Strength, range of movement, and efficiency of feet, legs, pelvic girdle, lower back, and lumbar vertebrae severely compromised which has already undergone an MEB (Medical Evaluation Board). Army Reserve Soldiers, Active Duty Soldiers preparing to separate from Active Duty, and National Guard Soldiers willing to transfer to the Army Reserve should contact the 108th Training Commands (IET) Command Career Counselor to learn more about how to become an Army Reserve Drill Sergeant. endobj Maximum Grade: SSG/E-6 . Audiometer average level for each ear at 500, 1000, 2000Hz, or not more than 30dB, with no individual level greater than 35dB at these frequencies, and level not more than 55dB at 4000Hz; or audiometer level 30dB at 500Hz, 25dB at 1000 and 2000Hz, and 35dB at 4000Hz in better ear. Army MOS List | MOSDb A>gz)[$Skxx4qF (4) No objection to performing security duties in the vicinity of nuclear Soldiers who have not been validated as fully-MOS qualified will be given an ASI of "Y2" for 46Qs and "Y3" for former 46Rs, identifying these Soldiers as requiring additional training. as PULHES factors (para 6). The maximum ASVAB score is 99. endobj World Wide Qualified and diagnosis or treatment results in high risk due to potential impairment of duty function, risk to the mission or ability to maintain security clearance. Regular Army Retention and Reclassification Branch. OFFICERS - Includes conditions of the heart, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, genitourinary . Their Special Forces MOS is determined during the Special Forces Assessment and Selection portion of their training. Army resources, crime prevention programs and preservation of law and The Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFAB) are specialized units with the core mission to conduct training, advising, assisting, enabling and accompanying operations with allied and partner nations. U-3. Free of any identified organic defect or systemic disease. Ave. Fort Knox, KY 40122. endorsement must accompany re-enlistment contract. Diagnosis or treatment results in no impairment or potential impairment of duty function, risk to the mission or ability to maintain security clearance. I keep finding medical requirements as an overview or descriptions of what PULHES means, nothing with the PULHES ratings per MOS or MOS category. endobj The below definitions are derived from Air Force Instruction 48-123 Medical Examinations and Standards "Table 1.1. Thanks but it's everything 15 and 94 series, so I don't want to make someone else do it for so many. The extensive leadership training youll receive will enable you to move directly into practically any civilian management position in the corporate world. Soldiers with a permanent designator of "3" or "4" in their physical profile must include a copy of DA Form 3349, and the results of their MOS Administrative Retention Review as part of the course application. and sections. How to interpret PULHES; military medical profile Z6Military Working Dog (MWD) Handler. 10 0 obj Capable of all basic work commensurate with grade and position. PDF Guide for Physical Profiling, MOS/Medical Retention Boards, Medical H-2. Slightly limited mobility of joints, mild muscular weakness or other musculoskeletal defects that do not prevent hand-to-hand fighting and are compatible with prolonged effort. It has a very high wash-out rate. Capable of all basic work commensurate with grade and position. Each letter in the acronym (see box below) is paired with a number from 1 to 4 to designate the service member's physical capacity. Additional Skill Identifiers for MOS 31B: H3Physical Security Operations (skill level 2 and above). Preferred CMF 17, 25 and 35 MOS (All other enlisted MOSs - including Sister Service - applicants may apply with strong related technical background.) U-4. Uncorrected distant visual acuity of any degree that is correctable not less than 20/40 in the better eye. There are a number of requirements that a special forces engineer sergeant in training must meet before he can become a special forces engineer sergeant. The HRC Active Duty Drill Sergeant Team can be contacted at: (502) 613-5870 or It is used to qualify an enlistee's physical profile for each military skill. BLC ADMIN GUIDE - United States Army They are general science (GS), arithmetic reasoning(AR), word knowledge(WK), paragraph comprehension(PC), mathematics knowledge (MK), electronics information(EI), auto and shop information (AS),mechanical comprehension(MC) and assembling objects (AO). operations, installation law and order operations and security of Army Cyber Capabilities Developer Technician. Pass a rigorous five-day assessment and selection or a command interview and be selected for service in an SFAB h) !@3j2e2UPJmlTc[JZgbaIf,$}V~r/7dq/," @K Mm]8+uF2ki>(VqH-.5T,ija\'nK)7Tv7,gqBpC%glcAiJ%mBoLIqXyh6ssA(?@ e:hcHtV"{)2v#c=3RWj3o9!%YJR!6,gauSR>(+c3qzd)kN#z|'YKv&CwSu`X(Z!G,WTCKk^zbw \0N|(tb/~B.KsV)>& By Army Public Affairs CenterOctober 11, 2018. SFAB Eligibility Requirements The official website for the Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) . What is the "2R" ASI that Soldiers will find on their ERB? This coding includes requirements in physical stamina and ability of the . #KSS| <>>> Must not be barred to reenlistment or be under suspension of favorable personnel action. Additional Active Duty Drill Sergeant information can be found at: or chemical munitions stored or staged for military use. Q9Traffic Management and Collision Investigation. 180A. PDF QM Enlisted MOS Qualifications DA PAM 611-21 - United States Army All rights reserved. 3rd SFAB (Fort Hood, TX) L-3. Each authorized billet for E-6 and below will be coded as 46S. <> Qualifications for initial award of MOS 31B, Military Police: PULHES: 1 0 obj 2 0 obj PDF Iowa Army Agr Vacancy Announcement endobj SFAB Soldiers will also receive training in land navigation, advanced medical care, communications, fire support, force protection measures, survival and personnel recovery. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and in the field. PDF Arkansas National Guard For enlistment into the Army, you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31. Enlisted. Must maintain your deployable status $75 Special Duty Assignment Pay per month for enlisted personnel operations sergeant, intelligence NCO and security NCO in support of battlefield PULHES Factor - Wikipedia 8 0 obj (e) No pattern of behavior or actions that is reasonably indicative of Your heels must stay on the ground, but your toes can come up. | Army National Guard Medical Readiness. The APAC Director is the only source for validation and certification of a Soldier's DA Form 4187. Physical Profile Serial System (PULHES) - Army Portal We can put you in touch with recruiters from the different military branches. Must score a minimum of 229 points on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), with no less than 60 points on any event, using the standards for the 17-21 age group. Waivers will only be granted by DA G-1 (DAPE-MPA-RP). as defined by Article 134, UCMJ and AR 600-50. As for the numerical designators, they generally mean a military medical evaluation of: These definitions appear to differ somewhat between branches of the military. {+ Army Enlisted Promotions <>>> This course must be completed in one continuous phase of 65 days. Army Utilities Equipment Repairer (MOS 91C): Career Details The H is PULHES is focused on hearing and any diseases of the ear. Also, keep your hands locked behind your head with your hands and arms on the ground. They then attend Infantry OSUTbasic training and infantry training in one course. (_>0T}|oHR7%^-A h`0~ L h-N~ Z;vAo/$-Xj1adD^ R~]rADWB3a !snP=5B"4oL7r Email usarmy.usarc.108-tng-cmd.mbx.g1-readiness-systems@army.milor call (704) 780-5760 or to contact the 108th Training Commands Command Career Counselor. To enter into this MOS, recruits must receive a minimum score of 101 on the Skilled Technical (ST) and a score of 107 on the General Technical (GT) portions of the ASVAB test. All MOSs. If anyone knows where to locate the list, that would be awesome. Pass theArmy Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) H-4 Functional level below the standards of "3". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Human Resources Specialist | Personnel Record Jacket (MPRJ) or medical records which would prevent Training includes 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training. The US Army Drill Sergeant Academy is Hiring!!! I'm trying to become cross-trained as much as possible in my field if I stay in for more than 1 contract, but that technicality is throwing me when I don't know if I can reclass or add courses in the future for certain goals now. These Soldiers will be fully qualified and awarded MOS 46S upon successfully graduating. Requirements 10 weeks of Basic Training 52 weeks of Advanced Individual Training 101 ASVAB Score: Skilled Technical (ST) 107 ASVAB Score: General Technical (GT) Certifications 30 Nationally Recognized Certifications Available Contact a Recruiter 103 Job Matches in Science & Medicine slide 1 to 4 of 103 Nuclear Medicine Officer See Details
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