Published: Wednesday, 4 th April 2018. Arthur Edward Smith MBE, known as A. E. Smith (1880 16 May 1978) was an English-born Australian violin and viola maker whose violins and violas are prized for their 'excellence of tone' and 'decorative elements' (e.g. By this time the golden age of Cremona had ended and, with the vast distance of 10,000 miles lying between Italy and Australia, it would take over a hundred years before violin making became an established art form in this young country. sound holes, scrolls and curves). Sale: 19th March 2018 - lot 273, A Very Fine Violin by A. E. Smith, Sydney 1956, after Stradivarius. Please login to continue. Photo courtesy of the Australian National Library. Squires company. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra had been founded in 1906 and the other state orchestras soon followed. This instrument is currently fitted with Larsen Il Cannone violin strings to enhance the natural projection \u0026 brightness of this violin.If you would like to come and try the cello at 'The Sydney String Centre', please book an appointment via our website or call us on 02 9417 2611.We are located at 314 High St. Chatswood NSW 2067Sydney, Australia New 1/8 Size Basswood Natural Acoustic Violin Fiddle with Case Bow Rosin Set. A blues and jazz artist Stuff Smith is credited with using the very first electric violin. Perhaps being so far from the many fine instruments in Europe and the US gave Smith scope to develop his own making practices and theories. 4 votes. 1st Violin Part. Biography - Corinna Smith. Australia was first settled by Europeans in 1788. It is believed that Smith was born 1880, at Islington, London. Arthur Edward Smith (188016 May 1978), known as A. E. Smith, was an English-born Australian violin and viola maker whose violins and violas are prized for their 'excellence of tone' and 'decorative elements' (e.g. The Macdonald Stradivarius model is easier to play, smaller around the bouts. A quartet of A. E. Smith instruments is held by the National Museum of Australia, Canberra,[6] and a violin at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. The buyer was proud of himself, so he sent me a photo of the destroyed violin. According to some musicians, "it is his violas that have the greatest reputation, being easily counted amongst the greatest ever created, regardless of era or nationality."[1]. Photographs, 36,000+ Some violins by Guy Aubrey Griffin (who came closest to Smiths quality as a maker) do feature similar wood. Tel: +49 30 9404 5443, Terms of Use Smith's ultimate aim was to achieve the same structural perfection as seen in Guarneri and Stradivari violins. Arthur Edward Smith Violin maker (1880 - 1978) A self-taught British maker who emigrated to Australia and established a highly successful shop in Sydney in 1919. 96 votes. A. E. Smith (violin maker) ? Free shipping. Historical Owners, 57,000+ post-production accountant Paul Tompkins . He died in Canberra in May 1978, aged 98. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. A viola made in 1966 fits this description, with wood of an extremely high quality and fine varnish of a perfect hue. Photos courtesy Alan Coggins. or Best Offer. Thanks to Alan Coggins, author of Violin and Bow Makers of Australia, and Libby Glanville of the Sydney String Centre. Arthur Edward Smith1880 - 1978. In 1971 he was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for his services to music.[5]. More activity by Robert We are delighted to welcome Ms Bernie Heard to the AYO team as the new Manager of the National Music Teacher Mentoring Program (NMTMP). This violin has a good cover of golden to dark brown varnish \u0026 is in an outstanding state of conservation.Overall this violin has a big, bright \u0026 powerful sound with outstanding projection \u0026 an instant response time. The Violin Channel is the New York City-based leading international classical music news, media and streaming platform with over 600,000+ social media and app devotees and an email subscription base of over 100,000 people, the platform consistently reaches in excess of 2,000,000 eyeballs worldwide each and every month. If you currently own a Arthur Edward Smith Violin, click the button below to receive a free valuation: 2023 Brompton's Auctioneers Limited | The First Floor 33 Percy St. London W1T 2DF, Web design by Karolo Analytics cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our site, detect errors, and provide better overall analytics. Description $39.85. Perhaps as one of Smiths first students and a shareholder in the company he was allowed to choose from Smiths stock. His violins and violas are prized for their excellence of tone and decorative elements such as the sound holes, scrolls and curves. Kitty succeeded her father as violin maker and manager of A. E. Smith & Co. until its closure in 1972. Smith in his workshop around 1954. In 1938, his daughter, Ruth, married Ernest Llewellyn a violinist, violist and conductor who later became the founding director of the Canberra School of Music. Technically, a E sharp is a F natural. She is passionate about teaching and currently pursues this career in New York City at the Kaufman Music Center. Smith & Co Pty Ltd, and this firm operated until 1972 along very similar lines to other major shops such as W.E. David E. Smith Publications Violin Materials Solos Duets Trios Majestic Music Publications Violin Materials Solos Duets Trios Psalm 150 Publications Violin Materials Solos link to Order Information. sound holes, scrolls and curves). Violin & Bow Makers, 11,000+ His violas favoured two models: the Brescian Model and the MacDonald Stradivarius model. A grandson Roderick Smith is also a violin maker. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. We might get the odd string that whistles or is a bit slow to reach perfection, and then we have to be brutal and discard it. Violin, Viola, Cello, Contrabass and 1 more. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The song became a favorite of Scottish soldiers during the Crimean War and will delight your audiences! Continue with Recommended Cookies, Arthur Edward Smith MBE (1880 16 May 1978), known as A. E. Smith, was an English-born Australian violin and viola maker whose violins and violas are prized for their excellence of tone and decorative elements (e.g. Photography by Ellen Broughton. Corinna then attended Michigan State University where she studied violin with . In 1909 Smith sailed to Australia with some of his recent work and references from his former employers and even one from the local town councillor. Digital Sheet Music Download. In 191214 he worked with the Hungarian Carl Rothhammer at San Francisco, then moving to Sydney where he briefly continued his partnership with Rothhammer. Karel van der Meer Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from Emily Boutard. Maker of violins, violas, and cellos. Certificates & Documents. Arthur Edward Smith MBE (1880 - 16 May 1978), known as A. E. Smith, was an English-born Australian violin and viola maker whose violins and violas are prized for their 'excellence of tone' and 'decorative elements' (e.g. Traditional / arr. Smith is said to have exclaimed that he couldnt produce instruments fast enough, and even at the age of 80 he had a waiting list. This 1944 violin shows Smiths eclectic style, including long-pattern Stradivari f-holes and an individual scroll. His presence as a luthier in Australia encouraged the development of local orchestras and violin teaching, as well as foreign virtuoso violinists through giving the confidence to accept Australian concert engagements and subject their precious instruments to long sea-voyages. A. E. Smith - violin maker - was born in 1880. The violin is valued at approximately AUD $70,000. Smith luthiered at his Roseville workshop, producing between one and six violins a year, and on occasion viola and cello. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7354 5763 Smith luthiered at his Roseville workshop, producing between one and six violins a year, and on occasion viola and cello. According to some . Smith's reputation for an even sound and tonal quality reminiscent of the Cremonese masters attracted the interest not only of leading Australian players but of the world's great violinists, violists and cellists; in addition to Isaac Stern, those who acquired and used A. E. Smith violins included Yehudi Menuhin (whose sister Hephzibah had played the Beethoven sonatas with Ernest Llewellyn), Tossy Spivakovsky, Ruggiero Ricci, David Oistrakh and Zlatko Balokovic . Alfred Lamy Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from Emily Boutard, currently played by Harry Egerton. Rounding out the quintet are Lou Levy on piano, Al McKibbon on bass, and Shelly Manne on drums. Papers of Arthur E. Smith by Arthur E Smith ( ) Arthur Edward Smith and Isaac Stern in Sydney, 1947 ( Visual ) Most widely held works by A. E. SMITH SECRET OF THE RUBY by A. E. SMITH . In 1938 his daughter, Ruth, married Ernest Llewellyn a violinist, violist and conductor who later became the founding director of the Canberra School of Music. The electric violin has a rawer sound than an acoustic violin. It comes with a letter from Rod Smith, A E Smith's grandson. See answer (1) Best Answer. Ewing 1 3.75 161118 Hezekiah Leroy Gordon Smith (August 14, 1909 - September 25, 1967), better known as Stuff Smith, was an American jazz violinist. Other accolades included a Diploma of Honour at the 1949 International Exhibition of Violin Makers held in The Hague. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Other items taken during the home robbery include a Roderich Paesold gold-mounted violin bow, a J. S. Tubbs silver-mounted antique violin bow, a 2002 KG 15-inch viola, a 2002 KG full-sized cello, two 3/4 sized German trade violins, a black Chinese bow case containing 6 violin bows - and a mother-of-pearl mounted cello bow. Manage Settings The following morning they swapped instruments and played together. These cookies collect data to remember the choices users make on the website. A.E. sound holes, scrolls and curves). A. E. Smith - violin maker - died in 1978. Menu Instruments Violins Violas Cellos Double Basses Strings Violin Strings Viola Strings Cello Strings Double Bass Strings Bows Violin Bows Viola Bows Cello Bows Double Bass Bows In 1949 he entered a couple of violins and a viola in a competition in the Haig, Netherlands. However, the instrument makers who came through the Smith shop did not have regular violin making lessons with Smith himself in fact, some of them took years to make even one violin! 86-87 Wimpole Street In 191214 he worked with the Hungarian Carl Rothhammer at San Francisco, then moving to Sydney where he briefly continued his partnership with Rothhammer. "Bert Smith was the quarry engineer on Coniston Old Man from 1938 until the 1960's. He was responsible for keeping all the Company's equipment in the Coppermines, the Smithy and on the mountain in good working order. Level: Price: 161117 Holy,Holy, Holy B.Madison/R.M. I owned a particularly fine 1932 viola (no. Smith died in Canberra on 16 May 1978 aged 98, predeceased by his wife Kate (ne Dnraz), formerly Davidson. His rapid acquisition of expertise attracted the attention of the Maldon antique and musical instrument dealer C. W. Jeffreys, whose firm he joined in 1905 as repairer and violin-maker. | Queensland Youth Orchestras (QYO) is the State's major orchestral training and performance organisation for young musicians aged 7 to 25. In 1971 Smith was awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for his services to music. Labelled Arthur E Smith Sydney Faciebat Anno 1963. Further handwritten on the label: D. ANNi 83 which indicates the instrument was made when Smith was 83 years old. Item Number: A0.484794. By 1909 Smith had made twenty violins and a quartet, with his instruments having already become noted for their excellent outline, arching and scrolls. 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One of his violins, a supposed Gagliano copy, is recorded by Smith as made in 1912, when he was either in the US or in Melbourne. sound holes, scrolls and curves). Tel: +1 212 307 7224 If you choose to continue using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Lightly renovated by Helge Grawert, it is in very good condition and retains all of its original fittings apart from the tailgut and the bridge (we are unsure if the soundpost was Smiths). With a busy shop, Smiths own output also suffered and he was certainly not a prolific maker. You can play F natural on the D string by having one finger on the E position and then putting your other finger directly . During the 1950s Smiths health declined and in 1961 he suffered a major stroke, which paralysed his right side.