Happily, there are still a number of full-size capacitors and resistors on view and, since these (like the replacement SMDs in other parts of the audio circuitry) have retained the same component numbers as their counterparts in the 512c, I would think that the audio path remains as true to the original as it ever was. . Phone Hours | Both models have buttons to invert the signal polarity and activate 48V phantom power, but theres that extra button Imentioned for the standard version, which is labelled 3:1. This comprises just nine transistors, configured as a longtail differential input pair, a second longtail pair that drives the intermediate stage and a compound pushpull output section. As we expected from a mic pre, the dynamics were well-recorded and clear with weight in their sound. Preamp shootout - API 512c vs Neve 511 (Drums) - YouTube The 512v is a preamp full of fight, and while it is an obviously rock sound, that doesnt mean these couldnt be made to feel just as at home in electronic music, hip-hop, or even folk styles. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. The lunch-box size 312 modules that are out there are modified 312 cards. Proprietary input and output transformers are employed, matching the construction and characteristics of the originals. Enhance your music with Free Samples from BandLab Sounds, MOTU UltraLite-mk5 audio interface review: Loaded with features but hampered by software, Best sample packs of the month: March 2023, Lenco LBT-188 review: A stylish entry-level turntable for sampling and casual listening. $850.25. The API 512v remains faithful to the circuit designs of API's founder Saul Walker. "dsf" what a wonderful name for a(n) rap song! SSL 500-Series SiX Channel. Gemtracks is a marketplace for original beats and instrumental backing tracks you can use for your own songs. Nor do I care. The 512v is actually an API 512c with one important exception - it features a variable output designed to meet the needs of audio professionals using DAW's or other input level-sensitive devices in their workflow. Brent Averill 312A or API 512 - ProSoundWeb Musical. Sonically, it delivers the distinct API sound at an affordable price, and in the scalable API 500 Series format. Artfully combining those circuits with API's proprietary transformers and the incomparable 2520 op-amp, the 512v is a highly musical and rich-sounding analog mic pre, equally at home in commercial recording spaces as it is in smaller home studios. Both of these use an extended 312 circuit incorporating an instrument (DI) input, and the 512V adds an output level control and second 2520 opamp. 500 Series. It's actually another attenuator that works by changing tap selection at 2503 output transformer to 3:1, which produced 12dB metered drop in 512v's volume level before reaching +30 dB clipping point with hard push from either end. Call 888.653.1184 The specifications are identical for both versions and the controls are similar too, although all four buttons illuminate in the standard 312 whereas the 50th Anniversary model only has astatus LED for phantom power. All rights reserved. Everyone should try it outat least one time ;-) One preamp I owned in the api style that is fantastic for the money is the Black lion audio b12a. Work with an award-winning songwriter from Gemtracks to brew up something poetic and meaningful. 512v preamp is a high-precision, customizable sound processor that can be used as an intelligent automatic volume control for musical instruments or vocalists. We tested it on kick and snare and even paired with a 512c on overhead duties and it gave us exactly what we expected every time. The API 512v Preamp The last step is to master your mixed song. api2520512v This producer/DJ is a freaking BEAST! The phase response is extremely linear down to below 100Hz and the phase shift only reaches 500us at 30Hz. API Audio 512v Preamp. API: 527 Compressor/Limiter - Automated Processes, Inc. AKG C414 The Ultimate Comparison: XLS vs XLII vs B-ULS vs EB, Re: Crackling / Popping Noise on XLR Microphone, Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3, Crackling / Popping Noise on XLR Microphone, Roger Linn teaches "Designing Physical Interfaces for Music". Let the pro audio world hear your voice with a review of the API 512v 500 Series Microphone Preamp API Audio 512v - Planeta Analgico API: 512c Mic Pre - Automated Processes, Inc. Impressively, the only gain bunching, acommon issue with cheaper preamps, occurs at the very bottom of the gain controls rotation, and the rest of the range is pleasingly uniform. By any standard, the API 512v is a superb microphone preamplifier with its own distinctive sonic signature. unique traits of plants, animals and humans. TRS inputs on the 512c have been replaced with a combo input which makes a lot of sense and frees up space for the additional 3:1 switch and the output pot.At this point, you might be asking yourself what the use is for an output 3:1 switch, when the 512v comes with an output attenuator? The capi pre's are great but then you need a 500 rack. All buttons are now internally illuminated when active. 10 years. The low end in the Averill 312 was way more present and overall the pre was much warmer and filled more space. At first glance, the units appear quite similar, with the biggest difference being the addition of a second 2520 discrete op-amp in the circuit path of the 512v. The brand new 512v changes things up by featuring a . API has given the much-loved 512 preamp an overhaul. If a Neve 1073 is a Roll's Royce Silver Shadow - classically British, smooth and luxurious, then the 512 is a 1970s Dodge Challenger - typically American, bold, muscular and punchy. For those who have had the opportunity to try API 512c and 512v mic or. The microphone will usually make a bigger difference than a preamp will. Now expose your song to as many people as possible to win new fans. If youve ever encountered a 512c in the wild, the 512vs front panel will have an air of familiarity. API 512V DAWDTM | pocobranco.rn.gov.br This is a video of a preamp shootout on drums.This is not a video of me talking about a preamp shootout on drums.Enjoy.Also, if you like videos like this, pl. api 512c vs 512v - atlasofneonatology.com Transient detail is incredibly fast; the low-end is weighty but its the midrange where the signature 512 sound comes through the most, producing an aggressive, meaty tone, which is also the reason why these preamps end up being used for so many rock-guitar recordings. Its now ashade over 50 years since APIs founder Saul Walker designed the companys first microphone preamplifier, the 312, and its core circuitry is still employed in most of APIs products. If you're a guitarist looking for the most gain with your buck, then it's time to get acquainted with some 500-series gear. The API 512v is a microphone preamplifier with its own distinctive sonic signature. Buying music gear can be complicated, but your Sweetwater Sales Engineer is here to help. 9842741222, 9942641222, 9842724434 chinamanpaversscc@gmail.com. Having successfully slipped it into a convenient gap in my Radial 500-series rack, I set about lining up the 512v. Compared to the Brent Averill 312, the 512C has a warranty, decent metering, and a slightly cleaner and more hi-fi sound. . Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. We could even imagine using a pair of these across the stereo buss while mixing, just to give the mix an extra touch of colour instead of using any outboard summing. A few other preamps might be preferable for vocals, overheads, or wind instruments, but I can happily use the API pres for everything. $945.25. API Audio 525 Discrete Compressor. The API 512v is a mic / line / instrument preamp, world famous for its ability to provide a low noise (-129 EIN) and . Thanks again. I'm not sure of the electronic differences, but I know that the currently-manufactured 512Cs are the first API 500-series mic preamps with a polarity-reverse switch. Exclusive deals, delivered straight to your inbox. This product doesn't have any review media yet! The brand new 512v changes things up by featuring a . Item is in stock and will ship the next business day. Internally, the 512cs Cinemag input transformer, 2520 op-amp and 2503 output transformer are all present, and have been joined by a second 2520 module and two compact Panasonic DPDT surface-mount relays one of which would appear to handle the mic/line switching, whilst the second (I suspect) has something to do with that intriguing 3:1 switch. Uncategorized . The intuitive design of the 512v made it easy to figure out. In particular, this preamps phase linearity makes it apopular choice for recording transientrich material, such as drums, and the output transformers unusual construction bestows the preamp with lowlevel but appealing lowfrequency distortion properties. Spitfire Audio Hans Zimmer Collection. $629 4. . Now is the perfect time to get the gear you want with simple promotional financing. The API 512v is a microphone preamplifier with its own distinctive sonic signature. Free shipping to the lower 48 US states on orders $99 and up. Mastering is important because it makes your song sound perfect on all devices in the car, your phone speaker and even on Spotify. The 512 preamp is an American classic. Get the latest news, reviews and tutorials to your inbox. API Audio 512v Preamp. For assistance in better understanding the content of this page or any other page within this website, please call 888.653.1184 during normal business hours. The 512v uses the same circuitry as o . I suppose it's similar to the pad on the 512c. Help us match you with the perfect, 512V 500 Series Discrete Microphone Preamp. APIs 512 preamp design is a classic and now there are even more reasons to love it! . While the 312 may have aminimal feature set, it remains avery capable and desirable mic preamp, with good technical performance and acharmingly attractive sound character, which can be manipulated creatively with the gain control. 6pr radio announcers api 512c vs 512v. Free shipping. Ich betreibe nun schon sechs Jahre vier Einheiten und mchte aber doch . Show more View Detail Of course increasing input also increases output so each channel offers 3:1 ratio which gives us options not only about how much power we're putting through our transformers but also balances between them based off what follows next after recording begins. The front-panel switch on this unit is not what it seems. API 512V !DAWUP2520API500 ! I like that they have an output trim so you can overdrive the input transformer for more color. We've never played follow the leader or settled for just \"good enough.\" With a relentless drive to provide the best experience, products, knowledge, and service, our first concern is always for you and your gear needs. Have you been looking for an affordable mic preamp that has great features? The Prices include VAT. The API 512v is a 500 series mic/line/instrument preamp that expands upon the legendary sound of the original 512c preamp. Plugging an old Access Virus C into the 512v and driving it produced a sound like nothing the Virus can make on its own: it felt like playing with a completely new synth, one that was instantly more alive. Turn your old gear into new gear with the Sweetwater Gear Exchange! API 512V 500 Series Mic Preamp Module. 500 Series Preamps. "SONG NAME" what a wonderful name for a(n) GENRE song! The Gear Page is the leading online community and marketplace for guitars, amps, pedals, effects and associated gear. Find an original beat by an award-winning beat maker now. And the company certainly isn't resting on its laurels; today's API products give you the same unbeatable combination of utility, innovation, and great sound. Pretty much the title, I've been looking for information and videos on both BUT I would love Reddit's take. Add the classic API tone to your 500 series rack with the 512v Discrete Mic/Line Pre. Manufacturer API. These folks have single space 500 series doohickeys. I don't believe the 512s ever actually fit into the console. Facebook. This API 512v mic preamp is perfect for singers and entertainers that need a lot of volume. The microphone will usually make a bigger difference than a preamp will. American Standard Pitch Notation, a true work of evil. Free shipping to the lower 48 states for online orders of $99 and up. https://reverb.com/item/7363122-black-lion-audio-b12a-preamp-api-312-clone, https://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-much-gear-so-little-time/1003354-describe-preamp-color.html, http://phoenixaudio.net/products/drs-q4m/, http://www.smproaudio.com/index.php/en/products/500-series, 2023: The Year Epiphone Became Unaffordable, Don't store picks in zip bags for too long. warm audio wa12 vs api 512c (another "this" vs "that" thread) So recently picked up a Lindell Audio 506 500-series rack (solid product btw ) and was getting ready to take up the first slot with a new pre. 512c has taken the world of sound engineering by storm. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. But if API can retain the sound, while adding new features, then its likely to have a hit on its hands. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. All API pre-amps. Hence we can tell what state each one false when it gets infected with static electricity or something similar.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'gemtracks_com-box-4','ezslot_4',631,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-box-4-0'); The MPC One based studio - thoughs and opinions please. The API 512v 500 Series mic pre gives you all the features - and legendary sound - of the 512c, with a couple of valuable additions. API 512v Discrete Microphone / Line Preamp with Variable Output. With the new API 512v, the storied pro audio brand has taken its most versatile pre amp, the API 512c, and tweaked it to be a better fit into the workflow of DAW users.Utilizing the same exact circuitry created for the original API 512c by Saul Walker, the API 512v changes things up by featuring a variable output level control that allows engineers to bypass the need . It features variable output level controls with independent bass and treble adjustments to provide the ultimate in sonic accuracy while retaining its original tone character at any setting. Engineers in the studio will set you up and guide you through the recording process. Although the original 512 preamp was soon succeeded by the 512b and, later, by the 512c, its design topology a transformer-balanced input feeding API's own 312 microphone preamp card with its proprietary 2520 discrete op-amp and 2503 balancing . API Audio 512c Mic Pre - Thomann Ellda After the input transformer, the signal passes to a single 2520 discrete opamp which serves as the variable gain stage. Turning that control clockwise to zero attenuation added 6dB of tone shifting. Q. Q. Depends a bit on how you are recording, but the Universal Audio solo thing, with the API preamp plug technology is very literally a poor man's API and the things sound eerily close in my opinion. Mic preamplifiers 500 series and rack format, Pro Audio Gear for recording studios, Uncategorized No Hassle Return Policy anonymous 8 December 2003 api , api 512c , api preamps , api 312 , micpre , preamps , I am adding some more API modules and I love my Brent Averill Neve 1272. Gemtracks gives you priority access to exclusive A-Class recording studios around the world. Have you read the reviews on that unit? The way that this latest variant of the 512c enables you to drive its transformers whilst still maintaining your level matching with the next link in audio setup opens up an array or artistic decisions on how one manipulates transformer-based distortion for any . Fix it the first time with our award-winning, factory-certified Service Department. ifsi virtual learning. The 312 was a little more sensitive / aggressive, maybe a touch warmer. 8,624. It produces clear, warm sound that has a crisp high end and detailed mid-range as well as solid bass for all types of music. The latest member in this dynasty has some tweaks that are sure to please anyone who loves these sound engineers. Ich betreibe nun schon sechs Jahre vier Einheiten und mchte aber doch . You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. The frequency response at 60dB gain shows a gentle roll off above 10kHz, reaching 3dB at 35kHz. The 512 preamp is an American classic. . Musical. API 512v Discrete Mic / Line Pre 500 Serie Micpre - ProlydD4 Neve 1272 vs. API 512c for general recording. Sweetwater's 2-year Total Confidence Coverage Warranty gives you extra peace of mind at no extra cost. So at low levels, the second harmonic is significant and predominant, while at higher levels the third harmonic dominates but at a lower overall level. The 212L and 7600 rack unit use the same output transformer. The first 2520 transformer in each board was moved over to make room for this second Cinemag unit. Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. Get Directions | This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Other than that the new 512v retains the pair of transformers and even adds a new 3:1 tap on the output transformer to pad the output level, enabling you to further drive the transformer into saturation without blowing up whatever comes after the preamp in your chain. Please fill out the form below and a Vintage King Audio Consultant will contact you with a ship date for the API 512v 500 Series Microphone Preamp.
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