ex: gemini rising = arms and hands, perhaps you have attractive hands, long arms or you have tattoos on your arms. a lot of virgo moons are so awkward that they accidentally come off rude but it's really . CANDY (3015) can tell you where and how you naturally attract people and where people notice you (in a good way), basically where youre an 'eye candy. Virgo is associated with Persephone and Scorpio is associated with Hades, Libra is the sign in-between both of those signs and is associated with Hera, the Goddess of marriage, so Libra connected those two signs. Astrology Observations: Solar Returns #2 - ethereal scorpio I apologise if some of these observations have already been said, I do not keep track. they werent accepted by their family and society, they were labelled as weird. they may be very vengeful especially if they died in their past life with lots of vengeance. : scorpio moon spouse has prominent eyebrows but usually kinda thin or arched, piercing eyes (or like miley cyrus eyes in that one meme), deep-set eyes, straight thin nose, cheekbones could be prominent or they have full cheeks, darker hair. mnemosyne here slowly unveils and reveals so these individuals may be confused with why they feel a certain way about something even though they have no relations to it. This is among the books you have bought over the years. they also sweat easily, especially softer aspects. my dad has this placement and hes exactly like this, he makes me sit in a corner and does it for me even tho he keeps telling me I should do things myself. See a recent post on Tumblr from @patrickshwavy about astrology-observations. It takes a lot for you to let people in that area of your life because once they do, you feel like they have full control of you. they could have been lucky enough to have had more education compared to other people and may have made interesting discoveries. she was the mother of the nine muses and she was a powerful and important goddess. another interpretation is that these people may actually know who they were in their past life, like their appearance, personality, name, identity. #astrologyobservations | TikTok ex: mercury, you may be seen as evil by people because of your choice of words or the way you think. Despite its ancient roots, modern astrological readings are still incredibly popular, especially when understanding each signs different characteristics and meanings. : mars in 6th house you may meet them at work, at a gym, at a pet shop, when you are or they are walking their dog, at a pharmacy, some place like that. the malefic signs (mars and saturn) of each element are considered the tops which are ARIES, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN. similarly to the point above, Ive also noticed that AQUARIUS PLACEMENTS prefer to work behind the scenes instead of being in the spotlight unlike its sister sign, leo. Astrology observations I made pt 26 : r/astrologymemes They also believed that events on Earth corresponded to changes in celestial bodies such as stars or planets, including the sun and moon. I have aquarius mars and my legs especially calves are very toned, they look like Ive been working out (which I havent). BLESS (92891) can tell you *wait for it* where youre blessed and what youre blessed with. my mum has aquarius mars and she wakes up with 4 new bruises. these people could experience times where theyre like oh I thought I learnt this before?. whatever planet aspects (usually mostly trine and opposition) the ascendant in groom/briede/juno persona chart, it can tell you your spouses rising sign. most people with this placement are remembered for their s*x appeal, wealth and maybe even deaths. let me know if you want me to do another one. this is my first astrology post ahh please support me hehe I hope you like this! this isn't a style analysis btw ex: bonus in 11th house can mean you feel like you always have friends and you make friends easily. scorpio is the sign of dominance. they were most likely exposed to the dark truths of the world and the wrong usage of power so in this lifetime these people may be aware of that and want to be in authority and use that to their advantage (good or bad). they inspire others by their explorative and broad minded self, showing that it is okay to seek freedom and you do not have to be chained to the past or old things, that change is okay. when it comes to past life, these people were most likely leaders or pioneers in their past life and could be naturally blessed with leadership skills or they naturally radiate leader-like aura in this lifetime. how does this all tie in? Kidding, kidding not really. he admitted that he started becoming more active and started working out in his 30s. this probably represents their intense and deep loyalty that lasts lifetimes and their ability to hold grudges for infinity and also rebirth, their ability to forever transform. wherever SAGITTARIUS is in your chart, it tells you what you find funny and what makes you laugh. they make everything look good. because of that, in this lifetime, these individuals may be naturally talented with money managing, saving money or counting money or anything to do with finance. ex: pluto in 5th house = you miss your creative self, you miss when you were happy and going to playgrounds. MNEMOSYNE IN CANCER / 4TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their nurturing, empathetic, emotional, protective, maternal and intuitive self. they could have the same scars as they did in their past life too. this doesnt have to be s*xual at all. I mean, are you kidding? Astrology has been used for centuries to understand the universe and its relationship to our lives. maybe you even like nintendogs. StarAstrology Astrology Observations this is because of Aries/Scorpio descendant, these people have attracted powerful people in the past who may have taken control of them in a way which is why they want to have control and power. baby_renaxo. Oftentimes, their honesty is what gets them into trouble rather than the things they keep hidden. The Secret Language of Astrology adheres to the mystery of stars through both history and tried-and-true techniques. (well its more of a theory but its cool methinks). For those interested in learning more about astrology, this article explains how unlocking the secrets of the stars can lead to a better understanding of ourselves and the universe. they may recognise many souls, especially romantic soulmates. basically where youre most wild. Astronomy vs Astrology: What's The Difference? ex: taurus mars = their clothes, money, scent, or even neck. It can also mean having a dream-like relationship with them, the type people fantasize and read about. Unlocking the Stars explores the observances of astrology through illustrations and observations. theyre most likely interested in art or feel very drawn/connected to it and had no idea why. (5th house composite Saturn can indicate that the two people are bonded by the children they have together) Astrology is a practice that has been part of humanity for centuries. since the 3rd house deals with neighbours and siblings, these individuals may have similar neighbours/siblings as they did in their past life. the ascendant or descendant in NEPTUNE PERSONA CHART tells you your 'alter ego. If they use words like thy, thou, thine or is interested in that type of language then they might have been an Elizabethan in their past life. they juggle their hobbies just like how jesters juggle balls (Geminis archetype is the jester). other people see these people as sweethearts, very kindhearted people who care about others. having aquarius or sagittarius in 1st house or mostly covering 1st house can mean that you and your spouse are very different, whether it be because of your appearance (huge height difference, huge age gap, different ethnicities, etc) or because of your personality (the cheerful and the grumpy, the very sociable extroverted one and the antisocial one, etc). also, my intuition shows up as ideas. The article examines how astrology can be used to better understand ourselves and those around us. those with this placement could be naturally blessed with healing talents and knowledge about health if they were healers/doctors in their past life. they do not like restriction around their throat area, could also have a fear of choking and may avoid wearing tight shirts around the neck or necklaces. they could be naturally good at drawing, painting, singing, any kind of sports, etc because of their past life. Discover more posts about astrology-observations. The Day Of Nimble Time. Originally posted by afoxthatpretendstobeabear. MERCURY is associated with Hermes, the fastest god who flew and travelled to the underworld and back to deliver messages. most people with this placement are remembered for their family and household, like household fame. I know this is obvious but I want to make this post longer, those with SCORPIO OR 8TH HOUSE MOON have mothers that are associated with death in a way. Megan Fox has it in her 1st house and shes obviously blessed with good looks since birth. the reason why I think this happens is because your descendant is your other half and you attract people with similar placements as your descendant persona chart because you are supposed to get along with those placements and learn from them so that youll be ready for when you meet your soulmate or whatever. since Pisces is the last sign of the wheel and symbolises endings, these people will most likely repay their karmic debts this lifetime. for example, if they have weak hands they may have fought a lot in their past life or they worked in labour. they could also like to wear necklaces of lightning bolts. Astro observations: houses version part 1 (1-6) Hi everyone I'm back with another Astro observation post! because of this, they think that people knowing little about them could protect them and uses their mysteriousness as their weapon. This is especially true of Uranus is making a square to your Moon that year! they also get dreams of their future. wherever it is in your chart, it shows what you want to dominate. Understanding yourself can be difficult, but astrology is a way to better understand your personality, motivations, and relationships. Every culture throughout history devoted at least some time and resources to astronomical observations. they most likely have the same quirks and friends they had in their past life and may recognise many souls (especially platonic soulmates). Observing your birth chart or zodiac sign can give you valuable insight into yourself and your place in the universe, revealing information about your personality traits, potential challenges, relationships with others, etc. they have a fighting/warrior-like mindset because it is also ruled by mars. : southnode in 6th house / mnemosyne in 6th house they most likely took knowledge about health and medicine into this life or they were exposed to those topics when they were younger, they are interested in these topics. Patricia L. Walsh is a karmic astrologer who works with the astrological chart as a map of the psyche, including the soul's past experience and present intention. they inspire others by showing that you do not have to be afraid of taboos or the dark side of life, by showing that being interested in taboo things does not make you an evil person (because there might be other reasons why youre interested in them or why you are who you are), by showing that it is okay to hurt people that have hurt you. Copyrights sunball 2021 All rights reserved. to me, 2ND HOUSE PLACEMENTS are most likely to get copied in whatever planet or sign sits there (more than Scorpio or 8th house placements). By observing astrological signs, readers can understand how they interact with others and make sense of their feelings in various situations. 1st house - you find peoples facial expressions funny, you most likely find yourself funny too. those with this placement are also nitpicky and see the little details which could be because they were such hard workers in the past life and were always criticised for little things. they are cautious of letting people get close to them. ex: pisces = you deal with it by secluding yourself. Required fields are marked *. This is done by refining our methodology and improving our astrological knowledge base. Please take this with a grain of salt, not all of these will resonate with you entirely. Astrology observations I made pt 23. Please take this with a grain of salt, not everything will resonate with you entirely. these people could also have the same allergies as they had in their past life too. @astrologyzone. For those interested in learning more about this powerful tool for self-discovery and growth, Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better Understanding of Yourself and the World offers readers a comprehensive overview of how astrology can be used as an aid to gaining greater clarity on many of lifes issues. THESE OBSERVATIONS ARE BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE WITH THESE PLACEMENTS. aries sun = energetic fireballs like hashibira inosuke (mans too energetic and chooses violence 24/7). this placement doesnt like speaking loudly, they may also have limited vocal range, run out of breath easily and they could find it difficult mimicking or impersonating peoples voices. Give full credits if reposted - Karolina. I know people with this placement that feel drawn to Egypt, especially the pyramids. they came out of the womb with artistic skills Istg. they could be running from a bear and still not scream. your mars in PLUTO PERSONA CHART is how you react to danger. I noticed that HOUSES are also important in SYNASTRY. I think its funny how SCORPIO is the 8th sign of the wheel and the number 8 looks like the infinity sign. Please take this with a grain of salt, not all of these will resonate with you entirely. Astrology and Astronomy in the Ancient World | StarAstrology Astrology Observations jupiter: Astro observations: houses version part 1 (1-6)

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